[00:04:26] Okay so it appears the noinclude stuff was causing the issues, so I'm now using this [00:04:28] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248427322382618654/image.png?ex=6663a00c&is=66624e8c&hm=2697b8e2a91aabef4738f73077d1395959f89aa6962ca4d79a216c0729b8a663& [00:12:50] Wait, no it does [00:13:06] It generates the logo fine, the appearance type just doesn't load at all [00:15:38] `{{#vardefine:name|value}}` is just well defining a variable, like doing say `var name = value` in something like JS, and then `{{#var:name}}` is reading that variable, pretty simple one, if you done any kind of real coding before. I do think you need a certain extension to be able to use it [00:15:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23vardefine:Template:name [00:20:15] So how much of the template do you understand? [00:24:05] With my current 2am tired brain, not enough to create a clear picture. If I were more awake, probably a good deal of it, but one thing I can say is that it is at the brink of how far is too far trying to push wikitext, and you really should consider if there isn't better options (both in terms of efficiency to parse, as well as to read for humans) [00:24:39] Well I am trying to reverse engineer it into something easier to manage as I said [00:25:48] I've gotten it to where this works [00:26:11] [1/5] {{Apperances [00:26:12] [2/5] | LOGO NAME [00:26:12] [3/5] | COMIC NAME [00:26:12] [4/5] | APPEARANCE TYPE [00:26:13] [5/5] }} [00:26:32] So that's at least something [00:26:56] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248432975960473680/image.png?ex=6663a550&is=666253d0&hm=fbe4511d054c06524268a074ca5831c1a39da6ff8f3856df270cf6f6ea027d65& [00:27:19] What I can say is most of the parser functions are from either https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:ParserFunctions or https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ParserFunctions/String_functions from what I can tell [00:51:48] [1/2] Any ideas how I'd prevent the table from assuming | between 2 and 3 is starting a new column here? [00:51:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248439231542726767/image.png?ex=6663ab23&is=666259a3&hm=2366eb75fb6c2a222e2126d696e1a3b5dd3276d543fbdfb1e602d5a0918b4700& [00:52:23] @tedkalashnikov [00:52:43] try {{!}} [00:52:43] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [00:53:31] I thought that just acts as a line break for the table? [00:53:57] Yeah that doesn't work [00:56:08] it renders a pipe character for use in nested stuff or when its use would break a table or smy [00:56:40] Welp either way, it tries to make a new column [00:57:39] hm [00:57:39] i know theres another way [01:11:23] [1/3] Refuses to elaborate [01:11:23] [2/3] Leaves [01:11:24] [3/3] :chad: [02:27:50] [1/28] i somewhat get how this works, hypothetically this should work for what u want (havent tested it tho) [02:27:51] [2/28] ``` [02:27:51] [3/28] {| style=etc [02:27:51] [4/28] !title (same as whatever u have rn) [02:27:52] [5/28] |- [02:27:52] [6/28] |width=80px|{{Logo|{{{1}}}}} [02:27:52] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Logo [02:27:52] [7/28] |{{Link|{{{2}}}}} [02:27:52] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Link [02:27:52] [8/28] |width=175px|{{Type|{{{3}}}}} [02:27:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Type [02:27:53] [9/28] |- [02:27:53] [10/28] {{#vardefine: i|4}} [02:27:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23vardefine:Template:_i [02:27:53] [11/28] {{#while: [02:27:54] [12/28] | {{{ {{#var:i}} |}}} [02:27:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%7b_%7b%7b%23var:Template:i [02:27:54] [13/28] | [02:27:55] [14/28] {{!}}{{Logo|{{{ {{#var:i}} |}}}}} [02:27:55] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [02:27:55] [15/28] {{!}}{{Link|{{{ {{#expr: {{#var:i}} + 1}} |}}}}} [02:27:55] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [02:27:56] [16/28] {{!}}{{Type|{{{ {{#expr: {{#var:i}} + 2}} |}}}}} [02:27:56] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [02:27:56] [17/28] {{!