[00:10:34] hey is anyone getting DMs from random people in here [00:10:48] I'm not [00:10:55] Any issues you're encountering? [00:10:55] i just got one from a user in this server [00:11:02] What was it about? [00:11:47] its a bot im 99% sure. theyve never posted here, random human woman picture, says "hey" [00:12:12] [1/2] its this user [00:12:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246979714762149930/image.png?ex=665e5bdb&is=665d0a5b&hm=d325c55a02b3ff852af3ea40994fa857fef313a9aade64eb08d8fa2e1bb61002& [00:12:24] Reply to them and see what they want [00:12:32] If they turn out to be a scammer report them [00:12:32] im not taking chances with the bots on discord [00:12:38] @Discord Moderators ^ [00:12:48] Responding to a message isn't going to do anything to you [00:13:10] is this confirmed [00:13:46] . [00:14:26] [1/2] says this so it's probably a bot [00:14:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246980277478096937/image.png?ex=665e5c61&is=665d0ae1&hm=c8b60b9a88fe907b987ff010bb202507bf83edcd4e5e2c00513fb7167364c055& [00:14:36] i dont trust discord [00:14:37] also just joined [00:14:44] did anyone else get it? [00:14:53] not me but i have dms off [00:15:21] thats 100% bot activity then [00:15:35] There is no 100% [00:15:44] Not without indisputable proof [00:15:56] I'll message them [00:17:45] 99% then. but any user who comes into a server and DMs everyone to say "hey" is not likely to be a real person. bots do that lol [00:18:34] I want to see someone else have been messages [00:19:49] someone who joins and says hey to a random person* [00:20:02] [1/2] I've sent them a message but haven't gotten anything back [00:20:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1246981689012387931/Screenshot_20240602-171855.png?ex=665e5db2&is=665d0c32&hm=4795a43cd5cce02650ee8c9b5c22227841593caee1864a5cc964034f8ad81e36& [00:20:24] I'll let y'all know if I get anything back but I'll AGF for now [00:20:34] Could just be a genuine confused person [00:21:42] Why the reaction with the wrench emoji? [00:22:49] 🛠️ [00:22:57] habit from another wiki [00:23:10] it's what i use for agreement/approval [00:23:18] Ah ok [00:54:58] SRE: Secure Relationship Endeavors [01:46:30] [1/2] @pixldev yeah it's a spammer [01:46:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247003445504901150/Screenshot_20240602-184613.png?ex=665e71f5&is=665d2075&hm=857bd3b333530a7724dd6812e8a7d8ee3126d8f721ff4f9ed8404fa977e4793b& [01:47:20] I've heard that there's a scam where people send unsolicited messages asking you to pay for art and then they run off with the money [01:48:06] [1/2] Lol [01:48:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247003852037820426/Screenshot_20240602-184755.png?ex=665e7256&is=665d20d6&hm=5bc00167cc8f8852195cf0d0e7d345bb37baab9e6c41f34c6183d05e778e12b6& [01:50:00] yeah that def looks sus af [01:53:19] Yeah it's a known scam [01:53:32] [1/2] They didn't reply, how strange [01:53:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247005218873409536/Screenshot_20240602-185313.png?ex=665e739c&is=665d221c&hm=3b03c19ebe2a5efae3cc306b3ad6bfa33f2a7eb106d402702c2cd64d262b7d93& [02:29:23] reply with "please just send me the malware link" [02:30:15] Updog payments [02:30:33] yeah lol [02:30:45] i might check out their art station and see if its AI or stolen [02:31:01] it could be a random person they are impersonating [02:31:02] lol [02:32:06] well on their twitter they posted a picture of a random woman who isn't the one in their icon lol [02:32:27] yep stolen [02:33:09] oof i found someone else stealing the same art [02:33:17] probably another scammer [02:33:23] if you can find who created it you might want to let them know [02:34:18] yeah im actually having trouble finding the original, i see a lot of people using the same one [02:34:43] oldest is whatever one appeared first [02:34:46] so [02:34:52] search by old results [02:34:56] i think i found the original, they forgot to remove the original artist's watermark [02:35:01] ah [02:35:01] awesome [02:35:41] most artists are not going to chase down people like this, its never worth it and they're obvious as scammers anyway [02:35:55] If the scams were obvious to everyone then the scammers wouldn't run the scam [02:35:57] People fall for it [02:37:55] actually this might not be the artist, some details are in a different style. but its like all over the net lol [02:38:16] like as an artist myself... its not worth chasing these people down. they just will make a new account [02:38:31] if they're popular its one thing, but these people are just bots following other bots [02:40:44] oh god this one particular image is allll over fiverr lol [02:43:07] ah i found the original of this one. twitchtube [02:44:53] the artist is only on fiverr though so i can't contact