[00:45:13] When this happened to me, I discovered this note on the mediawiki Extension:MassEditRegex page, Known issues section: In (at least) MediaWiki 1.31 and later, when the regex you provide is invalid, it will falsely indicate that all of the pages you selected for replacement are not found. When I fixed my regex expression, it worked. [01:05:57] [1/2] is there a way to check the status of your request... i havent gotten a notifcation or anything and its been almost a week [01:05:57] [2/2] also im bad at reading so it was probably mentioned somewhere obvious and i just missed it [01:08:35] I would to create a database on the Pokemon video game series [01:11:54] Assuming you mean a Wiki Reqeust, you can can find all wiki request at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue [01:12:29] ty! [05:01:30] [1/2] I can't even (I might re-arrange the page for xlation later but for now I will just do per unit xlation) [05:01:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1243791028096471072/d8dc4abb2304911f.png?ex=6652c229&is=665170a9&hm=df346e8e67979d8eec5c2933ce6d0e5b88023470c79a4bef9cdf387d16e17e87& [05:03:41] There are some things that are used on meta that I would move to templates so the template and the translations can be maintained from one place. [05:26:43] @reception123 asking you as someone on the current board: Miraheze limited had "Technical" directors. What does that exactly mean (Appointed ones are those nominated by the existing board) in context? There is no direct translation to Russian that would not look awkward. [05:28:07] For MH Limited what that meant was basically that Tech (formerly SRE) got to vote for a director that was the tech directro [05:29:40] I see, thanks! [06:33:29] Speaking of SRE, it got renamed to Tech so I am still wondering if it's worth keeping the Russian translations as is or updating them (really, there is no reason because in Ru words mean completely different things than they do in En) so we end up calling SRE system administrators [06:35:54] It's picking the least worst option, one of them just happens to involve less effort [06:51:54] I'd probably think it's not raelly worth updating tbh [06:58:08] Then I will just double check everything tech-related and make corrections where needed and mark the rest as updated. [07:03:03] [1/2] Also, please add something to [[MediaWiki:Citizen-footer-desc]] and [[MediaWiki:Citizen-footer-tagline]] [07:03:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Citizen-footer-desc https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Citizen-footer-tagline [07:03:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1243821620255260702/5d36275af1e4a34a.png?ex=6652dea7&is=66518d27&hm=39537772990b4a3df303a0a40d6997116dcdf70001dd94973af0c5f6c580b2d2& [07:03:04] [1/2] [07:03:05] [2/2] [07:03:53] IIRC Miraheze never had a tagline but `Miraheze Meta is the central collaboration hub for the Miraheze wiki farm which hosts $numberofwikis wikis` can probably go into desc [07:17:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1243825132242468904/IMG_3614.png?ex=6652e1ec&is=6651906c&hm=b73a11f5a6cb681d9170c803d9b9b5c1b76125bc26f129d4b8fcf3327979a37a& [07:17:19] How long does this stay up after the Wiki has been deleted for? [07:17:29] I just want to know [07:18:36] Until the database gets deleted. Then it says that the wiki can not be found [07:19:36] Thanks for letting me know [07:19:41] 6 months I believe [07:19:44] There is info in [[Dormancy Policy]] [07:19:44] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Dormancy_Policy [07:19:46] [07:24:44] is it possible to see my global contributions? [07:25:06] throughout all miraheze wikis [07:27:50] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth [07:27:53] Yes [07:28:06] Just type in your username [07:29:32] oh, nice [08:04:14] Ah, thank you! How do I fix my regex expression? [08:13:45] Finished xlating [[Dormancy Policy]] to Ru. (First large page that I xlated in one