[00:33:01] . [00:36:44] [1/2] .ico but i think png works too [00:36:45] [2/2] if ur talking abt what shows up on google that takes a couple days to update [00:36:59] not the favicon [00:37:01] I mean the logo [00:37:08] png then [00:37:31] what size [00:38:16] between 100px and 200px i think [00:38:27] what if it is over that? [00:38:37] then make it smaller? [00:38:45] I mean what would happen [00:38:49] if it was larget [00:39:10] i assume nothing, it just get resized to around that size [00:39:19] alr thx [00:59:18] Yea cool, 502 in the morning lol [03:27:32] thank you so much! this worked! also, your wiki is really beautiful and I hope to learn css well to make it look so good like that :HEART: [03:41:14] it will get cropped [03:41:33] iirc max size is 135x135px [03:41:59] wordmark is a whole other beast [03:46:29] hello again. [03:46:35] howdy howdy [03:46:42] ello [05:17:56] [1/2] Is there a way to change the license icon size to 110x50? [05:17:57] [2/2] or I will have to work with CSS? [05:18:25] [1/2] I'm looking to a result that look like this [05:18:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1245244836924358666/6.png?ex=66580c20&is=6656baa0&hm=cd97119adb9e0c220efb471adbec72226abcae84369ac59f2cd6a431602d3ee8& [05:19:43] all roads lead to css lol [05:20:22] I assume it's otherwise very specific settings to be set via phorge task [05:32:03] I don't need an Phorge task for that [05:34:25] I already have a RP pending for those new icons [05:38:29] ah I forgot it's about citizen [05:43:47] by the way, may I ask @MediaWiki Specialists: Does `$wgRightsIcon = null` override the new copyright icon I just set? [08:21:26] forgot I unboosted here lol [08:51:53] someone boost so we can get level 2 [08:52:04] I'm too poor [08:52:14] :c [08:52:38] At least we did get to level 1 [08:53:08] level 1 is easy tho [08:53:17] just one person boost twice and it's level 1 [08:54:03] Yep [09:02:30] Is there anything that can be done to improve wiki page load times for logged-in users? The wiki appears to be about 10x slower when I browse it while logged in as opposed to when doing so anonymously. [09:09:59] cache/cookies? [09:11:28] thorbjorn: we can't cache much for logged in users [09:11:38] So it will be slower [09:11:42] 10x is a lot [09:12:15] thorbjorn: do you use anything that splits parser cache a lot? [09:18:19] Yes, but I don't receive any notifications [09:24:01] Are you not getting any notifications on your wiki? Or not on your mobile device? [09:38:19] odd thing- finally worked out the regex, fixed al the errors, it all said it was fine, I checked the edit log and it said the edits were made. All looked fine, but weirdly, only some of the edits actually were made? Has anyone else experienced this, where the massedit says it's all fine and dandy, but then just doesn't make some of the edits? [09:40:33] For context, I'd done a bunch of redlinks that I realised should have had something else added on (The type of media in brackets after the name), so I tried to edit them with the massedit extension. Some of the edits did happen, but other links just weren't edited [09:44:49] On my wiki [09:47:19] The edit log says the changes have been made, and yet they haven't [09:49:11] Well, some of them have, but not all of them [09:52:26] @MediaWiki Specialists Notifications are enabled, yet this user doesn't get their notifications on wiki. [09:53:16] I get them when one of my modifications has been cancelled, but not the rest [09:58:02] Howdy hey. I am working on a wiki. I added a name space to see if it could server a purpose of a leadership pages private from most users area on the wiki. I saw mention of an extension called lockdown that provides this functionality but I could not find it in the miraheze settings pannel. Is there another way to do this? [10:02:20] Miraheze doesn't have that extension (yet) [10:02:42] [1/2] don't think it will as on the [[Extensions]] page it says this: [10:02:42] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Extensions [10:02:42] [2/2] > Lockdown – Extension has the same warning about privacy leaks as AccessControl [10:02:43] [10:05:17] Lockdown