[00:10:20] is miraheze slow for anyone or is it just me [00:10:29] me to [00:37:34] let me check [00:38:01] yea its slow [00:38:11] [1/6] ```html [00:38:11] [2/6]
[00:38:11] [3/6]
[00:38:11] [4/6]
[00:38:12] [5/6] ``` [00:38:12] [6/6] any idea when i try to set a background image it doesnt work on [[User:Bongo_Cat/Guestbook/Header]] [00:38:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Bongo_Cat/Guestbook/Header [00:38:12] [00:38:16] unfortunate [00:38:26] well at least i know my router isnt broken [00:39:52] clockworky: url() cannot be used in inline style attributes [00:39:59] you can workaround this using templatestyles tho [00:40:20] oh alright thanks, i havent really messed around with css much [01:14:18] is it just me or like [01:14:24] are photos taking longer to uploa today? [02:03:30] how do I align text [02:14:09] this is my favorite resource for aligning stuff with css: https://css-tricks.com/centering-css-complete-guide/ [02:48:57] i just got started with miraheze, and i want to add an extension, but i dunno where my extensions folder thing is [02:53:28] i_am_toess: if the extension is already on miraheze, you can enable it in Special:ManageWiki/extensions on your wiki [02:53:36] if it isn't, you can request it on Phorge [02:58:09] oh i got it now, thanks [03:00:10] wait, so i'm using the Portable Infobox Builder thing. How do i set the data of the element to be something other than value of x or whatever? [03:00:12] whats the best skin in your guys opinion for a starter wiki? [03:00:23] depends on the scope [03:00:29] Citizen is nice imo [03:00:35] for a tv series, what would you recommend [03:00:42] > [12/07/2024 13:00] wait, so i'm using the Portable Infobox Builder thing. How do i set the data of the element to be something other than value of x or whatever? [03:00:53] Yea I like that theme and Vector legacy 2010 😂 [03:01:00] i don't know if the builder can do it (i prefer typing it by hand), but you can use [03:01:14] oo citizen looks good [03:01:18] yeah ikr? [03:01:27] build in dark mode [03:01:29] thats not ass [03:01:35] i'm kinda conflicted myself if i want vector or citizen [03:03:02] tbh, citizen for people adjusting to fandom seems hard, and toc seems to be on right [03:03:06] it looks good though [03:03:08] ill have to decide [03:03:22] adjusting from fandom prob cosmos [03:03:47] i mean fuck it i want people to like my wiki better and more unique [03:03:47] @kaijinfugeki Watch your language. [03:03:50] mb [03:03:57] wait [03:04:07] i see an automated filter and i already want to test it [03:04:20] I am a discord mod and been here almost a year and I have barely ever seen it do that [03:04:29] huh [03:04:40] profanity is generally accpeted in a non offensive way, ie how you used it is fine [03:04:43] i mean, i don't even know if it'd give a fuck for irc users or not [03:04:54] though it might also detect how the word is being used [03:04:57] if we wanted to ban it, we'd use automod [03:05:02] e.g. "ow fuck" is different from "fuck you" [03:06:21] yeah fucking weird [03:07:04] ill see bout looking into it [03:10:19] i do want to start an project of mine [03:10:21] in like [03:10:28] 3-4 months when im not as busy [04:17:54] @brenvilz import running! see status on https://wikibot.digitaldragon.dev/ should be on archive.org once done, ill lmk [04:19:48] thank @digitaldragon, all his work 🫡 [04:22:06] a:TD_Party_Birb: [04:22:45] i love that gif [05:16:57] [1/2] If you work with Citizen from the start (or your wiki is already non-Fandoom), migration is pretty easy and development is also easy since the theme itself is responsive. [05:16:58] [2/2] If you want to stick with Fandoom (Cosmos) skin then okay but later works will be very hard, there's a reason why Fandoom mobile is absolute sucks. [05:18:35] Fandoom on PC and Fandoom on mobile are 2 different skins [05:37:03] sometimes 502 error... is miraheze ddos'ed? [05:43:54] Fandom mobile is basically fandomized Minerve, Cosmos itself is mobile responsive nad works like Timeless [05:46:26] [1/3] Cosmos might need some minor CSS tweaking like making buttons smaller or mobile top banner thinner but overall it's alright [05:46:26] [2/3] it gets bonus point for being the only skin where you can s [05:46:27] [3/3] assign colors via settings instead of messing w/ CSS (and they work on login page) [06:09:20] (it has the same scope creep) [06:24:39] No [06:35:58] Does anyone know anywhere that explains how to work