shot) [08:13:45] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Dormancy_Policy [08:13:47] [08:36:07] https://forms.gle/N6obSV7yeHRLsDVj7 is back open [09:34:03] Messages from previous round are now up - https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Community_portal#Thank_you_to_our_users [09:39:34] aw [09:41:54] Added [10:14:35] <.labster> I kinda feel like that I earned the backhanded barnstar. [10:16:11] <.labster> Raidarr too. Oh well, that's good company. [10:24:09] Let's take a moment to appreciate Rhinos and Rodejong's work ethic. [11:06:18] can someone remind me, can login wiki user page use templates from meta like babel? [11:07:57] yeah, since wgEnableScaryTranscluding is enabled on login [11:10:14] Yes. I am using Babel on login wiki [11:18:19] thanks [11:21:57] Do we have a protection policy page? We do need one. Some pages that are protected have a lock icon, many don't. [12:06:56] hello. I have seen iarchive: used as connector for internet archive [12:07:49] Can I request iarchive for archive.org/details ? [12:08:05] Pardon? [12:08:59] [1/4] https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domingo_de_Santo_Tom%C3%A1s#Obras [12:09:00] [2/4] https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Domingo_de_Santo_Tom%C3%A1s&action=edit§ion=4 [12:09:00] [3/4] iarchive:grammaticaoarted00domi/page/n3|texto disponible aquí [12:09:00] [4/4] redirects https://archive.org/details/grammaticaoarted00domi/page/n3 [12:09:20] so I want that redirection just like w: is for wikipedia [12:10:01] don't know the proper name you give for the connectors, I am not English native so I always have to ask again because I don't remember the name [12:10:13] there is a list in each wiki that can be requested to alter or add [12:11:07] interwiki? [12:11:14] I think so, maybe [12:11:34] so I request an new interwiki link [12:12:01] No need [12:12:03] [1/3] text should be iarchive [12:12:03] [2/3] url should be https://archive.org/details/$$ [12:12:03] [3/3] For tuscriaturas, intercriaturas and yourcreatures [12:12:15] Local crats can make them [12:12:30] already? [12:12:49] A while ago I believe [12:13:44] so, whe I can edit by myself? [12:14:37] [[Special:Interwiki]] on your own wiki I think [12:14:37] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Interwiki [12:14:38] [12:14:51] I woke up like 15 minutes ago so x.x [12:15:04] but I can modify [12:15:16] Are you a local crat [12:15:24] sorry, just asking am not in a hurry [12:15:25] I may be misremembering where the button is sidjensich [12:15:35] don't understand what crat is [12:15:45] I am founder, bureacreatu [12:16:02] crat is bureaucrat [13:47:54] [1/2] God I am going insane trying to just, have a collapse button. [13:47:54] [2/2] Custom collapse toggle isn't a solution since if there's two or more instances of it on a page, clicking on one activates all of them, for some reason. Would really love it to not do that [13:48:59] You can have independent collapse by using the mw-collapsible class iirc [13:49:54] you need to gave each collapsed section and corresponding buttons different subnames [13:50:08] w/ custom [13:50:53] I'm not home but if it's a template you can check Template:HeroSkill on gogigantic.wiki [13:51:27] I'll give that a look and see if it can help me, thanks~ [13:58:17] [1/3] Hmmm checking the code of that, it has a custom collapsible id in there. [13:58:17] [2/3] What I'm trying to do is have a "Spoiler Banner" that is capable of hiding spoilers outright since our policy is "No recent media spoilers in the open". I've looked many times for such a template and nothing seems to be just right. [13:58:18] [3/3] The toggle itself needs to be in the banner in my experience because if it's hiding a hefty amount of text, then the Expand/collapse click will kinda just float all the way down, and also I cannot figure out how to center it on top of that. [14:00:18] [1/2] oh i think ive made something similar to what ur describing, would something like this work for u? where theres a show