[00:15:11] how hard would it be to add an api to rottenlinks [00:19:32] yo @agentisai can you do a quick CI rerun plz [00:19:53] forgot bout a pr ive had open since October for an RFC approved close to a year ago LMAO [00:19:55] https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/605 [00:20:13] Better late then never??? [05:38:35] Oh do you want another review on that? I forgot about it lol [05:42:28] I think the issue was the damn CI complaining about i still dont know what [05:42:34] try a rerun see if it passes [05:42:52] The CI thinks there is a merge conflict due to how it resolves those. [05:42:59] ANd pray to ward it doesn’t- [05:43:03] Have a merge conflict [05:43:06] UUUUUUUUUUUGH [05:43:13] Ill deal with this at not 1 am [05:43:23] It won't run. It doesn't have a merge conflict but the CI thinks it does. [05:43:28] can we just test in production [05:43:33] It is very confused. [05:44:04] Itll be fiiiine [05:44:11] Push it to a new PR might be the only way to get CI to run again. [05:44:19] should i export a patch and force push maybe? [05:44:34] That might work [05:45:05] I always hate force pushing ever since I accidentally wiped one of my repositories entirely lol so I never really consider it but it could work. [05:46:44] Got a better idea? [05:46:52] Not particularly [05:47:02] Just download the patch first [05:47:06] the branch [05:47:10] or something [05:47:58] > [06/02/2025 16:44] Itll be fiiiine [05:48:13] one hour later: pixl makes an announcement post confirming that miraheze is now globally down [11:38:45] [1/4] Question: [11:38:46] [2/4] On DEV and META, the Messagebox/imbox.css is Sanitised CSS [11:38:46] [3/4] On [[mh:youtube:]] it was Scribunto. I've changed it to CSS as Sanitised CSS is not available. [11:38:46] [4/4] Why is that? [11:38:47] [11:42:28] [1/3] Left is on DEV, right is on YOUTUBE [11:42:29] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1337025619778863198/image.png?ex=67a5f1a4&is=67a4a024&hm=8be518a19d79f78ea9304d310d29e8f95fc83b14b771636e36786523692e6276& [11:42:29] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1337025620030259261/image.png?ex=67a5f1a4&is=67a4a024&hm=c263503492c541fd3ba5db8cea12de96d57313c30e52c112b3bb172bdcad9532& [11:42:56] [1/4] Question: [11:42:56] [2/4] On DEV and META, the Messagebox/imbox.css is Sanitised CSS [11:42:56] [3/4] On [[mh:youtube:]] it was Scribunto. I've changed it to CSS as Sanitised CSS is not available. [11:42:57] [4/4] Why is that? [11:42:57] [11:52:55] has someone fiddled with the messages on youtube wiki [11:59:49] I don't know [11:59:55] It's not my wiki [12:05:33] [1/2] https://youtube.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log/managewiki [12:05:33] [2/2] Doesn't show a change in this I think. But I am not that technical [12:43:50] Sanitized CSS are only available when you enable TemplateStyles [12:44:16] Can you confirm that was enabled? [12:46:24] [1/2] Can confirm, it's not enabled. [12:46:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1337041708550066276/v.png?ex=67a600a0&is=67a4af20&hm=70d92c20bd84c53bd575824cef7b614fc03277ee2e2a13f559f2d041fe3b56f1& [12:48:31] @rodejong someone in that wiki has to have that turned on, preferably with TemplateStylesExtender as well [12:52:00] Thanks, I'll let them know [12:58:22] basically, you want styles.css on a subpage, check for TemplateStyles first [12:59:46] Good to know [13:03:59] v_v [13:04:11] teehee [19:56:05] @treeislifee I replied at https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13045#264766 [19:56:18] Please feel free to continue on task or here [19:56:34] I want the feedback and to see what we can do to help [20:23:18] [1/5] > We did not realise that AWB was an issue when we first rolled out this change and I've heard the feedback. [20:23:18] [2/5] I haven't said that I wouldn't believe your words. I also had no idea TLS would be a problematic thing. [20:23:19] [3/5] > you'll need to move to an alternative like JavaScriptWikiBrowser or Pywikibot [20:23:19] [4/5] Both of these alternatives are pretty distant (PWB is more technical, while JSWB is maybe too simple). I know there are some projects aiming to be "replace" AWB, but rn there's no existing project I could say is an actual alternative [20:23:19] [5/5] I also feel like turning off TLS1.2 is maybe too rushed decision, since it is not like it would be deprecated standard or unsecure. It is a good step for sure, but I believe it is not necessary at the moment. [20:24:37] If there's things you can't do in PWB / JWSB (even if the reason is too technical) then share them [20:25:02] Because that means people like @originalauthority who are thinking about more modern versions of AWB know what to prioritise [20:25:37] I will ensure that we can do to support users is done [20:25:53] And if we have to extend past October, we will do that [20:26:15] I'll also be paying attention to if the WMF give a date that they are turning TLS1.2 off too [20:26:33] @treeislifee [20:58:43] [1/3] fellas are we having problems? [20:58:43] [2/3] wiki not found? [20:58:43] [3/3] [20:59:37] No [21:00:03] [1/2] can't see my CA, database error [21:00:03] [2/2] [21:00:24] then what happened to iy? [21:00:45] I'm one of the admins and wasn't notified of deletion or anything [21:00:56] it was very active too [21:01:01] hmm [21:01:18] Maybe you found a problem [21:01:40] @originalauthority were you about? [21:01:47] Something seems to have happened yeah [21:01:53] I am about [21:02:10] Just looking to see if its hbeen closed now