[01:43:28] That won't necessarily be an issue, though do make sure you've set up a wikiseo presence via Google search console [01:43:41] ye we've already got one [01:43:46] that has our /wiki/ URLs indexed so im just worried [01:44:29] If you've already submitted a sitemap, should go quick [01:44:54] okay awesome [01:44:59] will /wiki/ URLs redirect to / ? [01:45:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256787626715775057/image.png?ex=66820a30&is=6680b8b0&hm=2a5cce1c81fbe92a8ab1fb2df32116f12253c1c064b8779fd0dfd650eb908037& [01:45:39] Why does my domain redirect to the Miraheze mainpage rather than my wiki? [01:46:25] do you want dccomicswiki.com to redirect to www.dccomicswiki.com? [01:48:07] Well that would explain it [01:48:08] Yes [01:48:32] please file a request on phorge [01:49:05] No idea how to do that tbh [01:49:19] I'll just ask Cosmic in DMs lol. He'll sort it when he gets a minute. [01:49:30] eh, understandable [01:49:51] i noticed that someone already filed a (unrelated) request for the wiki while sourcing irc [01:50:02] Oh? [01:50:08] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12248 [01:50:18] i'm unsure on the conventions of filing requests on behalf of others, but i suppose i could do it [01:50:37] Oh that, yeah he got the www. domain working [01:50:44] So apparently you can [01:52:31] task made: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12270 [01:54:05] Wait actually, wouldn't it be the other way around? www. redirectly to the domain without it? [01:54:10] That's how it is with my other wikis [01:54:43] what direction do you want it to be? dccomicswiki.com -> www.dccomicswiki.com or www.dccomicswiki.com -> dccomicswiki.com [01:55:17] The latter [01:55:50] Sorry, I didn't notice you'd said the other way around beforehand [01:56:00] it's okay ^_^ [02:01:20] This is probably a silly question, but how do I get my logo to display? There's never been a logo on the top left, just the wiki name, before anf after I added my logo [02:03:46] hmm weird, there should be the default miraheze logo [02:03:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256792297195176037/image.png?ex=66820e89&is=6680bd09&hm=e284ed0d4e67001ed946166909abe88be943bc89f8dc0906924d105db6ef5358& [02:03:54] i just realized, is the wiki private? [02:04:13] That all done right? [02:04:27] Yup. There weas never the Miraheze logo, and now there isn't mine [02:04:44] ("Yup" as in the wiki was private, right?) [02:08:48] Oh, I wasn't responding to that. It actually was private for a day, but even before then there was never a logo [02:10:09] hmm weird [02:10:10] url? [02:10:17] (of the wiki i mean) [02:13:42] https://westernrite.miraheze.org/ [02:20:17] ribose_carb: set "Icon ($wgIcon)" to the same value as "Logo ($wgLogo)" (in Special:ManageWiki/settings) [02:20:32] (references: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Wrztkw86y4j2x2w2 and https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Topic:Xt63zroehwwpfvw6&topic_showPostId=y5k81t795eco1eil#flow-post-y5k81t795eco1eil) [02:31:32] Thank you! I changed that setting, but when I open the additional settings I see a generic image icon, and no icon on any other page. Is this because it takes a few minutes to update? [02:48:20] does anyone [02:48:24] have a working double image template [02:59:01] ribose_carb: it should be a direct link to the image (typically https://static.miraheze.org/...), not a link to the file description page [02:59:15] tatiannaz: what do you mean by a double image template? [02:59:58] i mean the multiple image template [03:00:07] still don't know what that is [03:00:08] the framing has been broken for months and ivei mported the latest version frmo wikipedia [03:00:34] it's a [03:00:36] wikipedia template [03:00:38] that lets u [03:00:47] use multiple images in a infobox [03:00:50] idk how to explian it [03:00:58] example image? [03:01:52] HA thank you. I knew better [03:02:02] you're welcome :) [03:06:43] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256808102896861304/image.png?ex=66821d42&is=6680cbc2&hm=20822d9ef013ac54fc31d4b98c6193a8df4f495ea89f7296b0c4f9826227f55a& [03:09:00] tatiannaz: can you give an