[01:07:40] [1/2] uhhh [01:07:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252067104023384084/image.png?ex=6670dddb&is=666f8c5b&hm=8dd14e2e911a5075c125662a080a560f611a74392087447479686df92b5640ed& [02:34:54] [1/2] On Google search console there’s a built in tool to move the property to the new domain, but the old domain needs to be redirected to the new domain manually by miraheze, if you update the seo key eventually you’ll lose access to the seo console for the old domain due to not being able to use two keys on one wiki but that’s not much of an issue any [02:34:55] [2/2] ways as you can always re-add it [02:37:13] I’d assume after the old domain is redirected all the traffic analytics get moved over, but I wouldn’t really know since my wiki request has been silent for a few weeks haha [02:39:10] can confirm, we did this for the phighting wiki and all of the previous analytics were moved over, took about a week to process fully [02:40:19] Our old wiki domain (urbanshade.miraheze.org) is third in results and it’s linking to a deleted page, so our seo for the new site isn’t the bestie [02:43:13] We’re also competing with two long-abandoned completely empty fandom wikis, so that’s not very fun haha [03:41:50] as I thought then, thanks [05:24:02] were [05:27:00] uhh [05:27:07] what is "InterWiki Prefix" [05:29:12] nvm I figured it out [05:49:02] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252137911873441802/image.png?ex=66711fcd&is=666fce4d&hm=b207815b3a22cfe82a90361feabf8a9f6bced11ad3117c3f2e04f2127b1a725d& [05:49:06] how do I change links in this menu?? [05:50:38] Mediawiki:Sidebar [05:51:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252138616705126431/image.png?ex=66712075&is=666fcef5&hm=b82cdb03adcb934891f7e030e7ff4016c42255d0362edb0a7bf0d5fb9eae1771& [05:51:51] this?? [06:05:25] Indeed; each section is prefixed by an asterisk () and links are prefixed by two (*) [06:11:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252143565933379625/image.png?ex=66712511&is=666fd391&hm=97150969d7fed46b75c4b6ec9d4ea54a90833246254c4694e9344af0b2b8edf4& [06:11:38] how do I change the URLs and change the text?? [06:12:39] `Page_Name|Display Text` [06:13:20] Do note that you may need to put pages in the MediaWiki namespace for them to work with the sidebar; external links work fine [06:13:38] okay [06:14:49] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252144399580794920/image.png?ex=667125d8&is=666fd458&hm=c9000135042ed29d125df158cbb9e176feb5fced4aeffe1cdf2670bf3814e7a1& [06:14:50] it works [06:14:53] thanks [06:38:55] the logo has changes because of the pride? [06:40:39] this server? yeah [06:50:57] [1/2] Does anyone know why the title isnt affected by font? It was working fine not too long ago [06:50:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252153492236271648/image.png?ex=66712e50&is=666fdcd0&hm=e3f22b02709f23377bdb8b1ffc24f78dbb73f49b321e94d0657c1deeefdd401e& [07:08:36] there's no classes for titles/headers? [07:10:19] did you make phorge task for that? [07:11:24] for what? [07:12:14] for search console data redirect [07:12:32] no, MH staff dont have access to the search console so theres no need afaik [07:12:38] i did it all in the console itself [07:12:56] you use the same key and everything you just go thru google to transfer it over [07:15:01] but google requires new domain registered as separate site and by doing so I remove old SEO key from wiki's settings, like said in Moon's message? [07:15:29] err yeah sorry youre right, new key [07:15:38] but if you do it thru google it will transfer the old SEO [07:15:46] it just takes a few days to process [07:47:58] Ah, I thought I could get away with just using body, ty [07:59:56] Hello, my visa appointment will be on 24/6/2024 Beijing Time [08:00:06] So can I request for exemption from inactivity? [08:00:11] For like about half a year [08:01:13] i've seen DP exemptions for studies, so i think you can request it [08:03:45] My situation is because I'm currently living in China I can't take electronic devices outside of my house [08:04:16] I did not mean to put this exemption indefinitely but the situation is I cannot access the Internet, to some extents [08:04:43] And thanks for the info I will request for an exemption. May I know where I need to go? [08:05:18] this is requested on https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Restricted_changes i believe [08:05:28] Thank you. [08:08:06] (examples of personal DPEs: [[Steward requests/Miscellaneous#Requesting temporary Dormancy Policy Exemption for Houkai Gakuen 2 wiki]] (albeit in a less accurate section) and [[Dormancy