[00:07:37] What would be a good miraheze wiki for me to create [00:11:19] only you know the answer to that; we don't know what your interests are :p [00:12:02] Didn't you already request one? [00:21:42] [1/2] anyone know how to add icons that show up in the searchbar? (like this) [00:21:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238284796971716659/Screen_Shot_2024-05-09_at_5.21.10_PM.png?ex=663eba15&is=663d6895&hm=75db4b188be07f95915a8992f5ada33c57111af8b621b4977def8274eb39ceaf& [00:34:40] _goes to 🛏️ and 😴 💤 for a few hours_ [00:48:31] I’m not sure. For Polandball Wiki, it defaults to a random non-infobox picture. My guess is something within the wiki settings you have to enable. [01:24:27] No [01:30:25] I set my $wgMaxAnimatedGifArea from 1.25 to 6.25, but images above the previous limit still are not shown as animated in the thumbnails (in fact the thumbnails seem to have broken for some of those images), is there any way to get the thumbnails to show as animated or should I just revert back to default settings for $wgMaxAnimatedGifArea [01:32:23] i'm not sure, never tested with that setting [01:32:30] my max gif area setting is set to 999e+99999 for some reason which i'm guessing would just remove the restriction but idk lol [01:33:14] Should I try using 999e+99999 instead and see if that does anything [01:33:30] you can [01:48:13] Alright I changed the settings and purged the cache and it still seems to be broken, would you mind if I sent you the affected files as to make sure it is not just me before I make a support thread [01:49:48] feel free to send the pages that this occurs on and I can look at it [02:12:01] Alright yes I have sent a message, let me know if it appears different for you than how I have described it [02:13:05] it appears they load correctly it is just that some display `There have been too many recent failed attempts (4 or more) to render this thumbnail. Please try again later.` [02:13:18] waiting a bit would let them refresh [02:13:37] @funpostanon ^ [02:14:41] although some do say "an unknown error" which probably indicates that it can't render a file that large [02:15:48] in that case it wouldn't be possible to avoid that error which is why `$wgMaxAnimatedGifArea` is set to a lower number [02:17:14] I see, which ones are displaying the unknown error? 1st, 2nd, etc? [02:18:27] I'll probably scale $wgMaxAnimatedGifArea back to a lower value though I wish to get a measure for how large a file is for it to become too large [02:35:17] Actually I think I will make a support thread but thank you this insight has been useful [02:38:03] [1/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/743072681057845378/1238318679167467581 not sure this is supposed to be pinging users? [02:38:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238319111277248603/2024-05-09_21-37-28.png?ex=663eda0a&is=663d888a&hm=f37d8a3074d66978d54024ebc5a4634b2c23b6ca6657452543ad8a5b6bf1f9fb& [02:39:09] i'm on mobile now so can't check if they work but let me know if it persists 👍 [02:39:31] it definitely shouldn't be doing that in the cvt feed [02:53:43] ok ive turned off pings in #cvt-feed, muted the channel, and blocked @MirahezeRelay , hopefully the pings will stop now 😅 [02:55:20] You should just mute logs lol [02:55:35] I have it muted but still check the individual channels when I'm bored [02:55:40] that doesn't suppress user pings sadly [02:56:00] I've never been pinged by the channel [02:56:03] Strange [02:56:29] it def looks like it's some bug in the logger, i dont think it should be pinging me either haha [03:00:02] yeah i think it's because it types `@River` which is your user tag so it pinged lol [03:00:21] oh wow [03:00:23] thats weird [03:00:51] the struggles of picking a really common noun as your username [03:12:28] Weird that it pinged, that text shouldn't have an `@` there, really not sure why it decided to mention. Might want to cc @cosmicalpha to take a look. (link: https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/743072681057845378/1238324831951392818 ) [03:13:56] oh yeah the page name didn't have an `@` [03:14:02] very strange :ThinkerMH: [03:15:48] Could be the relay bot looking for a mention and finding something weird [03:19:26] woah it happened a lot actually [03:19:39] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238329581682032690/image.png?ex=663ee3cb&is=663d924b&hm=821eb710e1e2bfc7df587b97809bd954697c14bfa9bcc6db7cedf5de988bd131& [03:23:51] hmm [03:25:52] Comma might be