[00:02:04] @tedkalashnikov https://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/Module:StoredCites https://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/Module:StoredCites/Data so like this what yall thinking? :nomChocoStrawberry: [00:02:49] still much room for improvement, ie allowing for some variables to be missing or changable [00:02:51] ...That is pretty much exactly it, yes [00:03:20] Lua is so scary [00:03:30] who would have expected using like an actual programming lanuage would be like [00:03:32] powwerful? [00:04:13] although i barely kept anything from Nookipedia tbh [00:04:25] Beautiful picture by the way [00:04:30] i may also change the data format [00:04:46] i had to go out of my way to find something worthy on commons [00:04:49] I can't properly look at it until the weekend anyway so please be my guest, this is so helpful hahaha [00:05:07] eh been wanting to try lua for a bit so thank you lol [00:05:24] if your friend who had the idea isn't busy feel free to send to them [00:05:43] if they have any suggestions or comments tell them they [00:05:51] Oh that was me. LOL [00:05:53] Server profile [00:05:57] ah [00:06:04] [kekw~1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1067970604902404146.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=kekw%7E1) [00:06:07] sorry [00:06:07] Sorry I was the suggestee all along!!!!! [00:06:10] Hahahaha youre okay [00:06:18] I've been bamboozled [00:06:21] LOL [00:06:26] Im like a Scooby Doo villain [00:07:33] https://tenor.com/view/chudds-all-stars-hedera-hbar-basehball-ghost-gif-26501653 [00:11:27] still tweaking to do by cosmicalpha it seems, the caching in place is rather aggressive so [00:11:33] also noting ill be touching grass(gasp) over the weekend so if adios till sunday morning thats why [00:12:08] Hahaha no worries [00:13:18] i suppose? strange that it randomly did it when it was working fine before though [00:13:24] but eh. it works now, so whatever i suppose [00:15:04] Not sure why this is suddenly an issue either. [00:15:31] (Other than CloudFlare.) [00:18:10] cache hasn't been happy recently [00:19:33] Yeah, it has been especially present. [00:19:51] Not really versed into technical details right now however. [00:21:46] CA must be trying to reduce costs and went overboard from the looks of things, 80% might be too much [01:15:40] anyone have source code for infobox royalty [02:08:22] I think we should mark [[Meta:Translators]] for xlation. Thoughts? [02:08:22] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Meta:Translators [02:08:23] [02:09:43] I support that idea. [02:24:25] uhmmm [02:24:37] I just need the dump for mirroring [02:25:37] Will xlate request features next [02:34:03] nvm i found it [02:34:52] Miraheze is in no danger [02:35:29] huh why a dump will harm miraheze [02:36:28] [1/2] tbh, I got de-opped from bureaucrat and admin from snowballaspedia, but still have the self hosted >:) [02:36:28] [2/2] https://snowballaspedia.us.to [02:36:34] so mirror [03:02:01] my antimalware just blocked this [03:02:48] stop [03:03:55] ublock origin blocked it for me [03:04:47] typically if you are creating a mirror and not disclosing it, that can result in being demoted for loss of trust [03:05:41] nah I got de-opped because I didn't ask permission to redesign the main page of some projects lol [04:33:40] waiting for my wiki to be accepted [04:41:28] :p [05:39:40] Why pin something again that has already been said and pinned? [05:39:45] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/756245765554438146 [05:41:21] t’was unpinned I believe? [05:41:38] I just realized that was a month ago lol [05:41:53] yeah heh [05:42:11] not recent [06:15:56] I'm thinking about porting [[translatewiki:Project:Terminology_gadget]] to Miraheze [06:15:56] https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Project:Terminology_gadget [06:15:57] [06:47:39] heh I didn't expect this is gadget, thought it is some sort of extension [06:52:56] /auth [06:53:47] You can use: