[00:34:59] BlankEclair — I just saw your reply on the task, the extension hasn't been pulled to the server and mwdeploy is so badly documented I have no idea how to do it [02:08:04] should i find that hilarious lol [02:10:58] originalauthority: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log?diff=prev&oldid=401768, grep for test151 [02:11:36] That only pushes extension-list.json to all the other servers [02:11:54] The option you need is `--upgrade-extensions ` [02:12:02] what about `{'force_upgrade': True, 'versions': '1.42', 'upgrade_extensions': 'CustomSubtitle'}`? [02:12:10] I tried that it said it couldnt find the extension [02:13:11] exact error message? [02:13:11] Oh, I guess if you are trying to deploy a new extension, that makes sense [02:13:26] https://github.com/miraheze/python-functions/blob/4e4dfde82b37074458bdd4a299e9366ec50f3e55/miraheze/mediawiki/mwdeploy.py#L436-L439 [02:13:44] you might need to pull the extension from git manually (dunno if mwdeploy has a subtask/command for that) [02:14:36] Dunno because everything is done through mediawiki-repos now which also suffers from a lack of documentation [02:14:51] bruh [02:15:13] it appears that versions are outside of mediawiki-repos though since i don't see updates to that repo for updating extensions [02:17:29] Because puppet is supposed to pull them [02:17:31] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/d5cb972cd5fc23c81ebeea5c948a48f0e67f3207/modules/mediawiki/manifests/extensionsetup.pp#L21 [02:19:42] Ahh, I can see the problem [02:20:25] [1/4] In the puppet logs: [02:20:25] [2/4] ``` [02:20:26] [3/4] Notice: /Stage[main]/Mediawiki::Multiversion/Mediawiki::Extensionsetup[MediaWiki-1.41]/Git::Clone[MediaWiki-REL1_41 CustomSearchProfiles]/Exec[git_clone_MediaWiki-REL1_41 CustomSearchProfiles]/returns: warning: Could not find remote branch master to clone. [02:20:26] [4/4] ``` [02:20:56] oh right the branch name is main :/ [02:21:00] sorry [02:21:26] should i make a pr for that or should someone just push the fix [02:21:31] I can fix [02:22:37] thanks Void [02:22:54] is it odd that it's a warning and not an error [02:23:52] Well, the error message comes later but isn't as helpful, it just shows the git command returned an error code. [02:26:26] Should be ready to deploy now [02:27:57] curious, does puppet automatically update extensions or does it only do a one-time clone [02:35:19] The default is "present" [02:35:33] Which is i dont care what version as long as it exists [02:35:41] I think it's a one-time clone, it's only set to latest for one extension. [02:35:51] ty [02:36:15] I think this is because updating all extensions in a puppet run can cause it to take too long if there are too many to update. [02:36:46] Yeah i previously had it set like that [02:37:17] Runs were taking like 300 seconds sometimes to check if everything was up to date [02:38:56] Hello [02:39:41] ello [02:47:34] [1/3] Does anyone know how to make categories? If so how do I make it so you can pick from them on the main page [02:47:34] [2/3] (Like this) [02:47:34] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256440897424588851/Screenshot_20240629_094705_Chrome.jpg?ex=6680c745&is=667f75c5&hm=e7ab947d43f3381dd8647e47efa2fc2c78f24334dcac83ceff8041895ed3f860& [02:50:15] tempette: that's done by https://pizzatower.wiki/wiki/Template:Article_navigation; see https://dev.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Porting_templates for more information on copying templates from other wikis to your own [02:51:03] Alright [03:25:30] [[:mw:Help:Categories]] [03:25:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/:mw:Help:Categories [03:25:31] [03:29:02] previously there used to be an "all articles" link on Special pages of a wiki and it linked to All pages but with a special parameter. after the wiki-tide merger, i noticed that the same link still showed redirects ("All articles" would not do that) and i presumed that it must've been removed for some reason, then i saw now that the option was indeed removed. why is that? [03:31:09] Are you looking for Special:PrefixIndex? [03:33:51] Miraheze didn't remove this afaik [03:33:58] It may have been removed upstream in MediaWiki [03:36:18] nope [03:36:22] oh damn [03:36:26] thanks for the info [04:24:26] Hello, I just got my new wiki approved, changed the main page and added a page and sent out the link to others in my community. From an incognito tab the main page is still stock and there isn't an option for them to create an account. Is there a visibility toggle somewhere I can flip? https://whitecatadventures.