[00:00:18] ah dang, i just had a realization that theres impersonation concerns on our wiki but i suppose i can handle it by case [00:00:45] If you have a case of spam/inappropriate usernames, you can contact our global staff [00:01:20] no worries, the concern here is people potentially impersonating the games developers, theyve been targeted for a lot of impersonation on other platforms and it just dawned on me it could very well migrate here [00:01:37] theyre personally involved in the wiki but do not own accounts and i dont want to pressure them to haha [00:01:51] For impersonation concerns, you're more than welcome to reach out in #cvt (and ping CVT) and we'll definitely try to helo [00:01:52] Depending on the problem, you can always setup a local AbuseFilter (see Special:AbuseFilter), and we can always usurp (rename) accounts if needed for any reason. [00:02:12] We can help with the AbuseFilter if you need it [00:02:22] @.labster's a pro at it [00:02:58] But yeah 100% what Void said [00:03:00] oh apparently we never assigned the abuse filter perms to the crat group haha let me have a look [00:05:22] ok ok i see. i think ill leave it for now and hope nothing happens, if we have an impersonation case ill come in crying for help [00:05:35] I think you shouldn't need to assign AF perms to use it [00:05:43] for some reason i couldnt until i assigned it but it works now [00:05:45] One of the groups should have it [00:05:59] may be in sysop [00:06:08] yeah i think so haha [00:06:23] yeah, iwas hoping i could prevent any trouble in advance bc the devs are infact younger than me and deal with a lot of harassment but hopefuly noones crazy enough to think to do that on a miraheze wiki of all things [00:07:01] you guys are wonderful as always ❤️ [00:07:20] so true bestie [00:07:44] hopefuly noones crazy enough to think to do that on a miraheze wiki of all things: lets hope so :) [00:08:29] If they are mean enough to do that, our wonderous Stewards will banishment to the shadow realm [00:10:56] stewards :BlobLove: [00:11:14] <.labster, replying to brandon.wm> Both abusefilter and impersonation [00:11:33] 💀 [00:12:24] [1/2] so i was adding abuse filter permissions to bureaucrat and it seemed to remove some other things, do i need to worry about those?? or are they just old settings being pruned out [00:12:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221612615957086258/image.png?ex=66133668&is=6600c168&hm=aac7c642e5e330dd20f897bbb8a455b4cf5d3cd7cef1e5f62c7238ede82e4d55& [00:12:31] <3 your “worlds best global sysop” mug is currently en route [00:13:04] do you mean the ones that said (none) [00:13:09] No, that’s just a log action [00:13:15] If it says none it doesn’t matter [00:13:16] because it'll do that every time even if you only add a few things [00:13:18] OOO [00:13:19] OHH [00:13:23] yeah its just saying didn’t change lol [00:13:24] does it print the entire like.. settings.. thing? [00:13:29] Pretty much [00:13:32] yeah it does that [00:13:35] For /permissions [00:13:38] printed everything that could be changed and then said what changed [00:13:38] okay HAHA sorry i totally misread ti and was like hang on what did i do [00:13:42] which includes a lot of nothing [00:13:52] no worries xD [00:13:53] we should try and refine that lolol [00:14:09] probably more friendly if it just omits stuff that didn't change at all [00:14:12] [1/2] this is making my wiki team laugh a bit too hard [00:14:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221613069130534993/image.png?ex=661336d4&is=6600c1d4&hm=73395f47e4c5e2e8420d9ea4423f10f842d890ac22f529ceb0d19bb935610382& [00:14:20] what rights... [00:14:22] lol [00:14:31] In MediaWiki rights are like user permissions [00:14:33] (none)! [00:14:39] delete, edit, move, etc. [00:14:56] Ik what you mean though [00:15:02] mediawiki just likes to do a bit of trolling [00:15:05] hahahaha [00:15:19] :UnicornMH: [00:15:52] oh yeah another question while im here, i saw an issue on phorge (?) and it made me curious, is it possible to revoke like, implicit permissions if i requested it? is it possible to make it so i could prohibit certain users from editing mainspace for whatever reason? i had a case i really kind of needed this but it just wasnt a thing, haha [00:17:19] permissions are not that granular, the effect could probably be achieved through abusefilter for a number of ways [00:17:25] i see now [00:17:54] if it's something like only letting authorized groups edit mainspace you could set it so mainspace has a