[00:07:19] [1/3] sorry for doing that thing where i figured it out but yeah this is what i wanted, i was able to do this: [00:07:19] [2/3] `{{#expr:(({{{kills}}}+{{{assists}}})/{{{deaths}}})round1}}` [00:07:19] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23expr:Template:((%7b%7b%7bkills [00:07:20] [3/3] to produce a kill/death ratio [00:07:47] the rounding confused me LOL but that rounds it to 1 decimal point [01:50:05] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/FurrNations:Today%27s_featured_article [01:50:07] Uhhhh [01:54:54] help [02:00:33] uh, what's the problem? [02:58:39] When can we expect the server cahce to be updated? Not asking it to go faster or anything, just wanna know when the "uncategorised files" page might be updated since I did a big cleanout of it yesterday by tagging em, and I wanna know if I missed any without manually checking [03:05:48] if purging doesn't fix it then wait ig [03:16:29] making Featured article thing [03:36:24] Did you copy the template from somewhere? [03:37:35] yes [03:37:49] Wikipedia why? (or partially) [03:39:48] What exactly do you need help with? [03:42:07] Doing the Featured Article Template [03:42:37] [1/2] Server cache can't be purged to my knowledge? [03:42:38] [2/2] That's why I'm asking when the next refresh will likely be, since it's not entirely consistent. [03:42:57] ah [03:43:06] i'm not 100% sure when it refreshes [03:43:51] I think the average is 2 days but it might take longer at random, [03:43:59] which is why I ask,... [03:44:46] As in? [03:48:08] yep on my main page [03:48:18] [1/2] like [03:48:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251382752083972148/image.png?ex=666e6081&is=666d0f01&hm=c825ce60c368e656e631f403125836d54093b85eeb6e00e2f19c1a6c5f1d3853& [03:48:29] [1/2] but here [03:48:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251382799722614804/image.png?ex=666e608d&is=666d0f0d&hm=f26fcc555ef4b7dfda450cc5bbb130238a1613731ca03cbef820289d2c12a49e& [03:48:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251382846434709606/image.png?ex=666e6098&is=666d0f18&hm=63b808c457086543ab6cad0a4af18aed97546c108957fd3d31cbc63894f3235b& [03:48:52] that's only the banner [03:50:13] understand? [03:51:10] What are you having trouble with? [04:13:34] The Featured Article, Did you know.- [05:28:09] xxxxhashtag0000: Cache is updated roughly 2-3 times per week. See https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11421#243634 for a slightly longer elaboration [05:30:12] Ah, thank you! [05:41:15] How do i make templates and get them to display stuff on my wiki? [05:41:44] I've been trying to figure that out for the past hour. [05:43:21] You write the template wikitext/code into the template's page, and you write something like {{Welcome}} to "invoke" a template called Welcome. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Templates has an explanation on it [05:43:21] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Welcome [05:44:06] Thank you. [05:44:35] You're welcome ^_^ [08:14:12] the logo and fonts of my wiki arent showing up, when i look in the browser console it shows Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 () [08:18:28] what wiki? [08:20:58] ive fixed the font issue but the logo is still broken, its this one https://totkcord.miraheze.org [08:21:08] on the desktop version [08:25:16] do you want the logo to be visible when the user is not logged in or doesn't have permission to view the wiki? [08:25:59] yeah, let it be visible to everyone [08:26:23] oddly enough the logo is visible for me now [08:26:49] oh it's no longer private, that's why [08:27:22] so thats a private issue right [08:27:38] yeah you can't view files from a wiki if the wiki is private [08:28:19] what happens if you allow the file description page to be viewable for everyone? (lemme find the variable for that) [08:28:19] ohhhhh [08:28:39] alr take your time [08:29:05] i think files use a different verification system than pages [08:29:14] so even if the page is visible the image wouldn't necessarily work [08:29:24] hmm that's annoying but logical [08:29:25] but i haven't tried