[00:14:53] [1/2] do overwrites apply only to one's wiki or to all of miraheze? [00:14:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1219801301085323335/Screenshot_20240319-211414-508.png?ex=660c9f7c&is=65fa2a7c&hm=97774c61bd3fb1d827c10ea3ed22c4a7bf94c6f4b06e11719ad783f5f141ff72& [00:17:43] one wiki [00:17:56] but that image is actually on Wikimedia Commons [00:20:16] ah okay [00:22:08] [1/2] wait, i thought fair use was never going to apply to miraheze [00:22:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1219803125393657927/Screenshot_20240319-212130-185.png?ex=660ca12f&is=65fa2c2f&hm=65b4f07e87813fab2bc8f8bb6c80441c868d8d27a6142cf7be1e95c46a719faa& [00:26:47] Miraheze moved from the UK to the US so it applies now [00:32:18] so does miraheze now allow fanfiction wikis? when it was still subject to fair dealing these weren't allowed and I've been wanting to host one in the website for a while [00:32:45] There was an RfC to ban fanfiction wikis and it failed [00:32:53] rfc? [00:33:01] Request for Comment [00:33:04] ahh [00:33:09] Fanfiction is allowed as long as you comply with other policies [00:33:25] No sexualization of minors, no copyright infringement, clearly mark NSFW, etc. [00:33:32] got it got it [00:34:39] no copyright infringement means crediting the creator of the media your fanfic is based on right? [00:34:49] includes i mean [00:35:03] Crediting them doesn't make it legal per se but fanworks can be legal [00:35:25] I'd suggest checking out the information from the Organization for Transformative Works [00:35:45] do you have a link for that [00:36:46] https://www.transformativeworks.org/ they have a page somewhere (forgot where) about the legality of fanworks [00:38:01] https://www.transformativeworks.org/april-membership-drive-defending-legality-fanworks/ this? [00:38:12] too tired to check sorry [00:38:20] I'm probably going to fall asleep in a second [00:38:57] ah okay [00:39:31] well what matters is i can now request a wiki for my fanfic in miraheze [00:39:54] realistically with attribution especially regarding assets and a generally cautious attitude it should be fine [00:40:18] may want to bake in confirmations you've read the content policy and have looked into the copyright aspect somewhat to avoid delays [00:40:41] [1/2] To be clear attribution doesn't make it legal per se but it's always a best practice [00:40:41] [2/2] People are less likely to complain about copying if you give them credit + it's the right thing to do anyway [00:45:39] [1/2] i looked into the content policy and does this apply to fanfiction? [00:45:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1219809043493818539/Screenshot_20240319-214451-986.png?ex=660ca6b2&is=65fa31b2&hm=d8d9b6267cd404616585a7588f87d42ac80b33dd5f3162a603b6a50d42242bd7& [00:48:04] Hellooo small question, how private is the email attached to a phab account, who can see it exactly? OAuth only mentions that it needs the information but doesn't specify the extent of what it does with it. [00:52:22] That depends on whether it violates any copyright laws; generally, if it falls under fair use or is considered a separate work it should be fine [00:52:46] The OAuth app is owner by SRE [00:53:03] So only site engineers who can already see your email anyways have access [00:53:37] Good image [00:56:23] Oh yeah but what about Phabricator? I just want to make sure the email isn't more visible on it than on Mira haha. [00:56:55] Or I guess no longer phabricator I'm still not used to the change lol. [00:56:57] Our instance of Phabricator/Phorge is hosted on our own servers [00:57:13] We still call it Phab a lot anyways lol [00:57:28] So the devs of Phab don’t see it [00:57:43] Your email is just as private as it was when you signed up for Miraheze [00:57:44] Phab is such a convenient word too. [00:59:19] Phorge is also short [01:06:38] Issue tracker = IT [01:07:29] `not too harshly imho [01:09:45] i love IT [01:13:50] [1/2] ultimately we still host quite a bit of it and while the absolute legality can be murky and rights holders could very well request a takedown if they wished, I've never actually seen that happen and there's nothing to explicitly disallow fanfic. You could contact Trust and Safety headed by @serverlessharej for a more official opinion as that's