example of the current version on your wiki? [03:10:45] here's a page where it's in use [03:11:31] [1/2] https://oblasia.miraheze.org/wiki/Uyuball [03:11:32] [2/2] https://oblasia.miraheze.org/wiki/Jyang%C3%AD_Institution [03:11:45] the formatting is broken and the only way i could fixi t was to put it in the basic infobox template [03:34:16] i think this is the workaround: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgUseLegacyMediaStyles [03:36:08] not yet in ManageWiki, i'll test if that is actually the fix before making a task on phorge [04:00:25] task filed: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12271 [07:20:58] BlankEclair: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12271#245497 [07:21:03] yep just saw [07:22:05] [1/3] Hello, Ive now got a new wiki that I want to start creating, but I cant seem to find any videos to provide help. Everything looks to be in written form. Can anyone recommend some videos to help me learn how to create a wiki? I've never done this before. I'm using the Citizen skill, if that changes anything. At the moment Im just trying to find a way to edit the home page to look [07:22:05] [2/3] similar to this https://starcitizen.tools/ But I cant see how to do that. [07:22:06] [3/3] Any help would be appreicated [07:23:33] the star citizen wiki homepage relies heavily on css [07:26:27] I really don't get how one can explain things like wikitext or CSS in a video [07:27:02] It’s very much a personal trial and error sorta learning experience [07:28:08] You’ll learn faster than you could with a video if you apply yourself [07:28:32] And since wikitext is used very often while editing wikis you’ll pick up on it quickly [07:32:20] [1/7] * fancy things require fancy skills, any thing must be started w/ basics, in case of MediaWiki it's wikitext, starter guides [07:32:21] [2/7] [[mw:Help:Formatting]] [07:32:21] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting [07:32:21] [3/7] [[mw:Help:Links]] [07:32:21] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Links [07:32:21] [4/7] [[mw:Help:Images]] [07:32:21] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images [07:32:22] [5/7] [[mw:Help:Templates]] [07:32:22] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Templates [07:32:22] [6/7] * you can check source code (wiki text) on any wiki by pressing "see source code"/"edit source" button - it will get you idea how things are done [07:32:22] [7/7] * visual editor exists but it's a purely content editing tool, you won't go far w/ it as an admin + it's damn buggy [07:32:22] [1/4] [07:32:23] [2/4] [07:32:23] [3/4] [07:32:23] [4/4] [07:34:19] Is there an issue with written form? [07:35:17] For something that is in written form, it would make sense that most coverage is also in written form [07:36:25] Im a visual learner, so reading anythign takes me 10x longer to understand bfore I can even start to apply it, hense the desire for a video 🙂 [07:37:31] [1/2] one might say that Fandom's Help pages are a bit simpler than mediawiki.org's but I haven't checked in a while [07:37:32] [2/2] I learned by looking trough code on other wikis + trial and error [07:38:24] also turn on syntax highlight w/ marker button in source editor, it will save you so much braincells [07:43:12] (the source editor has syntax highlighting?!) [07:43:58] there's an extension for that which is enabled by default on all wiki, just users have to individually turn it on in editor itself [07:44:31] man, I would die w/o syntax highlight lol [07:49:07] me counting the number of } in my parser function mess trying to figure out where I went wrong [07:58:15] variables and templates are basically a more annoying version of lisp [07:59:01] i ported a giant {{{{{mess}}}}} into lua, but it had zero indentation. i had to manually indent and prettify it [07:59:01] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b%7b%7bmess [07:59:30] that makes me wonder: are there tools that beautify wikitext? [08:08:47] [1/2] For css, you could try W3Schools [08:08:47] [2/2] It's not videos, but they don't have much text and most of it is showing you results and making you apply it [08:10:24] [1/2] Here's one of their