all/hide all spoilers button, but also u can click or hover on each spoiler to show it [14:00:19] [2/2] https://yohaji.miraheze.org/wiki/Principal [14:00:38] theres a spoiler extension maybe [14:00:53] i did also start out trying to use the collapsibles to do it but then figured ill just learn js [14:01:58] less pain than lua seems to want to be 😒 [14:02:26] ooooooooooh, my god [14:02:26] I love this ❤️ [14:02:48] yoinked the concept from tvtropes but couldnt yoink the actual code so i had to make it from scratch [14:02:58] Great Wiki moment [14:05:32] This site helps you make and fix regex expressions: https://regexr.com [14:05:47] The spoiler blur? Back on fandom this apparently didn't work on the mobile version of it but seems to work fine on the few mobile browsers I've tried with. I'll put this to conideration, though I want visual accessability, so it may not pass the legally blind test. [14:06:12] well the spoiler obfuscation can be anything thats pretty easy with css [14:06:14] Though, clicking the green button in the spoiler banner doesn't seem to do anything [14:06:19] i just like the blur look [14:06:43] huh weird its working fine for me [14:07:15] Oh the spoiler button just didn't load [14:07:21] It was a little green dot when it first loaded. Refreshed and fixed [14:09:29] Only issue is on mobile if you click on it you can't re-hide it. [14:10:57] oh it does its just weird bc it counts a tap as both a click and a hover [14:11:18] Ah, so if I just don't have hover reveal that won't be an issue? [14:11:24] so if u tap intending to hide and then tap elsewhere on the page it hides [14:11:48] Theres a js script on dev.fandom.com somewhere for this exact purpose [14:11:49] but personally i like the hover showing bc otherwise if u want to copy and paste text from inside it it keeps getting hidden [14:14:07] If there is I couldn't find it when we were still on fandom. [14:14:38] theres the hover spoiler on fandom but i didnt like not being able to make the spoiler stay shown [14:18:01] [1/3] The spoiler template I ended up copying initially (still on fandom at this time) was the one used on the FE Fandom wiki, but that ran into the issue of the collapse/expand click being on the outside of the text box, and it floaded down a fair bit on some pages, on top of needing another template to work correctly, so I tried to upgrade from that. [14:18:02] [2/3] Version 2 was a collapsable table that does indeed function, but isnt what I'm looking for visually. [14:18:02] [3/3] V3 which is the current version integrates a custom collapsible button into the banner to keep the prompt in the banner, but any text hidden by the prompt is outside of the banner, which was the goal. V3 suffers from custom button means it's just one button placed in 5 seperate places on the page and so activates all of itself, which I don't want happening [14:19:38] thats sort of the same problem i ran into which is why i gave up and used js [14:22:06] [1/2] Looking on Fandom Dev wiki, the "SpoilerAlert" might be the thing being referred to by Authority. Though I think if I did find that at all in my search, then I didn't end up using it since there was no usage example on the page to show what it would look like in practise, and it wouldn't work on mobile fandom (nothing works on mobile fandom, even the stuff that does but the s [14:22:06] [2/2] ite devs choose to have it not work bc you tagged it as a "notice template") [14:25:35] What you could potentially do is create a class, say "blur-spoiler" and then encapsulate your content in the class, and give the class a css blur which would hide the content, and the have a small js script that removes the class either on hover or on click, and then puts it back when the mouse leaves. [14:25:54] That way the spoiler will be hidden as soon as the page loads without waiting for JS to load [14:26:18] yeah thats exactly what my js does [14:26:29] I probably won't do blur. Maybe a coloured block? [14:26:43] Its really hard to work with