where any issue of [01:13:50] [2/2] that sort would go through. [01:13:54] Ah alright [01:14:12] Wait lemme read [01:15:58] That sounds fine to me [01:16:03] Okay, good [01:16:24] I did make a small change in the wording that I think improved that. [01:17:08] Should "Miraheze" be changed to the WikiTide Foundation? [01:17:45] mmmm [01:17:48] nah imo [01:18:12] I mean't for the last sentance in the ss [01:18:18] R u sure? [01:19:25] It don't seem like a legal action. more a site one [01:19:34] The thing is "Miraheze" is and will still be the branding of the service for a LONG time, if not forever, even if "WikiTide Foundation" is the legal owner now. So anything that is not legal stuff should stick to "Miraheze" in the working [01:20:03] where it says Miraheze Limited replace with WikiTide Foundation [01:20:04] else [01:20:06] eh depend [01:20:24] okay [01:20:35] ig it doesn't really matter a lot [01:21:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Weedman interesting username [01:47:32] I agree WikiTide Foundation might be the legal entity, but miraheze is the brand. [01:47:47] and i'd really rather not change. [01:50:19] [1/2] weedman seems focused on the -ball wiki category. [01:50:19] [2/2] just an observation [01:52:30] @serverlessharej is that your account lol [01:52:39] I'm Harej [01:55:48] Nothing is set in stone until the end of time of course, so I'd caution against any 'forever' statements, but the general gist of the message is correct. [01:57:04] Hence why I prefaced that part with "if not" meaning there is a chance, but it is not certain [01:57:15] Got it [01:57:25] Yeah then it's all fine, just wanted to clarify that 🙂 [02:06:31] uh huh [02:06:32] or [02:06:33] are you [02:06:50] Jerah [02:06:52] I'm also "Harej (Miraheze)" [02:06:57] (this is what happens when i dont get sleep) [02:07:29] oh yea [02:07:31] anyways [02:07:35] I sleep down [02:07:40] cyall [02:07:49] haha I know that feeling, I also tend to get a pretty weird when I am really tired xD [03:02:40] Is there a way to install MediaWiki like an executable on my PC? Probably not huh [03:03:02] I just want to test skins and editing in one locally (not a local server) [03:04:16] Not really, to my understanding. You'll essentially need to set up a virtual server - it's a project I also need to get around to one of these days [03:27:14] In all honesty I too should probably set one up, but am on a Mac and keep getting some stupid error message on Terminal so it’s a nice process currently [04:05:02] <.labster> Okay, I just lost 4 hours to the fact that empty strings are true values in Lua 😡 [04:06:19] Sounds like a very boring 4 hours :p [04:06:57] <.labster> Debugging is like that sometimes [04:07:07] Yup, for sure [04:13:23] Lua, why are you like that [06:08:34] Why, why lua [06:22:12] Is there a page that lists any page in a specific namespace? [06:24:13] Special:AllPages [06:24:31] [1/2] just change the namespace dropdown [06:24:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1219894324880343101/image.png?ex=660cf61f&is=65fa811f&hm=05f75ee38bb3a8fddc696aaacd011c14a3d78a263a9aa16ac22df397878296e1& [06:27:47] Is there a way to link to a page with a name space already selected? [06:28:39] wdym a page [06:28:43] if by the allpages list yes [06:29:01] Just go to it and use the dropdown then send the url that it will go to with the namespace in the query parameters [06:31:06] You can modify the URL to do taht [06:31:28] Yeah lol in lua anything not false is true. Only two values actually represent false, `false` and `nil`. Anything else, including `0` or `''` will be true. [06:31:31] E.g. https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=2 [06:32:01] I hate this so, so much. [06:32:26] As do I lol [06:32:56] in old tymey mapspeak Avast, here lies false positives [06:33:19] Yeah that's what I mean [06:33:45] I think what their question was is how do i make a hyperlink to a prefiltered search [06:34:11] [1/3] I guess this is their reasoning >>> 0? Because Lua isn't C. It makes sense for C to treat 0 as falsey, because (void*)0 is Cs way of expressing a nil-value, as well as not having a dedicated boolean value to keep the language simpler. [06:34:12] [2/3] Lua, both has a dedicated nil value and a boolean type, so there's no reason whatsoever