[00:00:48] and that’s after reception grined a ton of then [00:01:12] 💀 [00:04:00] guess it ain't the old days anymore [00:06:10] :yes_honey: [00:08:31] added an announcement, hopefully this'll get people to stop DMing me about it [00:09:42] if there's a way for us to purge all (main) articles with something like autowikibrowser, do tell [00:15:41] Pywikibot defo has a purge script, never used AWB so can't say anything about it, heard there are issues with AWB on Windows 10 [00:17:38] ill experiment around [00:17:54] lemme see what I can do, might be easier than I thought [00:19:07] hopefully I don't kill Miraheze [00:20:07] You can null edit in AWB yea [00:22:23] peppermintpatty: Can you see now? [00:22:44] I should have purged all of the pages on main namespace [00:23:08] With a neat trick that I'm honestly really surprised worked [00:24:38] lemme check [00:24:54] woo they all work now. thanks! [00:24:59] was about to do this [00:25:10] \o/ [00:25:26] Praise the Special:ApiSandbox [00:28:55] For the future, can easily purge entire wiki if the amount of pages isn't too terrible with https://trollpasta.com/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=purge&format=json&continue=gapcontinue%7C%7C&generator=allpages&formatversion=2&gapnamespace=0&gaplimit=max, using Make request and then at the bottom using "Continue". Easy if you don't want to setup software or stuff. It uses allpages as generator and uses purge on them all basically. Just don't overuse... [00:29:01] ... it. [00:29:52] worth mentioning it's not a null edit, purge doesn't help with _everything_ [00:31:57] got it [00:52:53] Thanks for doing that good turn for others, Frisk. 🙂 Our very overburdened tech folks appreciate it. 🙂 [00:54:07] ❤️ Appreciate the kind words. I'll continue to be popping up where I feel like I can help. Really appreciate the tech team being patient and understanding. [01:04:07] er [01:04:20] most pages in special:newpages appear as un-patrolled now [01:04:26] even though we patrol all of em [01:06:05] When did that happen? Purging shouldn't really affect patrolled status of rc logs 🤔 [01:07:47] first time im noticing [01:08:34] and i checked the page previously just yesterday [01:28:40] rebuildall would mark all edits unpatrolled if someone ran that. [01:31:43] Someone may have tried to fix something that way which would cause it. I'm not sure though for certain [02:03:29] Blame mediawiki? [02:17:59] ah well, I've re-patrolled all pages we've reviewed [05:25:57] i love cargo [05:26:05] the extension where you can have multiple rows per page [05:26:09] in one table [10:21:22] is there any examples of wikis using cargo [10:21:31] rainverse.wiki :3 [10:52:41] spcodex [10:52:48] the smashing pumpkins wiki [10:53:01] used to be on Miraheze, now independent, uses cargo heavily [10:53:28] terraria.wiki.gg I believe too [11:10:20] do i use form 7 or 21 for extension request [11:10:52] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1344990197045002330/image0.jpg?ex=67c2eb3b&is=67c199bb&hm=e409b02c6c4d946c3485a2ec67970b4065f6060f743c8a39e9abbc29667b0508& [11:10:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1344990197397458966/image1.jpg?ex=67c2eb3b&is=67c199bb&hm=769f34d4f286aff666551b627ba8f17aae8e9723666743682d71638f332f16fe& [11:11:17] extension not on Miraheze? [11:11:23] yea [12:32:10] I think 7? Doesn’t matter much [12:33:07] No use 21 [12:33:15] Has more info in the template [12:45:19] i literally just made the task [12:48:04] > hi phorgians ! [12:48:06] …. [12:48:14] i have to process this [12:49:32] are yall not called phorgians.... [12:50:05] I [12:50:09] have never once [12:50:11] in my [12:50:24] over 2 years of miraheze [12:50:29] and over a year of teching [12:50:30] what about phabricators [12:50:34] heard that term [12:50:42] well this is your first then 😛 [12:50:45] Or that one [12:51:00] or phorgers [12:51:11] Hacksmiths [12:51:18] wait is that trademakred [12:52:43] okay so long as we don’t make merch we can use Hacksmith [12:52:48] [1/27] > Class 021 [12:52:49] [2/27] > 002 030 033 013 029 050 040 023. [12:52:49] [3/27] > G & S: IC 021: water bottles sold empty. [12:52:49] [4/27] > Class 026 [12:52:49] [5/27] > 039 037 042 050 040. [12:52:50] [6/27] > G & S: IC 026: decorative cloth patches for clothing. [12:52:50] [7/27] > Class 009 [12:52:50] [8/27] > 026 038 021 036 023. [12:52:51] [9/27] > G & S: IC 009: safety goggles, sunglasses. [12:52:51] [10/27] > Class 007 [12:52:51] [11/27] > 034 019 013 024 035 021 031 023. [12:52:52] [12/27] > G & S: IC 007: gas-operated blow torches. [12:52:52] [13/27] > Class 