with templates and styling (e.g making something like a custom CSS skin to replicate how our wiki looks in Fandom)? The MiraHeze page for those things isn't quite processing for me. [06:43:27] Is your wiki skin set to cosmos? [06:43:55] the usual process of CSS moding is poke around page's code w/ browser's element inspector and add your changes to MediaWiki:Common.css or skin specific CSS page [06:44:20] also hi lol (I'm the twitter person) [06:45:19] Not sure! Whichever one is default [06:45:26] Oooh, hello! [06:45:34] Thanks for the suggestion! :OliverJoy: [06:45:54] Cosmos skin is what looks the closest to Fandom [06:46:05] if you want the wiki to look like Fandom we advise using Cosmos skin, which is a better fork of old Wikia/Oasis skin, and it has a bonus of letting you to change colors via admin setting instead of CSS poking + it's mobile resposi9 [06:47:08] mobile responsiveness meaning you don't have to use mobile mode extension and thus working on separate look for it [06:47:35] (and also gonna plug my [css and js snippets for cosmos](https://dev.miraheze.org/wiki/CosmosTweaks) a bit that adds some things fandom has that cosmos doesnt and fixes the mobile banner and header) [06:48:40] yoink [06:48:43] thank you all! [06:48:50] I'll poke around with it later in the morning [06:49:24] as for templates, you can style them either via Common.css or by using TemplateStyles extension and its subpages, thus making site wide CSS lighter [06:50:28] you also will need PortableInfobox extension and some edit kicks on infobox templates, so they'll start working [06:52:36] I don't have experience working with Wiki stuff so templates will take me a bit to figure out but I'll take a look and report back tomorrow if I have any issues still :OliverThumbsUp: [06:57:39] question [06:57:47] is #join-log supposed to work or [06:58:20] I think that bot isn't actually used anymore [06:59:02] like, it was the one to verify users here but now we have #verify [07:40:29] ah [07:40:46] I do like the idea of having a welcome channel, maybe we could replace it with a different bot [07:45:20] Is it just me or are wikis taking forever to load un-cached? [07:45:46] I'm testing in a private tab and it looks like https://whitecatadventures.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page is taking minutes to load [07:46:02] It shouldn't take minutes [07:46:40] Oh bugger [07:46:46] It's still loading on both mobile and desktop [07:46:53] same issue with me [07:47:20] Needs more Kubernetes 😁 [07:47:29] Blame dns [07:47:40] We have zero k8s [07:48:34] Paging @Infrastructure Specialists [10:02:21] [1/10] any way to increase the size of the conic gradient? i tried with height and width and it doesn't work [10:02:21] [2/10] ```css [10:02:22] [3/10] .chckr-mainpage { [10:02:22] [4/10] background-image: conic-gradient(#020202 90deg, #131313 90deg 180deg, #020202 180deg 270deg, #131313 270deg); [10:02:22] [5/10] background-repeat: repeat ; [10:02:23] [6/10] background-size: 60px 60px; [10:02:23] [7/10] background-position: top left; [10:02:23] [8/10] } [10:02:23] [9/10] ``` [10:02:24] [10/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261261359497351249/image.png?ex=669250ad&is=6690ff2d&hm=0328083b2329da1edd2bb65fbb25628abac7bfe05a938c8a30ad57c4d535423e& [10:06:03] verdessence: wdym increase the height? [10:07:00] ah, don't mind it, i was asking on how to make the conic gradient bigger because its as small as the text, but i didnt notice the `background-size` property [10:25:09] Is there a way to style plain text as if it was a link with classes? Class=plainlinks doesn’t seem to work for non-links [10:26:01] no but i think there's a fake link template on wikipedia [10:27:33] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Fake_link [10:27:55] there's a version over on miraheze meta (https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Fake_link), but it's currently broken (i'm guessing missing styles) [10:29:29] if you don't want to try your hand at potentially importing a non-trivial chunk of wikipedia, i'll look into fixing the miraheze version [10:30:59] It’s alright, was just curious haha [10:50:05] what happened to the icon on [[Steward requests]]? [10:50:05] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests [10:52:32] is it just me or is it offset to the right [10:52:56] https://files.catbox.moe/728ps4.png [11:06:40] https://img.picui.cn/free/2024/07/12/66910d98695e3.png [11:06:45] what? [11:07:43] honglan233: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/OOjs_UI_icon_articles-rtl.svg [11:07:47] that's probably why [11:08:28] oh [11:08:50] but why was this normal the other day? [11:09:41] someone changed the file link? [11:09:45] :ThinkingHardMH: [11:11:08] i doubt it [11:17:11] is Miraheze slow for anyone else? [11:18:17] We've been having a few bumps today [11:18:25] ah i see i see [11:43:41] is there a way for an image to redirect to a specific page? [11:44:08] like when i click the image, it just leads to an article, might sound like an imagemap thing to do but is there another way? [11:44:46] `[[File:image.png|link=Page Name]]` [11:44:46] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:image.png [11:45:00] verdessence: as in the file description page redirecting somewhere else? [11:46:31] not like that, but canyada got what i wanted, thanks you two [11:47:35] oh okay ^_^ [11:55:05] I think there is a legitimate server problem here [11:55:20] I keep trying to make a page but am greeted with a gateway timeout [11:55:37] and things that do work do so very slowly [11:56:04] is there a status page anywhere? [11:56:07] ^ [11:56:18] ok it just started working again [11:56:24] got it [11:56:31] there's a status page but I keep forgetting how to access it loo [11:57:31] found it [11:57:36] There is a legit server problem [11:57:39] http://status.miraheze.org/ [11:57:44] I said that like half an hour ago [11:58:28] sorry lol [11:58:38] for some reason this is the one time I don’t read the chat logs [12:16:10] Hmm status page never showed the downtime [12:16:44] To be fair, this is in line with the industry standard 😁 [12:19:11] @brenvilz https://cdn.digitaldragon.dev/wikibot/jobs/566ca521-7c82-4047-bd01-df3903952d44/log.txt [12:19:22] Wait wrong link [12:20:44] https://archive.org/details/wiki-horridhenry.fandom.com-20240712 [12:42:23] <_______________________________d> is it just me or is miraheze kinda laggy rn [12:43:01] <_______________________________d> also, the voting and comment extensions work again [12:45:28] Same, very heavy slow down [12:48:43] see chat log above [12:51:18] Something is wrong [12:51:21] No idea what [12:51:40] What’s new [12:56:09] Miraheze moment [12:56:16] I think it's dns [12:56:23] Which tbh dns is nothing new too [13:05:38] yeah for a few minutes I thought it was just my internet being shitty lmao, but hopefully it gets sorted out soon enough dsfgdfg [13:05:51] something always seems to happen when I get in the editing mood [13:16:07] rfgp closes tmr(well at minimum it could stay open longer) [13:16:19] [cryingpomni](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1172633661527576587.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=cryingpomni) [14:05:19] Request for gravy and peas? [14:05:20] Declined [14:06:34] que? [14:06:45] Rfgp [14:06:48] Request for gravy and peas [14:07:29] what's with dns this time [14:08:16] oh god [14:08:22] _dies of british_ [14:08:23] hey clair do you think you could help with changing the background color of like an entire wiki [14:09:46] i could try in a few minutes [14:10:02] new comic page dropped that made be go O_O [14:10:11] (and i also have to document it on my wiki) [14:11:07] The gods demand documentation [14:11:13] You know what you must do. [14:11:19] which skin? [14:11:21] first, i must make a comment [14:11:29] Godspeed valiant solider [14:11:36] comment made, now time to document [14:12:02] oh is skin the right word for what I've been talking about? [14:12:47] IT IS [14:12:58] ch 5 p 167? [14:13:17] do you know how I could make a custom skin by any chance? [14:13:35] interesting page(i dont read or keep up with the comic ofc) [14:14:15] i don't want to speak further because spoilers [14:14:45] you've reminded me of some webcomics I need to catch up on myself [14:14:53] 2 actually [14:15:06] im gonna have a lot of reading to do... [14:15:37] or is there a specific page or guide dedicated to this [14:15:40] [1/3] well, skin is a type of extension [14:15:41] [2/3] creating a whole new custom skin is quite a work [14:15:41] [3/3] Miraheze offers number of ready skins tho which can be modified w/ CSS [14:15:52] o [14:16:10] dont do it please dont make a skin [14:16:12] I assumed you've been asking for CSS help but first I need to know which skin your wiki is using [14:16:19] so I could use an already existing skin and modify it to look more like how I want