to treat zero as falsey, other than the C cargocult. [06:34:12] [3/3] As for empty strings, I really don't see the rationale behind it. An empty string is not nothing. At the very least, it still holds the length-data of 0, so it's conceptually more than just nil and should thus still be truthy. [06:34:46] Yeah, but you'll get plenty of oopses on bad attempts at string comparison [06:36:11] Oh I see [06:38:24] could be wrong, 🤷 [06:38:39] Lua is just a confusing language lol [06:38:52] I don't like it [06:39:15] I'm also very mentally tired and bad at comprehending things rn [06:40:13] [1/2] How do I get those nice borders on my templates? [06:40:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1219898272219402260/IMG_7290.png?ex=660cf9cc&is=65fa84cc&hm=472bce1aed4886b34ff63551f45a815b431c4734394aa8865b7d401fed19252a& [06:44:37] everything on visual part of template coding is HTML/CSS [06:53:06] I see… [06:53:18] Where can I find that CSS on other wikis so I can copy it? [06:55:08] it's not always on Common.css, it can be inline (right in the template) or w/ TemplateStyles subpages [06:55:25] look at example's source code [06:55:36] see if there are dependencies [06:57:42] What do you mean by nice border ? [07:15:10] I was also asking the same question yesterday, i wanted to make use of these nice tip boxes on my wiki. [07:16:18] Like if I make software documentation those boxes can be used as a warning tip, a fatal warning tip and an informational tip, they look really nice [07:27:46] [1/2] simplest example [07:27:47] [2/2] `
'''This is a warning'''
Something to warn about./div` [07:28:29] it's basic HTML+ CSS w/ a bit of wiki markup (bold header) [07:29:07] I suggest to learn it, it's always handy for any wiki admin [07:29:57] a lot of free tutorials online, like Mozilla Foundation or w3c school [07:30:55] start w/ simple stuff, smaller steps [07:31:24] then you'll be able to build more complicated stuff or understand such on other wikis, like Pizza Tower Wiki [07:32:36] speaking of [07:33:33] there's JS too, it's a pretty radical change of Timeless layout to resemble old Vector [07:36:11] [1/2] again - I suggest to look for simpler examples and start learning from basics [07:36:11] [2/2] I'm very proud of how my modest old Vector mods evolved into what SKL has done w/ Timeless, it's freaking amazing but it's really hard to comprehend if you have no knowledge at the beginning [07:50:14] <.labster, replying to cosmicalpha> [1/2] I absolutely understand the design choice in Lua, to always return true if a variable has a value. `""` is definitely a value of string, and `0` is a value of integer. And `false` is a value of boolean... but that wouldn't be useful for anyone. It would almost be more honest if the two boolean values were `true` and `nil`. [07:50:14] <.labster, replying to cosmicalpha> [2/2] Also this language sucks and you need libraries to do basic things. [07:52:01] Yep it makes sense I just don't like it. [07:55:36] I only ever seen Lua for Minetest mods, and I part understand such Lua [07:56:11] <.labster> I would do everything in Perl or Raku if I can, PHP is a close second. SQL is pretty good too (except for trailing commas,), SPARQL is not too bad, but has some wonky design choices. [07:56:23] Python? [07:56:45] <.labster> Nah, Python is a good language but doesn't fit my mental model for programming. [07:58:21] <.labster> Of course I'm old enough to have used FORTRAN, but I've mostly forgotten it. [08:04:36] I like Perl, C, C#, Python, Java, and PHP the best, and yeah SQL also. [08:07:13] I don't strongly like or dislike any language but while I understand the utility of Python the syntax just feels strange tot me [08:07:33] I'm used to languages like JS, C, C#, PHP, etc. so Python just feels odd [08:07:51] It definitely is when coming from other languages, the whole spaces thing always gets me [08:07:55] Yea [08:08:13] I always try to code it like either C# or PHP lol [08:08:45] Lol [08:09:09] but I do like Python overall it is fun. It was actually the very first language I knew but then I used C# and PHP more so it kinda overtook it and started confusing me lol [08:09:32] I started with web development, not sure why, it just was the first thing I learned and was pretty interesting [08:10:36] oh yeah