}}- [02:27:56] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [02:27:57] [18/28] {{#vardefine: i | {{#expr: {{#var: i }} + 3 }} }} [02:27:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23vardefine:Template:_i_ [02:27:57] [19/28] }} [02:27:58] [20/28] |} [02:27:58] [21/28] ``` [02:27:59] [22/28] ``` [02:27:59] [23/28] {{template [02:28:00] [24/28] |logo 1|link 1|type 1 [02:28:00] [25/28] |logo 2|link 2|type 2 [02:28:01] [26/28] |logo 3... etc etc [02:28:01] [27/28] }} [02:28:02] [28/28] ``` [03:11:50] Day one of using translatewiki, almost 50 translations done for Miraheze ^^ still lot's of work to do since there's ~800 messages needing translation into pt-br but slow and steady :) I'm focusing on the landing page first and somewhat Manage and CreateWiki, also ignoring for now messages that I know are restricted and won't be seen since I'm the [03:11:50] only person who speaks pt-br to my knowledge with elevated rights [03:15:07] Hello! I'm representing a group who are considering requesting a wiki, but we'd like to ask some questions from a staff member/administrator/etc. before making any commitment. We have a document with the questions; is this the right place to post it, or should we move to the support channel? [03:16:24] You're fine to ask here. [03:17:11] Keep in mind this is a public channel of volunteers with varying roles and users so just don't accidentally post anything you'd prefer to keep private [03:17:20] But by all means ask away [03:17:30] Okay, thank you! [03:18:28] We are considering possibly moving the Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki to Miraheze. This is a wiki hosting lyrics of songs using vocal synthesizers, as well as translations, pages for artists, etc. [03:18:47] Will Miraheze be able to help in any way with transferring the image files from Fandom? We have too many images to manually do this. Is Miraheze even able/willing to host over 90,000 files? If not, would it be possible to embed video site previews (YouTube, NND, Bilibili)? [03:19:37] Second, what options do we have for making sure people see our hypothetical Miraheze site, considering we can’t delete the Fandom one? Because the majority of our material is lyrics and translations of lyrics, we can’t rewrite it. [03:21:01] (There are some more questions, but I'll wait for you to finish typing.) [03:21:16] We are able and willing to host 90,000 files, and it's possible to embed YouTube videos via the YouTube extension (enclose the video ID in between `` tags); SEO is tricky, but we have an extension that will help you with that provided that you know what to do (if you don't, we're here to help!) [03:21:39] Hm. We, Miraheze, will not help you with the transfer of images, we can import but not download. I, PixDeVl, in my personal capacity, know a tool that can help automate this(I will talk bout that when its not 11 PM). 90,000 files if they are relevant, I actually don't know, our servers have plenty of space and storage but since I'm not a tech team [03:21:40] member I don't feel comfortable answering yay or nay. [03:21:44] should be fine though [03:22:15] we have the SEO extension and some guides on meta but yeah fandom is hard to beat I'm afriaid. [03:22:44] They are relevant; they're song thumbnails, artist icons, etc. [03:23:06] https://pypi.org/project/wikiteam3/ - this is a tool that can help automatically download images (it does require Python 3 in order to run) [03:23:20] Don't worry about that. [03:23:35] I have access to a hosted version of the tool that should be able to automate it [03:23:58] ^ also an option [03:24:12] Believe me I've tried setting it up locally it was not an exceedingly enjoyable experience [03:24:23] Third, how transferable are editing practices from Fandom to Miraheze? Could someone who has only used Fandom use Miraheze easily? Could someone who has only used Fandom's Visual Editor use Miraheze easily (we do have some users who fit that description)? [03:24:45] Both sites use MediaWiki as the base software [03:25:11] We don't have some of FANDOM's custom extensions and features but we support enabling VE out of the box [03:25:28] Just wanted to make sure there aren't any differences that might confuse editors. [03:25:47] Is template data contained in the XML dump and will it show up on an import? Our wiki uses a number of templates. [03:25:52] We have a large collection of extensions to enable