[00:41:30] im guessing its another part of mediawiki spazzing out but [00:41:45] try doing "width:#%;" [00:41:51] for the widths [00:42:02] # is the number var ofc [04:20:14] does anyone know a good alternative to Extension:RandomImage? i've been wanting to do smthn else for a bit but i keep putting it off [04:33:16] Is there a way to make the default theme dark mode for timeless skin? [04:47:10] cynicalsix: if you have a set list of images to pick then you probably could use scribunto/lua for it [05:00:58] 🤔 [05:02:53] our wiki kinda has something similar for random quotes: https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Template:RandomQuotes [05:16:26] Unfortunately randomImage and most other solutions don't play well with our aggressive caching solution. Great for keeping hosting costs down, bad for allowing dynamic content. [05:17:03] depends on how random you want them to be [05:17:15] random every refresh? nah (unless you use javascript, but rip non-js users) [05:17:22] occasionally random or don't really care about cycles? sure [05:17:55] Absolutely. BTW, pix and a few tech folks were trying to reach out a few hours back, were you able to connect? [05:18:06] reach out to me? [05:18:23] I think so? Don't have context sadly. [05:18:23] and connect to what? [05:18:55] Something something github merge is what covid fog is allowing me to recall [05:19:10] oh damn second person i know affected by covid on miraheze [05:19:22] It's viral, y'all. [05:19:33] i connected today on 17/07/2024 14:16 UTC+10 [05:20:12] anecdotally like, 1 in 5 folks I know have caught it recently over here in the PNW. This variant gives no shits about your vaccination status, though it does make your time less gnarly. [05:20:34] Anyway, I'm off-topic now [05:20:57] [1/2] yeah randomimage technically works fine, displays a new picture when cahce reload. [05:20:57] [2/2] it just has poor formatting and doesnt function well with some redesign things so ive wanted an alternative. ill take a look at the randomquote hope i can learn skmthn frm it! [05:21:03] the two most recent PRs i made has no comments so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [05:21:33] [1/2] horrid formatting i hate the thumbs so much but you cant disable it rahhh [05:21:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263002631341867069/image.png?ex=6698a65c&is=669754dc&hm=25394bbc7416431b7acd70e64afc502b21ed1e6c05ded1d03cd7180ac7379946& [05:21:50] as in the gray border? [05:22:55] yeah [05:23:09] i'm tempted to try to hide them somehow [05:23:21] if you want me to then gimme an example page [05:24:12] https://loreverse.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:RandomEK [05:25:50] yeah a more proper fix is to patch the extension [05:26:05] or to use something else entirely [05:29:47] yeahh lol its long abandoned itself [05:30:10] yeah i'd try a hand on submitting a patch if it weren't unmaintained [05:33:08] Why the thumbnail padding is so thick in there? how to reduce it a bit? [05:34:29] [1/2] nope [05:34:29] [2/2] unless you'll make custom styling dark by itself, darkmode will try to make it light lol [06:04:19] tinkering with the code here, is there any way to have a different .json pulled for each template instance or would i just need to make duplicate modules [06:45:53] `id` can be used for as anchor for `#` links? [06:46:06] instead of headings [06:51:29] cynicalsix: it doesn't need to be a json btw [06:51:49] uhoh i'm disconnected from the world [06:51:57] cynicalsix: it doesn't need to be a json btw [06:51:59] you could also hook it up to use template parameters [06:53:34] ooh [06:54:55] something similar to getting stuff from parameters: https://publictestwiki.com/wiki/Module:Slideshow [06:55:04] (why did i say "similar", it does exactly that) [08:53:50] fellas, licensing question [08:54:22] I'm about to upload very old and rare game screenshots which were originally posted on a gaming website [08:54:53] ianal but wouldn't the image be copyrighted by the company that created the game? [08:55:16] yeah that's what I thought [08:55:54] fair use cus copyrighted but source point toward that site - this would be enough? [08:56:22] man, they're so jpeg too 🫠 [08:56:37] while majority of files are png [08:56:38] hmm, perhaps specify both where it was retrieved (the gaming site), what game it is, and who made it (the company) [08:56:48] mmm yummy i wanna eat crunchy jpegs [08:56:54] I mean, the wiki is entirely about that game lol [08:57:04] copyrights and disclaimer pages filled up [08:57:18] i feel like the site would be enough [08:57:24] the latter two are for extra sourcing points i guess [09:27:48] [1/4] for our IRC users: [09:27:48] [2/4] We've confirmed the existence of backups, so we're now ready for the upgrade. [09:27:49] [3/4] Your wikis will not go down during the upgrade, you will be able to keep using it, however MediaWiki may throw exceptions while we run the necessary database patches and maintenance scripts through all wikis. [09:27:49] [4/4] We will let you know when the upgrade has finished and things are stable again. We expect it to take quite a bit of time, 2 hours or more, since part of the upgrade involves migrating on-wiki blocks from the ipblocks table in the database to two new tables, block and block_target, on every wiki. [09:29:10] Yey @bluemoon0332 [09:29:25] wait when it starts? [09:29:31] in 30 mins more or less [09:29:32] Let me know when you've done the files and I can purge cloudflare @bluemoon0332 [09:29:47] ah shet, gotta save me edits [09:30:08] huh, wikis still being up? neat [09:30:10] (and thanks) [09:30:19] they'll be up [09:30:29] how stable until we apply SQL and maint scripts, who knows [09:31:16] Let's hope https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/commit/6e6afd08b3086d203c9e5c058b2ff1aaa6a13407 was correct [09:31:20] Yeah I did work to make it so we can do upgrades on the fly without even going into read-only thanks to multiversion. But while SQL is being applied some parts of wikis could still go down, or some stylesheets could be messed up until we purge cache. [09:31:37] hopefully it works lmao [09:31:48] We did a lot of work to make upgrading easy [09:32:00] Mainly cause I got bored of doing the old very manual way [09:32:19] it took us a long time to get multi version actually working and that was mostly @cosmicalpha [09:33:49] Hey yeah, in all my time here that was probably the