[00:21:57] Just a question from someone who is entirely new to using Miraheze wiki. Is there a way to give other users like administrative permissions or do they not exist at all. It is for a community I am in and was wondering if it was possible. [00:23:12] Special:UserRights [00:23:28] the other user must be attached to the wiki in order for the interface to load them [00:23:37] Ah merci! [00:23:50] Btw for them to be attached they have to visit the wiki while logged in [00:24:13] Thank you for that information as well 😄 [00:28:29] Where would this be under btw [00:30:12] you can edit that into the wiki's url which is probably fastest, otherwise it is in the special pages link [00:39:47] do you know when the MH survey will be closed? [01:02:43] ugh the survey is on google forms [01:02:55] what ever happened to using the wiki survey thing [01:05:10] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Community_portal#c-MacFan4000-20240702164300-Honglan233-20240702164000 [02:52:45] [1/3] :moonch: [02:52:45] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1258254141755756625/41b4f8f107865540.png?ex=66875ffc&is=66860e7c&hm=7782b64949fd7653ac3d883c9d9e6d2898ddf1485797e14d8870ee7af3af796d& [02:52:45] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1258254142053290035/252eb995761b6810.png?ex=66875ffc&is=66860e7c&hm=79cf3b8b3ad175b69bd095286e349d6b8ebfcc45734e42bb2a4b2e6694374124& [02:59:05] Appears to have been fixed [03:02:38] lol, thanks for the info, I've created the old page back as a redirect, and then updated the main page with the correct link [03:07:50] [1/2] :thanks: Thanks void [03:07:51] [2/2] btw I must do same for Global Rollbackers [03:09:33] I just noticed [04:46:06] Hello. How can I check if the import request is being executed? [05:11:15] [1/3] where you've made it? [05:11:15] [2/3] if on Meta, find yours in [05:11:15] [3/3] if on Phorge, look into comments on your task [05:18:28] [1/2] I have made it on Meta [05:18:28] [2/2] Hm, strange. There's only my wiki request, no import request (I chose status All) [05:19:01] Import requests are in [05:19:38] Assuming your username onwiki is the same as your discord username, it's still pending. [05:21:06] What does pending mean? [05:21:42] Currently in queue and not been started yet. [05:22:08] Ok, I got it now. Thank you all for help! [05:22:33] I'll probably get it started in a few minutes [09:23:59] <.labster> Is there a interface to search edit summary text? I have a user asking for it. So far I've thought of #global-wiki-feed but obviously that has all of the wikis together. [09:25:52] unless the is separate relay for it [09:26:26] if you know exact words tho it shouldn't be a problem on desktop discord search [09:27:39] <.labster> I think he does know exact words. I can't think of a way to do it on-wiki, outside of writing an extension myself. [09:28:11] Be aware that forking Wikipedia pages is not allowed. See our Content Policy! [09:29:15] Not as far as I know. [09:29:56] <.labster> with db access it would be easy, just a fulltext search of the `comment` table [09:30:34] I know, I don't touch Wikipedia, only my/our old wiki on Fandom [09:57:10] .labster: if it's small enough, maybe you could parse the XML backup? [09:57:47] <.labster> good idea BlankEclair, but it's a huge wiki [09:57:57] oh [09:58:22] extension for searching edit summaries 🤔 [10:23:39] I believe not [10:23:48] #global-wiki-feed is probably your best bet [14:07:34] tubo in da field [14:07:52] Hello [14:07:57] haiii [14:08:01] :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0 [14:13:59] damn wikipedia just left us [14:14:58] should urls that are on no pages be linked on https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Special:RottenLinks? [14:21:31] BlankEclair: no, it's quite possible either the special page is out of date, somewhere externallinks has got stuck or that's a bug [14:23:03] 15:21:32 BlankEclair: no, it's quite possible either the special page is out of date, somewhere externallinks has got stuck or that's a bug [14:23:20] how weird [14:23:25] (oh thanks) [14:23:45] First step would be to run the update script on that wiki [14:23:53] i tried to reproduce it on a fresh instance of mediawiki (the fourth this poor server has seen), and i can't [14:24:08] but yeah, maybe the update script would be nice--should i request that on phorge? [14:24:37] @originalauthority you around ^ [14:25:11] i just noticed that rainverse.wiki's database name is rainversewiki, that's nice [14:25:16] Or @bluemoon0332 [14:42:09] Hello again. I got the approval for the domain change. Is there a template on how to do these requests [14:43:18] not sure, cc @reception123 as the last one I remember who handles such things [14:43:45] velvetbyrne: there's no template, basically just create a task on phorge using the generic form stating your old and new domain, and a link to the approval [14:44:02] it seems to me the configuration change form is most suitable, which would be [14:44:17] oh whoops ^^; [14:44:51] @velvetbyrne do not use Phorge for this [14:45:01] Please go to [[Special:RequestSSL]] [14:45:01] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestSSL [14:45:02] [14:45:07] oh [14:45:10] Ohh, I was directed to Photge [14:45:15] they're changing miraheze subdomains [14:45:17] Ok 👍 [14:45:29] wait [14:45:41] if you do mean what BlankEclair said then do use Phorge [14:45:53] I thought you were talking about custom domains [14:46:03] [1/2] I'm not sure because it said Phorge [14:46:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1258433651683758160/image.png?ex=6688072b&is=6686b5ab&hm=d35f11106f9b37766f8bfceb63216204706d2dfcff580eac3bc36b415d73ef78& [14:46:14] So it should be in RequestSSL instead or? [14:46:35] nah phorge; bluemoon0332 thought you