[00:28:16] [1/2] For the portableinfobox tags the padding is kind of harsh. How would I adjust this per template? Here is my example: [00:28:16] [2/2] https://jwiiiwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Discography [00:39:40] You'll want to look into the templatestyles extension, which allows for per template css [00:46:09] For what's it's worth as a currently-serving member, I'm enthusiastic about what we'll be able to get done in the coming term and continuing to serve with these folks. [00:46:56] 🍻 [00:49:02] also na later/tmr can i adk you about smt board related agent mentioned, im just curious if it actually went through or not not urgent at all [00:52:56] Sure, DM and I'll respond when I'm free [00:53:18] 2/4 papers now complete, the grind continue. [00:57:51] 💪 yoy got this man [00:57:56] show them whos bosd [01:21:26] That's reassuring, thanks for responding [01:36:40] why when i try downlouding files from wikis it randomly switches between its normal file and webp file [01:43:56] mk. what is adk? [01:53:00] yello [01:57:53] its relatively stable, though adding another infrastructure engineer would ensure losing another wouldn't be back to where we were... [02:01:25] how do i center normal text [02:09:36] for inline: `/span` [02:12:52] @m3w what? [02:15:16] what do you mean What? [02:16:06] didn't ping you pix anytime recently... [02:16:46] In reply to your reply to tomodachi94 [02:17:26] replyception [02:22:50] pix see discord DM [03:07:26] Helloo [03:13:01] Hi there [03:17:31] Hi [03:34:36] ello [03:40:55] Sorry I zoned out [03:41:45] I have a really quick question. How can I get text in tables to be aligned to the top and be like a paragraph without being vertically centered? [03:44:10] here is 10:43 pm. [03:44:20] Good night, everyone. See you tomorrow. [03:44:32] its 4:44am here lol goodnight [03:45:59] be careful, bro. You have to sleep your hours, you might develop permanent brain damage for sleep deprivation. Good night, anyways, and take care. [03:46:32] thanks for the concern. I'll try some melatonin [03:53:45] always glad to see another music wiki on mira [04:19:50] melatonin as medicine isn't healthy though tart cherries contain it [04:21:50] [1/5] I’m still having trouble changing things like background-color, alignment, and margins on the portableinfobox. I am trying to make all of the labels space wider and the data smaller. I added the templatestyles extension but I can’t figure out what to call to change the style. [04:21:50] [2/5] https://jwiiiwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Discography [04:21:51] [3/5] https://jwiiiwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Discography/style.css [04:21:51] [4/5] https://jwiiiwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Drafts:The_White_Stripes_discography [04:21:51] [5/5] This is crazy frustrating! [04:26:02] portableinfobox last I recall, only allow for a single theme and the areas colored are limited [04:26:24] can't do custom per section theme colors. if you want that, use wikitext [04:26:41] ^unless cosmicalpha implemented custom per section theme colors [04:28:32] [1/2] it's all different sub classes that make things work [04:28:33] [2/2] I can drop an example but you still gotta poke it w/ element inspector [04:30:05] to be sure everything is right [04:30:45] [1/2] [04:30:46] [2/2] [04:31:10] That css example was just a test to see if I could get the data attribute to change. [04:31:22] Is offering to pay someone to implement a wiki feature allowed? [04:31:23] I think `.pi-item-spacing` is for nicer paddings [04:31:30] Like commissioning custom JS [04:31:32] for example [04:31:49] it's a thing on mw server [04:32:01] mw server? [04:32:03] Mediawiki? [04:32:24] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_on_Discord [04:32:29] Ah, thanks [04:32:37] yeah, it's not official, just there [04:32:51] It's not like, official official, but yeah, most of the folks you'd want to interact w/ are there [04:33:12] Ah, legroom beat me to it [04:34:33] So if I adjust the '''.pi-item-spacing''' it will adjust the spacing on all? [04:34:44] yeah [04:35:34] What if I only want it to adjust the data fields? [04:35:46] it's been a while since i poked pi css tho, snd I'm in a bus [04:36:13] pi-data i think [04:36:44] there's a guide