[00:49:05] I'd rather just use memcached tbh. [00:49:37] I think we’ve used memcache somewhere [00:49:56] I think we replaced Redis with kafka [00:57:17] Redis is a pain in the arse, for my wikis the almost I'll use is Redis, but I could never get ElasticSearch working, but I don't think I need it for small wikis. [01:34:09] redis is perfect [01:34:13] ❤️ u redis [01:35:07] we still store sessions in Redis [01:43:21] y [01:43:44] I wanna kill redis. [01:45:43] Oh OA, can UserProfileV2 add the profile elements on pages like Special:Contributions, User blog pages and such? [01:45:52] It could be an optional setting. [01:46:19] huh? [01:47:18] I can look into it but my initial thought is no for Special:Contributions because that's a special page [01:47:32] does social profile do that? [01:47:35] Well, that's what Fandom does and I kinda like it being there. [01:47:47] Yes becaus the entire fandom profile is rendered in JavaScript [01:47:56] Oh really? [01:48:04] yeah [01:48:50] So we'd have to make a copy of version UserProfileV2 as JavaScript for that to work? [01:49:39] Probably [01:49:52] Well, if it can show up on User blog and maybe User talk that'd be nice. [01:49:57] I'm 99% sure theres no way to intercept Special:Contributions [01:50:03] it already shows up on user talk. [01:50:10] Oh cool. [01:50:52] Yeah, I wanna use SimpleBlogPage and I would like it if UserProfileV2 could show up above what SimpleBlogPage adds, just to make it feel a bit more social. [01:51:07] Otherwise, good job with UserProfileV2. [01:58:31] idek hw you make a blog with SimpleBlogPage to test lmao [01:58:53] looks like they're no longer stored in the user blog namespace hug [02:00:05] > [11/03/2025 12:58] idek hw you make a blog with SimpleBlogPage to test lmao [02:00:15] should just be making a page in User blog:username/title [02:01:17] That's when they fix SimpleBlogPage. It's good that I was right, it was unintentional. So they should fix it soon? [02:02:05] Idk they shouldve just left it how it was [02:02:15] Why they gotta mess with shit that aint broke [02:03:04] They were deprecating their own blog extension, they were making a migration script for it, but obviously they forgot to do something. [06:36:13] [1/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestImportQueue/1051 [06:36:13] [2/2] how do we even check the status of this lmao [06:36:56] BlankEclair: pretty sure it's manual [06:37:11] apparently stewards can start them now? [06:37:15] cc @cosmicalpha [06:38:31] yes Stewards can start them as well [06:39:16] You can update the status to failed in the database and then it will be possible to manually import (it'll give you a command to just copy and paste) [06:39:33] https://github.com/miraheze/ImportDump/blob/master/includes/Jobs/ImportDumpJob.php [06:39:40] huh [06:39:52] safe for me to do that? [06:40:12] Yeah. import_requests is on metawiki btw [06:40:23] so just update where id = id [06:40:30] should i try to figure out what happened to the job? [06:40:57] Check if every page is imported. It's possible it just didn't properly update the status. [06:41:18] If it's not it's unlikely (but not impossible) you'll find what happened to it. [06:42:15] https://fboysofficial.miraheze.org/wiki/?useskin=vector&oldid=2 [06:42:17] only rev 1 exists [06:42:59] can't believe i have to debug the job queue smh /lh [06:43:20] then it's probably easier to just update status to failed. [06:43:33] and run the command it gives. [06:43:55] The command it gives will automatically run everything in a screen etc.. [06:44:29] I wonder if the job queue died there. [06:44:51] @blankeclair showjobs wond do anything with kafka [06:44:57] *wont [06:45:04] ah [06:45:21] saved me checking wgJobTypeConf :p [06:45:42] how do i check kafka? [06:46:29] I don't think it would still be in Kafka/EventBus or everything wouldn't be working. [06:46:55] Finding a lost job is like finding a needle in a stack of needles. [06:47:12] there's a way to search by class, right? [06:47:21] ...right? [06:48:11] I'm not 100% sure. I may have something that can do it in one of my notes. [06:48:18] oh dear [06:50:08] I should add something to ImportDump to automatically switch things to failed after say 3 days of being in progress. Either that or keep at in progress but show the manual command after 3 days. [06:50:17] yeah perhaps [06:50:21] should i just marked it as failed? [06:50:29] Probably the easiest [06:50:32] oki [06:51:49] Why do I keep getting logged out lol. Haven't for like 3 months and now suddenly did 3 times in 30 minutes lol [06:52:28] welcome to CA [06:53:25] Oh yeah CA, did you guys need any more tech volunteers and such. [06:53:53] I really should make our own system for login away from CentralAuth... but then it's a lot of work I may or may not be able to accomplish. [06:55:13] true [06:55:34] Isn't one of the problems with CA is that its kinda annoying to setup and configure? [06:56:02] We could always use more volunteers. The situation is we can't just give any access until trustworthiness can be built up. But there are always ways to help without getting access also like helping on phorge and do PRs for user configuration requests etc... [06:57:08] god i miss tmux [06:57:10] Would you say I'm not trustworthy. [06:57:22] Or is it just a process. [06:57:31] imo, more of a process yeah [07:00:25] [1/2] It's a process yeah. We have to ensure many different things