[02:10:10] Should be able to close as "invalid" [02:11:38] Yeah, I don't see how that can be considered a serious RfC, when there isn't even any real text beside the proposal 1 heading [02:51:25] It's not currently listed as live on main RfC, so it could very well be a work in progress/ill-advised test. [04:51:41] it's a draft [04:51:42] but still [05:55:49] [1/8] I'm looking at video handling with TMH and something seems broken. [05:55:49] [2/8] There's no thumbnail, generated poster url in html is ```//static.miraheze.org/bluearchivewiki/thumb/1/11/Nonomidangle.webm/320px--Nonomidangle.webm.jpg``` which actually returns html error 500: [05:55:50] [3/8] ```Error generating thumbnail [05:55:50] [4/8] Error creating thumbnail: '/usr/bin/ffmpeg' -nostdin -threads 1 -y -i 'https://swift-lb.miraheze.org/v1/AUTHmw/miraheze-bluearchivewiki-local-public/1/11/Nonomidangle.webm?tempurlsig=31569345788f80fe587226a3a2a534e1d0b7a0ae&tempurlexpires=1681883502' -ss 2 -s 640x640 -f mjpeg -an -vframes 1 '/tmp/transform_7f5251656abe.jpg' 2>&1 wgMaxShellMemory: 1048576 ffmpeg versi [05:55:50] [5/8] on 4.3.5-0+deb11u1 Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 10 (Debian 10.2.1-6) configuration: [05:55:51] [6/8] [...] [05:55:51] [7/8] https://swift-lb.miraheze.org/v1/AUTHmw/miraheze-bluearchivewiki-local-public/1/11/Nonomidangle.webm?tempurlsig=31569345788f80fe587226a3a2a534e1d0b7a0ae&tempurlexpires=1681883502: Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed)``` [05:55:51] [8/8] Might still be a swift reinstall artifact? [06:27:41] Does that error survive using the purge action on that page? [06:56:58] It does. As a test, I uploaded a brand new webm video file and abserve the same issue with embedding it as well ```//static.miraheze.org/bluearchivewiki/thumb/e/e2/InteractNonomi.webm/320px--InteractNonomi.webm.jpg``` [08:24:35] ill-informed rfcs like this tend not to bother changing the default indicators of a draft message, it makes cir proposals more difficult to process [08:25:07] at this point I might suggest simply removing the draft indicator from the template so it is just assumed these things are live until clarified otherwise, so they can be stricken down as malformed/simply bad all the quicker [08:25:58] also tend to accompany a lack of knowledge or interest in advertising via proper venue (rfc landing page) so I don't think the absence of these indicators indicates a draft necessarily [10:06:06] MH server can't encode videos [10:11:10] That is clearly untrue [10:21:53] oh, that's interesting [10:24:10] FWIW I'd rather it didn't. The kind of videos my wiki has doesn't survive transcodes well and it all seems a waste of resources, really. [10:26:54] I think there's web specific encode options, also encode it with VP9? [10:27:19] [1/2] 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed) [10:27:19] [2/2] Looks like server problem [13:01:40] Speaking of which, shouldn't ``wgEnableTranscode`` flag be exposed in ManageWiki for TMH? Given that it's on by default this can only lessen the workload. TMH brings some useful stuff but transcoding everything seems excessive, given that TMH apparently brings along ogv.js for ogg/vp9 decode on iOS. [13:33:03] For the RfC I'm confused how the first oppose is even an oppose, as they didn't even use the oppose template... 🤔 [13:37:02] Some people don't believe in using templates to support or oppose [13:44:10] Ah okay; derived from the Wikipedia policy on that I guess? [15:10:31] the transcode happens like only a single time so I don't think that's excessive, especially when it encode lower resolution videos [16:07:36] Is there any way to autoban people under a certain age? [16:23:27] No, as you can't prove anyone's age... [16:42:38] make a test w/ questions which only adults can answer like in old games lmao [17:29:32] a 15 year old would use ChatGPT though 😄 [17:29:45] But I mean lol if you want to do it that way you'd have to have an extension for it [17:34:57] Dumb question, but how do I comment on a request for comment? <:headinhands:1035803443727708191> [17:39:22] Hit Edit Source on either the voting or comments