lemme find [04:36:56] Thank you 🙏🏻 [04:37:01] Can I get an answer for my question? [04:38:52] [1/2] ah i had it in my infobox guide [04:38:52] [2/2] [04:39:48] `th, td { vertical-align: top; }`? [04:40:29] Ah cheers, I knew I was missing something [04:54:59] How can I find the CSS file to add that to? [04:57:28] `MediaWiki:Common.css` [04:57:37] Does it take a while for it to take effect? Because I am still seeing no change [04:57:52] usually CSS takes like 10ish minutes to take effect [04:58:10] test in your personal css page (Special:MyPage/common.css) before deploying to site-wide CSS [04:59:42] Okie cool thank you. I thought it might have been buried in the special pages [05:06:43] if you use TemplateStyles it should be right away but cache is a bit finicky overall these days, might try to `?action=purge` in URL [05:08:03] I rarely use user CSS for checking things, most of my poking is in Firefox's web tools, there's Style tab exactly for typing raw CSS [05:30:32] adding that code to Common.css w/o specified class (like `.wikitable`) might affect all tables [05:31:41] Yeah it will, I'm fine with it though as the skin I'm using vertically aligns the text to center for some reason and I couldnt figure out how to edit the skin's CSS [05:32:45] [1/2] skin CSS is at corresponding by name pages, like Timeless -> MediaWiki:Timeless.css [05:32:45] [2/2] which skin are you using tho? [05:33:59] "HasSomeColours" I think. Also the mobile skin I'm using doesnt do that] [05:34:34] mobile mode is affected only by MediaWiki:Mobile.css [05:34:58] it ignores any other CSS pages but TemplateStyles [05:39:57] Thank you so much. This did it! [07:19:42] anyone clicking on cookie notice ok button get the page reloaded and notice appearing again? [09:27:34] Yes I had the same experience [09:27:36] Weird [09:50:50] maybe because of some cookie blocking like firefox' ? [09:58:24] I don't think I have any hard blocking settings [09:58:38] android firefox tho [10:19:32] Ah right. Thank you :-) [11:46:03] It happened on Google Chrome with me [12:47:54] I use Miraheze's DNS for my wiki's domain and sometimes no A records are returned, is there any instabilities of the service? [13:49:47] [1/2] thanks mediawiki [13:49:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1242112035354050673/image.png?ex=664ca67a&is=664b54fa&hm=b7639387b09ee98110186c796139692a7fe18f7727d2bc588793ef7e84a74fd2& [13:52:49] Bump https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1241738754834567189 [14:05:56] [1/2] I guess w/ JS but idk how [14:05:57] [2/2] I was given a snippet for Timeless skin [14:48:17] what is inline? [15:19:50] What should I do if I don't have enough time out of 2 months to contribute to my wiki? 😅 [15:20:17] I'm currently doing way too much to think it's even possible for me to be the one setting it up.. [15:33:50] Just make an edit/log every 30 days will keep the wiki active. [15:34:19] Just make an edit/log every 30 days will keep the wiki active. [15:46:58] Most I've been thinking about doing is saying a word every edit 😅 [15:47:06] So ig I'll do that [15:56:49] [1/2] ? [15:56:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1242144006138363986/image.png?ex=664cc440&is=664b72c0&hm=362a7f60acaaf02fd5f1ef3d4d098f85bb7fc2ea16d897a09ce031383f4b5133& [15:57:06] Is it persistent? What were you doing? [15:57:38] I just pressed the edit button [15:57:53] Okay now it's normal again [15:58:54] Cool [16:07:22] miraheze is running slow [16:09:02] this is what happends when agent isnt here [16:12:02] It has nothing to do with that. While it's unfortunate. I'll take a look what's going on. [16:16:12] Can anyone bump the Citizen skin? There are 2 new versions ahead of it right now [16:16:37] and the Vietnamese strings has just been added too [16:16:41] Can later today probably. [16:18:01] btw what happened to Agent? I'm late to the party since the ESEAP Conference [16:18:10] he got overworked [16:18:11] and left [16:18:36] i meant like he over worked himself [16:18:40] idk how to explain [16:19:00] I can only wish him well atm [16:19:48] Was not necessarily this, at least not alone. There was a lot of factors. Yes he was probably burned out but there was other factors as well but we don't need to get into everything right now. It's a complex situation. He left but