[00:01:04] [1/2] Good night everyone! [00:01:04] [2/2] šŸ’¤ [00:01:14] night [00:02:15] so whats gonna happen to [[Requests_for_Comment/Global_Sysop_reform]]? [00:02:15] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Requests_for_Comment/Global_Sysop_reform [00:02:16] [00:03:16] someone needs to change from draft to open [00:03:37] if there are no objections I will do that because Agent obviously can't open it, but before that we should make sure that all necessary changes are made to the proposal [00:06:08] i personally would prefer something like [[User:Redmin/Global groups overhaul]] (albeit cleaned up a bit) but this is as close as we have currently [00:06:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Redmin/Global_groups_overhaul [00:06:09] [00:07:02] Subsequent RfCs would be reasonable but I don't think we have enough for a complete omnibus rights RfC [00:22:44] [1/3] let's be honest, the platform had a lot of problems on both sides of any view or opinion. same can be said for meta or google. all that happened now is all the radicalized activists were removed and have been heavily suppressed. obviously there's a balance between advertisement and a speech platform. of all the companies that pulled out, most are not doing very wel [00:22:44] [2/3] l now. in fact, we now have proof the white house has been coercing big tech to censor so with upcoming supreme court cases...big yikes [00:22:45] [3/3] as for all the private jet trackers, it doesn't become a problem until people actually threaten the individuals. almost all of these folks have been offered a chunk of cash to go away and refused it. they can be sued and will lose, especially when harm is proven. Elon could have sued the kid for putting his wife and kid in danger, easy win. [00:23:18] that's why the companies involved stepped in and revoked public data [00:23:27] The jet stuff was public information [00:23:37] If Elon didn't like it being public he should've gone to whoever was making it public [00:23:56] yes it was until elon's family was literally stalked and harassed. the companies responsible then made it paid service only [00:24:17] that's why private planes turn off transpondors to only ATC [00:24:26] Also I am not talking about the moderation or removing activists, it's all the pointless things he added and removed and renaming the site to "X" for some reason [00:24:53] it wasn't making money to begin with, it was underwater [00:25:23] its not even that attractice, it was a failing start up [00:25:54] yeah, let's criticize the boss instead of explain the convoluted infrastucture and code... [00:26:10] without funding rounds, twitter is long dead [00:26:32] there's some useful features added like long form content [00:26:35] Not saying that Twitter was a good site [00:26:40] Oh that's true [00:26:52] Removing verification wasn't useful though [00:27:27] [1/2] that's a tricky issue [00:27:27] [2/2] Elon dug up proof that employees were selling verification to people for personal profit, instead of earning it [00:27:39] I think there was always proof of that [00:27:47] hard to prove [00:27:50] from outside [00:27:53] I mean you could literally just always look up "buy twitter verification" or whatever [00:28:07] Lots of people say they do it, yes you don't know if they're genuine but it's easy to see how it could happen [00:29:02] Also like if an employee verified an obvious troll or spam account they'd get fired regardless of whether it could be proven they were being paid to do it, back then they had to make the paid verifications at least plausible, when Elon changed it, everyone signed up for it to impersonate companies and troll, to them the $8 was worth it [00:29:25] its not hard to see verification being sold because company was operating in the red [00:29:27] There were also some major sockfarms of verified AI-generated accounts, to scammers and spammers I don't think $8 is a lot of money [00:29:34] true [00:29:59] but it should operate as a pay to verify your account as perhaps an upgraded security option [00:30:07] for the company, not personal profit [00:30:32] elon wanted companies to purchase an enterprise plan [00:31:10] now there are different icons for companies, government, public figures/influencers [00:31:48] yes, elon is moving pendulum to middle after going too far to one side to get rid of all the trolls, disruptive activists [00:32:25] though