[00:07:10] [1/2] I see you @pixldev [00:07:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260749190414471228/image.png?ex=669073ae&is=668f222e&hm=4196f76445cd1720038f03f149bb100020d0d6c124a23166b1d80583c85cdaea& [00:07:47] https://tenor.com/view/onimai-mahiro-anime-reaction-my-honest-reaction-gif-15408849985843732058 [00:07:54] lmao [00:07:57] yyyello [00:08:09] I finally ventured to the dark side [00:08:31] you mean the side of the light [00:09:07] I am not sure about that [00:09:17] https://tenor.com/view/manuka-mod-r1kk4-mod-r1kk4-manuka-gif-3317962249931337245 [00:09:31] and I am the mod [00:09:38] o hello there [00:09:41] lmao [00:09:44] https://tenor.com/view/accepted-we-have-a-deal-agree-all-right-yes-sure-gif-23237834 [00:09:45] sup raidarr [00:09:53] wait no [00:09:58] [agony~2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/956858251683725323.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=agony%7E2) [03:12:34] [1/4] Relating to an issue reported a few days ago which concerns the cache I think: [03:12:34] [2/4] On my Wiki, on mobile I browse it logged out to review changes through the eyes of the common visitor. Most pages edited recently seem to not be up to date whilst logged out on mobile (as once reported before affecting another wiki). I edited Wild Tiger's in particular on the 8th of this month but it seem to still be showing the revision from a month ago. Manually purging o [03:12:35] [3/4] n both mobile and desktop does not fix the display problem. If I wanna see the most recent revision I have to do so via the page's history. [03:12:35] [4/4] I assume this is an issue being looked into? I'm not in a rush or anything but I would like to know. [03:16:33] xxxxhashtag0000: that is very unusual (it should cache up to one day), can you give an example link [03:20:19] [1/4] https://herotvdatabase.miraheze.org/wiki/Wild_Tiger [03:20:20] [2/4] Not sure how to make it link to a logged out mobile version of the page, but this page should have a spoiler warning banner at the top, currently it lacks the banner in the version displaying on logged out mobile [03:20:20] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260797796752166942/Screenshot_20240711-124930_Firefox.png?ex=6690a0f3&is=668f4f73&hm=aa762ef6d679224511b00d734aa2babc001bb1fc14488f4a0ab210c746b60c54& [03:20:20] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260797797117202564/Screenshot_20240711-124957_Firefox.png?ex=6690a0f3&is=668f4f73&hm=b5e5ea1620c87f57153270ae165d80a3481fe919bfba2a70a591da973bbd02c8& [03:28:06] I did check for some history in general and I'm not the only one that's been affected by whatever is going on here, so it seem that the caching process is having some wikis slip through the cracks, so to speak? [03:29:16] it's going through an entirely separate caching infrastrucure (cloudflare instead of varnish), so i'm not familiar with this [03:30:38] i'll probably report this on phorge [03:32:37] Looking up "Varnish" in this server, it does seem to be an issue with caching relating to Varnish & Cloudflare. Might also be location based? [03:33:27] if your wiki is on *.miraheze.org, then these are the caching layers (afaik): browser -> cloudflare -> mediawiki [03:33:42] if your wiki is on a custom domain (minus two exceptions), then it goes through browser -> varnish -> mediawiki [03:34:02] varnish can be location based since you might be hitting different varnish cache servers [03:34:11] cloudflare... i'm not familiar with, but it might be location related? [03:34:15] but personally, can reproduce [03:34:49] i just discovered the power of yelp [03:43:41] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260803679473373194/image0.gif?ex=6690a66d&is=668f54ed&hm=414d0e95ac20069671065515a96e35c6f362dc572373a97859b916d3192a6555& [03:45:34] bug reported: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12315 [03:45:56] (accidentally submited it while i was writing, finger slipped to ctrl+enter which creates the task (i did not know about that keyboard shortcut until now lol)) [05:10:48] 503? [06:09:56] Also not in a rush to add this: What resources should I look at if I want collapsible sidebar elements on the Timeless skin? We have a lot of info to store there for quick access (mainly the main character list) so to reduce need to scroll I kinda want it to function like what Nookpedia or Pizza tower Wiki has. [06:26:57] [1/2] https://nookipedia.