[00:00:33]  Praxidicae just kicked me from the Wikipedia help channel after I asked them that I was blocked as a sockpuppet of Sinlu22, who is IHateStep Curry from Miraheze. [00:36:19] SockMuppet [00:36:24] SockMuppet [00:36:29] SockMuppet [00:36:36] Sockmuppet [00:36:41] SockMuppet [00:36:47] SockMuppet [00:57:03] [discord] SockMuppet [00:57:17] [discord] hilarious [01:55:22] [discord] Hi there! As mentioned before, I would like to request that PJ Masks Info Wiki be deleted today and my account (Jst Tan) also be deleted today. Thanks [01:56:11] [discord] Lovely, thank you for reminding us. Do you wish your account be vanished but recoverable in the future or vanished but not recoverable? [01:57:01] [discord] Well, vanished but recoverable should be better after further thinking [01:57:44] [discord] Will do then [01:59:09] [discord] Ok, once both is. done, pinged me here [02:01:50] [discord] Done. What do you want done about your other wikis? [02:02:53] [discord] nothing [02:03:17] [discord] I ask only because the Dormancy Policy will automatically close them in 60 days [02:03:30] [discord] Cause all had been deleted a while ago [02:03:40] [discord] Hmm [02:03:45] [discord] I see you're bureaucrat on a few wikis [02:03:51] [discord] unless they've all been deleted already [02:04:03] [discord] You could check if One Future Web Wiki and One Future Unified Team Wiki still exist, but I alr requested @raidarr to delete it [02:04:11] [discord] Ah [02:04:14] [discord] Will check then [02:04:50] [discord] Ok, once checked, let me know but I. think all had been deleted before [02:05:06] [discord] They're not deleted [02:05:07] [discord] Ok, once checked, let me know but I think all had been deleted before (edited) [02:05:09] [discord] Do you want them deleted? [02:05:19] [discord] Yes, all wiki that I owned [02:05:39] [discord] Strange, I alr requested all of them deleted [02:06:19] [discord] Only one was deleted [02:06:22] [discord] Anyway, done [02:06:31] [discord] @Jst Tan ^ [02:06:34] [discord] Which through [02:06:38] [discord] just curious [02:06:44] [discord] Anyway good [02:06:53] [discord] onefutureunifiedteamwiki [02:07:29] [discord] Ah I guess I forgot to request One Future Web Wiki to be deleted [02:07:57] [discord] Anyway thanks for your help and all of the services you guys provided in the time I in Miraheze. Bye! [02:08:08] [discord] See you again soon [02:15:58] [discord] Bye [02:16:21] [discord] will be leaving this server now [02:18:41] [discord] Yoo anyone know how to make a image into a wiki background [02:21:11] [discord] For what skin? [02:25:40] [discord] normal [02:26:38] [discord] Which skin is that? Vector, Vector 2022 or...? [02:28:22] [discord] Vector 2022