it? [14:16:27] basically [14:16:38] yeah, pretty much [14:16:45] https://nookipedia.com is a good example using timeless [14:17:14] minervaneue [14:17:15] check Soft Cell Wiki and pizzatower.wiki - they use the same skin called Timeless but it was modified differently [14:17:26] ah [14:17:34] PTW and Soft Cell are S tier UI [14:17:47] [[mh:pizzatower]] [[mh:softcell]] [14:17:47] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/pizzatower https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/softcell [14:17:48] [1/2] [14:17:49] [2/2] [14:17:49] are you sure? that's mobile mode skin, you set it as desktop as well? [14:19:00] I've been working on this whole wiki on mobile so idrk [14:19:12] you poor child [14:19:13] oof [14:19:25] lol [14:19:43] I've been using mobile because I've been away from home [14:19:55] at my grandparents for the summer [14:20:13] understandable but the thing about default mobile mode it's really a pain to use for anything other than just reading [14:20:29] I should probably change the skin [14:20:43] if you'll scroll to the very bottom to the page you'll find switch to desktop button [14:21:19] assuming you haven't changed settings it's gotta be Vector 2022 skin [14:21:43] i come back to a web comic i read like a year ago and see the last upload was yesterday [14:21:46] awesome to see [14:23:44] oh I've been on desktop mode, can't find the vector 2022 skin anywhere (I don't really know if it's on manage extensions that's the only thing I've checked for skins) [14:24:23] Vector is one of few skins which are hard coded in MediaWiki, i.e. they are just there in Styling settings [14:24:55] ah it's there [14:25:00] I didn't check styling [14:25:21] Timeless is another such skin, it's mobile adaptive too [14:26:05] there [14:26:17] I changed the default to timeless [14:26:28] Woo 🎉 [14:26:45] so how exactly do I modify this skin [14:27:12] You go onto the page called MediaWiki:Timeless.css [14:27:23] and add changes in there [14:28:25] ah [14:28:39] [1/2] I suggest that you open up inspect element by right clicking the page, then go to CSS Overview [14:28:39] [2/2] This will help find where colours are used and what part of the code you need to add to Timeless.css [14:29:13] Or alternatively, look at other wikis css [14:33:19] any other examples of pages with timeless [14:33:41] a bit difficult on phone tho [14:33:47] Oh yea [14:33:56] Phone >:( [14:34:30] My wikis, linked in my bio, both use timeless [14:35:00] I think rainworld is a good example of how I want my wiki to look, does that use a modded skin? [14:35:04] if so which skin [14:35:05] https://pizzatower.wiki/wiki/Pizza_Tower_Wiki:Main_Page [14:35:32] Oh, rainworld wiki places above fandom [14:35:35] Nice! [14:35:38] legacy Vector [14:35:56] aka what was Wikipedia before recent change [14:36:02] not the 2022 version right [14:36:16] correct [14:36:34] in code old vector is just Vector and new vector is Vector-2022 [14:41:28] [1/2] problem [14:41:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261331599308361851/Screenshot_20240712-094108.png?ex=66929217&is=66914097&hm=e18372ed5523d3bd1cf301c0e3120b5f2d6f6d96a13dd8fdd0857588b50792ab& [14:41:50] you need the interface admin group [14:42:00] o [14:42:08] any other wikis that use vector [14:45:41] there is a lot but suddenly I can't remember any lol [14:47:26] RWW uses MediaWiki:Common.css tho [14:48:22] like, it would more correct to use Vector.css for them but since they are very focused only on Vector they decided to use the main Common.css page [14:50:50] looking at pizza towers css [14:50:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261333971124621333/Screenshot_20240712-095029.png?ex=6692944d&is=669142cd&hm=a915190c6c64d6e22a9e486e74277d87fef6bc3a16ef1965c851f99a3233d692& [14:51:00] what does var mean [14:51:20] I should note PTW's CSS is a bit above average [14:51:34] ah [14:51:35] just a bit [14:51:38] SKL created vars to quickly change "themes" [14:52:04] man, I'm tired of phone lol [14:52:11] so is var an alternative to something else then? [14:53:11] its like programming variables [14:53:12] [1/3] my other wiki is offering 2 skins [14:53:13] [2/3] timeless [14:53:13] [3/3] vector [14:54:24] thus it has 3 site wide CSS pages - Common, Timeless and Vector [14:55:59] [1/2] it's a very basic modification of Vector [14:55:59] [2/2] [14:56:21] just colors and borders, nothing really fancy [14:56:31] but that can be done [15:05:22] so what's