most difficult project I ever worked on but with significant benefit lol I mostly pushed it off for a long time also as I didn't have the motivation to commit to it until I finally just started working towards it... [09:36:00] But you also made it possible with the initial mwdeploy/mwscript work @rhinosf1 , without that I probably never would have went the finishing marathon to make multiversion possible as I wouldn't have known how to do those Python scripts from scratch lol [09:37:03] I literally wrote mwdeploy on an evening cause the old deploying to each server individually was boring me [09:46:56] cosmicalpha: sure, though my awakeness cannot be guaranteed after 10 pm (UTC+10) [09:47:29] i anticipate reconnecting to irc around 3:30 pm tomorrow (also UTC+10) [09:53:56] [1/2] Cheers to both of you RhinosF1 and cosmicalpha. And extended to all Miraheze volunteers. All of you are making a great at Miraheze. [09:53:57] [2/2] Thanks for all your dedication and the amount of features you keep adding to Miraheze 🥳 [10:58:13] is a laggy wiki a byproduct of upgrading to 1.4.2 [11:04:02] Maybe [11:29:15] [1/2] noooooo [11:29:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263095166961586176/image.png?ex=6698fc8a&is=6697ab0a&hm=f2648e1f79267ddc8e468bd758cb4cabcf61fafb9559c1aede4a581dcf5e7658& [11:29:19] 😔 [11:29:28] I hope we haven't upgraded you to 1.4.2 [11:29:50] upgrade script is currently running through wikis starting by k [11:29:56] so yeah [11:30:12] your wiki is in 1.42 and is not working due to not applying SQL patches [11:31:42] 😔 [11:31:49] All my work to the trash [11:31:58] because this sh [11:32:05] It's not gone [11:32:09] [1/2]  [11:32:09] [2/2] [41ce9852ab4b7ab1e0c24ed6] 2024-07-17 11:31:12: Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError" [11:32:29] your wiki is just waiting on the SQL patches, which are running right now, just that they're behind the upgrade script [11:32:54] so the patches camed [11:33:40] aren't you importing files though? [11:33:52] also, backups have been made pre-update [11:33:56] [1/2] updates do be like that, a bit wonky for a moment [11:33:56] [2/2] you weren't here in November 2022 tho, that was a real disaster thanks to faulty hard drives [11:34:07] I checked, this is GlobalBlocking's global database's fault [11:34:12] I'll run that patch first [11:34:38] the alternatives include read-only or even just down >.> [11:36:28] no [11:36:37] yep [11:36:45] (what message are you replying to? i don't have context) [11:37:11] my bad... I think you're meant to me due to the files [11:37:17] 😅 [11:37:31] i'm even more confused but i'll pretend that i understood that [11:38:24] [1/2] here u go clair [11:38:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263097470078943242/image.png?ex=6698feb0&is=6697ad30&hm=33fd4c03ac58dfe3be86dd96236c5a5392d3a8fd6093e0b4bae27e9cd1282330& [11:38:31] @thelilacdragon. your wiki is back [11:38:37] ty [11:38:38] back in the sense that it can be read [11:38:53] but until we finish the upgrade things are going to remain stable [11:39:01] *unstable [11:40:43] ty [11:40:54] yep [12:08:56] i noticed some of the skins on my wiki are gone/nonfunctional [12:09:12] is this permanent or just a side effect of the upgrade being currently in progress [12:09:24] some skins are disabled due to not working in 1.42 [12:09:27] i do know that femiwiki is disabled on 1.42 [12:09:32] that's intentional and not due to the upgrade [12:10:33] which other skins are borked? [12:11:09] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12042 [12:11:14] see section Skins [12:13:06] got it [12:13:17] so effectively some stuff is disabled until it gets fixed, got it [12:13:58] i actually got femiwiki to work on the previous version by adding the share extension and enabling buttons instead of links [12:14:14] idk why that is, prob just a sign of a larger issue [12:14:49] someone reported femiwiki not working and i've been waiting for a stack trace ever since [12:15:02] could not reproduce on a local mw install either [12:15:11] wait, does that mean Echo and PI are borked? [12:15:20] eh? [12:15:22] or I misundetsroof [12:15:30] Echo is marked as working [12:15:38] PI as well [12:15:39] so is PI [12:15:52] checked = tested to work; unchecked = untested [12:16:45] btw, in the future we're likely to not test every extension: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Alex_(Miraheze)/Extension_testing_policy [12:17:08] also that sounds like a giant pain in the ass to do so [12:17:11] we just don't have the manpower to keep up anymore [12:17:49] like scrolling down the list, i'm kinda amazed that y'all still tried [12:17:50] ah [12:25:22] We spend about 40% of the year testing upgrades [12:30:12] (Echo will never be borked because its a WMF extension that is 100% guranteed to have been tested on wikipedia first) [12:30:46] (Unless of course we borked it) [12:34:42] in other news, CustomSearchProfiles is finally installed \o/ [12:35:03] what's dat 👀 [12:35:10] an extension i wrote [12:35:22] it was half-installed because i wrote the wrong branch name [12:35:34] after that was fixed, it sat in "needs attention" limbo [12:39:32] unfortunately it doesn't appear to update extensions, oh well [12:45:53] every wiki is now in MediaWiki 1.42 [12:49:42] [1/6] hello there folks, is tabberneue broken? [12:49:43] [2/6] every page i have it on no longer shows the selection header of the tabber group and seems to be permanently stuck in this loading animation [12:49:43] [3/6] (please let me know if i need to move this to #support) [12:49:43] [4/6] since: about an hour or so ago [12:49:43] [5/6] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263115413235957800/image.png?ex=66990f66&is=6697bde6&hm=844ced6913c575e5f4681a92c2d7c1e44ab8438bc7b9110670f11a3ad5b3f244& [12:49:44] [6/6] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263115413500461096/image.png?ex=66990f66&is=6697bde6&hm=9cada2d6f096253ab11c5c85c4378b9f9de2ab46df6c6c9eccc6cd4cccdc298d& [12:52:35] furina.siyanse: works for me here: https://publictestwiki.com/wiki/User:BlankEclair/Sandbox/TabberNeue [12:52:39] can you send an example link on your wiki? [12:53:47] [1/3] reference pages: [12:53:47] [2/3] https://dnatptrg.miraheze.org/wiki/Maimai_DX [12:53:48] [3/3] https://dnatptrg.miraheze.org/wiki/Pump_It_Up_2023_Phoenix [12:54:24] Our wiki also had this issue, and it seems to work after purging the page [12:54:43] oh thanks