[01:10:18] My wiki suddenly dissapeared? https://qualiaresearch.miraheze.org/ [01:10:51] did it get paused or deleted or something since i havent changed anything there in a month? [01:12:31] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Closed_wikis [01:12:46] @burnydelic try now [01:13:46] Thank you kind sir! ❤️‍🔥 [01:13:56] what happened? [01:14:01] Not sure [01:14:51] I think ManageWiki cache is borked [01:17:15] its miraheze transition time whats not borked [01:19:38] How do I find the localfiles.php if I'm using Miraheze as my host? [01:20:42] You mean LocalSettings.php? [01:20:46] oh yes, sorry [01:20:49] Most settings are already in ManageWiki [01:21:03] oh interesting. i must have missed it, I'll look again, thanks! [01:21:13] Looking for something in particular? [01:21:26] Well I want to change my logo to a custom logo [01:22:20] oh yes so after you upload the logo to your wiki and copy the direct image URL (starting in https://static.miraheze.org), you go to Special:ManageWiki/settings -> Styling -> Logo (and if you're using the default skin, also set Icon) [01:22:54] Oh wow, thanks so much! That's much easier than what I was googling! thanks! [02:14:32] um, no [02:14:48] 😦 [02:17:44] sorry if too direct, but i kinda liked the orange. let the others be hot pink [02:18:02] it’s fine haha [02:18:06] maybe a brighter orange? [02:18:20] yep just bustin chops [02:24:08] Sorry to bother you again. I uploaded my logo to my wiki and copied the direct URL. I clicked on the link you sent, logged in, and went to Special:ManageWiki/settings and then to Styling, but the whole Styling tab is grey including the area for the logo. What does this mean? What should I do? [02:24:34] You clicked the link I sent? [02:24:37] yes [02:24:42] so you went to Miraheze Commons Wiki? [02:24:56] just double checked, yes I did [02:25:06] That's not your wiki, is it? \:P [02:25:15] Try going to `Special:ManageWiki/settings` on your wiki [02:25:28] oh on my wiki? ok [02:30:28] it worked! Thank you so much! [02:30:41] Glad to hear that worked! [03:31:49] You’ll be amazed how this works perfectly, and thank me later how to earn up to $40k ask me how @management_8111 [05:32:48] the small polandball wiki main page is not working can you fix it? [05:34:10] the whole wiki is not working [05:34:15] please help [05:39:17] what exactly isn't working [05:39:27] we aren't telepaths [05:39:47] also link/URL of the wiki would be very helpful [05:44:35] i cant send the link [05:44:37] but it says [05:44:45] This wiki is temporarily unavailable [05:44:47] say subdomain [05:44:51] subdomain [05:44:57] What's before `miraheze.org` [05:44:59] lmao [05:46:26] small(dot)polandballwiki(dot)com [05:48:36] small.polandballwiki.com [05:49:02] You need to /auth to post links [05:50:35] Unknown database 'polcomwiki' (db131) -> polcom.miraheze.org not found [05:50:57] could be deleted? [05:52:05] from another wiki ballmedia has a link and the link to the creator can go to the wiki [05:52:30] any link can end up in 404 [05:53:10] can you confirm if the wiki was deleted? [05:53:24] https://small.polandballwiki.com/wiki/Brzeg_Powiat [05:53:32] this is a random page from it [05:53:36] it leads to it [05:53:43] only the main page is broken [05:53:47] oh, it got deleted? [05:53:51] that's quite bad [05:54:10] how can only main page get db error huh [05:54:15] idk [05:54:28] can it be fixed [05:55:18] What the heck, that by all means should be impossible for only the main page to give a DB error... [05:55:18] I'm leaving this to Agent, it's far outside of my expertise [05:55:36] Especially a DB error that says it is not found. [05:55:50] maybe something to do w/ custom domain [05:55:58] Only thing I can think of is caching. [05:56:30] how to do that [05:56:59] It's because polcomwiki served as the central image repository for a whole group of wikis [05:57:05] It does seem to be deleted though [05:57:09] now that it's been deleted, a bunch of wikis images have been wiped out [05:57:10] can it be archived [05:57:44] Oh I just realized polcomwiki is not the wiki I was on lol [05:57:59] reverse deletion/changes? [05:58:36] Scripts are supposed to wipe foreign instances when a wiki is deleted. Also there will be no backup of images if the images were actually deleted. [05:58:41] can only the wiki creator do that [05:58:56] because i only made a lot a pages for it not made it [05:59:04] and i like this wiki [06:01:46] We can fix that wiki but images from