[00:06:28] ORES is depreciated. [00:43:17] ORES is simple and it works so I am going to build something based on that. [00:54:18] ‘Simple’s [01:12:09] that is relative to LiftWing [01:59:21] Hi, want to check if there is an issue with miraheze currently? I cant connect to my wiki (wiki.autocountsoft.com) and issue-tracker.miraheze.org is not loading very very slowly [02:02:22] is now* loading very very slowly [02:06:56] ^ must be an issue [02:07:00] I cannot import templates [02:07:01] 🗿 [02:38:39] Error 503 Backend fetch failed via cp41.wikitide.net at Fri, 31 May 2024 02:36:55 GMT [02:38:40] Varnish XID 1065647015, serving, (your IP!). [02:40:59] I'm having no issue [03:14:06] Miraheze has been really slow lately [03:14:22] And it’s been breaking every so often with 502/503 [03:14:24] At least for me [03:15:37] It works fast for me so I don't know I'll see if I can look more this weekend. I've been busy IRL lately to follow much. I will see what I can do though. [03:38:02] [1/2] Hi [03:38:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1245944351339577484/gnarpy-regretevator.mp4?ex=665a9799&is=66594619&hm=25c0307cb26992f596698f95a9f82c178152bc96848f9818a5df208afec4f312& [03:38:03] a lot of people who tried this one eventually drop this extension tbh [03:38:10] The moderators are asleep we can post gnarpy [03:38:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1245944480377471147/alien-cat.mp4?ex=665a97b8&is=66594638&hm=6542e11c0c04f0df7ba34150e5a261c9e93a98fc1e0b9b5e44224d4bfefd951d& [03:40:04] dude [03:40:13] this is a support/help channel [03:40:31] this isn't welcome here [03:40:36] No silly? [03:40:42] no silly [03:41:07] :[ [03:45:56] Legroom do you ever sleep? [03:46:16] I had 6 hours sleep [03:46:49] You should get at least 8.5 [03:47:09] i know :pupCoffeeMH: [03:47:50] I can't into words when I don't get enough sleep. You can look at when I translate is when I slept the night before. [03:48:29] :EpicFaceMH: :BanHammerMH: :xsob: [03:49:13] Mods don’t want you to notice, but you can put the emojis together and it kind of makes out something [03:49:54] Ok [03:55:15] Bruh [03:55:19] Anyone can do that [03:55:23] Ik [03:55:27] I was joking [03:55:34] Ok lmao [03:55:59] I did laugh but you know that kind of humor is unfortunately not very popular here because it's a "professional environment" [03:58:11] it's more of an #offtopic kind of humor [03:59:23] Nah I've seen people get in too much trouble for being funny [03:59:34] I'll be funny in my other servers lol [04:28:00] `BREAKING NEWS: The one weird trick discord moderators hate! Get banned in an instant with only three emojis~!` [04:28:39] the facts they don't want you to know [07:21:17] can i make a subpage for a subpage [07:21:27] is page/page/page possible [07:21:42] yes [07:23:52] which ones? [07:24:02] 👀 [07:24:37] [1/2] possible (this is example) [07:24:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246001371400896594/image.png?ex=665accb4&is=66597b34&hm=3afdd50453a70cae281ad4e52facc38230e5857aa4758e931b8de52b041d9206& [07:25:37] ok [12:41:44] [1/2] why is the gif turning into webp file [12:41:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246081176859312129/image.png?ex=665b1707&is=6659c587&hm=f47b3afc28c59ff2355980858d3ee7d7c84ebc86eb0ef8554f9567c6b581209d& [12:41:54] its not gonna move if its a webp file [12:43:18] nvm [12:43:25] just press saved link as [15:47:20] [1/2] i cant see the correct wiki skin [15:47:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246127885539082283/image.png?ex=665b4287&is=6659f107&hm=fab14915ea762d2ba3463684de77a398efb4878c23735ad3278626177642ae54& [15:47:28] [1/2] its supposed to be [15:47:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246127922251563101/Screenshot_2024-05-31_094452.png?ex=665b4290&is=6659f110&hm=4dea203c72ef54f5cc5156bd162275a5b4171525d13660d234303e3a795c3a3c& [15:56:54] That's