[01:35:42] pixldev: can i have crat on testwikibeta? thanks [02:19:28] Yeah, metawiki is now called "Miraheze Meta" instead of just "Meta" [02:20:17] is it intentional? in [[Special:ManageWiki/namespaces/4]], it still mentions Meta as the proper name for the namespace [02:20:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/namespaces/4 [02:40:46] hm? what do you need it fo? im fine with it and have the perms but id just wanna get a +1 from tech first [02:48:24] pixldev: oh okay. i want to try reproducing https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12237 with managewiki (and i'm not really in the mood to set managewiki up from scratch) [02:51:00] Claire. I literally wrote an entire PR for CW without having a local instance since it was a pain in the ass. That's not mood thats self preservation [02:51:42] @originalauthority @reception123 any objections to this? if not ill action in the morning? [02:51:58] how big was the pr [02:57:59] smoll [02:58:02] and still not merged [02:58:46] that's kinda understandable [05:01:38] [1/3] Is there a way to automatically update the position numbers? [05:01:38] [2/3] This leaderboard is getting quite lengthy 😅 [05:01:38] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1253937921572995183/Screenshot_20240622_060032_Chrome.png?ex=6677ac31&is=66765ab1&hm=f3caeadf6b165e0cc9054fd325b3797f592fb00fdb3ab98284870f9bb3f7e0b1& [07:14:34] both of User:XtexBot and User:PsiBot are mine. but why my edit to PsiBot's global user page is blocked while to XtexBot's is succeeded? [07:16:55] this is why: https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:AbuseFilter/2 [07:17:04] the code doesn't make a distinction on what accounts are owned by who [07:17:49] oh you're asking why it works for XtexBot but not PsiBot [07:18:20] it's basically a simple `user_name in page_title` check, so `"Xtex" in "XtexBot"` passes but not `"Xtex" in "PsiBot"` [07:19:52] oh thanks [07:37:55] BlankEclair: thats not good [07:38:13] what are you referring to? [07:38:29] BlankEclair: that abuse filter [07:38:35] That is very exploitable [07:38:41] i'm not saying it's good, i'm just saying that's what happens [07:39:07] i honestly kinda thought you all knew about it and was like "eh, works well enough" [07:40:22] BlankEclair: nah I'm really surprised that hasn't bitten us in the behind [07:40:28] not yet [07:40:53] We've had LTAs who have pentested us a few times [07:40:59] It's how we found a few CVEs [07:41:11] LTAs exploiting poor permission control [07:42:43] impressive [07:43:32] it's out in the air now, gotta get someone to replace it with something like `user_name == page_name or page_name.startswith(user_name + "/")` [07:44:07] BlankEclair: https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2020-15251 was found by an LTA [07:45:54] where do i suggest modifications to abuse filters? this one is a two-line fix [07:47:27] I have devised a fix for editing other user's pages: https://tali64.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:AbuseFilter/9; I will work on restricting moving other's user pages [07:48:06] `!=` works with regex? [07:48:43] It does indeed [07:48:48] that is so cursed [07:48:56] does it do a search or a match [07:51:58] BlankEclair: find a steward [07:53:13] none of them are up on irc [07:53:25] do i email them? [07:53:56] the most recent steward who has done a thing is NotAracham [07:54:46] @Stewards see above [07:55:02] oh btw the bug is in more places [07:58:30] It appears to be in one of [Meta's filters](https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:AbuseFilter/7) as well; besides that, I would probably alter the range of users allowed to edit others' userpages (excluding subpages) to sysops or at the very least autopatrolled users since there's no real need for users to edit actual userpages if they're not admins [07:58:51] and another one: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:AbuseFilter/55 [08:00:00] The two could probably be combined [08:00:24] sometimes a non-steward should edit a user page: [[Steward_requests/Miscellaneous#Forgot_to_update_my_userpage_before_I_vanished,_and_I_can't_add_a_topic_to_my_talk_page,_so_I_might_as_well_add_it_here.]] [08:00:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Miscellaneous#Forgot_to_update_my_userpage_before_I_vanished%2c_and_I_can%27t_add_a_topic_to_my_talk_page%2c_so_I_might_as_well_add_it_here. [08:00:34] though you could argue that i'm autopatrolled [08:49:53] Which is the extension that can generate an player for .ogg [08:51:53] did a search for ogg, maybe [[mw:Extension:TimedMediaHandler]]? [08:51:53] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TimedMediaHandler [08:53:53] ^ [09:12:14] how long does it take for an inative wiki to shut down [09:12:28] i know its like 40 - 60 days [09:12:48] as in the [[Dormancy Policy]]? [09:12:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Dormancy_Policy [09:13:59] yes [09:14:10] there you go :p [09:23:26] [[Dormancy Policy]] [09:23:26] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Dormancy_Policy [09:23:27] [09:23:35] wiki bot doesn't like irc it seems [09:29:53] thought it would've bridges the line by wm-bot [09:30:00] bridged* [09:32:35] Post something in discord, and you will see wm-bot bring it up twice [09:32:44] Post something on IRC, it does not get bridged [09:33:20] Example on irc: [[steward]] [09:33:20] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/steward [09:33:27] Example on cord: [[steward]] [09:33:27] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/steward [09:33:28] [09:35:10] Result produced on irc: https://nex.f2esports.net/upload/cdn/IceChat2009_2024-06-22_09-33-50.png [09:35:47] weird [09:35:57] [1/2] Result produced on discord [09:35:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254006958571130911/96d53582aef1b266.png?ex=6677ec7d&is=66769afd&hm=e4646cc858ae409269f0037f909cf9233f6d1ba6d05cc5f120e737b1aaffd57b& [09:37:37] I think it's probably a better idea to have the bots get ignored by chat bridges and let them resolve wiki links in their channels (wm-bot on irc resolves in #miraheze and wiki-bot in discord resolves in discord/general) [09:56:40] 👋 [11:29:53] How I can add the IPAc-en [11:30:07] Because it imported from Wikipedia [11:30:15] and it gaves me error [11:38:14] what error? [12:18:36] https://wikiball.miraheze.org/wiki/Служебная:Вклад/Dolber3 lock this vandal [12:18:46] he's spamming redirects [12:22:29] [1/3] you dont have to speak russian to see he's doing nonsense redirects [12:22:29] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254048865095516300/image.png?ex=66781384&is=6676c204&hm=b6c8cc01319998c3f35b8070dd5e592971ef7527f94c72cfe12f35a63b148311& [12:22:29] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254048865397637201/image.png?ex=66781384&is=6676c204&hm=85092b93fd045db5aed3b761ad5828034b800b834c25b570558fa623bb5d3917& [12:39:11] #cvt ? [13:38:44] How do you grab the original file type of an image instead of a .webp? [13:58:09] I personally just convert the file [14:14:18] Fandom? [14:14:34] A webp could be an original file [14:15:10] If the original file is in that format [14:21:42] If you know the name of the file, you can search for it on the wiki. I usually find a png or svg that way. [14:22:35] I just right-click and inspect element (on Chrome) to find this. [14:25:37] BlankEclair: pixl is a dumbass and forgot to save his Mirabeta login on his phone so I’ll crat you in some 4ish hours [14:27:32] after cf switch more people talk about webp :ThinkerMH: [14:27:51] but I personally use anti webp browser extension lol [14:44:54] Dealt with that + several alts. [14:56:49] thanks [15:00:56] Wait, did MH convert images to webp? [15:01:34] Bruh, still PNGs [15:02:19] Oh wait, it's not? [15:03:39] Well, to grab the original file on MH, you need to navigate to the file page, click at "Original file" button [15:16:08] Category Handler [16:33:39] that's the problem [16:39:00] nevermind, I inserted it manually [16:39:02] dˈæɹɪlənˌɪzəm [16:39:09] https://unalengua.com/ipa-translate?ttsLocale=en-US&voiceId=Salli&text=Darrellanism+ [17:50:50] [1/7] @canyada sorry for the tag, I just remember you were helping