https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1197697755028652032 [06:54:15] Ah thanks [07:06:20] Gadgets are seriously amazing these days [07:07:27] yeah 😲 [08:04:06] I had a weird error pop up when I changed my default skin and now I don’t have the mobile/desktop option at the bottom of my wiki. I am also missing the option to set the default mobile skin under styling. [08:05:21] seems like you disabled MobileFrontend extension [09:37:54] What is the subdomain name? [09:38:30] Hey [09:42:36] Sorry for the ping, but are you reviewing wiki requests? [09:42:59] Yes [09:43:55] Would it be alright if I asked for mine to be reviewed? [09:44:22] No clue if I can use wiki bot but [09:44:23] [[Special:RequestWikiQueue/44211]] [09:44:23] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/44211 [09:44:24] [09:44:41] It’s this one [09:46:32] I can look [09:46:45] Thank you [10:16:56] Hey, I'm new here (and on miraheze, so I'm just gonna speak honestly) I just wanted to ask, since I made the dumb rookie mistake of importing infobox templates and an infobox module from wikipedia; is it recommended to remove those templates to avoid future errors, and if so, how? [10:18:02] lots of them? [10:21:38] [1/5] You could review your documentation, and only use that what is really necessary. [10:21:38] [2/5] A lot of templates and modules are based on documentation that is not really necessary. [10:21:38] [3/5] A blank example between should be kept - something like ```
[10:21:39] 	  [4/5] |example= 
[10:21:39] 	  [5/5] }}/pre```
[10:22:33] 	  That way, you won't need to use all the dependencies.
[10:24:18] 	  would you be free to review mine too?
[10:25:31] 	  https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/44128
[10:26:32] 	  Oh dear 😄
[10:27:24] 	  Yes... You could say that. Specifically the base Infobox template and module. Followed by templates for military conflict, country, continent, aircraft, automoble.
[10:27:32] 	  yes im afraid you have opened a can of worms
[10:28:24] 	  Okay, how do I review the documentation?
[10:32:00] 	  [1/2] Hmmm, I think you should first read [[Infoboxes]] to get an understanding about these templates.
[10:32:00] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes
[10:32:01] 	  [2/2] And perhaps https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Editing_Wikitext
[10:32:45] 	  Hello, is it allowed to remove the branding footer from a wiki? I noticed there's a wiki that doesn't show up the footer which indicates it's been hosted on Miraheze.
[10:33:27] 	  yeah, few wikis do this, I assume w/ CSS, but I personally think it's uncool lol
[10:34:16] 	  I think that this is indeed possible, but not appreciated
[10:34:17] 	  Yes the footer should be preserved as an indication of origin
[10:34:57] 	  Just now I was checking with the ISOC Accessibility Standing Group wiki and noticed the footer is never shown
[10:35:03] 	  My request was marked as “needs more details” but no comment was left
[10:36:35] 	  :ThinkingHardMH:
[10:36:39] 	  I'll notify him. Likely the comment was not saved :ThinkerMH:
[10:36:55] 	  Thank you
[10:37:35] 	  And also how to remove the CC BY-SA licensing model?
[10:37:47] 	  I want to purpose a custom licensing model for my wiki.
[10:40:33] 	  No need to remove it. Can be done in ManageAdmin
[10:48:59] 	  After we send the comment for needs more details, how long is the average wait before it can be looked at?
[11:02:04] 	  ManageAdmin?
[11:21:10] 	  `Special:ManageWiki/settings`
[11:21:18] 	  😂
[11:33:16] 	  Is there a way to rename user groups
[11:49:14] 	  OOps. My brain is all over the place at the moment whahaha
[12:07:51] 	  [1/2] Hey everyone! Im trying to make a request to enable extension on my wiki but it asks me to enter CAPTCHA that does not appear
[12:07:52] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238100120726409226/image.png?ex=663e0e17&is=663cbc97&hm=09590b40e32fa779738de11ebc34d7140748e53027a611344c0d597ab85b247b&
[12:08:11] 	  any ideas what can I do?