the difference between common and vector [15:05:59] vector.css only applies when using the vector skin [15:06:05] common.css is always applied [15:06:25] @bluemoon0332 can you see why the servers are so grumpy [15:06:44] ah [15:06:54] I took a look before [15:07:12] mw181 had a disproportionately high load compared with the rest [15:07:19] but nothing obviously wrong [15:08:04] hmm [15:08:14] restarted php-fpm? [15:08:31] I considered doing that [15:08:35] Do it [15:08:42] didn't do it at the end [15:08:42] Hopefully it doesn't lock up [15:09:42] Hmm [15:11:56] Does this apply to other skins [15:12:16] can I make the body somewhat transparent? [15:12:35] yes, all skins have this kind of page on the MediaWiki: namespace [15:12:44] MediaWiki:.css [15:12:47] [1/2] Vectot.css is only for legacy Vector [15:12:47] [2/2] but whatever is on Common.css will be applied on any skin [15:14:46] like so the background image is more visible [15:16:00] you meaaan [15:16:33] [1/2] there is background image in like real background [15:16:33] [2/2] and you want it to be a bit visible in text/article area? [15:29:58] > [13/07/2024 01:06] common.css is always applied [15:30:00] except for mobile lol [15:30:13] if you use MobileFrontend [15:30:19] oh yeah ^^; [15:30:21] which is the default [15:32:02] help needed [15:33:19] Yea [15:33:58] opacity [15:34:36] [1/2] just to clarify, the body is this white area right [15:34:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261344970829467819/Screenshot_20240712-103402.png?ex=66929e8b&is=66914d0b&hm=2fb61c771519ab36527737de5f1f3eb9d566c2cdb392504f5f27edb9ec2c53fa& [15:34:40] or for clarification [15:34:47] [1/2] why is this still showing [15:34:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261345018946388150/image.png?ex=66929e97&is=66914d17&hm=e3bf54006850a24ea3f6201fc6cf7b694836e8893251ffa3561925047d861ad1& [15:34:57] 😭 [15:39:51] emirbakar.: did you make sure the template exists and purge the page? [15:40:12] why would i purge the page i worked on? [15:40:20] To remove the cache [15:40:22] plus this just showed up 3 days ago im confused [15:40:33] never showed up befire [15:40:35] by purge i mean mediawiki's terminology of purging the (mw) cache [15:40:48] but why? [15:40:59] Cache is sticky [15:41:09] idek how to do that so [15:41:15] i just want it to be fixed [15:41:23] because i dont know what happened [15:41:40] there should be an option somewhere that says purge [15:42:01] yeah but that would get rid of the page [15:42:14] It doesn't [15:42:23] mediawiki's definition of purge is purging the cache [15:42:27] i purged [15:42:29] a bit of a misnomer tbh [15:42:32] Purge ≠ Delete [15:42:33] still there... [15:42:54] Did you make any edits to the template or add the missing ones yet? [15:42:57] how do i even fix this "Template:infobox' redlink [15:43:12] By adding that template to the wiki [15:43:22] is there a page called "Template:Infobox" [15:43:23] yes i made an edit because it would work [15:43:26] no [15:43:43] i put in {{infobox:officeholder [15:44:25] and does infobox officeholder have "{{infobox" on the page? [15:44:32] It does [15:44:43] I checked on it yesterday [15:45:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261347610153975909/image.png?ex=6692a100&is=66914f80&hm=88bcb609d0d833443492d297469f737ad6e9e3f051d489cfdb1ba0bf32faac6e& [15:45:16] Go on edit source [15:45:26] yes [15:46:22] Did you read the page that was sent to you yesterday about making infoboxes yourself? [15:46:51] Nah i didnt see it [15:46:55] sorry [15:47:01] [[Infoboxes]] [15:47:01] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes [15:47:02] [15:47:07] read it [15:47:32] lmao [15:47:33] [1/2] I know I did something wrong but idk what (I took some stuff from rainworld wiki) [15:47:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261348232076853298/Screenshot_20240712-1045382.png?ex=6692a195&is=66915015&hm=eeb37a7b808fd88cecede0a55d6fecbed49c47bf255fd9c45276c5fa8473fa4c& [15:47:47] Okay [15:47:55] i have already though [15:48:25] What is the problemo? [15:48:48] What did you learn from it? [15:49:08] maybe I mistook background for something else but I can't see the image and the body color didn't chahge [15:49:14] nothing really, just making them and other things [15:49:38] you saved changes? it might take some minutes for CSS to start working [15:49:41] ":body" and ":mw-body" are definitely wrong, the colons shouldnt be there [15:49:49] ah [15:49:52] ah [15:50:15] how can I use JS statistical code in my website? [15:50:59] ah I got it now [15:51:04] Do you understand why we want you to read it? [15:51:33] [1/2] hmm [15:51:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261349237615235143/Screenshot_20240712-105112.png?ex=6692a284&is=66915104&hm=b6550d8569b00d0846b0da005ce174f935e75037b7988583b3e55a09371cf02f& [15:51:49] i feel like he has a fundamental misconception abt what a infobox and a template is and idk where to start :xsob: [15:51:52] Not really [15:51:54] vector has this pesky element yeah [15:52:08] i thought it would be easy to add infoboxes without problems [15:52:12] now what do I do about the navigation thing [15:52:15] vector has this pesky element yeah [15:52:20] then random redlinks like this show up [15:52:26] any solution? [15:52:40] it is i just think u have some misconceptions about infoboxes youre going into this with [15:53:01] i just want the problem to be fixed [15:53:18] Too bad the problem is complex [15:53:32] ye [15:53:39] Or at least, the problem that you want to have [15:53:48] want? [15:53:58] why would i want a problem? [15:54:21] guys, what's going on [15:54:23] for starters (based on what i remember of ur infobox i havent looked at it in a couple days) there shouldnt be anything specific to one page on it (like how u have all those titles specific to one person in headers) [15:54:42] also what exactly is the body bc I think I mistook it for smth else [15:54:52] [1/2] try [15:54:52] [2/2] `#mw-page-base { background-color: transparent; background-image: none; }` [15:54:53] this was before the problem occured [15:55:08] The body is just where all the content goes [15:55:37] Like, everything on the page [15:55:52] Not just the information in the middle [15:56:05] [1/2] body is like a root element of a web page you see [15:56:05] [2/2] if you set something for it in CSS it applies to entire page, unless other, smaller elements have something to override it [15:58:01] ah [15:58:11] so what's the stuff in the middle called [15:58:18] use inspect element [15:58:20] depends lol [15:58:31] they're on phone sadly [15:58:35] sadge [15:59:11] also I tried this but it didn't change anything [15:59:24] I use Timeless so idk how vector is [15:59:34] give it some time [16:00:42] on what exactly [16:00:43] the skin? [16:01:00] the cache for css pages [16:01:07] MediaWiki:Vector.css [16:01:18] oof wait [16:01:25] now I got confused [16:01:29] sorry [16:02:11] i think i also got confused [16:02:29] 👍 [16:02:31] hm [16:02:59] It's this ^ [16:03:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261352320260636754/Screenshot_20240712-1059502.png?ex=6692a563&is=669153e3&hm=1f31e50a42c785695b7d705cb6b11073fc603e599adb6e85ed67da8002a6e903& [16:03:55] this part [16:04:22] ....................................................... [16:04:53] Just make the infobox from scratch [16:05:10] tried that too [16:05:14] also messed up. [16:06:53] And what now? [16:07:36] to be honest i dont know, thinking of giving up [16:09:39] remove spaces before words? [16:09:56] the body, mw-body [16:10:06] and like [16:10:30] the others had to have # [16:10:45] [1/5] Currently you got a few choices: [16:10:46] [2/5] - look through all the missing templates in the Office holder Infobox that you imported, and go import those [16:10:46] [3/5] - continue to tinker around making your own infoboxes [16:10:46] [4/5] - do it the simple way and make it out of a wikitable [16:10:47] [5/5] - or put it aside for now [16:11:45] ill try the wikitable option [16:11:47] for now [16:12:04] Yea, wikitable on the page you want to use the template on [16:14:45] wait is it the page [16:15:01] the stuff in the middle [16:15:23] [1/11] @y_0urstruly [16:15:24] [2/11] there are basic elements in HTML - body, div, p, span, etc [16:15:24] [3/11] body is the root of all, as we said before [16:15:24] [4/11] the rest inside it can have classes and id, which can be used for styling, scripts, etc [16:15:25] [5/11] class is given by adding `class="...` inside element's tag, like [16:15:25] [6/11] `
