[00:05:25] Congrats [00:08:22] You may find [https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Moving_a_wiki_to_Miraheze](this guide) useful [00:32:19] finally, this is :DoneMH: Done! [00:32:33] https://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:Log?logid=389 [00:33:46] ty [00:34:09] filed https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12243 [00:34:53] ooh thanks eclair [00:35:00] that was the fastest close i did lmao [00:37:50] dupes dont count [00:38:29] it's also the fastest close i've ever received [00:38:42] gotta love IRCs [00:44:43] thank you! [00:45:31] would you mind if i ask what kind of wiki it is? [02:07:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254256582892589116/image.png?ex=6678d4f8&is=66778378&hm=64b2f33916b1f61db41359147ac221ff6c82031a645cf7df79a12804110cf0fe& [02:07:54] Chat I did not cook.. [02:07:59] I didnt cook at all. [02:40:02] oh! there is this game called gimkit which has a fandom wiki. and fandom sucks, so we are creating a new gimkit wiki [02:40:06] fandom has too many ads [02:40:07] boo [02:43:56] hahaha, dont worry [02:45:26] Won't find that here, and im sure you'll plenty more reasons to prefer us. Joking aside hope you enjoy your stay(and per ethical obligations i will say fandom has its advantages and issues, more of the latter but hey) [03:00:32] i wonder if there's anyone here who DOESN'T hate fandom [03:02:20] eh hate is a strong word [03:02:38] the community there is cool, its support is actually great if you dont wanna leave [03:02:45] the execs are my issue [03:03:30] I know of one person in this server who is SOAP(fandom volunteer CVT) and discord mod. They are actually awesome from my interactions with them. [03:03:46] huh nice [03:04:26] I tried to get one of their fandom global anti vandal tools working locally to maybe use on miraheze [03:04:43] the libraries stuff would NOT cooperate 😭 [03:04:52] i spent far longer then I care to admit trying [03:05:05] pretty sure part of it may be WMF related [03:05:58] as a rule of thumb if one can blame the WMF one should (this is a joke) [03:19:43] [[phorge:T12200]] hits me every time >.> [03:19:43] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phorge:T12200 [03:23:40] [[phorge:T12200]] [03:23:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phorge:T12200 [03:23:41] [03:24:11] _stares blankly_ [03:24:19] thank you ManageWiki [03:24:21] very nice [03:24:42] im going back to playing miraheze minecraft and listening to the crane wives covers [03:26:05] how masochistic should i be in order to set up managewiki locally [03:26:34] Very [03:26:41] Luckily we have fellow masochists [03:26:56] Waki has a docker [03:27:03] collei has a repositor [03:27:06] oh that'd be very convenient [03:27:08] OA has a guide [03:27:14] let me find it [03:27:34] how stupid would it be of an idea for me to figure it out on my own [03:28:08] quite but it would be funny [03:28:29] if you play minecraft id give you a glass of beer in game once we add brewery lmao [03:28:40] i don't but lmao [03:29:13] and it appears that i already have issues with finding where it's loaded [03:32:08] good start [03:35:23] yep! we cant wait to move here! [03:35:39] thank you so much not being like wiki.gg staff who shut us down [03:37:05] haha, no worries? [03:37:33] We offer different products with different systems so. Have you already made your wiki request? [03:37:52] our wiki leader meep [03:37:59] is going to send a request soon [03:38:03] he told us not to [03:38:04] he will [03:38:05] sure thing [03:38:09] makes sense [03:38:22] since the requester is automatically granted rights [03:38:35] and if we sent a request [03:38:39] and he didnt know [03:38:44] that would be spamming [03:40:15] fair [03:40:35] wiki.gg shut us down after months of work [03:40:38] I am a Wiki Creator myself, seeing more then one request for a wiki would be worth flagging and discussing [03:40:49] Oof, sorry to hear that mate. [03:40:50] someone in the editing team failed a class cuz of our wiki and it got shut down [03:40:59] i hate wiki.gg forthat [03:41:10] ye [03:41:12] Oh dear? [03:41:17] wait they shut it down because someone failed a class? [03:41:22] yeah which is why we cant wait to move here [03:41:27] no [03:41:39] the old wiki woudnt fork with us [03:41:44] so they shut it