mobile on fandom because they don't load any CSS/JS outside of the skin [14:27:04] I guess yeah [14:32:12] It's really funny too bc Fandom goes on about trying to improve things for mobile users since "Over 60% of people visiting fandom are on mobile!!!" and then they just. Make it the worst version. [14:32:41] [1/2] That's great, I've ported a similar template [14:32:42] [2/2] https://astroneer.fandom.com/wiki/Template:Spoil [14:33:19] Hm, don’t work on mobile [14:33:27] Tell that to them lmao [14:33:37] goddammit everyones always about the mobile [14:33:47] do ppl rly use mobile for things that much [14:33:53] Yes [14:33:54] my phone is exclusively for checking tumblr [14:34:20] If im watching tv or playing a game and i need to check something real quick i use mobike 80% of the time [14:34:22] [1/2] One time on some monthly blog update some use was like "What is stopping you from enabling notice templates on mobile?" [14:34:22] [2/2] The response was "Just tag it as a different template if you need it to be seen on mobile." [14:34:39] You can see on your own wiki how Many mobile on special analytics [14:35:09] where is that actually, analytics [14:35:22] >>> Globally, over two-thirds of mobile device traffic was from Android devices. Android had a >90% share of mobile device traffic in over 25 countries/regions; peak iOS mobile device traffic share was 66%. 🔗 [14:35:25] This is from CloudFlare [14:35:34] Special:Analytics [14:35:36] Not the prettiest [14:35:52] If you want specific per page view counts you’d need to ask TECH [14:37:57] [1/2] Past 7 days [14:37:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1243936099081130086/image0.jpg?ex=66534945&is=6651f7c5&hm=db52e84c52d3a877418830f98ef997e8efb7a4545c99459f34864d075a69e062& [14:38:00] https://radar.cloudflare.com [14:38:20] [1/48] ``` [14:38:21] [2/48] .spoiler { [14:38:21] [3/48] background:grey; [14:38:21] [4/48] display:table; [14:38:22] [5/48] color:transparent; [14:38:22] [6/48] } [14:38:22] [7/48] .spoiler.off, .spoiler.showall, .spoiler:hover { [14:38:23] [8/48] background:unset; [14:38:23] [9/48] color:initial [14:38:23] [10/48] } [14:38:23] [11/48] #spoilerbtn { [14:38:24] [12/48] padding: 6px 10px; [14:38:24] [13/48] background: palegreen; [14:38:25] [14/48] display:inline-block; [14:38:25] [15/48] border-radius: 8px; [14:38:26] [16/48] user-select:none; [14:38:26] [17/48] cursor:pointer; [14:38:27] [18/48] transition: background 0.2s; [14:38:27] [19/48] line-height: 1em; [14:38:28] [20/48] font-weight:bold; [14:38:28] [21/48] font-family:nunito; [14:38:29] [22/48] } [14:38:29] [23/48] #spoilerbtn.hide { [14:38:30] [24/48] background:lightsalmon; [14:38:30] [25/48] } [14:38:31] [26/48] #spoilerbtn:hover { [14:38:31] [27/48] filter:brightness(115%); [14:38:32] [28/48] } [14:38:32] [29/48] ``` [14:38:33] [30/48] js: [14:38:33] [31/48] ``` [14:38:34] [32/48] $('#spoilerbtn').text('Show all spoilers'); [14:38:34] [33/48] $(document).ready(function(){ [14:38:35] [34/48] $('.spoiler').click(function(){ [14:38:35] [35/48] $(this).toggleClass('off'); [14:38:36] [36/48] }); [14:38:36] [37/48] $('#spoilerbtn').click(function(){ [14:38:37] [38/48] $(this).toggleClass('hide'); [14:38:37] [39/48] $('.spoiler').toggleClass('showall'); [14:38:38] [40/48] if (this.classList.contains('hide')){ [14:38:38] [41/48] $(this).text('Hide all spoilers'); [14:38:39] [42/48] } else { [14:38:39] [43/48] $(this).text('Show all spoilers'); [14:38:40] [44/48] } [14:38:40] [45/48] }); [14:38:41] [46/48] }); [14:38:41] [47/48] ``` [14:38:42] [48/48] fiddled with it a bit, this should suit ur needs [14:40:04] I'll take this and see how I can apply it and use it correctly soon, thank you! [14:41:06] and then `
spoiler text here/div` for spoilers and do `
