[00:11:35] i got extension enabled, but what then [00:12:10] uh [00:12:16] read the docs n stuff [00:18:50] Read the guide [00:20:12] ye olden [00:20:17] [1/2] Our portable infobox extension also works very much like Fandom's so their documation also works quite well: [00:20:17] [2/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1048292890050318427 [00:35:10] fun fact: the source code is actually based off of fandom's [00:35:45] Oh the old days [00:37:32] oh? [00:37:54] back when fandom was OS i mean [00:38:00] I wasn’t there for it [00:38:08] me neither lol [00:38:23] I’m compartively new to wikis conpared to people like reception [00:38:31] less then 2 years i think [00:38:37] yea definitely [00:38:44] me, who joined like two months ago: observes [00:38:54] wikis in general? [00:39:01] actual editing yeah [00:39:12] i had a tiny bit of edits on other wikis, but they're basically typo or link fixes [00:39:21] gochu [00:40:20] I only really started being a volunteer beyond discord support and active on meta this January [00:40:27] i joined the discord in August [00:52:26] _has been on Fandom since 2012_ [01:20:56] Finnally the irregularities in FurrNations were solved [01:23:57] so the wiki hasn't private [01:24:40] Please make sure to use the banner templates on NSFW pages, otherwise we may need to revisit it. [01:24:51] ok [01:25:11] MicroWiki needs to take notes of the banners [01:25:25] in despise is an normal micronational wiki [01:25:35] that only is SFW [01:26:21] instead of being an toxic wiki that creates uncomfortable environments [01:26:54] (such forcing users to use an irl picture on the infobox instead of characters) [01:27:32] does anybody know the styling sheets for infoboxes on wikipedia? [01:27:46] i ported over infobox school and the infoboxes are going the entire length of the screen [01:27:56] [[mh:omaha:Template:Infobox_school]] [01:27:56] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/omaha:Template:Infobox_school [01:27:56] oh no [01:27:56] [01:28:14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css, take a peek around line 280 or so [01:28:26] i had to learn the hard way [01:28:37] But yeah, oh no is right, it's a whole project borrowing things from WP. 🙂 [01:28:44] it was easy [01:28:48] it told me what templates i needed [01:29:07] i made sure to port most of the base templates from dev, it's just for infoboxes im porting from wikipedia [01:29:23] i can, have, and will continue to import from wikipedia, but god damn can it be a pain sometimes [01:29:36] I'm personally a big proponent of Portable Infobox, but to each their own. [01:29:53] 🤝 [01:29:57] i want my wiki to look exactly like wikipedia [01:30:09] professional & no room for errors [01:30:11] masochistic [01:30:36] here's how i think about it [01:30:43] that's what im going for to tbh [01:30:43] imagine what the people who first coded all that shit felt [01:30:55] gl0v3: is the problem the infobox expanding past the viewport, or the infobox not working at all [01:31:03] because i immediately see a "Lua error in Module:Infobox_mapframe at line 185: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value)." [01:31:17] woah how do you see that kind of stuff [01:31:22] you have access to everyone's wiki? [01:31:30] i looked at the page? [01:31:52] https://files.catbox.moe/iybp1s.png [01:31:58] i'm browsing logged out too [01:32:08] oh [01:32:20] It's expecting a wikibase extension to be installed and configured [01:32:37] yeah but... wasn't the question about it expanding past the viewport? [01:32:55] @notaracham did you create mirahaze? [01:33:10] i would like to shake your hand [01:33:26] Can't claim that distinction, but I do serve on the board of directors for the parent organization, the WikiTide Foundation [01:33:54] i guess not then [01:34:32] i think [[User:John]] did [01:34:32] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:John [01:34:44] is he here? [01:34:59] check the user page [01:35:32] As far as I can tell, John was never present in this server; as BlankEclair noted, he left Miraheze last year [01:35:43] how come? [01:35:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:John [01:36:24] right there in plain english [01:36:27] Cofounded by John and SPK [01:36:28] excuse me [01:36:39] SPF* [01:36:55] seems like his bio is poking at a cover up [01:36:56] a hornet's nest [01:37:19] who are those in power that he is talking about? [01:39:43] Pointless drama not worth re-dredging. [01:40:29] are they at least gone? [01:46:08] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Infobox [01:46:48] Your infobox misses this @gl0v3 [01:48:32] They have this module, that's not the problem. [01:50:57] [1/2] @gl0v3 looks like you've got the basic stuff figured