for the idea, it's working now [12:55:04] i guess computers do be like that [12:55:13] though that leaves me wondering what this has to do with caching [12:56:08] alright, nini [12:56:28] if y'all need mimi then send me a memo on irc or see my user page for the intended + unintended methods to contact me [12:56:38] o/ [12:56:48] [1/2] global block now affects auto-local account creation? [12:56:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263117200751988746/image.png?ex=66991110&is=6697bf90&hm=2a56cca8c7ea5df125023c83da60f52653c46bcdaa9545e486076b07e627ab1d& [12:57:10] hasn't it always been like that? [12:57:19] kind of useless otherwise [12:57:27] i mean, it's a global block [12:57:36] one has to assume it applies globally across miraheze [12:57:53] in .41 I think I can auto-create local account while using VPN [12:58:13] did you recently get blocked? [12:58:13] I'll check GlobalBlocking [12:58:27] oh nvm it's a year ago [12:58:44] I always use VPN and getting SOFT blocked in Miraheze [12:58:58] (SOFT block = doesn't affect while using account) [12:59:04] mm i see [13:00:17] seems intended https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-GlobalBlocking/blob/e5f91ad6abc2fd27b85bf6bbc32c51b6996267f5/includes/Services/GlobalBlockLookup.php#L86C2-L96C5 [13:02:10] looks like a change made 4-5 months ago [13:02:16] @suzuneu maybe your block is one of the only non-soft blocks? [13:02:21] could be the reason why it only recently applied [13:03:12] [1/2] seems like soft block [13:03:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263118808890085376/image.png?ex=6699128f&is=6697c10f&hm=577f980a338f876c78576d7496de5be31825116a5642e9bd96d2571854d5dc2c& [13:03:21] (this ip is from VPN) [13:03:46] which wiki is this? [13:04:53] screenshot is from meta wiki, wiki which i try to auto-create local account is ^ DNATPT Rhythm Gaming Wiki [13:05:23] [1/2] not hardblocked in local [13:05:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263119360227278858/image.png?ex=66991313&is=6697c193&hm=027244644cdeed1e45861a0fe6964d48efbccd223b7e0baf47ffd94376d7845f& [13:05:58] I'm going to try a little something [13:07:36] [1/2] oh my wiki [13:07:36] [2/2] i haven't blocked anyone yet, so definitely nobody's getting locally blocked [13:09:05] @suzuneu are you logged in now? [13:09:12] no [13:09:17] i see his account [13:09:18] or can you login to that wiki now? [13:09:29] [1/2] this is you, right? [13:09:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263120390524371036/image.png?ex=66991408&is=6697c288&hm=ba559eb37d6a479da62600d8df7f4adb45fe8dc037c88040fe0f8745a05a3e50& [13:09:59] I just autocreated a local account for Waki https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/808001911868489748/1263120414758928414 [13:09:59] i can login DNATPT Rhythm Gaming Wiki now [13:10:03] Alright [13:10:17] so I think what's happening is that during autologin you're considered an anonymous user [13:10:22] oh, didn't know you could, but i expected that [13:10:26] which is why that block affects you [13:10:41] ahh [13:10:44] understandable [13:10:52] but doesn't that mean that if you get autoblocked like that, you can't create any new local accounts [13:11:26] since every autologin/register is considered anonymous and he got an anonymous global block [13:21:10] Oh i just realized the miswording [13:21:15] I meant while upgrading [13:25:47] that's pretty bad if global blocks prohibit attachment for an existing global account tbh [13:26:00] more paperwork for block exemptions?... [13:34:25] [1/2] i assume there is no news on the citizen style sidebar issue? [13:34:25] [2/2] would someone mind pinging me if a fix becomes available, and if someone remembers me? xD [13:38:42] to be honest i can see a lot of people who might be annoyed that they have to make one support request for a local account every single time they visit a new wiki [13:43:31] is the root domain error still presented? [13:44:18] because omitting `/wiki/` in a `.wiki` URL would be actually neat tbh [13:45:38] also just tried to find archived page of Gamepedia on wayback machine only to realize their URLs actually lacked `/wiki/` too [13:54:21] my main page is broken either way, so im giving it a shot 😛 [13:55:17] It is a caching issue for the page/parser. It should resolve itself when the cache expired or you can try purging the page [13:57:22] yes, I am not pleased with that behavior [13:57:37] oh.. thanks... [13:58:01] vpns can expect to have registration trouble for the unfortunate high propensity of abuse, but that shouldn't translate to this sort of existing user inconvenience [13:58:31] and that probably explains an email where I was stumped because the block in question was anon only, but if that user was hit by something like this the picture is a little more clear [13:59:13] is there anywhere or anyhow a user can "verify" themselves? [13:59:49] with this issue I can only hope the global ip block exemption would suffice otherwise attachments would have to be manual and it would bottleneck through asking sre to lend a hand [14:00:01] explain verify? [14:00:21] Is it edge cache? [14:00:29] @bisti_ which wiki? [14:00:37] junxions.wiki [14:00:42] yeah this is quite the change in behavior [14:00:53] Oh that's a custom domain, blame infra [14:00:56] anything we can do with it or is this a whole new dimension we need to work on? [14:00:59] @originalauthority [14:01:11] I believe there's a task [14:01:15] wha [14:01:17] Let's see if it answers your question [14:01:20] Difficult to say, but it only happens when the HTML of the page is outdated, so it could be either parser cache or edge cache or both [14:01:25] also curious if global ip block exemption would even help, if this is a block that applies before the attachment happens in the first place [14:01:38] That's why it only affects anon [14:01:44] @originalauthority can you see if an varnish cache purge helps @bisti_ [14:01:46] there are two diff convos going on here, which did you ping me for @rhinosf1 [14:01:48] oh [14:01:57] Parser cache will apply to some logged in [14:02:05] So if it's only logged out it's probably varnish [14:03:02] Is CF not caching the page on Miraheze? [14:03:22] works fine for me [14:03:26] both logged in and out [14:03:46] custom domains go to varnish [14:05:06] iirc varnish purges need to be done on the server where varnish is running and I don't have access for that [14:05:45] yeah