such as the integrity of our data, that it won't be misused, that users private information will remain confidential, and the security of our systems. I wouldn't say I don't trust you, but I also can't fully determine that either way yet to feel confidence to give access to critical systems that if compromised would be [07:00:25] [2/2] catastrophic so there are a lot of things to consider before access can be given. In particular show of ability as well, such as via helping on phorge and PRs as mentioned above for an extended period of time before considering more access. [07:02:48] Do appreciate any willingness to help out in any capacity though. [07:06:48] Well, I've worked within an Australian Government Department, so I'm pretty familiar with data security and confidentiality. Please tell me you don't use Gerrit. [07:07:14] Wikimedia do [07:07:20] But god no I hate gerrit [07:08:05] we use github ^^; [07:08:12] https://github.com/miraheze [07:09:08] I absolutely despise Gerrit. [07:09:13] I couldn't get it to work ;w; [07:09:35] meanwhile i kinda like gerrit, at least from an end user perspective ^^; [07:09:57] i personally host my repos on git.average.name, a forgejo instance hosted by another creature [07:10:00] it works i suppose :p [07:10:14] [1/2] huh, [07:10:14] [2/2] > Feel free to join too, but please don't make this your code's only home. [07:10:17] how about i ignore that [07:14:37] Does `?safemode=1` not work? [07:15:47] huh, it should? [07:15:54] Not working for me. [07:16:08] does for me on https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/User:BlankEclair?useskin=vector&safemode=1 [07:16:34] Loads all the CSS For me. [07:16:55] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1348917589589622856/image.png?ex=67d134e7&is=67cfe367&hm=ed32b11dd5547e8d5c4e9868d92f7981d302677beee860d5b5a760d09399cc7b& [07:17:02] my personal js adds a gender finder in the toolbox, and that doesn't appear with safemode=1 [07:17:07] the css is from templatestyles [07:17:32] Isn't templatestyles supposed to respect safemode? [07:18:01] huh, it is? [07:18:30] `grep -ir safemode TemplateStyles` gave no results [07:19:10] Well it should respect it tbh, it's still site styles. [07:22:10] does safemode even affect site stuff? [07:22:34] oh, it does (gadgets don't load) [07:23:38] It's not supposed to load any site specified JS/CSS, it's supposed to only load a default state. [07:23:44] Although it loads templates with inline CSS. [07:28:04] It should [07:28:11] Same [07:28:23] Wikimedia have a gitlab, gerrit and GitHub [07:28:35] And some stuff by users are randomly scattered on bitbucket instances [07:28:43] more fractured than my sense of self-worth smh [07:28:52] Their source code management is a case study in how not to do things [07:29:14] The GitLab consultation to unify it all kind of forgot that GitLab CE didn't have everything [07:29:33] I can make a phab ticket about TemplateStyles not respecting safemode. [07:29:35] Probably cause the company involved in the GitLab trial setup were a challenge [07:29:41] To put it politely [07:30:00] So apparently people can set styles in ManageWiki? That's new to me. [07:30:11] Skin:Medik :3c [07:30:23] You can do a lot from ManageWiki [07:30:30] oh? [07:30:40] If it's configurable and safe to allow users limited control of it, it can go in ManageWiki [07:30:50] The styles get mashed together with default MediaWiki CSS. [07:31:03] So I can't just easily mass remove it for debugging./ [07:31:18] as in managewiki having allowing you to set custom css? [07:32:22] `Special:ManageWiki/settings#mw-section-styling` [07:32:42] That gets combined with the default skin CSS on load. [07:32:44] asdsad [07:33:06] ah, as in specific variables and stuff [07:33:18] i thought you meant that we could just put in regular css files lol [07:36:02] Nonono. [07:36:47] cursed idea: what if we installed bluespice on miraheze [07:37:21] @blankeclair you've seen their code [07:37:38] Do you really wanna have security review even more of it? [07:37:44] y'know what, fair [07:38:00] i just wanna see some cursed interactions happening :( [07:38:00] I'd have to buy a how many days since Claire found an SQLi banner [07:38:06] Cursed yes [07:38:13] Secure no [07:38:18] like endermanch breaking windows for the fifth time [07:38:18] Working still no [07:38:52] you see, to make simpleblogpage work, you must manually patch extension.json to autoload composer modu- [07:39:12] (tell me you have never tested your extensions with a bare config without telling me you have never tested your extensions with a bare config) [07:39:30] @blankeclair wait you think they even tested it? [07:39:35] I'm shocked at that [07:39:44] Never mind a bare config [07:39:47] with fifty bluespice extensions [07:39:55] In prod? [07:40:05] oh god, is it broken with everything loaded? [07:40:19] Has anyone checked? [07:40:26] actually, it may have thrown warnings when i got it working w/ all the strictly necessary stuff? [07:40:28] I don't think BlueSpice is a smart idea. [07:40:30] lemme test that rq [07:40:45] Claire likes cursed ideas [07:40:50] Anyways, the person who updated SimpleBlogPage posted a commit to allow composer autoloader, I wonder if that fixes the problem. [07:41:01] have you seen their bio [07:41:22] Also, it appears I can't change tags on Phorge tickets? [07:41:33] It might fix the problem. But I'm not to confident on the long term