at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/extensions [03:25:55] Miraheze does require that the VisualEditor extension be enabled in ManageWiki first; go to the "Editors" section in ManageWiki/extensions on your wiki when created and tick the "VisualEditor" box [03:26:17] It should; templates are just pages in another namespace that can be transcluded [03:26:20] Templates are pages so if you include them in the dump they will be imported [03:26:35] Does Miraheze have discussions/blogs/etc.? Some of our practices involve using blog posts which can be read and commented on by any user. [03:26:44] As someone who's used the base VE and Fandom they should be close enough [03:26:59] You can create a custom User Blog namespace [03:27:11] Miraheze does have blogs that are included in SocialProfile, but it does not include an equivalent to Fandom's Discussions [03:27:38] Fandom's page comment feature can be replicated via the CommentStream extension [03:28:22] Yeah no Discussions though, closest and easiest would be a Community Noticeboard with Discussion Tools maybe? [03:28:40] There's also a Comments extension that does the same thing, but more finicky; CommentStreams will probably be the better choice [03:28:59] We know your content policy says that we can't host material that's illegal in the US and/or sexualizes minors. [03:29:11] I hate comments I hate comments I hate comments burn in the depths [03:29:27] Yes..? [03:29:28] Oh boy, that's never a good sentence... [03:29:52] There are a relatively small number of song lyrics hosted on the VLW which depict/describe illegal/mature activity such as sex or domestic abuse. We already have a policy of putting warnings at the tops of pages in these cases. Are these lyrics acceptable to host? If we hosted them, would we mark our wiki as NSFW and would this affect SEO further? [03:30:57] As long as none of them feature minors being abused, they should be okay; I don't think the whole wiki would qualify as NSFW, and there's no impact on SEO regardless [03:31:19] Putting warnings at the top isn't covered by policy but still a good practice nonetheless [03:31:29] Mmmmmmmmm. [03:32:12] I believe Tali is correct, but I would like to request Steward confirmation on this matter to be safe. I am not in the habit of sparing expenses with those two lines [03:32:32] So to clarify, if a song describes a minor being abused but depicts it strictly in a negative light, that would still mean we wouldn't be able to host the lyrics to that song? [03:33:10] its not as if its depicting a real minor, does that still count? [03:33:21] Yes. [03:33:32] Regular abuse is iffy, but I don't think there's anything in policy that prohibits it; sexual abuse, however, is a big no no [03:33:35] Fictional does not excuse from that clause. [03:34:11] Okay, moving on to less heavy questions: users of our wiki have expressed concerns that Miraheze won’t be sustainable in the long run if it is only supported by donations. Is this something we should be concerned about? [03:34:43] I do not believe I am the right person to say. Again, seeing as I am only a Wiki Creator, I refer to Steward judgment [03:34:50] No I don't think [03:34:53] Miraheze is going to turn 10 years in 2025, and never had problems in finances [03:35:03] do I need to add more? [03:35:12] Money wise we are better than we have been in a long while [03:35:30] Volunteer capacity is much more of a concern [03:35:31] this as well + recently earned charity status [03:35:47] We have servers prepaid till next February and holds 6 grand in cash currently. [03:36:05] Yes, we are a registered 501(c)(3) now [03:36:08] How much of a concern is it? For example, what support is offered by Miraheze for users encountering technical difficulties? Which system is checked most often: the Discord server, the Community Portal, or somewhere else? How quickly do most issues get resolved? [03:36:19] I wouldn't be concerned about it; if there ever is a situation where finances are an issue there would likely be a notification in advance [03:37:12] We are all volunteers so there is no obligation of support from anyone, Discord questions or tech but we are doing okay on the tech issues side. Discord is likely checked more often. It depends [03:37:30] Most of Tech