[03:37:48] @cosmicalpha btw i think the closed wiki notice was never updated from that rfc almost a year ago now :SKULL_SKELETON: could you find where the hell we keep that thing so we can fix it [03:39:00] actually side note hiw hard would it be differentiate notices for inactive close and crat close(bonus points for steward close, maybe cheat by adding a hidden checkmark option to set a custom notice?) [03:40:24] > x10 free plan also has no ssh or cmd [03:40:26] webshell? :3c [03:52:52] This is not possible with any sane implementation right noq. [03:53:18] Its in MirahezeMagic [03:54:15] Tavon since when is that a consideration let alone a requirement [03:54:22] some security reviews can tire me out >_> [03:54:29] this one is going to be a Doozy [03:55:12] Since I rewrote CW basically 100% lol. It has to be sane implementation if we do anything there to not head back into the same result we've been in before. [03:55:31] Trauma [03:55:41] how does the notice work [03:55:47] A hook? [03:56:05] Yeah core's sitenoticeafter hook [03:56:24] it just checks if $cwClosed etc... [03:56:45] omg this internet is horrendeous [03:57:54] Maybe I can think of some sane implementation and make it a reality it's just very difficult. It makes logic less reliable if for example we add more number options to different meanings. So it's not the best way either. [03:59:18] > Trauma [03:59:21] pixldev: me or UO [04:12:02] UO [04:12:20] oh [04:12:56] How expensive would it be to do a db query in that hook [04:13:11] That can not be done [04:13:34] it would run on every page load. It defeats caching. [04:21:15] Cache is friend, cache is life. Cache keeps our server demand at a reasonable threshold on a monthly basis. 😄 [04:23:02] caching is just like programming in terms of feelings [04:23:04] it's a love-hate relationship [04:23:28] It’s like taxes [04:24:07] Causes so many problems, universally hated, but just technically allows everything else to actually happen [04:24:28] TRUE [04:24:54] ugh, so many people i wanna punt from reading one (1) file of this extension [04:24:59] at least it's not deployed on miraheze [04:29:49] Ooof do I have tax horror stories from my first time using ISOs at my first tech startup job. [04:31:10] Still wouldn't flinch at that, it afforded us the opportunity to buy our home and do our civic duty at the same time. [04:35:49] Hmmm [04:36:00] i dont think im thinking of the right ISO [04:36:14] Oh? Spill the tea [04:36:27] moral obligations unfortunately [04:36:39] somebody tipped me off to the ext after finding sqli + a lil xss [04:36:43] so i'm doing a full review [04:36:55] Ah [04:37:08] add it to the sechall of fame [04:37:39] they butchered it so hard that i'm kinda too lazy to bother with it xD [04:37:50] (which is uh, not a great look for the security team) [04:39:53] [1/2] https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/isos [04:39:53] [2/2] In short, you don't get hit with just the obligations of the discounted acquisition price vs the price at time of sale on a short term sale, you also get taxed on the difference of price between when you got the ISO and when you turned it into stock. [04:40:11] Which turned a 3-4 digit taxes owed into a 5 digit taxes owed [04:41:09] (Also ISOs have a special thing where you have to hold the stock for 2-3 years vs 1 year to get long term treatment.) [04:42:25] the extension or Hall of Fame [04:42:33] HoF [04:42:52] How so lol [04:43:16] first, rhinos submitted it in a form hosted by google [04:43:24] then the team was like 'wait, does anyone have access to that?' [04:43:30] so they changed the method to email the sec team [04:43:34] so he emailed the sec team [04:43:41] and they were like 'uhh, what about making a phab task' [04:43:42] so he made a task [04:43:49] it took ~0.5 decades to be picked up [04:44:10] and then they butchered half the cve numbers and links to miraheze phorge [04:44:33] i can kinda understand mh phorge since i displayed them the same as wmf phab, but i would've thought that they noticed a high id gap [04:44:39] but cve years, c'mon >_> [04:44:49] that's an advanced-level fuckup [04:45:13] > [12/02/2025 15:43] it took ~0.5 decades to be picked up [04:45:20] half of all wmf phab tickets: ^ [05:04:09] https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/fl9M-4AB8Fs0LHO5IzOE [05:04:25] yeah xD [11:35:01] has someone pull that in puppet yet [11:35:52] that's quite unusual compare to any other times a PR was merged [12:21:55] Puppet pulls the config regularly automatically. [12:22:30] It should well have been on by now; my guess is there's some mistake in the code and ManageWiki is just skipping it [12:55:08] No it doesn't [12:55:15] Paladox turned that off [12:55:22] Everything is manual deploys [13:05:29] Why [13:05:44] Because php sucks [13:05:47] Caching issue [13:06:18] I thought it was 2pm [13:06:20] It's 1pm [15:08:56] Since when [15:33:13] A while ago [19:12:10] hence the reason why recent tasks take a really long time, and I mean days, days after the task are closed to be deployed [19:18:56] Rip [19:35:21] SRE is busy or discouraged [20:13:30] Well, I could support them, but nobody wants me! [20:14:51] You've got a bit to learn first before that role would be appropriate [20:16:06] Well, when the SREs are at capacity... [20:16:20] No [20:16:37] At capacity doesn't mean we can put the safety or stability of the farm at risk [20:17:55] If you genuinely want to join Tech, I suggest considering a more approachable and less demanding attitude and you'll likely find someone involved is willing to support you @justman10000 [21:28:33] the demanding/generally bad attitude is what gets you more than anything else [21:28:53] if that was better it is possible people would be more amenable to the idea but like that? no, just a recipe for making things worse [21:29:56] [1/2] we've already had poor chemistry between volunteers/tech volunteers result in crisis, and your conduct is a red flag if I've ever seen one to that end. This has already been stated and I'm sure you saw it, but you did not acknowledge and instead pull the 'I'm willing but nobody wants me' card again. Henceforth there is no excuse because you've already been informed what the problem i [21:29:56] [2/2] s.