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-CollapsibleNav.js [06:26:58] [2/2] this is the thing nookiepedia uses for it [06:29:11] Dragalia lost mentioned :squishum: [06:29:40] I'll take to studying this, ty! [06:47:56] [1/3] PTW snippets [06:47:56] [2/3] [06:47:57] [3/3] [06:48:39] [06:49:06] we just have it in both Timeless and Vector [06:49:41] https://tenor.com/view/cat-cute-pet-animal-paw-gif-15580186980238374849 [08:24:41] [1/2] Can someone help me figure out how to put an image (e. g. the "banner-logo" of my wiki) up in the main header in the top nav? [08:24:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260874394247368755/image.png?ex=6690e849&is=668f96c9&hm=f1c758754031b985a3a3699a958b9e0598ca7a5c50a9a891873c0a6bb31b4445& [08:33:37] <2x2master> [1/2] Is there a setting I can put on the wiki to stop these PNG files from downloading as webp? [08:33:37] <2x2master> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260876639114494043/image.png?ex=6690ea60&is=668f98e0&hm=65bdc4c865a0dbdd06c6f666d0af07131b2a2a226aec3db61ada0293660427dc& [08:38:15] have you tried wordmark setting? not sure if citizen supports it tho [08:38:29] <.labster, replying to 2x2master> It sounds like you're using Fandom, yes? [08:38:40] Yeah, it just looks like Citizen doesn't have one like that [08:39:00] <2x2master, replying to .labster> Nah it's just a user theme [08:39:19] <.labster, replying to 2x2master> Can you give me a link to the page? [08:39:34] there's something w/ CloudFlare that turns images into webp [08:39:41] yeah [08:39:52] Cloudflare default behavior [08:40:02] Download from source then [08:40:07] <.labster> So I guess logging in would fix it? [08:40:19] annoying but I use "refuse webp" firefox add-on [08:40:44] file page you mean? [08:40:49] <2x2master, replying to .labster> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260878454228779039/image.png?ex=6690ec11&is=668f9a91&hm=1da91e0446cdf16ca1849bd378c85246b42e20c72e147236cb4ce0b01184eeeb& [08:40:52] <2x2master> Why is it blocked [08:41:01] you need to #verify [08:41:05] <.labster> Go to #verify [08:41:38] Yea, that's the only way to get the original file. What ever file using right click isn't original at all [08:41:39] <2x2master> oh [08:41:53] <2x2master> https://polcompball.wiki/wiki/Agrarianism [08:42:57] what Wut said [08:43:08] <2x2master, replying to max20091> Doesn't even work for PCB [08:43:22] <.labster> `https://static.miraheze.org/polcompballwiki/a/a7/Farm.png` Wow even that is a lie and gives a webp. [08:43:28] <2x2master> I can do it on the anarchy wiki doe [08:43:41] if you mean viewer opening you need to click file info button or something [08:43:53] it will take you to `File:` page [08:45:35] Oh my, we are screwed [08:45:41] <.labster> `https://static.miraheze.org/polcompballwiki/a/a7/Farm.png?gibberish=true` Ah this works. If you add a query parameter to the URL, Cloudflare won't webp it. [08:45:57] seems to still make it a webp for me [08:46:05] regardless of what is added to the url [08:47:15] <.labster> maybe change the query parameter to random, so cloudflare won't have seen it first. It will serve the png the first time, then cache a webp. [08:47:38] <.labster> I did manage to save a copy of the png. [08:48:14] I see that the `img_auth.php` script on the wiki's custom domain prevents cloudflare from using a webp version [08:48:24] <.labster> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260880363442540554/Farm.png?ex=6690edd8&is=668f9c58&hm=e1af48b4ba1c80a9db82a4d8d37bff6bb3a9c829bc8043befa2a34618ef2fca4& [08:48:26] `https://polcompball.wiki/w/img_auth.php/c/ca/Agrarian.png` so this is a png and not a png [08:48:33] [1/2] Wow this sucks. [08:48:33] [2/2] Now I wonder if the file I uploaded is original [08:48:38] When I download straight from the link, it's a png [08:48:38] 👀 [08:48:57] <2x2master, replying to .labster> Huh [08:49:03] <2x2master> Odd [08:49:32] <.labster> Yeah, just add `?sfiubsduybfaskuybfsakhs` or some text garbage to the end, see if you get a copy of the PNG that way [08:49:33] Weird, it works fine for me [08:49:43] Without the extra steps [08:50:05] <.labster, replying to ghaztliousmoths> what browser are you using? [08:50:16] Mobile Chrome [08:50:35] <.labster> hmmm, that should support webp. [08:51:06] It does [08:51:09] <.labster> Oh well, my final suggestion is just to stop worrying and learn to love the WebP. [08:52:49] <.labster> (why can't we implement JPEG XL already 😭 ) [08:52:52] They mean how can they download the original images [08:53:12] Now I'm worried files I uploaded aren't original [08:53:29] from what I saw from my own wiki is the webp versions are noticably compressed [08:53:38] at least jpg > webp version [08:54:54] <.labster> I was going to say, I hope the PNGs are now lossless mode WebP [08:57:09] I guess it's lossy > another lossy format [08:57:49] I did tried to upload lossless webp and after goes to cloudflare, it's still lossless, even the resized one is still in lossless format. [08:58:19] <.labster> Yeah but you introduce more loss. Where JPEGXL will be able to reencode without losing information. [08:58:26] [1/3] I might just switch to another, more classic skin [08:58:26] [2/3] Citizen looks very cool in my opinion, but I don't think it's very customisable for my taste [08:58:26] [3/3] Has anyone ever modded around with Citizen or is it one of those hard-code skins? [08:59:15] it is customizable to a certain degree [08:59:20] I guess most people only mod the colors, not deep into like whole UI [08:59:33] <.labster> I think there are even variables in managewiki for Citizen [08:59:57] It's still in active development so either you can only mod the other extensions or change the Citizen color. [09:00:13] I did notice that; I managed to make a design where text is arranged in
