[00:26:53] Logged out and incognito users see different pages in a category?? [00:31:18] cache issue likely [00:35:33] on this page https://alpha.sagan4.org/wiki/Category:Species_by_Jarlaxle [00:35:52] the page "rockruiser" appears for me but not for other servers [00:44:28] oh, also blowtongue and ophan scimitar [00:44:48] very strange [00:49:41] The above suggestions work if you can put the script in Skinname.js, if you want a gadget or something (for which you can't load conditionally for a skin) you can check the users skin currently being served via `mw.config.get('skin')` [00:57:32] question [00:57:37] i know nsfw content isnt allowed on wikis [00:57:39] but like [00:57:43] my wiki is supposed to be realistic [00:57:47] so woudl it be violating content to be like [00:58:04] for a page to mention pornography as beneficial to a companies economy [00:58:45] Just mentioning it in a way relavent to the wikis content with no dipictions? [00:58:50] Yes, I believe so [00:59:24] oh okay [00:59:40] It’s not allowed for the sake of haha funny porn. If it’s extremely relevant to the wikis subject it may be allowed under additional restrictions iirc [00:59:46] [[Content Policy]] [00:59:46] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Content_Policy [00:59:47] [00:59:54] id need to double check [00:59:55] i made a page where like some military leaders were involved in a scandal with SA (mirroring irl) so i wanted to make sure it was allowed [01:00:02] oh that means my mentioning fits [01:00:04] 😊 [01:07:38] ty for clarification ^^ in this case i wanted a specific piece of code to only run on our main theme (and not attempt to run on any other theme that i dont maintain as well) LOL [01:07:48] since it adds something to the sidebar, which is split in half on timeless [01:15:01] The trouble is when I use the {{married}} template into the royalty infobox shows up Pages with Script errors in the category [01:15:01] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:married [01:15:02] [01:15:42] Thanks Wiki-Bot, very helpful [04:05:53] Hey [04:06:16] I need help with my wiki [04:06:29] ask away [04:06:34] So [04:06:45] I can't post an aimage in here cause there is no option [04:07:11] I need to post an image to show what happened to my wiki [04:07:35] you can join discord, or upload image somewhere else and post link [04:07:55] I don't use Discord nor wanna make an account just for that [04:07:55] you are having template error or something? [04:08:04] Can I use an imagehost [04:08:09] yea [04:08:11] to show you whats the prom [04:08:32] Here: https://i.postimg.cc/8sgpPpyy/ssssss.png [04:08:48] I just gave it a random file name this was because I was in a rush [04:09:13] Look at the before and after [04:09:31] ok, but what happened between two? [04:09:40] This only happened today [04:10:00] but I also changed some tings on my wik [04:10:04] here is the site [04:10:08] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Terramagma_(Pok%C3%A9mon) [04:10:23] Is this a Miraheze thing? [04:10:35] or is it only affacting me? [04:10:42] I made an acrhive of this page [04:10:57] on the wayback machine tha Categories is messed up at the bottom [04:11:06] I wanna revert it back to the before [04:11:27] [1/3] @.imamy. @rodejong On the community governance RfC, specifically the Stewards proposal, you noted that Proposal 1.1 for appeals doesn't have an explanation what happens when there are fewer than 3 stewards available to review appeals. Please let me know what you think of this text: [04:11:28] [2/3] > In the event only two Stewards are available to review the appeal, both Stewards shall participate in the review and come to consensus among each other. If only one Steward is available to review the appeal, that Steward shall review the other Steward's decision. If no Stewards are available to review the appeal, the appeal is suspended pending the election of a new Steward [04:11:28] [3/3] who can review the appeal. [04:11:28] but I don't know how to and I don't wanna mess up my wiki anymore than it already is [04:11:59] I don't know who can review  the appeal I need someone to fix it [04:12:01] https://web.archive.org/web/20240506001118/https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Terramagma_(Pok%C3%A9mon) [04:12:23] This is how it was on Prior to June 11th 2024 [04:12:51] June 5th 2024 it was okay it got messed up on the 11th which was yestarday its still not fixed [04:12:56] @ guest19 - please wait, I'm checking your wiki [04:13:03] Okay [04:13:26] Compare the Wayback Machine's version and the latest version [04:15:34] [1/3] I >suppose< it has to do w/ CategoryExplorer extension you enabled recently [04:15:35] [2/3] the extension is apparently not maintained anymore, and its description mention it's better suited for wikis w/ small amount of categories [04:15:35] [3/3] [04:16:03] try to disable it and purge cache of that page, maybe wait 10 min and refresh [04:16:06] Oh okay I'm making my own Pokemon Game [04:16:15] I did the Bulbpediaformat [04:16:24] I see yeah [04:16:42] Can you diable it for me [04:16:52] you are admin, not me lol [04:16:56] I want my site to be kinda as close to Bulpabdeia [04:16:58] Yes but [04:17:04] I need a Miraheze admin [04:17:12] I don't know what I'm doing [04:17:43] [1/3] it's here [04:17:43] [2/3] [04:17:44] [3/3] just uncheck the box from CategoryExplorer and save [04:17:47] Plus I don't own the server my wiki runs on [04:18:03] who enabled extension then? [04:18:09] if not you [04:18:26] Maybe I enabled it by accddinet? [04:18:57] I really want to kinda make my Site look like the Steam UI Upadte from 2014/2016 version [04:19:08] [1/2] Miraheze wikis aren't like independent wikis, it's a farm [04:19:08] [2/2] admins of wiki can change settings and stuff from special admin dashboard, they don't have to mess w/ internal code [04:19:29] Yes [04:19:30] so the link I sent just now is that dashboard [04:19:55] Okay I want the controlers of the server to help me out somewhat [04:20:10] I can't get all the UI e,emets to have rouned conners [04:20:15] like Bulbapedia [04:20:21] that's CSS styling [04:20:31] it's a bit different [04:20:33] the moves, abilities, and Pokemon Box aren't rounded [04:20:35] Hmmm [04:20:48] I don't know how to code though [04:21:07] you see, it's a bit confusing when you import stuff from a complex place [04:21:13] Oh thank you the messed catgories are gone [04:21:23] same when people take templates from Wikipedia [04:21:27] Yes I got all of my Templates from Bulpbapedia [04:21:35] Yeah :(\ [04:21:37] :( [04:23:04] Do you think you can help me get all of them to be rounded [04:23:13] Only some are like the Stats [04:23:24] but others are square... [04:23:44] [1/2] it's 7am for me rn and I'm on phone lol [04:23:44] [2/2] maybe someone else, it's a volunteer run place [04:24:07] Okay like who [04:24:42] This is kinda what I want my site to look like I like Valve https://i.postimg.cc/Qt5xLKmB/Steam-UI-Discovery-Update-2014-and-2016.jpg [04:24:49] support folks who check chat [04:25:04] Okay are they here? [04:26:22] I don't see anyone online [04:26:27] right now [04:26:38] Oh :( [04:26:49] design is a secondary thing, from my experience [04:26:59] thr