down [03:41:47] months of work [03:41:58] i hope they provided backups [03:42:09] idk if they did [03:42:10] Eh, they have a policy and system. As much as I hate to say it can't be too mad. If it's written down. The logic is there [03:42:14] chave to check with meep [03:42:16] I have personally never used wiki.gg [03:42:34] ill have to see if meep has a backup [03:42:39] I have spoken with some of their staff and they were nice enough. [03:42:43] hen we can bring back our old wiki [03:43:11] i will be very mad on your behalf if they didn't provide any dumps [03:43:44] fr [03:43:54] i would sue (real) [03:44:10] We already had our daily wiki law suit nonsense lol [03:44:17] What was the wiki.gg URL? [03:44:24] gimkit.wiki.gg [03:44:25] glad that miraheze requires themselves to provide a dump in their TOS [03:44:27] long shot but I can check archive.org [03:44:30] you cant access it anymore [03:44:31] though i'm not sure how to interpret the "or" in it [03:44:36] it needs a passowrd [03:44:43] which has been taken away from us [03:45:07] nope [03:45:34] interesting [03:45:42] HTTP basic auth for some reason [03:45:42] Anyways best of luck on your request [03:45:53] and best of luck on getting your data back! [03:45:56] depending on when you submit I may review myself [03:46:03] [this_tbh](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/720821722684588082.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=this_tbh) [03:46:32] thank you [03:46:34] glad to know that custom emojis are bridged correctly [03:46:38] we made a logo for our wiki [03:46:50] [1/2] hows it? [03:46:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254281487348662272/gimkit_wiki_logo_6.png?ex=6678ec2a&is=66779aaa&hm=a857483c6524c3bb35151c069b987fecb52ad75e882c57680eaea62c0ebf898b& [03:46:51] If you'd like to forward also, we have resources on writing requests to hopefully shorten the process of back and forth more detail [03:46:57] like it [03:47:00] thanks! [03:47:13] that was actually an image URL for an emojo on another server [03:47:17] since i dont have nitro [03:47:19] anymore [03:47:21] :GimkitWiki: [03:47:25] oh [03:47:34] :DoneMH: [03:47:36] thats a local [03:47:56] is there an onboarding server when wwe get our sumbition accpeted? [03:47:59] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Guide_to_writing_wiki_requests [03:48:13] Pardon? [03:48:50] May I request elaboration? [03:48:58] wiki,gg had an onboarding server [03:49:10] where you talked with devs for help and stuff [03:49:14] for your wiki [03:49:55] Hm. Well, Miraheze has no paid staff, so we don't work quite as they do, we also host far too many wikis to onboard each one. [03:50:10] We have some guides on meta, but your best bet is this channel right here [03:50:48] k [03:50:49] this server doubles as community(ie #announcements, #offtopic) and a support center( #support and here) [03:50:55] k [03:51:06] Most of our volunteers, who you can see in the member list, are also her [03:51:15] And plenty of knowledgeable users [03:51:39] (my advice would be not to give someone less weigth for not having a different color name, btw) [03:51:43] so just ask here [03:51:58] what color name do i have i wonder [03:52:02] I'd recommend sending the invite to this place to your wiki chat so everyone knows [03:52:14] You are talking via MirahezeRelay [03:52:17] which is a bot [03:52:19] so orange [03:52:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254282931728547850/cRQT36k.png?ex=6678ed82&is=66779c02&hm=69ee15caf3b514dab483ad27f3f39cec2981c3e66d7a51f6205a9f64abbfc7ed& [03:53:37] i see me [03:53:51] discord mod(me) has gone from blue to purple and back lmao [03:54:00] ellie camero [03:54:49] anyways @hiidkhonestly have a good day night period of existing [03:55:14] if you or anyone else from your wiki have any questions feel free to ping me [03:58:20] It is not midnight here what are you talking about [03:58:28] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254284417250234378/x0PSh22.png?ex=6678eee4&is=66779d64&hm=278126b9d0722463615ab31282790ba604d54676a6a92be9b6b23eb29c916116& [04:00:31] I wonder what normal people who don't volunteer for wiki farms and listen to small local artists on YT on repeat do at this time of ngiht [04:00:34] sorry morning [04:01:19] sleep probaly. ill do that now [04:01:25] dev