[12:08:48] 	  another wiki admin tried to do it from their computer and had the same issue
[12:14:41] 	  I tried also other browsers
[12:22:13] 	  I already figured out question 2) from the above message but I still don't understand the first one
[12:22:35] 	  can somebody point me in the right direction?
[12:28:07] 	  not conveniently unless you just want to change the display name of groups
[12:29:34] 	  [1/5] to do that you would modify
[12:29:34] 	  [2/5]     MediaWiki:Group-groupname (content: Groupnames)
[12:29:34] 	  [3/5]     MediaWiki:Group-groupname-member (content: groupname)
[12:29:34] 	  [4/5]     MediaWiki:Grouppage-groupname (content: Project:Groupname)
[12:29:35] 	  [5/5] which I have roughly saved somewhere but I still keep having to do a quick lookup to get these
[13:22:34] 	  [1/2] oooooooo
[13:22:34] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238118920226082856/image.png?ex=663e1f99&is=663cce19&hm=922ba816cfef4193c088ef02c34ad1cc23fe0728715afd4d4086c70b3c698379&
[13:32:55] 	  [1/2] does anyone know how to edit the highlighted title
[13:32:55] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238121524834336879/image.png?ex=663e2206&is=663cd086&hm=33877901c94289c297e4c608e6c1b1d9d2b4d38fdccdd0577cbd0bf90d81b14d&
[13:38:31] 	  [1/3] you can rename the page - it's "Move" button in page tools
[13:38:31] 	  [2/3] but - in case of main page renaming you should add new title in `MediaWiki:Mainpage` to not break it
[13:38:32] 	  [3/3] on another hand you change only that visible title, while still keeping "Main Page" in URL, that's achieved w/ `{{DISPLAYTITLE:...}}` magic word, but you might need to change some settings to make it work
[13:38:32] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/DISPLAYTITLE:Template:... 
[13:39:06] 	  and another main page specific way
[13:39:49] 	  `MediaWiki:Mainpage-title` and `MediaWiki:Mainpage-title-loggedin`, but they're usually used when you just want the title to be gone by making these page blank
[14:12:54] 	  aaaaaaaaaaaa
[14:12:56] 	  es5 is sh*t
[14:22:16] 	  thank you
[14:39:47] 	  Hello.  I have just requested a wiki in miraheze.org.  Is there anyplace I go to monitor the status of that request?  Thanks, new to all this.
[14:41:03] 	  Which subdomain?
[14:41:30] 	  Which subdomain?
[14:42:24] 	  the subdomain I inserted was "chrisgranelli"
[14:43:27] 	  https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/44224
[14:43:46] 	  Status explanation is here: https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1231988529563697264
[14:47:04] 	  Thanks a lot
[15:17:09] 	  wiki load very slow
[16:33:47] 	  Hello. Now I got an XML file with all the pages from my Wiki on Fandom and loaded it into the import on Miraheze. This file is only 435 kilobytes, but after clicking the “Upload File” button, the error “Failed to import: No pages to import” comes up. Although I personally opened this file and saw that it has everything in it.
[16:39:01] 	  Special:Import is faulty, you should use [[Special:RequestImportDump]] on Meta
[16:39:01] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestImportDump
[16:41:50] 	  Okay, thanks
[16:51:24] 	  where do you find your wikis from the main web page?
[17:00:03] 	  you mean when your request is accepted? you should get a notification on Meta wiki
[17:00:14] 	  or?