we will make do. We always manage. [16:19:56] he ran wikitide, polandball, steward at miraheze, and like 3 club penguin wikis [16:20:05] yeah [16:27:15] In case this is helpful, I'm getting 502 Bad Gateway errors [16:28:42] It looks like all but 2 of our MW servers are nearly maxed in cpu according to Grafana. I'm looking into it. [16:31:04] Anyone know why Miraheze is slower then usual today? [16:31:38] just above your message [16:31:48] Oh okay [16:32:19] Ummm...what CPU? I've only heard of it in Mario Kart DS [16:33:20] it stands for Central Processing Unit , basically the brain of a computer or server [16:33:30] [1/2] [[w:Central processing unit]] [16:33:30] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_processing_unit [16:33:30] [2/2] computer hardware [16:33:31] [16:33:58] Short version, it means that the hardware bits responsible for processing requests are all full up with stuff they need to do. [16:39:26] Thanks. Despite being Gen Z (born 2007) I'm not as computer savvy, I've just started to get the hand of Google sheets [16:39:41] Lol understandable [17:07:41] I learned basic CSS [17:08:29] I can do a bit of advanced, but reference required [17:12:36] wth [17:13:06] Did Cloudflare's firewall is activated today? [17:14:14] yeah site seems to be going slower as well [17:19:00] sus yo [17:19:36] the site is going very slow [17:21:27] is the site under attack again ? [17:23:12] I can't get through the cloudflare verify you are human" test, i just get sent back to do it again [17:24:37] Cool. I learned a bit of css, but need to learn more. I want css modifications that Pizza Tower wiki has achieved. [17:25:06] What's your IP? [17:25:15] Once you've done it once you should be fine for a bit [17:25:26] 🤐 [17:27:08] Under Attack Mode is on [17:27:19] I assume @cosmicalpha turned it on [17:28:29] I did [17:32:07] file dump has to be requested on phorge? [17:32:14] backup I mean [17:39:40] We should be back I think [17:40:01] You can dump it yourself if you have the tool to interact with the wiki [17:40:35] Depends on size of images also, DataDump can do it if less than 10GB or something I believe. [17:48:17] For most users, we are back [17:49:48] [1/2] media stats says 1.1Gb [17:49:49] [2/2] Special:DataDump offers only xml and managewiki [17:50:52] Yea, datadump only dump xml, not images or other files [17:51:15] Use this if you like to dump yourself, pretty easy to use: https://github.com/WikiTeam/wikiteam [17:51:34] man [17:51:43] I never could run this thing lol [17:51:51] oh wait, wrong version [17:51:51] last time I asked a wikiteam member [17:51:59] It may be restricted still, so maybe Stewards need to [17:52:04] there should be a modern version somewhere, let me search a bit [17:52:07] also wiki is private [17:52:14] I just want to delete for good [17:52:20] but backup just in case [17:53:58] https://github.com/DigitalDwagon/wikiteam3warcs [17:54:48] it's still python hassle 🥹 [17:55:06] well, it's python 3, not 2 anymore [17:55:08] To double-click on what CA said, DataDump can now generate image and managewiki backups as well [17:55:17] oh [17:56:01] The majority of users should now be back, some users may see unexpected Challenges or Blocked pages. We have had a slow unusual rise in traffic over the last few days that eventually killed us. There was also a DDoS overnight. [17:56:24] shall I go official and make an entry on SR? [17:56:32] Yes please, happy to assist [17:56:36] Also until a few months ago ManageWiki could be dumped but not imported. We can now import ManageWiki backups also, it was always odd you could dump it but not import IMO. [17:56:38] Er, wait... [17:57:01] Actually @theoneandonlylegroom if it's you requesting and you're crat on the wiki, just let me know the subdomain and I can handle [17:57:43] devilman [17:58:04] I'm just porting templates to dev so they won't be wasted [17:58:15] when I'll finish I'll request deletiom [17:58:31] Roger Roger [17:59:02] Alright, image dump is queued [17:59:22] thamks <3 [18:14:28] How I can change the header and the body color [18:15:11] ✨ CSS ✨ [18:15:37] Can you give me a exam code cz I don't know the classes and ids [18:16:39] @theoneandonlylegroom [18:16:48] no need to ping me, please [18:17:00] Sorry [18:17:01] you can poke around web page w/ element inspector [18:17:19] Umm I am in mobile :) [18:17:29] sadge [18:17:41] 🥲 [18:18:01] depends on skin too [18:18:55] I usually use common skin [18:19:02] and there's lots of containers and stuff between body and article content, so a lot of stuff to look up [18:19:27] Mainly want to add background image on the header in mobile [18:19:28] vector 22 I suppose [18:19:42] mobile is a whole other can of worms [18:20:11] Like (Minecraft.wiki) [18:20:20] using mobile mode extension - that's minerva skin AND only Mobile.css page [18:20:44] mcw is old vector [18:21:13] and minerva on mobile, althoughthey make it look nicer than usual [18:21:14] Pain [18:21:35] you can switch to old vector in wiki's settings [18:21:48] admin settings -> styling tab [18:21:54] first setting is default skin [18:22:26] [1/2] further old vector styling example [18:22:26] [2/2] [18:22:54] I haven't worked w/ 22 version so there [18:23:59] Where I can find admin setting [18:25:20] if we talk about a miraheze wiki, and you are bureau on it - look to the left sidebar [18:27:08] Didn't found [18:27:24] are you a bureau? [18:27:34] an admin [18:27:40] Bure [18:28:58] Which one is old vecror [18:29:11] Vector-2022 or Vector [18:30:03] vector [18:30:17] also called legacy vector [18:32:07] If I should choose vector also in mobile skin [18:32:58] [1/2] old vector will look bad on mobile [18:32:58] [2/2] if you want it so bad tho, you can just disable movile mode [18:35:37] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1242183971576479874/image.png?ex=664ce979&is=664b97f9&hm=4de7699f3fdeea0d36afccacfac6aa174add0beccc68856a4be5b5a25e40365b& [18:54:15] image dump download keeps failing 🥹 [18:59:07] it's like it reaches ~85% and then dies [19:00:05] Using what and what site [19:05:01] I generated dump on private Mira wiki [19:32:58] A [19:36:50] well, who I shall ping for that [19:38:06] So it’s a private Miraheze wiki? [19:41:51] yup [19:42:06] it throws me a network error [19:46:34] the file is ~1.1Gb, download halts right after reaching 1Gb [19:48:26] trying final atempt, w/ good vpn (rip my traffic before reset) [19:53:57] wellp [21:05:29] That's a fork of wikiteam3 built to work with their own 'Wikibot' - The standalone https://github.com/saveweb/wikiteam3 would be better. [21:05:47] There’s a discord bot to run the script [21:05:51] The issue is it’s private [21:06:00] The wiki i mean [21:14:07] If you are a member and can login to the wiki the command is: wikiteam3dumpgenerator http://wiki.domain.org --xml --images --user USER --pass PASSWORD [21:33:20] Wikibot has: "Note: this bot is NOT currently set up to be installed by other people (hardcoded Discord channels, google cloud bucket names, etc), though it is on my todo list. " [21:34:36] wdym [21:49:48] Hey guys. [21:49:52] Good afternoon. [21:50:44] [1/2] I was uploading an audio, and in the file description, this thing appeared: [21:50:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1242233071957446698/image.png?ex=664d1733&is=664bc5b3&hm=d5d3dc5f10dc8d2e07c14a42fa6ba4d70bc0f5d269e8bdce40b1df7555e72a98& [21:50:49] What does it mean? [21:51:14] Is it true that the content policy is enforced onto private wikis? [21:52:02] I'm also referring to the aspects of the policy that are not legal/illegal. Private wikis obviously aren't allowed to host illegal media. [21:54:01] Yes [21:54:44] <+MirahezeRelay>, why then? [21:55:07] Because it’s still our servers hosting it [21:55:17] We have full right to dictate what we hodt [21:55:18] Because Content Policy is global and applies to all wikis. [21:55:32] and private can become public with a button press [21:56:25] Both valid points [21:58:16] I would suggest there to be a permanent setting that makes a wiki forever private. [21:58:26] Where should I suggest that? [21:59:08] That would create a problem if one regrets his decission two years later [21:59:34] Doubt that it is even possible [21:59:47] The wiki would only be forever private without moderator/higher intervention. [21:59:59] But why asking? [22:00:14] if you're looking for a wiki that can bypass policy be it through obscurity or permanent privacy, miraheze is not the place [22:00:44] Could you tell me a place? [22:00:50] your own server [22:01:09] at which point legal and other considerations are in your hands alone [22:01:35] Is