content of the wiki is primary [04:27:04] Oh :/ [04:27:17] try to work on other stuff in the meantime [04:27:20] rounded corners would usually be done with css [04:27:32] ah, here you go [04:27:33] I'm not a UI Designer I know what looks good but I don't know how to put that together [04:28:24] Really for rounded conners I already have templates from bulb do I have to redo some of those? [04:43:13] hello [04:43:46] when are wiki requests checked? [04:45:30] see my profile [04:46:20] sorry i was just wondering👍 [04:46:57] np, some one will take a look when they have time. [04:47:11] Thank you. [05:21:57] [1/2] Usually 1-2 days. However, if I am willing, it will be reviewed much sooner [05:21:57] [2/2] (However, if the topic is a controversial topic, the review may be slower) [05:26:45] sorry. [05:30:29] Hi [06:49:27] Chat [06:49:30] Chat! [06:49:35] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250341210732892211/image.png?ex=666a967e&is=666944fe&hm=8ec236d2a33115fcd12c1e030f0b1ac245fb93a5439392140176f69e60ba6402& [06:49:54] My screen is so large that it doesn't stretch anymore. [06:52:52] [1/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Meta:Blocking_policy?action=edit&redlink=1 [06:52:52] [2/2] lmao I noticed this is a cheap copy of WNR Wiki's blocking policy [06:56:17] What’s the best practice for wiki backups? [06:58:14] After I generate an xml backup, should I delete it? Or [07:18:50] Who changed my navigation setting? [07:19:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250348634097057894/image.png?ex=666a9d68&is=66694be8&hm=f32a87f8e692769b22692dde7a80f948be7f73db3fa8de6c6fa8d3bf6612e9cd& [07:19:15] I have many menu options set before [07:21:47] For now, only changing to Canadian English would show up the correct navigation meny [07:21:50] nmenu* [07:22:16] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250349437231042661/image.png?ex=666a9e28&is=66694ca8&hm=6939dc17f929cf42057d4ca7261d55259454affe52f54a564c909890fd4b05a2& [07:22:17] This is British English [07:22:29] And this is Canadian English [07:22:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250349493912866836/image.png?ex=666a9e35&is=66694cb5&hm=ddfc84ae8d6efb672c4c7ea6fb89019cd942b1c218141d5d2c3149a2b306faf6& [07:22:42] May I know how to deal with it [07:26:55] Looks like this is because I enabled the Translation extension, so I need to translate them for every language? [07:43:19] [1/2] iirc new xml dump overwrites the last? [07:43:19] [2/2] but xml dump is usually small, it's file dump that can hog up space [07:43:56] plus file dumps are currently not available directly [07:44:21] I believe someone from tech recently mentioned that it can be enabled again tho [07:45:00] wdym? [07:59:06] Anyone who can help me with my issue [07:59:32] I wanted to get back the setting where the same sidebar can be shown on different languages [08:04:19] The issue is caused when UniversalLanguageSelector is enabled. Just figured out [08:04:49] Sorry my mistake please disregard this message [08:22:13] I just tried adding a tag and now it's ok?? [08:24:18] Okay, so I just added the tag on MediaWiki:Sidebar and now the same layout applies to different languages. [08:24:56] [1/3] Sounds good, but perhaps when the 1 (remaining) steward is in doubt, he/she could make an inquiry with the assistant level "Community Moderator(s)" before making decision. (This is of course only possible without sharing the specific details, and create a non-identifying situation, as per NDA) [08:24:56] [2/3] Otherwise I'd suggest that he waits until another stewards comes available. [08:24:56] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250365206132031499/1200px-Volunteer_role_flowchart.png?ex=666aacd7&is=66695b57&hm=bbed495269e5fd74c0f3a93036baa22226eb9f9988e685df7254ab68ae50cf5f& [08:30:11] This issue is still a mystery to me. I found that adding this tag would not solve this issue, so I just removed "" and tried viewing the site on different languages, by switching to most of the languages this seems OK, but with just a few, sidebar with no customizations still appears [08:32:16] The reason why I tried doing this is just that I was in the hope of enabling language selection bar (instead of the dropbox) on that page; I did not mean to try mitigating the issue by doing this but it magically happened after making this change.😂 [08:34:31] [1/3] I know it might not be possible on miraheze but would there be a way to hide a page’s title text? Eg. Hide the main page’s title text for a cleaner home page layout [08:34:31] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250367616355139615/IMG_7324.png?ex=666aaf16&is=66695d96&hm=ddeaea8ad2984d3055fc800a3508815362e0cf4d893c204047f1bc97e9204d3e& [08:34:31] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250367616866979850/IMG_7325.png?ex=666aaf16&is=66695d96&hm=b8bb94e6480e6c478de0bd6d4db2b8d6176dd027c6268744eb0de18f2b1e26f3& [08:36:38] [1/4] ```css [08:36:38] [2/4] .page-Main_Page .mw-body .firstHeading { [08:36:39] [3/4] display: none; [08:36:39] [4/4] }``` [08:37:08] Just replace Main_Page with the main page’s name. [08:37:16] yes [08:37:22] Alright, I’ll check that out ty [08:37:26] np [08:38:19] [1/2] the mainpage also has the class "mainpage" i think [08:38:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250368574799740959/image.png?ex=666aaffa&is=66695e7a&hm=d684d14bf540799c9f098814f43794ad32808c44a732c99463d4a8ef88267d23& [08:38:36] I’m pretty inept with css stuff haha [08:41:34] Worked perfectly, thanks [08:41:42] np [08:43:40] you could hide it by other means [08:44:05] there are several MediaWiki pages for that + magic word extension [08:44:45] CSS is kind of bandaid solution, in my views [08:44:56] Thanks for letting me know [08:46:18] [1/3] `MediaWiki:Mainpage-title` [08:46:18] [2/3] `MediaWiki:Mainpage-title-loggedin` [08:46:18] [3/3] they kust should be blanked [09:27:09] like the image doesnt automatically fit itself inside the infobox border [09:37:11] if it's classic infobox you'll have to specify image width [09:37:41] like in `[[File:...]]` code [09:37:41] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:... [09:38:02] of it's part of template cpde already, then add it there [09:51:45] That's the issue, it doesnt want to fit as if i am fat shaming it already [09:51:46] lol [09:56:22] link? [09:59:21] I'll show you whats up [09:59:50] Hold on, my french wifi is failing me [10:00:15] https://gbp.miraheze.org/wiki/Hougoumont [10:00:19] unzoom your thing [10:00:36] even if its 100% zoom it's actually not fitting itself automaticcallu [10:02:54] man, I suggest you to change link color from red to something else, it's really confusing [10:03:39] I guess your issue is that infobox width is percentage value [10:03:46] 18% [10:03:55] but image has fixed width value [10:04:12] so infobox is adapting to screen size, while image cannot [10:04:53] infoboxes are usually 270-300px width [10:05:46] depending on type it can adapt on mobile (take full width of small screen), or requires more styling to do that [10:58:18] How i can fix the error that appears when I use the Married template into the royalty infobox [10:58:33] It appears the Pages with Script errors [10:58:37] category [11:00:07] please [11:01:09] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250404519322587166/image.png?ex=666ad174&is=66697ff4&hm=77c63b96dba599240fd82381798b7ad7bbed2216bfac752f3223efcd21bc34ad& [11:01:14] look [11:03:56] Hey [11:05:37] hey [11:06:13] we can't see the exact script error 🤷 [11:06:47] Okay I'm putting something together in piant I want to show you its about my wiki and Bulpbedia [11:06:57] I'm Lithosagym Pokemon btw [11:10:25] Things such as the Evolution data, and Stats are rouned [11:10:35] some elemets are rounded some aren't [11:11:04] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Spriglet_(Pok%C3%A9mon) Comapre my stater Spriglet and Rowelt on Bulpdia's pages https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rowlet_(Pok%C3%A9mon) [11:13:04] Can someone please help me? [11:18:32] Anyone? [11:20:30] *Sigh* :-( [11:21:29] @Guest49 pretty decent tbh [11:21:44] you are missing CSS from bulbapedia [11:21:55] their templates have CSS classes [11:21:55] Tell me what CSS is it? [11:22:02] Link? [11:22:15] roughly speaking, is a code to make things looks pretty [11:22:32] Yes but I don't know where that code is? [11:22:47] Do you have a Link to that template? [11:23:16] please, I'm typing [11:23:35] Okay? [11:24:55] [1/2] the code is added in `MediaWiki:Common.css` page [11:24:55] [2/2] but I'm looking at what Bulbapedia has and it seems overloaded [11:26:14] wagwan [11:26:43] [1/4] try to add this, for starters [11:26:43] [2/4] `.roundy { [11:26:43] [3/4] border-radius: 10px; }` [11:26:44] [4/4] it's only one rule but these templates are too tangled [11:27:00] to go around and add rule inline [11:27:00] Okay thanks can I have a link to their MediaWiki:Common.css please [11:27:27] Yeah but I want it to fix all the Pokemon pages and the moves and abilities too [11:27:42] [1/3] it's literally that lol [11:27:42] [2/3] [11:27:43] [3/3] but ain't taking responsibility on whatever you copy and how it will work on your wiki [11:28:00] I'm not vibing w/ this code [11:28:20] also [11:28:33] good god this is nightmarish [11:28:38] ikr [11:28:39] Can you fix my templates [11:28:41] than? [11:28:42] tbh anything to do with tables and border radius is nightmarish [11:29:04] I hope you weren't raw copy/pasting all these templates [11:29:15] you imported them? [11:29:27] I made this wiki back in November of 2023 yeah I pasted them raw [11:29:31] I didn't know [11:29:34] rip [11:30:07] :( [11:30:38] thing is, when you take something from another wiki to yours you should credit the source wiki [11:30:47] Okay [11:31:01] How do I fix my wiki's problem [11:31:23] Its been since Novemeber of 2023 ever since I got the wiki [11:31:29] i told you to try to add code snippet to your Common.css [11:31:42] ok tbh not that bad im pretty sure this code will just fix it [11:31:47] wait does irc see discord replies [11:31:56] I think they should [11:32:21] So how do I get to my Common.css? [11:32:37] type into the url Mediawiki:Common.css where you would type a page name [11:33:00] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/ [11:34:06] [11:34:10] Can't you create an account on there and help me lol plz [11:34:23] page name is what appears after `/wiki/` in URL [11:34:48] only admins can work w/ MediaWiki pages [11:34:59] go to this last link I posted [11:35:24] [1/3] and add this code [11:35:25] [2/3] `.roundy { [11:35:25] [3/3] border-radius: 10px; }` [11:35:40] Okay [11:35:47] I want you to create an account [11:35:52] I will make you an admin [11:36:55] mate, I barely have time for my own wikis [11:37:21] Can't ya create an account please? [11:40:02] please do what I said [11:40:13] Okay [11:40:18] can I show you an image [11:40:21] you are an admin, sooner or later you'll have to learn things [11:40:33] okay [11:41:34] for the context, it took almost 5 years since 2019 for me to fully understood how it works [11:41:52] https://i.postimg.cc/mrrLTndx/Capture.png [11:42:00] Really? [11:42:10] Also I posted the Screenshot [11:42:15] without the backticks [11:42:53] Does this look right to you? I'm I doing it right? https://i.postimg.cc/mrrLTndx/Capture.png [11:43:09] remove ` [11:43:14] it's my mistake [11:43:40] What [11:43:41] (discord formatting doesn't translate to irc) [11:43:48] Okay [11:44:01] IRC is difference than Discord [11:44:21] and what you are seeing are the caveat of the IRC bridge [11:44:28] Yeah I know I just don't use Discord at all they are way to creppy with that AI shit [11:45:02] So do I keep this? [11:45:06] `.roundy { border-radius: 10px; }` [11:45:10] yes [11:45:14] Okay [11:45:26] Did look at the screenshot [11:45:31] https://postimg.cc/DStkgxk5 [11:46:05] Keep the code, but remove the ` [11:46:17] Okay [11:46:19] it's how we in Discord format codes [11:47:00] Sorry I got disccounted [11:47:11] do I remove the . as well [11:47:26] keep the . [11:47:31] no, keep it [11:47:33] no, it's indentifier for class [11:47:38] Okay [11:48:24] Does this look good to you? https://i.postimg.cc/Dwxhpg7x/Capture-2.png [11:48:57] yes now it's good [11:48:59] as there are no warning icon, it's good [11:49:15] Okay [11:49:31] Can I hit save or do I have to do something else? [11:49:38] save... [11:49:46] Are u sure? [11:50:56] ... [11:51:49] Do I copy this as well? [11:51:50] .roundy { [11:51:51] border-radius: 10px; [11:51:51] -moz-border-radius: 10px; [11:51:52] -webkit-border-radius: 10px; [11:51:52] -khtml-border-radius: 10px; [11:51:53] -icab-border-radius: 10px; [11:51:53] -o-border-radius: 10px; [11:51:54] } [11:51:54] .roundytl { [11:51:55] border-top-left-radius: 10px; [11:51:55] -moz-border-radius-topleft: 10px; [11:51:56] -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 10px; [11:51:56] -khtml-border-top-left-radius: 10px; [11:51:57] -icab-border-top-left-radius: 10px; [11:51:57] -o-border-top-left-radius: 10px; [11:51:58] } [11:51:58] .roundytr { [11:51:59] border-top-right-radius: 10px; [11:51:59] -moz-border-radius-topright: 10px; [11:52:11] border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; [11:52:11] border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:12] -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 10px; [11:52:12] -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px; [11:52:13] -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; [11:52:13] -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:14] -khtml-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; [11:52:14] -khtml-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:15] -icab-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; [11:52:15] -icab-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:16] -o-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; [11:52:16] -o-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:17] } [11:52:17] .roundytop { [11:52:18] border-top-left-radius: 10px; [11:52:18] border-top-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:19] -moz-border-radius-topleft: 10px; [11:52:19] -moz-border-radius-topright: 10px; [11:52:31] } [11:52:31] .roundyright { [11:52:32] border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:32] border-top-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:33] -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px; [11:52:33] -moz-border-radius-topright: 