me yesterday - I've had a look at what you and Pix sent me, but all the fandom stuff confused me, so I looked into the CategoryClass stuff. I tried pasting in the stuff from the link you sent, but I couldn't figure out where to specify the category (plus it flagged up a bunch of errors), so I tried this (I put a pag [17:50:51] [2/7] e under the category of 'TestPage'): [17:50:51] [3/7] [17:50:51] [4/7] .pcs-theme-default.cat-TestPage [17:50:51] [5/7] color:#6d63b6!important; [17:50:52] [6/7] /body [17:50:52] [7/7] Do you think this would work? If not, could you please show me which part of the snippet you sent I put the category in? I'm reading/watching some CSS tutorials, but I can't find one talking about this 😭 [17:53:54] [1/2] or maybe like this instead? [17:53:55] [2/2] $wgCosmosContentBackgroundColor.color:#6d63b6!important; [17:55:12] you shouldnt have to change anything about the snippet, i just testing and pasting it in as is does exactly what it should [17:55:59] But, how do I target it to a specific category? [17:56:32] you dont, it takes every single category on the page and adds to the body the class "cat-(category name)" [17:56:58] wait, on a specific page, not on the cosmos css? [17:57:26] its javascript, you paste it into common.js, if u tried to paste it into common.css it would make sense why is gave errors bc its the wrong language [17:58:05] and once you paste the javascript in, it runs automatically on every page when you visit it to add the classes to the [17:58:09] yeah that would do it [17:58:35] ah, damnit - I couldn't find a JS page thingy on the wiki, but I saw that it said it added css classes, so I thought it'd be okay. I'll have another look - maybe I spelled the pagename wrong or smth [17:59:21] u wouldnt be able to find a page that hasnt been made yet, just type mediawiki:common.js into the url bar [17:59:52] Ah, right - sorry, thought that because the css pages already existed before i had done anything to them that the JS one would too [18:00:58] never assume the logical option in mediawiki [18:01:11] noted [18:01:18] always assume just type things into url bar [18:01:33] whats navigating ive never heard of it. just remember every page name [18:02:05] So, pasted it in - now what do I do? [18:02:29] now go to a page with categories and inspect element u should see that theres now new classes on it [18:03:46] [1/2] for example like these [18:03:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254134755482669146/image.png?ex=66786382&is=66771202&hm=c3b5105afeef9d5ebc43b9098c7583d6e3c3b96bbbb7aff6d1e41410879296bf& [18:04:28] [1/2] I think I did it wrong [18:04:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254134932360659026/image.png?ex=667863ac&is=6677122c&hm=455d41427bbe706c27a0266daf617471d543f15e30b9d2887caa31c4ae142b4b& [18:04:50] scroll all the way to the top look at the [18:06:56] I see it! Do I then put in 'background' and the hex code? [18:07:20] that should do yes, u can try it in inspect element beforehand too [18:09:09] I tried it, but it just changed the colour of the background under the page - like, the bit that you see if you keep scrolling down [18:09:51] I tried 'content' too, and 'background-colour'; same result [18:10:22] go find the thing in inspect element that sets the content background color, its probably `#mw-content` [18:10:39] and then do `.cat-Example #mw-content` [18:19:27] [1/2] yeah, it's not doing anything - it crosses out and goes grey when I put that in? Also, if I click off it, it deletes. I couldn't find mw-content (I did try putting it), but 'content' did come up, so I tried that next - same issue. [18:19:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254138699739041924/image.png?ex=6678672e&is=667715ae&hm=8dae47bfb0ecb730b97cbc547f19b3f0e344be2695726aa64ea99388a2ad1df5& [18:19:41] (I didn't put the backslashes in, it did that automatically) [18:20:32] [1/6] css looks like: [18:20:32] [2/6] ``` [18:20:32] [3/6] .cat-Testpage #mw-content { [18:20:33] [4/6] background: grey; [18:20:33] [5/6] } [18:20:33] [6/6] ``` [18:21:09] in the inspect element if u click