s as white boxes [09:01:09] I think I have to learn how to edit Common.JS as well as .CSS [09:01:56] js isn't really that necessary to modify when you're changing aspects of a skin imo [09:02:06] <.labster> I always think it’s funny that Skin:Citizen manages to be a more finished product than Star Citizen [09:02:13] css is what you need to modify [09:02:14] Pffffft true [09:02:52] [1/2] I wrote this guide basically on how
s work on my wiki for other editors [09:02:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260884000222740480/image.png?ex=6690f13b&is=668f9fbb&hm=e4712fc8704c9286cdfe5f62f831c5b823a9ce24d80a9eab1870505ab5e21566& [09:04:38] <.labster, replying to mmalevich> Generally you’d want to put that in a template, then use TemplateStyles to hold the CSS for it. [09:05:17] <.labster> The TemplateStyles bit is optional [09:05:40] [1/2] I tried doing that, the problem is sometimes you need unspecific numbers of paragraphs within one
[09:05:40] [2/2] But I assume you can load a template into a page in just plain text (if that makes sense), kind of like how template pages work [09:07:21] <.labster> {{subst:}} on saving, or Special:ExpandTemplates [09:07:21] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/subst:Template: [09:07:22] [09:08:12] substitute templates? [09:08:23] oh yeah, hang on, lemme try [09:12:09] Timeless my beloved [09:13:07] Timeless does indeed look nice [09:13:13] Modern but classic [09:13:21] Literally "timeless" [09:15:20] if you need examples of how customizable it is check (from min to max?) softcell.mirahezs.org, splatoonwiki.org, gogigantic.wiki and pizzatower.wiki [09:16:07] Yeah, now that I'm reading more about it, I'll probably switch skins [09:16:11] Timeless is da best ^^ [09:17:26] Looks great [09:17:59] mobile adaptivity is cherry on top [09:21:53] [1/3] speaking of mobile, why are you keeping mobile frontend @tedkalashnikov ? [09:21:53] [2/3] I saw on twitter people complaining about whiteness on mobile, but you're using Timeless on desktop [09:21:53] [3/3] also there might something funky w/ Timeless bg too, it's white on mobile [09:22:31] [1/3] 1) i havent styled it [09:22:31] [2/3] 2) i wanted to keep a light mode option for people with low vision [09:22:31] [3/3] 3) yeah ik i havent fixed it yet [09:22:57] i work full time i only have so much spare time to write the css and mobile just isnt my priority haha [09:23:09] understandable [09:23:39] Oh, Timeless actually adapted my header styles well [09:24:26] [1/3] I just need to clean them up a bit [09:24:27] [2/3] Maybe even remove the background altogether [09:24:27] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1260889430680539257/image.png?ex=6690f64a&is=668fa4ca&hm=14f8c5048b1d391261ed17bd81dbbe9492ce33ec74ce0831d0e4e57ef4758866& [09:39:30] MediaWiki question [09:39:43] is there a way to embed YT videos as part of a gallery [09:44:19] I think there's a plugin that allows you to embed YT videos [09:44:33] You could try using the code it generates and putting that into the gallery (although I'm not sure) [09:44:50] Does it need to be in ? [09:47:50] I've made a template div kind of a thing for YT embeds [09:47:55] to imitate gallery [09:48:49] [09:49:25] [09:52:14] [1/3] more complicated/specific for another wiki [09:52:15] [2/3] [09:52:15] [3/3] [12:26:27] quick question; is there any way to stop people who aren't admins on my wiki from looking at old page revisions and recentchanges? [12:29:05] No [12:31:05] private the wiki, whitelist individual pages I think would do it, but that's not realistic for anything at scale [12:31:25] yeah definitely not feasible for a wiki made to host a comic [12:31:55] and the other answer comes down to something convoluted, make new page instead of editing or revdel undesired entries which probably doesn't solve it either [12:32:05] there is no specific permission to toggle for it, only hacks [12:32:08] ah [12:32:38] i'm surprised that mediawiki/miraheze doesn't have the option to make old page revisions/recentchanges only accessible to certain user groups [12:32:50] mediawiki doesn't offer that behavior by default [12:33:08] miraheze merely uses mediawiki plus some wikimedia global extensions and a homebrew to configure those settings [12:34:09] yeah i know, just surprised that it's not in mediawiki by default and then that miraheze doesn't add that behavior [12:34:25] if another platform can it's either done a hack with some trouble taken to make it work nicely or different software really [12:34:38] nobody really thinks of it because page history doubles as necessary attribution for people's work [12:34:52] in other words generally considered core to the wiki experience with little desire to modify that [12:35:08] yeah the purpose of my wiki is so specific that i kind of expected it to not really be considered [12:35:12] From the beginning mediawiki was build to be open, almost all visible and reversible [12:35:32] yeah, it takes some creativity to do what are essentially not standard wiki behaviors [12:35:41] how do i make an forum [12:35:58] [[Special:RequestWiki]] [12:35:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWiki [12:35:59] [12:36:07] at the same time though i was kind of expecting there to be some extension out there to hide recentchanges considering there's an extension for trivia games [12:36:51] but oh well [12:37:01] the best that might work for you as long as you don't want absolute confidentiality (can still be bypassed by people who know what to put in their url), is to strip recentchanges from the navigation and hide buttons to view history [12:37:11] basically using css to strip the interface to what you want to be the experience [12:37:46] i've already done something similar to that with talk pages, so it can't be too hard to also do it for recentchanges and page revisions [12:37:56] yeah if you do it for talk pages it should be the same principle [12:38:05] and for anything on navigation you can just edit the interface message [12:38:11] by default for vector, MediaWiki:Sidebar [12:39:10] Certainly no shortage of that on the internet [12:44:39] > [11/07/2024 22:31] private the wiki, whitelist individual pages I think would do it, but that's not realistic for anything at scale [12:44:44] you can still view past revisions of a page [12:45:40] example: go to https://cvt.miraheze.org -> click on "Permanent link" -> click on "(diff)" -> continously click on "Older edit" [12:45:48] well there goes that tangent [12:46:01] in other words the idea remains impossible to enforce [12:46:57] you probably could make a custom extension that refuses to serve the page if you're referring to an older revision [12:47:54] "thanks bot!!!" [12:47:59] the link works [12:52:34] made one [12:52:44] now need someone to accept that [12:54:21] What you're looking for sounds like a CMS. which MediaWiki is not and was never designed to be. [12:54:56] > [11/07/2024 22:31] yeah definitely not feasible for a wiki made to host a comic [12:55:00] wait, just for hosting a comic? [12:55:36] if so, possible content policy violation? (wiki primarily used as a file host) [12:58:52] ONLY for 1 thing? [12:59:01] uh, what? [12:59:19] i hate it that i need my wiki to be accepted [12:59:22] it should be instant [12:59:28] I would say if it was approved and transparent about its intentions then it should be fine [12:59:54] instant = influx of spam, huge degredation of performance, incredible difficulties in policy enforcement [12:59:54] oops i jumped the gun a bit ^^; [12:59:58] in other words not practicla [13:00:03] practical* [13:00:17] and frankly it's a good way to deter the impatient [13:00:27] yeah that prevents NSFW forums [13:00:31] too [13:00:36] miraheze is not a platform that will function without effort [13:00:43] nsfw is not prohibited, but it is regulated [13:00:45] also, wdym by forum? [13:00:58] sounds like he conflated with wiki, he did it before and corrected it [13:01:01] sorry [13:01:02] confused [13:01:08] oh okay ^_^ [13:01:10] i edited already [13:01:22] I have that problem sometimes, a significant part of my online stuff has been through forums even before wikis :p [13:02:14] the wait can be protracted for request review however, apologies for that [13:02:37] all depends on availability/right time for the wc team to jump in [14:20:05] I need to set up a bot account for a bot I'm coding for my wiki. So basically that's just a regular user account for which I can set a bot flag somewhere? Or is that a different account type somehow? [14:20:55] First one [14:29:27] thanks! Is an account with the bot flag automatically Bureaucrat? Or do I assign this role to the account as well? [14:30:20] turwaith: you'll need to manually assign crat too [14:30:39] I see no reason why a bot needs crat though [14:30:42] (assuming it even needs bureaucrat--principle of least privilege and that jazz) [14:31:31] Okay fair, for now I only need it to edit a single table on a single page.... normal user with edit rights should be enough [14:54:34] has anyone here set up google analytics for there wiki? i know you can set up google console ( i have for SEO) but i want more numbers xD [15:06:25] We have [[Special:Analytics]] since we run matomo analytics site wide [15:06:25] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Analytics [15:06:26] [15:06:29] im not sure if we can do GA [15:07:37] okay, just wanted more grapths ect on it, to see progress on the wiki instead of just the past week. but google console does show quite a few things [15:34:43] Do we have an icon for wiki mechanics? [15:38:40] we could give them the 🔧 and replace the tech team icon with ⚙️ [15:39:21] Isn't the wrench a 'crat tool? [15:40:22] Mop = sysop, Wrench + screwdriver = crat, Pliers = IA, Globe = Steward, Cog = SRE, ??? = Mechanic [15:40:44] A lot of stuff is tied into CSS variables so it can be changed that way [15:41:25] There are quite some wikis that did deep customization. If you're looking for banner images, you can see how Dustloop Wiki and Tolkien Gateway did it [16:40:37] Can i get help with something? [16:42:58] sure, whats up [16:43:59] Im trying to get a infobox called 'infobox officeholder', when i use one of the syntaxes in the template, it has a redlink with no box [16:44:12] @brenvilz btw you need to