polcomwiki are likely gone. [06:01:52] ok [06:02:05] please fix atleast that one [06:03:33] I thought images stay like db's untill drop [06:03:49] no, images are deleted by the script [06:04:55] i need to go [06:05:02] please have it fixed by the morning [06:05:45] lol [06:10:14] This might not be the worst idea. [06:11:16] Could have a seperate script to do it. Deletions would process a lot faster also... but I believe DBs have been dropped now as well... [06:12:14] so the main page counter should change to 5k soon? [06:13:10] It updated now. [06:13:15] I purged cache [07:46:45] Each say that they couldn't be read [07:54:06] DM me the wiki and I'll look later [07:55:30] Okay something is broken with search console [07:55:38] Or that's not given domain wide [07:55:41] Still DM me [08:00:15] 8f 8-=km;\ [08:00:16] ]\]"? [08:00:43] sorry, I just cleaning my laptop keyboard [09:25:36] [1/2] I still have a support question open about a LUA problem. [09:25:37] [2/2] I hope someone has the time to take a look. [09:26:04] discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1195693908747878420 [09:41:38] at this rate we'll need a LUA support volunteer lol [09:42:38] have you tried to ask in MediaWiki discord? [10:30:20] No I haven't, Good Idea. But do they want to bother with a Farm Wiki? [10:31:28] they can check Lua things [10:31:43] it's MediaWiki thing after all [10:31:55] True [10:34:51] Have a link? As The search for MediaWiki gave 0 resultes 😮 [10:56:26] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1001373934874284112/1001376846216175657 [14:52:03] friendly reminder there's currently [[Requests for Comment/Meta translation reform]] [14:52:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Requests_for_Comment/Meta_translation_reform [14:52:04] [14:59:01] :ThinkerMH: [14:59:10] Gonna have to think bout this [16:08:06] there is no rotten websites wiki on Miraheze? [16:09:20] encountered another person w/ "reception wikis = miraheze" mindset [16:09:51] Hm? [16:14:35] Not these days, no. [16:15:02] But used to cause a lot of controversy when it did exist. [16:15:43] Totally tarnished whatever reputation we had. [16:17:10] No, but there's one on ShoutWiki [16:19:59] yeah ok, the person apparently slagged off Miraheze because copies of the wiki exist in Google Cache [16:21:11] I won't argue w/ them further but lol [16:23:53] <_______________________________d> curious if it would be ok to have a donate button on my wiki if it led back to the metawiki donation page [16:24:47] <_______________________________d> also, we're over 2 weeks into 2024 and there have been no major incidents yet [16:26:13] You mean like the one on the global notice? [16:26:21] <_______________________________d, replying to pixldev> no like, something on the side [16:26:46] <_______________________________d> [1/2] like here [16:26:46] <_______________________________d> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1196490671327031437/image.png?ex=65b7d1c5&is=65a55cc5&hm=4fc28a53a069a0016fc2cd12ad9703f1f809a0fb0fd081e39e401bd5ab192cb3& [16:27:30] Don’t see why no [16:29:48] That would be fine [16:35:24] Do Stewards count as global interwiki admins? [16:36:13] For context I'm updating https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Interwiki_administrators/Chart [16:36:46] They are but I wouldn't include them there [16:37:08] I guess I'll leave it as is then [16:49:25] Do we not have a single interwiki admin....? [16:49:39] I wrote that up yesterday but I guess I didn't fully realize it [16:50:06] yep, no admins [16:50:46] Well it seems like we're at a nice little crossroads [16:51:10] not that it'll matter soon [16:51:17] why? [16:51:39] abolishment [16:51:49] i assume [16:53:03] Abolishment? [16:53:29] abolishment? [16:54:21] I am speculating here [16:54:26] ask Agent [16:54:46] but speculating is way more fun [16:54:46] Yes do wait for @agentisai to speak [16:55:20] Yeah - I don't know what Agent meant, I was just throwing a guess out there based on what was said [16:55:43] My words here are not to be taken with any grain of salt [16:56:11] Stewards and GS can technically handle IW requests, but long term it'd be better to eliminate global role and devolve to local bureaucrats [16:56:50] As opposed as I was in the past to doing so, WT proved out that this can be done safely. [16:57:44] agree 100% here, I don't believe we had a single issue with IW on WT [17:00:55] the tables won't reset, won't they? [17:01:11] and