them [02:46:18] i think these bots are stealing from artists on fiverr... [03:26:13] amazing [03:30:18] Any ideas why the mobile version of my wiki isnt updated with the edits I did on PC? [03:30:50] mobile caching is funky i swear it updates anywhere between every 24 hours or every week [03:31:11] yeah.. I was wondering if theres anything I can do [03:41:13] Found a work around, just simply put desktop mode on mobile and it works [03:45:50] I highly doubt it's a bot [03:45:54] It's probably a human scammer [03:46:03] They'd respond to me more if they were bots [03:46:12] They just ghosted me once I started talking nonsense [04:27:54] maybe, still scummy and banworthy imo [04:48:45] [1/2] regex is difficult [04:48:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247049313637367818/image.png?ex=665e9cad&is=665d4b2d&hm=1964af983b3b6354f703737838ef48a8afafd7cc1f5d0d9ce63bb2411689481a& [05:15:25] You know that the 419 scam operators use sloppy grammar on purpose with the nigerian prince / lottery winner / doctor's fortune emails so that those who are not going to fall for the scam will just ghost them [05:15:52] interesting fact [05:17:04] 419 is the legal code for the advanced fee scam in nigeria, that's why it's called a 419 scam [05:19:13] I do know another mean of that number that young generations from Vietnam usually mentions, but I prefer not to explain it here [05:21:07] The circles that I hang around in have pretty much named every scam with a three digit number such as 121, 561, 888, 050, 616 and 369 [05:23:52] [1/6] 121 is ID fraud (one to one cloning usually) [05:23:52] [2/6] 561 is shazhupan (sounds alike) [05:23:52] [3/6] 888 is everything that steals from the government [05:23:53] [4/6] 050 is the tech support scam [05:23:53] [5/6] 616 is the amazon refund scam [05:23:53] [6/6] 369 is romance scam [05:33:18] Quick question, and it is an easy one for those who know, but where do I get request to get a wiki an exemption from closure? [05:35:19] For now, [[SN]] [05:35:19] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SN [05:35:20] [05:35:40] thx [05:35:59] There are plans to make a Special page for these kinds of request [05:37:11] ok, good to know [05:37:53] yeah, because I know a wiki that is actually pretty good in terms of content, yet is not really gaining edits, and I'm gonna help the admin to get it exempted from dormancy [05:38:25] https://persist.wiki [05:44:08] I don't dispute that they should be banned lol [05:51:55] Good wiki deserved to be preserved [05:52:10] May the best wishes come upon u [05:52:32] thx [05:54:21] I've personally never edited the wiki, but I've browsed the wiki among other Miraheze wikis, and I personally think this is one of the better wikis here and it deserves to be preserved, especially since there is no other version of the wiki. [06:05:54] mature wikis get exceptions since usually there is not much to write unless something happens so there is just maintenance work [06:06:14] Example: Pat Palmer seems to be the only person actually maintaining citizendium [06:06:45] Exactly, the wiki I linked is one of them [06:09:19] or mine as an epidium for some of the most extensive setup, as my PR for UploadWizard hasn't been merged yet [06:20:04] [1/2] I added robot clerking to Waki285-Bot [06:20:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247072293100720148/image.png?ex=665eb214&is=665d6094&hm=a46cf0a2cbd085c5a155087a2837c3f81627cae80a6992b05feb8f57795b3739& [06:35:38] Nice [09:32:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247120822791831592/2024-06-03_17.50.16.png?ex=665edf46&is=665d8dc6&hm=2dfe10a1e50f732526a580ff3d890bdf2b388967cccdff23422ee973590329c7& [09:32:55] help me [09:33:03] I amn't spam [09:33:48] don't post your IP [09:34:07] sorry [09:34:23] it says that you're using vpn or proxy, they're blocked from registering an account [09:35:30] so what i should to do [09:35:41] [1/2] you can email `stewards@miraheze.org` to create an account for you if vpn is a must in your case [09:35:41] [2/2] if you aren't using vpn you stil need to email them, to unblock the range [09:36:34] the second was pretty frequent thing w/ Japanese users btw [09:36:55] ohhhh..... [09:37:01] ok [10:38:23] wiki is lagy today [12:44:11] [1/3] hey chat, tried to access Special:AbuseFilter on the pizza tower wiki and uh [12:44:11] [2/3] well, i don't know what to do about that, [12:44:11] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247168958365171763/image.png?ex=665f0c1a&is=665dba9a&hm=74b8b4edf6fe3a4ec1d5e7b4829c876996e6191eeca5dc0b128c58e75962ca9d& [12:44:20] i'm literally the guy who runs this thing lmao [12:48:07] Update: the admin prefers to manually continue marking the wiki as active. Oh well, still better than nothing. I just hope the wiki gets preserved for