Policy/Exemptions]] (search for "absence")) [08:08:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Miscellaneous#Requesting_temporary_Dormancy_Policy_Exemption_for_Houkai_Gakuen_2_wiki https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Dormancy_Policy/Exemptions [08:08:32] Thanks, I can see the format is pasted on page [08:09:16] [1/2] I've requested exemption for Internet outage risk (still a possibility) so you should be fine [08:09:16] [2/2] good luck on visa and stuff man [08:09:55] Thanks bro [08:10:31] The Shanghai embassy just confirmed by appointment which WILL BE ON THE 24th!!! [08:10:44] They don't even give me time for a flexible plan🤣 [08:42:48] Hey I just requested for an Dormancy Policy Exemption. Because I was using mobile editor there may be some errors on the code, sorry for that. [08:47:41] it's okay ^_^ [08:47:52] i've moved your request to the bottom (and fixed the malformed domain name) [08:48:21] Thank you. [09:05:03] is it a good idea to edit https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Moving_a_wiki_to_Miraheze#Creating_a_dump_via_a_script to mention wikiteam3 and/or link to the tool's/tools' tutorial page/readme? [09:07:31] iirc there's a rule (?) to not talk about scrappers on behalf of Miraheze, and thus in this article, because of Fandom ToS [09:07:51] I can't tell for sure ofc [09:08:27] hm yeah, i was worried about that (hence why i asked) [09:08:43] i.e. it would sound like Miraheze officially endorsing Fandom ToS break [09:09:18] although everybody do that lol [09:10:16] figuratively [09:10:34] i hate fandom with a passion, but i don't hate them enough to bring miraheze to potential legal trouble [09:33:06] image scraping is where it particularly becomes an issue [09:33:32] generally text dumps at least can be requested without trouble from what I hear [09:45:22] I've copied the text about Mediawiki Dump Generator over from https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Moving_a_wiki_to_Miraheze#Mediawiki_Dump_Generator [09:47:10] i asked because i was unsure if the page should include more documentation, but thanks anyway [10:13:31] Wikiteam has been backing Wikia/Fandom up to Archive.org for years already without any legal issues AFAIK. [10:24:52] weren't they told to stop at some point tho? [10:25:03] vaguely remember reading somewhere [10:25:27] but whatever, honestly lol [10:25:52] they still don't backup shit on their own [10:25:58] Fandom I mean [12:03:58] [1/3] anyone know a quick fix to make this more mobile friendly? [12:03:58] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252232267498131466/image.png?ex=667177ad&is=6670262d&hm=8d37a600668ae21e96816c6e75f46d63e357cb4783fef16c005f2c82c8514adf& [12:03:59] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252232267988996187/image.png?ex=667177ae&is=6670262e&hm=82387bc543c9ba805d49b6271af0addbffbcf2cd0a96663c75f867b61edfad08& [12:04:31] [1/2] ```
[12:04:31] [2/2]
Quick Links/strong/div``` [12:06:53] what page so i can experiment [12:07:03] [1/7] try flexbox [12:07:04] [2/7] ``` [12:07:04] [3/7]
[12:07:04] [4/7]
thing 1 /div [12:07:04] [5/7]
thing 2 /div [12:07:05] [6/7] /div [12:07:05] [7/7] ``` [12:07:46] [1/2] https://junxions.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Box [12:07:47] [2/2] this box [12:07:52] will try, thx [12:08:24] seems like you've only tested on a dark theme lol [12:09:41] is the background on some parts the wrong color? i thought i got that fixed.. [12:10:40] https://files.catbox.moe/bfen9q.png [12:12:12] oh yeah... the icons 😛 gonna change out most of them [12:12:22] or perhaps you can invert them on light mode [12:13:08] for these could prob use the fontawesome extension [12:14:31] Did you make the CSS yourself? [12:14:59] i just copy paste from all sort of places ;P [12:15:09] oh lawd why are u specifying the style for individual lines i meant like just put flex: 1 200px on both chunks [12:15:10] Where did you copy paste from? [12:15:38] parts of it has been chatgpt [12:15:48] was any from my wiki? [12:15:57] nope [12:18:13] dont know what wiki you has, but i dont think i have copied anything from any wikis [12:19:52] well u should. far better way to learn than chatgpt [12:20:34] thats fair, i looked at some wikis in the beginning, but there were so many templates inside templates ect ect so i gave up that system [12:23:41] iconless and untested with citizen but how's this? https://publictestwiki.com/wiki/User:BlankEclair/Sandbox/IRC_Request_2024-06-17 [12:27:09] [1/2] would like it to scale down when on mobile, not its just static and you gotta swipe to the left to see it all. [12:27:09] [2/2] but its not