[00:32:47] is there a way to have JS code run only for a specific template without having to use if checks? [00:32:53] as in a form of TemplateJS so to speak [00:54:48] [1/2] how do i get rid of the white border, header, and background for non-gallery images [00:54:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1235031637465763920/image.png?ex=6632e458&is=663192d8&hm=0a65ba0fdfd53abdd182b6a3ecbb9550e32cdee85bed4470012d158207083d41& [00:55:46] you want `frameless`: [00:55:53] i.e. [[File:File.png|frameless]] [00:55:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:File.png [00:56:14] ohhhhhh okok tysm [00:56:45] np! [01:05:04] [1/8] if you want to set css rules, here's the relevant information [01:05:04] [2/8] ``` [01:05:04] [3/8] li.gallerybox [01:05:05] [4/8] * unset border and margin [01:05:05] [5/8] :root.theme-dark .mediawiki:not(.ns-special) li.gallerybox [01:05:05] [6/8] * unset border and background [01:05:05] [7/8] :root.theme-light .mediawiki:not(.ns-special) li.gallerybox [01:05:06] [8/8] * unset border and background``` [01:12:42] how do i get an API whitelisted in the CSP? [01:15:16] make a [[Phorge]] task requesting the domain to be whitelisted [01:15:16] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [01:15:17] [01:15:19] thank you! [01:15:32] what do i do if an API is large enough to have multiple subdomains? [01:15:37] do i just ask for the one i want or the parent domain :? [01:16:13] if it's a subdomain then just request the primary domain (like `*.example.com`) [01:16:21] okay awesome, thank you [01:16:39] np [01:21:13] hope i did that right (i still dont know the command to make it show up LOL) [01:23:34] looks fine to me, if anything needs tweaking then someone can tweak it for you [01:23:40] awesome, ty for the tag :D [01:24:00] 👍 [01:48:43] @tedkalashnikov: See the roblox CSP task if you haven't :) I added some relevant info (CC @elliethepwincess as it's good for future reference, but thanks a ton for helping with marking the tasks!) [01:49:36] thanks!! give me a minute, some of the subdomains are conveniently undocumented so ill need to dig a moment (thank you roblox...) [01:49:46] (also, to link to phorge tasks on discord, [[phorge:T12091]]) [01:49:46] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phorge:T12091 [01:49:58] (wiki bot isn't buddys with relaybot) [01:49:58] (OOo thank you!) [01:50:23] phorge: and phab: are interwiki prefixes on wiki, so we just make use of them here lol [01:51:26] I'm honestly shocked it's documented as well I mean have you seen roblox's payout rates you can hardly say they are hyper concerned with their devs /hj [01:51:48] HAHAHA very true 😭 [01:52:12] Also, to confirm, the wiki would be perfectly useable without the API correct? If someone blocks it on their end. [01:52:43] For the checklist, I'm bored and need an excuse to not do school work so may as well take some of the work away from SRE [01:52:51] oh yeah absolutely, in this specific instance its going to be used to dynamically populate a single tag in an infobox template [01:52:59] lol [01:53:04] i know right LOL [01:53:23] i may use the API to populate the rest of the infobox but its only on this page [01:53:36] You phighting wiki people are certainly thorough :) [01:53:45] :D [01:53:46] i try my best! [01:53:59] respect [01:54:04] my staff were complaining about the fact the price of these items is now dynamic and they werent sure if we should keep updating it, so i got curious if there was an API for it [01:54:05] thanks, I knew there was a layout for it but I had forgot what it looked like, also I was the one who suggested wildcards, as I thought they were allowed (looking at the CSP showed some wildcards which is why I thought that, so my bad) [01:54:16] You may my wiki look like a sorry ass mess [01:54:21] Which it is but still [01:55:11] No worries. Also if there are some in there then they should either be looked into(cc any MWE who are online on discord irc moment) or the policy updated [01:55:39] But your totally fine im actually impressed i remember that from reading the CSPP [01:55:44] roblox apparently has 40 subdomains of which like 15 of them are API endpoints and most of them arent documented, so i need to figure out which i might need, i know there was another one i wanted [01:55:53] i'm a bookwyrm [01:55:59] wowza [01:56:05] i know D: [01:56:13] it makes sense for an entity as big as roblox but yeesh [01:56:29] [1/4] from what I see this is the total list of the CSP: [01:56:29] [2/4] `miraheze.org wikitide.org .miraheze.org .mirabeta.org .wikitide.org .wikitide.net upload.wikimedia.org wikimedia.org maps.google.com maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com .twimg.com i.imgur.com image.tmdb.org .googleusercontent.com .fontawesome.com .dropboxstatic.com .redd.it .redditmedia.com mirrors.creativecommons.org live.staticflikr.com cdn. [01:56:29] [3/4] pixabay.com cdn.geogebra.org docs.blender.org .imgbox.com