[00:20:15] How many wikis does Miraheze has? [00:21:42] Uh, somewhere in the 8k range, [00:21:53] Check [[Miraheze Meta]] [00:21:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_Meta [00:21:54] [00:39:22] ?? [00:41:17] [1/2] How come videos aren’t embedding correctly even with timedmediahandler? Is there anything I need to enable for it to work? [00:41:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1249886135384150076/IMG_7263.png?ex=6668eeac&is=66679d2c&hm=59295276ac6a61b89df234cc06706306a4cf8a6f7725ee7e85d15a8d34540a64& [01:05:39] I mean it's pride month tho so in this context it's almost certainly pride [01:05:44] Wait [01:05:47] Misunderstood sorry [01:05:56] I thought you were talking about the server logo :p [01:09:41] [1/2] just a normal rainbow [01:09:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1249893285670027284/light-prism-color-angle-colors-wavelength-wavelengths.png?ex=6668f555&is=6667a3d5&hm=a88787caa46254b71c380a819e14c62a5ddf42fe456f797c1b48b954ff315e58& [01:11:42] Is it bad to say the new logo looks better than the actual logo [01:32:07] Hey what happened with the MH channel logo??? [01:32:13] -_- [01:33:33] it became colorful [01:33:56] bruh [01:34:17] ok, only 20 days to go, I think ^^ [01:34:27] why are you so eager for it to end? [01:34:59] This month is my birthday [01:35:20] and I want nothing of my relatives to know it. [01:36:24] i see [01:37:07] I hate to be sang 'happy birthday'. idk why becames embarrassing when you get older. [01:37:23] It used to make me happy when kiddo... [01:42:05] I guess everyone in here is idle for now... [01:43:15] [1/2] I hate happy birthday [01:43:16] [2/2] Sto lat aka 100 years is much better bc everyone does it with actual energy [01:45:47] We do it purely to bully the birthday person [01:48:32] Instead of 'happy birthday', I would choose the following song for the party: [01:48:38] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TTk55YFIwI [01:48:56] Much better and accurate. Not childish. [01:49:58] The Boy Scouts of America have a very assuming birthday song [01:50:22] What is it?? [01:52:04] Let me try and remember [01:53:43] Seems to be a few variations [01:53:47] I'll do the one I hear [01:55:05] I swear I am not making this up. "Oh happy birthday *clap*, oh happy birthday *clap*. There's sorrow in the air, PEOPLE DYING EVERYWHERE, oh happy birthday *clap*" [01:56:04] like the new logo [01:56:49] glad to here it [01:57:41] Also, thanks @jph2 for the talk page edits [02:03:30] I've been on the scouts. That line sounded familiar to me... 🫢 [02:03:42] Good to know [02:03:56] Google has also found me this https://scoutshare.org/Articles/the-barbarian-birthday-dirge [02:28:52] i just realised the relay thing is probably from the wiki somewhere and i'm not sure where [02:29:00] does the relay connect to a wiki? [02:29:41] The relay connects to IRC [02:30:08] Like so [02:30:24] interesting [02:30:32] (i don't know what IRC is) [02:31:10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC [02:32:32] ngl that looks sick [04:11:58] miraheze has gone WOKE guys.... ugh these LIBERALS.......... [04:12:11] :// [04:13:16] We have not; we strive to maintain neutrality in political topics [04:13:32] I think they're joking [04:13:39] i am [04:13:45] i'm literally. Gay [04:14:11] Awesome lol [04:15:14] i hope you guys are at least not neutral about the genocide in palestine though... [04:16:02] Miraheze has no stance on this as an organization but the few people who have brought it up so far has been pro-Palestine [04:16:18] 🍉 [04:16:20] better than nothing i guess [04:16:28] I support Palestine fwiw [04:16:31] 🍉🍉🍉 [04:16:43] But Miraheze doesn't take a stance on geopolitics [04:16:53] Even for things that should be clear cut like this [04:17:00] i guess [04:34:42] [1/2] Uhuh [04:34:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1249944877089816656/image.png?ex=66692561&is=6667d3e1&hm=9fa703baa33a03056b38169a5f036c83f4ef809baacd22bae55ce1a3b0b837f7& [04:37:07] I know, but just let's no make a war over this... [04:38:29] [1/2] Pride is more a social issue [04:38:30] [2/2] as well as a cultural event [04:38:47] it's kind of found itself in the same categories as halloween, christmas, etc. [04:43:31] That isn't related to politics as stated above and furthermore, the community voted to adopt a position on that [04:43:43] As I said [04:43:45] Uhuh [04:43:55] "Uhuh" is not a logically valid argument [04:43:59] Uhuh [04:44:19] :edennSip: [04:44:30] Are you interested in discussion or just spamming the same word? [04:44:43] If you have nothing to say then don't say