[15:51:22] [discord] heya. i'd need to have `ImportJS` extension enabled on my wiki [15:51:23] [discord] (NSFW) [15:51:28] [url] Cunt Wars Wiki | cwars.miraheze.org [15:55:46] [discord] ImportJS is purely FANDOM thing [15:55:59] [discord] it simply doesn't work anywhere else [15:59:35] [discord] ah [15:59:49] [discord] does miraheze have something similar? [16:06:50] [discord] what do you want to import in there? [16:07:03] [discord] there might be something applied directly [16:07:53] [discord] otherwise, you'll have to import code/templates/modules from dev.fandom wiki [16:09:23] [discord] otherwise, you'll have to manually import code/templates/modules from dev.fandom wiki (edited) [16:09:31] [discord] hmm... ok. i'll have a longer chat with the interface admin and then retry [16:09:44] [discord] thank you [16:10:34] [discord] there might be something applied directly/separately, some alternatives (edited) [16:13:48] [discord] otherwise, you'll have to manually import code/templates/modules from dev.fandom wiki, like from Wikipedia (edited)