tile.openstreetmap.org .tile.openstreetmap.org cdn.discordapp.com na.llnet.sims3storee.cdn.ea.com .fastly.net minotar.net db.onlinewebfonts.com openlayers.org discordapp.com imgbb.com postimages.org platform.twitter.com syndication.twitter.com img.newspapers.com cdn.smutstone.com storage.google [01:56:29] [4/4] apis.com .fbcdn.net i.ytimg.com .imgbb.com simgbb.com .simgbb.com ibb.co .ibb.co .postimages.org postimgs.org .postimgs.org postimg.cc .postimg.cc *.rbxcdn.com cms-imgp.jw-cdn.org` [01:56:40] quite a lot of wildcards (also sorry for the text wall-ish message) [01:56:44] Actually, I think there was an extention to fetch external APIs although idk if that needs a CSP [01:57:09] rbxcdn.com is on the CSP so i may as well get the rest of roblox on there [01:57:26] Let the record show that was long enough to be spit into 3 messages on IRC [01:57:35] hahaha [01:57:35] lol [01:57:42] 4 technically [01:58:09] wait..i just realized this documentation im looking at is infact owned by ROBLOX. LOL [01:58:17] somehow it just did not register to me [01:58:58] tali64: yeah, the first one wasn't part of the list though [02:00:06] @tedkalashnikov: btw, I https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:External_Data may be relevant but i can't be sure. @rodejong, assuming he's doing his normal thing of sleeping at 3 AM may be able to help, as I think he uses it on JW Meeting [02:00:30] oooo [02:00:57] @rodejong courtesy ping, IRC message didn't ping for some reason [02:01:24] Thank you relay. [02:01:36] And thank you for reals ellie [02:01:42] probably because the comma right after lol [02:01:47] and no problem 👍 [02:02:04] There may be some old support threads for external data as well [02:03:07] replied to the Roblox thread, thanks! [02:03:42] Thank you kindly. [02:03:51] of course! thanks for the quick response at this hour LOL [02:04:40] It's what we're here for [02:05:08] TIL that you get pinged on IRC when you send a message on Discord [02:05:16] It depends [02:05:29] Your IRC nick is the same as your discord [02:05:41] it's partly why I mainly use this PixDeVl nick [02:05:49] and not this [02:06:02] which I also have registered on NickServ [02:07:47] Speaking of this hour, I should likely go to sleep. I've stayed up on IRC, uh. Too many times :sweat_smile: [02:07:56] yall are just lots of fun [02:08:04] hahaha [02:08:59] I got so much IRL work done(he did not) [02:09:43] Oh well tmr pixl's problem [02:09:55] it feels so good to finally finish a page you've been working on for weeks/months [02:10:03] I can imagine [02:10:32] YESS i agree [02:10:33] it's such like an achieving feeling if that makes sense 😭 i've been working on redoing this page since january & i'm finally done [02:10:51] im currently working on redoing a really important page on our wiki but it needs like 5 million citations and i want to slam my head into a wall about it LOL [02:10:55] but i got a good draft going [02:10:58] Could never related tho I'm half suspecting my wiki is closed for inactivity if I didn't get emails about it and be addicted to checking emai [02:11:08] I have a single unread I explode [02:11:53] (looking at you cosmicalpha) [02:12:04] omg that must be a pain having to look through like sources for every thing 😭 [02:12:23] my wiki's like a personal project so i can just make stuff up on a whim but when i used to edit wikipedia it took FOREVER looking for credible sources [02:12:38] @tedkalashnikov welcome to the life of a wikimedian [02:12:41] it is 😭 the sources are all scattered on the devs' social media, we just had to finish the monumental task of archiving the main writers tumblr, theres over 300 factoids we had to carefully transcribe and source, because she was deleting her tumblr for personal reasons [02:12:52] but thats been mostly finished now so i can finally get to writing these pages [02:12:57] SIGHS LOUDLY [02:13:15] Yup, Wayback Machine is popular/necessary for a variety of reasons [02:13:21] I can ask some wikimedian friends if this is how their life is [02:13:29] unfortunately her tumblr cant be accessed by the wayback machine because of how tumblr gates blogs behind being logged in [02:13:36] oooooof [02:13:38] so this archive is now the primary source held up only by my reputation LOOOL [02:13:44] its so extensive it breaks the table of contents [02:13:49] i have to respect the level of dedication !!! [02:14:05] the internet archive team are cringing in pain right now [02:14:17] thank you!! we took over the FANDOM wiki which did not cite ANYTHING and its been spreading misinformation and confusion ever since, so im trying to instill good citing practices in my staff hahaha [02:14:32] people just..wrote things and never stated where they heard it from [02:14:37] To say I respect you for this would be disrespectfully understating [02:14:47] thats is very kind of you pix, thank you (imagine a heart emoji here) [02:14:57] @tedkalashnikov: It's FANDOM [02:15:05] <3 [02:15:10] FANDOM attracts... such specific types of editors [02:15:17] and nw s :) [02:15:31] omg i literally forgot about <3 im losing my millenial card [02:15:33] Pizza Tower Wiki.... [02:15:42] Zoomer moment [02:15:48] no shade to fandom editors but fandom wikis are a mess [02:15:55] they are such a mess [02:15:56] Mid [02:15:58] The PTW editors still have ptsd iirc [02:16:00] Dang [02:16:24] the issue on the phighting wiki is that a dev would say something in some random stream some day, it got added to the wiki without any citation and now a year later that stream is either lost media or its buried somewhere we cannot find [02:16:24] like when i was trying to look for information about lana del rey unreleased songs on fandom people were just making up songs w/ like... no sources [02:16:31] As a content-mod of a fandomw iki. Y u p [02:16:31] like you guys couldve gave me ANY idea where the factoid came from [02:16:51] on FANDOM i had this really specific problem of editors constantly trying to change the characters ages every 'birthday' [02:16:54] of all things [02:16:56] i'm a bureaucrat in a music wiki on fandom and all i can say is relatable [02:17:49] It's a specific case where almost everyone isn't a wiki person they just want to document their affiliated things so curse of Visual Editor runs rampant and general mediawiki illiteracy is pain [02:18:01] elliethepwincess: +1 [02:18:09] oh yeah, i hate visual editor, i specifically refused to enable it on our miraheze wiki [02:18:20] it has performance issues for us anyway, and i didnt want to style it [02:18:26] you will learn source editing or else!!! [02:18:27] It's a useful tool but a dillema [02:18:36] visual editor's template interface is so trash like i genuinely hate it [02:18:41] it does break down the barriers for a lot of editors but it messes with so much esp templates EYAH [02:18:55] It lowers the slope of the learning curve for new editors to get into editing [02:19:13] That's both an advantage and a disadvantage [02:19:17] its a bit mean but being source only has added a bit of a barrier to entry for people trying to like grief the wiki or add unrelated nonsense. im always there to help new editors learn source but you have to be willing to [02:19:20] but once they get to template editing and advanced stuff admins need that's the same level [02:19:34] So where standard source is a bit of a steep slope [02:19:47] VE is a smooth path, and then you run into a wall to climb [02:19:53] i had this weird case of griefing on phightingwiki a few months ago.. we had a user who kept making fanon content and i had to gently move them into a sandbox, they complied for a while, but then, erm. they quietly edited the 'relationships' secton of a canon character page to contain a CIPHER that linked to their sandbox page for their OC? 😭 [02:19:58] they tried to hide it too by making it black text and everything [02:20:07] i had to ban them because it was so deliberate i was like What are you doing [02:20:34] Yeah, that sounds like bad faith [02:20:47] the latter could be [[wp:CIR]] but hiding it [02:20:47] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/wp:CIR [02:20:56] nah bye bye AGF [02:21:00] LOL [02:21:07] [1/2] idk if you can see images on IRC side but this is what they did [02:21:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1235053358914605126/image.png?ex=6632f892&is=6631a712&hm=3ca895c5e6cbd5d87eeee0d9b2d438847dd48cd7e55d000e98455c716179b533& [02:21:14] i was so baffled [02:21:17] It embeds on the web client so [02:21:20] That's...actually quite brilliant; most users would've just linked it brazenly and reverted whoever reverted the edit [02:21:29] Please tell me that's not discord [02:21:35] to be honest the sheer ingenuity of it stumped me. but also the fact they realized i wouldnt notice [02:21:42] oh it is haha i have low vision so i use light mode + comic sans. dont mind me LOL [02:22:01] PixDeVl: uhh...it's cisdord [02:22:06] hahahaha [02:22:18] MMMMMMMMMMMMM [02:22:24] i cant see dark mode anymore so i switched to light mode and its been way better [02:22:57] Okay. Since you're very cool and low vision is a valid reason, you may be the first person who ever gets a pass from me for using discord light mode. [02:23:02] YIPPEE [02:23:03] Light mode on IRC looks kinda like Discord light mode, but for some reason it feels natural to me [02:23:18] You use web client? [02:23:28] Yes [02:23:30] discord light mode is an interesting case - you know when a few april fools back they removed it? they got an understandable backlash from the low vision/vision impaired community and they realized then that oops, people actually use light mode [02:23:34] Which theme [02:23:37] they then made tons of changes to it to make it more accessible [02:23:44] They removed it???? h u h [02:23:46] https://discord.com/blog/light-theme-redeemed [02:23:51] yeah they just full on removed it in 2019 for a