the cause? [03:25:56] kiju1108, [03:26:05] oh yeah [03:26:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238331261290942464/image.png?ex=663ee55b&is=663d93db&hm=7c12c66d8bc2ff83d52ef7bd00371f00887e3830e9cf05b5099f66ca6ad7e6d8& [03:27:08] I tried to create a page for testing and it didn't even show up on the CVT feed ([here it is BTW](https://tali64.miraheze.org/wiki/Test:@tali64)) [03:27:51] Yeah, looks like it [03:28:19] I see [03:29:42] huh thats weird [03:32:29] allowedMentions may be useful [03:38:01] [1/2] The pinnacle of programming [03:38:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238334202358005760/image.png?ex=663ee818&is=663d9698&hm=b67c6c9a78479bfc20678c904f045b0e0342f5b45dd5e39d1570883c57ad8ab8& [04:53:43] lol whoops will fix [04:55:54] lol the River, part 3 turned into the `@River` part 3... yeah probably an issue with my recent changes sorry for all those pings. [04:58:11] What would happen if someone edited a page titled like @everyone or something [04:58:40] everyone and here pings are protected in the relay it can never ping them. [04:58:55] What about @verified wiki users? [04:59:06] https://github.com/Universal-Omega/IRC-Discord-Relay/blob/f060f28abdd6bef064d2ed22254d64db9ba3efe3/IrcDiscordRelay.cs#L482 [04:59:24] I don't think it will ping any roles either. [05:00:07] It may be able to ping some roles now that I think if it but not that one. [05:00:29] what if someone did like @everyone`@everyone would it like bypass the filter [05:00:45] Because the ` could get included [05:01:43] BTW this isn't hypothetical I had found the same bugs in two other custom bots before and Hu Tao Mains couldn't forget about it for a week [05:02:34] Its not meant to be a hard restriction just a minor preventive measure, the real preventive measure should he not granting the relay bot ping permissions for everyone here and all roles. Which it doesn't have. [05:02:57] OK good [05:04:54] I have to say that whole message chunking code kinda makes my head hurt looking at it again lol [05:05:36] SplitMessage function I mean [06:07:14] no worries, thanks for fixing! [06:27:34] No problem, I removed the comma from the possible pings for now until I do a better solution please let me know if you get random pings again. Thanks! [08:25:13] Interesting.:D [08:47:21] a [11:38:33] @kiju1108 can you create a tag `terminology` in meta? [11:38:44] for tracking gadget edits [11:43:45] :DoneMH: [11:47:10] [1/3] Help would be appreciated for this thread: [11:47:10] [2/3] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1238443199563829258 [11:47:11] [3/3] PortableInfobox doesn't seem to work after import. [15:05:21] ?action-purge to save the day again. [15:32:36] how do i know if my request has been accepted or declined? [15:33:58] You'll get a message or you can check the request page [15:35:12] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1231988529563697264 [15:39:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/44229 [15:39:55] Thx [15:43:23] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12103 [15:43:54] Can you help to install it? [15:58:18] it's already installed, it's just not approved for general use [15:58:49] the problem with it is that it exposes PII to electionadmins, which normally isn't an issue but it is in Miraheze's case [15:59:21] I'm currently studying the possibility of allowing it's use outside of the already approved usage for Board elections [16:20:26] The user terilir is a vandal [16:20:32] Please block on meta [16:20:35] @Meta Administrators [16:21:18] what am I looking at [16:21:35] at a vandal bot [16:22:44] hmm [16:22:56] @teril33 care to comment [16:24:14] too soon to reiterate probable coco alt or [16:25:22] Why the fuck did u fucking block me, fuck u and ur mum and ur sister and ur job and ur btoke ass car and that shit u call art [16:25:57] Yes [16:27:11] Fucking unblock me u fucker [16:27:22] bye now [16:27:24] rest in piss [16:27:41] did it really delete the messages [16:29:05] you can select the option I believe [16:29:16] shouldn't be default but eh [16:29:44] check dyno confits [16:29:51] you should be able to switch [16:30:57] Cocopuff2018 stalked me on discord and sent me the link to his own wiki farm [16:31:34] sounds about standard [16:31:57] he's a known troll [16:34:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238529693591015554/image.png?ex=663f9e29&is=663e4ca9&hm=7b09e98eacd81c9a15f888559cb4588478c0095034274836566fd5d0f3cbc16f& [16:35:08] yep that sounds