has disabled push notifications from this server i hink [03:37:40] [1/2] site breaking things like DDOS are in priority of quick resolution, the rest - lower [03:37:40] [2/2] volunteering means nobody is getting paid so don't expect 24/7 support, we are all working here just for the good cause [03:38:03] We do have a good amount of users here on discord who answer questions and the such [03:38:13] yeah [03:38:46] For not super important technical tasks for, say, one wiki, depending on what it is, can take a while because of priorities. [03:39:09] like file dump import, database name change [03:39:17] There are a couple of other members from the wiki in the server who might have questions, but that's all I had prepared. [03:39:20] Although, to be frank, they are mostly things you wouldn't get at all on a host like fandom. [03:39:45] Thank you all very much for your time, and I'll get back to the wiki with this information! [03:39:46] urgent things like PI leak, T&S ofc are worked on as fast as possible [03:39:50] Feel free to send them here and tell them to ask :) [03:39:54] Oh, also [03:40:07] If you would like help with the image download [03:40:36] DM me(@pixldev) the wiki link(note this is me in a personal capacity not a Miraheze functionary) [03:40:40] I'll see if I can help [03:41:12] (did i ping myself right on the discord side? my phones ded i cant check lol) [03:41:18] it did not ping lol [03:41:25] @pixldev [03:41:25] @pixldev [03:41:33] now it did [03:41:35] i love irc [03:41:48] eh the retro charm [03:42:37] welp [03:42:43] [1/2] I do want to kind of double back to this question, since another admin brought up a salient point. I'm not sure how familiar folks are with vocal synthesizers, but they're not only fictional but also don't have any defined ages. So while I completely understand the rule about no sexual depiction of minors (and so explicit depictions are of course out) [03:42:43] [2/2] , I'm sure there are sexual undertones in some songs where the characters' ages are nebulously defined. Is there a hard line for this sort of thing? [03:42:45] back to translation I guess [03:43:27] I would refer once more to my previous statement of referring to Stewards on this matter. [03:43:33] ^ [03:43:59] where do we find (a?) Steward? [03:44:00] (also i dont trust my answer to these types of questions at quarter to midnight, though even awake I'd defer) [03:44:17] Check the member list to see if any are online [03:44:31] (Raidarr, NotAracham, Reception, Void) [03:44:45] You can ping the @Stewards role on this server, go to [[Steward requests]], or contact a Steward on their talk page [03:44:45] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests [03:44:46] [03:44:47] Kiju is still on hiatus but hes also a stew [03:44:54] oh sweet! [03:44:57] thank you! [03:45:06] also one last question [03:45:06] I wouldn't say this is a SR question actually [03:45:09] > If a song’s lyrics are deemed unacceptable to host, are we allowed to link elsewhere to a site which does host the lyrics? Are we allowed to link to the song itself, which will typically have a video displaying the lyrics? [03:45:11] Ask away [03:45:23] Aaaaaaaaa- [03:45:27] Good question [03:45:46] which again I don't feel wise to answer at this hour. [03:45:52] (I need sleep LMAO) [03:45:54] I'm not quite sure; I will defer to Stewards for a response [03:45:59] sleep then mate [03:46:08] yeah please sleep [03:46:43] Thank you! [03:47:01] I don't think most of us (other then stewards) would know a proper answer to this so yes, please refer to stewards for these kinds of questions [03:47:18] Smh compared to some Dutch I could mention this is perfectly reasonable time [03:48:06] would it be better to just ping and wait, or send a request with this link? [03:48:10] (tell that to me in the morning) [03:48:21] I'd say not Steward's request [03:48:27] yeah [03:48:32] SInce this isn't a 'request' [03:48:56] An inquriy should prob be on Discord or talk page [03:49:31] Reception will probably be online in a few hours, Raidarr Void and NA frankly I have no idea what their timezones are [03:50:12] They should be on in 0-365 business days ;) [03:50:22] Thanks! I'll check back later to see if anyone's online or see about using a(the?) talk