[17:00:18] 	  no as in when you actually have a wiki
[17:00:29] 	  where do you find it after you have closed the tab
[17:01:28] 	  [1/2] history, or make a bookmark, or just keep the link
[17:01:29] 	  [2/2] if you mean in google etc - the wiki should be indexed first, and this is a complex task
[17:03:06] 	  i just had to go back in my google history
[17:03:12] 	  [1/2] also how do i remove this
[17:03:12] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238174444283891762/image.png?ex=663e534f&is=663d01cf&hm=029fd54d0a07cfaaa2ea92b4f733d2810c49c585a5b4ebcdefd0bdfaa47a033a&
[17:03:33] 	  i moved the page because i was testing the website controls
[17:03:42] 	  but i deleted the new page
[17:03:48] 	  and i only want the main page for now
[17:04:37] 	  you likely changed mediawiki:mainpage
[17:07:54] 	  all i had to do was edit the page and delete the link
[17:08:00] 	  wow
[17:35:19] 	  Can someone please help with my support request `Invisible CAPTCHA`
[18:02:26] 	  congrats to @raidarr
[18:07:12] 	  for what
[18:12:04] 	  someone dropped a meta admin hat on my head
[18:16:08] 	  Congrats!
[18:19:05] 	  Congrats @raidarr
[18:19:18] 	  You can help in #Invisible CAPTCHA now 🙂
[18:25:05] 	  ✋
[19:00:23] 	  Congrats
[19:08:04] 	  heh the WC appointment policy is screwed up
[19:08:59] 	  Waki should have enough for success but the vote requires 5 supports, even though no other role has that.....
[19:09:07] 	  RfC time...
[19:13:42] 	  [Dark Souls Boss] Raidarr, the holder of hats  😛
[19:17:34] 	  Silicona?
[19:19:26] 	  [1/2] When using the template version of Special:EditCount, is there a way to remove the extra text so it just displays the number?
[19:19:26] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238208731196690453/IMG_6414.png?ex=663e733e&is=663d21be&hm=08c9fb5d2587033ef384291f9e4b31db573314d2d9fbf58e6f27b73ff52ff6e2&
[19:20:49] 	  Yup
[19:20:57] 	  I’m trying to remember the page
[19:21:05] 	  Mediawiki:Editcount-before I think
[19:21:25] 	  heh it's just annoying
[19:21:33] 	  because Waki should have it, as have others in the past
[19:21:41] 	  it's a weird quirk
[19:22:47] 	 <_______________________________d> i should create a CIR page on my wiki
[19:23:46] 	  [1/2] It doesn’t seem to work, but I might be doing it wrong?
[19:23:47] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238209821468131328/IMG_6416.png?ex=663e7442&is=663d22c2&hm=247b64a9ee9812a33be523509990e8202d230e3b2be666c25d2636b9453cbdb5&
[19:28:58] 	  Again hello. Can somebody say why my {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} shows 0 articles when I have above 58 articles actually?
[19:28:58] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:NUMBEROFARTICLES 
[19:30:38] 	  I probably have the wrong name
[19:30:43] 	  by the way at the same time {{NUMBEROFPAGES}} works good
[19:30:44] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:NUMBEROFPAGES 
[19:31:31] 	  [1/6] Henlo all 👋
[19:31:31] 	  [2/6] I've got a new issue I'd like some help with. So, I'm trying to test out the [TemplateStyles]() extension on my wiki so that when I move onto creating new pages I'll know how to implement different styles on it. Small problem though, when I go to create a new template page that uses sanitised-css content model, it jus
[19:31:32] 	  [3/6] t won't load the model?
[19:31:32] 	  [4/6] I've been doing what the extension is suggesting by creating a new template page with ".css" at the end... E.G:
[19:31:32] 	  [5/6] > Template:Main_Page.css
[19:31:33] 	  [6/6] But when the page is created it doesn't load the content model. Is there a reason why and am I doing something wrong?
[19:32:37] 	  Hm, seems to be [[Mediawiki:editcount-before]]
[19:32:37] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Mediawiki:editcount-before
[19:34:52] 	  I tried to use it like {{Mediawiki:editcount-before/username}} but that didn’t seem to work
[19:34:52] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Mediawiki:Template:editcount-before/username 
[19:35:20] 	  Oops
[19:36:02] 	  No that’s not how it works
[19:36:14] 	  The contents of that base page will be shown before the count
[19:38:18] 	  I’d just blank it
[19:38:55] 	  Is there a way to include a template so that it only displays the number of edits?