compatability on BlueSpice extensions with each new mediawiki version also. [07:41:42] @aeywoo what's your Phab username [07:41:43] my email server and irc bouncer relies upon a dns server that is powered by bash [07:41:46] And ours or Wikimedia Phab [07:41:49] Aeyeu or Aeywoo. [07:41:59] I can't change them on Phroge. [07:42:21] Aeywoo for Phorge, and I think it's Aeyeu for Wikimedia Phab. [07:42:49] We can change them on our phorge if you need us to. [07:43:07] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1348924182850699335/Screenshot_2025-03-11_at_18-42-45_Icecone.png?ex=67d13b0a&is=67cfe98a&hm=702552e11804e34fa41635e684c31985d659dc21b23086ab6eecf5475f8aeb4e& [07:43:11] Well, I was looking into helping Ticket T13317, but I can't change anything. [07:43:23] Dear god... [07:43:41] almost 1337 lol [07:43:43] [1/2] dw! it still loads [07:43:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1348924333090930709/Screenshot_2025-03-11_at_18-43-32_Icecone.png?ex=67d13b2e&is=67cfe9ae&hm=7bce8957e2337b22f5c71027e6333c32662bcf09a1394e24d6a5309ca714282f& [07:43:47] Ikr. [07:44:17] We can change your username of phorge if you want. Or maybe I misunderstood lol [07:44:38] @aeywoo you should have more buttons [07:44:43] you need to be in the trusted contributions group [07:44:52] Lol I made Cosmos and I didn't know that happens but it seems to be exactly what actually happened. I think your right there. [07:44:58] I added them to trusted contributors [07:45:02] ah oki [07:45:22] Oh. [07:45:35] i wonder what changes that bluespice does [07:45:36] Yeah I have more buttons now, thanks. [07:45:45] token theft :thief: [07:46:03] @aeywoo I can do the same on Wikimedia Phab if you need it done there [07:46:12] [1/2] rc is more packed [07:46:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1348924960269402193/2025-03-11_18-45.png?ex=67d13bc4&is=67cfea44&hm=713b88eae3ee60234f0f37d1a257f7d6e2a0c653f08cb82ac872eabdcd529621& [07:46:46] trusted users became a thing because we a particularly angry vandals ruining phorge during dark days of 2023 [07:47:25] Yes please, that'd be good. [07:47:42] The fire nation... [07:48:25] :DoneMH: [07:48:30] You have more buttons there too [07:48:37] Like personal herald rules [07:49:04] you can slow down phab even more >:3c [07:49:15] Muahaha. [07:49:22] >:3 [07:49:52] [1/2] i made blahaj running mwdeploy my fedi banner lol [07:49:52] [2/2] https://cdn.catgirl.center/sharkey/webpublic-0714e91b-8322-4e7b-ba9a-2a828fe38bd4.webp [07:49:58] There's no skin project so do I just put it under Configuration and Extensions or just Configuration? [07:50:19] tech team (mediawiki) and configuration imo [07:50:41] afaik we treat skins as extensions, but this case is basically just a user misconfiguration [07:50:49] Yes [07:50:55] Nice! [07:51:06] Yeah, I noticed that immediately as I was checking their variables. because white is the default fallback for most things. [07:51:42] mwdeploy was born out of my frustration and laziness [07:51:51] so was mwscript [07:52:08] i'd die if i had to manually enter my password and tap my yubikey for each server [07:52:17] so thank god that the mwtask* servers have a deploy ssh key [07:52:53] i'm also really tempted to fork openssh so that i can make it pick which identity file to use based on what yubikeys are plugged in xD [07:53:11] Sometimes I wished they added SpecialPages abbreviations, like Special:WLH for WhatLinksHere. [07:53:50] saaame [07:53:52] Special:RC anyone? [07:59:10] Oh yeah @blankeclair, could you take a look at a wiki for me real quick, it gives an error on Special:Preferences when I changed the Special:ManageWiki settings. [07:59:25] https://quantumscience.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Preferences [07:59:41] `Fatal exception of type "UnexpectedValueException"` [08:01:25] i vaguely remember there was an question in create wiki on mirabeta asking you to choose a skin [08:01:39] i wish it gets added into the real version [08:23:30] @cosmicalpha I see you were setting up a static offline help page? https://github.com/miraheze/statichelp [08:23:49] It exists at help.static.wikitide.net [08:24:52] I see there's no content at the moment. [08:25:06] Did you want some help with that? [08:25:06] https://help.static.wikitide.net/tech-docs [08:25:24] Oh hey, that's cool. [08:25:46] It just clones the tech namespace from Meta with a python script I made. Which I really need to finish fully automating. [08:26:11] https://help.static.wikitide.net/tech-docs/techhome-styles.css/ [08:26:12] lmao [08:26:21] Takes the tech namespace wikitext and converts it to markdown [08:26:33] lol probably should exclude that one. [08:27:01] When it comes to domain changes there's nothing I can do/commit about it I assume? [08:28:41] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/pull/3933 also has the script but haven't finished automating yet btw. [08:28:54] Unfortunately not no, that one needs us to do directly [08:29:46] Okay, so it's mostly just finding solutions to basic problems like T13317? [08:30:26] Yeah that or you can PR user configuration changes for things that aren't in ManageWiki (or add things to ManageWiki) in miraheze/mw-config also. [08:39:46] I will add the setting to blow up @blankeclair's mind to each wiki. [08:40:07] what about with the certs.yaml part [08:41:22] https://cdn.catgirl.center/sharkey/11e6cfa7-967a-4c8e-a2c9-c5efee010df9.gif [08:42:01] what about blowing up malaysia [08:42:18] "Why are you a Police Officer?" [08:42:25] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3uVwxAoUdo [08:42:32] AHAHAHA YOU GOT IT [08:42:40] Oh yeah, why would someone wanna use the Bouquet skin? 