as long as possible. [12:48:08] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [12:48:34] update: bureau didnt have abuse filter perms. that was dumb of me my fault crewmates [12:48:55] plot twist: you were demoted :p [12:48:59] insane [13:16:23] for those familiar with the abusefilter, how would i check for any variations of a word? like, let's say i wanna filter the word ``FUCK``, and i wanna filter any variation of it. so like, ``FuCK``, ``fuCK``, and so on. how would i format something like that [13:19:03] and coincidentally, there is an announcement of the game that it is gonna be released, just after I got myself involved :p [13:23:21] never used it personally, but based on reading the documentation, something like `lcase(added_lines) contains "fuck"`? [13:23:41] ooh i see [13:34:49] has been 2 days since the last update to my PR it seem [14:03:41] Hello friends, a Good Premium Link generator 90 filehosts => Juba-get . com [14:20:03] look like spam to me [14:42:08] banned [14:43:57] :0 wanted to know how long requestSSL usually takes? [14:44:10] our wiki is waiting for the changes to be made to announce it properly publicly lol [14:47:44] Hi, assuming you're not Acnh Player it should be done now [14:48:46] woah fast, thank you! [14:48:57] you're welcome 🙂 [14:49:01] ...nvm wait it still doesn't work, guess i have to wait for the propagation [14:55:04] and... has been more than a day since the last update to my PRs alr [15:09:03] has wiki.gg just been acquired? https://support.wiki.gg/index.php?title=Ads&diff=next&oldid=2302 [15:09:27] oh freedom games changed names [15:11:42] Interesting [15:12:13] :ThinkingHardMH: [15:12:36] I hope they continue to succeed, independently [15:12:51] pun kinda intended [15:17:51] [1/2] no, but seriously, I do wish them the best [15:17:51] [2/2] but if they did actually get acquired (by any company), wouldn't it a bit ironic, considering freedom games/wiki.gg is all about the culture or indie/smaller teams? [15:19:20] page of that company just refuses to load for me [16:43:08] Very quick question, how can I change the logo of the wiki? I'm assuming its on the documentation but I must be missing it [16:44:43] [1/3] upload image to the wiki, preferable res is 135x135 px [16:44:43] [2/3] open raw open link of the image and copy its URL [16:44:43] [3/3] go to wiki settings -> styling tab, past that URL in logo field [16:45:05] Cheers! I'll try that now [16:51:33] [1/2] I posted the raw image URL into the logo parameter but it isn't working [16:51:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247231209915023382/image.png?ex=665f4614&is=665df494&hm=1ae25c507e920b7307084383c9178bd88b0334fe733a08d0b704fba5dc9d23f6& [16:53:41] give it some time [16:53:49] try to kick cache via purge [16:56:20] Oh right of course. I'll see how it looks in a few hours time. Thank you :-) [18:45:38] @Stewards -- June 1 has passed. Any update about Nonciclopedia? [18:54:10] Someone ping? [18:56:33] I pinged Stewards [18:59:02] I mean me [19:01:17] ah, ghost ping ig [19:01:33] no one pinged u [19:02:12] Visual glitch maybe [19:29:39] not a Steward, but an update re what exactly? [19:29:46] perhaps I am able to further inform [19:30:44] The report said the local community had until June to start cleaning up the worst parts ish~ [19:30:49] So back in steward domain [19:37:54] @pixldev just wondering if i need to do anything extra to have that PR moved along or is it just waiting [19:38:02] do the engineers know its there /lh [19:38:16] Just waiting on someone with access to merge [19:38:22] okay cool beans [19:38:47] @originalauthority you free to review a config PR by chance? If not that’s fine it’s no rush [19:39:33] Or @bluemoon0332 [19:53:11] sure [19:53:30] https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5583 [19:54:25] merged [19:54:44] https://tenor.com/view/thumbs-up-emoji-gif-10409490 [19:54:54] gimme 2 secs for the ci to be happy and ill deploy it [19:55:17] @rhinosf1 has #tech-ops bot died [19:55:34] Which bot [19:55:47] LSBot? [19:56:12] log bot [19:56:12] my PRs have been sitting for days lol [19:56:42] also its --config for mwdeploy? [19:56:55] Yes [19:57:05] And log is online [19:57:35] oh yeah odd its not said much since 4pm [19:58:38] It only talks if people do stuff [19:58:46] Or boys [19:58:49] Bots [19:58:53] Stupid phone [19:59:48] [1/2] 👀 [19:59:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247278586428264528/image.png?ex=665f7234&is=665e20b4&hm=b19177d759e6c1f3142999234d4783c35456d095820cce0cd01b20636740d9e8& [20:00:07] good or bad? [20:00:11] good! [20:03:24] The cloudflare stats are impressive [20:03:32] Just don't look at the security tab @reception123 [20:04:11] o_0 [20:05:30] oh boy [20:06:23] did something break [20:07:44] Nope [20:08:00] 2.3 million in the