default protection level and build permissions around that [00:18:00] nods nods [00:18:27] yeah it was a specific case where i didnt want a user editing mainspace bc they just were not equipped for it but they actively used userspace and i didnt want to be mean, but i think in the end i just gave them some gentle warnings to pay more attention [00:18:49] in most cases really you would want to ban someone like that but since im dealing with young teens i like leeway [00:19:00] AbuseFilter prob [00:19:36] Hey let the record show im a young teen and would show NO mercy >:) [00:19:55] into the user space you go!!!!! [00:20:14] a somewhat heavy handed but directly relevant function is a partial block ie, kick from spaces they don't use well but let them edit the rest [00:20:25] bippity boppity boo no more mainspace for you [00:20:44] abusefilter would not leave such a gnarly trail on their logs [00:21:09] nod nods [00:21:25] if it happens again ill be sure to ask again LOL [00:22:17] AbuseFilter should be configurable on your own wiki [00:47:05] hey MacFan4000 cause im a chronically curious goblin child do you know how many people have the @miraheze/ cloak? since I notice lot of lot of people here use it(mainly user and some wikimedia/pedia ones and cloakless) [00:48:35] currently 17 accounts (bots included) have a @miraheze cloak assigned [00:48:58] 6 accounts (bots included) have a @WikiTide cloak assigned [00:49:48] thanks MacFan4000, that's cool [00:51:28] there are 30 registered Miraheze namespace channels, and 10 registered wikitide namespace channels [00:52:00] 2 of the WT and MH cloaks are here rn at least [00:52:07] wowza 30? [00:52:36] was trying to look at the list but havent figured out the syntax for /list :P [00:52:42] still new to URC [00:52:57] 12 are feed channels (nearly half) [00:53:31] gen cvt offtopic ops tech sre ops dev meeting [00:53:40] thats 9 [00:53:43] lemme think [00:53:55] mediawiki engin [00:53:59] for, some reason [00:54:08] Im assuming theres a wiki creator one [00:54:16] (privated) [00:54:19] there is [00:54:40] Obviously can't be sure how many private/which have private chans [00:54:58] whats the syntax for /list? [00:55:33] 3 private channels [00:56:17] I feel like I remember hearing about another one but cant recall [00:56:18] eh [00:56:21] dont matter [01:21:35] ah [01:23:49] @dmehus on Discord now! [01:24:12] ok [01:24:38] Good evening everyone. How is everyone doing this fine Sunday? [01:25:13] Pretty good, how about you? [01:25:55] Hey my dude. Not bad. Just had my nephews over for a "Hangout" day with me and my parents. [01:26:21] Good good, glad to hear it [01:26:25] Sunday night here.... [01:29:15] NYC here. It's 9:30 PM here. [01:31:10] Nice nice [01:33:20] i'm doing average [01:34:43] Lol [01:36:22] Just returned home after a long day [01:36:28] How is everyone? [01:37:16] Also when is the next Miraheze meeting going to be? 🙂 [01:37:58] TBD, still working on figuring out [01:38:11] Though if anyone has an agenda item, more than welcome to DM me or add here [01:39:44] Discussion of the current RfC on rws, potential candidates/practicies for board elections, improving the welcome template to name a few [01:40:34] Thanks! For sure will add to list for consideration. Hope to have more information soon 🙂 [01:44:43] Thanks [01:53:57] @globe_x I like the idea of improving the Welcome template though beyond the one I made and everyones forking(lol) idk what else is needed [01:54:54] btw Brandon I believe discussing Wiki Managers/expanding GS rights was being thrown around [01:57:23] I would like to see GS transition into a "wiki helper" or simply helper role. [01:57:33] Agreed [01:57:46] Like a unassigned version of FANDOMs Wiki Reps [01:57:57] kinda what WMs were thinking of being remade for [01:58:27] personally I like the idea of Managers but I also recognize the practicality of adding rights to GS [01:58:27] They join new wiki owners wikis, ask them if they need any help, assist with templates, infoboxes, all the questions [01:58:34] Oh [01:58:50] To get that involved should be a new group inm [01:58:56] s/inm/imo [01:58:56] Theres some possibilities there [01:59:20] There's also a LOT of new wikis these days [01:59:34] True, likely impractial [01:59:41] so WCs would need to flag promising looking ones for GS/WM to talk too [02:00:01] interesting [02:00:22] maybe a unprivileged task force of sorts? then again who could join also whats the point :/ [02:00:45] Yeah [02:01:08] Something to be discussed ig [02:01:12] It's an interesting idea [02:01:26] But I think going to new wikis that likely may just rot is a meh idea [02:01:35] Joining from the IRC side today? [02:01:39] but an avenue to help foster them is great [02:01:41] ja [02:01:46] felt retro [02:01:49] Agreed. [02:01:56] also agreed lol [02:02:10] plus having a @miraheze/PixDeVl cloak makes me feel cool ig lmao [02:02:30] https://tenor.com/view/so-retro-so-retro-its-fab-dj-pete-best-besties-pub-shed-radio-gif-20636090 [02:02:35] although I now feel the pain of I have no idea to which message you are replying to [02:02:48] okay that one i can make an educated guess [02:02:57] oof you can't see that [02:03:14] I see "" [02:03:22] oof [02:03:57] I did the same to OS a few days ago lol [02:04:17] 😁 [02:05:25] IRC is fun though [02:06:02] you have to apply for a cloak so you don't dox yourself before you can even chat 💀 [02:06:32] lol I mean the IP seems pretty obfuscated but I may be wrong [02:07:11] and you can't view message history when you log out [02:08:49] I also don't know if you're typing [02:10:23] smt-jumbleofchars.smtelse.sitenooneheardof.net thats my 'ip' lol [02:10:31] but yeah all very fair concenrs [02:10:47] the log one i can use discord or the wm-bot log site [02:10:59] anyways I eep now it's laaate [02:11:07] cya globe [02:11:28] (also seeing join and disconnect messages is neat) [02:20:00] 502 bad gateway [02:25:31] i'm getting 502s on my wiki like half of the time [02:26:02] woah [02:26:07] even 2 versions of the 502 page [02:29:09] We are being DDoSed again [02:29:19] We will handle it [02:31:15] oh [02:31:59] With this, we've been DDoS'd 5 times in 2 days [02:51:14] How rude [02:53:25] who tf pinged me [03:12:33]   [03:14:14] cool how irc pings also become discord pings, i thought they had to be like `<@123>` [03:23:15] Nope I wrote the bot so it only does if it's an exact, non-partial match to prevent the wrong user from being pinged, but yeah it works like that. [03:23:53] so if there is another user partially matching it may not ping at all, but if there is only 1 possible match it will. [03:23:58] ah, cool [04:46:54] The fact that there are really kids who DDoS Miraheze is insane [04:46:56] People are stupid [04:46:59] [1/3] hey, I am noticing something odd with the description2 extension: I can see the description meta tag (after a purge for good measure) in a page with the very specific exception where I am using the mobile view (the toggle at the bottom) AND I am not logged in. The tag shows up correctly if I am logged in in either desktop or mobile view and it also shows up in mobile view when logg [04:46:59] [2/3] ed in, but it specifically doesn't when logged out and using the mobile view. [04:46:59] [3/3] Is this a known issue? It sort of matters for SEO since it seems mobile is checked first and ofc googlebot wouldn't be logged in [06:09:52] I'd like to know is there an extension to quickly rollback multiple edits by a user? [06:20:33] all edits? I don't think MediaWiki can handle that, especially if a page had edits by different users later [06:43:03] probably the same crowd who maintain reception wikis [06:43:34] if I'm gonna be honest [06:45:14] Theres a userscript [06:45:50] Its on meta, i think its called massrollback [06:45:50] Its in or linked in one of my .js [06:46:16] I'll try it, thx [07:06:51] Highly unlikely [07:07:00] They are not smart enough to do a DDoS attack [07:09:19] previous DDOS was over a Minecraft wiki, and as I heard the DDOS before that also was tied to MC, somehow [07:10:10] oh yeah, you're right lol [07:10:50] minecraft.wiki or the Fandom one? [07:11:27] nah, completely different thing [07:12:38] 2b2t wiki, the second DDoS [07:13:35] could be someone from the 2b2t community [07:13:38] they were bold enough to join here and try to get an attention and threating us [07:13:47] wich was pretty funny [07:14:10] good thing their asses got caught irl [07:14:26] like the 2b2t community is pretty crazy and could probably do anything at this point lol [07:15:11] it's a community of an anarchy minecraft server so of course there are gonna be someone insane enough to ddos miraheze because of the 2b2t wiki being hosted there unfortunately [07:15:23] basically that [07:15:49] I do wonder what caused current ddosing [07:19:19] is there a mass purge function by any chance? like a purge for all pages on a wiki [07:19:27] or do you have to manually purge every page? [07:23:59] Yes but updating a template or file usually automatically purges all pages its