if you try to sign up, its a 24 step puzzle that's just annoying [00:32:31] and you have to core 100% [00:33:03] I wasn't able to get through that puzzle most of the time but apparently bots managed to which is kind of incredible [00:33:04] maybe it was 12 puzzles [00:34:10] [1/2] bots can be taught it...that's why I predict captcha to be ineffective soon. adopting the countermeasures that cleantalk uses is much more effective. [00:34:10] [2/2] instead of stuff people see, just set traps for bots. invisible html elements to click [00:34:23] have heard one tricks is to redirect the bot [01:59:21] [1/2] whats the max amount of megabytes for this message to not show, also any good compressors? [01:59:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1236497435564576848/image.png?ex=66383979&is=6636e7f9&hm=95f7c994cdd8c0850af4c735db9e3380c840617d0312bd240db3565456323ac0& [02:21:43] do not know the max mb but for compressors, just look up "compress gif online" or something [02:21:58] i did but they arent doing enough [02:22:13] any more it just increases the megabytes somehow [02:22:23] [1/2] If collei is not actively trying to get banned and still ends up with a lot of warnings and sanctions from discord then clearly someone is doing something wrong. Discord's policies are hot trash but you need to go way out of scope of the TOS for them to actually do something about your account. [02:22:24] [2/2] If you check [[Meta:RFP]] you will see what I mean. [02:22:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Meta:RFP [02:22:24] [02:28:29] little bump [02:30:48] can you send a link? [02:31:13] https://rainworldmods.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Ping [02:33:30] might have it fixed, but gtg for now [02:33:52] you. huh [02:34:07] what exactly did you do? [02:39:40] Copied a different ping template [02:39:51] I have no idea what was wrong with your code [03:18:09] from my observations, has a tendency to argue past the point of discussion being dropped so that could in theory trigger a report [03:46:33] [1/2] Uhmmmmm [03:46:33] [2/2] How long's it take for a request to be reviewed by another creator/steward when on hold? [03:47:25] That is true and is something I'm working on but I can hardly imagine that being something valid to report for [03:48:01] I know someone who's been constantly using alts to harass me and my friends even after we've repeatedly blocked them sending really disturbing things and death threats and raiding servers we're in and nothing came of reporting them [03:49:21] [1/2] I've said before and will say it again: Trust & Safety is just a PR department. They only remove things that they think could make them look really bad. They do not want to be known as the place where child predators congregate, it's harder to whitewash the facts when going on Discord and saying "hi I'm a 13 year old girl" gets people sending you creepy shit; but if some people are [03:49:21] [2/2] targeted with harassment, nobody else can reproduce that until they've been on Discord too long to be able to really leave [04:05:59] its not, its childish [04:06:15] if said alts are in here, report to mods [04:44:03] they are not here [04:44:07] nothing to do with miraheze [04:53:53] oh [05:13:11] Thanks. I was told that I should report that on the stewards email too. Is it necessary or is the public report enough? [05:27:05] since stewards are aware, no need to further hassle on it [05:50:59] Okay [06:06:49] I had left that comment as guidance for future situations. There's no point now, but if you find another doxxing wiki, you shouldn't post it in public [06:14:26] Okay, thanks for this explanation! [06:15:16] Np [06:38:14] I'm zero at Lua lol [06:59:49] Heyooo [07:03:09] I know, but I thought you might know about it šŸ™‚ [07:35:53] ello [07:58:44] spotted [08:05:55] Oh yea you're here!!! [08:06:00] Heyyyy [08:06:11] How're y'all doing? [09:14:54] Hey sometimes I need to change the page display title, with editing a page with display title set up I can't change them in Page options it just shows up the page name as display title, instead of reading the page contents. Is this happening globally on every MediaWiki installation? [09:14:56] For some reasons I use visual editor not the source editor [09:21:25] Hey was this fixed? šŸ‘€ [09:34:09] Tbh, not a bad idea, but I think if this idea is gonna be implemented, making a wiki private