there really any other option? [22:01:42] No [22:01:59] nowhere trustworthy or maintained [22:02:19] And we would never advice on doing something illegal [22:02:53] I don't want to do something illegal. [22:03:04] Then why ask? [22:03:13] My wiki is a fictional worldbuilding wiki that I created for self-entertainment. [22:03:28] in what way would it contradict content policy as it stands [22:06:08] I dives into such numbers of topics that it touches on politics, for instance. [22:07:09] Touching on politics alone does not contravene policy [22:08:54] Basically, in my fictional world, there are going to be some political parties that advocate for certain policies that would be deemed hateful in real life. [22:09:37] As in? [22:09:45] That again might not go against policy [22:09:51] Specifically, what [22:11:07] there is leeway in a fictitious context especially if the content does not directly advocate or say, espouse nazi ideology or something through and through [22:11:23] in a similar vein that leeway exists to document such things in a real world context [22:13:12] I haven't thought it out much, but I suppose there may be National Socialist, etc. parties. [22:13:21] The wiki itself will not support those parties. [22:13:43] simply listing ideologies is not banned [22:14:02] anyway, to settle this, there is no option for full privacy, there would not be on any wiki farm [22:14:20] So it's mostly about expressing supporting those ideologies which is banned. [22:14:26] I can definitely make do with that. [22:14:47] well there is full privacy in the respect that content is not open to public eyes nor will it be accessed by the limited number of authorized functionaries without strong reason [22:15:10] <+MirahezeRelay> What if the wiki contains arguments the parties use for their ideology? [22:15:20] it's just that the privacy is not an excuse to circumvent policy and if there is credible suspicion checks may be made [22:15:24] I’d put this into a wiki request at this point [22:15:30] WCs will better evaluate there [22:15:36] What dose the request read? [22:15:39] *does [22:15:48] in the context I'm hearing about I personally do not see a problem though you may have to get 'into the weeds' making the case to some reviewers [22:16:06] [[Special:RequestWiki]] [22:16:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWiki [22:16:07] [22:16:14] you can go there and fill out the request [22:16:28] This might be harder question, but is the age of consent in fiction 16, 18, or something else? [22:16:35] there's screwed up people who advocate screwed up things and it's a perfectly legitimate avenue of fiction to explore, basically that becomes a concern if the wiki as a whole clearly supports such things in contradiction with the hate clause et al [22:17:02] ….the age of consent? [22:17:15] if you mean in a sexual manner, it’s 18 [22:17:27] in accordance with US law and Content Policy [22:17:30] `Content that depicts or portrays minors, real or fictional, in a sexual or fetishized manner, is strictly prohibited. Content includes written content, still or animated images, and other media. Such content is prohibited even if it is otherwise legal in the United States. ` <- the relevant clause to which I would be cautious and assign a cutoff age of 18 [22:18:09] this is a matter of getting into detail and does not prohibit background mention that icky things happen or have happened to particular characters [22:18:56] Is it worth updating xlations on pages that are tagged {{historical}} or not. On one hand it's outdated and on the other it's for reference and the text is unlikely to change [22:18:56] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:historical [22:18:57] [22:19:21] not particularly if there is anything else worth translating first [22:19:24] So it's ok if as part of a historical timeline that I mention some weird stuff of that as an event? [22:19:48] *"weird stuff of that" --> "weird stuff of that kind" [22:19:48] as long as it’s not written in a sexually exploitative manner, yes [22:19:56] for in-setting historical purposes I don't see an issue ye [22:20:57] Why did you send me a page to request a wiki? [22:21:14] ….to request a wiki and fill out the details there [22:21:19] I would just blanket ban any content that can be interpreted