.../div` [16:15:25] [7/11] in CSS class is defined by `.` [16:15:26] [8/11] so we want to apply something to div's w/ box class we type in CSS [16:15:26] [9/11] `.box { ...` [16:15:26] [10/11] same goes for id, expect they're defined by `#` in CSS, so [16:15:26] [11/11] `#box { ...` [16:16:12] I gave you the code of Vector's elements which are defined by id's, thus they have `#` [16:16:22] but you removed them so the code doesn't work [16:16:30] ah [16:16:43] I added the # back [16:17:25] note that body doesn't need `#` or `.`, it's just `body` by itself [16:17:38] because it's a mighty element [16:30:11] [1/2] so is this the page base [16:30:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261358958908538901/Screenshot_20240712-112537.png?ex=6692ab92&is=66915a12&hm=75fa679b0e678a8a7abb81642d146e29f9502515f5f56b1b7906871446b972ae& [16:32:53] I FOUND OUT WHAT I DID WRONG [16:32:56] Should Miraheze do something like Fandom's customization wiki ? https://custom.fandom.com/wiki/Customize_Your_Wiki [16:32:57] I DIDN'T USE CLASS [16:33:03] FOR MW-BODY [16:33:28] we use [[dev:]] i think [16:33:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev: [16:33:29] [16:33:38] Dev Wiki is getting some snippets [16:34:35] still a lot to add on [16:34:58] also, do you guys think now infobox guide belongs to Dev or it should stay on Meta? [16:35:30] meta is easier to link [16:59:39] so is this the page base [17:02:07] can I make a border round? [17:02:12] or curved [17:03:09] Yea [17:03:20] border-radius [17:05:13] o [17:05:30] another question what's the name for text in infoboxes [17:05:39] Depends [17:05:51] Cuz I assume infoboxes may have multiple [17:06:05] the title, data, header [17:09:27] [1/2] Idk what the infobox looks like (they can vary), but there's headers (h1 to h6), regular text (p), and links (a) (from my memory) [17:09:28] [2/2] Tho since you want to specifically do it for an infobox, you will have to know the specific class for the type of text [17:11:21] depends on type [17:11:49] ah wait not the text in infoboxes [17:11:57] the background of infoboxes [17:12:11] how do I change their color [17:14:24] what kind of infobox, first [17:14:34] because we don't know what you have [17:14:40] we can't give a direction [17:14:57] otherwise element inspector is your only way to modify CSS [17:15:27] Do you not have any access to a computer or laptop at the place ur staying? [17:15:35] idk I made it with the built in infobox builder [17:16:03] okay, this is portable infobox then [17:16:03] no [17:16:26] Oof :( [17:17:54] so would it be something like "mw-portable-infobox {" for me to edit the properties of it [17:18:09] for the css [17:18:19] nope [17:18:23] o [17:18:24] different [17:18:41] [1/2] something like that [17:18:41] [2/2] [17:19:42] [1/2] gonna look like this [17:19:42] [2/2] [17:29:43] uh how to I apply this to mobile [17:29:53] also I fixed it now ty [17:30:29] [1/2] ah, here's the most interesting part [17:30:29] [2/2] mobile mode removes all styling from Common and skins CSS [17:30:56] that sounds [17:30:57] annoying [17:31:57] It is :D [17:32:23] [1/4] solutions [17:32:23] [2/4] - copy same code to Mobile.css [17:32:23] [3/4] - move CSS for templates, like infoboxes, to TemplateStyles (another extension) subpages [17:32:24] [4/4] - use mobile adaptive skin and just disable MobileFontend extension [17:42:17] [1/2] @serverlessharej [17:42:17] [2/2] TSPortal is 500 error now [17:42:29] That’s a tech question [17:42:34] just try and reload the page [17:42:52] works for me [17:43:07] checking grafana [17:43:17] https://img.picui.cn/free/2024/07/13/66916a8698599.jpg [17:44:01] I have tried many times and all show 500 [17:44:15] server reports171 looks normal [17:44:23] at least on raw metrics [17:44:31] logs are outside of my purview [17:44:43] oh [17:44:47] hold up [17:44:53] not sure if its related [17:44:57] this issue arises at the time of submission [17:45:03] but theres a spike in network traffic [17:45:11] oh submitting? [17:45:13] maybe just give it a minute and try it again? [17:45:15] backend issue prob [17:45:33] yeah [17:45:36] yeah, a tech team thing then [17:45:39] infra probably [17:45:59] [1/2] this icon can be changed right [17:45:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261378036520190052/Screenshot_20240712-1243462.png?ex=6692bd57&is=66916bd7&hm=2ec049c02ed99bce15842c6ec52d55c28f0863d3d3d374545d6f3cc5e6c9632d& [17:46:13] @Technology Team anyone available to check this out? [17:46:19] yea [17:46:28] command? [17:47:56] [1/4] upload file to wiki first [17:47:56] [2/4] then open its raw file (static) link [17:47:57] [3/4] copy its URL [17:47:57] [4/4] paste it in logo field in Styling settings [17:49:31] oka [18:04:40] what's the command for adjusting text size btw [18:06:45] [1/2] [18:06:45] [2/2] I suggest