that was one of my earlier stuff also. [08:13:22] <.labster> Yeah, I started with HTML, making imagemaps back in the days of yore [08:15:20] HTML is fun, it might have been my first also actually I just never counted it, as I hardly use it anymore. But it is an easy language. [08:19:18] <.labster> Well, I now have a template which invokes a module which queries wikidata, all of which drops a pre-populated infobox into a wiki page. That only took a week from knowing nothing about wikidata. [08:40:00] Imagine liking Python over Lua smh [09:08:19] [1/2] Can you put it in DEV 😄 [09:08:19] [2/2] I'm absolutely going nowhere. LUA is difficult to understand 😛 [09:09:28] <.labster> I can, but it’s kinda custom for one wiki. It would be like example code. [09:11:32] Yeah I get that. That would lead to more questions I guess [09:12:22] <.labster> Currently at https://kanrikyara.miraheze.org/wiki/Module:Geninfobox [09:14:37] 😮 Yeah. I wood flood you with questions 😄 [09:14:58] Amazing [09:15:58] [1/23] ```local wantedProps = { [09:15:59] [2/23] book = "wdt:P18 wdt:P50 wdt:P136 wdt:P154 wdt:P155 wdt:P156 wdt:P577 " .. [09:15:59] [3/23] "wdt:953 wdt:P8345 wdt:P11994 wdt:P4073 wdt:P8419", [09:15:59] [4/23] } [09:16:00] [5/23] local propertyLabels = { [09:16:00] [6/23] title = "title", [09:16:00] [7/23] -- can't figure out how to fetch one language on this specific attribute, skipping [09:16:00] [8/23] -- ["original title"] = "P1476", [09:16:01] [9/23] ["logo image"] = "P154", [09:16:01] [10/23] image = "P18", [09:16:01] [11/23] author = "P50", [09:16:02] [12/23] genre = "P136", [09:16:02] [13/23] franchise = "P8345", [09:16:03] [14/23] ["preceded by"] = "P155", [09:16:03] [15/23] ["followed by"] = "P156", [09:16:04] [16/23] ["publication date"] = "P577", [09:16:04] [17/23] ["source url"] = "P953", [09:16:05] [18/23] ["wikis.gg id"] = "P11994", [09:16:05] [19/23] ["fandom id"] = "P4073", [09:16:06] [20/23] ["ao3 tag"] = "P8419", [09:16:06] [21/23] } [09:16:07] [22/23] ``` [09:16:07] [23/23] This part I get, but then... 😮 [09:23:51] <.labster> [1/5] ```local exists_arg = function(arg) [09:23:51] <.labster> [2/5] return arg and arg ~= '' [09:23:52] <.labster> [3/5] end [09:23:52] <.labster> [4/5] ``` [09:23:52] <.labster> [5/5] that's just me hating how empty strings are true [09:32:34] 0+0=0 [09:56:58] I've had 3 clicks from "iframe-toloka.com" and when I have googled it they say ita a Russian bot farm that floods a site. Is this something I need to be concerned about on my end? [09:57:45] 3 clicks? You mean referrals (from Special:Analytics)? [09:58:14] I assume its clicks, but its showing up in the website tab in MotomoAnalytics [09:59:01] https://totaltennis.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Analytics#mw-section-website [09:59:51] I'm aware Miraheze/Wikitide have had issues with DDoS and stuff of this nature, which is the only reason I pass it along. [10:01:46] Hey all. I'm the bureaucrat of the The Mana World wiki, which you kindly approved a few weeks ago. Now, I've made sure the others on the team are fine with moving over and I'd like to request our current wiki to be imported. [10:02:49] I noticed the RequestImport page mentions an XML file to upload, but I could not find a quick way to export our current install to XML. It wants me to mention each page by hand. Hence, I wondered if an import based on an SQL dump could be done instead? [10:03:04] hey [10:03:26] if you're able to get a SQL dump, you should be able to run maintainance scripts, right? [10:03:38] you can get a full XML dump using dumpBackup.php [10:03:53] Yes, we're currently hosting the MediaWiki ourselves. [10:04:22] Alright, I'll ask an admin. Are there any parameters to keep in mind? [10:04:34] then please use that script, docs are at [[mediawiki:Manual:DumpBackup.php]] [10:04:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/mediawiki:Manual:DumpBackup.php [10:04:56] oops [10:05:23] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:DumpBackup.php [10:05:50] And what do you need, to also import the images? [10:06:00] thorbjorn: yes, you should use --full to make a full export of your wiki, other than that please view that page [10:06:34] as for the images, that is a more manual process for now, you'll have to request that at [[Phorge]] once