the + beside the :hov and .cls u can add a rule, thats where u put in stuff like .cat-Testpage [18:24:19] [1/2] arghhh [18:24:19] [2/2] I keep trying to put it in but it keeps deleting as soon as I click off. putting in ".cat-TestPage" on it's own, and that bit turns blue (which I assume is good), but then when I put in anything else it goes grey and crossed out, and then when I click off of that it deletes [18:24:50] dont click off anything, press enter [18:25:05] I did!! [18:25:13] oooh, waitwatiwait [18:25:15] new thing came up [18:25:26] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254140207804973106/image.png?ex=66786896&is=66771716&hm=603379bd3aaf5517fdc05b4cdea9b814d4a58dabc6af4c35cf2027a2a8c6e75a& [18:25:28] is this good? [18:25:34] yeah that works too [18:25:53] How do I save it? [18:26:04] oh [18:26:05] I see! [18:26:21] u dont, this is just to test to see if u have the right selectors and stuff, u have to write it into common.css to save it [18:26:38] ah, okay, gotcha [18:26:51] well, it didn't do anything, but it also didn't disappear [18:27:41] go find #mw-content in the page, see whats stopping it from working [18:28:18] in what page - the inspect popup? [18:28:21] I don't see it [18:29:00] when I cmd+f it searches in 'filter styles', where nothing comes up when I type that in. I'm looking through manually but I don't see it [18:29:18] [1/2] do u know this button [18:29:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254141178757124188/image.png?ex=6678697d&is=667717fd&hm=4ee323ec8db12bd434fb38901275c2fd553efc6d8d96db16c4a6dbea168af306& [18:29:28] I know literally nothing [18:29:35] but I see it [18:29:36] click on it and hover over the page [18:29:48] thats how u find things on a page [18:30:21] ah, gotcha [18:30:46] [1/2] uhhhh - this is what it looks like when I hover over the page content [18:30:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254141548078043146/image.png?ex=667869d5&is=66771855&hm=394814c6f04808dbebf2cd7a23d7618f6166cd206e0d0b91215831f5d9719a8d& [18:31:06] [1/2] then this when I scroll down [18:31:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254141630978723900/image.png?ex=667869e9&is=66771869&hm=0bb7c164413c465d71bc2a2ca19b1edea5644155593a73a316c18675edaeeb59& [18:31:43] OH! [18:31:44] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254141792803225620/image.png?ex=66786a10&is=66771890&hm=176862d9180f6fd48e15264062056adaac62a860a46c2fadeb89759a9238e541& [18:31:47] I found it!! [18:31:51] well when u click down that thing is then focused in the inspector [18:32:57] [1/2] Okay, it's taken me here [18:32:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254142097615880254/image.png?ex=66786a58&is=667718d8&hm=e9c6af7ded279e085b2398133fb6030657485e44eb93a41fb45cdcab3af2aef5& [18:33:13] there is a 'colour' thingy, but changing it doesn't do anything [18:34:23] [1/2] (I've tried changing both) [18:34:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254142458804305990/image.png?ex=66786aaf&is=6677192f&hm=4d5e3882c895521df5a9ca0d899bf975cf9f037faf9c79bc37baa670e238c77a& [18:34:25] now u can scroll down and try to find ur background:grey and find whats causing it to not work [18:34:32] color is text color [18:34:50] ah, gotcha [18:35:17] [1/2] https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp [18:35:17] [2/2] i need to staple this to my forehead [18:35:42] hard to staple something to your [18:35:47] want me to? [18:35:56] yeah thanks [18:36:02] I was actually reading that earlier 😭 [18:36:09] read that harder!!!!! [18:36:10] still so confused, hence me coming back here [18:36:19] Sorry!! I shal try!!! [18:37:17] tbh i didnt have shit when i learned html and css myself, i was 9 and trying to put cute pics on pet site profile pages and all i knew was
