[00:13:32] The thing is my computer isn’t connected to discord at all [00:15:11] Both my computer and my phone aren’t connected at all so this isn’t that helpful unless you can offer a more detailed way to do it thank you tho. [00:42:53] Is it allowed to only have approved wiki members able to edit while normal people aren’t able to? [00:43:50] yes [00:45:30] Is there an easier way aside from assigning each person a specific user rights group? [00:45:43] Like a suggest edit feature? [00:47:16] Theres extensions for that [00:47:21] Moderation is one [00:50:22] Thank you [01:06:12] You could try logging into Discord on your computer [03:13:38] Nope can not on the computer I am using [03:14:04] What happens when you try? [03:14:22] Not allowed to due to restrictions [03:14:28] What restrictions? [03:14:52] Blocked [03:15:15] Who created the restrictions? [03:15:17] Discord isn’t allowed on the computer I use during the 8:00 am to 3:30 pm times [03:15:52] Because the network admin on that computer forbids it [03:16:12] But I am on phone [03:16:19] That I can use for screen shots [03:17:09] Who is the network admin? [03:17:18] Also what operating system is the computer? [03:18:00] That’s getting privacy stuff and I recommend you stay out that [03:20:15] [1/2] Btw I have a phone which can take these photos the computer I am not using the screen shots because one they aren’t connected to my account on discord two i am not allowed to as the network admin which I am not telling forbids it. [03:20:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1239779281199042570/IMG_2984.png?ex=664429ee&is=6642d86e&hm=8b50b5e8b5b8a962e67c2b7dfe792a6471c9edbcc2cb399e73250b6772f99922& [03:22:18] Uh ok [03:22:18] Don’t get into to my privacy stuff on my computer I do not trust users with my info or my operating system [03:23:22] Anyway let’s move this to #offtopic as the general is getting clogged with stuff that isn’t related and unnecessary [08:27:49] How come I can’t upload mp3 files to my wiki? Is there some sort of extension I’m missing. [08:29:45] there's a setting for allowed file formats [08:29:55] see Additional settings, Media tab [08:30:39] also make sure timed media handler extension is enabled, so audio files can be played [08:37:21] Thanks [10:59:44] Anyone use opera? [11:04:30] Well 6% of you do but anyone who does around? [11:10:50] Does Opera GX count? If so I do [11:11:56] @gummiel yes [11:12:06] Is there any particular reason? [11:12:31] WMF want to drop support [11:12:41] Which is a terrible idea but I want to know why people use it [11:15:45] [1/2] Well, personally for GX I like a lot of the organisation its sidebar have. [11:15:45] [2/2] And while I don't use it much myself, quite a few people like the cpu and ram limiter functions it have too at least [11:40:14] my friend uses Opera for convenience, the ability to have a million tabs open without setting her computer on fire is absolutely a bonus [12:53:10] Why and how, is it not just supporting chrome anyway [12:55:27] Don't ask, read the wikitech thread [12:56:42] Not privy to it [13:36:20] how do y’all get contributors for your wikis? specifically like worldbuilding wikis [13:36:59] cause i have over like 400+ pages on my worldbuilding wiki & im the only person editing it so it’s getting a little difficult to@manage [13:37:00] I pay writers with real money [13:37:13] well [13:37:40] ;-; [13:38:19] For most topics, the most effective route is to engage with a pre-existing community centered on the topic and see if you can generate organic interest there for contribution. [13:38:39] Obviously that's less of a possible route w/ a worldbuidling project vs say, a show fandom or a video game. [13:40:12] what’s mainly been my inspiration is i was looking through the wiki lists & i saw another worldbuilding wiki with original content that has several contributors so i guess i can try to build a small community like them [13:42:18] some word building wikis do start like bunch of friends sharing and shaping ideas [13:45:47] I think it would be hard unless you get people attached to the world [14:02:30] [1/2] These WB projects are all very niche. Each has their own universe, or share their universe, but have their own niche corner of that universe. [14:02:31] [2/2] Besides that, some are build in different centuries, alternate universes, different beings, etc. So it's hard to combine it. [14:04:05] I have yet to get a request for a wiki, that was making a similar universe to an existing one. (Minecraft and Roblox not counted) [14:05:55] Yes [14:06:31] See wikitech-l [14:06:42] Im not on it [14:07:11] if they drop support for opera they will majorly piss me off [14:07:17] not that that means anything to them but [14:07:19] i will be annoyed [14:19:59] I think it would be hard unless you get people attached to orr intersted in the world [14:20:21] Yes. That is why I pay writers,volunteers are very hard to find [16:00:56] I would also have a message on the wiki that basically tells "you can help build this world if you have any ideas, new editors welcome" in a visible place, because it may not be obvious it's not actually a solo project. [16:01:28] People may want to change things but are not sure if they are allowed to [16:02:30] Paying is one solution but it will discourage actual volunteers I feel. If you have money sure, but you cannot really have both [16:03:47] Would it be possible to change my domain if needed without losing any content [16:04:18] Like all my pages would just move over to the new domain unaffected [16:08:42] Just file a [Phorge](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org) task and a member of our tech team will handle it [16:10:29] I only paid when no volunteers appeared [16:15:18] Stubs are a great avenue for this, because you can call something "Project 143" put a small bit of info on this and maybe someone gets an idea from it. [16:16:19] Entire movie scripts have been written over less. [16:43:41] It depends. If you are changing your topic/scope, you need to ask permission on [[SR]] [16:43:41] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SR [16:43:41] [16:58:25] you'll need to create Phorge task for database name change either way [16:58:47] be it just subdomain change or change in topic as well [17:42:15] [1/2] does anyone know the code for changing colour of these ">" on the contents bar? [17:42:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1239996212669579355/image.png?ex=6644f3f7&is=6643a277&hm=ac5ed120b1bae3f30ef3c7fd003bc0c8b42f9cc037a9c003f1b70900f6386148& [18:05:59] There is a website out there that uses the built-in CSS image filters to change black icons to any color; the only other way I can think of is modifying the icon via an image editor, uploading it to your wiki, and using CSS to replace the default icon with that [18:18:48] Given how many people ask how to create infoboxes for their wiki (to the point that an entire help page had to be created), it would probably be a good idea to enable PortableInfobox by default on all new wikis (and allow it to be disabled, of course), especially for wikis migrating from Fandom (which uses PI) [18:21:05] still needs to be some solution for import issue [18:21:27] PI templates always require hard cache kick after import [18:21:43] purging or empty or real edit [18:22:17] this is like second most asked question [18:22:36] I can't remember seeing that problem before August 2023 tbh [18:23:09] i might rename my project [18:23:18] so the domain would be confusing [18:41:19] There's an open Phabricator task that would allow users to check a box to have a premade loadout for their wikis [18:41:33] Just make a PR and it'll become a thing [18:41:56] Only reason I don't is because it'd be hard to get CreateWiki working [18:43:53] Loadouts is still in development [18:46:50] If you rename your project, are you changing the scope and topic as well? Or how does the Project renaming influence the wiki? [18:47:24] it is the exact same thing [18:47:27] just with a different title [18:47:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1240012673161232435/image.png?ex=6645034b&is=6643b1cb&hm=e15c3bebcc840717f9873bb6193c7cb43fcd77dbd30b9a030e398c0bf51089d2& [18:47:50] i wanna change everything before the .miraheze [18:54:24] make a database name change task on [[phorge]] [18:54:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phorge [18:54:25] [19:02:45] ⬆️ And explain that it is only a subdomain change, Topic and scope stay the same. [19:03:44] understood [19:03:49] it might not happen for a little while [19:03:51] i just wanna know in case [19:23:58] Yeah but shouldn't there just be some css just like I changed the colour of markets using css? [20:03:02] For the custom domain registration, what do I put down for Target Database Name [20:06:05] <.labster, replying to tunityguy> link to the page please? [20:19:43] subdomainwiki so meta.miraheze.org is metawiki etc [20:19:52] Ah [20:19:56] Gotcha [20:20:11] It will show in Special:ManageWiki too what it is [21:05:55] it's the main page of a wiki [21:06:00] !wiki TNOpediA [21:06:03] [1/2] [21:06:03] [2/2] Not the correct result? Use `!wiki page TNOpediA` for a direct link or `!wiki search TNOpediA` for a list of all hits. [21:06:25] https://tno.wiki [21:14:12] how to do a repeating backround like this https://wikiball.miraheze.org/wiki/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0 [22:00:15] The little arrow icon is actually an image file baked into the vector skin, not a directly editable CSS Element in the way that you're hoping. You could accomplish some changes by use of the filter CSS property, though. [22:01:19] Oh [22:01:20] The specific section you can find diving under the mw container in F12 explorer, specifically the TOC button controls [22:01:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1240061420016504903/image.png?ex=664530b1&is=6643df31&hm=4fd5a2cd22ca9d39d8e0ec862a7eb79092550915e719b1b8464721cc15ae3ace& [22:02:10] The button's full class is `cdx-button cdx-button--weight-quiet cdx-button--icon-only vector-toc-toggle` [22:02:43] I believe that the icon is added with background-image and you'd have to download and change the image [22:04:23] It's possible without that [22:08:31] [1/4] @tunityguy a dumb but basic solution: [22:08:32] [2/4] ```.vector-toc-toggle { [22:08:32] [3/4] filter:invert(100%); [22:08:32] [4/4] }``` [22:08:49] [1/2] Results in this: [22:08:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1240063295168188508/image.png?ex=66453270&is=6643e0f0&hm=dbfd3796c0f9e64851fa69b126ed42dd2237c5686820d854a6ece6a620e81e66& [22:09:46] Essentially just flips the color of the image, you can play with other filter properties to try to get it closer to what you want [22:11:59] Great, where do I download the image from though? [22:31:03] I'll look into it once I'm on PC [22:50:29] How do i force a reload of my settings after changing it? [22:51:02] I have tried ?action=purge and going into dev tools on brower and selecting clear local cache and hard reload. [23:49:05] Could you clarify what thing you're attempting to change? Certain settings/styling changes can take a bit to show up even with purge/hard reload.