work resumes later [04:01:27] ℒ️ [04:01:35] ni- morning all [04:20:15] update on trying to understand how managewiki is loaded: i gave up trying to find the entrypoint, and instead worked backwards by looking for $wgManageWikiNamespacesAdditional (great technique for finding out where stuff is, especially in a big codebase) [04:20:44] i was brought to a function called onCreateWikiJsonBuilder, and then it hit me: does managewiki dump its stuff in a .json file? [04:21:20] i searched for .json in miraheze/mw-config and found initialise/MirahezeFunctions.php using ".json" like 10 times (haven't read the code yet) [04:22:03] so my mental model shifted from "managewiki loads on every page and sets globals based on settings" to "managewiki loads only on its special pages and dumps settings into a json file every save, and MirahezeFunctions.php sets globals based on the json file" [04:22:15] anyway time to read the code to actually understand what it does [04:49:56] That's pretty close. The settings are stored in the database, but are cached in a JSON file on the mw app servers, which allows for the settings to be loaded quickly with less server load. When the JSON is loaded, the timestamp in the file is checked against a second global cache to see if the file needs to be updated. [05:32:59] i can't believe i actually got this to load: https://files.catbox.moe/t2rhgi.png [05:34:25] interestingly, in the cache file for ManageWiki, `.namespaces.Project.additional.wgMetaNamespace` is "Testing" (value i set it to), but `.settings.wgMetaNamespace` is "$wgConf_test" (the sitename) [06:06:55] They sleep [06:27:08] gg i figured out the bug: https://github.com/miraheze/ManageWiki/pull/471 [07:09:33] that's so weird man [07:10:32] re wiki.gg [07:48:44] [1/2] Is there a way to have the place numbers automatically update rather than me manually changing them every time a new score is added/a score getting updated? [07:48:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254342364248674364/image0.png?ex=667924dc&is=6677d35c&hm=ac8fd1ec28760ffa037775401ecbbbf475f44eb28cc065a8c79bc480b803a96a& [08:24:23] Yes [08:24:35] which message are you replying to [08:24:55] The bit about manage wiki and json but i see void already answered heh [08:25:42] Although most of the work is done by createwiki and MirahezeFunctions, all ManageWiki really does is save to the database [08:28:14] yeah, it wasn't /too/ hard to set up a barely-functioning instance of mw [08:28:40] after setting it up, i put debug prints all over it until i had a realization [08:28:54] (and by debug prints i meant just throwing an exception, it works well enough for me) [08:29:07] Gotta get xdebug [08:29:15] maybe i will some day [09:12:13] it feels like its a lua thing to change placements based on the number of scores [09:17:19] some combo of [[mw:Extension:Variables]] and [[mw:Extension:Loops]] to make the rows and something like (this template)[https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Template:Ordinal] to do the numbers with th at the end [09:17:19] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Variables https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Loops [09:17:20] [1/2] [09:17:20] [2/2] [09:19:53] hm. did i remember wrong how to do link markup. whatever [09:20:24] something like this basically [09:23:34] So many brackets... [09:24:54] i can try to write something for u if u want this sounds fun :nomChocoStrawberry: [09:26:27] Yes please, this is too unfamiliar for me to attempt [09:34:33] [1/7] hiyooo I'm back againnn [09:34:33] [2/7] I thought I was doing so well - I've got a tag-specific colour scheme down for nearly the whole page now! - but I can't figure out how to change this thing. I've realised that I can change it sitewide by using the 'styling' section of the additional settings, but I have other things (like background colour of content) set using styling the same way, and I'm still able to set a [09:34:34] [3/7] page-specific colour for that. So, I thought it would still be possible to set one for this, too. But when I'm inspecting, it's not a section that I can click on/that lights up when I hover over it? It's the red bit under the footer, tbc. [09:34:34] [4/7] my other problem is that I can't find the class(?) for the red bit around the image. When I