as `sexual or fetishized manner` since the last thing you would want is a steward or T/S guessing the age. Imho not going to take risks [22:21:53] this is best practice yes [22:22:14] Brandon tagged [[Meta:TA]] today so I just went in and cleaned it up a bit. I am also going to get to xlating the template eventually [22:22:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Meta:TA [22:22:15] [22:22:35] nothing wrong with that in my book if you're in the neighborhood, stuff exists and the bug strikes you [22:22:43] I've already filled out a wiki and it exists. [22:22:56] i tagged what [22:23:08] ….it exists [22:23:12] what wiki [22:23:17] Realitix [22:23:47] well, as long as you stay in line with the above, you’ll be fine [22:24:44] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1242241627360202912/image.png?ex=664d1f2b&is=664bcdab&hm=8566c7cb7d6117245c5e6708087a2369fd1aad73f4650bb350b25841ce878abf& [22:25:18] I mean "don't use DigitalDwagon/wikiteam3warcs, use saveweb/wikiteam3" [22:25:27] +MirahezeRelay> How well do disclaimers work in avoiding violating the hate speech policy? [22:26:37] An example of the kind of disclaimer I'm talking about is "This wiki does not advocate or support ___ ideology, practice, etc." [22:26:44] they work case by case is the best I can say, trying to assess the hate speech policy is a situational book we try not to throw unless it's a very plain case [22:27:08] that would do some good paired alongside articles written from the perspective of x ideology, practice, etc [22:27:50] My wiki is also going to be quite heavy on NSFW content. What if racial or social group gets involved in it? [22:28:03] Is a disclaimer going to help? [22:31:26] [1/3] in general if there is a violation there are two ways to look, either the violation is pervasive across the project in which case there's a high chance of outright closure/action, say, if the entire wiki is built on the premise of tearing down a racial group in the veneer of fictional content. Or it is single instance, say, the wiki is generally compliant, and the content is isolated [22:31:26] [2/3] to certain authors/articles. It is preferred to deal with the latter individually and by pointing out what precisely is the concern, and giving a period to correct it. So if an issue is taken then it sounds like it would at worst be 2 in your case. It shouldn't even be 2 if that content has an appropriate disclaimer, ties into the bigger picture of the worldbuilding but is clearly n [22:31:26] [3/3] ot the intellectual core of the work (ie the focus of the wiki ending up as hate speech), and is written with sufficient tact ie, does not use its mainline content to glorify those things. A way to approach it would be in-character contents being excerpts and keeping the overall page on a much more neutral tone. [22:32:59] It's pretty simple, as long as it does not give stewards too much of headache, it's probably fine. Otherwise you might get a XML dump of the wiki and shown the door. [22:34:42] that is an option of last resort tbh [22:35:08] we haven’t even taken that step with nonciclopedia yet [22:35:26] worst case scenario that happens but not without a lot of contact with Stewards first [22:35:37] and it only happens if a wiki willfully defies content policy or in some cases if it got away with antics through a period of relaxed approval and it comes to our desk as something that just plainly should have never been approved/cannot continue [22:35:40] your content will not be deleted without warning [22:35:49] 99.999999% of the time [22:36:04] there have been times of more abrupt deletion and it happens in severe cases, but practice as of late has been to avoid it [22:36:29] For comparison, would Uncyclopedia be violating Miraheze content policy? [22:38:20] Can we make a mascot for Miraheze? [22:39:29] Yes. Very. [22:39:33] to the first point [22:39:38] MH mascot I dunno [22:40:26] Wikis are allowed to contain legal pornographic images, right? [22:40:52] What would Uncyclopedia's main violation be? [22:57:48] That is the problem with grey areas [22:58:30] I always say that it is better not to go into grey areas [22:58:59] You said "contextually necessary," so if I a page was focused around an NSFW topic, that picture or video would be ok? [23:00:13] If it is "in