[13:01:58] Hello LuchoCR[m]! If you have any questions, feel free to ask and someone should answer soon. [13:44:39] Hello Abijeet! If you have any questions, feel free to ask and someone should answer soon. [13:51:48] Greetings, I''m a translation administrator at translatewiki. Miraheze uses translatewiki for localization. I wanted to bring your attention to a support ticket that was raised on translatewiki: https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Thread:Support/Miraheze_website:_nl-informal_does_not_fall_back_to_nl. Basically the "nl-informal" version of the website [13:51:49] (https://miraheze.org/?lang=nl-informal) falls back to using English. [13:51:49] [url] Miraheze website: nl-informal does not fall back to nl - translatewiki.net | translatewiki.net [13:51:49] [url] Miraheze | miraheze.org [13:59:11] Abijeet: hi [14:00:25] Abijeet: I don't think we have any concept of fallback languages [14:02:36] beyond English [14:04:47] RhinosF1, I see. So to handle languages like Nederlands (INFORMAL), we should probably export the Nederlands translations to the Nederlands (INFORMAL) file, and overwrite any Nederlands (INFORMAL) specific translations. [14:05:34] Abijeet: yes for landing fallbacks will need manually copying across [14:05:53] At least for now until we have enough dev time to implement a solution [14:06:13] RhinosF1, thanks. Let me see if we can do something about this. [14:07:38] If there is a list of 'fallbacks' used by translatewiki, a fix shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes [14:08:13] JohnLewis: that's my issue. As far as I know it'll be based on mediawiki core's MessagesXX files [14:08:18] A fix wouldn't be hard [14:08:35] For adding custom fallbacks [14:08:41] My issue is maintaining that [14:09:23] Abijeet: ^ [14:16:12] Maintaining such a list is minimal developer time, it would rarely need a review and changes can be made with minimum time commitments [14:18:48] We've some information about fallback languages here: https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translatewiki.net_languages#Fallback_language_(MediaWiki) [14:18:48] [url] Translatewiki.net languages - translatewiki.net | translatewiki.net [15:32:16] Hello potstickr! If you have any questions, feel free to ask and someone should answer soon.