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [04:26:25] 99.9% sure it's caching [04:27:11] Hmm it's been about 8 hours since I made the edits [04:27:12] worldofgeese: try using https://whitecatadventures.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:PurgeResources and specify the Main Page [04:27:25] hmm i dunno how long cache lasts [04:29:08] Purging the cache didn't appear to fix the issue [04:30:56] Spoke too soon, maybe. On another machine I can access the page in incognito. Checking a third browser now just to be safe. [04:31:54] oh okay [04:32:06] Third browser works, thanks for that tip! Will I often need to purge the cache when I make edits? [04:32:25] if you want them to appear immediately after editing when logged out, yes [04:32:34] they expire eventually, lemme see if i can get the exact period [04:37:55] i couldn't find how long things are cached for normally, but i did find a cap of 1 day [04:45:20] Gotcha, thank you [04:45:34] you're welcome ^_^ [05:23:31] To be clear, I am not entirely sure, I just am not aware of Miraheze removing this nor is there any reason Miraheze would, so if it's gone, it's likely either something with the wiki's customization removing it, or it being changed upstream, however I am not 100% sure [05:30:48] gme2968: is it basically this? https://files.catbox.moe/gg8hwn.png [07:12:22] hi discord [07:29:40] how do i make a user admin or other ranks [07:31:24] justamelonchannel: hi me [07:32:05] hi how r you [07:32:20] justamelonchannel: good [07:33:03] hows https://ftlwiki.miraheze.org doing [07:33:28] justamelonchannel: good [07:34:14] anyways does anyone know how to change a user to admin my wiki is https://ftlwiki.miraheze.org [07:35:33] just mention me if you know [07:42:49] Community members are still complaining they're not able to view pages. I can confirm this issue is a mobile browser issue because desktop works fine [07:43:35] [1/3] Is anyone able to test https://whitecatadventures.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [07:43:35] [2/3] and https://whitecatadventures.miraheze.org/wiki/C1E2:_The_unlikely_heroes_free_their_friend_from_capture_by_Knorr [07:43:36] [3/3] on a mobile browser? [07:45:53] [1/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256515972756406343/Screenshot_20240629-084505_Chrome.png?ex=66810d30&is=667fbbb0&hm=5dbdeca4776b5a92ddbd72c748eebf8eb47cbf7be13caf3507be11c804916995& [07:45:54] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256515973046075422/Screenshot_20240629-084526_Discord.png?ex=66810d30&is=667fbbb0&hm=3d4d0aa64197df80be37d91649bea3894ab2b4ace059faca04246012f4808e98& [07:45:54] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256515973436018688/Screenshot_20240629-084535_Chrome.png?ex=66810d31&is=667fbbb1&hm=2b739564d9930816bd0d2de0cfd355366f1fee1b7b9e7b4b2e2b919626ec2fc1& [07:46:25] Is it intended that people with no accounts cannot view the page? [07:46:56] Or did you wish for it so only that no accounts can't edit? [07:49:11] Also that's a long title [07:53:49] [1/3] That's all [07:53:49] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256517967068270642/Screenshot_20240629_155315_Chrome.jpg?ex=66810f0c&is=667fbd8c&hm=ff9e9e66ac9bcf97941314157ea1d14eac04f8044243e97d87e287cd8e8d1fc7& [07:53:49] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256517967324254289/Screenshot_20240629_155326_Chrome.jpg?ex=66810f0c&is=667fbd8c&hm=0c936ccedc816851d08b34b48888ae0f05b961202ee653c0fae50486293aaee0& [07:54:37] [1/2] your wiki is private man [07:54:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256518169594433636/IMG_20240629_105345.jpg?ex=66810f3c&is=667fbdbc&hm=a87c40c3f09fbac731c31c9e770c22b88afa06efd1beab21ce7212b22189bafa& [07:58:53] go to Manage this wiki's cpre settings in admin sidebar and remove Private flag [07:59:45] if you want to keep the wiki private you need to manually assign Member role to users who should be able to see it [08:00:10] they should register Miraheze account and visit main page of your wiki first [08:22:47] It's strange because I've replaced the stock main page but it shows the original even after purging the cache [08:23:07] Checking this one sec [08:27:21] I think that worked? I did want to keep it private but allow users to register but it wouldn't allow registration at least on mobile. It was also weird it continued to show the stock page [08:27:35] In any case I've opened it up now hopefully it won't be defaced 😅 [08:29:42] [1/2] it's pretty much because default mobile skin sucks, it hides away a lot of things [08:29:43] [2/2] and registration has to be done on main Miraheze wiki anyway [08:30:42] [1/2] Gotcha. Is it OK to hand out this account creation link? https://whitecatadventures.