tutorials for example [08:10:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256884530468487250/Screenshot_20240630-091000_Chrome.png?ex=6682646f&is=668112ef&hm=3c78cd4d0bc45092e4a7f8c882d0783a396428153c2898a81c96a57616c7df26& [08:10:50] Thank you, that looks good 🙂 [08:11:26] [1/2] You're welcome! [08:11:26] [2/2] The Try it yourself button allows you to edit the code to experiment with it [08:12:46] [1/2] Here's a video for simple wikitext, however it's mainly just screenshots from the mediawiki page [08:12:46] [2/2] https://youtu.be/8nbi3j24YCs?si=08kziMid_RhTUcnk [08:28:21] CSS is secondary, if you're on lvl 0 you need to understand wikitext first and foremost [10:07:08] Hello, I'm not sure if my request for management position on https://k.miraheze.org/wiki/. The only manager I know of has recently passed away so I'm not sure how the mechanics work for replacing him. I'm happy to go through an election, but I know next to nothing of the process. My main interest is trying to keep the Wiki properly maintained. [10:08:06] My login name is SpecialK. I clicked on Submit but received no feedback, so I'm unclear what happened. [10:11:27] Hi, can you let us know the username of the account [10:11:34] We have a few steps to do [10:12:15] Of the account of the current manager? [10:12:27] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Deceased_Mirahezians [10:12:33] @discodoug yes [10:12:55] Razetime [10:13:15] @discodoug do you have a link to confirmation of passing? [10:14:05] Not of a news account yet, but I can point to posts on other forums. [10:15:03] A link to stackexchange is apparently blocked.. [10:15:36] you need to tie your miraheze account to post links here, anti spam measurement [10:15:42] #verify [10:15:49] @discodoug you can verify your Miraheze account or DM [10:16:01] Do you know if they had the matching Wikipedia account too? [10:16:36] My account is SpecialK. I don’t know if they had a matching Wikipedia account but I wouldn’t be surprised. [10:17:01] @discodoug look in the #verify channel if you want to verify [10:17:15] Or just DM me the link [10:17:21] Oh, okay. [10:18:09] @.labster you still awake? [10:19:15] https://discord.com/channels/821509511977762827/821510093270679594/1256663724387733524 [10:19:32] We can't see that [10:19:36] https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/26416/in-memory-of-razetime [10:19:40] Got it [10:20:23] @CVT can we lock ^ [10:22:17] @discodoug: In terms of your wiki, Stewards will now be able to act in an interim position to help you with any settings changes or user rights changes. You can follow the inactive section of https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Local_elections [10:22:56] Of course, our condolences for your communities loss [10:23:09] Okay. That works fine for me. I haven't been involved with the wiki very much to this point. Thanks for your help. [10:40:48] condolences [11:09:08] rest in peace [11:29:22] [1/2] It's always a blow when people, who volunteer to maintain these resources, pass on. [11:29:22] [2/2] We have lost an exceptional individual today. [11:34:42] I will add it to https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Deceased_Mirahezians as soon as it's locked [11:35:13] Kiju is online [11:35:18] @kiju1108 [11:49:20] My condolences for loss of your wiki community member. @discodoug Temporarily, Steward will act as administrator and bureaucrat for the wiki, overseeing its management. You can initiate an election on the wiki in accordance with [Local elections](https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Local_elections). Feel free to send me a DM regarding this matter [11:49:56] Can you lock the global account as deceased [11:55:04] ah yeah, this is also complete [11:55:33] Thank you [11:59:35] Now added to our memorial page on meta [11:59:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256942235677622323/image.png?ex=66829a2d&is=668148ad&hm=b2334a6bca5de310c73b6be9268809052be9029c629d54281f62c8945f93c56b& [11:59:45] woah [12:00:14] I copied the source of to get it https://wiki.conworld.org/ [12:05:08] finally [13:45:49] hello [13:47:37] Hi [13:47:57] 2.5k