[16:29:11] I assume you've read [[Custom domains]]? [16:29:11] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [16:29:12] [16:29:55] wiki.maindomain.no is to be pointed at miraheze - so I guess the right thing to do i add a CNAME, but it fails with "CNAME and other data" error message [16:30:00] yes, I have read that [16:30:33] as far as I understand, I need to remove some of the other dns records [16:30:35] You pointed the the Name servers specifically yes? [16:31:00] I cannot add a CNAME entry [16:31:17] hm [16:32:05] cpanel gives me "CNAME and other data" error message.. from searching around it seems I need to remove some of the other entries, but here I struggle! :) [16:32:58] is it basically safe to remove all of them and just keep a CNAME record set up according to the custom domains help page? [16:33:33] talking about the subdomain (wiki.domain.no) and not the main domain [16:34:32] I could always ask in #networking :) [16:34:39] if the subdomain is for Miraheze only then you can safely remove everything and just keep the CNAME [16:34:51] great, thanks Orange_Star [16:36:31] Thanks OS [16:36:41] I am so happy you have a relay to Discord, much preferring IRC :D [16:36:44] (this is solidly out of my expereince so) [16:36:53] Glad you like it [16:37:04] as removing everything goes that might be tricky if dns entries include cpanel [16:37:42] but I've never done much dns administration in cpanel, always the hosting provider which points to cpanel [16:37:51] raidarr: don't think it will be a problem, as cpanel access is using another domain [16:38:13] I have never done any dns admin. :P [16:38:35] by everything I meant every record on the wiki. subdomain btw [16:39:56] it says that because according to the RFCs there can be no other records alongside the CNAME [16:43:09] thanks for the clarification [16:47:52] there the request is sent.. thanks for the amazing work people [16:50:58] there [16:51:02] finally [16:51:17] loaded libera on IceChat [16:51:53] welcome ;) [16:52:30] thank you :) [16:52:32] halloy [16:52:38] 's UI is nicer though imo [16:52:43] gonna see which I like more [16:53:01] I normally use web.libera.chat on my laptop tbh [16:55:25] magnulu: what IRC client do you use? [16:56:14] I use libera.chat, self hosted [16:56:26] used to use irssi [16:56:51] but it was a pita to access from mobile (ssh and all) [16:57:46] wdym self hosted for the client(not an IRC expert, i use discord more but like IRC :p) [17:09:05] always connected, some channels have a lot of dead time [17:09:29] Oh you mean a bouncer? I think that's the term [17:09:43] you are probably right [17:10:09] I've never used on [17:10:24] when you reconnect to irc you will not see what happend when you were disconnected [17:10:56] Since I'm most active on discord and the Miraheze IRC channels if I want to catch up I either open discord and read through the chat or check https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/browser/index.php?display=%23miraheze [17:15:33] I see [17:18:35] where do I track the status of my request? [17:22:14] For a custom domain? [17:23:32] yeah [17:24:45] btw, my self hosted client is of course TheLounge, not libera.chat :P [17:25:53] ah i see [17:25:56] i've heard of it [17:26:25] before i used IRC [17:28:23] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestSSLQueue [17:29:32] thanks a lot [17:29:43] np [17:46:38] sup felenov [18:15:44] Hello pix [19:10:29] heyooo [19:19:06] hey y'all [19:19:08] two questions [19:19:16] ja? [19:19:47] 1) since I changed skins, I noticed that when I click on a link that is a redirect, it takes me to the redirect page instead of to the article it is supposed to be redirecting to - it never did that in the old skin. Do you know how to fix it? [19:20:21] send a link? [19:20:42] [1/4] 2) font size still hasn't changed - I've tried the following with "16px", "1em", and "110%", with changes to both css pages, but nothing is working. [19:20:42] [2/4] #bodyContent { [19:20:43] [3/4] font-size:16px; [19:20:43] [4/4] } [19:20:54] https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Theta [19:21:01] #bodycontent isnt a thing on cosmos, just do "body" [19:21:14] oh, I'll try that, thanks! [19:21:30] (for example, the "divided loyalties (novel)" link here) [19:23:33] doesn't look like 'body' has worked either 😭 [19:25:08] [1/2] this just works for me, u prolly need to refresh the cache [19:25:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1253430455546679306/image.png?ex=6675d394&is=66748214&hm=438fdb69c87e0d5dd363587e6054e367c140ebcef500ad957463b4fd5b5aeaaf& [19:25:53] I have, but I'll try with the percentage, as rn I've got px - 🤞 [19:27:45] nothing ): [19:28:08] huhhh......... u have 3 pages, "divided loyalties", with (book) and with (novel)?? [19:28:23] did u move/rename the pages at some point [19:28:33] yep [19:29:31] [1/2] oh just "body {", no hashtag btw [19:29:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1253431557562171432/image.png?ex=6675d49a&is=6674831a&hm=e48dd02afe74fccf3794bb43b4c5bca373ce8d1d5a5155dfa1cd0bb8d2904627& [19:30:03] originally "Divided Loyalties", btu then I realised I was putting brackets on loads of other Doctor Who stuff, so I redirected to add brackets (redirect instead of rename, as I'd already done loads of linsk to it), then I realised that all the other books were called "(book)", not "(novel)", so I redirected again 😭 [19:30:10] oooh, thanks so much!!! I'll change it now! [19:31:40] Hey, does anyone know how to get around the "The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension." error? [19:31:43] yayy, it's easier to read now! Thank you so much!!! [19:32:07] what was the edit [19:32:18] Might you have an extension enabled that specifically says you can't do wahtever you just tried to do? Maybe check your extensions [19:32:39] All I have is Google Docs Offline [19:32:46] and the edit was me finishing the page [19:33:13] Like I saved it before bc I had to do something and I didnt want to lose EVERYTHING, and I came back and finished it [19:33:27] i thinkkkk the double redirect is pissing it off (divided loyalties -> (book) -> (novel)), just make the two other links to redirect to (novel) [19:34:33] yeah, and make sure the pages that were using book use the other 2 links [19:34:51] I just took off the one extension I had and still nothing. What do I do [19:39:42] could you send a link to the page? [20:55:25] uhmmm [22:31:49] what?