page [03:50:58] Also sorry for bringing this stuff up to begin with [03:51:20] No worries, it's better you ask now than it become an issue later [03:51:32] don't be sorry, valid concerns [03:51:37] ^^ [03:52:50] Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions! [03:53:03] Our pleasure [03:53:22] Have a good night! [03:53:28] Or day [03:53:31] timezones [03:53:49] almost 10 pm where I live so night [03:53:52] You too [03:54:03] smh almost 12 here [03:54:08] ..ill go to sleep now [03:54:12] 7am, I've snoozed lmao [03:54:26] sleep smh [03:56:21] Fine, funny translation work will continue next time on dragon ball z- wait no I mean tomorrow [03:59:16] Night all [03:59:26] Or morning in a minute [04:00:01] gnight pix [04:00:44] :wave: [06:06:51] Is MH server slow? [06:06:59] [1/2] > An error occurred while attempting to preview your changes. [06:06:59] [2/2] > The server did not respond within the expected time. [06:07:46] not slow for me [07:49:12] [1/2] Waki285-Bot now lists [[Extensions]] automatically [07:49:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Extensions [07:49:13] [2/2] [[Special:Diff/401609]] [07:49:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/401609 [07:49:14] [1/2] [07:49:14] [2/2] [08:23:49] I have a Russian troll who seems to be interested in my wiki, strangely enough [08:27:00] need cvt help or already taken care of? [08:31:15] Oh, I blocked it out, it's not the first and it won't be the last. I had some from Africa, obviously, Morocco specifically, others from Ukraine I think [08:31:38] I think I'll be fine, thank you. [08:53:41] Hi all, I tried to modify $wgWhitelistReadRegexp in additional settings to allow some pages to be visible to public in a private wiki [08:53:57] but it after removing those regexps the pages are still visible, help? [09:27:41] [1/4] Copyright states that all lyrics are protected until 70 years after the songwriter has passed. (So the songwriter had to die in December 1953 or earlier. [09:27:42] [2/4] You can link to where they are hosted. [09:27:42] [3/4] You are allowed to quote a little part of the song (for example the Chorus) but not the whole song. [09:27:42] [4/4] The same goes for Album/single covers and other photographical material. [09:27:44] How long does it usually take for a phorge task to be completed? I submitted one on the 16th of may about redirecting the domain of my wiki to the custom domain yet there’s been no word, I was told here that submitting a ticket would be the way to go about it [09:30:50] Ro, the question is of completely different nature [09:31:10] copyright is another can of worms tho [09:31:32] We would always suggest that you stay on the safe side. Some have a stricter view then others. So stay out of the grey zone. [09:31:48] but "adapted from audio recording" is a way to go sometimes [09:32:56] There are rules to derivation. The license of CC-BY-ND is a good example of how that is regulated [09:37:30] [1/7] This is not correct. See point 3 [09:37:30] [2/7] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Content_Policy#Not-safe-for-work_wikis [09:37:30] [3/7] Wikis with NSFW content must abide by these rules: [09:37:30] [4/7] 1. Do not have a subdomain or site name that advertises the existence of NSFW content. [09:37:31] [5/7] 2. Do not post NSFW content on the wiki's main page. [09:37:31] [6/7] 3. Include a dismissible site notice alerting users that the content is not appropriate for users under 18. [09:37:31] [7/7] 4. Media that is explicit in nature should be collapsed by default. [09:41:07] I should start at the beginning and work my way down, in stead of starting at the end and work my way up 😄 [09:43:45] it's about wikis were NSFW rating takes majority of content or significance to the subject of the wiki [09:44:37] Yes, sorry, our questions start around here. [09:45:07] anyway, I think it's better to leave this specific question to full discretion of stewards [09:45:38] it was 6am when I first saw it and I still can't articulate my personal opinion on it [09:47:38] [1/2] Yes, the vast majority of our content should be SFW. It's just since we're hosting song lyrics, often written by independent musicians, there might be certain songs with graphic content. At Fandom, we've historically