hover over it in inspect, it highlights the whole cosmos-header. I've tried using that and it doesn't work to change that red bit. I've scrolled down through the HTML thing in inspect, and I've found when I click on ".cosmos-header__wordmark", it lights up yellow? But I've tried using t [09:34:34] [5/7] hat too and the colour still isn't changing 😭 [09:34:35] [6/7] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254368993247105076/image.png?ex=66793da9&is=6677ec29&hm=297a3b7d106107049fe24c1c54d36358f873d325f35b0934fda6e8d058d44a4d& [09:34:35] [7/7] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254368993540571166/image.png?ex=66793da9&is=6677ec29&hm=244bb7fe719fd6602d5cf81bb6a05a43ab75724668082e0f596dd8db3a84d005& [09:38:23] uh, what do you want to do? [09:38:36] change the colour [09:38:42] of? [09:38:50] that's what I've been doing with the rest of the page - I want the thing behind the image to match [09:39:01] the red bits in the two screenshots I sent [09:39:11] (though if the first one is unchangeable, I can live with that) [09:42:06] re wordmark: the yellow part is the margin; you probably need to remove the margins and readd it as padding instead [09:42:28] (in firefox, yellow = margin, purple = padding, and blue = actual content) [09:42:50] Ah, okay, thanks! I'll try and figure out how to do that! [09:43:33] figured the wordmark part out: `.cosmos-header__wordmark { margin: 0; padding: 20px 0 20px 20px; background-color: purple; }` (replace purple with whatever color you want) [09:43:49] thank you so much!!! [09:43:52] yw [09:44:42] as for the color under the footer, i think that's done with `body { background: purple; }` [09:47:45] ooh, thank you!!! [09:47:51] yw again ^_^ [09:51:46] Both working!!!! Yayyy!!!! [09:52:59] nice! [10:15:59] [1/2] How do I add alt text to images? [10:15:59] [2/2] Currently scrapping the barrel for ways to improve the wiki's seo [10:16:44] |alt= i think [10:16:48] ^ [10:16:59] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images#Syntax [10:18:18] Can I apply alt to the image's page, or does it have to be on the page that the image is used? [10:18:51] page where it's used only afaik [10:19:29] [1/2] Oh boi [10:19:30] [2/2] Pages are about to get a whole lot chonky [10:19:39] Thanks πŸ‘ [10:20:36] meanwhile google indexed only 190 pages from our wiki as of 14 may 2024 lol [10:21:00] Do we have structured image data yet [10:24:00] That looks to come from https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikibaseMediaInfo [10:24:11] Sadly requires WikiBase [10:29:41] Does the amount of pages a wiki have affecr seo? [10:30:01] SEO is a confusing messy black hole [10:31:39] Yea πŸ˜” [10:32:31] [1/2] I really hope it's not a factor, or at least has little contribution [10:32:31] [2/2] It would require a whole restructuring of my wiki 😭 [10:32:38] [1/4] argh, damnit, the background thing isn't letting me specify that it should only apply to pages within a category. Why doesn't it like this: [10:32:39] [2/4] .cat-DoctorWhoDeca body { [10:32:39] [3/4] background: #101a34; [10:32:39] [4/4] } [10:33:45] idk if this helps, but ik some people who run a big wiki that split from a fandom wiki, and they said that the new wiki rises higher in the serach rankings the more different the pages are from the old wiki, so, I think it's more about different content, maybe? [10:34:08] which means that more content would probably help, but again, idk for sure [10:34:28] [1/36] @ghaztliousmoths [10:34:29] [2/36] make ordinal template: (have to turn on $wgPFEnableStringFunctions in managewiki settings) [10:34:29] [3/36] ``` [10:34:29] [4/36] {{{1}}}{{#switch:{{#sub:{{{1|1}}}|-1}}|0=th|1={{#ifeq:{{#sub:{{{1|1}}}|-2}}|11|th|st}}|2={{#ifeq:{{#sub:{{{1|1}}}|-2}}|12|th|nd}}|3={{#ifeq:{{#sub:{{{1|1}}}|-2}}|13|th|rd}}|4=th|5=th|6=th|7=th|8=th|9=th}} [10:34:29] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b1 [10:34:30] [5/36] ``` [10:34:30] [6/36] leaderboard template: [10:34:30] [7/36] ``` [10:34:31] [8/36] {| [10:34:31] [9/36] !Place [10:34:31] [10/36] !Player [10:34:31] [11/36] !Bunny used [10:34:32] [12/36] !Score [10:34:32] [13/36] !Date [10:34:33] [14/36] |- [10:34:33] [15/36] {{#vardefine: i|1}} [10:34:33] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23vardefine:Template:_i [10:34:34] [16/36] {{#while: [10:34:34] [17/36] | {{{ {{#var:i}} |}}} [10:34:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%7b_%7b%7b%23var:Template:i [10:34:35] [18/36] | [10:34:35] [19/36] {{!