because of the default skin setting under Special:ManageWiki/settings#mw-section-styling [15:57:06] Currently set to vector-2022 [15:57:39] @azure64orsmth [15:57:44] You can change the selected skin just for you under your preferences [16:23:44] hey, does anybody know how to make it so miraheze.org links automatically redirect to my custom domain? [16:23:50] i already have the domain set up [16:24:06] but right now you can access both the custom domain and miraheze and both work [16:24:09] RequestSSL iirc [16:24:15] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [16:24:28] yeah ^ [16:24:33] [1/2] https://exordium.wiki/wiki/Main_Page [16:24:33] [2/2] https://exordium.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [16:24:37] ye i followed that [16:24:46] @bluemoon0332 [16:24:50] still the miraheze link leads to itself [16:24:51] There's a file for redirects [16:25:00] I assume mediawiki team are still using that [16:26:04] looks like it https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/commit/602954161bceff88e900931abf2c3659f15a378f [16:27:23] do i have to submit a request for it? [16:28:41] Did you submit a RequestSSL request? [16:29:12] Ah yep, I see that was done on March 24 [16:33:54] is there any way so the miraheze automatically redirects to the .wiki domain? [16:34:12] That's for our tech team at this point, not my area of expertise. [16:34:51] alr, no worries [17:13:22] There are issues with one of our cache proxies. Might the cause if you are being served by cp41. [17:13:39] Request on [[Phorge]] please [17:13:39] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [17:13:40] [17:14:37] @reception123 did you get it back up? [17:14:53] I don't see icinga recover [17:18:50] No. I deleted loads of stuff but it still showed up as full [17:19:00] Tried to reboot as that's fixed it in the past but still full [17:19:59] @reception123 is it the varnish mount [17:20:22] @reception123 can you hard down it on the nameservers [17:20:29] So users don't get sent there [17:20:40] But check /var/lib/varnish [17:20:47] You can empty that with varnish off [17:20:54] stop it first [17:23:15] Nginx access log was large. Unfortunately I can't look right now again [18:06:38] @reception123 please depool it forcefully when next on [18:06:46] in DNS repo [19:25:30] Good night to the admins not doing anything with all these unreviewed wiki requests, sleep well my little bear... 😴🧸💝 [19:35:47] Huh [19:36:00] lol [19:36:53] Lemme take a look at the list before going to sleep - 2:36 AM here rn [19:46:54] 🤔 [19:47:34] Hello! I sent an email out to sre about a month and a half ago regarding a wiki migration from wikitide, and I still haven't received a reply. I was wondering when I should expect a reply? [19:48:26] Email was possibly missed [19:48:32] Could you explain here what the issue is [19:48:42] What was the email address [19:48:57] evanfrouin08@gmail.com [19:49:00] @juwan. did it work? [19:49:10] No I mean that you send it to [19:49:20] We wanted to migrate from ocess.wikitide.org to ocess.miraheze.org [19:49:30] We don’t need to know your personal email sorry, especially not in a public chat [19:49:30] oo [19:49:36] I did not see that [19:49:42] but even so, it started working?? [19:49:53] so first, where can I change that [19:50:01] Change what [19:50:06] sre@miraheze.org [19:50:08] Sorry about that [19:50:14] No worries [19:50:30] Want me to delete the message on the discord side? [19:50:40] Yeah that would be nice [19:50:48] The email was sent on April 18 [19:51:11] done [19:51:12] I'm pretty sure it was missed [19:51:24] That would make sense. What should I do? [19:51:24] likely [19:51:32] @reception123 could you take a look [19:51:51] [1/3] oh, probably cache issue it was then [19:51:52] [2/3] the setting is in Manage this wiki's namespaces, Module namespace [19:51:52] [3/3] I'm not sure if it's needed at this point tho [19:52:02] Should I just stick around? [19:52:07] Hm [19:52:24] ah okay [19:52:26] @reception123 what do you think as a former WT SRE [19:52:28] wouldn't be easier to monitor wikitide migration issues in phorge? [19:52:29] thank you very much still [19:52:35] It's being looked into [19:52:41] I already pinged him lol [19:52:43] 2x ping [19:52:45] Thanks so much, very appreciated! [19:52:47] oop [19:52:52] Of course [19:53:36] Np [20:12:06] why is everyone replying to emails I have already replied to lol [20:12:12] (not this one, just in general) [20:12:45] Unless you cc the mailing list we have no idea [20:13:36] aboo [20:23:34] hi [20:23:42] [1/2] doe anyone know how to remove this? [20:23:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246197435836141840/image.png?ex=665b834d&is=665a31cd&hm=b3110fbd3a8dd0034495a1b86125c048cfe6930bbc7620db2562f3d259718bb4& [20:23:52] it appears right over the infobox [20:24:30] enable [[mw:Extension:TemplateStyles]] [20:24:30] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TemplateStyles [20:24:31] [20:25:04] thanks [20:55:15] Oh that's easy. Enable Extension:TemplateStyles in ManageWiki, then make sure the page is the right type with [[Special:ChangeContentModel]] on yout Wiki [20:55:15] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ChangeContentModel [20:55:16] [20:55:38] Any news for the migration of my wiki? [20:56:45] na waiting on reception [20:56:54] thanks [20:57:01] Ok, should I just wait for an email reply? [20:57:57] If you forget to change the content model you will get a lot of scary red text. [20:58:23] ill tell recept to email you back [20:58:34] Sure, thanks! [20:58:40] np [20:58:43] Am I good if I part? [21:00:27] [1/2] Example of scary red text [21:00:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246206684469133444/f44aac33261e7c0a.png?ex=665b8bea&is=665a3a6a&hm=550ee7eb14c61de067f52a28c96258f847edfbc93a4854095fe901b953c571c6& [21:01:23] Likely, that email is in staff only deletion logs if needed to contact you [21:03:40] oh, what do i change it to? [21:03:44] it's wikitext rn [21:04:01] Thanks for the help! Have a good day/night [21:04:02] Sanitized CSS [21:04:05] ok thanks [21:09:41] [1/2] Unexpected end of stylesheet in rule at line 2 character 31. [21:09:41] [2/2] Invalid selector list at line 1 character 1. [21:09:48] this is what it says [21:10:55] Send a link to your wiki, I need to have a look [21:11:35] [1/2] well this is all it has "NOTOC [21:11:36] [2/2] == Welcome to {{SITENAME}}! ==" [21:11:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:SITENAME [21:11:57] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246209576659849408/image.png?ex=665b8e9c&is=665a3d1c&hm=997498f4a05ee1fab7b36fd38962aa502323f8a4feb84ffe4f2eba4d10ffeb0a& [21:12:10] we can't guess things [21:12:18] we need to see the page [21:12:43] I need the MediaWiki interface to determine the issue [21:12:45] error sounds like css has advanced code [21:12:59] maybe you need css extender extension enabled as well [21:13:46] ohh [21:14:45] it is there already [21:14:53] it is wikitext [21:14:56] I wish was omniscient but I am not as of now [21:15:19] this is CSS related, not wiki page related [21:15:45] if your wiki private? [21:16:02] yes [21:16:10] that's why i didn't send link [21:16:20] [1/32] .documentation, [21:16:21] [2/32] .documentation-metadata { [21:16:21] [3/32] border: 1px solid #a2a9b1; [21:16:21] [4/32] background-color: #ecfcf4; [21:16:21] [5/32] clear: both; [21:16:22] [6/32] } [21:16:22] [7/32] .documentation { [21:16:22] [8/32] margin: 1em 0 0 0; [21:16:23] [9/32] padding: 1em; [21:16:23] [10/32] } [21:16:23] [11/32] .documentation-metadata { [21:16:24] [12/32] margin: 0.2em 0; / same margin left-right as .documentation / [21:16:24] [13/32] font-style: italic; [21:16:25] [14/32] padding: 