should be an option imo [09:37:58] I think the idea was for recommending those wikis visit miraheze instead [09:38:45] as to that idea I'd say probably fine so long as they can come up with a clear scope/request and it's more than just "I want notes" and similarly limited detail [09:39:06] Yeah I agree [09:40:06] But I guess private wikis on wiki.gg can be like non-game wikis: a possible option, but not necessarily the focus of the platform [09:42:08] seems a bit much for their game focus tbh [09:42:59] ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ [09:43:36] But really, up to them to decide on the fate of those potential wikis, but I gave out my two cents [13:23:08] There is a reason [[WP:STICK]] has been written, very likely for [[WP:HOTHEADS]], and what's written there is really advice, even outside wiki projects. I have a short fuse and I get along with people just fine. [13:23:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:STICK https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:HOTHEADS [13:23:08] [1/2] [13:23:09] [2/2] [13:28:36] heyyyyy [13:28:51] I tried to make something simpler and I think I broke my template šŸ˜­ [13:29:13] I just added in a new template parameter to this template https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Chapter [13:30:21] And whenever I go to a page that has that template on and try to edit the template on that page to add something in there, it just, doesn't put it in? Like, I type it into the box and hit 'apply', but nothing on the page is added [13:31:44] [1/3] I can't see anything wrong with my template- [13:31:44] [2/3] does anyone else see something wrong here? [13:31:44] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1236671675806912574/image.png?ex=6638dbbf&is=66378a3f&hm=c7fb6c48447b45b5f58e8e924a4535f0e42a9b1b7935bf74b081ff164c6fffa3& [13:31:59] it's just the line about the series name that I added [13:34:45] I've tried changing it (I got rid of the rowspan="2") but it still won't let me add information into that box [13:40:14] you're using visual editor, right? I recon it's cause in the template data, "series name" was typed without a capital letter but the parameter in the template was with a capital letter. everything related to template parameters is case-sensitive. I changed it to a capital letter in the template data. Does that work? (sorr for not asking before changing it) [13:40:30] Yea [13:40:36] [1/2] OMG I FIGURED IT OUT [13:40:37] [2/2] I didn't indent it properly in the template!!! [13:40:59] Oh, that's okay- maybe it was your edit that fixed it then, thank you! [13:51:26] If it's not miraheze policy, no reason to cite unless relevant as standard operating procedure [15:07:56] I also know nothing about Lua but after learning some programming languages the syntax of others isn't that hard to figure out, I just reference the Scribunto documentation, look at other code, and ask ChatGPT [15:11:29] ^ same case before [15:12:28] Agree except for the GPT part I donā€™t trust that bitch with shit [15:12:51] Lua is often referred to as one of the easiest languages anyways [15:15:46] I use GPT and then fix the problems in its code [15:16:44] BTW I've never really taken any full courses on a specific language or framework, I've done the Khan Academy AP comp sci course and watched some long YouTube series but nothing more than that really [15:16:53] So whatā€™s the point if youā€™re rewriting from scratch [15:17:02] āœ‹ same [15:17:02] I don't rewrite from scratch [15:17:06] Most of it doesn't need fixing [15:17:10] Just some parts do [15:17:10] Never took a formal class in my life [15:17:19] Yea [15:17:40] Maybe itā€™s just because the stuff I make is very niche and has basically no precedent or existing code that does exactly what I need [15:17:58] Because if there was I wouldnā€™t be doing it [15:18:09] I hate remaking things that already exist better [15:18:36] I do not ask chatgpt to make the whole code, I ask for specific things [15:18:40] That seems the most effective way to learn, allows to create stuff. Only drawback is bad habits consistenting of messy code [15:19:06] Fair [15:19:08] It will work, just a pain to fix stuff [15:19:32] Ig I could try to use copilot on the simple repetitive stuff Iā€™m doing [15:20:48] [1/3] Just a matter of organizing your code, abstracting onto separate functions within a class aka methods. [15:20:48] [2/3] Don't