varnishadm needs root perms [14:06:05] @raidarr short answer, it's fully intentional [14:06:56] If it fixes itself with time, im fine with waiting. i got a very limited amount of traffic to the wiki anyways [14:07:02] anyway doing `?action=purge` should kick it from Varnish anyway [14:07:29] which I have just done and it seems to be resolved [14:11:19] It should be resolved with the 1.42 update if the pages are being purged as a part of the process [14:12:16] seems to work for me aswell, thank you! [14:13:10] @urbanecm you around? I got a question about a comment you've made on phab [14:13:58] [1/2] oops sorry for delayed reply [14:13:59] [2/2] verify as in have maybe a "global" account, like on say, meta, that a verified user can use to autologin so that they won't be counted as anonymous [14:14:50] What's up? [14:16:10] Sent a DM [14:16:42] If you're having issues, we can force local account creation. Discussions are happening behind the scene. [14:17:09] There should be a special page that can be used to force local account creation [14:17:13] Cc @raidarr [14:17:29] i think orangestar did earlier with waki [14:17:43] should I direct requests to this end somewhere in an announcement? [14:17:54] For now, please [14:18:07] but if a user is visiting multiple miraheze wikis as a new user, it might inconvenience them the first time around [14:18:13] We know [14:18:18] just my two cents, but of course if it's fully intentional then i digress [14:18:27] This discussion is not going to get any more detailed for security reasons [14:18:32] But we do hear you [14:18:40] Stewards can give themselves centralauth-createlocal on Special:GlobalGroupPermissions and use a special page in the local wiki to do the same I did with commands [14:18:42] that's a fair point, and i understand [14:19:05] assuming they themselves are not affected by global blocks that is [14:19:21] Is that in ManageWiki so local admins can too? [14:19:24] Cause it can be [14:19:38] although i can't come up with examples i'm pretty sure my suggestion has loopholes, so i trust the judgment of the technical team [14:20:31] to #tech? also would recommend something be posted to [[Tech:Noticeboard]] which I could follow up with a meta sitenotice if this will be protracted [14:20:31] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Noticeboard [14:20:32] [14:20:50] Sure cause it probably will be [14:20:53] It's central auth [14:20:56] then let it be so [14:21:12] I am in a work meeting too at the moment [14:21:13] will update stewards group with the account creation tool if not already the case [14:21:30] whats the issue tldr btw [14:21:37] in fact I might add that to global admins actually [14:21:43] sure [14:21:49] it's not a sensitive right for the most part [14:21:50] seems not [14:21:51] ip block logged out = can't attach to new wikis [14:22:01] Wikimedia fixed a bug dating back to 2016 [14:22:06] well shit [14:22:11] that aint very cool [14:22:15] it is not [14:23:25] 'fixed' [14:23:32] hey guys, I'm in the process of requesting a wiki and I was wondering whether we need to hold elections right away [14:23:47] for what purpose? [14:23:47] Nah [14:23:58] The requester should be granted crat automatically [14:24:14] if not its a bug and you can request on [[SR/P]] [14:24:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SR/P [14:24:15] [14:24:29] oh if you mean as the first bureaucrat, the requester always gets that role unless like pixldev mentioned, a bug happens [14:24:52] I think we've mostly crushed that family of bugs [14:24:59] but unless you're moving in from another place and bringing a large-scale community in, i don't see why an election is needed [14:25:17] I'm the requester but the plan is that someone else will be writing a lot of stuff (he already has written a bunch of stuff on a local mediawiki instance) [14:25:21] global admin is empowered, steward already had the right [14:25:36] your free to give other people crat or admin [14:25:37] as the requestor you will have bureaucrat/admin, and be able to empower anyone who needs rights locally [14:25:46] so you intend to nominate that person to be an admin? [14:26:22] this answers my questions, thanks. I'll look a bit more into the permissions stuff [14:26:23] now it's your wiki, so i can't tell you how to run it, but does the person really need adminship? if yes, you can grant them directly, provided there is no contest from anybody else on the wiki i suppose [14:26:52] With small wikis it tends to be fine to grant other people sysop if its in the wikis interest [14:27:53] [1/2] though unless you're familiar with the roles of mediawiki, i highly suggest studying and getting to know each role so you know what to assign to them based on their contributions and what you plan to have them do [14:27:53] [2/2] and don't forget you always have the option of creating a new user group if none of the existing ones fit your use case [14:28:50] giving them bureaucrat is a very sensitive power which should only be reserved for those who are basically running the wiki in its entirety [14:29:20] administrator is less sensitive but still has many buttons and confers responsibility/leadership as well [14:31:12] imo for most purposes i find rollbacker to already be sufficient [14:32:27] rollback only helps in small vandal reversion [14:32:35] if they are maintaining the wiki no use [14:32:55] imagine the luxury of having other ppl on the wiki xD [14:33:07] [yes_honey](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1121176745777836123.