/div` for the show all/hide all button [14:42:04] [1/2] My wiki doesn't use MobileFrontend, so it works on mobile, too. [14:42:05] [2/2] https://minecraftjapan.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Spoil [14:49:29] Oh yeah, do I need the hover function or can I just remove that? Would removing hover make it so tapping on mobile hides it again with a second tap? [14:49:52] yeah u can remove that [14:53:06] hate to admit but I'm mobile a lot, really, because well - not home w/ laptop lol [14:53:35] also Google's crawlers are smartphone based [14:54:00] it looks at how site performs/formatted on mobile [15:03:24] [1/2] Strangely, the wiki won't let me edit the common.js (and yes I'm burrecrat and admin) [15:03:24] [2/2] Do I need to enable a specific praser hook? [15:03:59] You need interface admin [15:04:26] Ah, thought that came with admin and burecrat by default. [15:04:33] Not anymore [15:04:43] oh wait what when did that change [15:05:04] No idea [15:12:15] :ThinkerMH: [15:21:49] (Just note that S:Analytics might be less accurate since it wont count visitors who have JS disabled) [15:57:25] Hi [15:58:04] Why does the page name of the redirected page display the name of the redirected page? [16:00:27] [1/2] Example: [16:00:27] [2/2] https://www.gengbaike.top/wiki/%E7%A7%91%E6%AF%94%C2%B7%E6%AF%94%E6%81%A9%C2%B7%E5%B8%83%E8%8E%B1%E6%81%A9%E7%89%B9%C2%B7%E8%80%83%E5%85%8B%E6%96%AF redirected to https://www.gengbaike.top/wiki/%E7%A7%91%E6%AF%94 [16:14:00] One more thing on the spoiler block: can I make it cover up inserted files? And if so, what do I need to add? [16:18:16] oh i edited the css for the spoiler block part a bit (referencing the astroneer and minecraftjp versions) this version should work for images and links and anything [16:21:17] https://tenor.com/view/heyo-damo-bless-you-pray-youtube-youtuber-gif-10463222 [16:21:53] 🇨🇦 [16:34:54] [1/2] Hm, [16:34:55] [2/2] Just using one version renders the other part visible (Text version renders media visible, media version renders text visble). [16:35:51] [1/3] u have this chunk twice [16:35:51] [2/3] also now u have to do `
content here/span/div` [16:35:52] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1243965768517816350/image.png?ex=665364e6&is=66521366&hm=7721b0174875a5a25a4d2edc5db04c98972f153eb4ce1131a8e38836fcbd6acb& [16:35:52] Unless I put something in wrog [16:36:04] Ah, forgot the span [16:36:10] also the colors are nightmarish 😭 [16:36:58] 🎄 [16:36:59] I apologise for the red on the code page [16:37:11] A very jolly color scheme [16:37:27] youve managed to pick the 1 background color that makes every css syntax highlight impossible to see lmao [16:37:36] Jingle Bells~ [16:38:40] We are planning to default to timeless for basic white and black and the colours will be opt-in via login, if that makes you feel better [16:39:01] Though in timeless we are making the links green, because wild roar or something [16:48:30] Working perfectly now! I can finally sleep [16:51:28] it's 2:20am no wonder I input something incrrectly [17:21:36] [1/10] Hi, [17:21:36] [2/10] I just stumbled across this wiki: [17:21:37] [3/10] https://foxglovecomics.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [17:21:37] [4/10] Every page except the main page tells me [17:21:37] [5/10] > You do not have permission to read this page, for the following reason: [17:21:37] [6/10] > [17:21:38] [7/10] > The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups: Members, Administrators. [17:21:38] [8/10] Even though I'm logged in and hence presumably a member. [17:21:38] [9/10] Anyone know what's going on? [17:21:39] [10/10] I can't contact the wiki admins because the special pages showing me who the admins are give the same permission error. [17:22:02] @randomizedkirbytree47 it is probably a private wiki [17:22:07] member != user [17:22:22] you could have a look in the request wiki queue to see who requested it [17:22:33] That makes sense, thanks. [17:22:48] I also tried asking on the Foxglove Comics Discord in case whoever requested it is there. [17:25:03] there's a setting that makes this but I can't remember which exactly, I only remember that it wasn't very obvious one and was a headache before [17:26:16] try to contact admin on meta