joke [02:23:52] PixDeVl: the default [02:23:55] rare discord W [02:24:03] which is the default again... [02:24:06] this was back when light mode still had the dark sidebar [02:24:14] I use elite(grey and orange) [02:24:16] they then went "oops" and fixed it [02:24:33] This year's with the clown decors was pretty good ngl [02:25:27] welp its almost 10:30 I need to eep [02:25:36] go eep [02:25:52] night tali and silly(i think, i can only see username not display name) [02:25:58] and ellie [02:26:03] i eep now [02:26:08] cya [02:26:09] gn [02:26:15] that is me! goodnight [02:26:24] ok im not dum lol [02:26:25] bai [02:26:40] And I never got to tell him goodbye... [02:26:57] rip [08:02:13] [1/2] I do have it installed, but due to WikiCreation and other stuff, I am quite occupied and unable to get it working. [08:02:14] [2/2] I do know that @Labster was working on it, and HE did get it to work. So It might be a good idea to ask him in stead [08:02:24] @pixldev CC [08:06:09] Is @Labster gone? [08:06:37] Uh yes, like more than a week ago [08:27:11] Why is it that https://www.gengbaike.top/w/index.php?oldid=5171§ion=&action=raw Will be redirected to https://www.gengbaike.top/wiki/?oldid=5171 [08:30:39] @rhinosf1 ^^ [08:45:45] I think this is a consequence of that change you made? [08:46:36] RhinosF1 will figure this out as soon as possible [10:22:50] [1/5] timeless shenanigans [10:22:50] [2/5] previously, I moved wiki tools from right sidebar to the left one, precisely inserting it between page tools and categories, thanks to js [10:22:51] [3/5] now I want to make some parts sticky [10:22:51] [4/5] works w/ css fine on entire main right sidebar. no issues [10:22:51] [5/5] but on the left side I want only categories block to be sticky, and don't seem to get it w/ css [12:02:54] Nope [12:03:02] I only move index.php at the root [12:04:19] I also don't touch query parameters [12:13:29] Okay. What makes it that they have this problem? I have no understanding of that [12:27:18] He’s still in the volunteer discord so you could ask him there or DM [12:36:45] Noted lol [12:38:20] Do we have a public list of redirects or are they all either in web server conf or cf? [12:40:21] @pixldev CC [12:40:27] Saw [12:40:34] That ones in cf [12:40:44] If it predates cf, it'll be somewhere in puppet [12:41:25] I’m not super familiar with MW URL params but it looks to be essentially the same minus removing the action [12:42:27] @tedkalashnikov what template are you trying to use the API on/what api call [12:42:53] Curious to see if external data may work, plus may be fun to mess with it [12:43:50] I’ve been doing a bit of extension testing on beta as well so may as well kill two birds with one stone if I find the time and test it on beta. Plus I’m too lazy to request rights on publictestwiki and I have crate on testbeta [12:50:16] Any idea where? [15:06:07] Varnish or mediawiki folders [15:06:15] Probably in the mediawiki nginx conf [15:19:40] What should I do if I don't understand what is a wiki creator referring to in comments after my request has been set on "Needs more information" status? [15:20:01] What request [15:20:36] This one https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/43851 [15:22:39] I don't know what is "personal info" referring to [15:29:33] @arnen where do you see personal info? [15:29:47] Requests comments [15:30:20] 3rd paragraph [15:34:43] Oh ye [15:36:14] @arnen @rodejong is referring to any non-widely public information about a person. Like emails, phone numbers, addresses, anything not known about family etc. [15:37:39] Oh... [15:38:08] Does it count if I ask the person and they allow it (talking about full names)? [15:38:53] @arnen if you have consent (and can apply it) then yes [15:39:13] Great, thank you! [15:39:54] It must be freely and clearly given [15:40:36] How can I apply it if necessary? Sorry for asking so many questions, I am just kinda new to this [15:42:27] As long as the person freely and clearly states that they give permission for the information to be published, it's ok. [15:42:31] I don't have any template [15:42:54] Fair enough [15:43:20] Any information you publish on a wiki that identifies a living person must comply with the law [15:43:31] So it kinda depends on where these people are too [15:43:38] I see yeah [15:44:05] Although there's a legitimate journalism/literacy exemption to GDPR for people in the EU that could be argued [15:44:22] You still have to obtain that information legally and freely though [15:45:05] Otherwise that's a whole other public interest test for undercover journalism and whistleblowing [15:45:40] None of this is in the policies so yeah, no idea [15:45:44] Thank you so much [16:32:38] [1/2] In fact, that needs to be clarified as a footnote. You can't just identify people, without any source, or permission. [16:32:38] [2/2] Now we are not as strict as Wikipedia, but Wikipedia has clear guidelines that can be