to check this site for other neat stuff of CSS and HTML [18:39:09] I requested an wiki yesterday [18:39:16] where do I check if it's here [18:39:51] The same place as your request [18:40:44] [1/2] Wiki not found [18:40:44] [2/2] We couldn't find this wiki. Check your spelling and try again. [18:41:18] moths meant the Meta wiki [18:41:25] where you filled up your request [18:41:31] check the request queue [18:41:48] and the request itself, there's a chance reviewer left a question [18:42:10] oh i meant wheres the queue [18:42:21] i saw it yesterday but didnt copy links [18:45:01] [19:32:59] no way [19:33:05] my wiki was declined [19:33:09] i just found out [19:36:17] sorry to hear that [19:54:16] Does anyone here use any method other then Special:Analytics to track growth for there wiki? [19:55:38] google search console [19:59:24] [1/3] i need some help, im using visual editor and i press enter to move text blocks where i need them to go next to the images along the left but when i press save it moves back up, ignore the text breaks [19:59:25] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261411613555294388/image.png?ex=6692dc9c&is=66918b1c&hm=c551521054a4e9adf72870fbac121706aa67d8aea503bcf18f3ba95c244a7f65& [19:59:25] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261411613819404430/image.png?ex=6692dc9c&is=66918b1c&hm=9336fcaa7d1a132ebcbee95d2b6cc2b213fb9a47659b576d1a5b9ca713c08d03& [20:00:22] Do you if it shows data from useres enterinf via direct link , or only users that google your site [20:00:40] its for google searhc [20:02:34] Okay, was hoping to get a chart of daily users or something, but i guess google search is better then nothing:) [20:06:58] [1/2] If you haven't set up wikiSEO w/ google search console yet and submitted sitemaps, it's definitely a great tool for boosting visibility: [20:06:58] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:NotAracham/WikiSEO_-_Improving_Search_Ranking [20:07:01] <.callmeg> I can’t find anything on how to format adding an image from wikimedia commons, what should I type in the space for the file? [20:11:09] Yeah i got console up 🙂 just hoped it would show if useres pressed my wiki link from another website ect [20:37:38] [1/2] uh [20:37:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261421233329799230/Screenshot_20240712-140419.png?ex=6692e592&is=66919412&hm=2ab495b42d77f6758b4b72e5ca04f9111e7fbe89f82cbe3b7d89d1d65eaa9199& [20:38:14] [1/2] how do I change this stuff so it's easier to see [20:38:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261421384060375050/Screenshot_20240712-1336282.png?ex=6692e5b6&is=66919436&hm=0d997478a82988ecf35db9332662028f496dfa507f975871855424221694e3d4& [20:38:50] like apply boarders and bg colors [20:45:30] So I'm trying to understand Google rank for the longest time the wiki was and the second position, and now it just dropped. There is no reason it just dropped, and I'm like, why is it that fandom is always in the top spot even if the wiki is completely out of date? [20:46:22] They rip and tear whatever they need for SEO [20:49:52] [1/3] They really must have some very highly optimized search engine system in the background running. Which is now something that is actually very very bad [20:49:52] [2/3] When I type in Minecraft I can't believe it's still in first place [20:49:52] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1261424310980055111/image.png?ex=6692e86f&is=669196ef&hm=4491a83fde1f2dcd7d66499f352f2145d42b4669bb844635f8044a5807559753& [20:51:36] ikr [20:51:52] Since we are talking about SEO, is there a way to remove the standard domain from showing up on Google? I only want my custom domain there :p [20:52:16] maybe, im not sure [20:53:16] As of right now, the default domain is the top search result, but the custom domain is no where to be seen [21:01:39] give link in sidebar different color, or give sidebar elements a background color, similar to content area perhaps [21:31:53] what would be the command for that [23:40:42] boblox [23:42:38] i made a new user group but can't assign anyone to it? [23:42:41] i'm a bit confused [23:43:16] Hm, can you see it in ManageWiki but not UserRights? [23:43:30] Or did you forget to grant the crat group permission to grant the group [23:49:43] Thank you digital mwah [23:49:50] https://tenor.com/view/hug-love-hi-bye-cat-gif-5848836 [23:50:13] @cosmicalpha i nicked the bot btw [23:53:32] Thanks to Digital for discord archivebot