10px; [11:52:34] -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:34] -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:35] -khtml-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:35] -khtml-border-top-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:36] -icab-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:36] -icab-border-top-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:37] -o-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:37] -o-border-top-right-radius: 10px; [11:52:53] could have just sent a screenshot of that lol [11:53:10] yeah sorry [11:53:12] or a pastebin [11:53:15] do I add that [11:53:44] but u dont really have to copy those, its just for support for older browsers and stuff, most modern browsers dont need it [11:54:27] My friend on IE and it looked like crap [11:54:29] lol [11:54:30] I've generally lived bravely and skipped those vendor specific extra tags [11:54:37] your friend needs a better browser [11:54:45] well get them to stop using IE we're in 2024 [11:55:22] Yeah he just tried to look at my site though he normally uses Brave [11:55:31] https://pastebin.com/PU3D3bkY [11:55:36] dunno why he'd use otherwise if he's got that lol [11:56:44] https://postimg.cc/479LXRrx [11:57:32] missing a close bracket } at the very end, but u could paste that in, not really needed for 90% of the ppl who will see ur site and adds a lot of clutter [11:57:55] Play [11:58:21] Opps [11:58:24] Typo [11:58:28] Okay [12:00:38] Thank You guys so much for being so kind to me I would have been so lost without out you guys *Phew* I was sweating ullets not litteray '=( but damn [12:00:40] So you've talked in there for tens of minutes [12:00:46] What's your site URL? [12:00:51] Just wanted to take it a look [12:00:53] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/ [12:01:05] Damn [12:01:05] Nice [12:01:09] Some elemets [12:01:14] are still not rouned [12:01:23] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Spriglet_(Pok%C3%A9mon) [12:01:27] ctrl + f5 to refresh cache [12:01:42] List of Pokemon's? So you're kind of Pokemon player [12:01:50] Okay thx [12:02:08] I'm a semi competive one [12:02:29] but I wanna make my own simple Pokémon Fan Game [12:02:39] Ohh a good idea [12:02:59] I also want to buy a Mini PC install Ubuntu Server on it [12:03:07] than Self host Pokemon Showdown [12:03:14] Those old GBA ROMs can be easily edited I hope you'll make yours [12:03:33] So you don't have PC right now? [12:04:06] Yeah there is also Pokémon Essentials [12:04:09] Engine [12:04:15] I do own a PC [12:04:28] I don't know how to make Sprites or art work [12:04:45] What's this kind of thing? Like you can make own favors of Pokemon games? [12:04:51] I had friend's of mine to get their friend to make me 1 piece of artwork [12:05:05] Like some kinds of software as workshop or studios [12:05:23] Oh nice thing [12:05:33] I don't really need adavance software [12:05:34] I have nobody working for me to create artworks [12:05:50] I will start working on the game as soon as I have some sprites and artwork [12:06:15] Nice or you can use AI to get some [12:06:40] Pixel arts aren't difficult to be made [12:06:40] I don't really like AI Art I wanna avoid the drama that comes of using it as well [12:06:45] I support artist [12:06:52] Ohh so okay [12:07:05] Handmade artifacts would be better [12:07:18] Yes [12:07:44] Yes nice [12:07:49] But why you use IRC [12:07:54] I want to make my site look like the Steam UI update from 2014/2016 one [12:08:03] You don't have Discord? I'm currently messaging you on Discord [12:08:12] Nope no discord [12:08:46] Has there ever be a wiki skin that gives you these kinds of look [12:08:55] https://postimg.cc/LY9MLXrR [12:08:59] Oh okay [12:09:03] I want it to lookk like this [12:09:23] The top blue bar [12:09:32] Just everything [12:09:34] execept [12:09:37] fellas [12:09:48] the box that says browse by gerenes [12:27:07] and add a } at the very end you missed a } in your pastebin [12:27:10] I know relatively few about styling🤣 [12:27:23] Can you do it? [12:27:29] But yes this styling is nice [12:27:36] https://pastebin.com/d7tZTfWt [12:28:31] youre going to have to do much harder things than copy and pasting things into a box if u want to make a pokemon fangame [12:28:35] i believe in you ^_^ [12:28:59] yes just to add a closing bracket in the end [12:29:08] It's not a hard thing to do [12:29:13] Yes but I want all the pages of the Pokemon abailities to have rouneed conners [12:29:24] I added a 2nd one? [12:29:42] https://i.postimg.cc/nrKWNFfv/wwswwwww.png [12:29:45] Also [12:29:48] But for bank tellers here in China, yes it could sometimes be hard🤣 [12:30:01] yeah that looks fine save it [12:30:04] Can you lokk [12:30:11] why is it doing that [12:30:17] it just does that [12:30:22] as long as theres no red errors its fine [12:30:34] so do I need to add a 2nd } to the end? [12:30:40] no [12:30:42] okay [12:31:01] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [12:31:13] can I remove this one? .roundy { border-radius: 10px; } [12:31:20] there are two of them now [12:31:26] yeah remove the top one [12:31:38] okay [12:31:58] can you give me the link to the Fandom theme you where talking about please? [12:31:58] Oh I just see the Pastebin text so doing styling could be really superbly easy [12:32:27] [1/2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Skin:Cosmos [12:32:27] [2/2] my wiki uses it https://yohaji.miraheze.org/wiki/A_Terrified_Teacher_at_Ghoul_School!_Wiki [12:33:12] Your wiki site looks so cool [12:33:36] thank u ^^ [12:34:00] Yeah mine is just plain right now I kinda it to look like Steam UI Discovery Update 2014 and 2016 [12:34:14] How [12:34:20] do I get the skin? [12:34:25] its going to take a lot of css and javascript [12:35:00] But yes this is still possible [12:35:02] I don't won the server my wiki runs on [12:35:32] again, on Miraheze you don't have a server [12:35:38] everything is already installed [12:35:53] you just turn on/off what you want via admin menu [12:36:04] look at left sidebar [12:36:09] So you can't get a full server🤣 [12:36:17] at the bottom you should see administration section [12:36:21] everything just goes in mediawiki:common.css and mediawiki:common.js [12:36:26] go to Manage this wiki's extensions [12:36:31] the Skins tab [12:36:38] and you'll find Cosmos in there [12:36:39] Okay can you give me the link please [12:36:47] Instead Miraheze is running centralized across different servers, as confirmed by someone else I was talking with [12:36:55] I just told you where the link is [12:37:18] sidebar is meant to contain links you are going to work w/ [12:38:12] The UI is confusing for me though kinda [12:38:27] It's kinds of funny looking at your message [12:39:19] you cannot ignore sidebar tbh [12:39:32] and I'd discourage from removing it [12:39:42] Sidebar is really useful for me, it gives me quick navigation across different places [12:39:43] hiding, whatever [12:40:34] Yes but can't I have it on a top bar [12:40:37] instead [12:40:45] yeah thats what cosmos does kinda [12:41:11] yeah, first enable Cosmos [12:41:13] I