[01:51:59] [1/2] Could somebody guide me on how to keep the "In the News" div from overflowing into the little utility bar at the bottom of the page? I don't know if it's just a mobile issue so I'd like somebody outside of it to take a look at it [01:51:59] [2/2] [[mh:omaha:Omaha Wiki]] [01:51:59] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/omaha:Omaha_Wiki [01:52:00] [01:56:43] gl0v3: wdym overflowing? [01:56:52] I'd probably rework the design to incorporate a grid layout; see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_grid_layout for more information [01:58:16] alr ty! [02:24:58] if test.mirabeta.org fails to load but meta.mirabeta.org works, does that merit a concern for the mw 1.42 update? since that probably means an extension isn't working properly [02:51:47] doesn't even have an error message, just a browser "this page isn't working" message [02:51:54] definitely seems like an outdated extension [03:22:03] [1/2] whilst we’re on the topic of mirabeta [03:22:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1258986292432207882/IMG_4172.png?ex=668a09da&is=6688b85a&hm=d1abb5fe62ad11c64836f3cade07aad4076a1ed8899f36deef63b20dd0495e4b& [03:22:38] IDK if this is a bug or just a side effect of how the thing’s set up but I figured I might as well report it just in case [03:44:44] seems like the translate extension isn't happy [04:04:02] It may just be that it's not enabled [04:05:43] [1/2] it is tho [04:05:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1258997282523582576/1720238742965.png?ex=668a1417&is=6688c297&hm=7a515136ac46fdc1255c642fabc27eb7433d4cc8a683d49df110a291b8803aaf& [04:05:57] unless that page doesn't have it enabled [10:23:38] um, any catalan to help me in the IPA? [10:23:40] Corporació Josenlàndina de Mitjans de Comunicació [11:57:08] how often do special pages update? (like Special:ListRedirects) [11:58:12] roughly two to three times a week [11:59:12] alrighto 👍 [11:59:45] (it's every third day of the month to be exact) [11:59:59] (every three days*) [12:39:38] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/p/Antivirustales1/; is this spam? [12:40:15] Yes [12:40:33] phorge spammers are... interesting [12:52:50] we had persistent vandal over there too [12:53:55] you can only register on miraheze's phorge instance via mediawiki... that either means that there's some really modular script, or that there are people actually doing this [13:31:38] So, I've been noticing I'm being momentarily put in mobile view way more often since I reported it? [13:38:10] that would be kinda funny [13:39:04] one way to cache bust is to add random query parameters to the url, but that's kinda annoying for browsing (unless if you use an extension) [14:02:23] I assume mobile view is Minerva/MobileFrontend? [14:04:10] yeah [14:12:15] has the permission of interwiki been granted to local bureaucrats or sysop (not an independent interwiki user group) before this year? [14:12:46] it depends on when the interwiki administrator gurop is demolished [14:14:01] yeah, I found a rather serious problem [14:14:45] i don't know if that means no local 'crat //can't// have the interwiki right [14:15:10] (if i were to report it, i'd either email stewards or possibly file a security task on phorge) [14:15:17] https://unbooks.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:%E6%97%A5%E5%BF%97?type=interwiki&user=%E9%BB%91%E5%BA%95%E5%B1%8D&page=&wpdate=&tagfilter= [14:15:22] Please look this page [14:16:00] Before interwiki was devolved to local bureaucrats, one user could edit interwiki directly without obtaining the interwiki user group. [14:17:48] they were a global interwiki admin: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log?page=User%3A黑底屍 [14:19:07] oh, I am sorry [14:19:13] it's alright ^_^ [14:19:38] (i probably should stock up on some more emoticons because i feel like i use ^_^ a lot) [14:36:04] 我是伍伍凌 [14:36:14] @NotAracham你为什么要锁定我 [14:36:24] What's weirder about this is that it seems to be the same pages every time on any devices [14:36:31] 我要解锁!!Fuck [14:37:07] why are all these people who spam on IRC so impatient that they quit