[01:18:39] why did this not work 1341941530331709501 heh [01:23:28] wtf [01:26:48] oh varbinary doesn't support '' as default [01:26:49] wmf is fucked [10:25:32] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Pages_using_the_EasyTimeline_extension [10:27:25] It's strange that the Number of wiki's is 0. What is going wrong here? [11:22:48] No clue clearly isnt correct [11:22:57] I even tried purging the cache [11:49:53] I did too 😄 [11:50:11] I tried both EasyTimeline and easytimeline [11:52:57] (even tried it on my userpage) [11:53:55] In https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/master/ManageWikiExtensions.php its listed as timeline try that [11:57:55] Yeah, that works [12:00:43] Thanks [20:36:44] [1/3] I’ll help 10 people to earn $30k within 72 hours but you will pay me 10% of your profit when you receive it. Note only interested people should apply, drop a message let’s get started by asking (HOW) via TG or WhatsApp [20:36:44] [2/3] @officialRose_miller [20:36:44] [3/3] +1 (305) 560-4013 [20:45:18] Guys. Does anyone know how to programmatically query the date of a file uploaded to a wiki? [20:45:22] Is there an API for it? [20:45:33] (if not, I will settle for the revision date of the File:XXXXXXXX article too) [20:45:42] As long as it can be queried programmatically, it's fine for me. [20:46:24] You mean the Metadata? [20:46:27] Yes [20:46:39] That is made by the device it was made on [20:46:47] It's hardcoded in the image [20:47:34] A screenshot won't have it, some photoshop programs do provide such info. Most camera's absolutely provide that. [20:47:42] I am willign to settle for the latest revision date of the given file's page too. [20:47:43] there's small metadata table under files tho? [20:47:43] The MediaWiki automatically reads that [20:47:56] Yes, yes, but I need to query it programmatically [20:48:00] Via some sort of API. [20:48:03] Manually won't do. [20:48:08] there's api [20:48:11] Phew. [20:48:23] pix will tell better [20:48:28] lets see here [20:48:36] [[mw:]] [20:48:37] [20:49:09] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Metadata [20:49:26] https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=query%2Bimageinfo I found it. [20:50:09] https://m.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=query%2Bimageinfo [20:50:10] yeah lol [20:52:52] Now I'll just need to run it with the apropriate filenames (268 of them), and I will be set... mostly lol