section section you want to add your text to, start a new line with the # sign, finish your comment with `--` to add your username to your comment. [17:40:08] If you're adding your support or opposition, you can use either the `{{support}}` or `{{oppose}}` templates, but you can also examine what other people have done using edit source if you want to see how any of the other fancy templates work. [17:40:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:support [17:40:26] Thank you! [17:47:20] hey [17:47:23] how do I change this [17:47:43] so I set my own icon instead of the miraheze bee thing? [17:47:55] Looks like you want to change the browser tab Favicon, yeah? [17:48:08] I'm not really sure about how it's called [17:48:17] But the litle icon there that displays on browser tabs [17:49:13] Manage this Wiki's Additional Settings > Styling, you'll want to put a link to the file you want to use as a Favicon into the section labeled Favicon ($wgFavicon) [17:49:59] [1/2] See this guide for more details on exact requirements: [17:49:59] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/ManageWiki#Frequentlyaskedquestions [17:51:14] Favicons should have equal height and width, eg 32x32 px or 64x64 px [17:58:50] I did it but nothing changed [17:58:57] Maybe it's beacuse it has .png extension? [18:01:47] ? [18:05:24] Did you use the full static URL on the settings page for the favicon field? [18:06:05] E.g. starting with `https://static.miraheze.org ...` [18:06:46] It works now actually! [18:06:47] thanks [18:07:35] No worries. It can also sometimes take a couple minutes to update through, so sounds like it was that issue this time. 🙂 [18:37:26] getting a fair amount of 502's rn [18:37:57] same here [18:38:00] Same [18:38:05] Fourthed [18:38:43] did it go down [18:38:56] Appears to have [18:41:24] Seems intermittent? [19:05:41] i have gotten this one alot today [19:28:47] Miraheze down for anyone else? [19:29:45] Intermittent 502s and slow loads is what's being reported. [19:30:25] Thats what I am getting [19:33:19] SLO data is missing for mediawiki [19:34:28] Looks like a few issues on the infra graph though [19:35:31] @Site Reliability Engineers [19:36:32] yeah, seeing some funky load averages, might be something on cloud12 (consistently high load on mw12* not shown on other servers), and some big operation looks to have run/been running on mwtask141 [19:36:53] @Orduin mwtask141 shouldn’t affect user traffic [19:36:59] Unless it was hitting DBs [19:37:09] cloud12 could explain something [19:38:00] It's a known thing that swift downloads that run to heavy on mwtask141 can bring down services [19:38:26] @Orduin actually https://grafana.miraheze.org/d/-rJPCPJnz/infrastructure-slos?orgId=1&from=now-12h&to=now&kiosk=tv&viewPanel=54 [19:38:33] That’s interesting [19:38:42] Something going on with DB errors rising [19:39:03] What is causing that? [19:39:10] No idea yet [19:40:03] It might not even be related [19:40:11] @Orduin thoughts? [19:40:29] hmm still well within SLO, but could be worth a look [19:40:46] could be high load on a DB server causing responses to take too long [19:40:48] @Orduin unless grafana is being slow, they are new though [19:40:53] pure conjecture though [19:40:58] DB load could explain intermittent errors [19:41:08] It’s an idea though [19:41:22] Causation, correlation, conjecture etc [19:43:03] Database graphs are no help [19:46:46] they might be, I'm seeing recent tcp socket errors on db101's graphs [19:55:16] hmm [19:55:40] @Orduin it's that thing i mentioned in the internal channel with cloud14 [19:56:03] but yeh swift download uses a lot of threads (lowering it to like 1/2 should work) [19:56:34] We now use opensearch for graylog \o/ [21:22:15] i think i might have uninentionally caused a memory overflow with Lua, lol [22:44:52] 👀 [22:45:07] wtf people use lua outside of roblox??? [22:47:22] Wait, Roblox people use Lua? :( [22:47:42] yeah [22:47:50] developers have been complaining about it for some reason :p [23:08:09] I saw, I'm quite surprised [23:08:15] Good for her though [23:50:56] * [23:51:03] OOPS mistype [23:51:06] ignore meeeee~