before any action is taken on them [14:37:50] oceansky1: that's caching for ya [14:38:13] if someone on a mobile device views a url, that url will be for the mobile view for all devices [14:38:24] (until the cached page expires, and excluding logged-in activity) [14:38:59] Ah. [14:40:41] I haven't looked at the wiki on mobile in a while and I'm usually in desktop view on there as well so I don't see why it could be happening with pages I haven't looked at in ages on there now [14:40:57] Unless it's being caused by somebody I don't know about [14:40:59] it also triggers if other people look at them [14:41:22] hey [14:41:23] so unless if you're wiki is niche, there's a chance of mobile view being used [14:41:28] hello [14:41:36] That may be more likely then [14:41:50] (and search engines might optimize for mobile? i dunno, SEO feels like a scam sometimes) [14:44:50] Oh yeah, on two different wikis while on mobile in mobile view I would randomly get a popup asking if I wanted to download the wiki, is this at all related to Miraheze itself or could it just be some random new Google thing? [14:45:04] uh, what? [14:45:11] screenshot? i'm confused [14:45:35] or a rough quote of what it says, i've never seen something like that before [14:47:09] [1/3] Thankfully I've managed to capture it two of the three times I've seen it [14:47:09] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259158703853146263/Screenshot_20240705-171657.png?ex=668aaa6d&is=668958ed&hm=d292b054a76f5b61cf7967531d3ea6fb950ad11120d7b57f0c2e1d8607f5f31c& [14:47:10] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259158704146616350/Screenshot_20240630-174557.png?ex=668aaa6d&is=668958ed&hm=2e1283fab2d00ebdc3905768597a7084143cc601e465f49fb0bc8fc185b3712a& [14:47:46] hmm, PWAs or something? [14:48:26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_web_app [14:48:30] How do I ping people on IRC? [14:48:44] Honglan233: mention their nick [14:49:03] oh, thank you❛‿˂̵✧ [14:49:05] I haven't actually clicked on it to see what it would do but I think the consensus was that it would just create a home screen shortcut [14:51:02] Afaik I don't really have something like that? [14:51:24] i meant to say that the wiki probably enabled PWA support [14:51:38] (though i don't see Extension:PWA enabled on alpha.sagan4.org... interesting) [14:52:00] Huh. [14:56:16] something with the mobile view (but not skin?) causes the page to return info on how to install it as a PWA [14:56:24] so chrome offers the ability to install it [14:59:33] Are you explaining how it works or suggesting chrome could be responsible instead? [14:59:35] oceansky1: it's enabled by default for the extension that adds the mobile view [14:59:43] (i was explaining how it works) [14:59:49] Ah, ok [15:00:15] so it's available on all miraheze wikis, given that you're using the mobile view [15:00:28] we both learned something new [15:01:41] Yeah, I've also been asking about this on the server hoping to get an answer to it [15:03:51] Ah, so it seems that it's there because the wiki uses similar software as Wikipedia? [15:04:23] No, it's because mobile view is enabled [15:04:30] all wikis on miraheze do use the same software as wikipedia [15:04:47] Oh, yeah that makes sense- [15:05:15] (i don't think it's 100% the same since there are extensions n stuff, but for most purposes it's close enough) [15:07:04] I have the extension turned off since its a pain to have multiple css pages + with timeless it's already pretty adaptive to mobile [15:07:44] hold up I just backread and I'm a little concerned about the cache making it where if one person views a page on mobile it'll be mobile view for everyone what the fuck? [15:08:04] if you're logged out [15:08:17] that is actually stupid [15:08:18] when you're logged in, you bypass an entire layer of caching (varnish) [15:08:19] Yeah that adds up. [15:08:19] [1/2] Yep :/ [15:08:20] [2/2] Had this issue with my own wikis [15:08:51] i agree and have already filed a bug report: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12285 [15:09:05] Had to re-add the Purge extension to help slightly [15:09:13] Anyways, I