Wikimedia prefixes will stay default? [17:01:13] Doubt [17:01:37] It’s likely just a retirement of the global role and an additional right to the local crat group [17:01:37] No, shuffling permissions around doesn't touch the IW tables [17:02:09] Assuming nothing catastrophically breaks ofc [17:07:59] logged out again 😩 [17:09:29] also why [[Special:RequestWikiQueue/39038]] was declined? :squint: [17:09:29] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/39038 [17:09:30] [17:55:53] File server issues ? [17:56:53] wdym? [17:58:57] Orange_Star: seems like swift issues [17:59:37] swift needs to swiftly get better [18:00:55] Swift has fell out with us [18:01:15] back in my day we'd just store uploaded files on the local filesystem, this fancy tech can't be trusted, just like DNS smh :/ [18:01:45] Orange_Star: gluster & lizard were fun [18:02:51] fax [18:02:58] even that's too fancy. Just have one mw server and store all the images on the local filesystem, ez pz lmn sqzy [18:03:11] ikr [18:03:22] like why use so many servers [18:03:33] too many points of failure [18:03:52] just have a single box [18:03:53] We could just send it via carrier pigeon [18:04:13] All you need is Maria PHP and apache [18:04:21] bam [18:04:38] Maria?!!!! Local SQLite my brother >:) [18:04:49] Amen [18:05:02] (that is actually what I have the most experienced with) [18:05:12] The rest of SRE is now aware and looking [18:05:23] even thats too fancy though [18:05:36] swiftac died again [18:05:37] save it all to a single .json [18:05:37] nice [18:05:45] slap it awake [18:06:11] pixldeb: OMG, have you patented this revolutionary tech? Who needs databases amirite? [18:06:57] window [18:06:58] yes it’s filled under fuck good practices down with producation LLC [18:07:01] oops [18:07:19] You a fellow /r/ShittySysadmin reader? [18:07:36] No but now that I know that existeds yes [18:08:35] We know the cause [18:15:49] what an orange chat [18:23:19] To all in here apologies but this may take some time to fix [18:24:52] I’ve posted a notice to socials. I suggest a discord moderator/admin post something to #announcements [18:26:39] is it just me or images aren't loading at all on miraheze rn [18:27:05] #announcements [18:28:29] announcement has been up since :15 [18:28:32] ahh okay [18:39:07] I feel like this was obvious but @miraheze/NDKilla, it is @miraheze/UserName like everyone else :p [18:39:34] I feel bad for losing macfan’s group contact request like 5 times now and still can’t find the link :ThinkerMH: [18:39:34] [1/3] a image of mine doesn't load and says: [18:39:34] [2/3] Unauthorized [18:39:34] [3/3] This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document you requested. [18:39:41] See #announcements [18:40:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Community_noticeboard#MacFan4000's_request_for_IRC_Group_Contact ? [18:41:52] thank you [18:42:10] 👍 [18:43:22] Laziest mobile edit ever lolol fuck formatting [18:43:33] Apparently Reception is still a GC [18:43:36] But MacFan4000 and @reception123 are group contacts now [18:43:42] Reception was just added [18:46:49] I find it weird that it shows my username instead of my display name but makes sense. [18:54:16] idk, maybe you had like a wikimedia cloak, or even a generic liberachat cloak [18:54:38] found out your cloak later in [[IRC/Group]] [18:54:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/IRC/Group [18:56:20] WTH is these "cloaks" people talk about on IRC even (I have used IRC in the past, though LONG ago, so I do know how it works in general, but never heard about cloaks before I joined this discord [18:57:45] On IRC, when you join, your hostmask is !@ so for example, Agent!Agent@ [18:57:57] some people don't want their IP exposed so they get a cloak [18:58:10] cloak is the part after the @ [18:58:25] and yes, I know cloaks don't technically hide your IP, blah blah blah [18:59:02] cloaks can also display your affiliation with certain groups in LiberaChat [18:59:14] for example, I have a @miraheze/OrangeStar cloak [18:59:43] so on IRC I'm actually called Orange_Star!~alex@miraheze/OrangeStar [18:59:50] So a form of nickname basically I guess? [19:01:35] not quite [19:04:35] More like part hiding your IP/part "decoration", so to speak [19:05:36] https://libera.chat/guides/cloaks < here's the explanation [19:33:23] Anyone know how I can solve "Lua error in Module:Lua_banner at line 107: attempt to index field 'edit' (a nil value)."