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=yes_honey) [14:34:09] yes sir [14:34:37] me as p much the sole editor on my wiki be like [14:35:22] im the sole reader even, so far atleast [14:35:54] oof [14:35:59] if i may ask, what is your wiki about? [14:37:39] a game that is not released yet.. so its no demand until the game gets players [14:46:44] wheres the request avenue for this [14:47:42] not present yet; on wiki it is pending a notice from tech, though it could be mentioned here with people directing requests to #tech or I suppose #cvt given CreateLocalAccount [14:48:39] via email or contact form [14:59:48] not sure the contact form is set up for it, email would do in a pinch [15:04:28] oh? interesting [15:04:34] Do you want us to write the notice? [15:05:31] feel free to write the main notice on the tech board yeah, we can put something up for the sitenotice [15:06:00] I nominate @bluemoon0332 [15:06:36] why does contactform need to be set up in LS.php [15:06:39] i hate that [15:07:20] I hate that global sitenotices aren't configurable on wiki [15:07:55] We should probably make an extension for that [15:07:57] I was thinking meta sitenotice mainly as a global might be a rather intrusive use [15:08:03] Special:CentralNotice? [15:08:20] Ye [15:08:24] would they think to go to meta? [15:08:38] can we modify the global block message to inlcude it? [15:08:49] seems abit janky that extension though [15:08:56] not everyone but a portion, which balances against the irritation caused if centralnotice is not used super sparingly [15:09:11] if the block message itself can be updated that would be excellent [15:09:15] What part of MediaWiki isn't janky [15:09:45] the mediawiki branded cupholder in WMFs office [15:09:52] true [15:11:19] we can change it in our MirahezeMagic extension [15:11:55] sounds like a plan then [15:12:14] any suggestions for wording? [15:15:59] "If you are logged in already and visiting a wiki you have not visited before, please see (link to tech noticeboard message). We apologize for the inconvenience!" [15:16:13] top of my head [15:33:26] Is the mediawiki upgrade over? [15:34:20] should be [15:34:56] it's not [15:35:00] some patches are still running [15:37:43] well, one actually [15:42:41] [1/2] Is there something wrong with common.css? :ThinkerMH: [15:42:41] [2/2] My wiki's custom background color reverted back to white. [15:45:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Noticeboard#GlobalBlocking_affecting_account_autocreation [15:48:05] may want to mention cvt@miraheze.orh [15:48:15] since everyone on that list can fix [15:50:42] added [15:51:57] possibly because of ongoing update [15:52:02] of MediaWiki [15:52:14] > Semantic MediaWiki was installed and enabled but is missing an appropriate upgrade key. [15:52:29] definitely a tech team stuff [15:52:29] hmm I see, I'll wait then. [15:53:12] Gotta love smw errors taking down the whole wiki instead of just not functioning [15:53:24] bru [15:54:22] @bluemoon0332 has the MultiPurge update not been deployed or was it reverted [15:54:32] Can you check if voids bandaid is still applied [16:01:02] his PR got merged upstream [16:01:15] it's currently sitting on the develop branch, which we don't run [16:01:23] TL;DR it is not [16:01:52] @bluemoon0332 can you apply it using git apply [16:02:04] To the branch we are running [16:02:18] On staging [16:34:19] [1/2] Hey some random IP on my wiki created a random uncreated category with this message and I was wondering if this happened to anyone else [16:34:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263171937983791247/image.png?ex=6699440a&is=6697f28a&hm=9fe560ea0aef3426a9c3f2c517f38f58905038fdba4abb20c5cddbe646800e1a& [16:34:43] it's a spambot [16:34:48] Obviously just spam but I thought it was weird [16:34:54] report the IP to cvt, delete, move on [16:35:24] What is cvt? [16:35:31] #cvt [16:36:04] they will globally block the IP to ensure they can't spam any other wikis [16:36:14] Alright, thanks [16:54:09] How do they even expect to be answered? Do useres just talk on a category? [16:54:48] they don't care, typically [16:55:02] I was getting email spam on my wiki's contact form [16:55:17] some of them where asking for calling back lol [16:55:32] w/o any number or email provided [16:56:01] Whats even the point at that point... atleast try to scam me dont just spam [17:12:17] I can't ping that role [17:12:30] and wikis are still down [17:12:32] is there an eta? [17:13:21] @Technology Team [17:14:02] SMW will be like this on every upgrade due to the file generated by setupStore.php not being carried over between versions [17:15:23] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/808001911868489748/1263182140032421980 I'm regenerating it for every SMW wiki, it'll take a while [17:19:11] oof [17:19:22] what about cargo, same hassle? [17:19:29] No [17:19:53] Also Cargo is Yaron's work so something spectacular will happen [17:19:59] SMW wikis should be back [17:20:17] this is why this extension is permanently experimental and under constant danger of being removed [17:21:06] Tbh most extensions will break in the next few release cycles if they ain't well maintained [17:21:18] Cause parser changes left right and centre [17:21:47] And CentralAuth is in danger of utterly breaking with privacy standards [17:22:11] Lmao [17:22:27] Widgets [17:22:34] I have a little update about the upgrade, the last patch is currently running on wikis starting with v, it will be over soon [17:23:07] 2 hours I said... lmao [17:23:13] that's some wishful thinking [17:23:48] @bluemoon0332 history should tell you to quadruple your estimate tbh [17:24:06] [1/2] the default wikitable's font color seems to break too 😭 [17:24:06] [2/2] It stays as #202122 even if I added custom color, the borderless one is fine though. [17:24:23] Something has probably changed [17:24:29] @CSS/JS Support Volunteers [17:24:55] I guess the lovely people in readers web renamed a selector [17:25:57] oh right ... the reader thing ... [17:28:00] @theoneandonlylegroom can you work out what they changed? [17:28:26] idk the details yet, there was a post somewhere? [17:28:53] also I haven't noticed on my end anything yet, prolly cus I change a lot of stuff [17:34:20] they probably just made it more specific, if u were setting color with `.wikitable th` before, do `.wikitable.wikitable th` instead (just `.wikitable` should be enough to overwrite the td font color i think?) [17:36:53] why it goes twice now? [17:37:28] it doesnt thats just the fastest way to overwrite it [17:37:55] the specificity it uses is `.wikitable > * > tr > th` [17:39:19] so uh [17:39:35] has anyone noticed source editor getting shorter height? [17:39:46] or it's something on my side only [17:41:01] [1/2] I cannot work in such small area, I'm not on a phone lol [17:41:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263188724141785149/2024-07-17_20_40_27.png?ex=669953ac&is=6698022c&hm=e048b56340614b9beb07b2f70fb0daed4174ef8c64314ed4298c3b02df78e7ee& [17:43:13] huh 🤔 [17:43:23] [1/2] i have this bar that i can drag that remembers where i dragged it to [17:43:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263189322199203950/image.png?ex=6699543b&is=669802bb&hm=e80e9e8ce2b5c0ad92eebf09654ad3ec1988a1e24b69bc5f5b3802e6638214ec& [17:43:50] was it there