think everything I've been wondering about has been answered, so I suppose I'll be going inactive here again until I run into something else I figure I should bring up here? This topic has my interest so I'll stick around for a bit. [15:09:28] sure why not [15:09:44] ghaztliousmoths: purging the page shouldn't affect varnish cache though? [15:09:52] action=purge only purges mediawiki's cache [15:10:10] Idk it's an attempt [15:10:15] fair enough [15:10:38] if your wiki doesn't use cloudflare (which is only most wikis with a custom domain), you can send an http request with the PURGE method [15:10:56] (that hits only one cache server, but you can hit all of them if you send the request to all of them) [15:11:19] this issue seems to have been going on for some time [15:11:38] if your wiki uses cloudflare (i.e. *.miraheze.org, maybe *.wikitide.org, and probably some custom domains), you'll need to use Special:PurgeResources [15:12:04] Ahh thanks [15:12:11] disgustedorite: btw i can reproduce it on wikimedia.org :3 [15:12:53] I wonder if this is also why our random species gallery never updates anymore [15:12:57] mediawiki.org* [15:13:03] even though it is SUPPOSED TO update on every page refresh [15:13:36] [1/2] I kinda want to make a wiki on Wonderlings to help have some sort of resource to preserve it [15:13:36] [2/2] However I have forgotten a lot about the game ever since the server died [15:13:58] disgustedorite: you also have mediawiki's cache to deal with [15:14:31] ...That reminds me that some images on the Sagan IV Beta wiki are still duplicated after it went down and got royally messed up once and I have no idea if it's the wiki itself or Miraheze goofing up. [15:15:17] wdym? [15:15:39] Honglan233: btw, your client is dropping in and out somewhat frequently [15:16:22] ...Apparently I can't post a link to the wiki? [15:16:43] anti-spam bot prevention, gotta link your discord account with your miraheze one to post links on discord [15:17:03] i normally don't tell people to break the rules, but you probably could break up the url >.> [15:18:20] But Yeah, the Twilight Gill's page is an example of what I'm talking about [15:19:24] The wiki has a lot of issues with displaying page previews as well [15:20:30] what was the interwiki shortcut for the wikibot again [15:20:53] or the thing for like [15:20:57] wdym? as in linking to pages with interwiki links? [15:20:58] linking any wiki [15:21:03] [[sagan4beta:Twilight Gill]] [15:21:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/sagan4beta:Twilight_Gill [15:21:04] [15:21:10] [[mh:sagan4beta:Twilight Gill]] [15:21:10] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/sagan4beta:Twilight_Gill [15:21:16] [[mhsagan4beta:Twilight Gill]] [15:21:16] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/mhsagan4beta:Twilight_Gill [15:21:17] [15:21:19] ddah [15:21:21] (irc -> discord doesn't show up, but discord -> irc does) [15:21:22] [[mh:sagan4beta:Twilight Gill]] [15:21:22] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/sagan4beta:Twilight_Gill [15:21:23] [15:21:35] there we go [15:22:12] Oh, thanks [15:22:21] oceansky1: i'm still confused, what do you mean by duplicated? [15:22:35] Seems that the Alpha wiki does have some preview issues as well but they aren't as prevalent [15:22:56] also, about page previews failing, does it say "There was an issue displaying this preview"? [15:23:18] Yes [15:23:25] known bug: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11755 [15:23:26] Also are you not seeing the same image twice? [15:24:09] here's how Twilight Gill looks on my end: https://files.catbox.moe/3577wx.png [15:24:15] One in the intended spot and again below the information usually [15:24:58] The bare text is certainly there, scroll down [15:25:16] as in the image of Stellasaeta vesper? [15:25:28] Yes [15:25:48] seems to be a problem of how the editors wrote the code (to somewhat oversimplify) [15:26:57] succinct (but probably hard-to-understand) description: the Species template (probably) expects the image parameter to simply be the name of the file (without the File namespace), not `[[File:Stellasaeta