use" and is legally allowed, and placed as the Content Policy states, then yes. [23:02:14] Look at Wikipedia and the topic of [[w:Masturbation]]. [23:02:14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masturbation [23:02:14] [23:02:34] It is a long page, has a limited number of images [23:03:13] These images explain how the topic has been displayed through the centuries [23:04:13] That is what is allowed. It's not my taste, nor my personal feeling, but that is what basically is allowed according our content policy. [23:05:04] The images you use could be more explicit, of real persons. That is allowed as long as minors (under 18) aren't depicted [23:07:10] Would a page titled a sexual position involving stories of people in my fictional world be allowed? [23:07:35] But to be clear. You can't upload images or video's without the intention to use it on pages that describe a topic. [23:08:24] What if the topic is an event that occured and the page is essentially smut? [23:08:32] Too little to go on I am afraid. And I am not here to discuss every scenario [23:09:49] What you do is at your own risk. As I said, follow the example of Wikipedia, not porn sites [23:10:07] I thought people kept their smut on Obsidian. [23:10:49] No idea what Obsidian is, but I guess it is better served there than here [23:13:52] Would you be able to answer if I provided a specific example, or do you not have much to go on as in hard interpretation of the content policy> [23:14:14] Fancy notes software that can look a lot like a wiki. [23:50:18] I'm not a Steward but if you provide specific examples you likely could be given information [23:50:37] Basically you can't use a wiki as a booru site [23:51:21] Hosting smut fanfiction probably is okay but you need to give more detail and again I'm not a Steward [23:52:26] <.labster> Characters need to be definitely over 18 wink wink in my experience. [23:52:52] Yes [23:53:34] we're not going to shut down hypotheticals purely on that basis but it is worth remembering all answers ultimately have context so a hypothetical may not give the whole story. But examples can help [23:54:15] I don't know for sure if this is true but I think you can just make everyone an adult even if the source material has minors in it and it should be okay but I'll need someone to confirm [23:54:49] Frankly, I wonder why you are spending so much time trying to skin the Content Policy to just barely be within its confines. If your project is that edgy, you should probably seek a more permissive platform. [23:55:10] From what they've described it just sounds like a normal NSFW wiki [23:55:23] It's not on the edge [23:55:29] It's been going on for a couple hours now [23:55:35] Oh [23:55:37] <.labster> In general we need to have some sort of educational argument for hosting a wiki (we need it, not wiki owners). If that argument is "creative writing", then pro-forma porn generally is not providing much educational value. If there's actual plot there, it's likely fine. [23:57:17] I believe you've said before that if the wiki doesn't require any major expenses then it isn't a concern yes?, [23:57:57] well what's odd is that for the most part it seems fine but is kinda running on all the edges with the questions and in the end the only way I think it would get anywhere is to message stewards@ by email or something and link exact things and ask how well they fit [23:58:08] because the piecemeal indeed isn't going terribly far [23:58:10] Generally speaking if this is the case, it should be added to the Content Policy explicitly [23:58:44] Which I have no objections with if that's the case - but it should be added as even I, when reviewing requests, forget about that clause sometimes [23:58:48] the whole educational argument business should be codified if it is to have any practical day to day operational effect as it's just something various board members say but which has not been consequential to the end user [23:58:55] <.labster> People are really bad for figuring out educational arguments for hosting their own content; they shouldn't need to know nonprofit law. [23:59:13] But should WCs have to apply that clause? [23:59:38] <.labster> If they don't want to enable WikiTide breaking the law, they should. [23:59:52] Then I'd say it really should be codified