[00:02:10] [1/2] anybody have any idea why desktop isn't appearing below? Been stumped on this for about an hour :P [00:02:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248789129110622208/image.png?ex=6664f101&is=66639f81&hm=fafb02d5d0f09b0c611550aeaa0d52101552f1214845b4707bca90b05b2c5f09& [00:23:16] Do you have MobileFrontEnd enabled? [00:38:03] Just did and it appeared, thank you [00:52:43] [1/2] Also the desired layout I want is the desktop version of Cosmos (the layout the Polandball wiki has) but currently on the mobile version of my wiki, so not sure if this is also in settings or not [00:52:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248801851151745086/image.png?ex=6664fcda&is=6663ab5a&hm=5be65d713b8a3917e77a830010d059122563d5e0ef1741a95d6652123e90542a& [00:55:06] what browser? [00:58:53] OperaGX [00:59:25] The solution is to not use OperaGX [01:00:50] true lol [01:01:12] On alot of mobile browsers though, there is an option to switch to desktop display [01:03:42] ja [01:04:26] [1/2] i.e. in Safari, it can be found in the page size (Aa) button [01:04:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248804800699699312/image.png?ex=6664ff9a&is=6663ae1a&hm=11129eeb272133ca9f907845fd1deea560e2135f3d29f644b6cee38ac02ec3f4& [01:04:45] for me its request mobile site cause i always switch to desktop [01:44:19] opera gx is chinese spyware [02:03:24] be like me and use firefox [02:04:19] amen [02:08:08] There's a way to put the number of edit of a certain user on a userbox? [02:08:54] I'm asking [02:11:14] The Editcount extension [02:16:34] no, no I mean something like on MicroWiki has like {{#editcount:User}} [02:16:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23editcount:Template:User [02:16:44] but on Miraheze [02:17:20] Editcount extension. (I think? assuming I understand you properly) [02:18:35] [[mw:Extension:EditCountNeue]] but sadly not installed in Miraheze [02:18:35] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:EditCountNeue [02:18:36] [02:18:46] we need to request installation in [[Phorge]] [02:18:46] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [02:18:47] [02:19:08] I know for a fact we have an edit count extension on Miraheze [02:19:37] we have https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Editcount [02:20:32] enable it and transclude {{Special:Editcount/User}}. You need to override the default prefix message [02:20:32] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Template:Editcount/User [02:21:10] huh [02:22:58] [1/2] looks bad [02:22:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248824565191409674/image.png?ex=66651202&is=6663c082&hm=fb3529ec6dfdfa0caea3ab9b63e6372c478fcb2ab27b30990a14500961807526& [02:23:55] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248824800063787059/image.png?ex=6665123a&is=6663c0ba&hm=9993f6b4ac2615e356155269486ff595126abdecd26bcd2314bbf22ab43928c8& [02:23:57] at difference [02:24:21] I mean the This user has made... edits userbox [02:25:23] I wanna include on my FurrNations Wiki userpage [02:26:08] you need to overwrite system messages, [[MediaWiki:Editcount-before]] to blank [02:26:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Editcount-before [02:26:09] [02:26:34] Would there be a way to by default globally blank that message [02:26:43] MirahezeMagic? [02:26:52] idk well about extensions [02:29:19] [1/2] it worked [02:29:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248826161694511194/image.png?ex=6665137f&is=6663c1ff&hm=df13818018491bcd10a2daf455e8da0b42929d52a6870216ef741b7751ed0284& [02:29:55] nice [02:30:46] it worked [02:31:01] I wanna try to do the Featured article thing [02:32:23] that thing. [02:32:27] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248826948935876618/image.png?ex=6665143a&is=6663c2ba&hm=570f145fd53bb0a70bfced363ef86b8d73110d6da3b7d1ec56e6108ad304db4e& [02:32:40] it complicates myself to do that [02:35:50] ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ [02:36:27] I