in MW [21:02:31] @originalauthority see #general too [21:02:37] I think we're having an incident [21:02:40] @cosmicalpha [21:03:09] It's been deleted by the script i think [21:03:21] Or its not being found in cw_wikis [21:04:21] The script ddoesn't do deletions [21:04:31] [21:04:45] deletions are disabled [21:05:02] Oh [21:06:14] Has anyone done anything today that touches the delete system or cache etc...? [21:06:36] I havent [21:06:39] 😶 [21:07:13] can you recover it now? [21:07:33] I'm not home right now. [21:07:40] Surely thats not the issue though because looking it up in ManageWiki does a direct lookup of cw_wikis iirc? [21:08:17] It does but cache could effect what cw_wikis it's looking at. IE if the Virtual database isn't being read. [21:09:44] @agentisai around? [21:14:20] what’s up? [21:14:58] [1/4] ``` [21:14:58] [2/4] [40599f19251754cfd38e3ccf] /wiki/Special:CentralAuth?target=Legroom Wikimedia\\Rdbms\\DBQueryError: Error 1146: Table 'summitpediawiki.user_groups' doesn't exist [21:14:58] [3/4] ``` [21:14:58] [4/4] something must be fucked it must be checking the wrong database for the wiki? I assume this is linked to the wiki being missing [21:15:14] Any ideas why wikis appear deleted and random db query errors for some things like CentralAuth and some entire wikis? [21:15:25] wait has virtual domains been moved to wgConf [21:16:08] I remember I originally didn't put them there as otherwise cache issues randomly broke global database connections and then couldn't regenerate without them being set. [21:17:10] I forgot the reason though until just now lol but that may be a different issue entirely also. [21:17:18] Maybe it isn't reading clusters properly? [21:18:47] [1/5] okay idk what's happening, I'm not main admin, but there's also this [21:18:48] [2/5] [21:18:48] [3/5] w/ DBQueryError [21:18:48] [4/5] it shares the same favicon [21:18:49] [5/5] was there database name change request? [21:19:02] Oh [21:19:12] Is this wiki reception asked about [21:19:16] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13173 [21:19:19] Yes [21:19:22] It’s this wiki [21:19:27] @agentisai @cosmicalpha see Mattermost [21:19:31] It broke on dpl [21:19:32] Again [21:19:45] DPL3? [21:19:46] Someone needs to drop the dpl index, finish the rename [21:19:50] @cosmicalpha [21:19:57] wait a sec [21:19:59] And then run the recreate index script [21:20:02] maybe it's better to revert [21:20:06] no rename [21:20:16] I need to discuss [21:20:21] It's fixable [21:20:23] Easily [21:20:44] We need to add that to the rename script though [21:20:51] why is DPL suddently giving these issues though [21:20:58] weurd [21:21:11] Wikis created before a certain date with dpl3 enabled need to view to be dropped before renaming [21:21:18] @originalauthority it's a bug [21:21:30] We need to recreate the views on all dpl3 wikis at some point [21:35:51] Was it not discussed before [21:36:52] I was made a backup admin in the midst of a drama so I'm not active [22:07:31] btw, I think both https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13091 and https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13125 can be closed, PRs have been merged [22:12:39] Frisk: feel free to close and claim them [22:12:53] can I even? [22:13:42] guess gonna have to read phabricator user guide [22:14:30] Click on “Add Action” > Change Status [22:14:43] and also Add Actin > Assign / Claim [22:14:55] I don't have that add action, can only sign with MFA [22:15:59] You have been promoted [22:16:01] Check again [22:17:09] I was gonna do that lol [22:17:37] I’m a phab admin so don’t say another word or you’re getting banhammered \>:( [22:17:45] Awesome! Thanks. [22:17:47] Lmaooo [22:18:01] no problem [22:18:36] well im a discord mod sooo not if i banhammer you first and THEN talk shit about you!! [22:18:53] :WatchYoSelf: [22:19:40] all your database user entry are belong to me [22:21:55] you guys fixed that broken rename wiki? [22:21:57] Two issues less on the tracker yuppie [22:22:01] porra [22:22:22] no [22:22:30] requires a script to be run [22:22:36] aight [22:22:43] now 100% good night [22:22:47] [1/2] > Pardon my curiosity, is {'pull': 'config', 'config': True} to all the thing that syncs the mw_config with all of the MediaWiki instances? [22:22:47] [2/2] uuuugh think si [22:23:35] are you speaking three languages at once or what's going on? :D [22:23:36] Isai? [22:23:49] Noooo [22:24:12] im speaking two sequentially of course [22:24:31] The si is a typo though [22:24:56] pull: config means mw-config was pulled from GitHub and config: True means it was updated across all servers [22:25:05] you can do one without doing the other [22:25:22] mmm, gotcha, learning something new every day [22:25:25] thanks [22:27:24] same [22:27:27] puppet is weird [22:27:39] mwdeploy is a nice tool [22:27:46] very mystical because it has poor documentation [22:29:05] real [22:29:11] poor documentation makes great job security, but I guess that doesn't apply to Miraheze :> [22:30:00] also its written in that yuky snak langiage [22:30:07] double ew [22:30:32] OA suffers from terminal skill issue and has severe allergies to Python [22:32:31] It's in Python? Okey, I'm interested [22:32:58] python and skill are mutually exclusive [22:34:19] Pffffff, who needs skill when you can have big things just work in 30 minutes of writing pseudo-code your dog could probably write [22:43:48] Whenever I was told to write psudo code for python in class, I'd almost always wind up writing valid python code. [22:44:31] real