before? :ThinkerMH: [17:44:15] :ThinkerMH: i know it was draggable but idk if the bar itself was there [17:44:31] it doesn't appear if I disable all custom CSS [17:48:21] [1/2] its...kinda there....? [17:48:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263190571078516858/image.png?ex=66995565&is=669803e5&hm=c8f1e78d385403a5a900eaf5b9b5da239106ad64677837848d712d53c303d946& [17:48:27] why is it like this [17:48:30] oh [17:48:33] but also [17:48:34] mysterious [17:49:11] [1/2] on my other wiki, Timeless w/ two sidebars, same shit [17:49:11] [2/2] doesn't seem to be a problem on Meta w/ legacy Vector tho [17:49:38] on testwiki vector and timeless that bar appears too [17:49:49] lol I can't see it [17:49:59] wtf [17:51:29] It's a bit confusing but now it only changes if I add the color command to every single lines [17:52:04] If not then the table just uses default color even if I already added it on the top [17:52:05] [1/2] new settings wee [17:52:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263191509919072386/2024-07-17_20_51_50.png?ex=66995644&is=669804c4&hm=8934786674ea4833b840fa2258d1bb112cfd28601c18839f973fb1bbe10b4df1& [17:52:07] Congrats @bluemoon0332 [17:52:16] @theoneandonlylegroom yes please use it! [17:52:27] how lol [17:52:28] Please use parser migration [17:52:32] idk what's this [17:52:34] Watch everything set on fire [17:52:40] whats parser migration....... [17:52:41] WMF wants money, time to send them 50 EUR again... [17:52:49] scawwy..... [17:53:01] A really fun and scary project taking place over the next about 18 months [17:53:06] We should write a guide [17:53:12] jimbo: pwease sir gwive us money im poor [17:53:29] POV WMF: [[WP:CANCER]] [17:53:29] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:CANCER [17:53:30] [17:53:34] you mean we should get rif of `{{#if:|...}}`? :xsob: [17:53:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23if:Template: [17:53:44] But parser.php which is current parser gets replaced with a new thing called Parsoid [17:53:51] Parsoid isn't that new though [17:54:01] It's the same parser that VE uses [17:54:05] And DiscussionTools [17:54:16] [1/2] WMF: [17:54:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263192060467613756/IBTWENe.png?ex=669956c8&is=66980548&hm=c39e97a18022ba2b4133b0f95bd69da6369cab627fe43f9086206dec434e619d& [17:54:20] From 1.43, some pages will use the new parser [17:54:23] Reading [[WP:ARBCOM]] lately has given me more than 50 EUR worth of entertainment so I think a donation is due [17:54:23] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:ARBCOM [17:54:24] [17:54:33] LMAO [17:54:42] ARBCOM is either hell or a comedy club [17:54:54] it's been quite a day babysitting the scripts [17:55:01] ARBCOM and AN/I - a match made in hell [17:55:06] I would bet this is nothing compared to Fandom [17:55:11] does it affects templates or general edit experience? [17:55:17] Everything [17:55:21] Literally everything [17:55:26] :moonch: [17:55:28] fandom isnt run by donations [17:55:36] :moonch: [17:55:38] It's the thing that translates between wikitext and html [17:55:49] Fandom is run by advertisements and Fandom needs to vanish [17:55:53] this is fandom united platform all over again :moonch: [17:55:58] the height can be regulated in the CSS. I think there is a CSS group for that. [17:56:05] Do you drink? [17:56:10] Nope [17:56:12] Alot of the WMFs funding comes from grants also and use of their enterprise api [17:56:14] this is not what's wrong here [17:56:22] You can't have a nice refreshing drink then [17:56:30] I think I'm the only 21 year old human being in my town that doesn't drink 😂 [17:56:32] the API which google is the only paying customer afaik [17:56:40] [1/2] Related pages lost its Citizen theme in the latest Citizen/Mediawiki/Miraheze update? [17:56:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263192664933793884/image.png?ex=66995758&is=669805d8&hm=7db9d87db2192efad94fe8378f8b1b75dd758c60e8e1d3a5a3e93017c70833ee& [17:56:42] What area [17:56:49] hello. I created an article with new categorie and the categorie didn't created automatically [17:56:50] Andalucia [17:56:54] Southern Spain [17:57:00] Right [17:57:07] I know nothing about southern Spain [17:57:13] If I was to learn PHP I would have to start drinking again to reach the Ballmer peak [17:57:29] ❤️ I don't drink too (Madrid) [17:57:59] I file a bug? is this known? [17:58:26] Having drank in spain im not surprised a lot of Spanish people dont drink [17:59:50] Tourist areas hate us though [18:00:19] I hate us aswell [18:01:08] English people are idiots abroad. People from leeds are even stupider. [18:01:52] 😭 [18:01:58] There is an entire country that dislikes Leeds United fans and it's quite fair. [18:02:32] I'm not surprised [18:02:47] Ive been to Leeds once and I never want to go again [18:03:09] Leeds itself isn't that bad @originalauthority [18:03:13] The people are [18:03:18] Which is a shame bc the alternatives are so laggy and unintuitive in comparison, user experience is way better with smw than cargo or dpl [18:03:19] Especially drunk [18:03:36] Leeds is a shithole [18:03:38] Even VisualData? [18:03:52] It's a new extension currently in the security review stage [18:04:00] how can i block a user from making edits to a wiki? [18:04:08] It's not a complete shithole [18:04:11] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12306 [18:04:14] Which part of it did you visit and when [18:04:20] Also answer in #offtopic [18:04:50] I've never heard of it before, does it do everything smw does? Because Sagan 4 depends on everything smw does. [18:05:09] Only you know the answer to that [18:05:28] Huh? [18:05:50] I mean that only you know if it will work for your wiki [18:06:00] Well I don't know anything about it [18:06:07] [[Special:Block]] [18:06:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Block [18:06:08] [18:06:11] on your wiki [18:07:49] We use semantic mediawiki to power custom search tools and we're heavily dependent on subobjects in particular (so if there's no analog to that, a good chunk of features that make the wiki navigable would have to go) [18:07:59] ? 