?? [19:33:48] Link to the Lua module? [19:33:49] no luck in MW discord? [19:34:08] No one is replying there either [19:35:11] can you link the module as Orange Star asked [19:35:26] Almost every Lua based template is showing this error, even though the module that template is using is completely independend [19:36:02] Ok, can you link to where Module:Lua_banner is and an example of a template using it? [19:36:56] jwmeeting.miraheze.org/wiki/Module:Lua_banner [19:38:15] This Module is a stand alone Module. Not depending on anything else: jwmeeting.miraheze.org/wiki/Module:WOL [19:38:55] And this is the template depending on the module: jwmeeting.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:WOL [19:39:51] That module is the same as on jwiki.miraheze.org where it is not having any problems [19:55:47] Why are there 44 channels registered in the #miraheze namespace [19:55:51] Time to delete them all!!!! [19:55:57] :moonch: [19:56:09] I was planning to cleanup unused/inactive ones [19:58:24] I feel like -relay, -temp12, and -cabal aren’t needed anymore. Not sure about the others. Sadly most of them are rc feeds I think [20:09:29] Is still looking? And if so, thank you I'll wait a bit longer [20:11:18] Publish the list [20:14:31] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/1X1IPHIc/ [20:15:39] ignore the last one (different project) [20:17:30] What on earth is #miraheze-relay [20:17:59] Apparently I own temp12 [20:18:03] a channel registered by doug apparently [20:18:07] Why [20:19:18] @Orange_Star ?? [20:19:28] No ides but I did /cs claim + /cs drop [20:19:50] I killed #miraheze-temp12 [20:20:09] MacFan4000: not sure if any of ballmedia are used [20:20:20] #miraheze-Joseph I doubt it [20:20:25] i dont think the T&S channels are used either [20:20:32] OS went offline? [20:20:47] No reply since I gave the links [20:21:04] MacFan4000: id drop all of T&S & ballmedia [20:21:06] [1/2] Mmm probably because the error comes from the documentation pages instead of the templates themselves. Now this is just guessing but from what I gather all these doc pages use ``Template:Lua``, which in turn uses ``Module:Lua_banner``, and the problem with the latter is that it uses ``protectionLevels`` which, according to [2/2] /Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Title_objects>, may require the module page (``Module:WOL`` in this case) to be protected in order not to return ``nil``. (The same page on Jwiki is protected, so I assume it's why it works there) [20:21:26] -temp12 was an old feed channel from an incident [20:22:09] I'll check ... brb [20:22:10] Dropping ballmedia could kill the relay globally if it isn't removed first. I believe it is in there, the relay doesn't like to play nice in unregistered channels sometimes... [20:22:45] don't know about wikicreators-private and wikicreators-internal but they certainly shouldn't be owned by nale [20:23:35] MacFan4000: enter em and see if they are used [20:23:53] CosmicAlpha: I'm not sure anyone is actually monitoring them so maybe that can go [20:24:09] @pokeywuff [20:24:22] The thing I'm curious about is that the Scribunto documentation says "either the table values or the array items will be ``nil``" and I have no idea what determines if it's one or the other! So I guess it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't :ThinkerMH: I believe protecting the module should fix it though. [20:24:46] Hi? [20:25:01] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/master/modules/irc/templates/relaybot/config.ini.erb#L26 [20:25:14] Are you the pokey that created the ballmedia irc? Do you use any of it? [20:25:14] 3 chans relayed - all feeds [20:25:26] I am not, no I don't [20:25:32] Okay [20:25:39] It seems that my admin link is gone? I own the wiki, but the link to protect pages is gone? [20:25:42] I am a different pokey whom pokes things [20:25:46] Must be another Pokey [20:25:54] Damn pokeys! [20:26:04] Pokey: you? [20:26:16] I have Delete, Move, Purge, but Protect is gone [20:26:18] finding pokey [20:26:22] Pokey on irc & discord being different people is weird [20:26:31] you sure you loggen in? [20:26:44] random log outs sometimes happen [20:26:49] I am [20:26:50] the same pokey [20:27:08] I can be found [20:27:11] in many places [20:27:37] Just did, no changes after purging either [20:28:13] Same pokey [20:29:47] I don't know what's up with the link but you can also reach it by manually adding ``?action=protect`` at the end of the page