like coco [16:35:20] he is also global helper on coco's farm [16:35:35] actually @raidarr could we just get a lock on Terilir for abuse [16:35:58] I don't see a particular usefulness to locks if conduct only happened on a single wiki really [16:36:01] not sure if it’s qualify [16:36:17] as we always tell users, locks aren't a higher form of a block or punishment [16:36:21] he also vandalized osvaldatore.miraheze.org [16:36:29] ah fair - my only thing is that it’s probable that this will happen elsewhere given the hate [16:36:52] if ^ is correct it's cross wiki and adequate basis to check out [16:36:53] could you send across some diffs [16:37:01] in #cvt [16:37:03] no need [16:37:20] [[Special:CentralAuth/Terilir]] [16:37:20] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Terilir [16:37:21] [16:37:27] already done [16:38:10] I've confirmed the cross wiki vandalism and will be locking [16:38:19] he is also admin on test wiki [16:38:29] I’ll strip it then [16:38:38] k [16:38:59] @reception123 out of curiosity, is there any way to fix CentralAuth lock so that when a user is locked, it gives GS/stewards the option to strip rights globally? [16:39:15] might be a nice side benefit, nothing too important but maybe a long-term dev task [16:39:25] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238530849092407306/image.png?ex=663f9f3d&is=663e4dbd&hm=798ed5366c6ed33402b74595fb6c6e61f3bbb29fa7c80f4ad7b4c6afb62d4352& [16:39:41] too late [16:40:10] lol [16:40:54] lmao adding nonsense rights to say fuck you is something [16:59:55] Side note to all in this channel: it’s generally not a good idea to create a fake vandal alt and then use this channel to report said alt for vandalism on Meta. [17:00:29] Seems like a recipe for failure, but that’s just me. [17:19:27] wha happen [17:23:02] Shouldn't have really been brought into meta, but someone in bad faith reported vandalism that was themselves via an alt. [17:23:13] How hard is it to make Timeless look like Vector? [17:25:27] there are snippets [17:25:42] but that's above average level of modification for sure [17:28:04] i see [17:29:34] So my request got put on hold, but I realize now looking at it again that I didn't properly explain the scope of the wiki. Am I allowed (or rather is it discouraged) for me to edit the request while its pending review. [17:31:03] you can add additional comments as a comment, not sure if you should edit it while it's being reviewed but i'm not a WC [17:31:55] yeah ill add a comment just in case editing would cause some unforseen consequence, thanks! [17:32:28] Please feel free to edit request description, especially if the current status is 'needs more details' [17:34:13] its status is "On hold (further review)" if that matters [17:35:48] What kinda CSS would you like to see? [17:43:58] Please feel free to DM or add more context in comments, I'll review. [17:49:35] I added the scope in the request comments. I assume it wasn't necessarily on hold because of that but rather the strange circumstances leading to the need to create the wiki. Would you like a link to the request? [17:50:10] Nope, no need for link, and yes, most likely [17:50:41] Alright, thanks for the quick responses! :D [17:55:02] I mean, I already have it on couple of wikis lol [18:08:28] Some simple themes to build off could be good for dev wiki [19:53:49] Hello. My wiki request required more info. So I populated it with additional info and submitted. Now I don't see the additional info. Can someone help? [19:54:27] I'm trying to start a simple private wiki [19:54:39] to be public later [19:54:50] and I'm spinning my wheels on this [19:55:06] [1/2] this is unprofessional brandon, simply strip their local user rights for breach of expected wiki leadership conduct standards [19:55:06] [2/2] though at the same time, there are those that say the creator is the owner and has rights to the wiki despite community oriented [19:57:57] I’m confused? [19:58:09] I was replying to an image that has now been deleted, maybe that’s the cause for the confusion [19:59:15] It was a screenshot of a message from Terilir saying “f—k you Brandon, NotAracham, raidarr” when modifying his own user rights [20:04:25] <.guardianx.> [1/2] Anyone know, offhand, if there is a way to filter Wikibase based on associations with properties? [20:04:25] <.guardianx.