out, let us know if you have more questions. [01:50:58] [2/2] One pro-tip if you didn't know: the mediawiki common.css page can take a while to take effect, you can also test it faster by going to your preferences >> appearance >> custom css page for the skin you're using and dumping the CSS code there. [01:51:14] That's essentially instant vs 5-10 minutes for common css [01:52:33] firefox also lets you add new stylesheets, useful for one-time testing [01:53:45] oh? [01:53:56] https://files.catbox.moe/yhn2d5.png [01:56:55] ah [02:30:28] what cookies from which domains do i need to preserve to stay logged in with centralauth [02:30:55] i wipe all cookies on browser restart but keep miraheze.org and login.miraheze.org, but didn't help when i tried to login on rainverse.wiki [02:33:21] okay, the problem was that i logged in on rainverse.wiki [02:33:42] if i wipe my cookies and start my login session on login.miraheze.org, suddenly i can login in rainverse.wiki even after restarting the browser [02:33:44] not gonna ask why [02:59:55] i dont even know what cookies do [03:00:08] i have been told to disable them [03:14:01] wait why? [03:21:07] They store data on websites, like login sessions [03:44:13] i see [03:45:12] hii [03:45:58] hi [03:51:03] hii [03:57:02] who let the dog in me out [04:00:52] good night everyone. [04:00:54] Hello. [04:00:57] anyone in here just never go to sleep? ever? [04:01:52] Anybody a good connoisseur of original Netflix shows and films? [04:03:06] not sure anyone watches original netflix anything anymore [04:03:23] also very offtopic [04:04:01] wait... did I asked for it in General??? [04:04:16] Damn, i thought I was in off-topic. [04:04:23] So sorry. [04:04:36] it’s not a big deal [04:04:38] at all [04:05:05] There is something called time zones which may help you. [04:05:19] Here where I am it's 11:05 pm. [04:05:24] i too live in a time zone [04:05:46] yeah, you can use the timezones to calculate when they're awake [04:05:54] it's typically 10 pm to 3-4 am [04:06:21] what time zone are you in [04:06:26] mr eclair [04:06:36] uh, ms [04:06:49] i apologize [04:06:54] i lost my train of thought [04:06:59] UTC+10 [04:07:50] +10 [04:07:57] you live in [04:07:58] russia? [04:08:17] or uzbekistan? [04:08:25] #offtopic btw [04:09:14] we understand, but calling it again about off topic starts to be rude. [04:09:33] good lord man, calm down! [04:09:39] you don’t gotta do her like that [04:09:43] relax [04:09:45] quick question - is it possible to transfer ownership of a wiki? [04:09:59] Wikis dont have owners [04:10:08] well right but like [04:10:10] main editor [04:10:12] They have crats to manage [04:10:14] the beaurcrat if you will [04:10:17] that [04:10:18] yues [04:10:26] keyboard soup today my bad [04:10:27] You can grant the right via [[Special:UserRights]] [04:10:27] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:UserRights [04:10:29] [04:10:34] thank you [05:16:19] minor question , my phorge request hasnt been gotten to in a really long time (over 2 weeks at this point,) can someone who can rename wikis get to it.? if it isnt too rude to ask [05:36:14] This is unfortunately a fairly busy season in personal affairs for a lot of our tech volunteers, but if you've reached ~3 weeks, a ping to the `@technology team` alias in the #tech channel could be warranted. Please be sure you've also followed all relevant steps in the [[Custom domains]] document to make sure it can be addressed speedily [05:36:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [05:36:15] [07:39:34] Is it possible to disable the "survey" and "planned downtime" banners for anonymous users? [07:54:15] planned downtime i don't think you can disable even when logged in, but maybe i'm wrong [07:54:50] actually, you might be able to do so with css [07:56:44] the ability to disable the banner type for surveys (special) is shown but grayed out [08:01:20] thorbjorn: to disable only surveys (as long as the id is kept consistent), `#centralNotice:is([class^="cn-MirahezeSurvey"], [class^="cn-Survey"], [class^="cn-Miraheze_Survey"]) { display: none; }` [08:01:43] to disable all central notices (imo not recommended): `#centralNotice { display: none; }` [08:08:51] i'm too lazy to hunt down how to hide planned downtime banners [08:12:06] [1/4] Some wikis with custom domains only appear to have their root page redirect to the new domain [08:12:06] [2/4] eg. simpleelectronicswiki.miraheze.org redirects to amps.wiki.gg, but simpleelectronicswiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Simple_Electronics_Wiki remains on miraheze [08:12:06] [3/4] Other wikis always redirect, such as pizzatower.miraheze.org/wiki/Cheeseslime, which redirects to pizzatower.wiki/wiki/Cheeseslime [08:12:06] [4/4] Is