was a magical word that made that happen [18:42:30] well, you've come so far since then! You know so much about this stuff!! [18:42:54] I, on the other hand, have read this entire thing more than twice and still haven't found "background:grey" [18:42:56] just gotta bumble around in inspect element more 👍 [18:43:50] just checking is the category called Testpage or TestPage [18:43:56] bc that might be ur problem [18:44:24] TestPage [18:44:28] Okay let me go to the office [18:44:31] I definitely typed in TestPage though [18:44:53] [1/2] well theres ur problem! [18:44:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254145103719825510/image.png?ex=66786d25&is=66771ba5&hm=9bf863685a6b8d39e1f9c1c6eb16227c25de5883b38bb745ea4312714f7e5f7c& [18:45:25] que [18:45:27] omg where is that [18:45:30] wait was that my bad [18:45:31] where did it goooo [18:45:33] from the screenshot u sent [18:45:38] oh [18:45:41] technical difficulties [18:45:48] I coulda sworn I typed in a capital P 😭 [18:45:51] sorry [18:46:10] 0 days without capitalization disaster [18:46:10] are you gaslighting yourself [18:46:29] when was the last one yesterday or day before [18:46:30] [1/2] this is a bit technical, but something you can also do is click the "Computed" tab and for example, scroll to see the actual computed style of background: [18:46:30] [2/2] you can then click the little arrow next to it to see what rule that style has come from [18:46:42] yesterday i think [18:46:44] i do this if im struggling to find the applied style in the styles tab [18:47:03] I have memory issues! [18:47:04] hmmmmmmmm [18:47:09] ong same!!!! [18:47:16] same!!!! [18:47:21] yooooo [18:47:25] dementia gaaang [18:47:34] wooohooo [18:47:40] yesterday i was banging my head against a wall trying to figure out why something wasnt working and turns out i types
[18:47:44] but in MW, css rules are pretty exact and if youre replacing a MW style you need to copy the rule p much exactly. its annoying and drives me crazy all the time LOL [18:47:48] HAHA [18:48:02] the css for phwiki is scary and i wrote all of it [18:48:16] https://phighting.wiki/wiki/MediaWiki:Timeless.css [18:48:21] OMG GUYS I FOUND IT AGAIN [18:48:25] MediaWiki! [18:48:30] [1/2] im writing a collection of snippets for cosmos and its. going [18:48:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254146011530788916/image.png?ex=66786dfe&is=66771c7e&hm=031a0b7d907adae8df582a967c5f17f99abdde72e36989adf8c4f068928e974a& [18:48:32] 🫡 😭 [18:48:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254146025099231403/image.png?ex=66786e01&is=66771c81&hm=471f788e56d35029406cc567520992fd6f3299cbeac84c4885c9a9cdfedb0ef7& [18:48:36] 1371 lines yooo [18:49:06] I changed the capitalisation! [18:49:08] god speed silly(vision? I never know what part of two word names to use) [18:49:15] silly is fine LOL [18:49:16] Do I hit save? [18:49:31] again, save does nothing, it should just show as grey on the page now [18:49:35] css moment [18:49:44] yesterday I decided to poke around HTML in sheezy.art and was surprised that `display: flex` doesn't work ... only to notice in an hour, after asking in discord, that typed `disapay` [18:49:50] LMAOOO [18:49:58] it does not! [18:50:01] 😭😭😭😭😭😭 [18:50:29] [1/2] hits my webpage why are you still red?? [18:50:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254146510816546868/image.png?ex=66786e75&is=66771cf5&hm=014886ed8abb077ee4094f96c5dc3cc0d858387f10eb0edfbda0dba1c5b3eb47& [18:50:30] [1/2] this is what i mean btw [18:50:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254146511684767904/Screenshot_20240622_195020_Chrome.png?ex=66786e75&is=66771cf5&hm=c80c1156c89abdde27b2e1f19d23cc81efe54249f3aa94bec3df250e8b898d4a& [18:51:34] these stories deserve their own mini [[WP:STOCKS]] [18:51:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:STOCKS [18:51:35] [18:51:54] did you purhe [18:52:06] [1/2] hm. i think. the problem might be mediawiki doesnt think this is js. it thinks this is JS. [18:52:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254146917391269959/image.png?ex=66786ed6&is=66771d56&hm=3bb0da80146b036a5a8745e166e0096cb388089b8cca549ddc015deed14b0850& [18:52:23] so the js hasnt been doing anything and the body doesnt have the cat-TestPage class to begin this [18:52:40] r u serious [18:52:45] link pleas [18:52:49] [1/2] the actual js page has this line of text to begin with [18:52:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254147100208267264/image.png?ex=66786f01&is=66771d81&hm=6a8b78c0f0ec15079ecf63a1e1261a2eb4fcec561148e526fe0580de580fe621& [18:52:53] Okay, I know I'm new at this, but I'm not that new [18:52:57] https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.JS [18:53:04] ag, sorry [18:53:06] ah fuck [18:53:15] no it's fine dw, I'm being lighthearted [18:53:30] okay, so, I rename the page? the JS to js? Will that fix it? [18:53:45] or copy paste the contents from JS to js [18:53:59] try moving yea [18:54:07] that may not change the content model though [18:54:09] its fine [18:54:16] theres a special page to do it [18:54:29] [[Special:ChangeContentModel]]? [18:54:29] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ChangeContentModel [18:54:29] okay, done! [18:54:30] [18:54:45] Try that and change to JavaScript [18:56:40] it says the current content model is javascript [18:56:49] huh [18:56:53] then should wokr [18:56:54] uh ohhh moving page shenanigans [18:57:04] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254148166870106143/image.png?ex=66786fff&is=66771e7f&hm=187cfa09d782153c865316b603f7e89543ea64917eae5202c082e4ca51b9eb8d& [18:57:28] wait are u doing that on meta [18:57:30] I moved the page then went back to my sandbox,purged again for good measure, and now I can't find the stylesheet again [18:57:38] just clicked ont he link Pix sent [18:58:03] [1/2] https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ChangeContentModel [18:58:03] [2/2] do it here [18:58:41] ah, gotcha, thanks [18:59:12] [1/2] on it, boss! [18:59:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254148705314144306/image.png?ex=66787080&is=66771f00&hm=02a066f26fb9297e9c7dc8f6d356fe3ff472fd8f5e33cd0ea25a49987db5dc45& [19:00:26] did it, now looking at the snadbox againa nd can't find the supid code [19:01:03] well things u do in inspect element dont stick around once u refresh or go to a different page [19:01:09] oh fuck [19:01:15] okay, I'll put the rule back in [19:01:25] it really is just a quick thing to see if something works before i save it to common.css [19:01:38] You could also use preview [19:01:55] previewing a css or js page loads it into the preview [19:02:13] muh bad [19:02:16] yeah but likkeeee for things that arent on the css or js page [19:02:37] sorry, I ma very stupid [19:04:47] [1/2] I would like to cry [19:04:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254150108639924415/image.png?ex=667871ce&is=6677204e&hm=82bd4566b920b63cd301e24cea01fa8c8cbe18612030db8f6e1ee43987b1acc4& [19:04:54] why. why is this still. red [19:05:26] I only just realied 'muh' is 'my'. I am still srupid [19:05:38] so am i [19:06:33] [1/2] genuinely unsure where ur putting the css in that it doesnt work [19:06:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254150553919819776/image.png?ex=66787239&is=667720b9&hm=3a7592b241eaebd758f37ceb561e99d610cc365f79c14273034d4a92f066022a& [19:06:37] why is this so ridiculously complicated. Why can't I just go to cosmos.css and type in "I want all pages with category X on them to have body content hex code Y, please and thank you" and then the little fairies in my computer can do it for me [19:06:48] omg it works for you? yayy [19:06:49] I am [19:06:50] I did this [19:07:04] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254150683964346378/image.png?ex=66787258&is=667720d8&hm=6664368c8a9def546f0d5136e910e56f2b0a143d2651f80c2a9e3f869fee2965& [19:07:09] what exactly do u do to put code in [19:07:21] do u press that plus on the top left ther [19:08:02] I did the lil clicky thing and I clicked on the bit that had the mw-content thingy popping up, and then I clicked new rule and copy and pasted (with changing to capital P), and then I went to style editor and clicked the style sheet with only one rule and copy-pasted again [19:08:05] yes [19:08:06] I did that [19:08:26] This just in new AI powered MediaWiki extension just dropped [19:09:12] shall I try screenrecording what I'm doing? [19:09:23] can u check the body and see if cat-TestPage is actually there [19:09:44] actually would be really