last day [20:08:00] oh okay awesome [20:08:19] is the PR deployed? just checking so i can test if it worked :'D [20:08:25] Last month is 72.5 million [20:08:34] Blocked? [20:08:40] The one @originalauthority was doing is ye [20:08:52] mitigated in some way [20:09:00] 63M blocked [20:09:14] 9.5M challenged [20:09:17] In last month [20:09:46] awesome, i will try it out and hope AWB finally works again LOL 🤞 [20:10:26] Pass rate for challenge is fairly low [20:12:55] [1/2] Now we wait till my PRs get merged... [20:12:55] [2/2] Going to bed rn, it's 3AM rn [20:15:09] SORRY PISCES... i hope they get merged soon [20:15:43] ive been blocked from some major massediting work bc of my own issue haha ive been thru the ringer so i really appreciate it getting pushed [20:38:21] I mean this is pretty bad [20:38:28] lately miraheze is terribly slow [20:38:49] I know servers are costly but couldn't they be improved just a little bit? [20:39:23] Does anyone know of a good dark theme that is either a skin or stuff I can add to the CSS? [20:39:52] Not every problem is solved by shoving more RAM in [20:57:06] That's normally my line! 😂 [20:58:00] Cleaning out clutter does help [21:01:39] [1/2] @pixldev you are my saviour ty (it works again!) [21:01:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247294150672515222/image.png?ex=665f80b3&is=665e2f33&hm=ac968fe6a5a198e67637cc1292e77a4fa6ed1fde3cadd97717a2cfab85481383& [21:01:51] We ball [21:02:45] kudos to the mediawiki server for figuring out wtf was even the problem [21:02:53] Amen [21:10:20] Hiya! Just to double-check is it possible to make private tickets for #support? [21:10:33] No, it is not [21:10:43] Why do you ask? [21:11:07] Just wanted to solve an issue regarding data possibly in confidence if that's okay. [21:13:40] Hm. You can try to explain without mentioning the data if you want [21:18:57] I've requested the deletion of a page on a Miraheze site regarding my user however there is still traces of it that I would like permanently gone, the user of the page recommended I speak to the official Miraheze Discord to purge it from your servers. [21:20:01] Email stewards@miraheze.org [21:20:33] Thank you very much for your help! 👍 I appreciate it [21:22:04] it is appropriately marked as resolved now, no further action from our end as the immediate concerns were addressed [21:52:29] [1/2] Does anybody know how to get MediaWiki to stop thinking that pages like the one shown below are templates? [21:52:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247306944310415401/image.png?ex=665f8c9d&is=665e3b1d&hm=cd606c9a5893f2b8b6d6de40c31c37c5610dac96bf89064e1d132c4a0f1283e7& [21:52:55] wait thats broken css [21:52:56] nv, [21:52:58] nvm [21:58:21] stuff always has to break when i import it in [21:58:24] aghhhh [22:02:30] Yep, needs templatestyles extension + a purge [22:03:44] installed it but one of them remains [22:03:53] i made sure it was sanitized css [22:04:02] and purged it too [22:04:24] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247309944257122434/image.png?ex=665f8f68&is=665e3de8&hm=7f055302f9d06aa5e4f2f671bfc834fc662ab42fcb76505a1c4db49da6c03d2b& [22:04:28] Hmmm, if it's a public wiki, I'd be happy to take a look at the page. [22:04:41] https://omaha.miraheze.org/wiki/Omaha_Wiki:Requests_for_Comment [22:05:31] Aha, looks like it's an upstream problem on https://omaha.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Noticeboard_header [22:05:40] A few other cranky pages that need a model change + a purge [22:06:15] ugh [22:06:38] anytime i import from anywhere other then the dev wiki stuff starts falling apart [22:07:48] Oh, that's it: https://omaha.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Box [22:07:58] Put the templatestyles tag before the onlyinclude tag [22:09:11] ty [22:09:44] Np, love a nested dependency causing trouble across three layers of template/article [22:11:44] why isn't templatestyles enabled by default [22:12:04] i feel like it would prevent all the hassle of having that templatestyles tag being there and people not knowing how to fix it [22:28:29] @notaracham This to be honest ↑ [22:31:41] [1/5] I want to search and replace this: [22:31:42] [2/5] > ]][[C [22:31:42] [3/5] In a category called: [22:31:42] [4/5] Categoría:Páginas de redirección [22:31:43] [5/5] As the tool is now impredictable with normal use, I ask here [23:30:25] AWB would be easy to use for this kind of thing, you can load up all your pages and then have it go through them. [23:45:35] What is awb and how I use it? [23:45:54] you guys think that #Fixtf2 will success or not? [23:46:07] [[WP:AWB]] [23:46:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:AWB [23:46:08] [23:59:31] Mmm. I don't think I will be able to use something that stars with WP. But I'll read it