url. [20:30:03] Just adding the "?action=protect " [20:30:10] Yeah exactly [20:30:53] Pokey: do you use ballmedia channels [20:31:11] Well irc Pokey owns some of them [20:31:21] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1196552222432034888/image.png?ex=65b80b18&is=65a59618&hm=be92e385ac969dabdd8cfc208336a72713cc08c52f2f55b6f49bcb3590f81f12& [20:31:22] Oh wait no [20:31:28] That's buffalanis [20:31:32] RhinosF1: I am the same pokey on both Discord and IRC. I do not evenknow what ballmedia is [20:31:33] Something [20:31:33] This is weird? [20:31:36] Same letter [20:31:38] 🤔 [20:31:49] Pokey: ye I just can't read [20:31:50] Buffalonas is my thing ye [20:31:53] I thought Agent had ballmedia? [20:31:55] You use it? [20:32:04] Agent has ballmedia [20:32:07] CosmicAlpha: ye I am just unable to read. My memory failed. [20:32:08] I did [20:32:17] oh lol [20:32:27] Two things close in a list began with the same letter [20:32:35] Brain tried to remember both at once and said no [20:36:14] This is weird? [20:36:18] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1196553469008560271/image.png?ex=65b80c41&is=65a59741&hm=64d9c47bc4f2868bb63f61a454b3d08e52c89dbf9d920de52c2062569d115c9c& [20:36:38] What is wrong with my wiki? [20:37:17] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1196553719542714429/image.png?ex=65b80c7d&is=65a5977d&hm=554a3227e82ea48ba33997df52553c1ff9d166aeb37e7578f84d23c317afff28& [20:46:06] Did you make an edit recently? [20:50:32] YEah I have been bussy but I never noticed it. 2 days ago I wrote on //discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1195693908747878420 the problems I had, but no replies. [20:51:03] And now I get this one above the LUA problem [20:51:25] ive got us down to 32 channels [20:53:41] :EpicFaceMH: [20:54:28] I knew it was a good idea having somebody besides me in charge of this :ThinkerMH: [20:54:46] 13 of the remaining are feeds [20:56:12] The thread just created can be deleted as well (here in General) [20:56:17] Please use /auth [20:56:38] on login wiki? [20:57:03] Type /auth, bot will DM you instructions [20:57:09] So you can type a link [20:58:00] okay [20:58:14] waiting-.... [20:59:15] Done [21:00:16] https://jwmeeting.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:WOL [21:00:22] Yess!! [21:00:36] Thanks for that [21:01:53] Repost this link [21:02:21] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1195693908747878420 [21:02:32] Ah 🙂 [21:03:20] I'm such a noob. I know Wiki codes, But this is a whole new level 😄 [21:04:00] Most of us are. Many wiki creators joined since October. [21:05:10] [1/2] Guys, the image display inconvenience seems to have gone, but the pictures still doesn't load properly. [21:05:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1196560735086596126/image.png?ex=65b81306&is=65a59e06&hm=6652b42a193df43427bc3e4f8f7cab211cf2cb8bd09635ef96fdb2c4519ff68a& [21:05:22] #announcements [21:05:35] I'm not touching Lua [21:05:37] I guess they are slowly getting back [21:05:42] or it's cache [21:05:46] swift crashed again... [21:05:48] I've been on and off on Wikipedia since 2004 and Most of it I know from article writing and messing in templates. but the last few years I was inactive. Now I start up and LUA is really everywhere now 😄 [21:05:56] Some things might be cached or from Wikimedia commons [21:06:41] Oh, i get it now. Thanks Legroom. [21:06:48] The lua problem should be fixable, now it's more a problem of pages being non-protectable :ThinkerMH: [21:07:06] I wouldn't either, I just copy/pasta ... This Module https://jwmeeting.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:WOL I wrote with the help from ChatGPT. Took me a day 😄 [21:07:38] That looks like the interface message got screwed up [21:07:56] If it started after you changed the config for the drop down, change it back [21:08:15] I despise Lua. So complicated, and the tutorials are very scarce, and not helpful. [21:08:34] [1/2] (Otherwise an alternate solution which doesn't involve protecting (but that means the protecting issue wouldn't be solved so I don't know how good that is haha) could be:) [21:08:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1196561592138072094/image.png?ex=65b813d2&is=65a59ed2&hm=3329d9bb41989a5ad07993ec95fa46e86fcdea91b41fda246824149914e8db1c& [21:08:50] Ironic since lua is said to be one of the easiest languages [21:09:56] By who? [21:10:31] thats just what I hear, no one specific person i can recall [21:11:08] roblox