}} {{ordinal|{{#var:i}} }} [10:34:35] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [10:34:36] [20/36] {{!}} {{{ {{#var:i}} |}}} [10:34:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [10:34:36] [21/36] {{!}} [[Bunnies#{{{ {{#expr: {{#var:i}} + 1}} |}}}]] [[File:{{{ {{#expr: {{#var:i}} + 1}} |}}} icon.png|30px|link=Bunnies#{{{ {{#expr: {{#var:i}} + 1}} |}}}]] [10:34:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Bunnies#%7b%7b%7b_%7b%7b#expr:_%7b%7b#var:i%7d%7d_%2b_1%7d%7d_ https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:%7b%7b%7b_%7b%7b#expr:_%7b%7b#var:i%7d%7d_%2b_1%7d%7d_https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Bunnies#%7b%7b%7b_%7b%7b#expr:_%7b%7b#var:i%7d%7d_%2b_1%7d%7d_ https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:%7b%7b%7b_%7b%7b#expr:_%7b%7b#var:i%7d%7d_%2b_1%7d%7d_ [10:34:37] [22/36] {{!}} {{{ {{#expr: {{#var:i}} + 2}} |}}} [10:34:37] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [10:34:37] [23/36] {{!}} {{{ {{#expr: {{#var:i}} + 3}} |}}} [10:34:37] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [10:34:38] [24/36] {{!}}- [10:34:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [10:34:38] [25/36] {{#vardefine:i|{{#expr: {{#var:i}} + 4}} }} [10:34:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23vardefine:Template:i [10:34:39] [26/36] }} [10:34:39] [27/36] |} [10:34:40] [28/36] ``` [10:34:40] [29/36] using the template on the page: [10:34:41] [30/36] ``` [10:34:41] [31/36] {{bunrunleaderboard [10:34:42] [32/36] |name 1|bunnyname|100000|1st Jan 2024 [10:34:42] [33/36] |name 2|bunnyname|90000|1st Jan 2024 [10:34:43] [34/36] |name 3 (and so on) [10:34:43] [35/36] }} [10:34:44] [36/36] ``` [10:34:48] well that was fun [10:35:31] [1/2] Thanks! [10:35:32] [2/2] I'll get it set up! [10:35:53] mx.lilasekhmet: what do you want it to do? only apply the background on https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:DoctorWhoDeca? [10:36:07] yeah, exactly [10:36:28] change the selector to `body.page-Category_DoctorWhoDeca` [10:36:29] .cat-DoctorWhoDeca is the body, just set the bg color for that [10:36:39] ohhh [10:36:51] Thanks sm!! [10:37:44] It's working!! Woohoo! I think that means I'm finished! Just gotta pick some colours and repeat it all with the new colours for the other section tags! [10:42:10] [1/2] Hi everyone. I just finished importing all of the pages from my ShoutWiki-hosted wiki over to a new wiki on Miraheze. Everything seems to be working fine, except for the fact that Special:Statistics says that there are only 2 content pages, when in reality thousands have been imported. How can I fix this? [10:42:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254386010041749534/image.png?ex=66794d82&is=6677fc02&hm=3073a7a425c4370173b84fb9de29652ebd54adb61a67cb3d112b2a238fdd4561& [10:42:45] Is this the expected outcome for the 1st template? [10:42:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254386180078833674/Screenshot_20240623_114208_Chrome.png?ex=66794daa&is=6677fc2a&hm=3209230f31aa26ccccdc1e3a04b185c6b66fd4089d52dbc9fe9cf6ee9a44dcaa& [10:43:12] yeah this template just adds st or nd or rd or th after the number [10:48:51] Hello, everyone. I want to set a protection level (bureaucrat edit only). What should I do? [10:49:35] request it on phorge [10:50:26] Thank you very much [10:50:50] konta1991: i believe the counter for content pages was not updated after the import. you can either ask for it (more specifically, requesting initSiteStats.php be run) on phorge, or you can wait next calendar month for that script to be run automatically [10:51:11] anyone wish to break a tie? https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Requests_for_Comment/Global_groups_reform#Proposal_4.2:_Naming_For_Proposal_4.1 [10:51:29] Okay. It's not that important, so I can wait until next month. Thanks! [10:51:38] yw ^_^ [10:52:06] I would but I'm actually so undecided about which one I like more [10:52:12] lmao same [10:52:31] technically Technician would win since mechanic has a "weak support" [10:52:34] My opposition to Technician is that it abbreviates to WT [10:52:37] lmao same x3 [10:53:33] yeah... that