helpful. [16:41:39] Will take a look into that [16:57:10] [1/3] True. I personally always ask if the one who gives permission documents that on their website or social media platform what they'd want to give permission for. Than you document that you have permission. [16:57:10] [2/3] That's how it is done also on Wikipedia for example. [16:57:10] [3/3] Unfortunately we do not have a bureau that collects letters to document that the permission was given, like commons Wikimedia has. [16:58:16] But just that you can prove that you have permission, that you can show, Well look at their website/profile. They have given permission. [16:59:32] That would make it easier to trust that. We can not take it on face value what someone says, like, "but they gave me permission" - It needs to be verifiable. [17:01:10] Just to clarify, I have to have the permission from the individual to write an article about them? [17:02:02] Not perse. [17:02:28] But you need to have permission to document something, that is not publically known. [17:03:14] That what is publically known, something that has been written already, or said on video, can be quoted. [17:03:33] You just need to give the source to that item. [17:05:40] But when you for example write "So and so has been diagnosed with cancer", needs to be sourced also. That you'd normally do as "So and so has been diagnosed with cancer"Given permission to document per message on their profile/ref (Or something similar). [17:06:35] If I would write that someone was diagnosed with cancer, and that person says: I never wanted that out in the world! I would be in trouble, if I had no proof of that. [17:06:56] (Extreme example, but yeah) [17:07:00] Riiight [17:07:20] That's pretty interesting [17:07:58] Please read [[w:Wikipedia:Verifiability]] [17:07:58] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Verifiability [17:07:58] [17:08:14] will be able to reply in more depth later, but its just a simple fetch request [17:08:26] Alright I will, thank you very much! [17:08:37] You are welcome 🙂 [17:09:01] I'm pretty stupid with this kind of stuff but somehow you made me understand lol [17:09:27] It's not stupid. It's just something most people are not aware of. [17:09:48] Just that you are interested, makes you a wiser person, than most users here 😄 [17:17:11] Aight, if you have time could you please send me an example endpoint/request? [17:20:29] [1/4] sure, this is the js i was working on: [17:20:29] [2/4] https://phighting.wiki/wiki/User:Sillyvizion/UGC.js [17:20:29] [3/4] working endpoint url: [17:20:30] [4/4] https://economy.roblox.com/v2/assets/17165550549/details [17:26:37] Hm. My wifi is worse then ass rn so I can’t test but I believe external data may fit in nicely here [17:27:12] If so that would remove the blocker of the CSP but I’d need to get it to work to day for sure [17:27:31] Plus the cache and general config for ED is.. not great [17:27:55] The JS way would also probably work fine it’s just an alternative option [17:28:07] I won’t say ED is better or worse I just like to be thorough [19:33:12] [1/5] DPL question: it doesnt show selflinks, and this is intended probably? but is there a way to make the selflink show anyway? [19:33:12] [2/5] intended output vs when it's on the first page in the list [19:33:13] [3/5] (also is using DPL for a navbox okay or is it super bad for load time) [19:33:13] [4/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1235313090594345000/image.png?ex=6633ea77&is=663298f7&hm=9cdcece31eeddda0bd083bc6fc49b517e80552f25d7f636c8d7ece04405451b1& [19:33:13] [5/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1235313090891878451/image.png?ex=6633ea77&is=663298f7&hm=b39370e4a1b4de285f0809defac0b6db986d6134a832b38b3ffe9833b746866a& [20:01:23] well that was easy [20:02:10] [1/2] hey @tedkalashnikov as an FYI was testing for my own purposes and used your endpoint to test. worked easier then i expected tbh [20:02:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1235320381481554021/image.png?ex=6633f142&is=66329fc2&hm=95fc027e78da4495f6fd5c917a9d949595257d1fc66110e12cdefd3fe2f03798& [20:06:29] hmm, so that's how ExternalData works? [20:06:38] never tried it, looks curious [20:06:47] among other things [20:06:55] the docs seem to focus on CSV files [20:07:04] it also has lua support [20:07:09] which I may need to use [20:07:11] cause [20:07:13] I cannot [20:07:18] for the nine hells [20:07:21] hmm I would be careful with extensions authored by Yaron Koren [20:07:26] ie Cargo fiasco [20:07:28] figure out how to use subkeys [20:07:43] it was reviewed and approved so [20:07:44] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [20:07:58] I also know zilch about cargo or SMW [20:08:23] the issue with cargo is a patch was announced then suddenly Yaron revoked it [20:08:33] causing loss of trust [20:08:58] wait. why did it work now- [20:09:07] maybe it was cache? [20:09:16] hmm looking at that extension, that