010 [12:52:53] [14/27] > 039 044 026. [12:52:53] [15/27] > G & S: IC 010: sanitary masks. [12:52:54] [16/27] > Class 014 [12:52:54] [17/27] > 027 002 028 050. [12:52:55] [18/27] > G & S: IC 014: keychains. [12:52:55] [19/27] > Class 018 [12:52:56] [20/27] > 001 003 002 041 022. [12:52:56] [21/27] > G & S: IC 018: wallets. [12:52:57] [22/27] > Class 025 [12:52:57] [23/27] > 039 022. [12:52:58] [24/27] > G & S: IC 025: shirts, hoodies, hats; pants, sweatpants, undergarments. [12:52:58] [25/27] > Class 016 [12:52:59] [26/27] > 002 005 037 029 038 050 022 023. [12:52:59] [27/27] > G & S: IC 016: graphic art prints. [12:53:08] introducing my new water bottle called hacksmith [12:53:17] im gonna die in lawsuits [12:54:16] hm [12:54:23] Looking at editsim [12:54:37] i wonder how yall would do trying to get growth experiments working [12:54:52] @agentisai is it even possible to config it fully in MH? [12:57:04] oh boy https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13283 [12:58:54] incredible title [12:59:11] Its skinover [15:33:32] [1/2] How do I create an OAuth app for a bot on Miraheze? According to you need to go to `Special:OAuthConsumerRegistration/propose` and register it there, but I don't seem to have permission to do so [15:33:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1345056301105021038/image.png?ex=67c328cc&is=67c1d74c&hm=42dc36d169fcb86fef23b13ace9f846de5a6d5c93896c53a84bd7b06b5e74735& [15:35:48] Are you sure you’re logged in? \:P [15:36:09] [1/2] Yep [15:36:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1345056958633480322/image.png?ex=67c32968&is=67c1d7e8&hm=0677bab78a7c1723d8e2937c15e63452aa10a16a1d6f25ddd3741ff1d5aba06f& [15:36:25] I’m just regurgitating what the generic message says 😆 [15:36:28] You need to be autoconfirmed in order to request an OAuth consumer [15:36:42] A Meta sysop can promote you to confirmed temporarily so you can request one [15:36:52] or you can make ten random edits and be automatically promoted [15:37:52] Ah makes sense, I just noticed I have 0 edits on Meta lol [15:38:05] Where would I contact a sysop? [15:39:32] I can grant the rights [15:39:36] Hi [15:39:50] Oh wait I forgot you're a sysop on meta lol [15:40:32] SomeRandomDeveloper? [15:40:35] yes [15:41:18] Or do I need to do this on a separate account if I want the bot to have its own username? [15:41:22] :DoneMH: [15:41:28] Yeah [15:41:40] I actually did that a few hours ago lol [15:41:45] Oh [15:42:16] @pixldev lol you beat me to it [15:42:22] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log?logid=1345747 [15:42:30] 🏃‍♂️ [15:42:32] (I was logged out, so couldn’t be as fast) [15:42:57] I have my yubikey on my person today haha [15:43:04] If you want to make a bot account lmk [15:43:06] I’ll move the rights [15:43:13] Alright, thanks! [15:45:36] [1/2] If I don't select this, can I use the same application with a bot account later? [15:45:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1345059337625927741/image.png?ex=67c32ba0&is=67c1da20&hm=de0d2ccb10bf8cc80cbfb96842946133dc17186e296b39ab184c5ca3cb6a4f4b& [15:45:55] you can use it with whatever but only with your account [15:46:32] So what's the difference when I select it then? [15:47:02] “Public” consumers are bitch [15:47:14] If you click that, you can only use it for your account but your request is automatically approved [15:47:16] Needs an admin or maybe tech to approve, harder to modify [15:47:34] I think you may not be able to change the allowed IPs or callback at all [15:47:41] If you don’t, you can have every user use it but SRE must approve, not a Meta sysop [15:47:42] Ah [15:47:49] Groan [15:48:05] So since it's only a bot it's probably easier to create a new application on the bot account later on [15:48:09] Gotta go sign the NDA to approve some OAuth consumers [15:48:11] indeed [15:48:21] hurry up then [15:48:22] Definitely [15:48:38] Alright I'll do that then [15:49:54] [1/5] Can a techie look at this? [15:49:55] [2/5] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Help_desk#c-Fennekin_is_the_best_generation_6_starter [15:49:55] [3/5] A user (not bureaucrat) tells the wiki has been closed due to no edits [15:49:55] [4/5] But has edited it the last few days. [15:49:56] [5/5] It's a private wiki [20:00:35] Yeah, it's the default msg, action was taken by a crat on the wiki [21:56:26] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13270 sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but if someone could merge the pr that I made (hoping I did it correctly) I would appreciate it since my wiki semi-urgently needs this