anything [04:44:46] Why would I be interested in discussion [04:45:02] You sent a message in response to a genuine discussion [04:45:14] And you'd assume that's an intention to discuss in it [04:46:06] I'm just saying. It's a ridiculous argument that gay pride isn't a political issue. [04:46:26] So ridiculous I don't think it merits an actual debate. [04:47:01] i know what you mean, but there's more to it than that, and one could argue we're more focused on the other aspects of it [04:49:47] argument from personal incredulity [04:50:18] Yeah, I can tell you're going to be an insufferable person to talk to on these matters. So as I said, uhuh. [04:51:12] I don't care if you think I'm "an insufferable person to talk to", doesn't make me wrong lmao. [04:58:08] man could you imagine if the logo was the actual flag [04:58:50] I don't think it could really fit with how the Miraheze logo looks [04:58:56] haha definitely not [04:59:04] i like the inclusion of the pink. definitely not biased (lying) [04:59:08] lol [05:16:03] Late to the party, but I'd ask we leave previous bitey-ness be. Sometimes things can be thought and not said, please and thanks. [05:20:41] -.- [05:23:32] just don't fight, neither don't talk against or in favor about that topic, ok? This just will make a giant snowball about this (I don't wanna fight) [06:52:11] just came here to compliment the icon, even if i was thinking "hmm... what puzzle game in my steam library is this" at first heh [06:54:49] it's more of a social issue in this case because homophobia is still present in modern society unfortunately :/ [06:55:02] and i don't like it for that [07:22:50] thx lol [07:23:02] most of the logo was my work lol [07:23:10] except the center hexagon [07:23:47] dunno why it's pink, i kept the original olive hexagon cuz it was the color in the original logo [07:23:49] oh well [07:23:50] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [07:33:11] 🤔 [07:33:15] legroom proposed the pink middle bc of pink triangle :nomChocoStrawberry: sorry for editing it if ur bothered [07:34:32] please be generous and give him a little legroom 🥺 [07:34:37] nah, it's ok, not bothered at all, just curious as to why there was pink [07:35:38] [1/2] well, today I learned something new :p [07:35:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1249990410521153697/image.png?ex=66694fc9&is=6667fe49&hm=65dda025a389aa0c44bc35fa4d574a29c59153c730def0d518b44cbf663dec29& [07:40:04] true [07:41:28] lmao [07:41:44] wasn't the pink triangle used like all the way back in like.. ww2? [07:41:51] yeah... [07:42:00] idk man [07:42:11] I didn't even know it was a thing until today 😅 [07:42:32] same i always knew pink in general was a lgbtq symbol but not where it came from [07:43:31] [1/2] meanwhile, in another wiki server I am, I said this lol [07:43:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1249992391411367986/image.png?ex=666951a1&is=66680021&hm=475bf035d05c02c13a95108713f858a83213c1c50b91f6de696e19a31fb9fe13& [07:43:57] lol [07:44:02] wait you're ukrainian? [07:44:07] what is your nickname about [07:44:12] nope. lebanese [07:44:17] ohh [07:44:24] why is the pig there then...... [07:44:31] it's an inside joke in the server [07:44:41] ukrainian saxophone pig [07:45:27] also, I often talk about other wikis and other wiki platforms there [07:45:28] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [07:46:50] [1/2] yes, nazis used it to mark gay men in camps, lesbians were marked w/ black triangle as "asocial" [07:46:50] [2/2] it was reclaimed as memorial symbol [07:46:56] oh, and my nick is a russian rapper name, and after it is what would be the arabic name of gordon freeman [07:48:49] sometimes, we kinda goof off in the general channel, othertimes, we get serious with the maintenance of the pg3d wiki (which forked to wiki.gg a few days ago) [07:58:30] Oooh, I love the current server logo~ ❤️ [07:58:40] thx [08:03:58] So I took the plunge and advertised on Reddit. It's looking pretty good so far, just under twenty likes and already one interested contributor. Fingers crossed. [08:24:52] using DarkReader, the template has this light colour and light text too [09:20:21] Never used darkreader [10:23:49] Cant live without darkreader anymore. Works well on blinding wiki sites. [10:31:37] you mean not [[mw:Extension:DarkMode]]? [10:31:37] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DarkMode [10:31:38] [10:34:24] Could be indeed. I never heard of darkreader [10:36:23] nop [10:36:39] the Firefox add-on [10:37:44] It mostly works on any site, even google apps to some extent. [10:38:01] ^ [10:38:53] I