[00:09:48] so it seems like timedmediahandler/videojs just reads .webm files as audio files and i cant figure out why [01:19:07] i dont think anyone knows what a webm is, of course its gonna suck on mediawiki [01:23:35] Yeah I also don't know what a webm is [01:23:40] Heard of it somewhere though [01:25:57] [1/2] search no longer works [01:25:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255695583616700496/image.png?ex=667e1124&is=667cbfa4&hm=c7f9230cd1df615f54d23823a5b8cb1894ef137b39168b7f8daa772635814005& [01:26:29] honestly i don't know how much longer we can deal with all these issues šŸ˜¬ [01:26:52] Can you please send a link to your wiki? [01:26:57] https://wiki.minigamemadness.net/ [01:27:38] Yeah I can reproduce this issue and going to Special:Search had an error [01:27:51] @MediaWiki Specialists see above [01:32:10] `An error has occurred while searching: We could not complete your search due to a temporary problem. Please try again later.` [01:42:23] Have you made any recent changes to the wiki that could be related? Apologies for the issue ^^, we'll try to resolve the issue as soon as our volunteers are available [01:43:33] No nothing unique has been done that could lead to this, as far as I know [01:43:52] and it seems that @elliemoe has the same issue over there [01:44:04] so it might be a global miraheze issue, idk [01:44:30] Let me try on Meta [01:45:11] [1/2] hm [01:45:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255700425756250173/kQdxpOw.png?ex=667e15a7&is=667cc427&hm=59201d5b91d5cb8afa22dd5dc025563042def838c5ef08d956696b26ce3eac51& [01:47:01] seems to just be on that wiki then [01:47:15] my wiki works normally as well [01:47:34] oh I thought that error you shared was personal issue [01:48:35] I'll do some quick investigation of your wiki logs just in casw [01:48:42] I can't look closer since I don [01:49:30] When did this start? [01:49:38] it worked earlier today [01:49:50] stuff just keeps suddenly breaking on this platform [01:50:21] only content pages have been changed since then, no settings or whatever [01:51:40] I wouldn't say too often but a donation powered volunteer-run farm is going to be volatile I'm afraid. The wiki does use Cirrussearch which may be relate but I can't be sure [01:52:50] well in only a week editing my main page has been broken and still remains unfixed, images broke yesterday, now search has broken [01:53:09] if it's like one of those issues a month, that could be okay-ish [01:53:26] but yeah it's free I get that [01:53:50] Odd. Do you enable a lot of amount of extensions like Cirrussearch/less common and restricted ones? [01:54:04] This isn't accusing I just want to understand what may be the cause [01:54:24] I haven't changed any extensions, or changed any settings, since search broke [01:54:37] Prior to that I mean [01:54:41] for the other issues [01:54:53] Sure, we got extensions [01:55:02] Nothing wild I'd say, but yeah we gotem [01:56:45] Cirrus search and structured discussions are the only ones weve needed steward for [01:56:53] If that's what you mean [03:53:10] looks like a clear yes [04:10:02] yep [04:40:40] question [04:41:20] how would you set up social profile so you get the social options up top and then the wiki style user page below that [04:41:44] socialprofile as in the extension [04:43:11] I want it to be sorta fandom style (I know I know fandom is evil and all that ) [04:43:19] but like something similar [05:02:22] CirrusSearch can cause issues sometimes iirc [05:26:14] [1/3] w/ this extension only social profile or only normal wiki page can be [05:26:15] [2/3] this extension is very old and somewhat broken [05:26:15] [3/3] I suggest to maybe make a template that would imitate social profile styling, and underneath user can make whatever, also a lot of wikis just go w/ user infobox [10:41:13] [1/2] I assume this is from an extension, but idk which one it is from [10:41:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255835319689941053/Screenshot_20240627_113746_Chrome.png?ex=667e9348&is=667d41c8&hm=742092e2821ec714f4234e4afe5fcfc247410ab43f5b84fe1156cb2d9cb68c02& [10:43:19] link to page? [10:43:52] found it: https://kinderworld.miraheze.org/wiki/Areas [10:44:14] looks like that's the icon for purging the page [10:44:26] yep it's the purge icon [10:44:37] (well, icon used by the purge extension) [10:48:40] it's purge yeah [10:48:50] timeless gives it special icon [10:55:19] Thanks [10:55:29] Wanted to add it to the Usagi wiki [10:55:38] Cuz it desperately needs it šŸ˜­ [10:56:07] pretty sure it's one of default