verify to send messages with links [16:44:18] Ohhh, I see [16:44:22] I can see your message so lemme check [16:44:48] okay so just an image dump of the wiki [16:44:50] just images? [16:45:04] Yeah, we already have the wiki itself! [16:45:28] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261000417706246275/image.png?ex=66915da7&is=66900c27&hm=b1065c301cb147dc2dbf7bb8ba81c527ceba0007cd6a2d8dd4e19157b0f576a3& [16:46:20] How many images is it [16:46:51] I'm not sure but I would have to guess in the thousands, upwards of 10k I would assume. [16:47:01] Wiki itself has about 14k pages. [16:47:04] hmmmmm [16:47:07] I've seen worse [16:47:13] URL? [16:47:23] https://horridhenry.fandom.com/wiki/Horrid_Henry_Wiki [16:47:35] [1/2] And this one is ours on MiraHeze [16:47:36] [2/2] https://horridhenry.miraheze.org/wiki/Horrid_Henry_Wiki [16:48:23] I invoke the power of the wiki gods [16:49:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261001330915541042/image.png?ex=66915e81&is=66900d01&hm=5cb810f8982cabba58c2a358c122933241010cddc8e846bbe8ec86f8c3dc5226& [16:49:11] keep getting this [16:49:57] your missing the template [16:50:07] wdym? [16:50:40] https://dunjakistan.miraheze.org/wiki/Abubakar_Ibrahim_I this is the page btw [16:56:29] im working out smt related to import with our staff rn, if we take too long on this ping me in like 30 minutes and ill take an alternative route [16:56:53] no rush at all! [16:57:03] Do whatever's best and easiest for you guys [17:05:40] Can I embed external images directly on a page? I'm coming from Markdown. Checked the Images formatting page but it appears to be oriented for images uploaded to the wiki directly. [17:06:48] so is there an answer? [17:06:51] or not [17:08:59] [1/3] You simply do not have that template [17:08:59] [2/3] You have other types of infobox templates, but none strictly "Infobox" [17:08:59] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261006334724276347/Screenshot_20240711_200803_Chrome.png?ex=6691632a&is=669011aa&hm=293e5f132142f911a5b3bc7b11a26f4dd8820a380092715f24513c66c5b2e3ef& [17:09:32] what happened to it? [17:09:46] It just doesn't exist [17:09:47] the template never worked now its showing that i dont have infobox [17:10:10] this only began showing up yesterday [17:10:20] is there a way to fix it? [17:11:16] I would not know [17:11:45] its not doing it for the other boxes [17:11:52] just this one [17:12:01] Link? [17:12:15] to what? [17:12:23] To the problem [17:12:38] https://dunjakistan.miraheze.org/wiki/Abubakar_Ibrahim_I [17:12:51] this one has the problem [17:14:36] [1/2] It's an issue with the officeholder template [17:14:36] [2/2] https://dunjakistan.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Infobox_officeholder [17:14:50] yeah im not sure what happened with it [17:15:11] i tried deleting the template then re importing it [17:15:17] but nothing is workin [17:15:44] OH MY GOD THE AMOUNT OF TEMPLATES IT USES O~O [17:15:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261008062945300560/Screenshot_20240711_201505_Chrome.jpg?ex=669164c6&is=66901346&hm=139817e3416983603266da351357413c1e05270b0e2bd69fa953d7b2d5dfe745& [17:15:59] yeah [17:16:13] Did you import from Wikipedia [17:16:17] yes [17:16:27] i didnt want to but i had to [17:16:35] Why [17:16:50] no other places have that infobox [17:16:57] except places you can export from [17:17:03] like microwiki [17:17:51] You can make infoboxes [17:18:05] Once you have the base template or extension [17:18:08] another problem accured [17:18:15] occured [17:20:04] Personally, I would only import if i can understand the code, and can also manage the amount of templates it needs [17:20:28] i just want an infobox for this [17:20:33] but its hard for no reason [17:21:35] For the time being, you could just use an ordinary wikitable to make an infobox and maybe ask someone who can make the specific infobox template for you sometime later [17:21:56] would you know anyone who could make one? [17:23:00] [1/2] Yea Canada, they helped make a leaderboard template for my wiki [17:23:00] [2/2] Tho I would recommend not pinging them/directly messaging them unless you know they're okay with it [17:23:21] Alright, thanks [17:24:03] I'm pretty sure there might be others who can also help [17:24:20] [1/2] I partially helped myself by allowing $wgAllowExternalImages and then placing the direct image URL on my frontpage: https://whitecatadventures.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [17:24:21] [2/2] But the image still does not render. 