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CreateAccount?returnto=Main+Page&returntoquery=action%3Dedit [08:30:44] [2/2] Or should I use the main Miraheze one? [08:31:10] bear in mind that someone who has registered elsewhere can still show up on your wiki and make an account attachment that way [08:31:34] doesn't mean they can see it if it's private, just a behavior of the central login [08:31:53] [1/2] if your wiki is public registration isn't needed to see all pages [08:31:54] [2/2] if private, then technically any public wiki, as Raidarr said, but easier w/ Meta [08:32:23] account system is a bit strange indeed [08:42:19] How much HTML should I know for making a Miraheze wiki? [08:42:29] Like basics or expert stuff? [08:46:01] [1/2] Html - practically none [08:46:01] [2/2] Css - basics, but w3school has an excellent resource for it + html and other coding languages [08:46:23] Wikis are made with Wikicode [08:46:55] basic html can get you an idea of what you're looking at when you need to use the source inspector to figure out what item specifically needs to be css'd [08:47:32] [1/2] a = link [08:47:32] [2/2] Body = where content goes [08:47:43] sometimes you want html to do some stuff (e.g. red text) [08:47:45] helps if you're wanting to do advanced stuff just so you know how it behaves under the hood [08:47:52] but it shouldn't be too advanced, at least i think [08:48:09] yeah, none of it is particularly expert unless you're digging very deep [08:48:19] ooui is worse than html sometimes tbh [08:48:20] worldofgeese: you can make the wiki publically readable but limit editing to a select group if you want [08:50:02] Alright ty [09:01:07] Oh yes that seems like a good idea! [09:02:38] i was about to guide you on how to do it, but i remembered that https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Raidarr/Restrict_editing_to_authorized_users exists [09:02:50] [1/6] a wiki can go live w/ just wikitext indeed (including template coding), if you want it to nicer then comes other stuff [09:02:51] [2/6] I suggest to check these first [09:02:51] [3/6] [[mw:Help:Formatting]] [09:02:51] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting [09:02:51] [4/6] [[mw:Help:Links]] [09:02:51] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Links [09:02:51] [5/6] [[mw:Help:Images]] [09:02:51] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images [09:02:52] [6/6] [[mw:Help:Templates]] [09:02:52] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Templates [09:02:52] [1/4] [09:02:52] [2/4] [09:02:53] [3/4] [09:02:53] [4/4] [09:03:06] it does say it's incomplete, but the "Through permissions" section is basically what i'd do [09:24:42] BlankEclair: does the IRC bridge communicate emoji reactions back to the server? If not, thank you [09:24:51] nope [09:24:55] and you're welcome ^_^ [09:38:39] How would it be possible for me to implement a custom noscript in all pages? [09:40:46] n4ta_: html has the class "client-js" when javascript is enabled, and "client-nojs" when not [09:42:27] Yes but is really not possible to put a customized noscript? I was thinking of using text and links, just doing it all with CSS would not have the same effect... [09:43:13] what do you mean? [09:43:36] Putting a noscript html tag with content inside of it on every page [09:43:47] New to miraheze and mediawiki, sorry ^^ [09:43:54] oh, so something displayed above every page (when js is disabled)? [09:44:29] Yeah [09:54:39] n4ta_: you could use a sitenotice to display a certain piece of wikitext above every page: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/Sitenotice [09:54:57] interesting, thanks! [09:55:31] e.g. "test", then add `html.client-js .noscript { display: none; }` to MediaWiki:Common.css (and MediaWiki:Mobile.css because reasons) [10:16:19] [1/2] test [10:16:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256553830020022284/Screenshot_20240629_181209_Discord.jpg?ex=66813072&is=667fdef2&hm=4a0e5eed824c11fe7f2d61dff50ac5651effea3737f096b8b518fe4acf176b0e& [11:21:10] Hi [11:21:13] I'm working on a sample page of CheckUser on Meta [11:21:35] I don't know if it complies with the rules [11:22:10] Can anyone give me some insights? [11:23:54] sure [11:23:56] Link? [11:27:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Honglan233/checkuser [11:27:31] It's not completely finished yet [11:28:09] It reads weird [11:29:28] Yeah, I'm perfecting it [12:00:46] ngl it's impressive considering that you can't use or