funny [19:09:56] [1/2] scroll to the top and double click on this chunk [19:09:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254151404264882186/image.png?ex=66787303&is=66772183&hm=070e11bc734ffc12f8bf27f2aa3a7f6570fc3723cec5d4055b9e222feb158797& [19:10:13] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254151476717289503/image.png?ex=66787315&is=66772195&hm=bcc28fe083d11c6c4dc36e5772ef08d55093ffc16fdd24e5a20fc4da9d08e04e& [19:10:19] class="skin-cosmos-search-vue mediawiki ltr sitedir-ltr mw-hide-empty-elt ns-2 ns-subject mw-editable page-User_ThetaSigmaEarChef_sandbox rootpage-User_ThetaSigmaEarChef skin-cosmos action-view skin--responsive user-logged theme-dark webfonts-changed" [19:10:33] so, no, doesn't look like it [19:10:48] can I just type it in? Or is that cheating? [19:11:10] maybe add a console to the js to see if it’s loading at all [19:11:31] [1/2] I typed that in and this happened (: [19:11:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254151804946481273/image.png?ex=66787363&is=667721e3&hm=923d77abae86902c533607db9e874bd86ce5aa9cd9f6f21bead8b193cefa582b& [19:11:32] yayyyy!! [19:11:43] it is working bc its working for me [19:11:47] this is so mysterious [19:11:50] I think it is working!! [19:11:58] look! pretty!!! [19:12:10] well, actually kind of ufly, but I can just change it to another colour lol [19:12:25] now, if I put that category on another page, will that page turn grey? [19:12:37] or, if I put that code into commons.css, will it? [19:12:38] if u add the css rule to common.css yes [19:13:05] phew! [19:15:08] Thank you so much [19:15:20] i'm sorry that took so long 😭 [19:15:37] I am going to go have dinner, and then I'll put this into commons [19:16:27] dont worry bout it [19:45:24] [1/4] why isn't this working anymore, it worked last week [19:45:24] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254160329709977742/image.png?ex=66787b53&is=667729d3&hm=abba0775a31780b067b0ccf367fe0ea38158f0f78a40d24da91368ddd7929b75& [19:45:24] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254160330054176768/image.png?ex=66787b53&is=667729d3&hm=a9270f68d8c54c2823a8db246a56f129cc6fb355a683b73b4fd4f683e7c4578c& [19:45:25] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254160330301509642/image.png?ex=66787b53&is=667729d3&hm=8df817e559c81efab65288fa392dcb2778dca51c7d5651fe40ed9d137b860a06& [21:35:21] @MediaWiki Support Volunteers [22:29:58] [1/2] why I can't check this checkbox on core settings [22:29:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254201743651377233/image.png?ex=6678a1e5&is=66775065&hm=c5624cae2fe993e432ad7ad1aacb062f89bdab4336c83e3c84dc78ffa036d489& [22:30:17] bc it's a restricted setting, available upon request [22:30:23] :DoneMH: [22:30:52] hey do you know about the project namespace thing? [22:32:02] whats so special or destructive about changing `x.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_page` to `x.miraheze.org` [22:39:29] are there any known extensions that wikitide had that miraheze does not? [22:39:43] or vice versa o: [22:41:34] hm? [22:41:42] Good question [22:42:29] you could do a basic check using categories on mw.orh but [22:47:19] BlankEclair: looking into granting rights now [22:51:07] [1/2] mostly asking because i don't quite recall what all i had enabled before the merge, but i know i had extensions that i didn't previously have on miraheze, so i'm wondering if i lost any in the merge a:ThinkRevolve: [22:51:08] [2/2] mw.org? like mediawiki right? [22:56:39] yes, though i doubt we dont have any they did. which are they? [23:00:52] no clue, that's why i wondered if there was a master list! i haven't really engaged with my wiki at all pretty much since the merge was announced, so i have to get my bearings again ^^ [23:09:05] @pixldev this is what i meant. i created the page as Hall:Style and now I can only access it through the sitename [23:09:17] it's tallywiki in case you need it [23:53:00] our wiki is planning on coming here! [23:53:37] gonna file a phab thing for it [23:54:33] glad to here it:) if you need any help with anything do feel free to ask