extensions? [10:56:10] Yea [10:56:25] I probs turned it off at some point [10:58:22] [1/2] Woo [10:58:22] [2/2] There's now convenience [11:00:02] Any other wiki out here relying on Cirrussearch where the search function no longer works? [11:43:13] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255850922861658145/Screenshot_20240627_124252_Chrome.png?ex=667ea1d0&is=667d5050&hm=e532a6a87b93d1c826369406311ce11cd8245ede623c9ee12b8bb45113c91cce& [11:43:22] Triangle [11:49:38] when i worked on my wiki, i thought the main problem would be google not prioritizing it over the one on fandom, but it turns out it's google not even indexing the wiki entirely [11:51:00] yeah [11:51:02] the search is broken [11:51:45] bug report filed: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12258 [11:55:25] on your wiki as well? or are you reaffirming the brokenness of my wiki? [11:58:19] it's having some issues on my wiki as well [11:58:57] link? [12:00:07] [1/2] CSS styling Broke [12:00:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255855176053424222/image.png?ex=667ea5c6&is=667d5446&hm=a6a94a1e8c1c307c78f725ecd7307e4c9d2d4181a62f6af128af671acfcc3de8& [12:00:23] it's also broken on meta it seems, according to this bug report: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12258 [12:03:30] Nvm it fixed [12:07:28] yeah, unless the subject of the wiki is somewhat trending or you don't pester google itself w/ manual indexing request, it might take months [12:09:17] google indexed miraheze pizza tower wiki so quickly, before we started deleting fandom garbage, like comments and user pages, and registered in search console [12:11:04] that still boggles my mind, why are you not indexing a site even though you have the sitemap? [12:11:07] oh well, it is what it is [12:21:05] I want to change the colour of the body content background, and I have the syntax required to be entered into MediaWiki:Common.css (`#bodyContent { background-color: #e6ffb4; }`), but I'm not sure where to put it and how [12:22:19] supernintendofan2008: go to the page MediaWiki:Common.css on your wiki, edit it, place the CSS into the the page (typically on a blank line), and save [12:22:40] huge queue I guess [12:22:41] plus visible bias against new sites [12:23:27] if your wiki url is https://meta.miraheze.org (as an example), you'd go to https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [12:23:36] literally every other search engine does everything faster/w/o being asked obviously because of lesser load [12:27:02] I've entered it in and cleared my cache, but nothing has changed at all [12:27:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255861963687202916/image.png?ex=667eac18&is=667d5a98&hm=cb04ea6a665584b1fbb803eac4190f9053be8a148656ae6f43daa2f437fa7427& [12:28:46] stuff in common.css (and related pages) can take some time to clear from the server's own cache, i'd give it like 5-10 minutes before being definitive about it not working [12:36:11] rip I may have to have a forced break from wiki editing šŸ˜­ [12:37:45] mi phone fell and so much broke. Half the screen doesn't detect touch and somehow I has no mobile data anymore [12:41:33] damn [12:41:44] good luck, you'll get back [12:42:28] yea, I don't wanna move back to this device [14:16:03] [1/5] Hey guys, got a problem - there's an image that for some reason is showing with a big white space around it. Do you know how to get rid of that? It's the image for this template: [14:16:03] [2/5] https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Stub [14:16:04] [3/5] this is the image: [14:16:04] [4/5] https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Stub.jpg [14:16:04] [5/5] none of the other images are having this problem that I can see - does anyone know what's wrong with this one? [14:17:16] [1/2] like, it ends up looking like this: [14:17:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255889689949376583/image.png?ex=667ec5eb&is=667d746b&hm=ffd54e7830485d143ecdc7a55db576b96c9f560967ae9b5b133711d7a7eabfb0& [14:19:35] mx.lilasekhmet: it's because you're using `Stub.jpg|alt=...` and not `[[File:Stub.jpg|150px|alt=...]]