articles?? [13:48:49] how many time it take for get the wiki accepted? [13:49:01] mine took abt 4 days [13:51:27] The backlog is only a few hours at the moment [13:57:32] thanks [14:06:14] Is anyone interested in making a Wiki Mechanic logo? [14:06:28] cc @pixldev or @suzuneu if interested [14:08:30] how do i find my old request? [14:08:50] [[Special:RequestWikiQueue]] [14:08:50] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue [14:08:50] [14:09:58] thx [14:10:51] Gonna be gone for a week so :p [14:11:05] Whoever makes it use a wrench plz [14:11:34] honestly in my head i kinda envision it as the miraheze logo but with a wrench in the bottom-right corner :p [14:14:19] 🔧 [14:17:05] this looks like a nice wrench: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Emojione_1F527.svg [14:17:09] (i'm not doing this btw) [14:22:32] Maybe remake the MH logo with 3 crossed wrenches where the hexes are made of the holes at the end [14:22:34] If that makes sense [14:23:31] that's actually interesting [14:24:02] intriguing [14:24:10] anyway time to sleep, nini [14:24:49] Boa noche [14:38:58] is it normal for Common.js to take... 17 hours to update? [14:39:10] Don’t believe so [14:39:50] Ive tried multiple browsers and computers, hard reloading but nothing [14:40:00] should I, edit it again? [14:40:40] Is it complex JS? [14:40:53] I wouldn't consider 77 lines complex... [14:41:11] besides, I just fixed a missing `)` [14:41:31] Does it work in user js? [14:42:27] Haven't tried it yet, hold on [14:43:42] [1/2] So much wronch [14:43:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256983507666866196/Mech.png?ex=6682c09d&is=66816f1d&hm=2b532ec5bd2249d2e008a800aceab1c5cac1b7e6703326fb3970ea9308cd03ea& [14:43:58] i like that lol [14:44:22] EXACTLY [14:44:37] just mask out the old logo [14:45:18] It also somewhat references the mediawiki software flower [14:45:26] Which makes sense for the tech role [14:45:34] I think the bronze in the middle looks a little off [14:45:42] I said mask out the logo [14:45:53] The hexes will be the inverse [14:46:11] [1/2] Just the wrench? [14:46:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256984133796888698/Mech2.png?ex=6682c133&is=66816fb3&hm=29c9dfdbf7b9dffd677935d50afe96b43d8d3bd6db84bad1b7ec45d396d4bf49& [14:46:22] That looks eldritch and horrifying [14:46:23] I LOVE IT [14:46:26] lol [14:46:35] and cutting out the hex in the center [14:46:42] Ah [14:49:20] This looks so scary and sick though [14:49:40] have mentioned it to steward [14:56:44] @suzuneu / @honglan233 do either of you mind if I wipe the current GP nomination from the page, so I can reset it a bit later in the day once the proposal is completely closed [14:56:59] Hm? [14:57:17] idk; @kiju1108 [14:57:54] Just to remove it from the page since there's nothing really useful to it (since it's closed w/o a single vote) [14:58:07] Housekeeping really [15:01:07] certainly [15:09:49] [1/2] Silly art programs not behaving as expected. [15:09:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256990078165712986/Mech3.png?ex=6682c6bc&is=6681753c&hm=fed5f112f839742c95676b91e695cfa7e80e9513eabae222a575301a42e3207e& [15:17:08] [1/2] Here's the svg if someone wants to iterate. [15:17:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1256991922686525521/Mech_export.svg?ex=6682c874&is=668176f4&hm=21d0381cdd11762b1f391354993788746a3279bfa8d118899433d3db01b70fb9& [16:21:10] [1/2] Can you not put links inside of an `{#if}` statement? I was initially using the if inside (to change the contents) but depending on the result, I need to change from internal to external link so that wouldn't work. [16:21:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1257008038158532618/image.png?ex=6682d776&is=668185f6&hm=d91f01d91668016121f27e4c39f15e6beed4ac2c46d73a6ddcc7c2037c146d81& [16:22:09] [1/4] What I'm currently using (inside a template) [16:22:10] [2/4] ``` [16:22:10] [3/4] {{#ifeq: {{{3}}}|Mc|[[external link/{{{1}}} {{{2}}}}]]| [Survival:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}] }} [16:22:10] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23ifeq:Template:_%7b%7b%7b3 