can't find the Media.JS [12:41:21] you don't need that [12:41:22] thingy in my Special apages [12:41:32] I don't have Comos installed [12:41:37] you need to go to Manage this wiki's extensions [12:42:03] Okay [12:42:24] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/settings/theme [12:42:30] I can't add anything? [12:42:35] I can't [12:42:39] please [12:42:41] listen [12:42:47] okay [12:42:52] you need to go to extensions first [12:43:06] alright [12:43:10] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/extensions [12:43:13] what next? [12:43:14] yes [12:43:19] Skins tab [12:43:26] Okay [12:43:39] find Cosmos checkbox [12:43:44] activate it [12:43:47] then save [12:44:21] Alright [12:44:30] what next? [12:44:54] now go to additional settings, the previous link [12:45:02] Okay [12:45:04] this one [12:45:06] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/extensions [12:45:06] Styling tab [12:45:10] opps [12:45:11] no [12:45:19] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/settings/theme [12:45:25] theme [12:45:37] the button that says manage this wikis additional settings [12:45:42] Its kinda hard to navigate the Miraheze [12:45:57] Okay found it [12:46:02] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/settings#mw-section-styling [12:46:08] yes [12:46:16] the first settings is default skin [12:46:22] it's a dropdown [12:46:29] you need to choose Cosmos and save [12:46:38] How long does it take to activate [12:46:44] and take full effect? [12:46:59] I'd say 5 min, but you can purge cache [12:47:21] Okay [12:47:22] also [12:47:24] I want [12:47:30] to make the weith [12:47:37] biger like I had in monobook [12:47:40] but bigger [12:47:48] take the whole screensize [12:47:55] that is why I didn't like Monobook [12:48:01] iirc there's setting for that [12:48:06] scroll the Styling tab [12:48:08] find cosmos content width in the styling settings [12:48:22] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/settings#mw-section-styling [12:49:17] https://i.postimg.cc/kG5jYxwd/Capture.png [12:49:22] Look at this [12:50:43] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250432093977317550/image.png?ex=666aeb23&is=666999a3&hm=06b210c08c06e963a8de4b46dc7049198d6e983470fec527e37362924fedcf24& [12:51:49] do I set it to large or full? [12:52:04] nvm [12:52:19] how do I get a background image to this? [12:52:20] Add an image to set as the background image for the wiki's body of the Cosmos skin. [12:52:43] Also alot of the top bar's UI elemet's are too large [12:53:01] As seen in this image [12:53:02] https://i.postimg.cc/kG5jYxwd/Capture.png [12:54:10] upload the background image to the wiki like u did for ur bird and go to the file and get the full url of the image [12:54:29] Okay [12:54:43] Hey so where did the purge tab go? [12:54:49] or Purge otioon [12:54:51] option [12:55:09] on the edit button on every page there should be a arrow next to it [12:55:10] sorry so many typos today and sorry for being a bother [12:55:12] purge is in that dropdown [12:55:33] I set the wieth to full [12:55:55] and it still doesn't make it full that was why I was trying to theme my site [12:57:54] ur gonna have to mess around with css for that [12:57:55] I have been hitting purge over and over again and its not full [12:57:58] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [12:58:05] on certin pages it is [12:58:27] ctrl f5 [12:58:50] I can't my computer doesn;t do that [12:59:18] Okay now its full wieth [12:59:20] [1/2] if u make the background the same color as the content background color its basically like its full 👍 [12:59:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250434261819986042/image.png?ex=666aed27&is=66699ba7&hm=2d054842e03bf3f5bba91b4972e0d3cb989ea3302eb5fe26fcc62d5c1f34994b& [12:59:43] Oh damn [12:59:48] my site [12:59:56] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Spriglet_(Pok%C3%A9mon) [13:00:57] How do I make the https://i.postimg.cc/kG5jYxwd/Capture.png UI eleents on the bar smmaler [13:01:40] Damn it [13:01:47] it messed up my Pokemon [13:01:48] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Spriglet_(Pok%C3%A9mon) [13:02:20] Look at the stats [13:02:40] and how everything is rendered [13:03:58] go to the stat table template, make the width for that leftmost column 90px instead of 85px [13:04:12] Okay can you edit it? [13:04:31] I will let you do it [13:05:13] u really should learn how these things work if u want to run ur wiki [13:05:29] yes ik :( [13:07:40] I'm really bad at this stuff [13:07:51] and I mess up so bad beyond repair [13:08:01] I just need some vulnnertiers [13:08:15] nothing is beyond repair u can undo any edit on a wiki [13:08:39] does anyone have a infobox for military conflicts? [13:08:54] Yes I'm just not good at everything [13:10:10] ... [13:10:39] ok [13:12:06] You can log into my site [13:12:12] I will make you admin [13:12:35] anyone know whats he's talking about? [13:12:51] Just scroll up. [13:13:33] im okay. [13:14:19] ... [13:15:15] Anyone? [13:15:59] Don't be afraid to experiment with what does and doesn't work. Try some things. Learn from them. [13:16:13] Okay [13:16:33] I don't want to be by myslef anymore... [13:16:43] I atleast want 1 user to help me [13:17:49] Hello? [13:18:04] ... [13:18:21] What you want and what you can have are often not the same thing. [13:18:37] Alright [13:18:51] I just need a helping hand I'm not psychic [13:19:00] I'm no wizard [13:19:52] I'm just feeling so frustrated I always have to hit a wall somewhere!? [13:20:48] [1/2] take a couple hours read through this [13:20:48] [2/2] https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp [13:21:47] Alright I'm just asking for little bit of help here [13:22:23] I do alot of things byself but I get easily tried because I have to normally do alot of running around [13:22:59] :( [13:27:08] ... [13:27:57] everyone's in the same boat of having obligations I'm afraid, the best that can generally be done is pointing the right direction unless you're lucky and have someone fully available on hand which is a scarce thing when doing detailed adjustments [13:28:25] :( alright [13:28:42] given they don't seem too handy here right now the two options are either a discord support thread which is a dedicated come and go container that won't bury in chat, or to make a post on the community noticeboard which has the same 'delayed response' advantage to deal with dedicated questions [13:29:05] there's a couple people who lurk there that might be able to get you further, I forget the name but at least one has offered dedicated stuff to paste in/help with before [13:29:31] I keep calling it noticeboard, it's the community portal [13:29:44] Link please? [13:30:58] I just revereted by to monobook for now :( [13:31:18] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Community_portal [13:31:40] Thanks [14:39:14] Hey I'm back [14:40:58] I need help [14:41:49] Are there any "public" waiting times for requesting a new wiki? Would love to be able to see if there is high traffic or not to get an idea [14:42:00] Okay [14:42:01] here [14:42:02] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Terraflare_(move) [14:42:07] https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Magma_Storm_(move) [14:42:45] Dependent