vesper.png|thumb]]` [15:26:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Stellasaeta_vesper.png [15:27:46] i don't have editing rights so it's kinda hard for me to test if that's right, but i think it is [15:27:46] Ah, only a few pages are like this so maybe it's just a remnant of when the wiki got screwed up that still hasn't been fixed, they were like this immediately after I could view the wiki again. [15:28:00] Before entire images and stuff weren't there anymore [15:29:58] The event seems to have messed with links to it elsewhere too, which still haven't been updated to my knowledge [15:31:24] Yep, link on the hub wiki still sends you to a "wiki not found" error. [15:32:04] I think it's the only one thankfully [15:32:12] hub wiki? [15:32:29] Sagan IV Hub Wiki [15:33:11] Actually for some reason the link to all three other wikis on there is broken [15:34:14] The ones on the side do work however [15:36:56] oceansky1: what's the subdomain of the hub wiki? [15:37:36] meta.sagan4.org? [15:37:54] obvious in hindsight, thanks xd [15:38:04] yeah they forgot to update the urls it seems [15:39:42] Yeah, I'm going to try making these two coding errors known again so hopefully they can be fixed soon [15:40:03] It's been ages so I imagine most people forgot about them [15:40:26] could be [15:40:42] i wasn't around before wikitide merged with miraheze [15:41:39] Iirc this happened because miraheze goofed up? it was after the merge I believe. [15:42:16] i only started editing two months ago, so i don't know much about the history [15:42:30] Ah, ok [15:42:47] the two things i know that could count as goofs is the db141 failure, and the proposal to rebrand as wikitide [15:44:40] I still remember looking at the wiki and then out of nowhere it was down, and I thought it was down for a lot longer than it probably was due to the links on the hub wiki not working, and then seeing how screwed up the wiki got in the aftermath- [15:45:32] I think there were some early warning signs as well such as the image for one species being missing, which has since been fixed [15:45:47] when was this btw? [15:46:06] I think some time during or before december? it's been a while. [15:47:16] maybe https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Noticeboard/Archive_1#Cloud14_issues? [15:49:01] oh that was in 2022, oops [15:50:03] I remember only the Beta wiki getting affected by this strangely [15:50:24] At least of the ones I paid attention to at the time [16:14:17] What's the fastest way to add a lot of images to a page at once? I've tagged a LOT of images under a character category and want to put them on the character's gallery page now, What's the quickest way to get a "list" from the category then put all those files on the page via a gallery, essentially? [16:15:30] [[mw:Extension:DynamicPageList3]] [16:15:30] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DynamicPageList3 [16:15:31] [16:15:48] (theres another dpl i think but this is the one i know how to use lol) [16:22:22] [1/12] do this on a sandbox page to get a list you can copy and paste in (so u can add captions etc later) [16:22:22] [2/12] ``` [16:22:23] [3/12] {{#dpl: [16:22:23] [4/12] |category = Anime Promo [16:22:23] [5/12] |namespace = File [16:22:24] [6/12] |format = ,%PAGE%,\n, [16:22:24] [7/12] }} [16:22:24] [8/12] ``` [16:22:25] [9/12] or replace the format line with this to make it show as a gallery directly [16:22:25] [10/12] ``` [16:22:25] [11/12] |format = «gallery»,%PAGE%,\n,«/gallery» [16:22:25] [12/12] ``` [16:29:51] thank u canada you are truly the patron saint of wikis I appreciate all your help immensely and I will now go to sleep and put this to use when daylight strikes [16:35:08] [1/2] how do I make whatever this is for my wiki? [16:35:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259185877406580936/Screenshot_2024-07-06_123411.png?ex=668ac3bb&is=6689723b&hm=5958de77e6f7be4a792e111a7ec64da0f75629f25208ebb6f1b2940948c62fea& [16:35:49] [[Infoboxes]] [16:35:49] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes [16:35:50] [16:44:14] late but portable infoboxes changed something that caused