🙂 [18:08:28] it's default behaviour unless you have related extension enabled on your wiki [18:08:45] we had yes, but I don't know the name of the extension [18:08:57] is probably related with the update [18:08:57] [[mw:Extension:Auto_Create_Category_Pages]] [18:08:57] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Auto_Create_Category_Pages [18:08:58] [18:09:13] ok [18:10:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263196103688589333/image.png?ex=66995a8c&is=6698090c&hm=b83867e24be2ab82ce665b8b59f4d89ed03b0a28af9dd7f07d350d23a9b3309c& [18:10:43] guess it's a phorge task then [18:11:36] can you link to me to the bug tracker? I forgot always the name and url (and I have to create a new user each time) [18:12:18] man [18:12:50] [1/2] issue-tracker.miraheze.org [18:12:50] [2/2] why create account? you should click mediawiki button, it will use your miraheze account [18:13:47] yeah, never make an account manually there [18:15:41] ok, I tried to read parsoid migration page and still don't get it [18:19:25] previoulsy was an external page. Each time I go is a different page. First phabricator [18:20:28] still the log is with mediawiki instead of miraheze [18:21:11] it's just a button, it goes to miraheze, not mediawiki [18:25:08] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12346 [18:30:19] [1/2] safemode doesn't fix shit in Timeless, it loads at first w/ normal height i.e. I don't see bottom part w/ save/preview/cancel until I scroll, then it just decides to fit the entire editor to my screen's size [18:30:19] [2/2] and I don't see any kinda of resize bar or corner [18:51:07] hi, so I heard recently that wikipedia rolled out a dark mode on their wiki and it does seem I have access to it with user settings. Since miraheze just upgraded mediawiki, I would like to know if this included this feature or not because I can't seem to be able to access it on my end (I can see the appearance menu, but it only allows me to configure the front size) [18:52:04] Uh I don’t believe that’s in core no [18:52:13] I can look into it later on how one May enabled it [18:52:23] No [18:52:32] Were around 6 months behind Wikipedia [18:57:00] oh, then are there plans to enable it? As it turns out, we had to do a bunch of CSS trickery to get a "good enough" dark mode (the existing extension had some issues with us), but it's a bit weird to maintain so it's a feature that would help us a lot [18:57:51] also, there is a problem about notifications in our discord chanel, the editions are not being reported there [18:58:22] Depends [18:58:29] We don’t have formal plans [18:58:36] But depending on how it’s actually implemented [18:58:40] We may be able to enabled ot [18:58:46] Or you may be able to import [19:00:03] Wait for 1.43 [19:00:12] Ask again in about 4 months [19:00:23] @bluemoon0332 [19:00:58] https://removededm.com/w/load.php?lang=en&modules=startup&only=scripts&raw=1&skin=citizen anyone know why this would be giving an error? [19:01:09] seems to be breaking a lot of things on my wiki [19:01:20] You mean you follow #announcements there? [19:01:31] Recent 1.42 update likel [19:01:37] Ye [19:01:47] Please open a task on issue-tracker [19:01:49] Or we had smt with citizen a few days before [19:01:54] will do [19:02:08] Is citizen @atxatx's ? [19:02:21] yup [19:02:35] He might have some ideas then [19:03:06] not an issue on mediawiki.org but it's on 1.43 :moonch: [19:03:18] [1/2] > Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBLanguageError [19:03:18] [2/2] Users are reporting seeing this intermittently [19:03:53] Do you have the exception log for `88ca68d592acb5fc327f1c6e`? [19:04:22] _waves at @MediaWiki Specialists_ [19:11:43] <.labster, replying to rhinosf1> _waves back, then awkwardly realizes you weren't waving at him_ [19:12:14] lmao [19:12:24] Hey @.labster [19:12:51] I can break something for you to fix if you want @.labster [19:13:10] <.labster> I just checked my wikis for the upgrades, everything seems to be working, including the DPL3. [19:13:29] Go buy a lottery ticket @.labster [19:14:36] <.labster> I have been wondering for a while if we really should do every upgrade [19:15:03] We're learning towards being more risk adverse [19:15:09] and not testing every extension [19:17:07] Is there a way to force users to have an account before editing? [19:17:26] theres this page, one of these gadjets may help https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Dark_mode [19:18:04] Remove the edit right from the `*` group [19:18:25] <.labster> In ManageWiki [19:19:28] There's a way to hide the short descriptions [19:19:40] and only appear on the search title? [19:19:45] like in Wikipedia [19:20:15] or require an email-linked acc to edit for better security [19:20:21] whoops [19:20:30] didnt mean to ping :P [19:20:49] That's in ManageWiki/settings [19:21:01] Called something like email confirmed to edit [19:21:06] yea [19:22:56] In my discord channel we have a webhook that goes directly from the recent changes XML atom to one discord channel that publish edits on our wiki. Maybe other people have that too and we could do a shared ticket with different wikis [19:23:25] Why not just discord notifications [19:23:41] I don't know the technical side [19:23:45] But err we can look if you know where it fails [19:24:12] We don't maintain that so we can only help if we know where it's gone wrong [19:25:25] it says: DiscordNotifications v3 [19:26:41] That doesn't use the XML atom feed [19:26:57] So is notifications. But is only on the recent changes or our wiki. We don't see any other [19:27:34] If it's the same as the wiki specific feeds in this server, it's a webhook [19:27:44] We can fix that [19:28:23] Please open a task [19:28:36] thanks. What info I have to provide on the ticket? [19:28:37] And say it's DiscordNotifications [19:29:05] Just saying you're not getting messages from DiscordNotifications [19:29:13] And a link to the server invite [19:35:00] [1/2] upd: things are fine on Meta w/ Timeless [19:35:01] [2/2] plz help, I can't work like that, I don't wanna create a css patch around that (I doubt I'll be able to figure it out either) [19:39:19] it happens on 3 wikis I admin, but the 4th one is fine [19:39:36] both that wiki and Meta show resizer that Canada mentioned [19:40:07] Ask the css people [19:40:25] I disabled all CSS/JS and issue remains [19:40:34] I don't understand what causes it [19:41:30] No.is the thing that is reporting my partner Avengium. We have channels to track the notifications of edits of our wikis the [19:42:32] I created the ticket 👍 [19:42:58] [1/2] oh huh the resizing things dont appear on my wiki either [19:42:58] [2/2] and i think the reisizing corner only shows if u turn syntaxhighlighting