seems very risky to to allow any external source [20:09:34] no it was on another thing suheuer idk it may be typo [20:10:01] it's a restricted extension as well [20:10:18] I saw that hehe [20:10:35] I mean it can be vastly useful [20:10:40] ie ro's case [20:10:43] @pixldev was that you moving #support above #general? [20:10:47] Nope [20:10:54] 😳 [20:10:57] that was my fat fingers on the mouse button [20:11:13] I don't disagree with it being useful, maybe there should be a way to approve external links [20:11:14] think I fixed it [20:11:36] I don't see how there could be a serious vulnerability with External Data [20:11:40] there's a whitelist thing via localsettigns [20:11:51] at least the way it is used via parser functions [20:12:07] retrieves CSV, GFF, JSON, YAML, XML, HTML, ini, or free-form data from a URL [20:12:13] but one of the uses I see is being able to fetch data without adding something to the CSP and using JS [20:12:28] it gets data I don't see an issue tbh [20:12:39] huh... that is... surprisingly useful [20:12:57] yeah. and annoyingly documented but sssssh [20:13:10] it works™️ [20:13:15] yeah the docs honestly bewildered me a bit but your example here makes a lot of sense [20:13:24] the thing im not sure about is caching [20:13:48] I think it's prob the same as a normal parser function where it's cached with the page and purged [20:14:03] mm yeah that could be a problem [20:14:13] depending on how long mh keeps the cache for [20:14:53] well this is at least one of the less... difficult [20:14:54] docs [20:14:55] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:External_Data/Caching_data [20:15:00] I can look [20:16:16] 3600 seconds [20:16:33] so an hour [20:16:33] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/source/mediawiki-configuration/browse/master/LocalSettings.php$1458 [20:17:04] scratches head. thatd probably be okay i cant imagine prices fluctuating that much so quickly [20:17:41] plus less likely to piss off big roblox [20:40:02] `{{#external_value:PriceInRobux|source=https://economy.roblox.com/v2/assets/{{{ID}}}/details|format=json}}` should prob work as a template, could add a robux icon in front maybe for pizaz [20:40:02] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23external_value:Template:PriceInRobux [20:40:30] It's a restricted extension though :p [20:41:20] ill take a proper look later and see if its worth requesting, thank you sm for the help!! [20:41:54] ofc [20:42:41] any other info could also be accessed [20:44:56] if there's a chance other info like name and available may change you could prob make use of the API call to fill the entire UGC box. also i love the slanted infobox iwidhwfiwufgweip [20:45:23] anyways if you need any help or extension bullying lmk and if you do go with it feel free to close the CSP task [21:47:49] whats the difference between raidarr and sysop [21:48:19] huh :ThinkerMH: [21:48:33] im stupid asf [21:48:41] thats a person not a role [21:51:58] A raidarr spots issues; an admin corrects them [21:52:22] no [21:52:25] its a person [21:52:27] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:Raidarr [21:52:42] i thought it was a role cause the name sounded like one [21:52:46] It was a joke [21:53:28] I am a raidarr of the shores of fandom for the glory of Clan Miraheze [21:56:50] Perhaps to young to understand :ThinkerMH: [22:01:53] CONGRATS TO @raidarr [22:02:03] Officially a Steward now!! [22:02:41] 👏🏻 [22:05:46] o7 [22:06:37] congrats [22:10:48] Now i can ask him about all my issues! [22:14:25] congrats @raidarr [22:15:03] my iq remains the same unfortunately [22:15:13] I am a raidarr who stews now [22:15:44] You are the perfect job for this then~ [22:16:04] the Fame starts rewriting up something in the restricted settings page [22:16:12] i remember that raidarr was in ballmedia. [22:16:20] those were the days [22:16:25] technically I should probably take it over now [22:16:36] unless the other ballmedia folks have shown signs of life recently [22:16:58] Apparently there are attempts to recreate ballmedia. [22:17:19] in the discord or? [22:17:24] wiki [22:17:33] and discord i guess [22:17:38] wasn't very lively last I saw it but I might have missed it [22:18:26] yeah, last edit on ballmedia was a numbers update the start of april [22:19:04] steward soup [22:19:20] stewp [22:20:01] 🍲ard [22:20:10] probably he replaced agentisai [22:23:54] [1/3] I got a question is there a way so the text won't be compressed into this manner on a phone ? [22:23:54] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1235356047393296485/image.png?ex=66341279&is=6632c0f9&hm=eec342ec942d0f5d88a7694d89defd7380b48825c67fa9e797ae6979ae16e6d7& [22:23:54] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1235356047712059482/image.png?ex=66341279&is=6632c0f9&hm=3aed49cf2e341ec63783a7c3e3bd305b97ca3e85bfee249799a024eb8fdbc70f& [22:25:42] Excuse if I made some people uncomfortable with the images [22:25:59] cause