🤔 [17:28:09] [1/2] Oof yikes [17:28:09] [2/2] Thats a terrible Filename [17:29:18] :pupCoffeeMH: i am a code goblin who acts only on my own whims (and if it seems interesting enough) [17:29:57] in this case all i can say is theres a perfectly good extremely thorough infobox tutorial at [[Infobox]] and you just need to read it really hard. and if u have further questions do not ask them. just reread the tutorial again [17:29:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infobox [17:29:59] [17:30:05] goblins unite [17:31:07] is there any reason u cant upload the image to the wiki to use? [17:42:28] [1/2] A few reasons around the upload experience and ease-of-use. According to the image help page, this should be possible [17:42:29] [2/2] But there's conflicting information out there. Back at the end of January, someone was told they need a CSP exemption but the help page indicates this might no longer be the case. [17:42:54] Discord blocked me from linking to the specific section of the help page so I re-sent it without the link 🤔 [17:43:03] You need to #verify [17:43:55] Done [17:48:21] [1/2] i think miraheze just blocks external image links outside of a couple sources in general [17:48:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261016243796709426/image.png?ex=66916c65&is=66901ae5&hm=578a394198515d0964f91bf627c49c34c3a99d710ed361e738d57d118a26fac4& [17:48:59] Gotcha, I'll just do it the file upload way then [17:50:26] if uploading a lot of images at once is a hassle theres [[mw:Extension:MsUpload]] that u can enable [17:50:26] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MsUpload [17:50:27] [17:58:19] Ah that is a convenience feature. [17:59:16] Can I upload variations of a file (low and hi-res) such that when a user clicks the low-res it takes them to the larger res? [18:01:05] when u put a file in a page and do `[[File:image.png|300px]]` the page will only serve up a 300px wide image [18:01:05] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:image.png [19:30:18] What extension would I use if I wanted to create a fully custom interactive map, like how Fandom has? [19:30:28] So you can help? [19:34:04] [[Infobox]] has all the help u need [19:34:04] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infobox [19:34:05] [19:35:28] Alr [20:01:15] [1/2] for some reason I can't remove these on mobile with backspace [20:01:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261049691252985926/Screenshot_20240711-150042.png?ex=66918b8b&is=66903a0b&hm=702a58c5b9bb8416d71d69ce4e3fdf30a867278c353045691287c005f72b48c7& [20:01:22] the extra empty lines [20:04:52] does anybody know what page that css goes on for like the main page [20:05:07] i want to presume its /common.css but im not sure [20:06:20] [1/2] it's bug on mobile, I get it too [20:06:20] [2/2] try to type some letters or numbers in empty lines, then select them w/ line break and cut [20:06:41] obviously this doesn't happen on desktop [20:07:04] can't remember if switching to desktop in mobile browser does something tho [20:08:53] [1/3] Common.css can be used for styling main page indeed [20:08:53] [2/3] the thing about Common it's applied to entire wiki, i.e. any page user is viewing, no matter which skin is used [20:08:54] [3/3] I personally use TemplateStyles subpages for single page usage [20:11:45] alright [20:12:39] im just doing common.css for rn since i've kind of been teaching myself everything from the ground up with html/css and i am very tired rn lol [20:22:59] /auth [20:23:06] :< [20:23:13] o- [20:23:27] you seem familiar :squint: [20:23:59] Yes :p [20:24:07] the bot was too buggy so we've moved to #verify instead [20:24:12] _waves at @theresnotime_ [20:24:21] How you doing mate [20:25:14] There we go [20:25:25] Hi! Doing well thank you [20:26:32] Great [20:26:55] @theresnotime: are you still community tech? [20:27:45] Yup for my sins \:D [20:27:59] I heard the wishlists were changing [20:28:55] Quite a bit, yeah ^^ pretty sure it's all been announced now, should see things start moving next week! [20:29:08] Ye [20:29:16] I haven't had time to read the announcement yet [20:29:27] But I saw it's going to be a more continuous approach [20:29:34] which announcement?.. [20:29:44] @theresnotime you got a link? [20:30:16] Interesting, I don't keep up much with Wikimedia news, or at all really, beyond my local chapter [20:30:40] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Wishlist (don't want to go off topic here though ^^") [20:30:59] We can natter until someone wants help [20:31:01] dont worry we do that more then ya'd think [20:31:55] It sounds a cool way of doing [20:32:00] I hope it works [20:32:09] Same :deeplmao: [20:32:37] wHaTs tHe wOrSt tHaT CoUlD HaPpEn [20:32:48] -the most famous of last words [20:32:48] Can't go worse than my work [20:33:25] a:this_is_fine: [20:33:56] this is mediawiki [20:34:01] the worst has already come to pass [20:34:22] My work have paused all enabling IT demands for 9 months due to a contract change [20:34:22] :trout: [20:34:39] Only a year after pausing all Estate demand work for 6 months due to a contract change [20:35:00] I have a joint estates/IT demand that's now expected to take about 18 months to deliver [20:35:22] It is titled "Installation of a TV and associated corporate equipment and peripherals" [20:35:43] 18 months to buy and plug in a TV [20:36:52] I'm stick to MediaWiki tbh [20:37:05] :p [20:37:08] I <3 mediawiki [20:37:13] but its also very silly sometimes [20:37:18] We call that agile and nimble [20:37:30] We have quite a few mediawiki wikis at work [20:37:43] rhinos wheres the tech team [20:37:44] 5 I think [20:37:48] unfinsihed message [20:37:59] tech team's emergancy hammer [20:38:14] need to borrow