> [2/2] Like if I had an item "Nike" and another item "Huffy" and the item "Nike" held the property itemType "Shoe" is there a way for me to query that data within wiki, not using any other outside source, so that I can say something like "For all itemType "Shoe""? [20:05:23] ok [20:07:46] what request number? [20:10:11] I’m a bit confused about the example but very likely. The query language is extensive, but I haven’t used it so 🤷‍♂️ maybe someone else or rhe mediawiki discord [20:16:26] <.guardianx., replying to pixldev> Ahh okay ty, ya I've been chiseling at this wall for a bit now trying to deal with dataset management on a site [20:17:12] 🫡 [20:22:50] off topic but speaking of wikibase, WMF once tried to kill off shared database and tables because someone screwed up configuring wikibase. the two are completely unrelated and broke ability to upgrade [20:35:15] <.guardianx.> [1/3] I'm debating killing off wikibase >< [20:35:15] <.guardianx.> [2/3] LoL [20:35:15] <.guardianx.> [3/3] having to run an external data query in order to get data sitting on my wiki is a silly concept [20:36:34] <.guardianx.> You would assume that there would be a framework in place so that if you host your own wikibase data set that you could query it from inside your own wiki with tools available through the minimum required install [20:36:59] <.guardianx.> Not that Wikibase isn't good, it just isn't what I expected. [20:41:04] It’s mediawiki [20:46:01] 44224 [20:50:24] Yeah, I don't see your response. Just go back in to the request, use the "Request comments" tab to add your reply in the open comment box. Be sure to click submit when done. Then go to "Edit request" and click the edit request button at the bottom to put your request back in the review queue. [20:50:51] Be sure to answer each of the questions asked to make the review easier. 😉 [20:57:42] Ok I just submitted again. I also changed to "private" and updated category to "software/computing". Thanks jph [22:03:00] Hi, I am the owner of programmingred wiki. It has been deleted and resurrected under my help request but I couldn't edit pages. [22:03:00] I have gone to permission and set all the ungive one to the burocrat (a mistake) [22:03:01] And then, all the ungiven one to the amnistratore (correct) but this one has not worked and I have got this error: [22:03:01] [7c61e55ebd566c8dd20cb61d] 2024-05-10 21:36:06: Fatal exception of type "TypeError" [22:03:02] Could you please reset all the permission to normal and give power to the adiministrators? [22:06:42] Huh [22:06:55] Make a request on [[SR/P]] i think [22:06:55] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SR/P [22:06:56] [22:12:30] This appears to be a bug; please file a request on Phorge (https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org) [22:20:25] @pixldev hi, if youre available, im up to taking a look at the module proper now [22:21:22] sure, im in the car for another half and hour and will be gon til Sunday morning camping so if you have question just adk [22:21:28] I also made a template wrapper [22:21:42] just check recent changes [22:22:58] okay i guess i just need to know what i need to import into phwiki and how? [22:23:54] Give me a sec ill sort that out [22:24:19] thank you! feel free to DM me if its easier LOL [22:31:43] I added template data so you may need to remove that from the doc [22:32:05] no worries [22:32:13] i have one question though, i shouldve posed this earlier [22:32:13] it also includes a template used in the doc i think [22:32:16] sure [22:32:33] how would this module handle using a citation more than once? will it correctly compound the ref into 1 or will it duplicate it? :s [22:34:00] Do you mean defining in the data page or calling as a template [22:34:06] calling as a template yes [22:34:10] within an article [22:34:24] It’s independent each time, there should be no difference [22:34:44] ah, that could be a problem [22:34:49] [1/2] [[mh:phighting:Special:Import]] [22:34:49] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/phighting:Special:Import [22:34:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238620286392209471/TestWiki-20240510223157.xml?ex=663ff288&is=663ea108&hm=131479bff59f84078cecf69a40f6780eaa9ab7cbd3ca0d77906df8e14fe9354c& [22:34:50] [22:34:54] how so [22:34:57] we oftentimes use the same citation more than once within an article [22:35:04] by using ref name [22:35:09] Ah [22:35:11] well [22:35:19] i apologize, i meant to mention it earlier but i was sick and passed out LOL [22:35:24] actually that’s handled by the ref system [22:35:29] christ you okay? [22:35:33] YEAH IM OK dont worry [22:35:47] does the