removed lyrics that are at risk of violating Fandom TOS, but since one of the reasons we're considering a move is that Fandom TOS is extremely opaque about what counts [09:47:39] [2/2] as violations, we wanted to make sure of the specifics at Miraheze beforehand. [09:49:06] [1/2] my music wiki has pages about NSFW themed songs but it can't be qualified as full on NSFW wiki [09:49:06] [2/2] I left a general disclaimer about as content warning [09:52:43] Do I understand, that the songs are from songwriters themselves, uploading them to the wiki? Or you upload them from their location. [09:52:50] Also, re: copyright, the majority of the lyrics we're hosting is of noncommercial songs, with many of them uploaded by the musicians themselves; we've also historically complied with requests for page removals by the original producers, so I don't anticipate a huge problem with this. [09:53:10] Okay [09:53:29] I am more versed in Copyright than what it is about 😄 [09:53:32] Fandom wasn't happy about subject matter of songs, not even copyright [09:53:48] We upload lyrics of songs that are produced using voice synthesizers such as VOCALOID. We include links to the original uploads as well as full credit lists. [09:53:58] I think the fall of Lyrics Wiki was 50/50 [09:54:43] [1/2] The problem with that is the following: [09:54:44] [2/2] As most content is copyrighted keep the Rule of thumb in mind, that when no license is mentioned, the content and images are fully protected and not allowed to be reused under our CC-BY-SA license. [09:55:05] Just wanted to say I’ve used the vocaloid lyrics wiki in the past and I really love your guys’ work, I hope everything goes smoothly for you [09:55:32] A songwriter who uploads his song text doesn't have to state or apply. His text is immediately protected by copyright [09:55:46] Yeah, I do want to say also that Fandom has never had an issue with our wiki. It's mainly that many of our users have expressed the desire to move several times that we're considering this. [09:56:17] Thank you! We're still in the very preliminary stages right now, so I also hope it goes smoothly, haha. [10:01:15] sending examples to stewards@ by email seems like the most direct way to resolve the matter [10:01:21] yo Raidarr [10:01:59] o7, not in long [10:02:23] [1/2] Thing of the matter is... Copyright is copyright, You can not put another license on a song text (Our wiki's state CC-by-sa) but if you state that - this song is taken from "here and here", and available under "this license" you should be okay, and as you state that you comply with "taking down requests" I think that you'll be okay too. [10:02:23] [2/2] About the 90.000+ images... Same goes for that. But make sure they are in use. A load of images that are not used on content pages can be seen as a repository, and is not allowed by our ToS [10:02:32] from what I've managed to browse I don't really see a problem but again, specific practical edge cases may help [10:03:17] Email is a good idea, thanks! [10:03:33] `stewards@miraheze.org` [10:07:13] And, yes, we regularly delete images that are not in use, and we disallow personal use images. The reason why we have so many images is that we have thumbnails for each song page, and we have ~90k pages. (Our wiki has been around since like... 2009, so plenty of time to accumulate a lot of pages.) [10:09:18] amazing tbh [10:09:38] When you move over, state it in your request that you've discussed it with the stewards [10:10:04] [1/2] and plenty of songs too [10:10:05] [2/2] vocalyrics is like the one place to reliably find romaji and translated lyrics [10:11:30] Sure, thanks! It'll probably be a while, though, since we're just getting all the details ready for further discussion with the larger community. We'll probably have to do a community discussion/vote before we move forward. [10:12:51] Do you guys also host Sign Language translations? [10:14:33] No, it's primarily for English translations. It started out being mostly JP -> EN translations but now there's plenty of other languages being translated too. [10:16:51] [1/2] There are many SL translators who dub original songs in Sign Language. [10:16:51] [2/2] I used to follow a Dutch translator for a while, just to see how that is