0.4em 1em; / same padding left-right as .documentation / [21:16:25] [15/32] } [21:16:26] [16/32] .documentation-startbox { [21:16:26] [17/32] padding-bottom: 3px; [21:16:27] [18/32] border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; [21:16:27] [19/32] margin-bottom: 1ex; [21:16:28] [20/32] } [21:16:28] [21/32] .documentation-heading { [21:16:29] [22/32] font-weight: bold; [21:16:29] [23/32] font-size: 125%; [21:16:30] [24/32] } [21:16:30] [25/32] .documentation-clear { / Don't want things to stick out where they shouldn't. / [21:16:31] [26/32] clear: both; [21:16:31] [27/32] } [21:16:32] [28/32] .documentation-toolbar { [21:16:32] [29/32] font-style: normal; [21:16:33] [30/32] font-size: 85%; [21:16:33] [31/32] } [21:16:34] [32/32] / [[Category:Template stylesheets]] / [21:16:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Template_stylesheets [21:16:34] [21:17:10] do we need everything on that page? [21:20:07] [1/2] This is how the interface that you need to use looks like [21:20:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246211632934420562/8e00370b09dde46b.png?ex=665b9086&is=665a3f06&hm=70a44127d846c043166bfcc827205a5e063e980de37052e23b1bdd4ca7b23800& [21:20:28] no wait [21:20:40] TemplateStyles works only w/ sanitized css [21:21:08] [1/2] Yea my bad, input form should be like this [21:21:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246211888665198745/7374fe04080b51f7.png?ex=665b90c3&is=665a3f43&hm=5c8b8708eab00eb86755c2a229a6702b43d667fa5e197affb6f09529e93ca210& [21:22:13] [1/2] but yeah, I suggest to try enable TemplateStylesExtender extension first [21:22:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246212164327309442/2024-06-01_00_21_41.png?ex=665b9105&is=665a3f85&hm=d05c0fb8e747aadb6556e374c2380090f24b9e0732f8e82f2022979a1153e551& [21:22:23] i did both of those [21:22:50] when i do this it says unexpected end or something [21:23:23] Can you at least provide a screenshot of what you see? [21:25:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246212865623593101/image.png?ex=665b91ac&is=665a402c&hm=e7100a9ed165b8b0bf96f0a4856e2e9e1ed664b085a681d0b5bb77bff4d53a9b& [21:25:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246212947689345044/image.png?ex=665b91c0&is=665a4040&hm=eaf9be360bd153ee39b5cbb784cf25c94549b8d1034d37128b81e6198ca6738b& [21:27:56] man [21:28:11] that's wrong page [21:28:16] wait a sec [21:28:54] you need to change model of `Module:Infobox military conflict/styles.css` [21:29:33] ohhh [22:44:54] not that I want to or I'm going to, but just of the sake of curiosity, is NSFW and nazism allowed on Miraheze? [22:53:59] [1/2] for context i'm asking because of this [22:53:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246235255841751061/image.png?ex=665ba686&is=665a5506&hm=2d43b686756b0ca084ee85ac8b6dd77926f757e2ea1648cc98531454bf4a2ced& [23:10:29] NSFW content is allowed but is subject to several restrictions (dismissable sitenotice, can't be on main page, images must be collapsed by default); nazism depends on context (discussing it from an educational/historical point of view is allowed; promoting it is not) [23:12:39] so stuff like encyclopedia dramatica is not allowed, right? [23:12:49] Definitely not [23:13:01] I see [23:13:02] thanks [23:15:29] Probably a joke [23:52:42] [1/3] For mobile, what would these sections be referred to in the code? Need to change them to not white for dark mode [23:52:42] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246250033163276288/Screenshot_20240601-091943_Firefox.png?ex=665bb44a&is=665a62ca&hm=fe64bc7590048599a59fb4aa43a21d89f407981765ab7108e376492f65d5d07f& [23:52:43] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246250033636966410/Screenshot_20240601-091925_Firefox.png?ex=665bb44a&is=665a62ca&hm=919b80eae7a4ea356dd631c81767c350da7901f3294b7fa63b60695c838a3699&