user talk? [17:27:27] [1/2] I meant I didn't know who the admins were. [17:27:27] [2/2] But apparently the wiki was requested by a user with the username Foxglovecomics https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue?dbname=foxglovecomicswiki&requester=&status=approved [17:28:11] [1/2] Who has made 0 edits on their own wiki [17:28:11] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Foxglovecomics [17:28:27] Which in turn means there's someone else making the edits🤷‍♀️ [17:28:42] (Unless special:CentralAuth doesn't show edits to private wikis). [17:29:45] I think it does [17:29:49] NVM I got my answer on Foxglove Discord:) [17:29:55] It does [17:29:59] [1/3] how do i make this wiki page into something like this [17:29:59] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1243979391940300822/image.png?ex=66537197&is=66522017&hm=8f8ceae6814ac9e5a9c64ccb1111cb1a578ef454017e7c3fad23f7b6c24d2606& [17:30:00] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1243979392288423996/image.png?ex=66537197&is=66522017&hm=30d8f2a6813122e453a71d3987eb52afb2e2df0a4683fba1c6244e5ec9cb50c9& [17:30:07] im tired of the white theme [17:30:21] CASS [17:30:25] [1/2] start here [17:30:25] [2/2] https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp [17:31:17] what are everyone's thoughts on ultra-long pages? [17:33:01] but how would i edit the infobox or the image box's style [17:34:01] everything in css is just changing the colors of borders and backgrounds and text [17:34:16] inspect element it [17:34:18] also borders and padding [17:34:39] css is much like a art program [17:34:40] I think @xenareee has a guide that may help [17:40:48] [1/2] start w/ easy parts like colors, then slowly check other tricks [17:40:48] [2/2] pizza tower wiki particularly has very fancy in CSS + JS to modify parts of the skin, it's not easy to get to the same from scratch [17:41:46] but first of all, you need to like, visualise first what you want the skin to look like, what you'll need to change [17:42:07] i think you have the wrong person, but ty, I am going to look into it sometime in the close future [17:42:47] oh I'm sorry lmao [17:43:45] ^ @gummyboi. [17:44:18] its fineeee [18:04:27] but where would i find the place to change the page color and stuff [18:07:25] mediawiki:common.css [18:51:16] [1/2] :ThinkerMH: [18:51:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1243999848743698512/2024-05-25_21_50_41.png?ex=665384a4&is=66523324&hm=ff776f36bb0237ba7a60108fdda8a0d76aad7a9cc28ba4f56c1dc3dc76ffd3b2& [19:05:40] Is there a page to check how many pages a user has made, without having to go to their contributions and count them one by one? [19:07:28] Special:Nuke will draw up the list of pages [19:07:36] but of course don't delete unless that's the point [19:07:37] Hello world [19:07:45] there's a filter in `Special:Contributions/` and flag on page creation [19:08:25] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1244004163919151175/2024-05-25_22_08_19.png?ex=665388a9&is=66523729&hm=917317cff124d7d3ada2ea4c9a311ddf440dcdde4de91b2959faea5f9370d118& [19:09:15] on second thought :ThinkerMH: [19:10:02] The information regarding the discovery of the bee exploit on the "beehive coordinate exploit" page is wrong. How do I know? Because I discovered it. And yes, I googled my own coordinate exploit to see if the credit got to me yet or not. I have reached a point where I wish to take the credit [19:10:47] [1/2] That definitely makes it easier to see page creations, but is there any way to see a number so I don't have to count? 