[00:00:17] Yeah. Totally no idea of wtf is that [00:01:02] awb is a bit overwhelming to use at first tbh [00:01:12] i tried to use it and i couldn't understand what i was doing [00:01:25] It’s a windows app for automatic edits [00:01:26] Me too when I first tried to use it [00:01:29] AutoWikiBrowser [00:01:32] its powerful [00:01:40] which means it’s complicated [00:01:47] I don't use Windows [00:01:54] oh well [00:02:20] [[WP:JWB]] may be a simpler browser version i just dont know if it works for what you need [00:02:20] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:JWB [00:02:21] [00:04:30] I'll try to install that. Maybe it works [00:04:36] I think it might be part of the default-on set now, just not for older wikis. [00:04:43] I miss so much replace [00:04:50] or... you can code program for bots! :yougo: [00:05:01] No, I can't [00:06:38] We wanted to have redirections for categories automatically but we don't know python and that was two years ago. Neither of we the admins had learned in two years despite that would be useful, so we won't learnt to do code [00:06:49] oh no [00:07:50] I don't remember precisely the thing about redirections but that wasn't doable with other thing that a python module that is installable in miraheze. [00:08:07] Anyway I would like better a tutorial for autoregex [00:08:28] it's not. You can't do one without the other. [00:08:40] Enabling it on new wikis will also enable it on older wikis until it is deactivated. [00:08:49] but it should be [00:09:28] Hrm? I thought it was part of the parameters piped in when createwiki instantiates a wiki... [00:09:50] no that functionality doesn't exist [00:10:01] Maybe I misunderstood when I was poking around, then. [00:10:11] maybe that was on wikitide but if so it hasn't been backported. [00:11:47] i've just globalled it anyway [00:11:57] amazing [00:12:05] Will poke around and see if I can find the thing I'm remembering. [00:12:53] (there is `wgManageWikiExtensionsDefault` which _does_ do basically the same thing, but it doesn't allow for selecting individual extensions for enabling on a per-wiki basis upon creation, although I do know that was a thing on WikiTide) [00:15:32] or WikiForge even [00:16:52] Meh, not super important. 🤷 This is easily a 6+ month old memory and too hazy for reliable recall. [00:17:27] I should be going to the grocery instead of tooling around in repos. 🙂 [00:17:59] lol I procrastinate sometimes too [00:18:43] don't we all [00:18:47] https://tenor.com/YOMu.gif [00:23:20] Wait AWB exists on miraheze? [00:25:20] It works with any Mediawiki instance [00:25:29] Wikimedia fandom miraheze [00:35:37] [[mw:Extension:MassEditRegex]] ? [00:35:37] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MassEditRegex [00:35:38] [03:37:45] ManageWiki descriptions of extensions can be improved upon, but that's something for me to do later [03:37:57] ... and update meta extensionlist [04:12:35] @m3w you self-requested a lock/ [07:12:56] Looks like they're done with this server and Miraheze. [07:14:42] what I missed lol [07:19:26] redirect page doesn't work help https://lgballt.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CreateRedirect [07:19:42] its supposed to be like this https://agesofconflict.wiki/wiki/Special:CreateRedirect [07:22:21] special pages are created by extensions, you are missing something probably [07:22:38] they have something enabled while yours doesn't [07:23:55] you must enable [[mw:Extension:CreateRedirect]] in ManageWiki [07:23:55] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CreateRedirect [07:23:56] [07:25:34] thanks [08:40:38] Not without changing the message files in the extensions themselves they can't. [08:41:25] It's not something the end user would need to change [08:45:25] some extension descriptions even have translations via translatewiki [16:14:01] Hello everyone. I am a newcomer to Miraheze, but maybe some can help answer my question. As of two days ago, I submitted a request to open a wiki. My question is how long does it usually take for a wiki request to be accepted? [16:16:12] [1/2] At best, a few days, I think? [16:16:12] [2/2] (Might be mistaken here though--) [16:16:55] Okay, thank you. Just wanted to check. I will patiently wait. 🙂 [16:16:57] We can help you find your request in case it's been actioned [16:17:02] What was your username [16:17:10] You should get a notification though [16:17:24] [[Special:RequestWikiQueue]] [16:17:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue [16:17:25] [16:17:31] My username is EdwardDaniels5. [16:18:10] I will look, note I am on a train with slow wifi and see if anybody took a look [16:18:26] Thank you very much. [16:18:31] It's been two days, generally is a bit more for review. [16:18:44] But I'll make sure your request is passed on. [16:18:56] Thank you. [16:19:18] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/45140#mw-section-request is your request. It looks to still be pending. [16:19:47] Yes, in that case, I will patiently wait for its acceptance. [16:19:56] done [16:20:11] Well thank you very much. 