😔 [08:42:51] idk but i don't judge [08:46:01] Probably easier for someone from tech to handle when adding to CF but that is technically a PR that could be done yeah. [08:50:23] definitely give me access to cf [08:50:54] you can trust me with access to cloudflare :) [08:50:57] I wanna drop the need for that tbh [08:51:03] And replace it with full automation [08:51:26] i assume the custom CA was from an earlier era when LE wasn't a thing or wasn't as big? [08:52:44] Oh hey Claire, want me to make a few PR's for EditSimilar from [T13286](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13286)? Or do you want to wait on that. [08:52:57] What? [08:53:26] as in us having the option for a wiki to use another certificate authority that's not let's encrypt [08:53:45] PRs are definitely appreciated <3 [08:53:55] Like Comodo and Digicert? [08:53:59] yeah [08:54:05] It's always been allowed mainly because we could [08:54:06] Wow, didn't know people still used those. [08:54:13] There was no reason to stop people [08:54:17] ah okay [08:54:20] CF doesn't allow it without paying though [08:54:26] lol ew [08:55:02] @aeywoo for the record you can add extensions in config and then mediawiki-repos. https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md gives some instructions as well [08:55:13] [[User:PixDeVl/TC 101]] [08:55:14] [08:55:28] Now to make this extension default and break everything a:CH_Muahahaha: [08:55:51] i love breaking things [08:55:57] i should go break prod right now- (/j) [08:56:10] I love having to fork every repo I contribute to. [08:56:12] @cosmicalpha needs to go to bed [08:56:26] CA, go to bed [08:56:26] @blankeclair that's what beta is for [08:56:37] yeah, but it's not as fun, y'know? [08:56:44] Wow... Its 3AM... I did loose track of time tonight lol. [08:56:48] Me starting work means cosmic should be asleep [08:56:54] it really do be like that [08:56:55] Me finishing work means Claire should be asleep [08:57:00] along with you ending- yeah xD [08:57:17] that's why i don't really like the pull request model ^^; [08:57:44] Thars why I have like 200 repos in my GH lol [08:57:55] Lmao, we love GitHub. [08:58:20] The only time I need to specify `composer: true` is if the extension doesn't load anything non-standard right? [08:58:56] yep. that runs the composer in the extension level directory, if it needs to be in root you'd add it to composer.local.json instead also. [08:59:16] [1/8] EditSimilar only requires: [08:59:16] [2/8] ```json [08:59:16] [3/8] "mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer": "46.0.0", [08:59:17] [4/8] "mediawiki/mediawiki-phan-config": "0.15.1", [08:59:17] [5/8] "mediawiki/minus-x": "1.1.3", [08:59:17] [6/8] "php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter": "1.0.0", [08:59:17] [7/8] "php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint": "1.4.0" [08:59:18] [8/8] ``` [08:59:26] it doesn't need any composer then. [08:59:29] yeah, p sure it's false [08:59:32] That's what I thought. [08:59:50] I saw that Elastica required it, and that's cause it has its own packages and such. [09:00:35] Also make sure it's alphabetically ordered or CI will fail as well. We love things to be alphabetically ordered lol [09:01:19] no one tell them about wgFooterIcons [09:01:35] or ManageWikiExtensions.php... or ManageWikiSettings.php [09:01:47] It is alphabetical afaik. [09:01:58] wgFooterIcons is _mostly_ alphabetical [09:02:05] huh? oh no is that not ordered alphabetically! I'll be up for 3 nights fixing it now lol [09:02:13] oh fuck me- [09:03:01] Can't really order those much anyway without redesigning how MW does sections lol [09:03:20] Should I just make them all alphabetical while I'm at it? Or will that break something? [09:03:38] somebody should yeah [09:03:50] problem is that none of us want to bother because it's such a mess xD [09:03:51] in mediawiki-repos? [09:04:03] or ManageWikiExtensions? [09:04:30] everywhere [09:04:57] In mediawiki-repos everything is definitely alphabetically ordered otherwise CI would fail. That one actually validates to be ordered. [09:05:32] new quip :3c [09:05:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:BlankEclair/Quips [09:06:30] You know what I hate most about using GH on mobile? There is no tab key! I always have to copy and paste other tabs lol [09:06:54] i use termux with a keyboard last updated two years ago [09:07:12] along with a plugin that is so old that you have to install it with `adb install` w/ a flag to ignore the min sdk version [09:07:18] but i have the tab key!! [09:07:30] hey [09:07:32] So, if an extension has default number values, I just repeat that in LocalSettings.php when I define the wg values right? Also there's one where it is listed as "unset" in the documentation, so I'm assuming that's either false or nyll? [09:07:56] Only have to define values in LocalSettings if you are also adding to ManageWikiSettings [09:07:57] It accepts true to enable it. [09:08:02] or adding wiki overrides. [09:08:17] Yeah, I guess I'm adding it there too. [09:08:32] Someone asked for it, so I assume others should be able to use it too right? [09:08:53] i wonder, why do we have to do