[19:39:11] 	  It shows the number of edits regardless
[19:39:17] 	  This is the text placed before the number
[19:39:40] 	  But the MediaWiki one doesn’t display a number
[19:40:04] 	  It just displays this text
[19:42:41] 	  it's borked on current version of MW
[19:42:47] 	  Ah
[19:42:48] 	  should be fixed by someone
[19:49:02] 	  Really? How so
[19:49:29] 	  I dunno I was the first person to notice it lol
[19:49:46] 	  right after the update
[19:50:00] 	  To 1.41?
[19:50:08] 	  I could have sworn someone was using it after
[19:50:27] 	  check my meta user page lol
[19:50:31] 	  it's still like that
[19:54:38] 	  @tedkalashnikov also to confirm for the phighting stored cites is there a reasonable possibility of any of the values ie date or image even being completely empty?
[19:57:58] 	  Image could be empty, yes
[19:59:59] 	  Any others?
[20:00:07] 	  Hmm
[20:00:17] 	  Maybe link? In some rare casw
[20:01:07] 	  :yes_honey:
[20:01:14] 	  Aight
[20:01:47] 	  I might do that eventually but for now image
[20:01:58] 	  School work who?
[20:02:12] 	  Also Lua syntax is silly
[20:02:45] 	  `userGroups = data[user:gsub('_', '')]`
[20:02:59] 	  Colon looks so off
[20:08:51] 	  Hm, well the text is still on the message page
[20:09:06] 	  @brandon.wm can you blank [[Mediawiki:Editcount-before]]?
[20:09:06] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Mediawiki:Editcount-before
[20:09:40] 	  yeah
[20:09:54] 	  why?
[20:10:37] 	  don’t mind doing it at all, just want to know what I’m doing first
[20:10:45] 	  [[User:Legroom]] demonstrates the issue quite effectively
[20:10:45] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Legroom
[20:12:38] 	  done
[20:15:27] 	  You’re working on the phighting wiki@
[20:15:28] 	  There we are
[20:15:40] 	  I am one of its bureaucrats, yes
[20:15:46] 	  That’s so cool
[20:15:52] 	  Thank you!
[20:16:03] 	  Our wiki (pressure wiki) got the idea to fork from you guys
[20:16:19] 	  Hey that is awesome, I hope Miraheze has been good to you so far LOL
[20:16:31] 	  Our migration was stressful but it was totally for the better
[20:16:39] 	  I can see how
[20:17:04] 	  It is indeed very cool (as someone who has no edits on it or don’t know the game)
[20:17:10] 	  Hahahaha
[20:17:13] 	  Lmao
[20:17:18] 	  The wikis CSS is all my work
[20:17:28] 	  You people scare me
[20:17:29] 	  as is a lot of the templates and other stuff
[20:17:38] 	  😄
[20:17:51] 	  But give me the occasional excuse to try out a new technique or extension so
[20:17:52] 	  Eh
[20:17:58] 	  Im known as the "wiki warden" in the community. It is funny
[20:18:07] 	  Hahaha I appreciate your help so much always
[20:18:10] 	  https://tenor.com/view/warden-am-kokusu-al%C4%B1nca-gif-26823775
[20:18:14] 	  LOL
[20:18:34] 	  Is there much template difference compared to fandom in the context of migrating over content
[20:18:40] 	  My brain thought of the minecraft warden with wikipe-tan and I can’t mentally unsee it now
[20:18:49] 	  Not really I’d think
[20:18:54] 	  Both run mediawiki
[20:19:06] 	  If anything it would be harder to move them from MH to fandom
[20:19:11] 	  I had to reimport the infobox modules and messagebox (which needed like 5 billion dependencies) but otherwise I like templating much better on MH
[20:19:13] 	  Since we have lots of extensions on here
[20:19:20] 	  More extensions, more help from volunteers, etc
[20:19:40] 	  Yeah the only thing I can think of is the dev modules which you can import
[20:19:49] 	  The most annoying part of migration was images
[20:19:59] 	  I had to hand download over a thousand images 😭
[20:20:10] 	  If your wiki uses the data trinity well tough nuggets on fandom
[20:20:38] 	  I don’t know whether to salute you for the effort or actually following their bullshit rules
[20:20:53] 	  Our miraheze project is still in pretty early infancy since we just recently created the wiki and we’re still working on setting up the basic stuff, do you have a list of a few of these that you guys used?