phones have smaller screens\ [22:26:30] So there is no way around it [22:26:34] it has to be compressed to fit everything [22:26:38] idk [22:30:22] At least this wiki is already 20 times better than the one on fandom with the ads loading up nothing is even readable [22:30:28] @suzuneu Can you try and have the bot for Module:Othergroups/data and MarkAdmins.json register the `steward` flag and implicitly add `sysop` and `wiki-creator` too [22:30:44] Waki285 Waki285 Waki285 [22:30:51] quite the username [22:31:29] everyone should have there username 3x [22:31:51] Do stewards implicitly get the position of Meta administrator? I think Kiju the steward has requested Meta admin in the past with RfP [22:32:14] Yes, as Stewards are now crats [22:32:25] and bureaucrat > administrator [22:32:41] Okay i'll change the code later [22:33:03] thanks [22:33:19] yeah my understanding is they are crats not sysops [22:33:37] ^ yeah [22:34:11] hm? [22:34:35] one in the same to my recollection, in the past Meta policy has been that you cannot request crat without administrator [22:34:47] hm [22:34:59] 🤔 [22:35:11] Also this reminds me where can I send the donation to this time I got about 10$ to spare Since I saw the Video about this reorganization [22:35:29] one second, will send the link [22:35:31] [[Donate]] [22:35:31] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Donate [22:35:32] [22:35:50] it's complicated but I think the shorthand answer is eys [22:39:39] @notaracham or @serverlessharej might know better though [22:40:46] Stewards are Meta bureaucrats. I am not sure this also implicitly makes them Meta administrators. I would think so. [22:42:21] Yeah I'd agree [22:42:24] I don't think they are when bureaucrat was seperate it had also been explicitly stated in the past bureaucrats weren't implicitly sysops [22:42:40] but you couldn't request crat without sysop [22:42:47] that was historical policy I recall [22:42:59] it does not and I will tell you why: no steward previously existed who was not a meta sysop, I am the odd one out who never followed that track. So there has never been precedence where a bureaucrat existed without being sysop, and the new strange arrangement means I am now bureaucrat without being sysop. [22:43:06] So some discussion is needed there or I need an extra hat [22:43:23] Correct but you could be a bureaucrat without sysop, it happened once before with a resignation as sysop but not bureaucrat till awhile later. [22:43:39] You just couldnt qualify for running for it. [22:44:09] who? [22:44:10] maybe there was a case in early history but that sounds something like when spf was on his way out and thoroughly inactive anyway [22:44:16] SPF [22:44:31] [1/4] when has _that host_ been a usable website without adblocker? I've literally opened 3 tabs went back to youtube and chrome crashed...that's how poor their selection of ads are. [22:44:32] [2/4] - suspected massive memory leaks due to poorly written ads [22:44:32] [3/4] - based on known quality of ads, they will accept any for payment... [22:44:32] [4/4] - chrome is great at isolating tabs as individual processes [22:44:33] yeah I'd say stuff from 7 years ago should no longer be taken as precedent [22:44:36] that was way before [22:44:42] spf was a curious case in that respect [22:44:50] and never active enough for that to merit closer scrutiny [22:45:26] I would agree if that policy changed much in 7 years but it was almost the same from when MH was founded to when crats where abolished I think. [22:45:31] in so many words I be steward for 5 minutes and I found a hole :p [22:45:45] weren’t sysops appointed? [22:45:49] way back when [22:46:02] aye [22:46:09] Originally but you still had to be sysop to be crat [22:46:10] the crat system really has not changed at all in the time I remembered except for abolition [22:46:31] it's technically simpler for crat to be sysop, makes a weird jurisdiction juxtaposition if not [22:46:46] right but when SPF resigned sysop, what practical effect would there be? [22:46:58] yeah like crats can’t block, but sysops can [22:47:03] But yeah I don't think Stewards are implicitly sysops as it is really two different roles. [22:47:03] so do crats not have that power? [22:47:27] they did not previously, they do now merely on account of the steward hat [22:47:29] Crats are mostly just there to do things sysops cant like close sysop requests [22:47:40] It doesn't have much role tbh [22:47:50] Which is why it was folded into Stewards to begin with [22:48:11] but jurisdiction wise….. [22:48:18] what I interpret of the status quo is that I stay out of affairs handled by day to day sysop unless specifically needed for a global function, if all others are unavailable, or doing something that would conventionally be the realm of a meta bureaucrat [22:48:47] Stewards have community power everywhere so tbh I’m just unsure why they wouldn’t on Meta [22:48:48] having a clearer path to walk