on volunteer availability or not, but usually a few days at most [14:43:00] Okay thanks [14:43:02] Please feel free to submit a proposal [14:43:19] Just look the conners of this thing is not rounded like bulbapedia [14:43:35] Look at the two pages and comapre them [14:47:05] add .roundtable { border-radius: 10px } to common.css [14:47:32] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [14:47:34] Look [14:47:59] Also I'm the same guy frrom before I already have roundtable CSS [14:48:13] i know [14:48:24] Should I add that on top? [14:48:24] roundtable isnt among the things you copied [14:48:30] add it at the bottom [14:48:40] of each thing? [14:48:47] no at the very bottom [14:48:50] okay [14:48:52] also [14:49:40] Okay thank you [14:49:41] also [14:49:46] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Terramagma_(Pok%C3%A9mon) [14:49:52] I'mm having aliment issues [14:50:05] with the bars on my Pokemon's stats [14:50:25] How do I fix? [14:50:44] [1/2] it looks fine for me, what does it look like for u [14:50:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250462296946249728/image.png?ex=666b0744&is=6669b5c4&hm=de255df8287a4472445b8df0d5aea904b69ef200e6c59358e3ffbd482ec4e068& [14:51:15] I'm using Edge [14:52:06] https://i.postimg.cc/mrhBK2yx/eeeeee.png [14:52:36] Look at that image how come I'm I having it [14:52:45] I even use other browsers like Firefox [14:52:53] and its still kinda an issues [14:53:03] honestly cannot tell what problem youre seeing [14:53:13] Look at the Screenshot [14:53:17] very closely [14:53:26] ????? [14:53:33] https://i.postimg.cc/mrhBK2yx/eeeeee.png [14:53:52] Look at the 2 form's HP stat [14:54:13] and Special Attack [14:55:31] Did you see it? [14:55:48] what part of it??? the title on the left?? the bar?? the numbers on the right?? [14:55:57] [1/2] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Marriage [14:55:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250463610589941791/image.png?ex=666b087d&is=6669b6fd&hm=09481b2919634c82d4c9dfe164d218713b3ac61132023c8f04ef1c1ce9c02c43& [14:55:59] No the bars [14:56:19] it might honestly be a screen antialiasing issue [14:56:27] Well [14:56:51] I have a 1920 x 1080 Laptop [14:57:07] with 150% Recommended DPI Scaling [14:57:11] on Windows 10 [14:57:48] What is yours? [14:58:10] im not accusing u of having a bad computer im saying this is just something that sometimes happens when css deals with 1px gaps [14:58:39] Okay but what is your DPI [14:58:44] and Resultion [14:58:49] i dont know im not a tech kinda guy [14:58:54] and what computer are you using? [14:59:01] Just open Settings in Windows [14:59:04] type Display [14:59:49] It may be issues with this Laptop I have to scale down some of the web pages to 90% cause all the elements kinda look off [15:00:21] on a Laptop with 150% DPI its not even as big as a monotor with the sae resaution [15:00:32] This makes my head hurt [15:00:35] sometimes its just like that when theres 1px borders and 1px paddings and stuff [15:00:59] Okay what [15:01:04] is your Res and DPI [15:01:11] I had to set the Web Page [15:01:17] to a normal 100% [15:01:33] I don't like it like that cause it feels to big [15:03:31] https://i.postimg.cc/g2xGT2KC/Screenshot-189.png [15:03:39] canyada look at that [15:03:58] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250465629094285363/image.png?ex=666b0a5e&is=6669b8de&hm=ee48362fd104bc459d52312a1c9f4d9628956c2a351e0ed840151fc6fb995943& [15:03:59] and screenshot yours to me [15:04:28] Are you running Windows 11 I thought you where running Windows 10 with Google Chrome lol? [15:04:50] My Laptop doesn't like going below 150% [15:06:57] ... [15:07:49] if u right click and inspect element and hover over the bars u can see that the bars that look right to u and the ones that dont are the exact same heights [15:08:09] canyada I thought you where running Windows 10 how come you sent me a screesnhot of Windows 11 settings? [15:08:28] Yeah I had to switch it to 100% on Edge [15:08:39] Cuause I like to lower it to 90% [15:08:58] 100% is just too much for me everything looks so big that is because Dell [15:09:18] the one that made this Laptop give it a werid amount of pxiels and made the Display all werid [15:09:37] its really not that weird its like 1 pixel off [15:09:45] Its full 1080p which is good but its done in such a werid freaking way [15:09:47] True [15:09:53] can you log into my site [15:10:01] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Terramagma_(Pok%C3%A9mon) [15:10:39] maybe fix it up a bit so it can scale so it doesn't do that anymore... [15:12:44] Oh [15:12:50] look at the move box [15:12:52] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Terramagma_(Pok%C3%A9mon) [15:14:07] the text of the Pokemon's name goes off of it what should I do? [15:19:14] find that cell of the table in the template, add "padding-right:10px" to it [15:20:04] You mean? [15:20:32] Template:Learnlist/levelh/9? [15:20:40] I will let you edit it [15:20:44] canyada [15:21:13] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Learnlist/levelh/9 [15:21:27] Opps [15:21:30] wrong one [15:21:52] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Learnlist/levelf/9?action=edit [15:21:57] its f not h [15:22:53] canyada I don't wanna mess it up [15:28:14] ... [15:28:18] Hello? [15:28:58] please bear in my mind, it's not 24/7 support [15:29:07] Okay [15:29:15] folks check whenever they're able [15:29:28] I get it but I'm pulling out my hair in frusting lol [15:30:56] [1/12] Hey, I'm looking to build an infobox yet I'm ffacing a small issue, the first is that I have much unused space on the right side of the screen compared to Rain World [15:30:56] [2/12] The structure is like so below (not all to not spam) [15:30:57] [3/12] ``` [15:30:57] [4/12] [15:30:57] [5/12]
[15:30:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bbackcolor [15:30:57] [6/12] [15:30:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bbackcolor [15:30:58] [7/12] [15:30:58] [8/12]
[15:30:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bbackcolor [15:30:58] [9/12] ``` [15:30:59] [10/12] I can't seem to put more on the right or? CSS related maybe? If so where can I edit this [15:30:59] [11/12] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250472412789608508/image.png?ex=666b10af&is=6669bf2f&hm=36dd10c344a56cb0c451ebdc79670a1a6455dacc3dc2145bbbe358f5adb3353f& [15:31:00] [12/12] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250472413251239936/image.png?ex=666b10af&is=6669bf2f&hm=528435f8a5c2868d0b3295b634e7d394b0b13837422b34b28eeb63a00c3f0e2d& [15:32:04] I wiill [15:32:08] unlock my Template [15:32:13] you edit it [15:32:49] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Learnlist/levelf/9 [15:33:57] while it is dependent on volunteer availability which has very high flux, you can get an idea of how much there is to go through and see your own entry with [[Special:RequestWikiQueue]] [15:33:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue [15:33:58] [15:34:20] not horrible but somewhat behind at a glance right now [15:35:54] Yes I know but can't you guys edit it real quirly [15:36:10] Ahh