[20:20:58] 	  To be fair I have no idea how to bot it so I just did it by hand
[20:21:39] 	  Oh gosh Id love to but I sadly dont remember - most templates should migrate fine, its just some built in templates that refer to modules on FANDOMs dev wiki
[20:21:39] 	  I have learned the wikiteam has a discord and IRC bot we are maybe going to add so basically might be able to mass download images with a discord bot command
[20:21:49] 	  If you see a Lua error then its probably that
[20:22:18] 	  That’s alright lmao
[20:22:30] 	  You can always ask for help here
[20:22:36] 	  Do you have any advice for the whole forking process in general?
[20:23:13] 	  Take it easy and know that people will continue to use FANDOM against your wishes. Its okay. Make your Miraheze better. Get WikiSEO set up asap
[20:23:42] 	  WikiSEO?
[20:23:50] 	  Does someone have the link
[20:23:56] 	  On it
[20:24:07] 	  [[mw:Extension:WikiSEO]]
[20:24:07] 	 https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikiSEO
[20:24:18] 	  This will actually put your wiki onto google
[20:24:22] 	  @Wiki-Bot <3
[20:24:58] 	  We have Search Engine Optimization guides on meta
[20:25:01] 	  Oh also
[20:25:02] 	  We’re pretty fortunate with SEO since currently the top wiki was abandoned and has low visits so that should give us a pretty good head start
[20:25:13] 	  You can use it to set up Google Search Console
[20:25:15] 	  wikiSEO would have to be done for each page right?
[20:25:18] 	  Awesome, I am fighting our old wikis SEO every single day
[20:25:33] 	  Just doing by hand for 900+ pages would be a pain
[20:25:36] 	  No
[20:25:45] 	  Yes and no - you need to tell Google what pages to index (unless it works on your sitemap) but you dont NEED to set up individual keywords etc for every page
[20:25:49] 	  Please explain
[20:26:02] 	  We only have about 60-70 written pages so there’s not much hassle there
[20:26:04] 	  Once you give Google the pages it will do its best
[20:26:10] 	  Search Webmaster for the telling?