that [09:09:31] This used to be even harder lol. Used to have to also manually ad $wmg variables for the extensions, then add to extension-list, and finally another LocalExtensions file where you add if $wmgUseExtension, wfLoadExtension.... but I reduced it to just the few files you have to edit now lol [09:09:32] I'm gonna set that "unset" wg to false, since it accepts true to enable it. [09:10:41] I actually don't know if it's still mandatory. I may have fixed it a few years ago no that I think of it but I can't remember for sure lol [09:10:49] lol [09:11:41] If an extension I add makes DB changes, do I have to define that somewhere? [09:12:05] in the install step in ManageWikiExtensions [09:12:18] Ah I see it now, I just opened that file. [09:12:28] I don't think EditSimilar does. [09:12:40] Yeah it doesn't have a maintenance folder. [09:13:01] Its still good to know though if you do any others. [09:13:34] Anyway I really should sleep [09:16:01] Go eep, I swear I won't break anything. [09:16:35] yeah, i'll be the one that does <3 [09:21:22] @blankeclair should I claim [T13286](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13286) if I'm doing the PR's? [09:21:36] yep [09:26:04] [1/2] Is editcount supposed to be there like that? [09:26:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1348950092337516564/image.png?ex=67d1532c&is=67d001ac&hm=0edd75f05c215b55ef53e613d11eacfec7e60987e4e2cc78e73a374f1d86fdff& [09:27:20] thank asciibetical sorting [09:27:27] 'A' (0x41) vs 'a' (0x61) [09:30:40] i'm gonna watch a video about installing windows nt on the nintendo wii now, feel free to ping if you need anything [09:31:19] Okay, well I made a PR for the mw-config files. [09:31:24] oh lol okay [09:31:32] I think I did everything correctly. [09:32:35] yeah, everything LGTM ^_^ [09:32:47] Then Miraheze just crumbles to the ground. [09:34:28] solving outages :3c [09:37:02] Two people on separate wikis need ExternalData, any issues with enabling that? [T13255](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13255) & [T13267](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13257). [09:38:41] Actually, that may require the restricted right for ManageWiki right? [09:40:35] Wait, do I need to add values to ManageWikiSettings.php? [09:40:54] oh right... i forgor [09:41:00] Lemme do that rq [09:41:03] yeah, you need to do that if you wanna expose those settings in managewiki ^^; [09:41:30] I don't think I can re-open the PR. >.> [09:41:39] huh... i don't know what they mean by requiring configuration [09:41:43] make another one :p [09:41:50] the rainverse wiki works just fine without any lol [09:42:12] we used it in an especially cursed special page [09:42:20] https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Special:ComicLinkToWikiPage [09:42:39] For `ManageWikiSettings.php` am I adding a new section for the extension or? [09:42:54] Everything kinda just seems slapped in there. [09:43:01] new section for each variable [09:44:06] Where should I them? [09:44:16] yeah... that's why it's so chaotic [09:44:30] I could probably re-order this file later. [09:44:45] Either by Extension or just alphabetically as they are now. [09:44:55] near the editing section imo [09:45:11] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1348954903141285929/image.png?ex=67d157a7&is=67d00627&hm=cda7bee700fb40dc29cb5361814d393b9b741729e0071357b8b47bcc552085ce& [09:45:18] yeah that [09:45:40] This was definitely intentional. [09:46:17] idea: we can section in up in our code, and then do something like `[*i for i in settings.values()]` (obviously python list comprehension, do the php equivalent here) in our code [09:46:27] OwO [09:46:39] if you have free time, check out the tests for Extension:PageNotice :3c [09:47:19] dear god.. [09:56:06] Okay ,done [10:03:57] Oh yeah, someone wanted Extension:PageOwnership in [T13261](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13261), you guys aren't adding that right? [10:14:41] uhhhh unsure tbh [10:17:36] Do I need to define maxint/minint for integers? [10:18:07] [1/2] Also, one of the GitHub tests failed because [10:18:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1348963192042426388/image.png?ex=67d15f5f&is=67d00ddf&hm=5990c0db13020a84f67681b2955560ef2669f168f98d58a101c47f31eb76f2a4& [10:19:05] [1/2] huh, i think so, yeah... [10:19:06] [2/2] for $wgRSSItemMaxLength, i made maxint some stupidly high value (4294967295), though perhaps we should open a task (low priority, tags tech team mediawiki and managewiki) to have those checks be optional [10:19:25] check the array keys closely; you used '$wgEditSimilarMaxResultsPool' instead of 'wgEditSimilarMaxResultsPool' [10:19:32] Ahh. [10:19:45] imma shower now, see you in uhh whenever i get back [10:20:44] A min of 0 and a max of 100 should be good for each of them right? [10:20:49] Alrighty! [10:33:26] yeah [10:36:59] You weren't gone long. [10:37:10] yeah ^^; [10:37:22] I think after the fifth attempt I got the PR correct. [10:39:09] merged \o/ [10:40:24] Now to blow up malaysia [10:40:36] why is editsimilar not on the server lmao [10:40:40] it should be auto pulled by now [10:40:42] O.o [10:41:19] ah, it's in staging [10:41:47] okay, now i can try to blow up malaysia [10:42:03] 🇲🇾 [10:42:20] i've never installed an extension on the server before 🩷 [10:42:26] so it'll be a big kaboom moment for both of us [10:42:30] Horay! [10:44:27] actually, i