is a good point [10:53:53] Yeah, if we didn't use so many abbreviations, I'd think it's not that big of a deal [10:53:55] But we definitely do [10:54:15] [1/3] This is the outcome, the link doesn't change to the Bunnies' name [10:54:15] [2/3] And I'm struggling to figure out how to place it inside a table [10:54:15] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254389047397449770/Screenshot_20240623_115146_Chrome.png?ex=66795056&is=6677fed6&hm=3b871bb2cd9d73580a5313914ffd03531d7204e56cb59a26550cb9c1efceacc6& [10:55:23] ah brainfart moment one sec [11:03:47] augh why is not work two secs [11:13:25] [1/2] ok its fixed it should work now [11:13:25] [2/2] this is intended to just replace the entire table, put the styling of the original table on this one [14:08:15] i have a question [14:08:26] is there any way around having to import modules like infobox etc? [14:09:35] From where [14:09:55] wikipedia for example [14:10:05] NO [14:10:11] *coughI [14:10:19] Sorry, what I mean is [14:10:26] Importing from Wikipedia is very [14:10:27] Very [14:10:29] Messy [14:10:37] Highly recommend avoiding for your own sake [14:11:01] We do have infobox based on [[dev:Template:Infobox]] for example [14:11:01] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev:Template:Infobox [14:11:02] [14:11:51] but is there any way around having to make all of the modules yourself [14:12:36] see also: [[Infoboxes]] [14:12:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes [14:13:16] if you are masochistic enough though, you probably could use [[w:Special:Export]] to export the template (and enable the box that says something like export templates), then import that into your wiki [14:13:16] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Export [14:14:44] thanks [14:34:47] [1/4] Anyone know if there's a reason Google has indexed so many fewer sites from my wiki than Bing or Yandex? All three have the site map using WikiSEO. [14:34:47] [2/4] Google has indexed 564 pages [14:34:47] [3/4] Bing has indexed 2000 pages [14:34:48] [4/4] Yandex has indexed 962 pages. [14:48:57] [1/2] I tried ig [14:48:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254448112714514432/image0.png?ex=66798758&is=667835d8&hm=56c3c3b4210bcf6fa2f28fb38af04fa6d9a07c6a4d8fb18529d1f0875499a860& [15:09:12] short answer: google is an ass [15:10:06] there was a google documentation leak recently which pretty much confirmed how site prioritisation (doesn't) work [15:11:14] [1/2] it took 3 months for my first wiki, back in 2021, to get indexed by google w/ registered search console [15:11:14] [2/2] meanwhile Bing indexed everything on first week w/o me doing anything [15:13:09] Who is owner of Miraheze [15:13:43] interesting question [15:13:52] Does he/she have a discord [15:14:19] well, Miraheze is operated by WikiTide foundation, a 501 charity organisation [15:14:49] its board (of directors) hang in this discord [15:15:02] that's I'm talking about wiki hosting [15:15:21] if you're looking for specific wiki admin you need to specify [15:16:21] more information can be found on [[meta]] wiki [15:16:21] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/meta [15:16:22] [15:17:27] note it has nothing to do w/ Meta aka company behind Faacebook etc [15:17:47] the word existed long before its branding [15:19:11] k [15:27:18] @orduin or @.labster sorry for the ping i want to ask a question about your website about a wiki that i want to make for myself i want to ask can i dm u my question [15:38:39] @Stewards sorry for the ping i just want to ask a question [15:45:55] No need to ping stewards to ask a question [15:45:57] Just ask [15:46:03] Unless it's private [15:47:19] [1/2] this is currently our wikki logo. we wont change it until we come up with something even better. what should we change? [15:47:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254462802198794363/gimkit_wiki_logo_6.png?ex=66799506&is=66784386&hm=f8c17582e22b1d4bc2d31855208ec0711af02725619f0f1aa7c5f8f3cbf7eb32& [15:54:15] What's the point to change? [15:54:33] idk, seems ok [16:01:00] depends [16:01:04] what is it about [16:01:17] and whats the style of the wiki [16:01:25] primary colors, font, etc [16:22:12] gimkit [16:22:16] ehh [16:22:17] idk [16:22:40] [1/4] colors [16:22:40] [2/4] purple, blue [16:22:40] [3/4] fonts [16:22:41] [4/4] fugaz one [16:49:53] @canyada thanks for updating the template again πŸ‘ [16:52:27] [1/2] Only small issue is that the Bunny Used text doesn't display properly on mobile [16:52:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254479194260242442/Screenshot_20240623_175122_Chrome.png?ex=6679a44b&is=667852cb&hm=40ac28f6c39a5544458d716ea6a961fc3f06a9b4c2c7123245857c50180a5e53& [17:03:01] style that header cell to be like width=120px [17:09:34] [1/2] There's no changes [17:09:34] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254483499952377876/Screenshot_20240623_180915_Chrome.png?ex=6679a84d&is=667856cd&hm=46d03d7680ad1945b1e9af37cd1e1a0160e4b279e33ec8a1f7d07e3bfbcc4061& [17:11:41] hmmm try `white-space:nowrap`? [17:14:05] [1/7] also if u still want 1st 2nd 3rd to have their own colors u can give the table on the template page a class like "leaderboardtable" and then do [17:14:05] [2/7] ``` [17:14:05] [3/7] .leaderboardtable tr:nth-child(1) td { [17:14:05] [4/7] background-color:etc [17:14:06] [5/7] } [17:14:06] [6/7] ``` [17:14:06] [7/7] (repeat with tr:nth-child(2) and (3) to do the 2nd and 3rd row) [17:18:29] That worked πŸ‘ [17:19:22] hello [17:19:39] Where would I place this on the template page? Above the code? [17:19:54] this code? in common.css [17:20:52] giving the table a class? the same way for wikitable and sortable like `class="wikitable sortable leaderboardtable"` [17:20:59] Ah oki [17:22:40] [1/2] Oh damn [17:22:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254486797057265738/Screenshot_20240623_182152_Chrome.png?ex=6679ab5f&is=667859df&hm=dfcbbe5e78e66f27c7cb21a853383515593a90e26e342e810c0c6f7c2d09d6a4& [17:31:33] [1/2] can we make sidebars like this in mira? [17:31:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254489033074147469/image.png?ex=6679ad74&is=66785bf4&hm=764ce298f2db50b6fb7da21e2a684358732b3df724825562ff0e6a8ca029a3b7& [17:31:42] yup [17:31:50] w/ CSS/JS [17:32:24] k [17:32:44] k [17:33:06] Fancy [17:34:21] ah hell brainfart again apparently the table sorting js entirely reshuffles the table when u sort it and its not just visually sorting it 😩 one sec ill edit the template w something that works works (hopefully) [17:34:38] Oki [17:38:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254490877846618122/literally_us.png?ex=6679af2c&is=66785dac&hm=d4cd73ceab41e9be16e6836b3a61e61d366e112d1ced920a6848a4547c4313d6& [17:41:29] please don't cross post, offtopic was enough [17:44:39] k [18:51:35] Are wikitables margins, padding, or actual content? Because I can't change my wikitable's bg colour 😭 [18:52:24] Wikitables are their own thing [18:53:10] What have you tried? [18:54:04] [1/5] I've tried it just like with the normal content type thing, like [18:54:04] [2/5] .cat-DecaFandom .wikitable { [18:54:05] [3/5] background-color: #321125; [18:54:05] [4/5] } [18:54:05] [5/5] And also with the padding, like [18:54:06] [1/3] .cat-DecaFandom .wikitable { [18:54:06] [2/3] margin: 0; padding: 20px 0 20px 20px; background-color: #321125; [18:54:06] [3/3] } [18:54:52] [1/8] and I just tried this: [18:54:53] [2/8] .cat-DecaFandom .wikitable { [18:54:53] [3/8] background-color:#321125; [18:54:53] [4/8] color:#222; [18:54:54] [5/8] margin:1em 0; [18:54:54] [6/8] border:1px solid #aaa; [18:54:54] [7/8] border-collapse:collapse [18:54:54] [8/8] } [18:56:20] for table cell padding u need to specify the cell, like `.wikitable td` [18:56:35] ah, thank you [18:57:10] setting the background for the whole table should just work, .wikitable doesnt have backgrounds on each cell that would override it [18:57:56] [1/5] idk why it didn't - just tried this: [18:57:57] [2/5] .cat-DecaFandom .wikitable td { [18:57:57] [3/5] background-color:#321125; [18:57:57] [4/5] } [18:57:57] [5/5] And that's not doing anything either. [18:58:00] but if it doesnt just also specify it under the td and th [18:58:02] (tbc, the category is already on the page) [18:58:07] what page [18:58:16] ooh, th worked! [18:58:35] https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/The_Deca_fandom this oe [18:58:56] don't midn the weird colouring, I forgot to chage one of the hexes and haven't changed it yet [19:03:32] [1/11] oh yeah u probably dont want to set the background color for each thing in the header individually, u can set the background