` [14:19:35] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Stub.jpg [14:23:01] You can make have an invisible background, but if you're just putting 1 image in the gallery tag, then you should use the file link instead [15:19:10] Ah, thanks, I'll replace it [15:41:39] worked! Thanks sm [15:44:53] [1/4] Hey, I've been trying to get this toolbar on the right side of a wiki to be underneath the navigation menu on the left side, similarly to how the pizza tower wiki looks. I've looked at MediaWiki:Sidebar for the pizza tower wiki, but it only includes the first box. As far as I can tell, it's not just css, since the elements really are next to one another in the html. I've also co [15:44:53] [2/4] nfirmed that this isn't achieved using js. Does this require some kind of extension? [15:44:53] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255911739879588040/image.png?ex=667eda74&is=667d88f4&hm=a513135e78b2f190c800f0d5d235825d7c5173713a6c399dacca4d88e15ad331& [15:44:54] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255911740122861680/image.png?ex=667eda74&is=667d88f4&hm=a355b7414bfd091981562fcba48e4cb8d62734b0cde35f1b2b2ca3c9d3860f2c& [15:54:29] It appears that search is broken on Miraheze! Whatā€™s going on here? [15:54:55] got it [15:55:49] in that case is there a way to do something similar and add a template to all user pages by default/force it appearing on pages [15:56:23] Huh, seems this issue is more prevalent then expected [15:56:27] or just like [15:56:41] a similar, more maintained extension [15:57:42] Are the admins aware of the issue with search? There hasnā€™t been any announcements about it yet! [15:59:54] CC @MediaWiki Specialists search being broke seems to be more prevalent [16:01:26] also question [16:01:58] is it possible to link a wiki operating on a subdomain to google search console [16:04:20] It is [16:04:34] Youā€™d need the WikiSEO extension [16:06:42] WikiSEO extension is enabled on all wikis by default and you can register either Miraheze or custom domain in search console the same way [16:08:03] Oh mb [16:08:34] [1/3] * MediaWiki:Sidebar is just for links that will appear in sidebar [16:08:35] [2/3] * Pizza Tower Wiki uses Timeless skin w/ CSS mods which makes it look like more traditional wiki layout, your skin is Vector 2022 (it seems) [16:08:35] [3/3] * PTW additionally has little JS script to make collapsible part [16:11:58] now, I haven't poked around Vector 2022 styling in any way, I personally don't vibe w/ that skin [16:12:22] but almost anything is possible w/ CSS [16:12:34] and JS in exceptional cases [16:13:27] Makes sense, thanks! [17:52:18] 1.42 is now released! [17:54:07] \o/ [18:02:22] YOOOOOOOO [18:37:55] I've been locked out of my Miraheze account for almost 3 years. [18:39:11] @pixldev hi do you have the link to the externaldata test you did for me [18:42:45] Uh not currently feel free to check https://test.Mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/PixDeVl [18:42:51] lemme think [18:42:58] https://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/EDTest [18:43:02] no [18:43:23] i forgot the namešŸ¤” [18:43:59] I have a zombie account that I don't know the password and can't reset it either, and has no edits. [18:44:11] how old [18:44:18] 3 years [18:44:33] aha found it [18:45:10] I was locked out by the end of 2021, but I can't reregister without your help. [18:46:19] cool [18:46:44] We canā€™t give access without mathematical proof itā€™s your account [18:46:53] what we can do is usurp the account [18:47:01] ie you make a new account and take the username [18:47:29] [1/2] guh [18:47:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255957693030600877/image.png?ex=667f0540&is=667db3c0&hm=bd11b230152a5e55dd800956008514d4d5145e4dca04fc7b9a7e266b8f666f4b& [18:47:44] [1/2] ??? [18:47:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255957758323458058/image.png?ex=667f0550&is=667db3d0&hm=e95eea2707d4bf1d3e5537f189bef1fbd0a1674bbe2b4d8e33bd46ece04b9304& [18:47:50] oh wait im stupid [18:49:49] OK I created User:Bootmii2. How does usurping work? [18:49:49] lmao [18:50:26] why on earth am i getting ratelimited [18:50:41] how much are you previewing [18:50:59] only one actual url and the url exists [18:51:04] is it ED rating you or boblox [18:51:05] oh i got 429'd again [18:51:11] boblox [18:51:17] why is it 429ing me šŸ˜­ [18:51:29] does copying directly the beta template work [18:51:39] i copied exactly that and just shoved my parameters in [18:51:47] but its saying too many reqs. do i need to configure timeout [18:52:04] I got 429ed (in a sense) on the meta.miraheze search query you linked [18:52:13] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255958886691639417/image.png?ex=667f065d&is=667db4dd&hm=d0cf249310059903dc533c7845436677a88fc0d493f28caa3b28b0159fbde49e& [18:52:19] im looking at something unrelated to miraheze itself [18:53:04] Whereas I am talking to @pixldev [18:53:20] sorry, i am also talking to pix [18:53:58] yeah search is broken globally