were changing custom domains [14:46:45] Oh nvm, sorry my internet was a bit slow, ok ok, I'll do it on Phorge [14:47:14] I don't know why but there'd be sudden blank spots for like a few seconds to a minute usualy [16:55:51] [1/10] heavy javascript incoming [16:55:52] [2/10] so i have something that looks something like this: [16:55:52] [3/10] ```js [16:55:52] [4/10] return GadgetSettings.parent.prototype.getActionProcess.call( this, action ).next( ()=> // 0 [16:55:52] [5/10] this.api.get().done((dat)=> // 1 [16:55:53] [6/10] this.api.postWithEditToken().done(()=> // 2 [16:55:53] [7/10] Promise.all(promises).then( ()=> // 3 [16:55:53] [8/10] this.close(); [16:55:54] [9/10] ``` [16:55:54] [10/10] 0 and 1 both have the header show the loading animation, but by 2 the loading animation disappears. how do i make it so the animation doesn't disappear? [19:02:00] <.labster, replying to aaronliu> this looks like it's missing a dozen `)` [19:02:16] um, yes? [19:02:26] this isn't real code, it's just an excerpt to get a feel for the structure [19:31:16] just found a solution to just make my own promise [19:55:53] Having troubles with the efn-la template [19:56:02] it shows lower-alpha 1 [20:16:08] Theres no context here whatsoever just a bunch of chained promises. If the real code is correct then there shouldn't be an issue if the loading animation is contingent on whether or not the final promise has resolved [20:16:31] If it doesn't then there's an error in your promise handling but we wouldn't be able to tell without seeing the actual code [20:17:39] [1/2] lines 190 to 255 are the relevant lines [20:17:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1258517098645164033/blaod2015.js?ex=668854e2&is=66870362&hm=5d6cd29ad1588ab55b913e2e09453faa2c2f98efaaabc595fa2ea301304a7622& [20:22:15] this really pains me to read [20:22:31] the amount of nesting here is unbelievable, why aren't you using async/await? [20:22:48] because it's an OO.ui.Process [20:23:17] and also because it's an es5 gadget [20:23:44] don't really know much about OOUI its horrible, but my thoughts would be wrap the entirety of the thing in another promise, and only remove the loading animation once that promise has resolved? [20:24:01] yeah, that's what i meant above [20:24:10] oh yeah that would make more sense [20:28:13] also does ooui not support using `.done()` instead of `.then()` surely that would aid in error tracking? [20:28:57] maybe they're the same I always use `.done()` though for some reason [20:29:23] yeah they're basically the same except .then also allows you to supply a second function that's the fail condition [20:30:21] oh yeah done only handles success [20:30:23] derp [20:35:15] mkay [20:35:17] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/Daramount_Network_(Josenlandian_TV_channel) [20:35:49] why the letter D lol [20:36:14] It can mean a lot of things. [20:36:32] Darrell, the name of the dragon charact I created [20:36:36] Dragon [20:36:47] or Darrell's Paramount [20:37:07] I'm not sure of [20:37:19] I hope I cleared your doubt [20:37:33] so uh what help do you need [20:37:45] redacting the article [20:37:58] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramount_Network_(Dutch_TV_channel) [20:38:15] I don't want to make similar to the original Paramount [20:38:21] like the content [20:38:37] [1/2] wdym [20:38:37] [2/2] like you want to delete the page? just press the "delete" button [20:41:02] Also I'm thinking off doing the similar of the WBD EMEA https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/Dragon_Bros._Daramount [20:42:20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Discovery_EMEA [20:44:03] [1/3] Dragon Bros. Daramount DMEJ (?) [20:44:04] [2/3] Dragon Bros. Daramount Draconarian Union, Middle East, and Josenland [20:44:04] [3/3] 🤷‍♂️ [21:23:17] [1/2] free nostalgia [21:23:17] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze-1-year [21:25:27] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/Dragon_Bros._Daramount_HLDRJ [21:25:34] some changes [21:30:18] Now we just need Labster to make the 10-year announcement and it'll come full circle [21:39:13] hellooo [21:50:31] i will probably not gun for a volunteer position espc cuz i cant keep a solid schedule with :nastyspiral: current events :nastyspiral: [21:57:13] Reminder: maintenance is expected to begin in about two hours. Please be sure to save your edits before then! [22:21:35] [1/2] issue - I've never had pages with my 'stub' template on full screen before. just had and realised there's a problem with it - does anyone know how to fix waves hand this? Images are really not my strong suit [22:21:36] [2/2] https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Stub [22:24:36] mx.lilasekhmet: if you want it to be, for example, 60px wide, you'd use `[[File:Stub.jpg|60px|alt=...]]` [22:24:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Stub.jpg [22:28:03] If I set it to a specific no of pixels, it won't change the size when you change the window size, right? I think I can make that work, but just chekcing [22:29:06] it shouldn't afaik [22:50:04] Hi, am I allowed to have links on my wiki that link to other off-site wikis? I am asking because there are multiple versions of the game that my Wiki is based on, and somebody may be looking for a different wiki for one of the alternative versions. [22:58:39] lyralici0us: absolutely [23:14:57] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/DaramountMedia [23:15:10] I'm solving the problems of empty pages [23:16:12] cool ^_^ [23:18:21] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1258562576103510086/image.png?ex=66887f3d&is=66872dbd&hm=0b6912251f5323afe9bbba4f59137cdfde90ad90487afcf37bb5bcded31044bb& [23:18:25] progress [23:19:30] DT&T is like my parody of AT&T