it so idk if it does work [08:29:33] (the variable is $wgWhitelistRead) [08:31:10] what happens when you reprivate the wiki and add "File:Wikilogo.png" to the whitelist? [08:31:34] ill try [08:32:18] same applies to fonts right? [08:33:24] yeah [08:34:17] wait how do you set custom fonts? [08:34:45] custom fonts are defined in the common css [08:34:51] but they use the same file pages as regular images [08:35:08] oh interesting! thanks [08:37:15] the wiki is private but it seems like i cant add anything in the whitelist ($wgWhitelistRead, the field is grey) [08:37:42] that's odd... can you send a screenshot of what it looks like? [08:38:15] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251455720516485120/image.png?ex=666ea476&is=666d52f6&hm=4e1da8386154aa9e08197a28fe25d5b3927b3cf7581d87502ab61a25829a1c09& [08:38:23] hmm [08:38:24] wait [08:38:33] maybe missing rights to edit? [08:38:41] dang i was stupid [08:38:46] wait [08:38:56] it not private lol [08:39:34] ok im gonna try add files in it [08:40:20] i don't think you can even see the box if the wiki isn't private [08:40:30] ^ [08:42:14] i added those files in the field [08:42:32] [1/2] looks like it worked [08:42:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251456801463861339/image.png?ex=666ea578&is=666d53f8&hm=92bc9761d3b1f93e6d56cc2b500905a17b07913c57bb0779a60ff34cc7f60bb2& [08:43:06] works for me too, along with fonts [08:43:12] yay [08:43:14] tysm [08:43:21] yw [09:25:38] Is it just me or is Miraheze slower than usual? [10:53:14] bit vague [11:55:27] [1/2] some pages loaded just fine, others either loaded infinitely or very slowly [11:55:27] [2/2] but it's alright, all pages are loading just fine now [13:17:00] Oh didn’t notice BlankEclair used IRC, Yello [13:17:12] hello! to be fair i only came here today [13:18:01] Understandable [13:18:11] Probably would have remembered otherwise [13:18:15] How ya doing? [13:18:45] I am switching to IRC from Discord where there are bridges. First of all I get to use whatever client I like and second I can use it however I like (within reason) [13:19:13] Miraheze Matrix when? [13:19:18] (Never used matrix) [13:19:19] currently trying to parse the revision history for the rainverse wiki to figure out how many pages people transcribed [13:19:26] Miraheze XMPP is would would be really nice [13:19:33] (i did most of the work, but i still wonder how much work everyone else did) [13:20:01] Interesting, so like calculating what percentage of the wiki each person made? [13:20:17] what percentage of the transcripts specifically, but yeah [13:20:38] (the wiki is about a webcomic universe, and we have pages for each comic page that has transcripts and whatnot) [13:20:55] wm-xtools had some code for doing that, if you want to consider ~~stealing~~getting inspired by their work [13:21:22] why do that when you can spend 5 hours doing it yourself? [13:21:23] Remember kids it’s not stealing if it’s FOSS [13:21:34] 🤝 [13:21:46] Oh yes, I forgot. Spend 5 hours automating a task that will take 5 minutes to do by hand [13:22:23] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251527224675532830/image0.jpg?ex=666ee70e&is=666d958e&hm=ef5d8213de93a6891727633617a03af4894cb007facb1dc8342752f4fdb307fc& [13:23:08] i'm the type of person who would spend a month of her life writing transcripts soo... xD [13:23:23] Admire the dedication [13:23:40] I haven’t had much time for my own projects recently [13:23:42] it's actually very useful to search for comic pages (especially when referencing) [13:23:59] i prefer spending 5 hours half assedly automating a task and then giving up and spending 5 hours doing it by hand :pupCoffeeMH: [13:24:08] Buuuuut I just finished final exams yesterday so about to get to get on that dev grind let’s goooo [13:24:08] I waste a lot of time I could be doing something useful by automating a lot of shit that I will probably never do again. [13:24:23] you can also use it to make a chart of how many characters said "shit" [13:24:25] https://files.catbox.moe/ceaw3s.png [13:25:27] https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmasterrace/comments/qnsbiu/occurrences_of_swear_words_in_the_kernel_over_the/#lightbox