for mastodon rq [20:38:58] @pixldev you need to go to salt lake, there's one attached to the server rack [20:39:02] the dang rel="me" link verify for on wiki aint working and its driving me insane [20:39:10] You can use it to hit the fire alarm if everything blows up [20:39:11] hold up lemme check google maps [20:39:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261059385833291946/2p01A6U.png?ex=66919492&is=66904312&hm=655126f08a7afb57e06ef26bc1813b7d99154c5c527a1e6aae8eebbce8324de5& [20:39:48] hmmmmmmmm [20:39:50] worth it [20:40:06] Does miraheze have the RealMe extension installed then? [20:40:07] road trip! [20:40:11] We do [20:40:16] thats why im confused [20:40:22] I can see the link attr in the html [20:40:28] [[User:PixDeVl]] [20:40:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:PixDeVl [20:40:29] 2000 mile road trip [20:40:30] [20:40:35] same with wikimedia [20:40:38] Does the us not have trains or planes [20:40:53] we have tanks and fighter jets [20:41:06] USA! [20:41:46] Remove and re-add it to your fedi profile, Mastodon only periodically rechecks to see if it should add the verified thing [20:42:08] and only then if it feels like it [20:42:15] hm, may be that, ive seen doing the saving and verifed github in the meantime instantly [20:43:17] Stuff like this is why I go catatonic for a bit when people ask me if I enjoy programming. Technology is the Loki of the modern day [20:43:32] >< [20:44:22] works as well as expected [20:45:18] Might just have to Wait™ :fox_laugh_sweat: [20:45:27] maybe [20:45:36] Technology works fine if the sun and is aligned with the right star [20:45:37] I just registered today so [20:45:40] not like its a rush [20:45:41] Except if it's a printer [20:45:57] I can hardly imagine someone trying to impersonate wittle old me [20:46:40] Even the most veteran of CVT skull crushed seldom get the high honor of a LTA trying to impersonate them [20:47:42] Just you lot wait [20:48:51] one day [20:48:58] the honor we all aspire too [20:50:47] Kiju is the MVP at getting them though [20:50:49] we had to add [20:50:55] how many AF rules? [20:51:34] We had a really bad period before you were around [20:51:56] Probably about 2.5 years ago now [20:52:15] Sometimes I forget how new I am to this [20:52:25] You're our baby [20:52:55] LMAO [20:53:28] dats crazy [20:53:35] im not thaaat young [20:53:46] Ye you are [20:54:07] 😭 [20:55:42] [1/2] i love the dissonance of that with this [20:55:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261063392966475856/aW9yVMY.png?ex=6691984e&is=669046ce&hm=f8f04ba5d7da5a379bc3d65f774fb96768bf6b7018dc8127ddfebf30f69c5a89& [20:59:38] a:fox_dance: good luck! [21:01:19] I'm mostly teasing btw, you'll be a great GA [21:01:31] Thank you! Currently 13-0-1 so mainly a waiting game now [21:02:11] it's like a one party democracy election lol [21:02:29] I've not been active in a while, so probably not a good idea to go vote ^^" [21:02:34] @pixldev you are probably one of our most promising baby users ever [21:02:47] _dies of death_ [21:02:59] I GET IT IM A YOUNG USER [21:03:03] 😭 [21:03:51] I'll be nice [21:04:20] You are genuinely one of the most promising I've seen join our ranks [21:06:51] How are you finding fedi so far btw? [21:07:08] :nomChocoStrawberry: thanks rhinos [21:07:14] I like it! [21:07:21] I've never touched twitter so [21:07:50] id been meaning to get on for a while but never got around to asking for an account on wikis.world [21:08:13] Twitter is mostly a hell hole [21:08:15] I just got reminded today by BlankEclair (IRC side) so i said why noy [21:08:21] It's usability is going down a lot [21:08:30] yeah, mastodon is nice with all the wiki people [21:08:33] Glad you're liking it so far :3 [21:09:05] ironically even though ive never used twitter i feel the lack of its retweet with message feature [21:09:10] but its hardly a huge issue [21:11:08] Which app are you using? A few let you do "post about this" (e.g. long press on the boost button) [21:11:16] Which is basically the same [21:11:39] I do find it a bit weird that all almost mastodon servers look the same, I thought they would embrace the separation and customize color and the such [21:11:43] web currently [21:12:05] have the mastodon app on my phone but havent really tried it out yet [21:12:16] which do you recommend? [21:12:46] I use moshidon - https://github.com/LucasGGamerM/moshidon [21:13:15] ah, I've been using web on desktop [21:13:22] also i am a victum of iOS [21:14:26] oh mast allows custom emojis in usernames [21:15:02] [1/2] as god intended [21:15:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261068256161038356/brAxiv1.png?ex=66919cd5&is=66904b55&hm=b364bad691aa53e200fedad560d90e19cc5484f352a64d514e974f2948321016& [21:17:17] Ahhhhh, unfortunately iOS has a pretty awful selection of apps for mastodon [21:18:39] iOS having a limited selection of apps for fediverse [21:18:41] strang [21:18:48] why am I not surprised [21:21:35] BlankEclair: why is the first post i see when I look at the #wiki tag about Rainverse wiki [21:25:26] Hello [21:25:35] oh hello zeph [21:25:47] I didn't know you were an IRC