done. [10:19:54] Oh, neat! [10:20:44] Now that's gotten me wondering if it's been done for vocal synth songs before, haha. With how collaborative the community is, I'm surprised I haven't seen anything like that yet. [10:21:12] Let me see if I can find it again [10:24:08] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxxePY5hRWU [10:24:35] Ooh thanks! This is super cool! [10:24:52] make actual vocaloid model do this perhaps [10:25:12] That's actually a... great idea. Someone should really do that. [10:27:40] A whole new category in the making 😂 [10:29:49] apparently people have done this with vocaloid songs before! i just searched on google and they do exist! [10:30:03] amazing, thank you for opening my eyes to this whole new world i've never known existed before haha [10:30:21] You're welcome [10:31:56] [1/2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYkXaKnI8H4 [10:31:56] [2/2] Shape of you [10:32:57] oooh [10:55:46] @emiliers as long as it isn't Blatantly offensive for no good reason you should be fine [10:55:59] Like homophobic, racist etc [10:56:37] The content policy uses the reasonable person test though [10:57:20] I would encourage a transparent method (like a central page on your wiki) for reporting concerns [10:57:25] And maybe an optional email [10:58:33] That's a good idea, thanks! [10:59:26] The gold standard is you have your own policy and are able to moderate [11:00:18] And then stewards / CVT will only need to step in if it's a cross wiki matter, you want there help with private data or it's so bad that they restrict the content to be only seen by NDA holders [11:01:11] Or someone accidentally posts their PII (like young people over sharing or edit logged out and want to hide IP) [11:36:33] Does list of selectors exist? [11:37:14] CSS? [11:39:52] Yes. I am usually lazy with finding them [11:39:59] That sounds stupid [11:43:21] sadly not, at very least there's list of portable infobox classes [11:44:21] you can look up example code on other wikis, depending on akin ofc, but to use it effectively you need to understand what they do [12:02:32] Thanks [12:13:00] Hi, having some more issues with the YouTube extension: it works for me directly, but not when I embed it in a template. See the template here: https://mevaarim.miraheze.org/wiki/%D7%AA%D7%91%D7%A0%D7%99%D7%AA:%D7%9E%D7%A2%D7%A8%D7%9B%D7%95%D7%9F_%D7%91%D7%99%D7%95%D7%98%D7%99%D7%95%D7%91 [12:13:38] It fails to show the video . A link to the same video works (above) [12:13:49] Any idea how I can debug this? [12:23:21] {{{1}}} there is interpreted directly as "1" in the template. Same happens if I change the name of the parameter from 1 to video (run it with video= ) [12:23:21] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b1 [12:26:25] That seems to be a broken link. [12:27:33] Note that {{{1}}} is interpreted corectly in another part of the same template (in a direct link) [12:27:33] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b1 [12:28:11] The requested page title contains invalid characters: "{". [12:28:30] Err, silly me answering the bot. [12:36:28] sorry, I can't check rn [12:45:10] @tzafrir (IRC) edited, and i think it's working [12:47:29] Thanks! [14:46:51] [1/3] Collapsibles are confusing and annoying. [14:46:51] [2/3] Not sure if this has been done before but basically I want the Expand/collapse prompt on the header (in this case "plot"). Is that possible? [14:46:52] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248649381083615323/image.png?ex=66646edb&is=66631d5b&hm=68233cf0d3c9166cdf1fec07996fb34165e95c6f943004fba7873fa27d9cfb62& [15:05:54] [1/11] For headers it is either all or nothing for the default state I believe (that is mainly a quirk of the MediaWiki Software), but for a general collapsed just add: [15:05:55] [2/11] ```html [15:05:55] [3/11]
[15:05:55] [4/11] /div [15:05:55] [5/11] ``` [15:05:56] [6/11] or if you don't want it to be collapsed by default: [15:05:56] [7/11] ```html [15:05:56] [8/11]