is lua based, as I heard, so it's easy to mode [21:11:16] [1/2] when I click on a picture in the wiki to get an 'static' version, it appears this window with a giant size: [21:11:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1196562268058550333/image.png?ex=65b81473&is=65a59f73&hm=d1d7197fc31e6984c16b620839def986548d342d5a2efb80f563df0dc8ae44e9& [21:11:26] Oh that's pretty neat [21:11:32] first time I've heard of lua was when I was digging tru 3D Worms games [21:11:38] I initially thought that module grabbed info off the online library as well lol [21:11:51] Hack’n’Slash is too and it’s literally a game about changing the game’s programming to win [21:11:53] That warning should be more stylized. [21:12:22] iirc it's hard to modify Swift's error messages [21:12:32] that's why they're not in the standard Miraheze error page style [21:13:02] I got scared when the message poped up with giant letters. [21:13:22] Okay, so the Protection problem is gone [21:14:08] agent, you need to make new role, for Lua support lol [21:14:40] And the LUA prblem is gone now as well [21:14:58] Honestly, we should make a “Support Volunteer” role thats colorless and a collection of non hoisted roles with color [21:15:00] Thanks for that [21:15:01] that role is probably going to be empty lol [21:15:10] so all the support guys show on the sidebar the same [21:15:17] and the color tells you what they do [21:15:38] yeah, there's like only 3 users ok w/ Lua and they [robably won't want to get pinged like CSS/JS folks lol [21:15:59] Though i dont see then pinged much [21:16:09] and no one has pinged MWTSV [21:16:27] that's because it's new [21:16:31] true [21:17:11] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1195693908747878420 and https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1196558178960289934 can be archived. As it is solved. Thanks all [21:17:32] you can react w/ :DoneMH: on them or close by yourself [21:17:42] Can I? [21:17:55] Looking... [21:18:34] I def can't close them [21:18:36] "Close post" right? [21:19:11] prob [21:19:45] maybe support volunteers should be given thread mod perms to close them🤷 or not [21:20:01] That's a smart idea [21:21:14] If we had a discord suggestion channel id put it there [21:21:35] Yeah, they're gone now from my list. Thanks @theoneandonlylegroom [21:27:15] aw man, I need to have 2fa .... [21:27:35] hm? [21:27:52] seems like you and me are mods now lol [21:28:08] keyword seems [21:28:29] o-o huh [21:28:31] Now I realize, I originally got an error at line 112, but you only fixed the one at line 107 and somehow that other error is gone too :P I guess the non-protectable page problem really was the cause of everything after all. [21:30:07] aight imma go sleep [21:31:09] night legroom [21:32:15] [1/2] Yeah, it was. It was a genius guess! [21:32:15] [2/2] Agent replied to the same thing when I posted the Support post on missing the Protection link. [21:32:30] Thanks @theoneandonlylegroom sleep well [21:33:17] (So I guess that may answer my question - the array items are nil if the page isn't protected, the table values are nil if the page isn't protectable. The more you know!) [21:33:40] Yup. we keep learning [21:34:02] There should be a MediaWiki page for all these errors 😄 [21:34:23] I believe there is [21:34:25] Maybe [21:34:28] Things from experience and not just theories [21:34:28] On mediawiki.org [21:35:14] Not as far as I know. Only separate threads on a specific issue as far as I am aware [21:35:35] And Google wasn't able to give an answer or link to it either [22:21:28] yall your website is broken [22:21:54] hm? [22:22:03] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1194753759411183767 Earlier today I uploaded a new image as logo for my wiki, but it's still not showing. [22:22:36] photos aint showing [22:22:37] #announcements [22:22:44] #announcements [22:22:46] Known issue, see #announcements [22:23:34] when it gonna be fixed? [22:23:56] When our tech team is able to fix it...? [22:24:08] There is no current timeline. [22:24:11] Okay... Thought as the issue arrose on January 10th I hoped it was unrelated [22:24:37] Anything with images hosted on miraheze is down at moment [22:24:44] ah okay [22:25:27] And as @bwm0 said, how long is a piece of string if you want to know when the servers will be fixed. [22:25:43] The cause is known and efforts are ongoing [22:26:14] Yup [23:31:45] can anyone fix Bedrockiumball? [23:34:38] I'm talking about the page.