reminds me of [13:25:34] Clair be doing gods work right now [13:25:52] How do you even [13:25:54] (Claire actually, should've picked a better username but sunk-cost fallacy) [13:26:48] Sorry about that, my phone autocompleted to Clair and I wasn’t entirely sure if there was an e :p [13:27:05] it's okay [13:27:18] Btw thanks for your help on Phorge troubleshooting, your investigations are truly impressive to read [13:27:52] thanks! [13:29:32] Autocomplete is evil, I would rather make mistakes. But highlighting is less evil. [13:31:55] Well it was more of a suggestion than an automatic [13:32:27] It is has no objections to me typing Claire, all it wants is for it to be capitalized [13:34:03] I always subscribed to CamelCase concept for usernames, failing that, just go all lowercase [13:35:16] I should have considred avoiding usernames that have L, I, 1, o, 0, 5 and S in them. [13:35:18] I originally styled my name as pixlDeV/pixDeVl but since mediawiki here made me make my username PixDeVl I like that more tbh so now I capital the first [13:53:35] To confirm chocolate donuts are perfectly normal to eat for breakfast ja? [14:34:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251545425274736661/image.png?ex=666ef801&is=666da681&hm=fe731039c2581e69b47d0ba5376ef799a4758f7809b6e910aac844dcfcb88bc7& [14:34:57] matrix-themed mh logo :p [14:37:13] i thought their colors were black and white [14:37:16] never used [14:44:40] i imagine it as black and greem [14:44:57] wrong matrix [15:02:13] glitch in the matrix [15:02:53] idk why my mind about miraheze matrix even thought about it glitch in the matrix ._. [15:50:50] [1/2] Forget to turn the pride layer off? 😉 [15:50:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251564585778155632/Screenshot_20240615_174941_Discord.png?ex=666f09da&is=666db85a&hm=387aebe05862223bd6227ae35ed391a3433d439073609e0efbcf084ef65e1085& [15:54:58] Nice catch [15:55:43] First now found out wikitext isn't html or css Haha, it makes so much more sense now [16:02:02] yeah lmao you can use some html and css thou [16:02:11] only some [16:03:12] Chatgpt was actually useful this time.... still gotta learn wikitext, but atleast i got a basic template now [16:03:13] apparantly "filter: blur(0.5em)" is not accepted by the wikitext parser, but it is by templatestyles [16:03:17] Love it [16:03:46] here's a reference of common wikitext syntax: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting [16:16:50] ye [17:01:38] Hey eclair, so i set up the template but it's not letting me edit it in the wiki pages i used it in. [17:01:47] What do i do? [17:21:38] emperor.naghulsloathe: What wiki and can you give an example? [17:22:30] I'm planning to go to sleep in ten minutes though [17:22:34] I got to spend more time looking at MH Phab, because there is currently only one person sorting out tasks [17:27:57] Alright, night night. (For future reference, notify me with BlankEclair or Claire so I get pinged) [17:58:35] Would copying and pasting a template work? For some reason exporting isn't working for me [18:05:59] FINALLY SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY GOES TO SLEEP AT A NORMAL TIME [18:11:30] What about me? [18:14:37] Okay you to. It much easier to remember who doesn’t than remember who does [18:41:48] It depends on the template, it would most likely need supporting templates, and should there be a MediaWiki update and an error on the template, you might not understand how to fix it [18:43:42] I managed to figure it out ^^ [18:44:48] great to hear :> [18:45:53] Are we able to import classes as well? [18:47:10] CSS? [18:48:16] [1/2] Maybe [18:48:16] [2/2] Now thinking of it, it is just CSS that I could type out myself [18:48:22] Thanks ^^ [19:24:02] [1/2] The main page looks much better now :D [19:24:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251618238391914658/Screenshot_20240615_202242_Chrome.png?ex=666f3bd1&is=666dea51&hm=c956ba6c04481d585070d72810fde67218c6cb00c604d1e7ded0dd92795eef2b& [19:24:22] (Ignore all the unloaded icons, my Internet is slowwww) [19:40:22] bnnies [20:02:54] Cute [20:04:07] [1/2] Thats insane compared to my 4 boxes [20:04:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251628325097570374/image0.jpg?ex=666f4536&is=666df3b6&hm=35844d8c583c602f809f01ce210cb672eeac0f1331017f30a65e242be53f24fc& [20:04:28] Need help? [20:04:36] :Partyheze: looks great man(or girl) [20:05:14] Thanks [20:05:19] Thx for the offer, but im not exactly sure what direction i want to go with the design yet [20:05:37] No problem. [20:06:00] If you have any ideas, we'd be delighted to help you put them into practice. [20:06:58] [1/2] Perhaps visit a few wikis [20:06:58] [2/2] My wiki has its design based off of Pikipedia (since i was an editor for it previously moving onto Usagi) [20:07:36] Yeah thats a good idea, thx for a great community [20:52:06] Uhhh tried switching skins, but nothing happens... does it normally take longer then everything else to update? [20:52:28] Refresh the page [20:52:31] And wait a little [20:55:01] managewiki settings can take a hot minute to apply globally, but if it is a personal change the difference should be instant [20:55:11] I see the changes on your wiki [20:55:15] Just be patient [20:55:58] Okay okay, got an error about mobile front something, but thats gone [21:06:09] You dont mean that you see the "citizen" skin? [21:09:03] Someone said citizen? [21:09:21] I see that the skin has changed, but I don't see the result. [21:10:26] Oh well, good time to take a break then i guess [21:11:18] But, it may have something to do with your preferences [21:11:29] Even if I doubt it [21:12:00] If you changed the default skin on wiki, it may take serveral minutes for the changes to take full effect, and you might have a local skin override set for your user account on that wiki [21:16:58] That was it! Had no idea i could change skins in two places [21:37:00] Only get the skin when im logged in now.. [21:39:43] you sure you set the default on managewiki? [21:55:56] On the skins page? Yeah [21:58:45] Is this Special:ManageWiki/settings? [22:22:02] Yeah, might be a phone thing. Not on my pc right now [22:22:32] For me it works now [22:24:43] what does "category" on special:requestwiki mean? i don't remember that being there the last time i used it [22:27:26] we havent touched that in a long while iirc [22:31:01] Great, thanks [22:32:14] actually the field itself is quite self-explanatory [22:32:19] It works for you? [22:32:50] Not on my phone, but that could be a me issue [22:33:46] Don't know. It works on mobile for me, but idk [22:48:30] Works on my laptop, so good enough [23:02:11] [1/3] is it possible to make something that switches between one image to another in an infobox like this? (pjsk fandom as an example lol) [23:02:11] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251673135607054377/image.png?ex=666f6ef2&is=666e1d72&hm=5990d293f0b58edde86dc37891f3d94ba4ea4acc6e39970d8b7812bee7615c3a& [23:02:11] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251673135858585680/image.png?ex=666f6ef2&is=666e1d72&hm=a6e201768d6d28ba057dc12eaf7717fcfeba22958d9f1b45695fe7bc0e87ab2a& [23:02:27] omg the screenshots r cropped so bad [23:02:41] yup! [23:02:50] let me get my example [23:03:35] [1/6] ```xml [23:03:35] [2/6] [23:03:35] [3/6] File1.png|Banner [23:03:35] [4/6] Image2.jpg|Warbanner [23:03:36] [5/6] /gallery [23:03:36] [6/6] ``` [23:03:41] @lettucescout try this! [23:07:24] does it depend on the infobox cause for my side it doesnt work the way intended lol [23:07:31] it only works on portable infobox iirc [23:07:47] noted [23:07:56] you need the tabber extension [23:08:08] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TabberNeue [23:08:22] @lettucescout get this one, since my wiki uses it [23:08:38] oh didnt notice its not a PI box [23:08:39] sorry! [23:08:57] no worries [23:35:56] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1251681631626854513/SPOILER_image.png?ex=666f76dc&is=666e255c&hm=d9fb1f75b908ea8da455e606675193b0b0b24cd2bba181e229e8d128e247dbe2& [23:36:07] how do you scale an image down.... [23:37:45] I see no problem here [23:42:00] the problem is its waaay too big on my side