used on [07:24:12] There isn't any benefit to mass purging a wiki [07:24:24] yeah that's what i thought [07:24:30] just wanted to check, thanks anyway [07:25:22] Likely trolls [07:25:39] Well I mean [07:25:41] It is trolls [07:26:00] It's unlikely however we'll ever know but 2b2t sounds probable [07:26:39] Or someone who just wants to see things break because they can [07:28:07] you can request steward to reset the wiki [07:28:14] wait wait [07:28:16] sorry [07:28:40] yeah, cache updates automatically [07:31:47] we have some pages that are several days out of date, but hopefully purging the templates helps update them [08:29:00] <9021007> [1/2] I'm trying to upload a file via URL, and it gives me this error. Does anyone know why? [08:29:00] <9021007> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221737587677331506/image.png?ex=6613aacb&is=660135cb&hm=e856dfc962661fe88b8688774b4d30dde343914d7102f1399c5135cefc24bd74& [08:31:21] <.labster> Possibly the remote server has a bad certificate [08:37:07] <.labster> ... but probably not, since I went to the website. [08:38:44] <.labster, replying to 9021007> Probably a problem on our side. I guess just download and upload as a workaround for now. [08:38:53] <9021007, replying to .labster> yeah that's what im doing [08:38:58] <9021007> not a huge issue but a little annoying [08:39:14] <.labster> I understand that. Let me see if I can replicate the issue [08:40:41] <.labster> Actually, I've never seen that source URL thing before. Is it from an extension? [08:41:18] <9021007, replying to .labster> [1/2] It's here [08:41:18] <9021007, replying to .labster> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221740683073683477/image.png?ex=6613adad&is=660138ad&hm=28a218818a2bbc18cb38f262403a1315f72bbf0038f7b557ba936f1445bbdccd& [08:41:44] <.labster> ah, got it. Just never used it, Mediawiki has so many things going on. [08:41:53] <9021007, replying to .labster> All good [11:09:44] <.labster> I tried turning on those checkboxes and it didn't even work 😦 [11:13:47] <9021007, replying to .labster> try adding ?url to the upload page [11:13:59] <9021007> it took effect on the normal page after like an hour [11:14:04] <9021007> really odd [12:17:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221795176276824134/Screenshot_20240325_191735_Kiwi_Browser.png?ex=6613e06d&is=66016b6d&hm=da5bd1f7bde09a2ccb315869dd5ed9423e724d1917b79e7656ae4323c4f41e97& [12:18:00] how do i remove the table of contents in citizen? [12:18:18] if i just made the toc div `display: none` it disappears but instead there's this blank space [12:23:19] <9021007, replying to ap.png> what is the width property on that div [12:23:28] there isn't [12:25:42] somehow with some weird grid stuff it's that width without a width property and i don't know why lol [13:54:27] hi @jph2 I was looking on my friend's wiki request page... [13:54:53] What do you mean by "Can you expand on its scope such as what type of articles will it have?", my friend doesn't understand that type of question [13:55:50] Hello, I'm said friend that didn't understand that question [13:56:14] hello im friend of said friend [13:56:30] It's a good day to be alive [13:56:37] Bro got the entire squad- [13:56:41] real [13:56:46] We have invaded thy server [13:56:51] guys be silent... [13:57:06] :SHUT: [13:58:23] Tell them to ask that on the request [13:58:30] Nothing will be resolved here [13:59:00] @pocketvantablack [13:59:26] Nevermind I figured it out [13:59:27] Thanks [16:12:51] is there any way to request an image replacement mass update [16:13:10] the old versions have been displaying for weeks [16:16:49] That's unusually long [16:16:57] But ye we can do a mass purge [16:17:17] Which wiki [16:17:38] @endebros [16:22:07] https://pjj2.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [16:23:16] image updates only appear when the raw file is loaded [16:23:24] but not when embedded anywhere else [16:23:40] been happening for multiple images across the site for quite a long time [16:26:59] @bluemoon0332 [16:32:46] is there a way to move two of your wikis into one wiki? [16:32:51] i'm planning on making just one wiki to keep all of my wiki projects in just for better and easier management [16:33:43] I guess you export pages and then go RequestImportDump [16:41:15] question but how do i change the CSS of my wiki? been trying to do it in the page but the layout is still the same as before [16:42:08] @endebros can you show me an example? [16:42:20] well, more like link to [16:43:40] [1/3] MediaWiki:Common.css in general and skin specific pages like MediaWiki:Vector.css [16:43:40] [2/3] CSS needs some time to start working, I usually give it like 10 min, but purge kick (`?action=purge` in URL) might help [16:43:41] [3/3] if it still doesn't work, assume something in the code isn't right [16:44:10] aight thanks [16:46:25] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221862766630141982/Screen_Shot_2024-03-25_at_11.46.12_AM.png?ex=66141f60&is=6601aa60&hm=4428e7adcfafe5ad54b750f380100bca3447896edd7a48c5cc44c24c0774495a& [16:46:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221862767074611339/Screen_Shot_2024-03-25_at_11.46.22_AM.png?ex=66141f60&is=6601aa60&hm=81d82ddff28a17d310daed42e8d74484325b9d935c2cf3092226fbc01eef544f& [16:47:15] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221862975959207988/Screen_Shot_2024-03-25_at_11.47.11_AM.png?ex=66141f92&is=6601aa92&hm=081e55cafa306b83ebbcc66d59fa4e262674fde0851513c717c0373ce6284c14& [16:49:45] [1/2] also, any idea why I can't enable Cargo? [16:49:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221863605327237190/Screen_Shot_2024-03-25_at_11.49.20_AM.png?ex=66142028&is=6601ab28&hm=b2a6ef7b45bda23eb8dfe11ea15b195f2227cafdd0b4fc9722e0eb0872a8bf22& [16:49:51] semanticmediawiki is disabled [16:50:52] both of these extensions are resource heavy [16:51:06] so only stewards can enable them per valid request [16:51:13] ah, I see [16:51:30] I was hoping to use it for move descriptions [16:51:41] this wiki isn't too large and shouldn't ever be close to the 50k limit [16:52:02] who would I talk to to request that it be enabled? [16:52:19] [[steward requests]], restricted settings [16:52:19] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/steward_requests [16:52:20] [16:52:26] gotcha, thanks [16:59:48] 👍🏾 [17:00:20] is there a way to request for one of my wiki to be deleted if i don’t have a use for it anymore [17:00:40] [[Steward requests/(Un)deletions]] [17:00:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/(Un)deletions [17:00:41] [17:04:48] [1/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Raidarr/Restrict_editing_to_authorized_users [17:04:49] [2/2] I'm following this to restrict editing pages to confirmed users only, but what's the right/usual way to allow administrators to edit pages - give them the confirmed role too, or just add the edit permissions to the administrator role? [17:05:47] Add edit, but either works [17:05:56] thanks [17:11:55] @endebros I'm not seeing what you're seeing on https://pjj2.miraheze.org/wiki/File:The_World.png [17:12:07] hmmm, but Discord does [17:13:04] I think something went wrong with image transcoding [17:15:27] Thought it was just my cache [17:15:34] But even after clearing jt [17:15:38] same issue occurs [17:15:55] Is it okay that i've removed all permissions from the (everyone) role? [17:17:45] Ty [17:17:58] Why does this infobox say that the TemplateData is missing when it's clearly there [17:18:37] TemplateData is an extension [17:19:00] it's additional code in JSON format [17:19:00] RIght, but for some reason it only doesnt work for this specific Infobox [17:19:00] All others loads the extension [17:19:16] is it on /doc page or right in template? [17:19:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221871161684787219/Screenshot_2024-03-25_at_1.19.40_PM.png?ex=66142732&is=6601b232&hm=982a7621cb907cb4ebbdee66367732986d81f5dcfe52a185e0723c6cf1e1b25c& [17:20:00] there's more underneath [17:20:40] When importing data from my wiki export from another site, I see the option "Assign edits to local users where the named user exists locally". Is it possible to link users like this after the import? E.g. if I have the user Bob in an edit log, and Bob later registers, can I link the edit to them? [17:20:41] not sure then [17:21:26] You can't but a sysadmin can [17:21:40] you'll have to make a task on [[Phorge]] once Bob signs up [17:21:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [17:21:41] [17:22:19] I see, thanks [17:22:21] So there's no way to fix/troubleshoot this [17:22:35] do I need to do that for initial imports too? Or does the option I mentioned work? [17:23:07] although thinking about it, there are no matching users currently [17:24:19] I'm not strong w/ TD [17:24:27] maybe someone else knows better [18:08:34] Hmmm, if template data is definitely there, then using the purge action on the page may resolve the error. if this is on a public wiki, if you can link the page that's having the issue