the double images [16:44:33] fuck u NotAracham [16:44:37] I'm about to fix it with awb, it was bc they kept the format from before we started using portable infoboxes [16:44:43] 你为何还不给我解锁??! [16:44:46] which had thumbnail images [16:44:55] 伍伍凌是相当 [16:44:58] 无辜 [16:44:59] 的 [16:45:12] NotAracham错误地封禁了他 [16:45:33] checkuser不能决定一切,就像我不是伍凌的一样 [16:48:08] Translation: Why do not you unlocked me? [16:48:23] T: 伍伍凌 is so [16:48:47] T:innocent [16:49:27] T:NotAracham was wrong to ban him [16:50:13] ↑ I translated his remarks [16:53:36] [1/2] Translation is hard for google. [16:53:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259190525291135127/image.png?ex=668ac80f&is=6689768f&hm=97bfda4a27730d35ecb448ff83c1b3e1d3861b0c8dc28e0dbd5896926cdb48c5& [16:56:17] discord has a translate feature? [16:58:21] Sadly, no. I am using an 3rd party client called Vencord that has plugins for various features like that translate. [16:58:27] ah [17:19:23] Yeah, no, we got a mess of accounts dead-to-rights. There was no mistake here. [17:20:12] Please do ping discord mods/admins if they resurface, I think a few folks here have the right IRC contacts to do a more thorough ban. [17:26:03] @nibblypup [17:26:32] Please delete 伍伍凌Spam from IRC [17:27:49] Deletion wasn't crucial, the ask for pings for those roles was if they come back. [17:28:53] ah, I see [18:14:04] i love `?uselang=qqx` [18:45:22] My Birthday is tomorrow [18:45:28] 🎂🥳 [18:45:40] I will be 27 years old [18:46:25] hell yeah [18:46:44] make sure to cash in free items at stores [18:52:38] How long does an import request typically take? [18:55:12] Via the special page? [19:04:03] I know how to submit it, I'm just wondering how long they will usually take [19:04:32] Volunteer run so no SLA but generally we get to things within a day or two. I've started the import now. [19:05:10] Thank you! [19:07:40] Is there a way to view a list of all the pages that exist for a wiki? [19:08:00] https://classic303.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:AllPages [19:08:09] Improt should be done [19:09:12] Thank you so much! [19:19:34] What do I do if my infoboxes from fandom didn't transfer correctly? [19:19:56] I enabled the portable infoboxes extension, but its still not actually displaying them correctly [19:20:53] Try making a null edit [19:21:15] Null edit? [19:22:01] Any edit [19:22:16] A null edit is an edit that do t change anything [19:24:26] Null = empty/nothing [19:24:41] Thank you so much, that worked! [19:24:48] Yay [19:25:02] the extension just needs a kick sometimes [19:31:45] How would I add an image slot to an infobox template? [19:41:49] take a look at the documentation here: [19:42:06] the tldr is `` but this page is a godsend for portableinfobox [19:42:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bparameter [19:42:11] and its a bit annoying to find so [19:42:44] the page? [19:43:02] Thank you, and I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I'm used to the simpler way fandom did things honestly. [19:43:15] yeah, i didnt find this specific page easy to find when i needed help with PI [19:43:39] and youre totally fine - it can take time to adjust to the 'rawer' form of MW but imo its much better, you have far more control [19:43:49] when has fandom ever made shit easy [19:43:52] LOL IKR [19:44:03] oop need to fix my nick [19:44:08] i had no idea how to use (i.e., mandate your own formatting) until i dug this page out of the depths [19:44:23] im bac [19:45:32] and am sick [19:45:35] awesoem! [19:45:47] by the way r.e. externaldata i think i need [insert MH staff here] to look at the uhh polling rate for me bc even though the roblox API recovered its still getting ratelimited [19:45:54] its a config setting i think [19:45:58] also oh no i hope you feel better!! [19:46:19] if i cant figure this out ill just have to hardcode it into common.js and wait for CSP once more [19:46:20] ill look into it later prob [19:46:30] most tech stuff is public anyways [19:46:49] yeah well just came back from a blast of a week so eh win some lose some [19:46:53] [1/2] its this i think? [19:46:53] [2/2] > For web