wanna apply my wiki an Wikipedia homepage look-a-like stylish [02:37:13] actually looks like this [02:37:16] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248828163111387188/image.png?ex=6665155c&is=6663c3dc&hm=79dc1e586fc59d53783e26c30080833fb823a5586bc568eb232bb494f5c600dc& [02:37:29] because idk how to add those [02:37:35] [1/5] Essentially, how Featured articles work is [02:37:35] [2/5] 1. paste the โ€œFeaturedโ€ template into an article [02:37:35] [3/5] 2. put it together on a page somewhere [02:37:36] [4/5] 3. feature it on the top page [02:37:36] [5/5] I think there are three ways to do this [02:37:50] just view enwp mainpage's source and paste [03:31:11] I also use Firefox [03:34:56] crazy when you realize its like that for every other browser [03:43:11] I was just kidding don't worry [03:44:21] Np, but I would like to know if there is a fix or its just like that for new wikis [03:46:48] Disable MobileFrontend and set Cosmos to the default skin in ManageWiki then Cosmos will take effect on mobile [03:49:28] the solution is to not use a browser [03:51:43] real [03:54:51] thing is the mobile layout is also the desktop one on my wiki [03:59:46] Turn off Minerva in the skins and disable MobileFrontend then turn on whatever skin you want desktop to be [04:14:28] yeah didnt work [05:11:36] What are your favourite skins? [05:12:28] OG Vector; Vector 2022 can look good if styled properly [05:23:11] 2010 Vector (OG Vector) and Citizen [06:08:55] Cosmos and properly styled 2010 Vector [08:38:32] what type of stuff do y'all consider with "properly styled"? (or specific examples of well-styled Vector wikis) [09:39:01] Hey! [09:39:16] Is anyone else here? [09:39:21] hello [09:39:34] Whoa [09:39:43] Are you a real person or just a bot [09:39:58] Ur a bot [09:40:01] Got it [09:40:03] Ok bye [09:40:41] lol what [09:41:18] :edennSip: [09:46:43] it's a discord bridge lol [09:46:53] bot transfers messages [09:59:39] ^ anyone have an answer? [10:00:24] it varies depending on priority [10:00:40] database/domain name changes are low priority so they will probably take longer [10:01:14] We went public recently and Iโ€™m worried people mainly clicking on the miraheze url will mess with the main url [10:01:27] @reception123, @bluemoon0332, @originalauthority [10:01:42] We still handle them in ssl repo so can you look [10:02:00] Do I need to provide anything? [10:02:24] What's the phorge [10:02:31] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12139 [10:02:36] I think thatโ€™s it? [10:03:32] They'll know what to do when they're around [10:03:42] Alright [10:03:49] Thank you for your help [13:13:52] @jpnburger [13:14:00] oh ur broke as fuck [13:14:05] trying 2 scam me in dms [13:14:12] let me post screenshots cause ur WEIRDD [13:14:31] No need to insult people ๐Ÿ™‚ [13:15:00] er [13:15:07] i will insult someone who just tried to scam me? [13:15:15] [1/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248988715347480606/IMG_2886.png?ex=6665aae2&is=66645962&hm=b20d4a47479793499a806e9a83dd37eeb561e501c15508f753fe69ff0ba384b4& [13:15:15] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248988715661918311/IMG_2887.png?ex=6665aae2&is=66645962&hm=1cbcd6a571f201f9e4c95ec6cf501f26416576c9a355339651256dd302fe4d85& [13:15:16] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248988715964174456/IMG_2888.png?ex=6665aae2&is=66645962&hm=bab5daa4d9bfc5e9dda040317fdb66bd65e603cc57f1e2d162adc9ac7a0c1000& [13:15:16] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1248988716232474705/IMG_2889.png?ex=6665aae3&is=66645963&hm=0f8b41b43a88d8d312b19440350a3cd911ea16832b07c2a1d4bd29ed69d60674& [13:15:27] https://toyhou.se/~forums/5867.service-reviews/477785.beware-discord-scam-going-around [13:15:54] just big and broke trying to scam ppl @jpnburger [13:16:26] Please note the vast majority of these scams occur when someones account is compromised [13:16:45] Hence they are done by a malicious third party, they are likely just as much if not more