we can look into it further... [18:32:22] What’s crazy is I almost quit my wiki in feb 2023 because of template shenanigans and now in march 2024 i have 419 articles [18:32:46] Dang [18:46:59] woooooow [20:10:51] Wiki is private unfortunately [20:11:26] Purging also didn't qorkk [20:11:54] I mean, it's whatever i guess i have to insert everything manually [20:12:08] wiki management is so infuriating sometimes [20:12:16] it never does what I need it to do [20:12:35] everything is held together with spit, tears and prayer [20:28:58] [1/2] When editing the template, there should be a templatedata button that you can press that allows you to dive in to whatever's already populated, something like this: [20:28:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221918776824434708/image.png?ex=6614538a&is=6601de8a&hm=14b3f73b67666530e5156570c4d1df9c9fa2d53fced56e16a39be254880b7c46& [20:29:34] That'n will generate code on your behalf that may unbreak whatever's gone wrong [20:31:46] [1/2] is there a reason this is greyed out? [20:31:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221919480054284319/image.png?ex=66145432&is=6601df32&hm=55120669da108ee6e04920fa6958f34c0213760eceee893e5fc9785615a17af2& [20:36:07] oh, does it not apply to usernames? i thought it might since FANDOM lets you do this [20:42:06] Yeah, you can't do that except with an IP [20:42:28] but if you do block a user, they should be autoblocked afterwards [20:42:46] no worries, i managed to catch another account they were logged into/using i think? [20:42:51] with the 1 day thing haha [20:43:13] we recently had an issue on FANDOM where a user just kept producing alts somehow and we had to block the IP range using this setting, which FANDOM lets you do [21:00:55] Hey guys just a quick question... is it even possible to have a lowercase username on Miraheze? [21:01:49] [1/2] #Unable to submit name change form from username "Dewayx" to "dewayx" [21:01:50] [2/2] Because I'm slowly starting to suspect that... well... 🥺 [21:01:51] No; because of limitations with the MediaWiki software, the first letter of every username has to be capitalized [21:02:21] ._. [21:02:45] Okay, is it possible to have the name fully capitalized, then? [21:03:10] yeah? [21:10:22] although you cannot have full lowercase as a technical name, you can make it full lowercase in most contexts via signature and even css on a local wiki [21:12:19] :OwO: [21:12:29] How would I do that? [21:47:27] [1/2] You can also use `{{DISPLAYTITLE}}` [21:47:27] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:DISPLAYTITLE [21:47:27] [2/2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words [23:24:09] How do you add something to an Interwiki table? Or is it not open yet? [23:25:54] I don’t think it’s been pushed yet [23:26:00] If your a crat and can’t do it it handy [23:26:03] Hasn’t [23:26:25] yeah, nothing over here atm [23:26:26] thanks! [23:34:13] i'm able to add to the interwiki table on my wiki [23:34:14] How can I request for a foam in change for my wiki [23:34:15] Domain [23:34:25] had to enable the permission though [23:43:27] yep, that's a fairly recent change [23:44:53] In manage wiki? [23:46:55] yes [23:47:13] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1221968665881083904/image.png?ex=66148201&is=66020d01&hm=da937a7b2946090d43f7598620b4cdb764a880d88be0923f4314fb7c5a5cb8ec& [23:49:48] Is there a way 2 mass delete charges [23:50:27] Ah [23:52:42] the nuke extension is about the best mass page deleter on hand yes [23:52:58] is it built in [23:52:59] Or [23:53:49] tysm!!! [23:54:22] pretty sure it needs to be enabled explicitly in the extensions menu [23:54:28] [1/4] hey, so I partially solved my description tags issue, but unfortunately, I discovered a different related issue that might require a staff's intervention and I am wondering if I should open a phorge ticket for this. [23:54:28] [2/4] the basic idea is wikiSEO pulls descriptions from description2 and I validated that this seems to work, but there's a caveat: you need to at least blank edit the page to have the property added to the page. Not even a purge work and I only seen the property being populated after a blank edit. There seems to be a maintenance script https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikiSEO#Ma [23:54:28] [3/4] intenance_Script here that can force their generation, but I would need a staff to run it because it doesn't seem realistic to blank edit hundreds of pages [23:54:29] [4/4] should I make a ticket for this?