you have a backup of the images [10:06:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [10:08:13] Alright, and I see edit logs and deleted revisions will not be imported, which is a bit unfortunate, but maybe we can miss them. [10:13:29] history of pages should be imported? [10:13:55] you mean SQL doesn't do that? [10:14:06] it's not that it doesn't do that [10:14:30] it's that we don't support SQL dumps [10:14:36] ah [10:14:47] maybe try a scraper? [10:14:51] It does appear to include page history, just not the edit logs? [10:15:04] my bad [10:15:05] it does include page history, yyes [10:16:10] I think we can proceed without edit logs for now. Thanks for your help, Orange_Star! [10:16:19] np [10:24:08] Hello it's me again. I changed the page title but it does not show up on the page. May I know the reason of it and how to get it fixed? [10:25:21] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1219954928651604028/image.png?ex=660d2e90&is=65fab990&hm=2d57b39e39104f74bbf4054c187b2b587a7c56ea88b57fe7b62098b4e9b75d51& [10:25:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1219954928898801675/image.png?ex=660d2e90&is=65fab990&hm=86f41f65ed462e46afd7d160a1c71496642a86a02bb25206048d725ac725f82e& [10:28:27] The link to `dumpImages.php` is broken at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Moving_a_wiki_to_Miraheze#Exporting_images_via_maintenance_scripts [10:33:18] try https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:DumpUploads.php [10:33:25] thorbjorn: ^ [10:35:10] Sounds good, thanks! [10:35:25] also, instead of tar please just zip them instead if you can [10:35:40] Alright, I'll make a note. [10:35:41] IRC messages are confusing I don't know who did you reply to.😂 [10:35:59] Anyone who can answer my question? Thanks. [10:41:09] li.ao: Are you sure $wgRestrictDisplayTitle = false; is set for your wiki install? Otherwise you can only make minor adjustments to the title with {{DISPLAYTITLE:...}}. [10:41:09] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/DISPLAYTITLE:Template:... [10:41:43] Thanks for the information, I'll check then. [10:42:13] May I know where is the special page which controls this setting? [10:42:38] should be on Special:ManageWiki/settings [10:42:51] Thank you. [10:49:31] There are many namespace categories. May I know which category does this belong to? [10:50:26] type in internal search bar "display", something should show up [10:51:57] on a related note @ sre, should someone create a phorge task to change default displaytitle settings? far not the first time current set up confuses users [10:56:43] I'm on the Special:ManageWiki/namespaces/0 page, and there isn't any options shown up typing "display" in the seach bar [10:56:48] *search [10:57:14] You should go to Special:ManageWiki/settings, not namespaces. [10:58:09] There's still no options under this page. [10:59:15] man [10:59:31] I just clicked on the link for entry and found this setting, thanks for help. [10:59:35] [1/2] I see it... [10:59:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1219963546037911572/image.png?ex=660d3697&is=65fac197&hm=d1d3034df438c719210bc4bff11ab0450ebf6eca06b8174a26d210c2bd8f5074& [11:00:05] (and that second option needs to be turned off, to be clear) [11:00:29] Thanks I just found that setting. [11:04:28] And I just changed again the display title the setting propagated onto the page, thank you for the help. [11:04:47] Thank you. [11:04:51] You're welcome. :) [12:46:58] Hmm, we've created a dump, but it does appear to include revision logs as well, under the tags. Or maybe that wasn't meant? Or is this information in there, but not imported? [12:50:00] this is imported and is meant to be there is you make the dump with --full [12:50:08] *is -> if [13:14:17] bluemoon0332: Yeah, the docs said "DumpBackup.php does not create a full backup of the wiki database, the dump does not contain user accounts, images, edit logs, deleted revisions, etc.", and I expected "edit logs" to refer to these comments. Maybe it's something else, and then I don't think we'll miss it. [13:24:41] {{DISPLAYTITLE}} only formats the text of the title, like putting all or part in italics. To rename the page, you have to move it. (Should be a drop-down option by the edit tab) [13:24:41] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:DISPLAYTITLE [13:24:42] [13:29:02] it might be different in other languages, in Russian it's actually "rename" [13:29:32] but the option must be near "Delete" [14:01:52] I use it to override showing the new name of pages instead of changing the original name, because I don't want to name pages in the way to keep same as the title. [14:14:44] So, by default it can only do that, but if you set `$wgRestrictDisplayTitle = false`, then you can use it to display an entirely different title as well. [16:33:44] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1220047639001956404/here_is_allaze.jpg?ex=660d84e8&is=65fb0fe8&hm=230efe6425d50644a075363cb660c57b03ec10192a8d4fcce01b60e86e2a3598& [16:34:05] joke aside, any of you know how to use that logo extension? [16:34:34] ping me for the logo thing [16:34:49] Good afternoon. [16:35:15] Does anybody knows wher do I find the Discord post I put the pin of "following"? [16:59:52] could you rephrase, I don't get the quesiton [18:35:56] Ok. [18:36:29] You mean posts you follow in a forum? [18:36:31] When I like a post in the Support channel, I pin them to follow it. [18:37:10] After enough time you’re automatically unfollowed [18:37:32] [1/2] I click on here, so I can check back in the future. [18:37:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1220078788050813069/image.png?ex=660da1eb&is=65fb2ceb&hm=45d83f4a9d7aef924c5c5f150f573a46ef71700146ca0f47831f658d50885cdf& [18:38:03] but seems there's no a place where to look for the post I have been marking long ago. [18:39:43] [1/2] what following actually does is add it to the list here [18:39:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1220079340180738311/image.png?ex=660da26e&is=65fb2d6e&hm=f6a37cf66049b7ca99414aab04d6a14e0cd8560eeff857979611c0eb7be071eb& [18:40:08] there's no other view as far as I know [18:40:56] Yeah [18:42:44] [1/2] Yeah, but mine after a few days, they disappear, unless is not a post made from myself. [18:42:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1220080098703708201/image.png?ex=660da323&is=65fb2e23&hm=faf5571c5eeacf5136d24a3e941ca0c5ad8354ba5760dceec149effe64d4db6b& [18:43:47] There was a post which many were taughting a user to apply fonts in their wiki. (H1, H2... H5, normal text, italics, bold, etc.) [18:43:53] Now I'm lost. [18:47:17] I believe unfollows are automatic when threads are archived, which by default are somewhere between 3 days and a week [18:47:33] since last post [18:57:21] oh. [18:57:41] Now I need help to how to implement the fonts I installed on my wiki. [19:36:58] I’m still waiting for an answer about logo extension [19:48:06] what's logo extension? [20:07:27] Help in Support can take time, bc of the staff's knowledge, time availability and if they're resolving another issue. Be patient 🙂 [20:08:42] Understandable, thought, that was 5 hours ago XD [20:09:03] I’ve also never used it [20:09:13] I first checked the official page of logo extension but didn’t explained how to use it [20:09:31] link it please [20:09:40] One moment [20:09:45] I'm hearing about it for the first time [20:09:52] but I'm also heading out [20:21:30] what the... i apparently lost my authoficator... [20:23:04] LogoFunctions, I presume [20:24:32] got locked out... [20:24:56] 2FA? [20:24:59] can someone disable that two-factor thing? [20:25:00] yup [20:25:08] no idea HOW this happened... [20:25:11] Oh boy um [20:25:22] but before doing that [20:25:29] You need to contact SRE via email about that [20:25:40] i'm checking my email [20:26:07] @reception123 what’s the level of proof needed for SRE to disable 2FA again? [20:26:29] Guess it’s not in my email… [20:27:43] My recovery codes aren’t working and had no idea how this happened [20:28:09] Hm [20:28:15] I will try again [20:28:16] Is it your 2FA app that poofed or is Miraheze not accepting it [20:28:51] It depends on the situation, but the best would be if you mentioned an account somewhere else and you can say something from there [20:28:58] though also email access to the registered email [20:29:01] Practically impossibly high [20:29:05] The 2fa on my google authotificator lost the thing for my wiki [20:29:09] Email access is not enough [20:29:28] And that is the weird thing [20:29:39] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Reset_lost_credentials [20:29:51] If you’re recovery codes are also borked that’s very weird [20:29:58] Ok thx, i will do that asap [20:30:24] where do i go to talk to a mod about being abused by a user [20:30:36] On discord or on wiki? [20:30:40] wiki [20:30:45] Can you give a tad more context [20:30:59] a person leads a group about doxing, swatting, harassing [20:31:08] i sent emails but they lead to nowhere [20:31:18] that's why I said _also_ [20:31:20] @justafurrysamantha who did you email [20:31:33] am i allowed to post the emails here or would i get in trouble? [20:31:47] if you sent the emails then yes, but please DM me [20:31:49] If you tell us who you emailed, we'll have them check [20:32:20] I'm extremely concerned to hear about doxxing and swatting [20:32:40] I should probably add a hash identify to my account.. hmm [20:32:40] it is all the emails listed on the report site [20:32:49] How long ago [20:33:08] Do you know what the subject was? [20:33:27] [1/4] [2/4] Alex ​ [3/4] ts [20:33:28] [4/4] stewards [20:33:36] i deleted the email part to be safe [20:33:50] Bruh, the link you gave me only reset the PASSWORD not the 2FA thing… [20:34:25] Substitute password for 2FA [20:34:28] Same rules [20:34:44] We don't do it outside of exceptional circumstances [20:36:39] @justafurrysamantha: I've been advised that have previously had contact from someone. There's nothing more we can do in here unless you didn't receive that. [20:37:04] I’m still confused about the recovery codes [20:37:16] I will try again with the recovery code and see if it works [20:37:55] @rhinosf1 aren’t Miraheze servers the ones that authorize the codes? If they don’t work wouldn’t that be a issue on our end? Unless I misunderstand [20:38:13] Yes [20:38:14] Very [20:38:41] It's highly unlikely to be an issue on our end [20:38:56] Oh very to misunderstand [20:39:18] I'm 99.999% sure it's not our fault [20:39:19] Note to self read up on MFA [20:39:43] If central Auth has taught me anything it’s that any bullshit is possible [20:39:59] 2FA isn't CentralAuth [20:40:30] True(was for comedy) i don’t understand the subject so if you say it’s unlikely I’ll go with that [20:40:55] i had emails but nothing good is happening and the doxers and swatters are winning [20:42:31] Have you received a DM from someone? [20:42:48] . [20:42:55] DM rec if you haven’t [20:43:11] I am sorry to hear that you've experienced abuse. We do hold a fairly high standard of proof for any action but I'm sure they'd be happy to work with you. [20:43:15] I gave up [20:43:15] [1/2] yes reception [20:43:16] [2/2] b [20:43:17] (Why do we get CA bugging out, doxing and a 2FA failure in the same day) [20:43:19] but i have to dm another person [20:43:35] I will try tomorrow [20:43:47] Given the mention of swatting, I encourage submitting a police report. [20:46:41] If it’s on wiki like they said proof is likely not much of an issue considering everything is recorded in a link [20:47:14] Let's not [20:49:51] the main problem is the guy doing it is located in the u.k while we are in u.s [20:50:11] online trolls are the worst [20:50:23] We can engage with UK police [20:50:25] they have so much power to hide while doing evil things such as that [20:50:34] UK Police are pretty good at dealing with online crime [20:50:40] At least Notts Police are [20:50:53] Do you know what region they are located in? [20:51:02] but we don't know where he lives or his name because they can never get a number from the swat calls or it is a throwaway [20:51:30] i know he is in england in the uk part [20:52:11] @justafurrysamantha are US police involved ? [20:53:08] And also, a county would be good? [20:55:14] from a friend he said he is working with the police involving the swatting [20:55:30] atm he is moving to another state for safety reasons [20:55:49] but he is in contact with his city's police regarding it [20:55:55] @justafurrysamantha do we know if any referral has been made to UK police [20:56:12] If you know the force, I can get you contact details [20:57:49] no we have not because we don't know where to look on where or what part of england he is from [20:58:03] but i am messaging my friend that we have to get them involved [20:58:13] so i am telling them everything you are saying [20:58:50] @serverlessharej: is this something we can raise through Notts ? [20:59:13] At least see if a UK force can make outreach [21:06:12] @justafurrysamantha can you please DM me some contact details and a real life name that I can forward to police? [21:06:47] im trying to dm him atm to let him know about this [21:07:22] because we live in different timezones and not sure what he is doing now [21:07:26] It's ok [21:07:44] i don't have his cell because he got rid of the number [21:08:01] Ideally a cell would be good but email is acceptable [21:08:26] i will tell him to message me his email [21:08:28] I'm going to talk to our Trust & Safety team and see if we can outreach to some of our local cyber crime team in the UK [21:08:58] Police normally prefer to talk but we can email if needed [21:09:56] ok I will try to get him to send me the email so i can forward it to you in dm [21:10:03] I will let you know when he replies [21:10:10] Ok [21:10:23] i wish the u.s had a cyber crimes team [21:10:37] this is why the u.k leads the world in stuff we need to fight trolls [21:10:51] I can't say it'll be successful [21:10:56] But I can at least try [21:11:05] anything is worth a try [21:11:24] well maybe not everything per say but this situation yes [21:11:29] Isn't that what the FBI is for though? They do fit in that category. [21:11:41] It would normally be FBI in the US ye [21:11:45] they don't do that stuff sadly [21:11:52] But it's a bit shit [21:11:55] i feel movies made them look cool and stuff [21:11:58] Oh. [21:12:06] but irl they are like "this isn't important atm" [21:12:14] This [21:12:28] Whereas the UK at least gives you the time of day [21:12:50] because the uk cared about it's citizens while here in america not so much [21:13:09] oh well i messaged him everything [21:13:14] i will let you know when he messages back [21:13:43] atm im trying to message serverharej but i think harej might be busy [21:14:27] harej is a member of T&S, they were included in the emails according to you so chances are he already knows about this [21:14:35] it is ok i understand [21:14:47] so far i being helped a lot with pages being removed and stuff [21:14:51] so it is positive work so far [21:16:10] I've sent a message to Harej to see if we can consider doing anything [21:29:39] If this is a swatting case (too tired to read the full convo) that's not trolling that's just being a terrible person [21:30:10] Trolling is when you bait and annoy people for your amusement, like saying deliberately inflammatory and very unpopular things that you don't believe to get a reaction [21:30:12] the problem is they are mentally ill, they think it is trolling but it is not [21:30:26] Yeah people have died from swatting [21:30:40] no normal person thinks that is trolling but they are mentally ill and horrible people [21:31:51] @bluemoon0332 I, jph and rodejong all got signed out upon visiting a newly created coordination wiki for wiki creators [21:32:03] bruh [21:32:09] that actually happened to me as well recently [21:32:26] the trick is to login on Meta, then immediately go to Special:UserLogin on the new wiki [21:32:44] Wiki Creator Wiki [21:33:20] The real Meta wiki [21:33:25] more meta than meta [21:34:27] What do you need a WC wiki for? Isn’t the Volunteer Discord/IRC used? [21:36:22] No [21:36:25] Not good enough tbh [21:37:53] why so [21:39:07] To categorize wikis that have been flagged and other assortments of items. [21:39:56] as an temp solution til that one phab task gets finished? [21:40:08] Even after quite possibly [21:40:11] It all depends really [21:49:56] it's Temporary™ in this respect [21:50:17] you know, temporary things used forever because the proper solution is so far down the task list that the patch-up becomes the norm [22:34:47] [1/2] b r u h [22:34:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1220138500255383552/XXu2Pgb.png?ex=660dd987&is=65fb6487&hm=39f612bf85e127111aa476125fe5cbf05229284b41f76101821f2e560459648e& [22:40:46] yeah he does that a lot [22:40:50] idk why [22:41:35] Has he been warned bout it? [22:41:48] a while back i told him about it [22:51:02] just did it [23:59:53] idk if i should delete the multiple issues template considering i already got a https://arosi.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:WIP