think i should try it on test151 [10:44:30] that's more responsible of me [10:44:33] (boo) [10:44:39] (boo indeed) [10:46:51] aaaand it's not on mirabeta [10:46:53] amazing [10:47:42] i think i used the wrong flag [10:49:53] maybe i should go read the docs for once [10:51:02] they didn't help :(( [10:51:10] :(( [10:51:20] oh wait [10:51:25] i forgor to deploy config [10:55:47] this command is becoming long [10:55:49] `mwdeploy --upgrade-extensions EditSimilar --extension-list --folders 1.44/extensions/EditSimilar --servers all --config --pull config --l10n` [10:55:55] nice [10:58:51] Johnny test flashback [10:59:00] ikrrrr [10:59:06] oh no... it's a bookworm [10:59:12] Been a good while since I’ve seen [10:59:17] om nom nom [10:59:20] god l10n is a bitch [11:00:14] okay, time to break prod!! [11:00:20] yayyy [11:03:37] I love myself editsimilar-desv. [11:05:08] localisation cache is rebuilding xD [11:05:59] okay, it's being pushed out to all the servers [11:06:04] i fucking love mwdeploy [11:06:10] /pat RhinosF1 [11:07:07] I enabled it on my now test wiki, and appears to work [11:07:59] mwdeploy hasn't finished running btw [11:08:13] aaaand it's done~ [11:08:56] Yay, another ticket finished then? [11:09:09] yep :3 [11:10:45] Did you enable ExternalData for these two people btw? [11:13:30] Also, the guy who made this ticket: [T13007](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13007) unsubscribed from it after getting impatient lmao. [11:13:38] Should I just close it? [11:15:29] uhh good question? maybe ping and ask if they still want it ^^; [11:15:54] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1006789349498699827/1348954012334166068 ^^; [11:17:09] cc @agentisai, what config does externaldata need? [11:19:33] Do you think this task about enabling Charts extension [T12839](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12839) is good to continue? Wikimedia concluded their Security Review and passed it as low risk: [T369950](https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T369950). [11:19:54] Oh right, I guess we'll find out what configs they want first then. [11:20:38] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12839#266354 i believe [11:20:56] I just read that lol. [11:21:06] But I'll leave a comment about the Security Review. [11:28:46] Is [T12835](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12835) & [T12827](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12827) also good to proceed with PRs? [11:29:32] I know RefreshSpecial was mentioned in [T13014](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13014), but I'm not sure if anything else is holding it back from proceeding. [11:33:39] [1/2] former, i'd like to confirm w/ another tech member because i'm unsure (random cc: @rhinosf1) [11:33:39] [2/2] latter, lgtm [11:55:39] idea for ReplaceTextEligible: have a --fix parameter that creates a new botted revision on top of pages that decompresses them [11:56:04] or replaces them in-place with the decompressed one, whichever spicy you prefer [11:59:25] Also [T13325](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13325). [11:59:48] auto LGTM because wmf extension [12:00:04] Should I wait for Rhinos on that one too? [12:00:09] nah [12:01:10] I guess I'll get the PRs done for that now then. [12:06:00] Ello @blankeclair [12:06:02] What's up [12:06:06] meow :3 [12:06:14] it's only 11 pm, you can't tell me to eep yet >:3 [12:08:33] What did you want me for @blankeclair [12:09:09] is RefreshSpecial okay for us to enable? see https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12835#257737 [12:09:38] Two chron jobs need to be setup for CampaignEvents. [12:10:31] and your two cents on this question i guess: https://mattermost.wikitide.net/wikitide-foundation/pl/mk1ygmn3wpf4ix54spytfuda6r [12:11:00] It also has a configuration for VirtualDomainsMapping: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CampaignEvents#Parameters [12:15:05] We wont utilise the virtual database because its a per-wiki extension and we're not using it globally [12:16:28] @blankeclair what do you mean by https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12835#258876 [12:16:31] Do I need to setup an install table for this in ManageWikiExtensions.php? It does modify the database but it doesn't seem to have any special maintenance files. [12:16:55] Two of them are destined for chron jobs. [12:16:59] the extension executes maint script on a web request, not in a job [12:17:02] @blankeclair does that mean it shells out to the maint request [12:17:04] so if it takes too long, it would end [12:17:18] Yes [12:17:21] i _think_ it calls it via php [12:17:32] The table creation sql scripts need to go in the SQLfiles key or whatever its called [12:17:39] Architecturally, I don't like it [12:17:46] The key is at the top of the file i forget what its called [12:18:01] I wonder if it would actually work for most wikis [12:18:11] dependant on exactly what it's running [12:18:21] Are we using mysql? [12:18:26] (Dumb question) [12:18:42] They have folders for postgre, mysql and sqlite. [12:18:47] MariaDB but the mysql file isnthe correct one to use [12:18:59] Just made my bagel upside down ugh [12:19:06] [1/2] wait no, it's not a maint script... oopsie ^^; [12:19:06] [2/2] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/extensions/RefreshSpecial/+/4b56114ef46c8f189ca8183ebcdfd2d71081cafa/src/RefreshSpecialForm.php#151 [12:19:08] There are seven files. [12:19:14] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-CampaignEvents/tree/0ba8a2025bc5de183a4f130af747a2100abb7b2a/db_patches/mysql [12:19:24] I don't like the modifying of memory limit and time unconditionally too [12:19:30] I'd rather than be controllable [12:19:34] yeah, hence my second doubts [12:19:41] But there appears to be one `tables-generated.sql` file. [12:19:56] So I guess that is the sql object for install. [12:20:08] hmm, now that i think more, what if someone intentionally dosses the farm by making a bunch of refreshess [12:20:22] Yes [12:20:30] Ignore the patch files [12:20:41] then again, perhaps mediawiki rate limiter can be used here to make it like per hour [12:21:00] @blankeclair I'm going to say I don't like it [12:21:09] It feels like a DoS vector [12:21:47] I'd prefer it did it via a job, ideally with a concurrency management [12:21:51] [1/6] ```php [12:21:52] [2/6] 'sql' => [ [12:21:52] [3/6] 'campaign_events' => '$IP/extensions/CampaignEvents/maintenance/db_patches/tables-generated.sql', [12:21:52] [4/6] ], [12:21:52] [5/6] ``` [12:21:53] [6/6] At the top of the `tables-generated.sql` it has `CREATE TABLE /_/campaign_events (`, or are you talking about `PRIMARY KEY` entries? [12:21:56] And I'd prefer we can configure the memory and time [12:22:21] a config variable to disable the auto configuration (seems to be the least breaking change to do) [12:22:53] Confused by what you mean but that looks correct (if sql is indeed the correct key I cant recall now) [12:22:55] Or am I just putting it in `mwscript` without the first value? [12:23:19] [1/2] CreatedPagesList does this./ [12:23:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1348994697082699858/image.png?ex=67d17cb6&is=67d02b36&hm=584f150d925ea3fd7b088468dde5307ef2a42c02198789dcafc45c684a712e5c& [12:23:33] [1/17] ```php [12:23:33] [2/17] 'createdpageslist' => [ [12:23:33] [3/17] 'name' => 'CreatedPagesList', [12:23:34] [4/17] 'linkPage' => 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:CreatedPagesList', [12:23:34] [5/17] 'conflicts' => false, [12:23:34] [6/17] 'requires' => [], [12:23:34] [7/17] 'install' => [ [12:23:35] [8/17] 'sql' => [ [12:23:35] [9/17] 'createdpageslist' => "$IP/extensions/CreatedPagesList/sql/patch-createdpageslist.sql", [12:23:35] [10/17] ], [12:23:36] [11/17] 'mwscript' => [ [12:23:36] [12/17] "$IP/extensions/CreatedPagesList/maintenance/recalculateTable.php" => [], [12:23:37] [13/17] ], [12:23:37] [14/17] ], [12:23:38] [15/17] 'section' => 'specialpages', [12:23:38] [16/17] ], [12:23:39] [17/17] ``` [12:23:41] hmm, how do you do concurrency management? [12:23:43] This is what CreatedPagesList does. [12:23:47] https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/master/ManageWikiExtensions.php#L134 [12:23:50] Like this [12:24:13] If a maintnenace script needs to be ran at install also that goes in mwscript [12:25:40] So, am I only putting tables-generated in mwscript? [12:25:54] No. Nothing goes in mwscript. [12:26:38] Confusing ik [12:26:42] Also the script adds a user right group, is that done similarly to permissions? [12:27:09] [1/2] https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/master/ManageWikiExtensions.php#L185 [12:27:09] [2/2] Add the permissions like so [12:28:39] memcache key could work? [12:29:10] [1/4] ah okay, so basically [12:29:10] [2/4] * add memcache key [12:29:11] [3/4] * add job [12:29:11] [4/4] * job removes memcache key [12:29:24] Ye [12:29:34] It has some effect against a stampede [12:29:48] oki ^_^ [12:34:52] What makes a namespace searchable or not? Will CampaignEvents extension.json define that? [12:35:09] I'd assume it follows the core config [12:35:18] That's in ManageWiki/namespaces [12:35:29] There's somewhere for default searching [12:42:46] It needs to be provided in the namespace key of the install [12:43:44] Yeah it's not there, so I assume `0`? [12:44:00] Also, CampaignEvents has a variable: `wgCampaignEventsProgramsAndEventsDashboardAPISecret`, what do I do about that? Just treat it as normal? [12:44:59] No idea, cant be added to managewiki because then it would be publicly visible [12:45:05] So ignore it? [12:45:16] eh, don't we have options for private mw vars? [12:45:52] my body says "that's enough volunteering today" since it is kinda eepy =w= [12:46:37] Go eep, make sure to dream of bug fixing and what-not. [12:50:04] lol it's been months since i last had a dream [12:54:21] [1/2] @originalauthority just read this tidbit about `$wgCampaignEventsProgramsAndEventsDashboardInstance`: [12:54:22] [2/2] "Note that this setting should use the same value for all wikis sharing the same central database for events: otherwise, the application might crash or show inconsistent data when viewing an event created on another wiki." [12:54:34] So, we should decide on what setting we want, right? [12:55:35] Or does it not matter if we're not using a central db just for events? [12:55:42] This [12:55:46] Okay thank you. [12:58:21] So, where should I define `$wgCampaignEventsProgramsAndEventsDashboardAPISecret`? Because that needs to be configurable right? Or are we gonna use a global value hidden away somewhere? [12:59:35] there's PrivateSettings.php in miraheze/puppet btw [12:59:45] too tired to give links though ^^; [13:01:35] Oh, tank you! [13:12:42] Okay, I don't see a PrivateSettings.php file. [13:12:59] Nevermind, now