there a way to make our wiki always redirect, and if not, would it be fine to use Javascript to do it? [08:13:40] thelazysquid: that can be done on request through phorge [08:14:17] ohh ok [08:14:17] redirect is automatic tbh [08:14:41] from miraheze domain to custom, once it was set up via phorge [08:15:03] what kind of task would I make [08:15:10] (I have no idea how to use Phorge) [08:15:14] either the generic create task form or the request features one [08:15:35] it generally doesn't really matter as long as we know what you want--your local task triager will shift things around if needed [08:15:56] sounds good [08:16:20] actually wait [08:16:47] you mean request SSL doesn't create redirects @ eclair? [08:16:59] i mean... rainverse.miraheze.org doesn't [08:17:17] i'm actually not sure when redirects are done, but i do know that one way to have them made is to ask for them on phorge [08:17:22] I don't remember if my first custom domain request was via phorge or SSL [08:17:47] but it worked right away [08:17:57] BlankEclair: Wouldn't that hide it for all users, or is there a way to add a custom CSS for only Anonymous users? [08:18:08] hmm yeah i noticed that another wiki which requested it has it auto-setup [08:18:19] i'm not too familiar with ssl setup myself so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [08:18:30] [1/2] last time I asked on phorge for 301 redirect cus google, but otherwise miraheze -> custom already worked [08:18:31] [2/2] pretty sure SKL requested via Meta [08:18:47] what type are you talking about [08:19:04] bare mh subdomain -> custom domain or always forced mh subdomain -> custom domain [08:20:32] We still get the occasional wiki visitor complaining they get redirected to PolandBall wiki. Could this issue still be lingering somewhere? [08:21:01] thorbjorn: yeah, and i can't seem to find a class that specifies whether or not the user is logged in [08:21:20] you probably could sneak it in with javascript since the central notice + global sitenotice requires js to work lol [08:22:22] about the polandball redirect issue, i don't understand? [08:22:59] BlankEclair: Oh well, not looking for hacky solutions right now. I think it would make sense to add an option to hide such banners for Anonymous users, since it generally doesn't concern them. [08:23:15] In the meantime, would javascript to redirect users be fine? [08:23:21] i don't see why not [08:23:50] BlankEclair: Ah, we had the problem that wiki.themanaworld.org was being redirected to www.polandballwiki.com. It was fixed, resurfaced, fixed, and now it generally works, but sometimes somebody seems to still get the redirect. [08:24:09] that sounds horrifying to debug [08:24:56] Yeah, well I guess we'll just wait until either we no longer see the issue or we recognize a pattern. [08:29:03] kinda weird that the surveys aren't optout-able [08:29:40] oh wait, are they? [08:30:25] thorbjorn: does setting $wmgSiteNoticeOptOut hide the survey notice? [08:37:41] BlankEclair: I've checked that option now, but unless there's a server-side caching involved, it did not disable the survey notice. I guess it might be an "important" one. [08:38:06] hm, i probably misinterpreted what it meant by "all" twice [08:38:20] I also saw there is a "wgDismissableSiteNoticeForAnons" option, but that's already enabled and it sounds like it would make things even worse by not even making it possible to dismiss the notice. [08:38:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralNotice?subaction=noticeDetail¬ice=Miraheze+Survey+2024 [08:39:04] apparently the projects field is multiselectable (if you modify the html to undisable it) [08:39:27] can i have a link to your wiki to see if it's not caching? [08:40:47] BlankEclair: https://wiki.themanaworld.org/wiki/The_Mana_World:Home [08:41:13] survey notice not here for me [08:41:16] probably caching then [08:42:47] Hmm, yeah it's not there for me on Chromium/Linux, where I'm pretty sure I also didn't already click it away, but it's there on Chrome/macOS, even after hitting the refresh button. [08:44:25] ...i was about to ask if you're logged out until i remembered what this is about lol [08:44:29] try adding random query parameters [08:44:42] if the survey notice doesn't show up, it's varnish [08:47:39] Urgh, well, I just hit refresh again, and now the survey is gone on Chrome/macOS as well. Hadn't gotten around to trying with a random query parameter yet. [08:47:47] I was checking with Anonymous, yeah. [08:48:09] Anyway, I guess either the notice disabled itself, if that's a thing, or the cache expired. [08:52:42] caching is a magical phenomenon [10:25:04] do TemplateStyles have access to Common.css color variables? [10:36:24] melissenpai: wdym? as in set with