[15:05:57] [9/11] /div [15:05:57] [10/11] ``` [15:05:57] [11/11] and it should do the trick, with the actual content between the opening and closing tags ofc. Ofc depending on the look of your wiki some CSS may be needed to make it look good/fit in, but in terms of functionality one of the above is all you should need [15:26:16] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248659300411375798/image.png?ex=66647818&is=66632698&hm=20ebfd031327759633090c7ca40a6ff1bca597b62a60dbbb841ba5c7d861da45& [15:26:20] uhhhhh [15:26:56] awful red code 🚨 alert [15:29:00] Because I wanna add the most important links [15:30:11] [1/2] Plus, I want know a way to fix those categories [15:30:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248660286962139227/image.png?ex=66647903&is=66632783&hm=84ea26a6cb63e6c85f076b15b79e9158f80593fb851606cc06dfa8ae29e18ed8& [15:30:30] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/English_FurrNations [16:02:51] @rodejong something you would know: which license would be less of a pain for others to use content of a wiki: GFDL or CC-BY-SA? [16:41:23] GFDL/GNU is mostly for Software. CC0 or PD are for images and text. Cc-by-sa is more restrictive than the ones mentioned before. [16:42:17] for a text on a wiki would CC-BY-SA not cause too much headache for people or GFDL is solid [16:48:43] What is the wiki about? [16:49:12] Because it really d3pends on what it's used for [16:52:33] [1/3] The GNU Free Documentation License is a copyleft license - which means that derivative works must be made available under the same or a similar license. The creators of the license recommend that it is used “principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.” [16:52:33] [2/3] Creative Commons is mostly for visual representation: graphics, photographs, paintings, drawings, and also for text that is descriptive. [16:52:34] [3/3] So it differs a lot of its usage. [16:55:18] Perhaps you want to read this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Comparison_of_GFDL_and_CC_BY-SA#:~:text=The%20GFDL%20has%20a%20preamble,in%20the%20future%20to%20Wikipedia. [16:56:06] Hope that gives you a better understanding between the two. [17:32:08] [1/2] There's a way to fix this [17:32:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248690976642437251/image.png?ex=66649598&is=66634418&hm=7d879391c3ea1ed6a3baa00b3e1e7afb9c3a7769f1596771bc4f7ad533c180b9& [17:32:21] it appears on all the templates [17:32:45] The case I exported from Wikipedia using the Export function [17:33:25] bad idea [17:35:45] there's a other alternative? [17:36:12] import simpler templates [17:36:22] which template is that? [17:37:01] Link to your wiki? [17:40:01] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [17:40:35] Since February 28th 2024, i'm having troubles with the templates [17:41:17] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Intro_to_single [17:41:22] here you go [17:47:14] this one of the templates that is appearing that error [17:47:18] but there's more [18:19:04] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/FurrNations:Discord [18:19:23] I'm deciding to do the verification [18:40:56] @thelilacdragon. You would be best to make your own templates or inport from Miraheze dev wiki [18:43:17] ok [18:43:21] noted [18:43:42] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/FurrNations:Discord [18:43:50] What do you think [18:45:05] I think it is good [19:00:49] I'm trying to be original and not copying a lot of there https://micronations.wiki/wiki/MicroWiki:Discord [19:25:57] [1/3] I think that the template is not necessary. [19:25:58] [2/3] It's a Wikipedia thing you do not need. [19:25:58] [3/3] {{category handler|[[Category:Wikipedia quick introductions]]|nocat={{{nocat|}}}}} [19:25:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:category_handler https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Wikipedia_quick_introductions [19:25:58] [19:28:46] You can just blank it, if you're not depending on it. (I'm not able to find the problem unfortunately [19:28:49] well, what do you suggest? I only wanted to do an Introduction to FurrNations at the style of Wikipedia. [19:29:37] It's an automisation template. So just blank that template [19:29:57] Template:category handler [19:30:34] It won't change your wikipage. [19:34:15] It worked [22:06:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248760071270301767/cat-funny.mov?ex=6664d5f1&is=66638471&hm=d1f81e392c6d5ae150a4d255f6f46659904f7aee1814e839002b86033feadb5e& [22:06:46] Silly!