on all wikis using cirrussearch [18:54:58] How _do_ I get the admins to usurp then [18:55:22] idk what that means im just a civilian [18:57:41] Completely different [18:58:03] cries internally [18:58:21] @pixldev seems like roblox's ratelimit is really high atm due to an outage last night, but even disregarding that im reading that throttling is managed in $wgExternalDataSources so like euuerugh [18:58:25] Okay uh for ED ill check docs in a sec but 429 is a roblox thing so ill see [18:58:34] got it [18:58:38] yeah no i can only query the api like once a minute [18:58:45] they must had a ddos or something idk why its so aggressive [18:58:45] But ED would show a different error [18:58:51] 429 is an HTTP code [18:58:55] ye i know that much [18:59:01] it means Too Many Requests [18:59:02] I will check the username policy in a sec [18:59:04] i just wasnt sure why it was ratelimiting so much but others told me abt the outage so [18:59:17] but youā€™ll want to make a request on [[SR/M]] [18:59:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SR/M [18:59:18] [18:59:42] for this I already pinged tech and will open a task on Phorge give me a few minutes [19:01:50] okay let me turn on my laptop and go through these [19:02:45] i wonder if theres a way to handle external data if it gets a http error [19:02:54] just so i can catch these 429s [19:03:13] I will check the docs in a sec [19:03:59] tysm for my life [19:04:52] my pleasure ^^ [19:06:15] Your request on SR/M should be good just be clear you want usurp the account [19:08:13] There is a task. Iā€™ve boosted the priority. [[phab:T12258]] [19:08:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phab:T12258 [19:08:13] [19:10:24] To clarify, you want to find out if thereā€™s a way to error handle 429s? Sorry Iā€™m just tried and had to juggle a few wiki things [19:11:16] [1/2] yeah, i just want to be able to display some kind of error instead of this mess [19:11:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1255963679883530300/image.png?ex=667f0ad3&is=667db953&hm=1819258fda1be2eb7eb667e9278b5c2bf4145fc35a63bc55fea3c1d0f19cdaf7& [19:11:33] Good news [19:11:42] even if i dont find anything else [19:11:50] theres probablyā„¢ļø a way to do it [19:11:56] bad news [19:11:57] hahaha [19:12:00] that way is Lua [19:12:04] SIGHS...as always [19:12:36] Why is the language invented in my home company and named after my native tounge the one I most love-hate [19:12:43] prehaps I will never know [19:12:44] it seems like i can retrieve one (1) value a minute but it fails once it gets to the next infobox. but robloxs api was NOT this aggressive last time i was messing w it like [19:12:53] go here and refresh Once [19:12:55] you will see it 429s [19:13:02] so they must have ddos protection on rn or something [19:13:04] sweet god [19:13:30] ill do some looking [19:13:33] Worst case [19:13:47] ofc the day i get ED is the day roblox tells me to f-ck off LOOL [19:13:57] Iā€™ll cook a lua thing and try not to climb up the flyrail of the theater and jump off [19:14:11] Thank you roblox [19:14:12] very kind [19:14:24] 1 request a minute (? maybe 30s) is crazy [19:14:37] im gonna march up to roblox hq and trout them [19:15:13] {{w:Template:Trout}} [19:15:13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Template:Trout [19:15:15] [19:16:18] (I have actually been to and inside roblox headquarters) [19:17:51] omg what [19:18:22] Not even kidding [19:18:38] I stepped a single foot in some big executives office idr haha [19:19:03] in the lobby they had a tv with a globe and pilars showing player count [19:19:13] this was when I was a little kid to be clear [19:19:17] years ago [19:19:27] ill ask my family if they have the photos [19:20:30] this is so awesome ngl i wanna go there [19:20:37] this was during one of the easter egg events as well [19:20:57] I saw the staff at their desks shooting out the eggs [19:21:41] my mom was mvp though when the tickets for the tour went up she was legit camping and snagged them within minutes or less they sold out fucking quikc [19:21:50] that is awesome though. core childhood experience fr [19:21:59] Considering how long youā€™ve been playing id recommend its cool [19:22:17] haha yea it was a while ago so my memory it foggy but it was fun [19:22:58] Thinking back with my current brain im more appreciative of the fact i got a small glimpse into the internal workings snd day to day of such a big company [19:23:05] since i dont play much Roblox [19:23:14] its been years [19:23:22] Well prob over a single year [19:25:14] looking online