can only guess there's something funky w/ styling of the frame [10:39:10] or maybe [10:39:17] it's because of figure tag [10:39:26] oh might be bc it changs the body bg color and the text color but the image frame bg color is hardcoded [10:39:56] I personally made frames on my wikis fully transparent [10:40:42] I posted the snippet here somewhere, eh [11:07:24] [1/2] How can I enable diff preview of Discord Webhook? [11:07:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250043703419080714/image.png?ex=6669816b&is=66682feb&hm=f97ba4961d5ec23ebdf007527121d841e1fd60d8d0bf2efde8749e15175ba029& [11:07:33] such us the image [11:10:23] you can link a webhook in [[Special:ManageWiki/settings#mw-section-notifications]] (on your wiki) but i don't think you can have it display the content changes like it does in #cvt-feed-experimental [11:10:23] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/settings#mw-section-notifications [11:10:24] [11:11:25] ok, thanks [11:26:24] おうロゴの色どうした?? [11:46:56] 今月はゲイ・プライド月間だからこうなってる (ref: #Make the server logo gay for pride month) [11:48:14] なるほどね [11:49:31] 知らなかった。情報をありがとう。 [11:50:15] (I can speak both English and Japanese so it doesn't have to speak Japanese) [11:50:17] ツ [12:04:58] I wanted to be clever, can't I? [12:05:16] I like to speak in other languages. [12:07:41] great [12:39:45] [1/2] CW: NSFW - but Using the monarchy infobox shows Pages with script errors [12:39:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250066946771255346/image.png?ex=66699711&is=66684591&hm=224e89465f09202cf478ccaccdd1c38ae407ec0560fed7c465bcd832edff0f61& [12:39:54] there's a solution? [12:42:24] Mate, spoiler tag for images is free. [12:47:38] dude [12:48:13] Also, I think it's against server rules now that I checked 💀 [12:48:16] Yeah hold up [12:48:22] @Discord Moderators [12:48:27] nsfw isn't allowed in server yes [12:48:44] you could at least blur it lol [12:49:02] What [12:49:39] also screenshot doesn't show any messages buddy, so idk what we're supposed to fix here [12:49:53] Busy rn but please put NSFW content In a spoiler message with a text warning [12:52:51] @stone_miner1225 ^ [12:53:09] FUCK WRONG PING WRONG PING [12:53:10] (Message deleted, if you want to repost please blur but since there’s no visible error I’m not sure what the point was) [12:53:13] I'M SORRY [12:53:43] @thelilacdragon. please read convo [12:53:47] No worries lmao we ain’t gonna say off with your head [12:54:07] I'm sorry to user I pinged 😭 [12:54:15] Though next time I’d say leave the ping since deleting don’t remove it, just confuses the accidently pinged person [12:54:35] Better to own up to a tiny mistake that everyone makes then leave someone confuse imo ;) [12:54:55] tru [15:35:14] what is going on here [15:35:32] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250111181658652724/image0.gif?ex=6669c043&is=66686ec3&hm=1b7b52df0a85eeabafddf88d19d206dd5672d0c1d383b46ec50f7cc7423ddf1a& [15:55:03] I was silly [17:17:46] The server stats thing is a little bit annoying in that if I try to hide it, it makes the voice channel button to show up. Which is honestly more distracting than the "stats" [17:28:38] [1/4] Hey, how can I achieve this type of styling/rendering? [17:28:39] [2/4] Mine is very basic yet I'd like the one from Rain World to display it smoothly [17:28:39] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250139646399086612/image.png?ex=6669dac6&is=66688946&hm=625c2bab2509acae41835f386228f7bc7d825b59e5c579143024e31541ac3228& [17:28:39] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250139646726377502/image.png?ex=6669dac6&is=66688946&hm=ed7cb966909bff74969169ba5ec52bc51e6b1c196983993d0c9d18c401cb8801& [17:28:58] now i'm hungry [17:30:07] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images#Rendering_a_gallery_of_images [17:30:38] it's a gallery of images where image captions are article links [17:30:59] iirc images in gallery can work as links too [17:31:37] Rain World Wiki also modified CSS of gallery so it looks inline w/ the rest of the wiki [17:32:10] Makes sense, I'll check it out ty! [21:45:41] based pride logo but it looks like a color palette lol [21:46:13] ssssssh [21:46:45] it's still pretty! [21:56:38] ay [23:24:12] does anyone know if theres a way to check a user is using a specific skin in JS? [23:24:20] or can i run JS on a specific skin [23:25:17] i feel there is [23:25:21] yea [23:25:26] either one works tbh LOL [23:25:39] Mediawiki:.js i thinks [23:25:42] i want to run some html construction but only on a specific skin [23:25:43] oh awesome [23:25:51] yeah this [23:25:56] thank you both <3