cram into a function, gets very confusing later to fix [15:20:48] [3/3] Properly comment your code [15:21:53] If you understand what's going on and can explain to gpt, it's OK to use. Just have to double check it's work [15:24:06] Pix did you see my ping in tech? [15:24:35] Yes [15:25:17] I think I forgot it I was up until midnight cause I was out at the after party of a play i shouldnā€™t have been at [15:25:23] Very eepy [15:26:04] Ok, respond to it if you remember anything else is useful. Will be writing in wikitext. [15:28:51] Those that push portable infobox, talk is cheap. Provide generic examples that can match similar capabilities otherwise total waste. [16:23:29] Miraheze has an analytics endpoint? I noticed the browser was sending request to analytics.miraheze.org [16:23:49] *analytics.wikitide.net, yes [16:24:16] Which kinds of data will be sent? [16:24:22] Like those basic browser envirnment details? [16:24:30] you can access the data collected by that at Special:Analytics, and exempt certain user groups from it by giving them (noanalytics) on ManageWiki [16:25:12] stuff like User-Agent header, a fraction of the IP address (the full IP is not stored), pages visited and such [16:25:19] this is not a complete list btw [16:25:31] also if that visitor is using a phone or a desktop computer [16:28:55] Since my wiki is public facing and I have security protections on my devices I don't care if such data being collected [16:29:31] Oh network issues one of my messages failed to send [16:29:34] Thanks for telling me there is such a (secret) settings! [16:30:01] noanalytics is not really a secret permission, but sure [16:32:33] I cannot for the life of me get the page image deny list to work [16:32:39] https://mrrakkonsworld.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Pageimages-denylist [16:32:51] I never noticed about this before [16:32:52] These images keep showing in the search bar [16:38:11] me in a nutshell [16:38:58] cuz it is arduous to write code from scratch, even if u know how to write that code [16:40:17] like ok, of course I can write an html page or a js program from scratch, I could do that, but if it is something that is easy to write but takes time, I'd prefer using gpt for it and then check the code, for the sake of saving time [16:53:47] Yea [16:54:50] I don't mind coding and it is something I kind of enjoy but I've gotten more tired of really everything so I just get bored easily of coding so I prefer having ChatGPT do the easy things [16:56:27] Is there a way to auto-create and populate a category page? As an example, when I add "game" as a category, I'd like it to auto-create and add the page to that category page [16:59:54] there's an extension but it's restricted to stewardsaand has to be requested [17:00:30] Oh, all right. How can I request it? [17:04:47] [1/2] [[Steward requests/Restricted changes]] [17:04:47] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Restricted_changes [17:04:48] [2/2] extension is [[mw:Extension:Auto Create Category Pages]] [17:04:48] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Auto_Create_Category_Pages [17:04:49] [1/2] [17:04:49] [2/2] [17:05:02] did wiki bot died? [17:09:37] I see its reply on my end [17:09:57] I see now too [17:10:01] guess it was slow [17:23:41] same [17:25:38] Thanks! [17:28:22] I even don't know how to create categories, so how to do it? [17:28:59] like any other page [17:29:17] when you link a non-existent category it's just a red link [17:29:37] but it's like [17:29:56] the category is here, it can contain pages [17:30:06] just doesn't have a page on its own [17:30:12] so you just create it [17:30:20] either empty or w/ stuff [17:30:35] The point is how to perform this step of operation [17:30:57] you click on red link and create a page [17:32:30] And isn't it a regular page? [17:33:15] it's a page w/ `Category:` prefix [17:33:20] in category namespace [17:34:18] either you just add it normally (`[[Category:...]]`) or link it in text (`[[:Category:...|...]]