great! Thanks [15:36:23] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Learnlist/levelf/9 [15:38:20] Please I just need help edit it and make it proper [15:38:35] the text of the Pokemon's name goes out of the box [15:38:42] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Phantaeye_(Pok%C3%A9mon) [15:41:06] ... [15:43:38] What should I do? [15:50:19] I may leave? If I don't get help [15:51:46] it's up to you, I warned about the issue with troubleshooting in open chat here and gave options for further, possibly stronger support if patience is applied [15:51:54] if there is no patience then there's not much to be done [15:52:38] Fine who where else could go to get help? [15:53:25] my vote is still on clearly expressing the situation and what needs to be done on the community portal, it may take time to get a response but it is less likely to fall behind due to this discussion taking place in an open, potentially fast placed channel [15:53:40] paced* [15:54:47] Okay I will stop bugging people now goodbye [15:55:00] good luck [16:26:24] Someone could guide me a bit? Do I need to modify the CSS in order to make it work, and if so how do I even access it? [16:55:14] I tried to advertise another wiki on Reddit. My post gets deleted in a second, and it's not an expression. Even without a link. What a filthy site. Don't tell me I have to stay longer on Reddit or that they're doing this to protect themselves from spam, it's just pathetic. [17:02:43] Depends on the subreddit and its moderation. Don't generalize everyone the same. [17:03:14] First, I tried on two different ones, same result [17:03:28] Secondly, it was a bot [17:05:31] Plenty of subs are run by the same people or set of rules, especially within the same subject a wiki can cover. [17:06:09] It wasn't even a question of rules, it was an automatic action [17:06:23] An absurd automatic action [17:07:04] Is your reddit account in good standing? More than a couple of days old, a little bit of karma. [17:07:46] 2022 [17:08:34] reddit has a thing for account age, karma etc, and I see why even if it has odd inconveniences [17:08:47] advertising communities generally is a frowned upon antic unless that's explicitly in scope of a given community [17:09:37] you can say it's pathetic to have measures against spam, obscure accounts etc but at the end of the day that's you and on the other side they've got some rando who doesn't show up much trying to put out ads and that's, not often desirable [17:09:52] the best way to 'advertise' in this manner is to reference useful articles which happen to be provided by your wiki in context of a topic [17:10:26] Okay, and what do you say if I tell you I didn't post any links? I didn't use the word wiki either. [17:10:40] And once again, it was an automatic action [17:10:42] something something.org can qualify [17:11:06] Don't [17:11:10] with automated measures you could either rewrite it in a way to avoid whatever caused the flag, or contact whoever's maintaining the thing in the event it is overzealous [17:11:34] I tried four times. [17:11:45] Do you want me to contact a bot? [17:11:56] do you want to solve the problem or do you want to respond with impatient snips [17:12:13] Was it a subreddit bot? You can contact the mods, if so. [17:12:20] if you want to solve the problem, take another moment to consider the reddit has human moderators and those moderators are people who would be maintaining the moderation bot [17:12:57] I came to denounce Reddit, but that doesn't mean I'm closed to solutions [17:13:28] I just came to denounce something that I found absurd, and that frustrated me [17:13:39] Thanks for the tip. [17:15:29] I'll recommend reddit as a great way for community outreach for new editors and users. [17:16:00] I'll happily sign up to the screw reddit train, this just isn't on the leading list at least for me of the reasons why [17:16:39] But I've got nothing against them [17:16:49] I just don't get it [17:17:01] I've done nothing wrong [17:17:02] I've been cursing reddit since 2016, but for many other reasons. [17:17:27] Ah well, I would have liked to [17:17:42] bottom line is that reddit is a mass platform subject to every attack under the sun and must take potentially draconian steps for protection against spam that I personally deal with too often to hold such automated measures against them [17:17:46] think about it from their perspective, (assuming you dont talk there much) someone who doesnt post much posts 4 things in a short span of time, all seeming to be advertising one specific thing [17:18:26] How do you expect me to post there if they delete my posts? [17:18:44] There were no links [17:19:33] Yes, I agree, but at least they should have their publications checked by humans, not by stupid robots [17:19:47] This leads to situations like mine. [17:20:05] Yes, I use aggressive language, I'm sorry. [17:20:21] that probably doesnt help [17:21:10] Trying five times on two different reddit didn't help calm me down, I admit [17:27:17] and that's the sort of classic activity real spam does which would exacerbate being flagged [17:27:34] [1/3] How would I achieve no header like on Pikipedia? [17:27:34] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250501763971285052/Screenshot_20240612_182249_Chrome.png?ex=666b2c05&is=6669da85&hm=db06aa993b952f85ae444ac66892770766a5390ebe77ef5d14cf7512e484b5cd& [17:27:34] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250501764353097779/Screenshot_20240612_182242_Chrome.png?ex=666b2c05&is=6669da85&hm=745fcc894c808cdd12d0a86727700f056373b4fbe2394a55cc34240a38ae6a90& [17:29:27] Always in defense of power [17:29:40] Not very surprising. [17:30:28] ^ blank out these pages [17:30:30] interesting comment [17:33:26] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [17:33:32] Thank you! [17:33:51] Look at my sites UI [17:33:58] some parts of the UI are too big [17:35:30] How do I make it smaller? [17:36:28] thats really vague depends on what youre talking about [17:37:30] Look at the UI elements such as the Icons [17:38:09] Just look at how much padding is on that bar by itself? [17:53:07] [1/17] ``` [17:53:07] [2/17] #cosmos-banner { [17:53:08] [3/17] height:30px; [17:53:08] [4/17] } [17:53:08] [5/17] #searchform input { [17:53:09] [6/17] height:unset; [17:53:09] [7/17] min-height:unset; [17:53:09] [8/17] } [17:53:09] [9/17] body #cosmos-banner #cosmos-notifsButton-icon > li > a, #cosmos-userButton-avatar { [17:53:10] [10/17] width: 22px; [17:53:10] [11/17] height: 22px; [17:53:11] [12/17] } [17:53:11] [13/17] .cosmos-userButton-label { [17:53:12] [14/17] font-size:1rem; [17:53:12] [15/17] } [17:53:13] [16/17] ``` [17:53:13] [17/17] paste this into common.css and you better not say "do it for me" [18:00:11] [1/2] you are using Vector 2022 skin, while Rain World Wiki is on legacy Vector, which takes all width [18:00:12] [2/2] if you want to use 2022 ver some CSS tweaks have to be done, however I don't have examples [18:01:24] Vector 2022 also has a button which makes content area bigger but iirc you can't make it default, so CSS is the only way [18:03:10] [1/2] Switching skin theme needs also to remake/rework the pages done so far? [18:03:10] [2/2] As I'm