😆 [16:20:26] Looks like the oldest are from the evening of the 1st at the moment so yours may be another day or so [16:20:46] Or @brandon.wm can work magic 🙂 [16:20:50] lol [16:21:30] Magic has prevailed. Thank you Brandon! [16:21:36] WELCOME BACK [16:21:50] Miraheze Plus is here [16:22:13] The online channel on Wikiland [16:22:30] ...what [16:22:46] @alessiolupu can you please not [16:23:00] Miraheze Plus is the principal channel of the fictional country wiki [16:23:50] @alessiolupu can I suggest you call it something else [16:24:05] Rather than suggesting you are affiliated with Miraheze and a premium feature of it [16:24:11] The channel will broadcast 24/7 broadcasts where Wikipedia requests and conversations will be broadcast [16:24:32] Of Wikiland [16:24:36] Miraheze Plus is highly suggestive and would not be accepted on Miraheze platforms. [16:24:56] But it is not a platform, it will be a channel for an imaginary country of mine [16:25:03] What? [16:25:13] The imaginary country [16:25:37] You mean Miropolis? [16:25:39] Where exactly will this be hosted [16:25:43] Pannonia, the country with Romanian language, Rișcova [16:25:49] I am confused here [16:26:15] Rișcova is the capital of Pannonia, where Miraheze Plus will also be broadcast [16:26:35] Can I advise you call it something other than Miraheze plus [16:26:44] This is complete gibberish as far as I can read it [16:26:45] It's fairly obvious that Alessio is referring to a fictional TV channel broadcast in their fictional country; this conversation would be better held in #offtopic [16:26:55] I invite you soon to a server where I will name the leadership of the country's government [16:27:02] I strongly suggest you don't give an air of official ness about nonsense in #general [16:27:05] I don't mind it being here if it's MH-related [16:27:11] And it can even be you! [16:27:14] but the official-ness has to go [16:27:17] Please at least move to #offtopic or stop talking [16:27:31] The latter would be more ideal [16:27:42] I'd say better not held [16:27:43] Fictional country wiki, probably trying to make it a simulation type thing. [16:27:49] hm [16:28:13] In the vain of nationstates.net [16:28:20] ah [16:54:18] Hi, I have a new wiki (mevaarim) and I have some questions regarding some things I failed to do so far: [16:55:23] How can I add an extra interwiki link? Currently w: links link to English Wikipedia. I want to be able to link similarly to a Wikipedia in a different language. [16:58:56] If you are a bureaucrat/admin on your wiki, you should have the ability to add your own links via Special:Interwiki [17:02:09] I created the wiki. This page seems to show a read-only table and I don't see any option to edit. [17:04:04] Make sure that the bureaucrat group has the `interwiki` right in Special:ManageWiki/permissions [17:22:15] Thanks, worked. [19:30:22] what happened [20:17:05] Hi [21:59:54] How would I go about manually confirming users so they have the capability to add or edit pages? I have the permissions set up for "confirmed users", I just want to be able to promote them to that level manually [22:00:57] [[Special:UserRights]] [22:00:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:UserRights [22:00:58] [22:02:58] Excellent! Thank you for letting me know! [22:04:23] My pleasure [22:31:58] [1/2] so uh I made a phorge thread [22:31:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247679267291136021/image.png?ex=6660e75e&is=665f95de&hm=15c967fc2e5536ed85c8d66433562554ec0962a619f938ec7a6e74dc3c6193d9& [22:34:57] it looks like my request has been approved but no changes have taken effect [22:36:06] When was this merged [22:38:35] 25th of may [22:39:29] No difference at all? [22:47:24] That doesn't look right [22:48:13] Maybe its just the indents ignore me [22:49:06] I mean [22:49:08] i made it [22:49:09] so [22:49:13] mu possible [23:22:48] Just came up with the idea for a Pokemon wiki on Miraheze [23:23:24] cool [23:29:45] Thanks [23:42:28] Is it possible to get both a background-color and border value on
? If so, how would i implement it? [23:43:16] Yes; just add the corresponding CSS styles [23:43:22] Alr [23:44:54] Wait would that be on a /styles.css page? (sorry, i legit know nothing about css and am not educated well in html) [23:46:04] It can be done inline (e.g. `style="background: #83d513; border: #c4b909"`)