I do. [13:19:46] What do I do about these cronjobs? [13:20:45] Someone from @Infrastructure Specialists will have to have a loook [13:20:56] Should I add that to the Ticket? [13:21:04] Yeah [13:23:21] Well I made the necessary PRs, I just gotta wait for Void now ig. [13:40:48] [T13132](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13132) is this good to move ahead? [13:51:37] [1/2] Schulenburg is stil experimental, so that will not be installed. Looks aweful in my idea [13:51:37] [2/2] Skin:Lakeus Looks okay, it doesn't differ much from other skins. But is stable. [13:56:15] Oh well, goodnight. [15:13:54] I guess I can add Lakeus later today then? [16:01:41] Since when was looks awful a criteria [16:02:29] @aeywoo I'm going to completely ignore Ro but object to Skin:Schulenburg on a separate point [16:02:42] > At time of writing it is not a practical skin without additional setup, but could be useful for those looking for a minimal boilerplate or with additional code contributions. [16:03:03] So that doesn't feel like it's appropriate [16:03:16] Looks awful was never a criteria for a skin [16:03:37] And experimental is tech discretion tbh, we have other experimental things available @rodejong @aeywoo [16:39:54] experimental is approved on a case by case basis it has more scrutiny but is not always flat out declined. [16:40:44] Ye exactly [16:44:47] I didn't state that as a criteria! [16:45:07] Understood [16:45:47] The message sounded as if it was a statement tech would definitely decline tbh [16:45:55] I wanted to quickly correct the record [16:46:20] I would decline that Skin but not for it being awful or experimental [16:47:22] No I was of the idea that only stable maintained skins were accepted. That was what I was referring to, and gave a personal opinion on it after that [16:49:07] The intention to help is appreciated, but unless the extension is outright unmaintained, best course of action is to have the inquirer make a phorge ticket to request an assessment. [16:49:08] But I guess I spoke on something I do not have complete knowledge of. Sorry [16:51:21] Heck, even if it's unmaintained, it's not 100% out of picture if it seems helpful and it'd be an easy lift to fork to a maintained copy. 😅 [16:52:13] (Though that situation's a rarity - best to defer to tech team either way) [18:09:40] [1/2] FINALLY! 100% coverage for that script... that one was not easy lol [18:09:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1349081859916693558/image0.png?ex=67d1cde4&is=67d07c64&hm=cd67f6040bf5dd3e75cb52f36b6b21cfa67201ccf773a15a2885e27ae3983318& [18:11:33] 👏 [19:03:35] [[mw:Extension:ApprovedRevs]] ticks me off [19:03:36] [19:09:48] Why [19:10:09] It uses $eg for settings [19:10:38] Oh [19:10:41] That's all [19:10:46] That used to a long time ago be the standard for extensions I think. $eg meaning extension global [19:11:14] $eg makes more sense than $wg / $wmf tbh [19:11:50] It kinda does. Since $wg means Wikipedia global and $wmg means wikimedia global. It's just leftover from the legacy MediaWiki that was never changed. [19:12:52] I don't know we we use $wmg here tbh [19:13:11] or wmf which means wikimedia function like wf means Wikipedia function. [19:14:32] Probably because someone back at Orain added the first one [19:15:11] Yeah. It would be fairly easy to change probably but we'd have to figure out what we do want first if we do. [19:15:26] That's too difficult [19:16:00] I spent like half an hour yesterday coming up with device, function and action for a spec yesterday at work [19:16:05] I still don't like it [19:16:48] Naming things is really hard [19:17:15] Yeah... but if we do figure out something else to use it's really just one command to change them in ManageWiki, and then you'd just to a replace all to update everywhere else. Pretty easy to change but it's the figuring out part that's hard lol. [19:17:29] Ye [19:23:20] Think about Adam and Eve. They had to name everything from scratch! 😂 [19:23:45] (not Scratch! mind you! [19:38:17] I assume god helped them with that [19:41:56] [1/3] [NewWorld Translation](https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/study-bible/books/genesis/2/#v1002019) [19:41:57] [2/3] `Now Jehovah God had been forming from the ground every wild animal of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call each living creature,* that became its name.r 20  So the man named all the domestic animals and the flying creatures of the heavens and every wild animal of [19:41:57] [3/3] the field` [19:42:15] So the bible says that Adam did 🤷🏻‍♂️ [19:43:05] Well god gave him the first thoughts and brain [19:44:01] [1/2] Yeah. Likely! Still a hard task though 😄 [19:44:01] [2/2] Erm... Perhaps not the best channel for that :ThinkerMH: [19:44:14] Ontopic again! [19:46:01] @rodejong there were no words when Adam started naming things because him and god must have made language [19:46:18] Now we have millions of words [19:46:34] And I got to work out what one fits my weird stupid softwarey edge cases [20:06:40] You can add them as systemd::timers in puppet [20:06:44] Let me get a link [20:07:35] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/master/modules/mediawiki/manifests/jobqueue/runner.pp#L33 [23:58:29] MirAuth when?! [23:59:13] I actually started work on a CA fork but it is a lot of work my head exploded [23:59:33] i wonder, does infra have to do wiki renames?