doesn't work [10:05:34] It is plagued with security issues and fundamentally useless [10:05:44] 😂 ok [10:05:52] also not really [10:05:57] MediaWiki is not a CMS [10:06:15] it's not designed for users to only be able to read some pages [10:07:40] Well… it is easy enough to accomplish by using a different wiki. [10:07:58] Just as long as it isn’t too fine grained. [10:08:08] Yes [10:08:15] That's the better way [10:09:23] pretty much how some miraheze volunteer groups operate [10:09:38] via separate private wiki [10:09:56] you can set up interwiki over there too [10:10:59] The other thing i could do is exclude leadership pages from search and save a link to the leadership start page. Others could read the pages but would not need to deal with the clutter of them [10:50:48] RhinosF1: I'm not sure what it means to split parser cache. HTML response time is measured by Firefox as being about 1 second, which feels really slow. [10:51:22] thorbjorn: can you give me an example page [10:51:37] For Anonymous, HTML load time is 36 ms. So it's rather 30x slower for logged-in user. [10:51:48] RhinosF1: I'm just looking at https://wiki.themanaworld.org/wiki/The_Mana_World:Home [10:51:50] A split parser cache means the page is variable on something users can change [10:51:54] Ok [10:51:59] I will check after lunch [10:52:06] Thanks! [10:54:45] Potentially worth mentioning that we didn't see such a huge different on our self-hosted wiki, with https://oldwiki.themanaworld.org/index.php/The_Mana_World:Home HTML loading in about 40 ms even when logged-in. [10:54:51] difference* [10:57:09] There will be a difference [10:57:26] Cause we cache things differently logged in v logged out [12:18:54] Pretty sure you need to unset it rather than setting it to null. [12:20:34] thorbjorn: it looks like the backend is that slow [12:20:50] which is surprising [12:21:02] but when you ain't logged in it's coming from cloudflare [13:56:03] RhinosF1: Alright, thanks for looking into it! Is there any chance the backend will become faster? What does it need for this? Just more powerful hardware or is further investigation needed? [13:56:49] thorbjorn: we're always trying to improve performance [13:58:13] I just tried at dev.miraheze.org and it's indeed similarly slow when I'm logged in, taking over 1s to respond with the initial HTML. [14:01:35] Would have to look at where the issue is [14:01:54] If it's the backend or cf<->backend [14:08:54] If it's cf<->backend then we'll be able to speed that up when Argo is enabled [14:09:04] And also once we get rid of cp* [15:25:10] [1/2] anyone know how to create funky borders like this? [15:25:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1245397529864966154/image.png?ex=66589a55&is=665748d5&hm=970edfd73d60103622c4b6db1d056faa54122e901b8bb65c0a65d0f117fb5f96& [15:32:45] I guess `border-image` [15:35:09] check w/ element inspector [16:26:50] yeah that happened... [16:28:40] mediawiki probably supports border-image: ; [16:28:41] https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_border-image.php [16:29:01] nvm [16:29:05] someone already said it [16:29:06] ofc it does [16:29:24] check pizza tower wiki for excessive use of border-image lol [16:30:31] I don't see any use of it at all [16:30:55] oh wait [16:31:01] OH [16:31:05] I see [16:31:15] it is pretty nice [17:39:13] Is there a way to turn off private for evaluation? [17:39:23] then turn it back on later? [17:41:17] ok duh https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Private_wikis [17:43:50] idk but [17:44:06] this may seem stupid, but is there a way to add custom css to all of the wiki [17:44:13] ? [17:44:35] the themes are terrible and I would like to adjust specific details [17:44:48] I'm sure there is a way to do it but I can't find on the Meta [17:46:17] if you mean can you request private wiki and make it public later, yes you can, it's just a flag in admin settings [17:47:49] across all mediawiki sites - general css goes to MediaWiki:Common.css and skin specific css goes to similar corresponding pages, for example for Timeless skin it's MediaWiki:Timeless.css [17:48:37] more @ [[mw:Manual:CSS]] [17:48:37] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:CSS [17:48:39] [17:56:12] Always wanted to know what kind of kanji writing style is this, and if is there a [18:11:08] can someone remind me url of test wiki/> [18:30:15] nvm [18:31:13] [1/2] @atxatx the preference menu vanished lmao [18:31:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1245444353867120782/R.png?ex=6658c5f1&is=66577471&hm=d156e8280ef3eca08cc5f32da44a86c7dfb451ce1d262c8d01921c899e83a298& [18:31:26] cache [18:31:48] cleared out and erased cookies too [18:31:56] link me [18:32:05] [18:32:16] edge cache [18:33:14] edge mean cloudflare or browser? [18:33:31] CDN, I think Miraheze is using CloudFlare [18:33:40] they are [18:34:30] Which is weird because the resourceloader modules are not cached, hmm it could be something else [18:35:14] maybe they just have to merge my PR and the cache should gone cold lol [18:35:27] I know the HTML is behind, it is not CloudFlare that is caching it looking at the network request, maybe Varnish or MediaWiki? [18:37:17] For the pref panel, it is definitely resourceloader cache, but I don't see it being cached on CloudFlare as well, there are no CF HTTP headers in the request [18:38:05] I think I will wait till the cache goes cold, which also means that I'm heading to bed :) [18:38:17] The Let's Connect clinic session was fun [18:44:22] where do i go again if i need help with modifying AWB [18:46:06] [[wikipedia:WP:AWB]] [18:46:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/wikipedia:WP:AWB [18:46:06] [18:46:21] oh no like uhh [18:46:29] i need help modifying the code i think [18:46:46] MediaWiki discord server I think [18:46:54] okay awesome ill try there [18:51:40] Should be interesting to try gotta say [18:54:58] idk if ill have any luck LOL but i am suffering from lack of AWB so [18:56:24] Hm. There’s a JavaScript version of it, maybe if it has any support for protection likely easier to modify [18:56:57] oo i do know JS , i wonder if its as complete though [18:58:18] Not nearly as [18:58:49] You can purge it from CF via ?action=purge [18:59:23] I tried and nothing [18:59:41] All miraheze.org urls should be going through CF. As far as im aware only custom domains are going through varnish. [18:59:47] yes [19:00:21] `#ItsVarnishFault` [19:00:55] most custom domains do varnish [19:02:45] @songngu.xyz blaming varnish is always a good idea [19:04:17] I'm going to work with the templates for the main page so eh [19:06:32] thx [21:04:16] does someone know what is {{File:Banner.png}} [21:04:16] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Template:Banner.png [21:04:19] [21:04:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1245482996316897363/image.png?ex=6658e9ee&is=6657986e&hm=01e91e2871c6546e3fbf0a749213329eb507dbe58ecb68cc155f0d015a0b8dc7& [21:06:16] huh [21:06:39] ah, it's from Wikimedia Commons [21:07:30] then why is it on miraheze [21:07:37] commons didn't exist back then? [21:07:42] Miraheze wikis can use files from Wikimedia file repositories w/o reupload, and when this setting is enabled the wiki automatically inserts files that have the same name [21:07:44] every file was uploaded directly to wikipedai? [21:07:55] oh [21:08:21] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1245483894720172103/2024-05-30_00_08_14.png?ex=6658eac4&is=66579944&hm=bcd41be23164de4780d400e77e47bf7b81bd370fa6c8c2e821a885affc5d21d8& [21:08:53] you can still upload your own file w/ the same name to your wiki locally, it will override whatever wiki gets from Wikimedia [21:09:10] or you can just disable hsaring in additional settings -> media [21:09:39] but it's a neat thing tbh, espeacilly for templates like country flag icons [21:10:08] Hey, is there a way to have one of those notes that appears when you hover over something on an article? [21:10:18] tooltips? [21:10:20] can't remember what they're called because I'm tired [21:10:32] What's tooltips? [21:10:46] Like, insert a note, but the note is only visible to readers when you hover [21:11:00] ? [21:11:10] there is an extension for that [21:11:13] [1/2] that's tooltip [21:11:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1245484616987443301/2024-05-30_00_11_05.png?ex=6658eb70&is=665799f0&hm=df76fd20625659167246bc1ac1cc41c79c58a8bf35f8671f5eef932e057357c7& [21:11:33] No, like, hovering to reveal something [21:11:54] ||like this but instead of clicking, hovering?