[00:05:20] <.labster> I have an odd question. I have a wiki with various help pages on them, but they’re pretty old and have lint errors. Is there a set of wiki help pages that don’t require Extension:Translation that I could copy from somewhere? [00:18:45] Fandom. [00:18:53] RS wiki has good ones too. [00:19:03] Weird Gloop W [00:20:01] good day nice to see you here on this fine day [00:20:10] (its actually 120am) [00:20:21] British [00:20:28] anyways how are you good sir [00:20:32] gud gud [00:20:35] thriving [00:37:21] wish I understood how Cargo worked lol [00:37:42] would save me a lot of time having to manually add rows to tables [00:57:01] This is a test [00:58:10] [1/2] How do I mark this as read? This is a notification that my member role on a private wiki has been revoked. I can't read the content of the notification (because my member has been revoked), and This have been in the notifications section [00:58:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247716061550350376/image.png?ex=666109a2&is=665fb822&hm=c6f24acfeee3c14bbae369b21352547ac9acdea7e2af6e0e169f69c253fe4cd9& [00:58:46] I think you can click the blue dot and it marks it as read [00:59:16] don't work, It is temporarily hidden, but will reappear when the notification is reloaded [01:27:38] Special:Notifications? [01:29:29] [1/2] strange, not showing in Special:Notifications [01:29:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247723938822361179/image.png?ex=666110f8&is=665fbf78&hm=38ea5738077c134168d0d1354f30e95dd98ef378ab1ea7572997dbc032a9a4e0& [01:29:45] but still showing in notification module [01:33:57] may need to ask an op to sql magic it away [01:34:20] honestly may be an upstream bug [01:34:30] check WMF phab if theres a task for this id say [03:01:48] [1/2] why does this happen on file pages whenever I use citizen [03:01:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247747171449704530/image.png?ex=6661269b&is=665fd51b&hm=e3b2c8fd52f13f421dfcba0c257878e6aa6599943e77ba358005883ab4dff539& [03:02:13] it's like overlaying the file - file history - file usage bar over the toc sidebar [03:51:54] Hi everyone, re #announcements, please see #meetings channel description for your local time. [03:52:15] Remains 11:00am PT on Sunday, but is converted into your local time if you see channel description. [03:52:21] Hope to see everyone there! [03:54:26] [1/2] I can't get up so I'll just look at the log [03:54:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247760416910872586/image.png?ex=666132f1&is=665fe171&hm=8e04ba33254a6d0464856b256147bf750b0818a135deb948f2c107ba6527a335& [03:55:27] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407504500136607745/1244466721880805476 doesn't this also display local time? [03:56:09] 12pm on a Sunday, I don't think I will be able to make it sadly [03:57:18] lol I missed that, thank you to @notaracham for updating [03:57:33] Would love it if you're able, but totally understand if you have other commitments. [03:57:57] I'm sure @tali64 will provide a recap of the meeting via the newswire. [03:59:12] Generally I sleep in way past 1PM; I suppose I can make an exception for the meeting, however [03:59:34] If you're around, we'd love to have you 🙂 [04:08:12] i do too lol [04:08:28] especially now since i'm on summer break [05:35:49] Hello! Does Miraheze have a steward? I would like to report a user who has created an article of unclear meaning [05:36:00] https://walawepedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Istimewa:Otoritas_pusat/JavierBot [05:37:16] if it's purely a spam-only account, which it seems like it is, please report it in #cvt [05:37:25] ↑ Alt link: [[Special:CA/JavierBot]] [05:37:25] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CA/JavierBot [05:37:26] [05:37:44] @daffaismyname [05:46:12] Thank you for information [08:49:47] In the middle of the Formula 1 race? Ugh. Count me out then. Can't do both. [14:57:07] Yeah, your change dosent affect anyting [14:57:18] [1/2] same as always [14:57:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247927236539973695/image.png?ex=6661ce4e&is=66607cce&hm=d5f77a0c0ea81004a32202ec6910f953960d2db6b6e6bd71b4d3ba0835c82690& [15:18:12] [1/2] Maybe its because of an extra bracket here? @pixldev [15:18:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1247932494385385482/image.png?ex=6661d334&is=666081b4&hm=e170bf8eb7906ba5fb0473918cfc2c35bb4ede716a340d8688fb843a4d50d671& [15:35:49] Can a Miraheze account be deleted by a steward? [15:36:16] Not deleted, rather it can have all identifiable information wiped [15:36:24] (known as a vanish) [15:36:55] I have 2 Miraheze accounts: "Aku manusia" and "Aku siapa?" can steward delete "Aku siapa?"? [15:37:00] At first I didn't know that Miraheze can use one account for all wikis, so I created a new account on Walawepedia even though I had previously created an account for Tampvan Wiki. [15:37:49] messaged regarding ^ [15:38:10] Is my action considered creating a sockpuppet account? [15:41:45] to summarize the also dm convo: no, especially if the connection is acknowledged both ways and the alt is not used deceptively [15:42:07] or to evade sanction [22:17:31] Is there a way to manually set a pageimage? [22:52:13] [1/2] I've heard that my wiki is closed after 30 days of inactivity [22:52:13] [2/2] is that true? [22:53:20] no [22:53:30] [[Dormancy Policy]] [22:53:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Dormancy_Policy [22:53:31] [22:54:08] flagged inactive after 60, closed after 120, deleted after a full year [22:58:25] DELETED? [22:58:43] Yes, after a year. [22:58:54] oh yeah I forgot backups exist [22:58:58] It shouldn't be inactive for a year. [22:59:08] if the wiki is public, archive.org will then have a copy [22:59:18] true [22:59:21] letting it go for a full year is basically "I don't care about it let it die" [23:00:23] maybe [23:00:31] but what about wikis that aren't supposed to be edited so much [23:00:40] not saying tha mine is [23:00:55] exemptions can apply if there is a sufficient body of content/completion for one to be approved [23:01:06] oh ok [23:01:17] + seasonal editing, and such [23:20:47] After having some time to think about it, I'll create yugipedia.miraheze.org