really an issue, i got worse things on my wiki xD [12:27:59] a lot cleaner code tho, so worth using it either way to be fair [12:28:02] i somehow forgot you asked this to be mobile responsive even though that's literally what you asked [12:29:00] okay, here: https://publictestwiki.com/wiki/User:BlankEclair/Sandbox/IRC_Request_2024-06-17/styles.css?diff=prev&oldid=57687 [12:30:04] if you want i could try icons and/or test it with citizen [12:46:33] i think im good.... it scales perfecly now, i just need to make it look how i want, thanks alot! [12:50:53] yeah looks great! thx for the patience with me xD [12:52:47] you're welcome lmao [14:41:51] how long will it usually take a subdomain on a wiki to be cleared after the wiki is deleted? [14:42:25] We haven’t permanently deleted wikis in a while [14:56:27] Is CirrusSearch out of testing yet? [14:57:00] Didn't see any news regard of this [15:02:55] And speaking of CirrusSearch, is there no way to search the content of article titles, it's either/or title starts with or full text? Wanted to see all article titles with the word "Home" in them [15:04:05] [1/2] can u guys explain what needs to be more detailed? [15:04:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252277596452950046/Screenshot_20240617-220259_Chrome.jpg?ex=6671a1e5&is=66705065&hm=510bcf5d34ea8943065121907dff2dfdd71354bba7910ed6076b79bee9fd322c& [15:04:25] see "request comments" tab [15:04:36] probably questions are here [15:19:53] Well, if the user wants a really smart search, they should use Google Search instead [15:20:23] (Most internal search engines are quite weak for those kind of search) [15:41:36] rebeccabunch: intitle:"home" [15:41:52] Thank you!! [15:42:14] i somehow missed that message [15:42:19] but you're welcome ^_^ [15:49:25] ^Found how ElastisSearch fuzzy search works https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CirrusSearch/CompletionSuggester#Ranking_criteria [15:50:11] *I mean CirrusSearch [16:10:06] Wooo! Got 1 page on da new wiki almost complete! (The rest of the information i will need to do some research or wait til i reach that point in the app) The community of the game are very pleased about the wiki [16:41:55] W [17:30:59] if i were to add a page and or section on a page to list development updates from a game, would the best way todo this be to make a blog? and post each update? with something like the Extension:SimpleBlogPage? [17:40:31] Depends on how the developer gives update notes [17:40:53] i was planning on manually add them [17:41:01] do they release as updates? With change logs [17:41:09] I'd say project page can work too [17:41:20] or just normal "Updates" page [17:41:35] id prob make each update a category with change log and a blog post or smt for an announcement of the update [17:42:26] [1/3] For Usagi Shima Wiki, there's 2 pages [17:42:27] [2/3] One for Version History which lists all the Versions and its patch notes in tables [17:42:27] [3/3] And other page is Early Development which is a chronological list of the game's Development before the official release [18:00:50] Do you mind linking to that? [18:02:03] [1/2] https://usagishima.miraheze.org/wiki/Version_History [18:02:04] [2/2] https://usagishima.miraheze.org/wiki/Early_Development [18:05:00] okay thank you! [19:13:37] You're welcome [19:52:08] nice 🙂 [20:23:51] This Usagi wiki looks pretty nice and neat. [20:29:09] Thanks ^^ [20:32:47] I still can't decide how I will organize the main page on my wiki bc I'm still adding rules, templates and more functions. [20:35:44] [1/2] My wiki only has 3 templates, 1 of them not used cuz it got imported along with the other 2 [20:35:44] [2/2] And these 2 templates are only used for the navigation box on the main page [20:39:24] Mine will use many, bc there are lot to show, similar like Minecraft has done. [20:40:14] Templates are mostly to help with either complex outcomes or to shorten the code for pages [20:42:08] There's so much stuff on the Usagi Shima Wiki that would be much more efficient if I turned it into a Template, but I don't feel like doing it unless it helps with SEO which I doubt [20:45:09] Why am I struggling to stop editing my new wiki? [20:47:57] lmao [20:50:36] I've done over 90 contributions over the past 5 hours 😭 [20:51:00] Granted most of it is images [20:51:07] relatable [20:53:40] The worst thing starts when you have to enter with the mobile version and find out your wiki is messed out... [20:56:06] [1/2] I like to turn off the mobile frontend extension [20:56:06] [2/2] Its annoying to have to do separate CSS for mobile n desktop [20:56:37] yup. Anyways we have to edit the