i think they may not due them anymore [19:25:18] if they do id recommend [19:25:20] if not [19:25:23] šŸ˜” [19:25:39] ill definitely share my photos though and what i can remember [19:26:52] I do hear from online teamblind fourms that the office is very boring these days [19:27:03] haha its okay [19:32:44] i think itā€™s gonna have to be lua btw [19:33:01] thats ok i figured as much [19:33:26] is there even error handling in Lua [19:33:29] id imagine [19:34:39] Oh maybe just a bool! [19:35:23] im gonna play the crane wives and try to cook [19:38:47] all right, awesome [19:38:58] can I add that myself or do I need a steward to do it [19:39:44] if itā€™s not already enabled you can do it [19:39:55] special:ManageWiki/extensions [19:40:44] i love the crane wives i love the crane wives [19:42:30] @tedkalashnikov what was the page again i used [19:42:39] im a little stoopid [19:42:45] uhh [19:42:48] you didnt have a page for it [19:43:48] Very stoopid [19:44:20] Is the URL on beta i dont have a discord on my laptop to get the irl [19:51:36] what was the name of the price parameter in the results [19:52:32] PriceInRobux [20:03:04] Huh. Iā€™m not getting rate limitef it seems [20:05:31] still not working for ya? [20:07:38] i think im still being ratelimited idk [20:09:59] Wtf [20:10:09] why am i [20:10:37] i must note my internets very fast so maybe thats why idk [20:11:01] The corporate world is boring most of the time [20:11:19] Itā€™s Mirahezeā€™s servers so [20:11:43] also can i borrow [20:12:07] lool [20:12:16] yeah but im being ratelimited on robloxs api itself [20:14:01] why is beta not- [20:15:16] this page is my usage [20:15:22] so it can check and cache one at a time [20:15:54] Because beta needs a buddy to look after it [20:16:09] tried purging? [20:16:41] every time i purge it caches one [20:16:43] then fails the next one [20:16:46] so yes it works but not for average users [20:17:48] Hey friends, I left a comment on a wiki request I made but I can't see it in the request comments tab, is that normal, or did my comment not go through? https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/46122 [20:19:47] I dont see it [20:20:26] Hmm, it didn't go through then. I'll submit a comment again, thank you [21:05:58] I didn't see the comment either. Please try again. If you still have problems with submitting answers on this request, could you please open a support thread on our Discord server? [21:24:47] Thanks, I think you can see my comment now. [21:30:28] No worries. That glitch is on our side, due to refreshing the page, sending the submitted comment again. [21:43:24] arghh "No stashed content found" when I want to save my page. Looked it up and found an open forum thingy with no answer šŸ˜­ [21:46:11] what kinda page [21:46:39] normal article - new, just creating. I think it might be over though, becuase i just tried clicking "review changes" and the damn page froze. I can't click anything now [21:46:52] nvm, it let me escape [21:47:09] still giving me the error [21:48:06] try disabling the extension for a sec to see of thats it [21:48:12] thw review lnd [21:48:30] extension? what extension? [21:49:10] the review one [21:49:18] ive never seen that error in core [21:49:35] I don't know what that is or how to disable it [21:50:00] oh wait, ik what you mean [21:50:09] didn't realise that was an extension [21:50:18] but even if I do, the change won't register on the current tab [21:51:32] oh I misunderstood [21:51:44] I thought you had a moderation extension [21:51:55] if you mean preview thats core [21:51:57] ignore me [21:53:43] Will I just have to give up on this page? [21:54:19] Shouldnā€™t [21:54:28] does it happen to other pages? [21:54:56] nope. just succesfully saved another one, no error message [21:55:49] can you try moving to the og page name [21:55:53] it won't let me switch to source editor, either - say's there's "no stashed content" [21:56:01] wdym? [21:56:29] This was me creating the page - there's nothing there [21:57:26] ik I'm an idiot for doing it in visual but, in my defence, visual is easier and I am lazy. [21:59:29] Okay, it's late, I'm giving up. I'm calling it - Scandalous Scendeles (The Deca Series) time of death, 22:59 [22:01:24] yayyy - I copied the old edits then exited, tried editing again, and pasted them in! It let me save! [22:01:45] night y'all [22:05:20] [1/2] I love the Rainbow Icon. Discord server Icon. For Miraheze. [22:05:21] [2/2] Is a great way to keep the identity of Miraheze as the honeycomb but give variety and color to the Icon [22:14:50] I like it too