`), it's still a categrot page [17:34:18] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:... https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/:Category:... [17:36:22] how long does it take to get your own page [17:37:02] if you mean wiki, depends on availability of request reviewers [17:38:24] ok thanks [17:39:45] Oh thanks I know [18:03:39] @serverlessharej Hey James, could I ask a bit about the reasoning behind preventing Community Liasons from being Software Engineers šŸ™‚ If they are meant to be a bridge between community and tech, preventing them from being tech seems counterintuitive [18:04:28] I don't want that because when Agent was CES it worked much better before he had access. [18:04:51] Software Engineers may be fine but no shell access I guess [18:05:45] It distracted communicating if you have to communicate to the community while being involved in maintenance yourself for example. [18:06:06] (agent šŸ˜”) makes sense ig. But yeah since SE only gives you an email I donā€™t see a reason to exclude it [18:06:13] @pixldev can I give my blunt and honest but very generalised opinion [18:06:22] if anything it helps give them a sense of whatā€™s possible [18:06:31] Oh boy- sure? [18:07:20] Many of the people I meet who are brilliant software engineers should not be allowed for the life of them to do community / press relations. [18:07:41] that's a recipe for half the community making a formal complaint [18:07:55] Actually applies to most engineers and scientists [18:08:39] Couldnā€™t be me [18:08:47] Mainly the brilliant software engineer part [18:09:33] I know one fantastic scientist but if you told them to communicate with community during an outage then half the community would be told to foxtrot Oscar and we'd likely have half the platform down cause he had a meltdown in the middle of upgrading a database [18:11:39] Like I do think we should assess skills individually anyway [18:11:40] ā€™foxtrot oscarā€™ well points for creativity for them [18:12:08] CES also is going to be stressful during an incident [18:12:24] Y e a [18:12:28] I don't want to see lots of mixed roles [18:12:34] Which is why I wanted a new requirement you can't also hold shell access [18:12:39] who are we getting stuck in the role [18:12:47] I did suggest someone with tech background but not in SRE whatsoever be a bridge, that may work better but that person must be able to communicate in plain language with community and communicate in technical with SRE [including inferring wants] [18:12:58] It could get creative but i got to think if the children in here [18:14:09] @m3w yes, CES requires you can speak and translate between technical, press and caring language [18:14:14] I will say, out of everyone here, the only person I can think of is RhinosF1. Sorry for putting on the spot. [18:14:48] @m3w I don't speak press [18:15:11] Nor do I like people [18:15:21] Ah well though seem to communicate better than most in SRE [18:15:22] CES kinda has to like people [18:16:12] @m3w you ain't seen me when shit hits the fan at 1000mph from a hundred directions [18:16:36] yeha kinda what i was saying for allowing SE [18:18:23] add on the aforementioned exlcusion of shell people and youā€™ve got a fairly limited selection [18:18:48] I mean tbh that's a fairly limited set of people in general [18:19:27] Yeah [18:19:29] I have met very few people in 20 years on this planet that can do it well [18:19:37] It takes skill [18:19:59] Silicona? [18:20:24] You get a lot of technical people that can't explain stuff to the intelligent idiot [18:20:55] And a lot of press officers don't know when to stop talking businessy [18:21:19] It feel that, it always weird to explain to my friends or family about wiki or tech stuff [18:21:28] BTW, board is currently meeting, we'll be at limited avail while that's ongoing. [18:21:51] Oh hey @notaracham [18:21:51] Thereā€™s no gavel emoji if there was i would use it [18:22:04] enjoy the meeting [18:22:21] You are a typical software person tbh [18:22:34] How so? [18:22:38] You remind me of many of my friends [18:23:04] a few days ago I was nerding over Nookipedia API and im sure i probably sounded like i was speaking greek [18:23:30] See DM [18:27:36] how do i know when my wiki request gets accepted or rejected [18:29:02] You should receive an email and on-wiki notification, but you can always check your request yourself directly as well. [18:29:14] And there is also a third option of "we need more information from you" [18:30:09] thanks [19:44:43] How can I demote myself on a wiki? [19:45:49] Special:UserRightd [19:46:04] by default crats cant self demote [19:46:17] Thank you! [19:46:27] Ah. [19:49:35] How can I change that? [19:50:17] I'm curious, why not? [19:50:28] Sounds just like fandom [19:50:32] Special:ManageWiki/permissions, allow