something like `:root { --accent-color: purple; }`? [10:36:48] if so, then see the page for Extension:TemplateStylesExtender [10:43:32] yes, thank you! it would have been a revamping nightmare if we ever want to change the wiki's color theme [10:45:39] [1/6] related to this, is there a limitation to the usage of variables? it happily accepts [10:45:39] [2/6] `background: var(--main-color)` [10:45:40] [3/6] but it gives me errors whenever I try to use things like [10:45:40] [4/6] `color: var(--main-color)` [10:45:40] [5/6] or [10:45:40] [6/6] `border: 1px var(--accent-color)` [10:46:03] that's odd, i'll have to check that out [10:46:30] the variables are set in HEX, might be related to that too? [10:46:37] i'm just pasting the same HEX in those places [10:48:59] on common.css it's just a warning [10:49:04] annoying nonetheless, but harmless [10:50:32] aaah nevermind, reloading the cache fixed it~ [10:52:08] weird [14:36:44] I am in need of a stub template tho idk where to find a simple one [14:42:02] ghaztliousmoths: https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Template:Stub [15:17:25] Thanks [15:33:55] I'm planning to do an NSFW religions sidebar [15:34:21] for all the topics related to NSFW furry micronational religions [15:46:23] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260623160261214270/image.png?ex=668ffe4e&is=668eacce&hm=4df138392b20f7e81e8f617a1674249675f2cf07024d31038248771d295957e1& [15:47:11] the "jhdjdj" is a default text [15:47:23] because I don't know what to call it [16:08:01] I've got one here that's a bit different - I put it in a table: https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Stub [16:08:19] you could put it as "(series name)" [16:08:55] also, does anyone know how to force the table of contents to be uncollapsed on every page? Unless you think that's a bad idea [16:17:38] indeed [16:18:00] there's a code [16:18:03] how do i make xml file [16:21:37] which code, though? [16:23:35] how do i ectract the xml file from here? [16:23:46] https://mobilefriendly.fandom.com/wiki/Infobox_officeholder [16:25:33] [1/2] go to Special:Export on that wiki [16:25:33] [2/2] you'll need Fandom account tho [16:25:56] [1/3] by example |contentclass = plainlist [16:25:56] [2/3] |contentstyle = padding-top:0; [16:25:57] [3/3] |expanded = {{{expanded|{{{selected|{{{1|}}}}}}}}} [16:25:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bexpanded [16:26:38] i dont have permission unfortunately [16:26:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260633309830971463/image.png?ex=669007c2&is=668eb642&hm=9593d2ed2002d5b63c233492b6b791990fa3c9b1edb6422194238949ba4af414& [16:27:19] nvm i do [16:27:30] i put in import instead of export [16:35:08] export gives you the file [16:35:16] import is uploading the file on your wiki [17:50:54] (sorry, had to go, back now) I'm not using a template or wikitable or anything that would involve the "|", though. The TOC just exists - i can't find the code for it, so I can't find where I'd force it to expand. it's not in my css [17:52:07] is it not expanded by default :0 link one that isnt, every one i can find on ur wiki is expanded [17:53:59] [1/2] wait, really? That's good - if they're expanded I don't have to do anythign! [17:53:59] [2/2] for me, they're all unexpanded - e.g. https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Polish_(Decaeological_Findings) [17:54:30] [1/2] ?????? yeah [17:54:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260655402794881196/image.png?ex=66901c55&is=668ecad5&hm=82dfdb241cee20885effc98092ba07cbdb2ab4d3b72111aa2d25e7766a5a15fd& [17:54:40] weird. well, so long as it works for everyone else! [17:54:46] thanks for checking! [17:59:58] rejoice, Phonos is coming soonTM to Miraheze (https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11704) [18:00:13] probably next week [18:01:24] depending on if stuff goes according to plan [18:02:42] 👏 [18:02:46] Now, while I have your attention, I'd like to let everyone know that you may have seen that tasks are taking quite a bit of time to do. [18:03:26] Especially imports, which are being handled mostly by two people outside of the Technology Team, Waki285 and BlankEclair [18:04:05] Pretty sad situation all around [18:09:06] [1/2] I'd like to remind everyone that the Technology Team is always recruiting volunteers. If you'd like to volunteer in the Technology Team as a mw-admin (MediaWiki Specialist, the kind of people that work on bug reports and maintain the mediawiki install), I can guide you through the process of joining the team and help you on how to do some common tasks. Feel free to email me at a [18:09:07] [2/2] lex@miraheze.org. [18:10:15] If you're more of a software person, we are also recruiting Software