FrontEnd Mobile soon or later... [22:02:45] <.labster> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40711086 Stop Using Fandom [22:06:48] bro saw an advert oppertunity and TOOK IT [22:07:40] "Fandom also contributes to dihydrogen monoxide poisoning, which can have fatal consequences." [22:08:36] i mean [22:08:37] so we do ! [22:08:54] wait [22:08:58] !!!! [22:09:33] <.labster> Did you know that dihydrogen monoxide is a byproduct of the combustion of jet fuel, where DHMO crystals contribute to global warming in the upper troposphere? [22:10:04] <.labster> ^ forgot to @drewindigo that one [22:10:27] [1/2] I take it this is not the intended starting view? [22:10:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252384895620354099/image.png?ex=667205d3&is=6670b453&hm=cc55dc521a69dce1fa33129151ba78c91478c225b15dbfea35f9b8379d039219& [22:11:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252385156602265794/image.png?ex=66720611&is=6670b491&hm=bb9350eed21da5f5a6be00b606b4efddb631da942a4a3af43525075acfc16f30& [22:11:34] <.labster, replying to crazierinzane> Click the link at the top above the comment box. HN is like Reddit, where the discussion happens, except they hate Reddit-style comments at HN. [22:11:43] Okay... What did I missed? [22:12:01] Surprise "Stop using Fandom" post [22:12:33] lol hi [22:14:24] Fandom contributing to global warming? I guess I'm not too surprised. [22:14:38] Who is Jes? [22:15:03] <.labster> +0.2°C just from computer fans while displaying Fandom ads [22:15:14] Seems accurate [22:19:51] [1/2] Indie Wiki Buddy, [22:19:51] [2/2] officially unofficially endorse it. [22:20:47] Mossbag should make a 2nd part of Stop Using Fandom. [22:22:35] "Why Are You Still Using Fandom? It's a Complete Load of Dogshit" - boom, instant million views [22:38:00] The reign of Fandom shall fall some day, I hope... [22:40:53] Even better, fandom starts caring about its communities and becomes a service worth using [22:41:11] the fandom community is great mostly [22:41:27] and moving all those wikis is impossible for multiple reasons [22:42:49] 'moving' can go to hell, is the Fandom's HDD full of information what we need to destroy. [22:43:09] [1/4] does everyone know what is the reference page for those wikiboxes? not how to do it, but their page on wikimedia [22:43:09] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252393122030293052/image.png?ex=66720d7c&is=6670bbfc&hm=1518c99fc3daa56092d74aaeb976dd84963fe5520c8cd642608fcbb8f5f53ccb& [22:43:09] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252393122240135258/image.png?ex=66720d7c&is=6670bbfc&hm=b64ec14da1d6d268da2fb3220dd2f4b1bda03bade63c6505cb73657c3631ce0c& [22:43:10] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252393122462171207/image.png?ex=66720d7c&is=6670bbfc&hm=38d155185e9301d74b9fae93c8c3e88e3aac85dfc0676356173a460ff1b20d8f& [22:43:34] taken from various mediawiki wikis [22:44:19] No [22:44:40] Information destruction is the worst case [22:44:54] Id rather a fandom wiki over lost information any day of my life [22:45:18] user boxes and those notice boxes are different [22:45:33] none of these are on user pages [22:45:35] Two of those are from Encyclopedia Dramatica, and their source code can easily be copied by clicking "Edit" and copying it (the WP template may require multiple modules/other templates) [22:45:44] Then, just save the important info. Destroying the HDDs can make ppl to build a ne one. [22:45:47] they are both from uncyclopedia [22:46:05] like hell they’ll just give up [22:47:22] In that case, we're doomed. [22:48:15] I mean, if the info was about a historical topic, I could consider it, but the average are about videogames or TV/Film series. [22:48:37] I'm quite sure Uncyclopedia doesn't have an Offended template in that exact style (the "Fascist" one does in fact [exist](https://en.uncyclopedia.co/wiki/Template:Fascist) there) [22:49:12] plus, subjects like Nintendo, Minecraft and others are safely in their own websites. [22:49:32] [1/2] this is what I'm talking about [22:49:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1252394726699696208/image.png?ex=66720efb&is=6670bd7b&hm=dec6f64c35e728b9b753d4748504fd6817bf66f91c41c04d9470731541ddf105& [22:49:39] I'm asking the documentation page for this [22:50:51] I feel like I saw this 10 years ago. [22:51:42] It appears to just be a MediaWiki table with CSS styling, so you can probably just copy it onto your wiki [22:53:10] I see [22:59:29] thanks [22:59:30] it worked [23:00:03] no wonder why it displayed "WIKI DELETED" for about 10 months now [23:01:00] no wonder it displayed "WIKI DELETED" for about 10 months now