bureaucrats to remove the group from themselves [19:50:46] Probably to prevent new wiki owners from demoting themselves [19:51:18] Wiki.gg donā€™t even have local crats so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø [19:53:07] Due warning, if you demote yourself and no other crat exists, nobody will be able to enable/disable extensions or perform many managewiki functions [19:54:02] So only something to be undertaken carefully and with full surety [19:55:09] huh a lot of channels seem to be gone, is that expected [19:55:12] oh [19:55:17] wait i'm not verified anymore [19:55:46] hello again paladox [19:55:51] ok works now [19:55:52] YO [19:55:53] hi [19:55:59] whoops caps [19:56:00] Hey Paladox! [19:56:22] hi! [20:00:27] Same for liquipedia.net [20:02:23] [1/2] only NA is offline šŸ˜„ [20:02:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1236769986912059463/Screenshot_2024-05-05_at_1.02.09_PM.png?ex=6639374e&is=6637e5ce&hm=04d4a09a924883218f2f347ea353ed72107db0d663fcbcf00d5a39a1ae7f82dd& [20:05:22] Here and not, nowhere and everywhere, that is the place of raidarr [20:05:29] heh [20:10:28] raidarnā€™t [20:59:37] is this were i appeal a ban [20:59:53] ive never heard of this until my friends asked me to help on a wiki and my IP address was blocked [21:00:13] i have a few siblings in the house and im assuming one of them did stupid stuff [21:00:31] the ban says vandalism or something? [21:01:12] yea i think [21:01:16] even though ive never used it [21:01:20] i also wouldnt vandalize a wiki [21:01:51] yea its for "cross wiki vandalism" [21:01:57] it ends on march 18th 2030 šŸ˜­ [21:03:23] You likely got caught in a range used by a persistent vandal [21:03:46] Was this while trying to create an account? [21:03:50] yes [21:04:15] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1236785556814303273/image.png?ex=663945cf&is=6637f44f&hm=0e8797d13b772bc21fc8f188d86f199a4fcbe8572564a4e2e679dc561e888d44& [21:04:22] i think thats my IP thats why i scribbled it out [21:04:34] Great. Please email cvt@wikitide.org with your preferred username and email address to attach to the account and we'll get you sorted [21:04:42] thank u [21:06:00] sent the email [21:12:20] Thanks, im logged in now [21:12:26] Awesome, glad we could help [21:18:14] I get too many pings and have too few hours, offline is my default. [21:19:02] Of course lol, makes sense [21:19:10] Does offline stop you from getting notifs? [21:19:29] No, but it does make it so folks are less likely to think to ping me [21:22:34] Ah yep, that's a good idea. [21:42:29] Yeah i tend to target people online [21:42:37] how many pings do you wake to [21:47:30] Varies a lot by day. 2-16 is most frequent. Bad days when things blow up number in the hundreds. [21:47:48] Nothing compared to CA's ping count though [21:47:51] makes sense [21:47:56] fear [21:48:05] well cant be worse then his inbox [21:48:27] Probably like half the emails in my work inbox [21:48:39] You could delete half of them and I probably wouldn't notice [21:50:53] I still have 36,000 unread pings on Discord and that is after clearing a lot. [21:52:17] then there's me who's up there if I get more than 3 pings [21:52:55] but I mute most GCs and mass pings so that tends to cut the chaff very quickly [21:56:02] ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. [21:56:09] HOOOOOOOWWWW [21:56:25] i rarely mute or supress pings [21:56:34] i just read then as they come [21:56:41] almos always at 0 [21:56:43] I've gotten far more picky about what can and can't ping me [21:56:44] šŸ™‚ [21:56:50] That defeats the point.. [21:57:06] I personally donā€™t care if I should see it ping me [21:57:16] long as it ainā€™t spamming [21:57:25] if you want me to see it ping [22:09:02] infrastructure specialists šŸ˜­šŸ™ [22:12:46] @rodejong youre kinda flooding the recent changes page a bit [22:15:11] ain't got the time/energy to read every ping that comes along tbh [22:15:16] Ro.. thereā€™s a redirect [22:15:45] There wasn't until very recently because the move function was being a pain/wasn't playing nicely with translate pages. [22:15:59] That one's on me [22:16:10] Erm... Is the redirect restored then? [22:16:18] Yep, no need to undo though [22:16:18] I hadn't noticed [22:16:52] Okay. [22:17:15] Its fine [22:17:18] thanks [22:17:29] next time, maybe request flooder [22:17:49] okidoki [23:06:57] ugh courvix destroyed email sending