for the whole header in one go with [19:03:32] [2/11] ``` [19:03:32] [3/11] .cosmos-header::before { [19:03:32] [4/11] display:none; [19:03:33] [5/11] } [19:03:33] [6/11] .cosmos-header { [19:03:33] [7/11] background-color: [19:03:34] [8/11] } [19:03:34] [9/11] (and then remove the individual background color settings for everything in the header) [19:03:34] [10/11] ``` [19:03:35] [11/11] cosmos has a ::before on the header thats a gradient left to right from opaque header color to transparent for if the header uses a header image, but its still there even if theres no header image [19:04:29] oh damn, I feel stupid now for all that extra work rip. Thank you so much, I'll change that now! [19:08:08] Do I eed to do anything to that first part? nothing's happening [19:10:03] if u havent unset the background colors from the individual things in the header those are still going to cover it [19:10:13] ah, right, gotcha [19:10:32] d'you know what's wrong with the wikitable? [19:12:17] either cosmos or miaheze (probably cosmos) has a really overly specific rule that hard sets the color of each cell, override it with `.cat-etc #mw-content .wikitable td` [19:12:25] (the #mw-content needs to be there) [19:14:08] That works!! The header thing still doesn't, but if it's too complicated then I'm find just setting the colours for the bits of the header individually [19:14:33] [1/2] i would imagine the same thing works for header? [19:14:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254514954896146482/image.png?ex=6679c599&is=66787419&hm=9b3fd289636b0162c085fef741eb9a14d2f9d5380c3b2a3a7d61e36e44fd2476& [19:15:52] ah, with the mw-content? I'll try adding that, thanks! [19:16:37] most things on cosmos can be overidden with #mw-content in front of the thing [19:17:12] [1/7] Like this? [19:17:12] [2/7] #mw-content .cosmos-header::before { [19:17:13] [3/7] display:none; [19:17:13] [4/7] } [19:17:13] [5/7] #mw-content .cosmos-header { [19:17:14] [6/7] background-color:944275; [19:17:14] [7/7] } [19:17:17] that's not workin [19:17:23] did I put it in the wrong place? [19:17:40] oh u mean that header [19:17:49] what header did you mean? [19:17:55] table header lol [19:17:59] ohhh [19:18:10] nah, the td thing worked for that! [19:18:32] everything else is working; thak you so much!!! [19:19:14] [1/2] i would imagine its bc this is still overriding it with brown? [19:19:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1254516135651446876/image.png?ex=6679c6b2&is=66787532&hm=006f54a1f0c9dec53eb2cc1c0e1e09f8570a646978227a1ae8089626c7f1be31& [19:20:15] the wordmark bit is actually working fine now though [19:21:04] https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/The_Deca_fandom It's perfect!!! [19:21:16] thak you so much for your help - again! You're my guardian angel [19:36:46] Btw just for future reference, wikitables are HTML elements and styling
s is a bit wonky sometimes [20:10:44] Does anybody know how to transclude other miraheze wiki pages onto meta [20:11:24] trying to do smth with my header and i don’t necessarily want to put the full link to the wiki im trying to link [20:19:46] [[m:Page]]? [20:19:46] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Page [20:19:47] [20:20:05] like that but [20:20:33] im trying to incorporate the links to my userpages from other wikis onto my meta header [20:20:56] without just doing a [ link.com Wiki ] thing [20:22:44] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/515253664860995604/1254531075397652560/KPGwN6G.png?ex=6679d49c&is=6678831c&hm=4b71355bc7c308a25e869ed88f8e27026361430ce517dd60f0337c873ec8a1e0& [20:22:51] I feel you guys will appreciate this meme [20:24:16] lmao [20:24:23] byt keep memes in #offtopic prob [23:00:56] the school app thing? [23:15:16] Is it best practice with wikiSEO to write a description for every page? [23:36:29] yes [23:36:41] but us gimkitters dont think of it as a skool thing [23:37:23] we do speedrunning on gimkit [23:37:27] i would send a link [23:37:31] but it wont let me [23:41:13] Posting links is restricted to verified wiki users; you can verify your account in #verify [23:43:50] k [23:44:31] ok done [23:44:32] https://www.speedrun.com/series/Gimkit [23:50:59] Hello there! [23:54:03] Oh- fancy gold [23:56:51] yellow role gang [23:59:20] I still haven’t donated πŸ˜”