|| [21:11:56] Ah. No, I mean, I was wondering if I could insert a note that appeared in that way [21:12:02] no, not like that [21:12:23] well, you can, depends on how complex you want the notes to be [21:13:28] there used to be extension for simpler tooltips, not sure if it's still there [21:13:48] my example is a js/css/template thing adapted from fandom [21:13:54] There's some pieces of information that explain the way I've presented some information on an article and why, but it kinda clogs the rest of the article up if I just put it in afterwards, so i was wondering if there's a way to put it in the same place [21:14:03] I'll have a look for one, thanks [21:14:26] [1/2] I've found an example of what I mean [21:14:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1245485427755061298/image.png?ex=6658ec31&is=66579ab1&hm=245dd8c18ba99db0dd8ca924aff468530c5f1d466926ec0ca46163f3122061fb& [21:14:31] like that thingy [21:14:51] Popups extension? [21:14:53] [1/2] and rough css solution [21:14:53] [2/2] [21:15:05] thanks, I'll have a look for that [21:15:16] ooh, thank you [21:15:21] that's popups, but this case is a article preview [21:15:30] Ah, okay, gotcha [21:15:30] Yea [21:15:53] sorry, thanks for being patient with me. I'm really tired and so not thinking well but also don't want to stop wiki stuff rn [21:16:06] relatable lol [22:44:56] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1245508201944846418/image.png?ex=66590167&is=6657afe7&hm=553d8ec2c87d1c4487e51ccbdac4c9d4724ad52ee566310cb97da0a026971aa7& [22:57:30] yes, he is a prolific debater [23:05:52] Is it really a problem to reply to each comment? [23:05:57] If there's an issue with it then I'll stop [23:06:02] I never knew people didn't like it [23:27:13] Let's be realistic. What is your end goal, I am pretty sure we can trust those who express their opinions in requests for comment to have enough knowledge to make the deicsions themselves. [23:32:27] the realistic outcome is that most won't want to bother getting into the weeds and dealing with the hyperbolic examples like 'well lets remove x because y then/then every global role should be deleted' [23:33:01] that last bit in particular is just a frustrating debate style that is not really worth people's time to engage with [23:35:44] I would let that slide but considering my prior experience and off-wiki behavior I have to start asking questions. [23:38:12] Alright [23:38:42] I dunno it just seems like people usually argue or debate on the RfCs so I thought you're supposed to do that [23:39:51] Eh, the goal is to establish a consensus as to a decision, debating and discussion can be productive to that end. [23:39:56] I do wish there was more actual discussion in rfcs but bit-by-bit snipes realistically just won't get very far [23:40:12] pulling people into engaging coherent arguments in a space to that end would be my ideal [23:46:54] This starts to look like an attempt to sway votes to me. Just putting it out there. [23:47:53] Sure, but it's done in a public venue by an interested party. [23:48:03] So that doesn't really run afoul of canvassing rules. [23:53:43] Update to this whole thing - turns out AWB has had a long-running bug when attempting to parse permissions not related to the `sysop` permission when using a BotPassword - when using a user login, it works just fine. Oof [23:53:47] There's been a task filed upstream for over 6 years [23:54:35] So basically this means custom protection levels do not work in AWB using a Bot account [23:55:29] Is direct password login even supported? [23:55:32] It is! [23:55:45] It just means you'll flood Recent Changes, though 😑 [23:55:50] And can't access bot ratelimits iirc [23:56:30] But atleast I can mass-edit. I'm the 'crat that checks the Recent Changes anyway so the only person Im inconveniencing is myself [23:59:43] i realize wikipedia has helped a lot when learning html