[00:38:56] is it possible to use the past image files for organization, rather than uploading different versions of it? [00:43:02] [1/2] like i wanna just upload one file for this one rather than uploading three different versions, but still access the old images for use [00:43:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1257859111392120943/image.png?ex=6685f016&is=66849e96&hm=3c6a5aafda2e13bb0d59e797d0bf9cddf9822b0d8814a573b8dbfbacb5290d9c& [01:20:23] I don't think there is a way to link to old file revisions [01:21:01] unless you somehow embed the image from the old revision file link [02:52:51] I'll help the first 10 people interested on how to start earning $100k within 72hours, but you will reimburse me 10% of your profits when you receive it. Note: only interested people should send a friend request or  send me a dm!  ask me HOW ! [02:57:45] @Discord Moderators spam [02:58:48] @brandon.wm did you ban or I lol [02:58:53] i’m not sure lmao [02:58:55] both of us? [02:59:06] I did lol [02:59:11] audit log says you, internal log says me [02:59:11] According to audit log [02:59:15] 🤔 [02:59:17] lol [02:59:32] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/583791158514155546/1257893183602298920 [02:59:34] 🤷‍♂️ [02:59:45] I didn't use Dyno I banned in Discord you just rebanned using Dyno so it went into that system. [02:59:51] ahh right [03:00:21] Dyno doesn't delete messages I thought, but not sure, but that is why I didn't use Dyno to just get the messages deleted. [03:00:48] Oh hi @cosmicalpha [03:01:46] Hey [03:02:00] I know I haven't been around to much lately, been a bit busy, but I'll try and be around more again now. [03:02:47] No worries of course [03:03:53] That’s great to hear :p [04:09:15] hey ca 👋 [04:10:50] hello CA [04:15:14] @BlankEclair btw do you plan to become an techteam? [04:15:45] suzuneu: would be nice, though looking at the Miraheze Vacancies page, i'm not sure if i'm qualified to [04:16:55] [1/2] hey man [04:16:55] [2/2] sorry but do you get pings from #support ? [04:18:08] That page is a bit outdated tbh [04:18:17] Hmm I don't seem to? [04:19:45] could have something to do with my over 300k unread pings from other servers though. Pings don't always come through. I will back read all of that in a couple hours. [04:20:05] [1/2] a wikitide wiki transfer, user been waiting for montgs [04:20:06] [2/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1245827270472630272 [04:20:30] nobody knows what to suggest them but wait for you [04:20:49] @BlankEclair If you are at least 18 years old and can sign an NDA, I think you have a good chance of being good enough [04:21:04] i meant technical qualifications :p [04:21:42] Well if it is on archive.org that is all we have. We have no backups from WikiTide due to loss of the other server backups during migration. [04:22:38] I can't seem to log into phabricator with my Miraheze credentials 🤔 [04:22:44] what happens? [04:26:47] [1/3] For the record when I first joined as mw admin in 2020 (I think) I hardly knew anything about much, learned PHP pretty quickly from volunteering prior to becoming mw admin in extensions and configurations requests, which you have been doing also. The rest I learned after I joined, then kept learning other services after I had more access and went from the [04:26:47] [2/3] re. So it can also all depend. If you know the basics, and how to not nuke servers and can show trustworthyness in that regard as well as show at least some knowledge and an at least semi level of activeness that is quite a bit towards it tbh. I do think from what I've seen, soley speaking from technical qualifications, you have that, at least for MediaWi [04:26:47] [3/3] ki Specialist. [04:27:27] that's reassuring, thanks [04:28:22] i do have prior programming experience in several languages (in no particular order or skill level: python, c, cpp, javascript), but not much with php [04:30:06] PHP basics is fairly simple to learn, and can go off precedent from already existing stuff most of the time as well. Just having an technical aptitude to learn and improve over time is a good quality as well. [04:31:03] When I first discovered MH I knew almost zero PHP beyond the very basics, but learned from volunteering and from a lot of docs and other code lol [04:31:13] yeah, i do find that i can learn/mimick things fairly quickly [04:32:31] Before MH I knew only C#, Python, and Java [04:32:32] i