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/external_link/%7b%7b%7b1%7d%7d%7d_%7b%7b%7b2%7d%7d%7d%7dhttps://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/external_link/%7b%7b%7b1%7d%7d%7d_%7b%7b%7b2%7d%7d%7d%7d [16:22:10] [4/4] ``` [16:22:24] You need to #verify to send links [16:30:17] how do i make @import in MediaWiki:Vector-2022.css work [16:31:47] you can't, import works only in Common.css [16:32:02] wellll how do i do something like that then lol [16:32:12] what you are trying to do? [16:32:49] like separate part of it into styles that are for all wikis with teh v22 skin and have the rest of it be just branding for the specific wiki [16:34:33] trying import styling from a different wiki? I don't think it flies [16:34:56] neither importing from meta nor importing from a local page work [16:37:05] yeah, look [16:38:50] [1/3] usual purposes of import on a wiki [16:38:50] [2/3] - import a font from another resource like google fonts [16:38:51] [3/3] - import local separate css page for cleaner code? to say so, for example keep all infobox styling on MediaWiki:Infobox.css - it won't work by itself, it has to be imported into Common.css [16:40:39] [1/3] Common.css affects the wiki no matter which skin used [16:40:40] [2/3] skin specific CSS pages affect only corresponding skin [16:40:40] [3/3] import works only on Common, for example you want some font work only on Vector - you import it to Common, but actually use it in Vector.css [16:42:27] would template syntax work? [16:43:04] yep [16:43:22] since February 28th 2024 [16:44:05] I need to do the Did you know and that shit [16:49:26] im sorry but is there anyone who could give me an answer on this? i cant put in a request unless i know the answer to this, thank you in advance [16:50:27] TMK this would at least cause google to index them as entirely new URLS but beyond that i dont have the experience to say what the consequences are [16:50:52] its alright, i just need to know what would happen 😅 my lead crat doesnt want the wiki path changing if /wiki/ urls wouldnt redirect [16:51:02] if anyone knows a wiki i can test it on or something thatd be great [16:51:33] It should redirect, let me see [16:51:44] tyty pix i appreciate [16:52:24] It does [16:52:37] https://wiki.minigamemadness.net/wiki/Chaotic_Chambers [16:56:10] template syntax as in wikitext? work only on wikitext pages, not CSS [16:56:55] if you mean can you use templates from another wiki - no, you gotta import them locally to your wiki [16:57:46] otherwise it's called scary transclusion and it puts a strain on performance [16:58:33] so it's not flying here [17:07:03] wonderful ty, i will put in a request [17:07:06] Would someone be kind enough to explain to me how namespaces work? For example, if I want to target all pages with "violin" in their titles in Common.css, what code should I put in? [17:07:31] that’s not a namespace [17:07:33] this isnt possible in pure CSS, youd have to use javascript [17:07:38] ja [17:07:53] Check if the word is in the title and add CSS [17:08:01] [[mw:Help:Namespaces]] [17:08:01] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Namespaces [17:08:02] [17:11:27] Can I modify the javascript myself or don't I have the necessary authorizations? [17:11:53] [1/3] namespaces are types of pages, defined by prefixes w/ exception of main namespace aka normal articles [17:11:53] [2/3] Template: if for pages in template namespace, User: is for user pages, etc [17:11:53] [3/3] now, I don't think you achieve some sort word in a title targeting in CSS, w/ JS - perhaps, but I'm no helper here [17:12:21] [1/2] you can edit JS freely on Miraheze [17:12:21] [2/2] has to be done on MediaWiki:Common.js [17:12:42] personal User:.../common.js can work for testing [17:12:55] i use jquery to target wiki urls but its a bit of a pain [17:13:41] actually mb its just location.pathname manipulation [17:14:31] something like location.pathnname.includes("violin") [17:14:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1257021525429850122/image.png?ex=6682e405&is=66819285&hm=d126a485f38dd668ceba4e8be1f959af334a6987e768b48f35235a961f1808f7& [17:14:48] oh shit [17:14:53] mess [17:16:17] [1/7] NOTITLE [17:16:17] [2/7] NOTOC [17:16:17] [3/7]