[00:05:04] me about to open up my third wiki [00:06:02] is there a channel where u can recruit ppl for ur wiki? [00:06:24] i have a plan for doing that but idk where i could promote ppl to contribute here [00:20:29] i once had 8 wikis lol [00:35:36] that i could never do [00:35:40] three at most for me [00:36:06] iā€™m trying to implement a schedule on which days i work on my wikis // which days i do breaks [00:45:16] [1/2] i have only 3 now, too [00:45:17] [2/2] most of them got dormancy policy'd or db141'd [03:21:00] [1/2] here, I guess [03:21:01] [2/2] not an easy task tho [03:27:45] No resource as limited as people and time for volunteer projects. [03:52:16] [1/2] whys a google site verification meta tag not appearing? [03:52:16] [2/2] or its just really really slow [04:21:10] [1/2] there's been a google site verification tag on my wiki for ~50 minutes now, but google still says that it can't find the tag [04:21:11] [2/2] can i use the other methods? [04:45:25] It takes a while, sometimes days [04:46:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:NotAracham/WikiSEO_-_Improving_Search_Ranking [04:48:46] but the meta tag is already there [05:13:44] yeaa, just google being a little capricious [05:22:38] ok [05:47:12] The magic of the internet and server caching -- what you see is not always what google sees. šŸ¤· [05:48:53] [1/2] Since this is probably the place to recruit people, here's my wiki about YouTube manga channels: [05:48:53] [2/2] mangadubs.miraheze.org [07:15:40] we don't have reclaim/migrate account from another farm feature, right? [07:18:32] but it's possible to tie migrated contribution to new account? [10:05:17] im trying to verify my site for the google search console how do i upload an html on my wiki? [10:11:54] [1/3] you don't do that, you should get a key and insert it in wiki's settings [10:11:54] [2/3] a link to a guide was posted earlier today [10:11:54] [3/3] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1158263446509461546 [13:15:29] oh? [13:48:15] what does it mean by this? [13:49:21] [1/2] okay so im checking the guide rn and the html i got right [13:49:21] [2/2] theres no meta tag [13:49:40] nor long string of characters [13:50:33] im confused about that too [13:50:37] which text edtor lol [13:51:07] of your choice basically means any [13:52:40] wait [13:52:42] theres images [13:52:43] nvmd [13:55:14] wait i found it!! [15:25:54] šŸ‘‹ [15:44:52] Might I ask something? About the WikimediaIncubator, how can I know are there any open wikis here use it? [15:45:48] Sinces to use the extension, some mandatory setup are required to make the extension work as intended. [15:46:27] And if there are none, then, I can help from the WikiTide [15:58:29] @songngu.xyz It currently is enabled on 1 wiki (https://incubator.miraheze.org) which is public [16:00:26] I see. Can I see what is their `LocalSettings.php` content? (publicly viewed) [16:10:53] sobbing rn i just imported some pages to the wrong wiki [16:17:19] damn, that's ok bro <:cat_flowers_c:1119533856849137695> [16:27:22] luckily i was able to fix it by reverting my recent edits ! [19:58:15] [1/4] Hello šŸ‘‹ [19:58:16] [2/4] I need help setting up security for a public Wiki. [19:58:16] [3/4] Where is the best place to talk about this? Should I create a post in support? [19:58:16] [4/4] I'd like everyone to be able to create an account and modify/create pages, but for these to be validated by a team that manages the wiki. [20:02:17] I'd say create a custom role w/ edit and other needed rights, and remove those from * and User [20:08:16] [1/3] I can't see any permission not to make a modification public before validation. [20:08:16] [2/3] Basically "User" create a page that will remain private [20:08:17] [3/3] And then "Admin" will validate the creation/modification so that it becomes public. [20:08:55] wait [20:09:26] that's sounds like moderation extension [20:09:31] my bad [20:14:46] "Moderation : Sends all changes and uploads from new users for moderation" this ? [20:15:18] yeah [20:15:27] I haven't used it tho [20:15:37] Thanks, i'll try that [21:12:40] Yes, Moderation is what you're looking for <:pupCoffeeMH:766487840694599711> [21:13:13] Using it myself since our wiki has only a few contributors [21:13:24] You use a special page to view and review the changes [21:13:37] Special:Moderation iirc [21:30:20] yes. If you have the same username on both farms, MediaWiki is smart enough to assign those contributions to your account. [21:36:12] doesn't seem to work here when I check Special:Contributions, admin of fandom wiki made miraheze account w/ the same name [21:37:31] when I check page histories the link looks like "wikia:...>..." and it works localy (links to miraheze page) [22:34:06] To my recall that extension is proprietary and specific to the farm that uses it, though I don't remember which one off top of mind. Was it wiki.gg? [22:57:14] https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/blob/master/maintenance/assignImportedEdits.php needs to be run.