ref system automatically assume two identical refs are the same one? ive never actually tested it [22:36:08] it produces pure wikitext so you should be able to put it in a ref and reuse [22:36:15] OHH [22:36:16] to the documentation! [22:36:17] OKAY [22:36:20] okay that works just fine [22:36:26] great ok thats good [22:36:33] so i still that file into special:import ? [22:36:58] > To give a footnote a unique identifier, use ‎. You can then refer to the same footnote again by using a ref tag with the same name. The text inside the second tag doesn't matter, because the text already exists in the first reference. You can either copy the whole footnote, or you can use a terminated empty ref tag that looks like this: ‎. [22:37:07] thats perfect, thank you haha [22:37:10] fsr i thought the was included [22:37:15] Yeah should work. It includes probably all the pages and the history [22:37:24] [1/2] do i put anything here? [22:37:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238620936706461747/image.png?ex=663ff323&is=663ea1a3&hm=b1d641daf7698bbc795231dbd114b4980b9846c0711210ea841cd863d3c3a7d4& [22:38:21] [1/2] Is there a way to rename a rights group? [22:38:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238621177933729855/IMG_6449.png?ex=663ff35d&is=663ea1dd&hm=7b9c1c62957e2305e6d2663429e99b62578c6fcf397c467fbd4f14b7ff4ab1d5& [22:38:31] Is there a way to rename a rights group? [22:39:04] uh probably assign local so it’s attributed to my account to make it easier for other editors [22:39:33] unfortunately no not yet. Theres a feature task for it but tech is always busy so it was kinda forgotten [22:39:44] i may check it out to maybe do in a few weeks [22:39:52] this will import into the page Module:StoredCites? [22:39:55] [1/3] Do you know how to enable article preview popup when hovering over an article link? [22:39:55] [2/3] Like that [22:39:56] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238621565789274132/2024-05-11_01-39-39.png?ex=663ff3b9&is=663ea239&hm=6635df305e0600e7974caf56517b5fefe064fc8b730c65446be047d4b9426309& [22:40:23] Probably™️ [22:40:27] okay lets see LOL [22:40:33] never sure about anything with mediawiki [22:40:35] oh i need an inerwiki prefix [22:40:38] what is that [22:41:02] for example the interwiki to wikimedia commons is [[commons:]] [22:41:02] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ [22:41:03] [22:41:11] Or well miraheze [22:41:27] [[c:]] [22:41:27] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ [22:41:28] [22:41:29] [[mh:phighting:]], [[dev:]] [22:41:29] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/phighting: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev: [22:41:30] [1/2] [22:41:30] [2/2] [22:41:39] i need to see if theres one for beta if so use it [22:41:44] uhhh [22:41:46] okay [22:42:38] c: for WMcommons and commons: for MHcommons [22:43:05] looks like a no so just leave it [22:43:09] [[beta:]] [22:43:09] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/beta: [22:43:10] [22:43:16] bwap [22:43:25] [[mh:beta:]] [22:43:25] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/beta: [22:43:26] [22:43:40] so put it as mh:beta: ? [22:43:53] no, just leave it [22:44:04] Weird [22:44:12] it wont let me import w/o it [22:44:15] there is no interwiki to the beta URL since it’s a different domain name [22:44:20] guh [22:45:47] Does it work with the assign local edits on/off? [22:46:06] nope [22:46:33] gr [22:46:40] am i able to import it by hand? [22:46:51] heeeey NA could you make a interwiki to the beta cluster pwease [22:47:11] Beta shouldn't be used in production, why is this needed? [22:47:26] ..yeah no that’s a good pont [22:47:46] yeah should be able to ill grab the list [22:47:48] ty ty [22:47:54] [1/2] Sorry but I thought that since you’re here might as well ask, I noticed on the phighting wiki that you guys managed to remove these sections from the left sidebar and I was wondering how that was done? [22:47:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238623579449327717/IMG_6447.png?ex=663ff599&is=663ea419&hm=34ac37c0ca0601e509f43cfd13fe0a2b465e99afab4597e700be9e4637b0d4e3& [22:47:55] i imported fandom dev by hand i can do this/lh [22:48:11] uhh i use a heavily modified version of the timeless theme which i believe removed these on its own [22:48:16] [1/5] ```Module:StoredCites [22:48:16] [2/5] Module:StoredCites/Data [22:48:16] [3/5] Module:StoredCites/doc [22:48:17] [4/5] Template:StoredCite [22:48:17] [5/5] Template:StoredCite/doc``` [22:48:17] An [22:48:33] o7 will report back if it breaks LOL [22:48:51] [1/2] Not saying full no, just need to better understand use case. [22:48:51] [2/2] If it's scary transclusion of templates, mirabeta is def not where those should be pulled from. [22:48:54] im not sure if a bogus interwiki would work but whatever the fun way [22:49:04] no, special import [22:49:08] it was for a special:import of a module pix wrote for me [22:49:21] They also are fully empowered to create local iw prefixes all day long [22:49:28] Oh yea [22:49:53] Lmk if permissions aren't assigned to a local crat and I can fix [22:50:01] am i able to rename Template:StoredCites to something else? or will it break [22:50:05] not the module [22:50:10] In a little stoopid [22:50:29] yeah sure just move the docs [22:50:34] okay awesome [22:50:56] But yea like NA said you can make a local prefix to beta to import [22:51:01] No worries, it's over 80 so I've got flatbrain today. [22:51:02] its been a ling week [22:51:14] FYI I am trying to make ReplaceText available to us again. [22:51:17] i have no idea what an interwiki prefix still is to be honest [22:51:23] or why import needs it [22:51:58] its to link to pages outside of the local wiki, like linking to pages or dev wiki [22:52:09] ohh [22:52:13] i have a minecraft related wiki so I personally made a prefix to minecraft.wiki [22:52:26] instead of using fill urls [22:52:35] idk bestie it goofy [22:52:40] prob for attribution but like [22:52:42] sidkensj [22:52:49] hahaha [22:52:52] Shouldn't require it for import unless the things imported themselves use IW linking... The thing on the import screen is a pseudo prefix to identify imported pages. [22:53:10] it wouldnt let me import the .xml without an interwiki prefix [22:53:42] why is importing mire convolted then making it [22:53:57] and Rodejong has created your wiki. Welcome to Miraheze! [22:56:14] [1/2] okay, its all there and seems to be working [22:56:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238625678098694194/image.png?ex=663ff78e&is=663ea60e&hm=dde923432611448e0f1e90677b26a8d163d039e1e5335754ac7cfa7d4a5aefb9& [22:56:24] yippee [22:57:13] oh can i remove templatedata? we dont use visualeditor [22:57:20] Yup [22:57:42] Just remove and the json in it from the template doc [22:57:48] okay awesome [22:57:59] Could stand to expand documentation for the data page [22:58:12] oh for sure [22:58:14] oh also it supports integer keys and strings [22:58:18] ill make it more phwiki esque haha [22:58:27] heheheh [22:58:28] so thats [123] and ["name"] right? [22:58:37] if i want to combine alphanumeric it needs to be a string yes? [22:58:47] yeah i left examples of both [22:58:49] yes [22:58:50] okay awesome [23:03:20] ooh wait [23:03:32] @pixldev how can i make the link an interwiki link? [23:06:45] and uhh... how to use quotes within the quotes [23:06:56] you need to enable the extensions pageimages, `textextracts`, and` popups` [23:20:14] [1/2] Hey - looking at the documentation for enabling the `3D` extension within a miraheze hosted wiki. Not entirely sure what else is needed other than checking the box - but one thing that I've noticed is that the extension requires a mediaWiki version later than 1.42, and the wiki we're looking to use it on is 1.41. [23:20:14] [2/2] At this point is it just a matter of waiting for the next version update for miraheze hosted wikis? [23:32:08] Yes. 1.42 is currently being tested on BETA. So it's a matter of time. [23:32:44] They're ironing out /testing all the extensions etc. [23:33:51] how do i go about setting up a navbox? [23:36:22] @borderman.ww1 you can skip the API field for most interwikis. Didn't have enough time to log in to respond. [23:36:48] Awesome! Just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything on my end. Thanks for letting me know. [23:43:24] What kind? [23:43:42] [1/2] thiis kind [23:43:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238637622126055526/image.png?ex=664002ad&is=663eb12d&hm=e0ea6d0b6780924ffb1c70b4fe98c6c1673a8eb04b07e2033818833e80a902e2& [23:43:52] thats at the bottom of pages usually [23:44:11] [[dev:Template:Navbox]] [23:44:11] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev:Template:Navbox [23:44:11] [23:45:45] thank u :100kSmile: [23:47:28] You're welcome [23:47:57] Don't forget to also copy the Depencencies [23:48:31] To be clear, you need to import/copy the depencies from the dev wiki to your wiki. [23:49:18] ye ye [23:52:32] E [23:59:12] ¿que?