Engineers. This role notably can be done without needing to sign an NDA with the WikiTide Foundation and telling them your personal information. [18:12:34] BTW OS, if you want you could prob cross post this in #minor-announcements for visibility [18:18:38] Sure [18:18:59] I'm also able to help with imports here but I am on phone right now [18:32:56] [1/4] Does anyone have experience working with the Citizen skin? [18:32:56] [2/4] I want to see if I can fit my custom CSS in with the light/dark themes of the skin. Either that, or disable switching between them altogether. I want to try and make it so that my page content is arranged in a kind of box and there's a background behind it [18:32:56] [3/4] You can probably see that the problem is I can't make the box change its colour depending on the theme and so dark text in Light mode would look terrible on this [18:32:56] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260665074041880678/image.png?ex=66902557&is=668ed3d7&hm=a357fc12e83bee89fd8fafb2c011c272d38b20ff5b9170578260ec87f20061bb& [18:37:55] citizen adds the "skin-citizen-light" and "skin-citizen-dark" classes to the element that u can target to change to a dark version of ur image background [18:38:39] I just have to add it into the `.skin-citizen-light` class, yeah? [18:43:35] yeah [18:44:40] [1/2] alright-o, thanks [18:44:40] [2/2] I decided to create variables for paragraph colour and whatnot in these two theme classes and use these variables for the colours in the other style code [18:45:00] I frankly have rudimentary experience with CSS so I'm kind of basing it off online templates and W3Schools [19:04:04] @bluemoon0332 want to post in #minor-announcements or want me to? [20:18:20] You just have to fill out the access request form and wait technically (see my original SWE access request at https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11745), but I recommend chatting beforehand with CosmicAlpha [20:18:39] no need [20:19:05] you sure? [20:19:27] yes [20:20:25] aight 👍 [20:20:37] While CA said in that task to put an SSH key and shell name (https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11745#235469), which does require an NDA, it is not a strict necessity to have access to the servers as a SWE [20:21:03] See RhinosF1 for example [20:21:19] Hello [20:22:32] hi! [20:23:51] hello there [20:25:48] <3 [20:29:26] is it normal for changes to take hours for it to change on your phone but change instantly on your computer? even some phone emelator on my computer shows the change.. [20:34:16] Have you tried purging the page you are looking at? [20:34:49] i tried a new browser.. i assume that would reset everything [20:36:05] Try putting `?action=purge` at the end of the URL of the page you're wanting to refresh. [20:39:24] its probably a code problem.. the change worked when i use firefox and chrome on my computer and just make the window tiny... but not with Edge.. and dosent work anywhere on my phone xD so this might be deeper then cache [20:48:50] Alr thanks, I'll look into it once I have my laptop working [21:11:01] anecdotally i have a lot of issues w super aggressive caching on mobile, for all users [21:12:02] same [21:12:13] mobile desktop view woeks [21:13:39] im so confused now xD i can see 3 diffrent versions of my site on diffrent browsers and devices xD [21:21:18] uhm okay guys, i need some input... the wiki looks different from when logged in to not logged in... i have purged all there is to purge... [21:22:44] what wiki [21:23:22] junxions.wiki [21:23:43] tell me if you see "under construction" on the top [21:25:56] I think you've been hit with aggressive cloudflare cache [21:26:10] I see the issue, and indeed, not the banner [21:26:22] thats not very nice of them [21:26:24] it's much more aggro for logged out users [21:26:39] i guess time will solve it then [21:26:46] without it regular ddos was killing performance but with it... yeah, this is a symptom I'm afraid [21:26:55] apologies [21:27:46] no worries, as long as it changes at some point im happy, now i know that all my changes actually worked [22:23:22] has anyone tried to / seen a portable infobox that has an expanding and collapsing transition for its collapsible groups? [22:24:06] i don't remember where I saw it, i'm going through random wikis in hopes to find something like that with no luck hahah [23:27:21] I have a lil problem with the EFN template [23:27:40] it shows lower-alpha instead of a letter [23:34:32] nvm [23:35:11] https://furrnations.miraheze.com/wiki/:en:MediaWiki:Cite link label group-lower-alpha [23:35:48] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/:en:MediaWiki:Cite_link_label_group-lower-alpha [23:36:10] I imported from Wikipedia [23:45:43] so it solved