in that respect suits me fine anyway tbh, rather be more of a specialist unless specifically needed outside that line [22:48:50] That is my thought process on this myself but it is admittedly a gray area [22:49:06] it's not a thing that comes up for any other steward as all stewards are meta admins [22:49:28] [1/2] the main role of bureaucrat is to perform the promote or demote actions on behalf of a awiki community, that's the only reason it exists [22:49:28] [2/2] if that was merged to stewards then its no different compared to how wiki.gg or liquipedia.net handle giving or revoking user rights. miraheze steward would be equal to wiki.gg or liquipedia.net employees [22:49:31] I'm reasonably sure I wouldn't die by divine lightning if I triaged requests for deletion, but there's plenty of people who could do that anyway [22:49:37] I can just nominate you and solve this one but I just think it doesn’t make sense otherwise [22:49:39] Just run for meta sysop: issue solved [22:49:49] I do like my slim waistline though [22:50:02] but I imagine this inevitably comes up in the future [22:50:08] in fact there's some I could shed even now [22:50:20] I think this should honestly just be codified [22:50:49] I do too but I don’t want to open an RfC over this unless there’s wider stuff that needs changing in the process [22:50:49] actually looks as slim as it could get [22:51:01] I see no reason to fuss about it unless it becomes an actual issue tbh [22:51:06] Agreed [22:51:35] some people like the long list of hats, I like having a really really short list... call it a quirk [22:51:54] I think that is good tbh [22:52:01] codifying Steward = meta crat and admin I think is the way to go eventually [22:52:07] The argument about whether stewards are auto-meta sysops is moot in my view, I look at stewardship as a superceding role. [22:52:46] One that you generally don't have to execute on meta, but can as needed in course of duties. [22:52:49] +1 [22:52:52] this would be interesting for meta admins to be a more standalone local functionary role, making it clearer to determine who's meta admin as a desired priority and who basically just has it because they're steward anyway [22:53:23] Colorful chat today lol [22:53:25] in other words treating it more like how we treat wc and gs [22:53:37] lots of reddish ei [22:53:48] and urple [22:53:52] ye [22:54:50] didn’t we eliminate GS exempt from Meta a while ago [22:55:01] in that GS could action Meta sysop items without the sysop flag itself [22:55:06] I don’t fully remember [22:55:32] I know there was talk of scrapping the exempt thing altogether [22:58:28] I believe we did [22:59:19] Hello Hello Hello [22:59:42] hello, hello, hello [23:00:00] Ro Ro Ro [23:00:55] I better stick with The Librarian, in stead of 3x.. Looks weird 😛 [23:02:34] Librarian Librarian Librarian [23:02:46] Kinda like books-a-many [23:10:59] Merry Bookmas [23:14:25] instead of trying to codify 1 role, how about perform a community review of all existing roles and define their responsibilities, duties, jurisdiction boundary. might seem overdue... [23:17:52] Erm... thanks I guess? 😄 [23:21:57] [1/3] There has been some discussion on at least parts of this. [23:21:57] [2/3] Draft RfCs: [[Requests for Comment]] [23:21:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Requests_for_Comment [23:21:58] [3/3] Redmin's ideas: [[User:Redmin/Global_groups_overhaul]] [23:21:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Redmin/Global_groups_overhaul [23:21:58] [1/2] [23:21:58] [2/2] [23:24:45] Books suck [23:27:28] Boring ahh hell [23:27:44] L bozo /j [23:28:14] This is something I’ve been meaning to visit for a while - I’ve. been dragging on completing review of the April incident(s) regarding the rebrand but should hopefully have that done soon [23:28:33] Was considering introducing an RfC around GR reform but potentially might include that in full overhaul [23:28:36] remains to be seen [23:28:57] and this will be done shortly [23:29:06] Let me know when we come to a conclusion as my school is about to start [23:31:28] [1/2] honestly speaking, it might be useful to redefine the interface admin role to be a more generic tech role for local admins to hand out while revoking access to user js, css, json [23:31:29] [2/2] personally, to avoid massive issue my preference is to lockdown template namespace and only allow a tech role + admins. avoids a vandal breaking high use templates. [23:32:04] It's called Special:Protect [23:32:25] do for WC, no for sysop [23:34:28] are you gonna protect every template? [23:34:49] why go through that effort when it can be done by a config? [23:35:11] Never said that [23:35:18] that was me making a pooint [23:35:21] I meant what you called "high use templates" [23:35:39] There is zero shown need to lock every template [23:35:47] people make good edits to them all the time [23:36:28] is a suggestion, don't care too much [23:40:20] wait no 80