new to Mediawiki not sure about that [18:03:54] not content, only you did some CSS mods, although old and new Vector still share some classes/id's [20:58:39] there needs to be some kind of template to create your wiki's proper dark mode because jesus fucking christ working on-and-off on this for 6 months now is a massive pain in the ass [21:01:06] if there's anything of the sort (monobook specifically) feel free to tag me in it [21:26:47] what kind of template? there isn't even list of elements of a single skin [21:27:06] DarkMode is frankly bad extension, we al know that [21:27:24] there's extension Theme, I think, but idk how it works [21:27:46] and there's Themes but it wasn't accepted on Mira [21:28:19] something's definitely gotta change there [21:28:32] [1/2] like how tf is any person able to change this damn thing [21:28:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250562408070774854/image.png?ex=666b6480&is=666a1300&hm=c293351eea2727a792e66a721b6743cf5fab9eabffa606207f85a8345f2c49f4& [21:28:50] theres like 50 different color settings here alone [21:28:55] ah, that's OOUI, it's a whole different beast [21:29:02] I did on my wikis lol [21:29:11] it was painful [21:29:57] theme designer on fandom is lacking but it'd be so much better if regular mediawiki had it [21:30:11] Yeah [21:30:25] I was prototyping a very basic bad and barebones version of it [21:30:33] Haven’t had time to work on it [21:30:37] Maybe over the summer [21:30:45] god I hope [21:30:51] The issue is that fandoms single skin system works to their advantage [21:30:53] I hate the current process to death [21:31:11] They can bake the css stuff into the skin itself [21:31:30] To make that work on any mediawiki skin? Ridiculous [21:31:50] Cosmos is your closest bet [21:32:32] Aye [21:32:33] I'd say at least make it for popular default MW skins - Vector, both versions, Monobook and Timeless [21:32:49] I’m going to start with things that can work on any skin [21:32:57] Ie link and maybe text color [21:33:10] 👁️ 👁️ [21:33:31] I would need someone good at css to help me with full customization [21:33:47] I still need to figure out how to access the variables smh [21:34:00] OA suggested I look at how cosmos did it but aaaaaaa [21:34:14] With features like this I honestly used `filter:invert(1);` and toyed with some other settings to have it mesh into dark mode [21:34:21] It's not perfect but it's one way to go about it [21:34:30] https://tenor.com/view/klee-klee-bonk-head-bonk-klee-gif-20738643 [21:34:34] https://trollpasta.com/wiki/User:TrollpastaBot/monobook.css here's the code for anyone interested [21:34:37] I don’t gots it [21:34:44] inspect element? [21:34:49] No [21:34:57] I’m not talking CSS layer [21:35:00] I’m talking PHP [21:35:13] https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/1.29.1/php/dir_47d99566332023461a76dd568bfbf04e.html here u go [21:35:22] No I found the file [21:35:34] But from What I saw it was a approach for skins [21:35:39] This is an extension [21:35:42] oh [21:35:56] MediaWiki’s resource loader only supports serving static files not dynamic variables [21:37:12] My plan was to use a hook to make the css color values accessible via the mw.config thing with JavaScript and serve a thing of JS that would load the values into root variables [21:37:21] But hacky but hey this is my first extension [21:37:29] Open to better ideas! [21:38:03] hope this goes somewhere [21:39:11] Knowing my project retention record [21:39:13] Eeeeeeg [21:39:17] We’ll see [21:39:25] I do wanna do a lot of development this summer [21:39:38] another issue is the comments extension, every anonymous user appears as "Anonymous User #1", as well as some kind of weird cache issue (?) where if someone upvotes a comment and then you check the page it appears to you as if you've upvoted that comment [21:39:51] Have a Python website idea to work on and dabbling in rust [21:40:09] that needs to be replaced with something better too, but also have it be backwards compatible with the commentstreams n comments extensions [21:41:01] Which comments extension [21:41:15] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Comments [21:41:54] So not that one where comments are added to the wikitext of a pag [21:43:16] this one requires you to add to the bottom of every page to enable them [21:43:20] it's very dumb lol [21:44:14] Eh honestly I’d put it over the other one [21:44:21] commnentstreams? [21:44:27] Streams is S tier [21:45:03] the thing that annoys me is that none of these are compatible with each other. my site uses comments and if I were to switch all the 15k comments would just disappear [21:45:53] Hm [21:46:15] I may look at the schema for both, wonder if a migration script would be possible [21:46:22] Doubt we’d run it on Miraheze but [21:46:48] btw do you have an example of comment streams in use? last time I saw it in action was 2021 where it looked bleh [21:46:49] Could be a fun way to pass an afternoon, less work than a whole extension [21:47:15] I think [[mh:nyctocosm:Nightmare Serpent]] may use it [21:47:15] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/nyctocosm:Nightmare_Serpent [21:47:16] [21:47:27] If not [21:47:30] Uh I’ll look [21:47:42] [1/2] what the [21:47:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250567231629164596/image.png?ex=666b68fe&is=666a177e&hm=ce6db940264be319641a354dffeb5cee7d0fd00e89d5b60db34d95c8b9a1c93a& [21:47:46] and no doesnt seem to use it [21:48:06] You wanna just see or use it [21:48:11] just see it [21:48:17] Okay [21:48:23] Give me a minute [21:49:21] https://test.Mirabeta.org [21:49:37] I enabled here a while ago [21:50:29] ah. yeah its kinda weak [21:50:51] I've prefer something like what fandom uses (or used?) back in 2014 [21:50:56] Is the other comment extension still on [21:51:02] Imo this is closest [21:51:56] Adios commentbox [21:52:47] I've floated the idea around of collaborating with someone to create a 'WikiComments' extension. how it works is it would go under the categories, be decently easy for an admin to import archived fandom comments, and do the same with commentstreams and [21:53:19] I discussed it back in late 2021 with people telling me its possible, but nothing came out of it [21:53:43] Fandom is stored in the database so I think you’d need to scrape each web page [21:53:54] Comments tag and box is wikitext [21:54:03] Streams is pages in a namespace [21:54:28] I'm talking more about stuff like: https://trollpasta.com/wiki/Special:PrefixIndex/Talk:Sonic.exe/ [21:54:43] Talk pages? [21:55:01] thats how the comments were imported from the original fandom page [21:55:38] That’s horrific. How did you do it tell me everything/j [21:56:27] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1250569430069543004/image.png?ex=666b6b0a&is=666a198a&hm=a4c8581971a5a14a268139e67bf64864391482e5dff5b7a3c293125d00937121& [21:56:47] converting this back into some kinda functional talk page would be possible I imagine. would take a lotta work though [21:58:21] I mean I could see it being translated to CS [21:58:34] Roughly- [21:58:46] May require database writing directly [21:59:10] wanna discuss this further in the dms? [22:01:20] #tech also works but I don’t mind