of a victim than you [13:16:58] it's usually hacks [13:17:06] so no point in getting emotional [13:17:17] just let people mods know [13:19:44] https://tenor.com/view/rovakook-gif-24363299 [13:19:50] moving on [13:19:59] ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š mi almost fell for it [13:23:02] Future: just ping mods [13:23:20] @Discord Moderators please kick the compromised account [15:51:55] hi everyone [16:14:30] Does anybody knows how to make a template which when you include a category, the page itself is on that category (just the page and not the template)? [16:15:09] I remember someone explained me long ago, but forgot it. ^^U [16:15:12] plz [16:21:59] `[[Category:...]]/includeonly`? [16:21:59] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:... [16:41:28] am i allowed to put ads on my wiki [16:41:29] wait [16:41:39] that would just give money to miraheze not me [16:41:53] it actually wouldn't [16:41:57] ๐Ÿ˜‚ [16:45:02] I will find your house in minecraft munch on your armor turn your building materials into stew and bake your tools into a calzone [16:46:40] huh [16:47:19] is that a mod in minecraft or are you making it up [16:51:11] definitely the latter and quite possibly the former [17:32:23] just curious if this is possible. can i have an animated panorama as the background of my wiki? [17:32:51] likely but im not sure how, Iโ€™m not a CSS wiz [17:58:17] reposting here for those who are interested https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/615786602454581249/1249052987569995920 :) [18:06:17] apologies but some users might see a slight uptick in captchas from the edge [18:13:08] Hey, a user is not able to see the most recent versions of pages, even after refreshing and clearing Chrome's cache, is there a solution to this? [18:13:28] wiki's cache [18:13:50] or it show up to date for other users? [18:13:58] Yea [18:14:36] I could try clearing the wikis cache if it's possible [18:15:03] try [[Special:Purge]] [18:15:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Purge [18:15:04] [18:15:23] Thanks [18:36:17] I don't quite understand how to use this page [18:37:28] Okay now I do [18:42:57] Still nothing for the user [18:44:03] Did he delete his cookies? Did he try another device? [18:45:47] I tested looking on the wiki on incognito and the pages I've purged also don't show the most recent version [18:46:58] Link to your wiki? [18:47:18] https://usagishima.miraheze.org/wiki/Usagi_Shima_Wiki [18:48:23] Hmmm @MediaWiki Specialists can the cache be purged from this wiki? Seems that a few users can't see the latest versions [18:49:22] [1/2] The user just made an account for the wiki and now they can view it [18:49:22] [2/2] It seems when I was trying to prevent non registered users from editing, it also impacted their ability to view the latest version [18:50:34] That is because that account didn't see the previous version then [18:51:53] Would he see the updated version, if you change that version now? [18:52:16] @rodejong hi [18:52:31] Do we need an edge cache purge [18:52:47] No it seems [18:53:14] Perhaps [18:53:34] Which one is it [18:53:44] https://usagishima.miraheze.org/wiki/Usagi_Shima_Wiki [18:54:39] Done [18:54:49] Thanks [18:54:52] Can you try now? [18:55:21] Yea, incognito works now [18:55:42] Thanks [19:00:51] [1/2] The poor Race caller of FRECA ๐Ÿ˜‚ [19:00:51] [2/2] Ugo Ugochukwu ... that's a mouthfull to stumble over [21:08:52] A few users may notice captchas, and some bots might also be impacted. Please ping us in #tech if it's an issue. [21:13:35] Nice CSS [21:36:31] Yea [21:36:49] [1/2] Is there any way to fix this in the timeless theme? [21:36:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1249114938572804197/IMG_7131.png?ex=66662070&is=6664cef0&hm=028006608cfdaee5cb2f8a6866307df0372b1596f1fd5e786facfcb1800ec00c& [21:39:11] Nevermind, found a workaround haha [21:56:26] I see, thanks [22:56:02] <_______________________________d, replying to idrinklisterine> no