[20:26:12] 	  WikiSEO tagging is to boost your results
[20:26:46] 	  My wiki has 901 pages roughly took 3 days just to hand do linking pages together
[20:27:21] 	  Your wiki has a sitemap at like, /sitemap.xml, with any luck if you give Google that page it will just index everything
[20:27:36] 	  It didnt quite work for us so I had to manually start indexing pages but I just do it slowly
[20:27:40] 	  [1/2] Example of GSC, you also use the site to view metrics and configure stuff like asking it to index a page
[20:27:40] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238225900391366818/image0.jpg?ex=663e833b&is=663d31bb&hm=63f792100600c9b37bc333b7bcdc64f20ca496cceaf054bef3f8a3d3a61f5a65&
[20:27:51] 	  Woah
[20:28:21] 	  [1/2] Tadah
[20:28:21] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238226071459991552/Screenshot_20240509_212812_Chrome.png?ex=663e8364&is=663d31e4&hm=e3ad7b8382e8c26cea47fbc20986d47621894196fad893c644a1c9916cfba124&
[20:28:22] 	  As far as google cares you own the website
[20:28:37] 	  https://tenor.com/view/cat-cringe-dies-diesofcringe-theruxemburg-gif-25773904
[20:28:40] 	  30% CTR damn we're doing good
[20:28:41] 	  I think you win
[20:28:46] 	  LOL
[20:29:01] 	  @tedkalashnikov is it cool if we talk in DMs about wikiSEO? I have little to no clue about more technical stuff since I was mainly a content editor on fandom
[20:29:41] 	  You could also open a support thread
[20:29:41] 	  Not right now unforts (about to do something) but here, this guide helped me https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:NotAracham/WikiSEO_-_Improving_Search_Ranking
[20:29:42] 	  you can check a guide we have
[20:29:47] 	  yeah that
[20:29:57] 	  [1/2] :xsob:
[20:29:57] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238226473203273781/image0.jpg?ex=663e83c4&is=663d3244&hm=ed8a5869c910477d58003d9c34b8496a26afc8bb75068944a4b3689dafda4348&
[20:30:06] 	  😭
[20:30:18] 	  Cris in nyctocosm
[20:30:27] 	  Tbf it’s super niche and super messy and crappy
[20:30:32] 	  I mainly wanted to talk to them since they have experience with forking from fandom, but I probably will
[20:30:37] 	  Fair
[20:30:41] 	  That’s alr, thanks for the guide
[20:30:54] 	  It should be exactly the same whether you forked or not ^^
[20:31:08] 	  Give it a try and if you get stuck feel free to ping or ask the helpers in here, theyre great
[20:31:19] 	  We are hehehe
[20:31:46] 	  Speaking of being great it’s Lua bullying time
[20:31:50] 	  [1/2] I sort of mention you guys on our credits page
[20:31:51] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238226951747932160/Screenshot_20240509_213137_Chrome.png?ex=663e8436&is=663d32b6&hm=28ef74cf23e17cc39132dff761a62481d4948769a49bf04732274c2a2bb93946&
[20:32:02] 	  Ill give you a specific shoutout Pix for this module youre immensely helpful
[20:32:09] 	  🫡
[20:33:07] 	  Ty :pupCoffeeMH: even funnier since I haven’t directly locally edited lol. I might if the module acts up cause i wouldn’t be surprised
[20:33:13] 	  Hahahaha
[20:33:56] 	  Also it’s funny how I linked Nookipedia and then basically hacked every single part of the non boilerplate logic they wrote out
[20:34:28] 	  I should probably make like
[20:34:44] 	  Actually documentation tho
[20:34:46] 	  :(
[20:34:56] 	  Eventually™️
[20:35:02] 	  Ahh docs... my bane
[20:35:13] 	  Alls bane
[20:36:06] 	  Anyways when you look over it I’d recommend using [[Special:Export]] and [[Special:Import]] to move it to your wiki. I could always work on the docs there
[20:36:06] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Export https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Import
[20:36:07] 	  [1/2] 
[20:36:08] 	  [2/2] 
[20:36:11] 	  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238228045031280640/petting-aligator.mp4?ex=663e853b&is=663d33bb&hm=e61baabb5bc4b2a08cfef032423abc5950b4ab150aee55075f26dd40339e633c&
[20:36:45] 	  I have to remove the toast with googely eyes image from the data to test I’m sad
[20:39:53] 	  I got only 168 people come to my wiki today
[20:41:52] 	  I just did the Google search console set up, is there anything else I should do or get into the habit of doing? The guide only covers Google search console
[20:42:06] 	  I’ll make a support thread about this
[20:45:31] 	  #Setting up wiki SEO
[20:50:38] 	  @tedkalashnikov supports no image link now. Maybe
[20:53:24] 	  What are some of the best wikis on Miraheze?
[20:54:48] 	  Hm. Depends on the metric. Pizaa Tower has lots of customization. Rain world and rain world mods are cool. Polandball and it’s family is, sometimes. Minecraft Japan is great. I heard Rosseta Code is neat. Etc
[20:55:18] 	  Nice! Thanks, I'll check them out.