person [21:26:09] I am messing around with it currently as I haven't used it before [21:26:47] here we are [21:27:30] have to flex my miraheze cloak :kek: [21:27:55] I have messed with stuff like Element and Cinny [21:28:39] I've been considering using Matrix at some point [21:28:46] but i dont have a need currently [21:30:11] Yeah a friend pointed me in the direction of them and showed me them nothing can beat discord right now in terms of accessibility and usability [21:30:32] yea [21:30:45] although it's hard to loose to them in some areas [21:30:47] its [21:30:48] so [21:30:49] fucking [21:30:51] easy [21:31:01] to permanently delete shit [21:31:02] Going back to using TS3 [21:31:03] I haaate it [21:38:48] > I've been considering using Matrix at some point [21:38:59] The Oracle might be able to help [21:39:11] ONE OF US ONE OF US [21:39:46] Oracle who [21:39:59] Bro that better be a joke [21:40:49] Also doesn't having the IRC messages be sent to discord kind of defeat the purpose of using IRC [21:41:07] Hardly anyone uses irc that is why [21:42:10] Claire uses it since she doesn't have a Discord and she's a great community member, there's the occasional person using it for help but it's certainly niche [21:42:20] I'd use matrix if anything I was particularly interested in was on it [21:42:28] I have no reason to use irc [21:42:35] [this_tbh](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/720821722684588082.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=this_tbh) [21:45:02] I assume there is some finagling that has to be done to allow stuff to be send from discord to matrix client I am not that experianced with it [21:45:19] There are bridges [21:45:21] I just was given a matrix server from a friend which lets me see some server stuff [21:46:14] I had to set up communications for my boy scout troop a while ago [21:46:33] ended up using google chats since we needed something without a U13 service denial clause [21:46:40] i am not a huge fan of GChats [21:46:45] and a few months later [21:46:48] i noticed [21:47:00] Matrix don't need to have that I believe [21:47:06] and am kicking myself [21:47:37] and I can't change it [21:47:41] since start to finish [21:47:47] with committee approval [21:47:51] it took like [21:47:54] a year [21:48:01] to implement G chats [21:48:14] Does it require any authorization from the individual servers or can I bridge my account through matrix to use it like a intermediate [21:48:41] I think it's a server admin thin [21:50:03] hmmm [21:50:29] I will ask my friend and see exactly bridging works with matrix [21:53:47] why does this exist [21:53:50] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga3ttnz3nXI&t=3s [21:53:53] offical channel [21:57:04] I am not sure [21:58:33] True but it is not as intuative to set up and use so you ar better off using google chat tbh [22:03:31] I am fully capable in my own abilities to set it up on a host or VPS [22:03:44] but even so i need to consider when im gone [22:03:57] i age out of the troop soonish [22:04:12] I don't wanna leave them with a sysadmin shaped hole [22:05:53] Yeah that what I mean the other would probably struggle a bit with using it and maintaining a matrix server. [22:18:44] i know there are sites that take care of mastodon hosting [22:18:48] prob matrix as well [22:19:04] but money [22:36:01] I just watched a fucking ad... [22:36:19] The reason it exists, is because it is a fucking ad in disguise. [23:03:55] [1/2] gonna try to explain this the best I can how do I make it to where the top header covers all the other headers and not just the first [23:03:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261095657066860645/Screenshot_20240711-180214.png?ex=6691b65a&is=669064da&hm=808399bd4180bd4e967daedad89bb15e6a783aaed2812f72290cd6ce140efeec& [23:05:51] y_0urstruly: can you link to the page so i can tinker with it [23:06:11] good morning claire [23:06:26] yeah hold on [23:06:47] mornin' [23:06:53] Is your name claire [23:07:05] https://depthspelunking.miraheze.org/wiki/Entities?action=submit [23:07:12] yes lmao [23:07:24] Does the eclair not refer to the cake [23:07:34] yeah it also does [23:07:45] why is the first post i see in #wiki on fed half about rainverse wiki [23:08:06] well i guess beth is doing something right lmao [23:08:13] (beth operates the account) [23:08:22] you want the `colspan` property, details here: [23:08:30] but it basically informs the table to extend a specific cell to cover x many columns [23:08:42] cooking [23:09:08] yeah i'm guessing it needs a colspan of 4 [23:09:52] so for my case, 4? [23:10:17] oh wait yeah just 4 [23:10:27] yee should be 4 [23:12:03] ah it works now [23:12:28] thank you for your help [23:12:31] np!! [23:16:15] Oddly enough, I don't do a lot of cooking. [23:16:35] oh hello there [23:16:43] and same I can't cook to save my life [23:33:49] I have another question, do you know how to turn the bg of the wiki into a different color [23:34:14] like I want white text on black bg and not vice versa [23:36:56] There’s a very annoying dark mode extension [23:37:06] Beyond that CSS but I’m not sure the exact rule