have little sysadmin experience (and definitely none professionally), but i don't think it's too much of a blocker if i more or less only run mw maintenance scripts and debug extensions [04:34:12] i also want to (privately) ask questions about the NDA, but we'll cross that bridge when/if we need to [04:34:59] Its not necessarily a blocker, no. As long as knowledge can be demonstrated (through some questions on any access request or something) of usage of a server so that things don't get nuked and trustworthyness can be assessed (I am fairly confident here but we have to be extremely careful with shell access) [04:35:36] makes sense--basically don't run rm -rf /* [04:35:56] lol yeah [04:43:54] All I can say is that you are doing very well [04:57:00] Need a little help. Which request do you use if you want to move a wiki to a new domain and change its aim? would like to know so I don't accidentally use the wrong request format 🥲 [04:57:20] i don't think one exists specifically for that [04:58:07] if the scope changes, you'll need to ask stewards first (through [[SR/M]]) [04:58:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SR/M [04:58:30] if there is no scope change or the change is approved, you can go to phorge and use the generic "Create Task" one (and if unsure, you can leave the tags/subscribers/priority empty), just specify the old and new domains, and link to the approval (if applicable) [04:59:31] SR/M is? [04:59:44] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Miscellaneous [04:59:51] Ah alright [05:03:55] Where exactly would you ask for opinions on pages you were in the process of making? I have been working on two pages and I need opinions so I can find out when the sandboxes I am making are good enough to launch? I have no idea where exactly to post this question. General seemed like the best place. [05:04:51] question again. Do I just edit in a question into the page or is there a page to put in requests? [05:05:09] velvetbyrne: you basically just edit the page to add the question yeah [05:05:20] 🫡 [05:15:45] well, this is mostly a support server overall, w/ issues and questions, folks sometimes ask for opinions just right there [05:18:33] re domain, you mean just changing the portion before miraheze.org, not custom (bought) domain? [05:18:58] yes [05:19:02] but also the scope is changing [05:19:07] due to external issues [05:19:15] yeah, then all what Eclair said [05:20:20] I have a sandbox page on the Loathsome Character wiki for Cardin Winchester. I am wondering what it needs before it's ready to launch. This is how it currently is. https://loathsomecharacters.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Freezypop123/sandbox/Cardin_Winchester [05:21:00] isn't it better to ask on the community for that wiki though? [05:21:01] a reception wiki ... [05:21:07] yeah [05:21:37] I was told to go here because the RW's are managed by Miraheze. [05:21:48] RW? [05:21:52] reception wiki? [05:21:56] Reception Wiki. [05:22:01] well, you see [05:22:07] Miraheze is a hosting [05:22:11] damn that sure is some kinda reputation [05:22:15] it has over 6k various wiki atm [05:22:34] Miraheze isn't responsible directly for any of them tho [05:22:52] each wiki has its own community, admins, editors [05:22:57] pretty much like on Fandom [05:23:31] in this server we help people, usually individual wiki admins, w/ stuff like settings etc [05:23:38] i do know that miraheze has had some not great history with reception wikis, but i think they still have //some// autonomy, right? [05:24:03] the remaining wiki were let to stay as long as they won't become pain in the ass [05:24:17] no new reception wikis are opened [05:25:34] [1/3] on top of that, these wikis started on Fandom and were collectively booted for the same issues [05:25:35] [2/3] so, in short [05:25:35] [3/3] Miraheze =/= reception wikis [05:26:42] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1001373934874284112/1143949300326465587 join the Netpedia server, it is close enough [05:26:47] you better approach community of that wiki for opinions on your developments [05:41:32] Ah [05:41:36] What happened [05:43:10] eh, nothing too serious [07:21:21] question how do i add a video link so the thunbnail and name of the video shows like a video to a youtube tutorial video [07:30:16] i tried embed but it shows the code not thje video [07:30:59] [1/2] here is the embed [07:30:59] [2/2] `