[21:07:15] 	  how active is that japanese minecraft wiki?
[21:08:46] 	  Not sure
[21:09:16] 	  asking cause I noticed weirdgloop moved the corresponding ja wiki from fandom
[21:12:19] 	  Oh they did
[21:13:01] 	  I don’t see it in their announcements
[21:13:25] 	  [1/2] its listed in sidebar languages
[21:13:26] 	  [2/2] they mentioned moving a bunch via twitter, 12 to 14
[21:17:48] 	  Does it exist on the ja subdomain?
[21:17:52] 	  [1/9] >>> We are excited to announce that the first six non-English language versions of the Minecraft wiki have now also moved to their own new websites!
[21:17:52] 	  [2/9] Read more about this and how you can help in our article: 
[21:17:52] 	  [3/9] You can find the new wikis here:
[21:17:53] 	  [4/9] * German: 
[21:17:53] 	  [5/9] * Spanish: 
[21:17:53] 	  [6/9] * French: 
[21:17:53] 	  [7/9] * Korean: 
[21:17:54] 	  [8/9] * Portuguese: 
[21:17:54] 	  [9/9] * Chinese: 
[21:19:05] 	  https://ja.minecraft.wiki/w/Minecraft_Wiki
[21:23:59] 	  looks like it was amended
[21:27:25] 	  past 90 days and 1000 entries of RC, mainly 1 person and 2 others
[21:27:47] 	  I wonder if even aware
[22:40:37] 	  Is there a simple way to restrict editing of a wiki to only myself and selected users?
[22:41:46] 	  Special:ManageWiki/permissions, remove the `edit` right from everyone and registered users, and make sure the sysop group has the right
[22:43:13] 	  I’d recommend giving the righr to the confirmed group
[22:43:20] 	  What if I remove rights in general??
[22:43:23] 	  to not have to make all editors admins
[22:50:31] 	  [1/2] Not sure where I remove edit rights from
[22:50:32] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238261851821838346/image0.jpg?ex=663ea4b7&is=663d5337&hm=7f26b5d9751cceceadb2de3c2b9a288fc3a3e892ef7d63ea574d51e945d7665a&
[22:51:04] 	  Click "Submit" in the top box; the bottom box is for creating custom user groups
[23:23:11] 	  [1/2] how do i display users that are online (the wiki is on miraheze)
[23:23:12] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238270073916100709/image.png?ex=663eac5f&is=663d5adf&hm=57fc485e2fca6b5f9feb56089c0dbd85c5fd02fd80aa919a4a9c6969d196a8b3&
[23:23:22] 	  https://tno.wiki/wiki/TNOpediA
[23:23:50] 	  looks like they're just using `{{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}}`
[23:23:50] 	 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS 
[23:24:27] 	  [1/2] bruh
[23:24:28] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238270391156211762/image.png?ex=663eacab&is=663d5b2b&hm=9a50b800fbf674d4cfca5d96b9012a9945969649bd0acc9cf410d1b2221e16e9&
[23:39:27] 	  [1/2] For @Translators, terminology gadget has been ported!
[23:39:27] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238274164243038208/image.png?ex=663eb02e&is=663d5eae&hm=2a0103c28f968751c89c545543a2b090e66b06fe7f0ddd3f33d0278851040bde&
[23:40:17] 	  [1/2] you can add word definition from this + mark for other translators
[23:40:18] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238274376802242570/image.png?ex=663eb061&is=663d5ee1&hm=53a7fbb7079726c81be3ce31892e3e6f61878a64003b7dd3912fce5fd632b8d1&
[23:40:44] 	  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238274488345559152/image.png?ex=663eb07c&is=663d5efc&hm=2959515aa3e9bd010a96864768e3f169e5fa5232d28b568912d9462f34b6c1d2&