😂 [19:10:48] [2/2] The reason why I'm asking is that we have a reward system for our wiki, so after you've made X amount of pages, you'll get a reward in the game for the wiki [19:10:50] [1/2] are you talking about a specific wiki? [19:10:50] [2/2] this discord is a support venue of wiki farm [19:10:57] Yes [19:11:30] The earliest mention on the web is march 2023 [19:11:35] you probably need to join server of that specific wiki or ask admins right on wiki [19:11:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1244005033213956096/Screenshot_20240525_211048_Discord.jpg?ex=66538978&is=665237f8&hm=1f201db3949068dfa385f25dc5fa500b6e102d9309c035988e12e5eb1e251100& [19:12:31] in short - wrong server [19:12:38] Ah [19:13:44] Well I was hoping someone on here would take care of the wiki page and all I needed to do is throw the information somewhere in here [19:14:35] [1/2] yeah, I figured sorry lol [19:14:36] [2/2] I guess the page counter at the bottom can be kinda used, but you probably need to try what Brandon suggested [19:14:52] wikis usually can be edited by anyone [19:15:10] again, you can also contact admins or editor right on wiki via user talk pages [19:15:55] `.../wiki/User_talk:Username` [19:17:44] Alright I'll take a look around, thanks @theoneandonlylegroom and @brandon.wm 😄 [19:25:22] these two userboxes actually exist on login wiki, so ... [19:26:04] that means the rest has to be imported as well [19:27:41] ah, can't create templates on login either [19:31:47] I used to be able to create templates on loginwiki [19:32:02] Try making 10 edits to your user page to get autoconfirmed [19:32:38] ah, right [19:37:11] [1/2] rip styling [19:37:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1244011404315590686/2024-05-25_22_36_58.png?ex=66538f67&is=66523de7&hm=8363df2cb80e3f57f2d5a1d1cc415d70cfd09fac109c47d62a4cbc3cc8af71b5& [20:09:17] signatures can't be global, has to be created on each wiki? [20:15:47] Yup [20:16:44] I have a simple sig i use on places like wiki creator dev and wikimedia wikis [20:17:18] My main needs to be subst [22:25:17] the extension that handles global user pages sometimes just implodes on itself, also you have to be careful with it since you can pretty much import whatever you want. With great power comes great responsibility. [22:27:14] I had experienced it just displaying a blank user page on Meta-wiki for me exclusively. Either I am a magnet for Murphy's law in MediaWiki (whatever wiki software I touch will implode on itself for one odd reason or another) or whoever wrote the extension got a bit lazy in the end, likely both. [22:28:33] if the page was created but left blank it won't show login wiki page, it has to be deleted [22:29:44] [1/2] It is the same page, and it sometimes just decides to do that. [22:29:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1244054828410470543/0b75f305a39b26fa.png?ex=6653b7d8&is=66526658&hm=9a4e6ac32113330728b82dbf64ed9b4f03d1ef7518811e4fbfe8633ccd72648e& [22:30:11] you know what [22:30:35] on another wiki w/ Citizen my login page doesn't show up [22:30:40] Actually [22:30:46] I noticed the same [22:31:00] lemme useskin real quick over there [22:31:54] wellp, it works on timeless [22:33:16] [1/2] It's a issue with Citizen [22:33:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1244055716407541862/44b631bfdf361a72.png?ex=6653b8ac&is=6652672c&hm=24679c9eb1bdfc23dbdf8df4306435f1caf2a62844354956026899e405cc95d2& [22:34:14] worth to report on its team I guess [22:35:01] oh man, I ruined my schedule again [22:35:35] [1/2] I think we found the culprit [22:35:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1244056296928317561/a10d8a0753567359.png?ex=6653b936&is=665267b6&hm=88f8c6e8ce8ff0594e586478d246d55a25db911b0ca3a125622a0255b526ffc5& [22:36:13] does citizen not display loginwiki userpages? [22:36:32] [1/2] well, my page wasn't created here at all, and yet [22:36:33] [2/2] [22:37:06] [1/2] meanwhile [22:37:07] [2/2] [22:37:15] seems so [22:38:26] I am going to go sleep at this pointthings will get on their own anyway [22:38:56] yeah [22:39:12] good night :pupCoffeeMH: [22:39:48] See you gamers in some hours. There is a lot hardcore editing to do tomorrow [22:58:57] [1/2] :ThinkerMH: [22:58:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1244062177271349320/image.png?ex=6653beb0&is=66526d30&hm=fb6937a7d74cd1a976e4da9e2806c0df668436f3fc4da64dcdf5a7edacec9286& [22:59:11] it fixed itself but. huh.