sites, soap services and server-side programs, throttling is configured by the settings throttle key and throttle interval within $wgExternalDataSources: [19:47:02] unrelated did you see the pics i sent ya [19:47:06] I DID sorry ive been really busy [19:47:08] theyre awesome [19:47:50] no worries [19:47:53] ikr [19:48:09] the globe is awesome [19:48:22] i took it as a live photo so i can see it a bit more as it turns [20:10:55] Is there a way to preview a page edit in the moderation queue? [20:11:01] Rather than just viewing the differences [20:25:47] Additionally, uh, how do I remove a page from a category? I read the categories page and didn't see how to do it [20:27:54] [1/2] pages are added into categories by typing `[[Category:...]]` [20:27:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:... [20:27:55] [2/2] if you can't find such link in page code the category is most likely added by a template [20:28:54] I know how to add them into a category, I'm just not sure how to remove them from a category [20:29:05] you just delete the link [20:29:19] remove it from the page [20:30:30] I click edit on it and I don't see a link to the category, the link to a category gets removed after I save the edit [20:31:26] are you using visual editor or source? [20:32:45] Visual editor [20:32:51] Ah, wait, is that the issue? [20:33:04] Thank you so much, that was indeed the issue, lol [20:34:15] I just don't use visual editor so not sure how categories work in there [20:57:27] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259251892496765032/image.png?ex=668b0136&is=6689afb6&hm=3e3b43694dfed03fd88196a410992231747c2536ab562665f1b86aae402e0a6b& [20:57:38] Working off the second single [20:57:50] (based on RP of Sabrina Carpenter) [21:01:06] hey, nice infobox! I still haven't worked those out (and honestly have given up) [21:06:10] Thnx, I imported it from Wikipedia [21:06:12] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/Espresso_(song) [21:06:48] a bit messy [21:56:12] [1/2] In general, nothing you make will ever be as nice or versatile as the iteratively refined wikipedia versions. [21:56:12] [2/2] However, what you make may well be far more streamlined and efficient for your wiki. [21:56:56] I like that [22:05:10] [1/8] Fe, my infobox looks pretty mediocre and a little rough around the edge. But it's versatile enough for my wikis. [22:05:10] [2/8] Moving wikis is easy as it only uses 3-4 templates to run. And it has... [22:05:11] [3/8] * No parsers. [22:05:11] [4/8] * No modules. [22:05:11] [5/8] * No extensions. [22:05:12] [6/8] * No 'real' code of any kind. [22:05:12] [7/8] I built it with my own hands, so I can change it at will or fix it when it breaks. [22:05:12] [8/8] It's far and away simpler than the tentacled monstrosity of an infobox Wikipedia uses. [22:44:17] Does anyone know where I could find a list of protocols that Mediawiki will automatically generate links for? From some testing I've found http://, https://, ftp://, sftp://, irc://, nntp://, mailto: and news: but there's definitely more [22:51:18] ah, it looks like it's stored in $wgUrlProtocols. I'll assume miraheze is using the default ones. [22:51:44] I'll check our configuration fuiles [22:52:17] I found this in the mw-config git repo which suggests that it should be [22:52:18] fuiles? [22:52:19] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259280797857349762/image.png?ex=668b1c22&is=6689caa2&hm=14f407ff9885da8f497ffee9b3913cd8718caa6cf396ed273b7d9f64d16a65bb& [22:52:21] files [22:52:22] with small tweaks for a few wikis [22:52:34] bingo [23:29:49] so the ongoing cache issues have been disrupting normal wiki operation over on sagan 4 for at least a month at this point. When will it be fixed? [23:31:38] The really annoying part is that unlike past caching issues, it affects semantic mediawiki too, so I can't generate lists of pages to purge using smw queries [23:35:47] @kiju1108 let's amend this to 4....https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407504500136607745/1259122169997168742 [23:35:57] oh boy [23:36:27] lmao [23:52:54] may be better to post a follow up announce tbh