off, [19:43:24] HUH [19:43:46] turning highlighting brought back normal size :ThinkerMH: [19:43:56] showed the corner thingy too [19:44:03] :ThinkerMH: [19:44:07] one 4th wiki turning it off does nothing [19:46:39] [1/2] as a temporary thing u can do ```.CodeMirror { height: 500px;}``` i guess [19:46:39] [2/2] this is so mysterious [19:47:51] [1/2] is this an extension?????? [19:47:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263220642115883048/image.png?ex=66997166&is=66981fe6&hm=52c7290fe913e4cc3096d22203b3bc0662618d943561f3358ae334bfd144f899& [19:48:51] maybe VE, maybe core [19:48:54] actually [19:49:01] is this the code editor? [19:49:25] source editor with codemirror [19:50:20] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12349 [19:50:32] 2010 toolbar too [19:52:34] [1/2] both wikis (w/ and w/o problem) have all 3 extensions in Editor tab enabled [19:52:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263221831486148618/2024-07-17_22_51_34.png?ex=66997282&is=66982102&hm=6ac76b89ad0234754541640763a36a48ae59b08474d27e1e622defa297ad25c2& [19:52:39] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263221852621504652/2024-07-17_22_52_23.png?ex=66997287&is=66982107&hm=b73edb0bf90a6ba9a9a39dd9e53350da306cf78ba76d3f68bcdc1a6bf338c889& [19:53:20] ugh [19:53:27] red link appeared [19:53:29] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263222061527076864/image.png?ex=669972b8&is=66982138&hm=727dce781c10503f78b61bc94b3887f7b31dde0e595bb269df911a2d4937f6fe& [20:00:56] Other than telling people about our wiki, what are other ways to win the SEO battle? [20:01:19] theres the wikiseo extension and google search console [20:01:38] what are those? [20:01:52] wikiseo is enabled by default on all wikis [20:02:11] it's primary function is to let register your wiki in search engines [20:02:16] yeah but you gotta use it [20:02:29] how? [20:02:32] ik it lets you do stuff like SEO keywords and images and such [20:02:34] google namely, because it's a jerk of a search engine [20:02:38] I'm not familiar with it [20:02:47] better use pageimages and textextracts for that [20:02:56] @tedkalashnikov might know a bit more of its use since shes been using it but I can't say [20:02:56] there are setting for that [20:03:07] [20:03:35] but from my exprience - the more other sites have links to your wiki, the better [20:04:11] so what’s the Google search console then? [20:04:58] a google service where you let google know your cite exists, basically [20:05:03] check the link above [20:05:35] ah i see [20:05:36] google should acknowledge the site, start indexing it and then it will show in results [20:05:52] and gives you advanced metrics [20:07:37] [1/3] you need to give console sitemaps, I suggest to limit to main, project and category namespaces (sitemap links ending w/ 0, 4 and 14) [20:07:37] [2/3] you'll find sitemaps links at [20:07:37] [3/3] `https://static.miraheze.org/`your wiki's database name here`/sitemaps/sitemap.xml` [20:08:06] alright thanks! [20:08:32] Its always pissed me off that google doesn't read the index [20:09:00] you mean? [20:09:38] it constantly tries to index action links and then pesters w/ warning over them [20:25:36] Any idea what "Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBLanguageError"" means? [20:26:13] prob related to the 1.42 update since I [20:26:21] Best I can find is that the error means "Table name component contains unexpected quote or dot character", but I don't understand what that means [20:26:40] where is this [20:29:55] https://alpha.sagan4.org/wiki/Twilight_Crystal [20:30:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263231333824466974/image.png?ex=66997b5b&is=669829db&hm=06acdfedcccad91ea1b899ff26dc009ff1d29be15c2de324c7cc6965c7d2f804& [20:30:34] what are you trying tyo d [20:30:41] and plz paste the error code ehre [20:30:45] Disgustedorite's wiki? [20:30:52] they use SMW [20:31:23] yeah, nobody replied here [20:32:27] I'm actually the admin of it and run it alongside Dorite [20:32:36] All I'm trying to do is read the page [20:32:51] I think it's something related to that "Species" template [20:32:55] https://alpha.sagan4.org/wiki/Template:Species this also throws an error [20:36:48] That's weird [21:01:00] FYI https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:NotAracham/Miraheze:Acronyms_and_Abbreviations is a wee bit outdated in some parts with new changes. if anyone is bored feel free to update them! ill give you a wiki hug [21:27:40] @elliethepwincess your issue is caused by a skin still using a now-removed class [21:28:17] I have to sleep so I can't figure out which it is right now but if you skin by skin in ManageWiki you may be able to find which it is [21:32:01] Looks to be citizen [21:33:41] [1/4] I think I found the issue. There's a part of the template that is supposed to look like this: [21:33:42] [2/4] ```[[Special:SearchByProperty/:Ancestor/{{{name|{{PAGENAME}}}}}|Descendants:]]``` [21:33:42] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bname https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:SearchByProperty/:Ancestor/%7b%7b%7bname [21:33:42] [3/4] But when the page is saved, it inexplicably gets transformed into this, which is broken code: [21:33:43] [4/4] ```[[Special:SearchByProperty/:Ancestor/{{{name|}{{PAGENAME}}}}}|Descendants:]]``` [21:33:43] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bname https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:SearchByProperty/:Ancestor/%7b%7b%7bname [21:34:08] just a random insertion of a `}` in the perfect spot to break the template. wtf [21:35:50] There's nowhere else in the code where `{{{name|{{PAGENAME}}}}}` becomes `{{{name|}{{PAGENAME}}}}}` [21:35:50] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bname [21:36:17] Or not, weird [21:36:37] Everything was upgraded right before the version change [21:36:51] Ellie's wiki has all skins enabled, it could be any of them [21:38:28] Ahh, from the looks of things, MinervaNeue, Eveskin, and Femiwiki [21:40:06] so uh, basically, what the fuck is happening and why the fuck would it do this [21:41:54] https://github.com/cforcomputer/eveskin/blob/master/skin.json#L41 eveskin confirmed the culprit [21:42:47] femiwiki is disabled [21:43:01] We're also using femiwiki branch REL1_40 for some reason [21:44:56] Good think we identified what's causing that issue [21:45:18] Is almost a tradition that things start to fail once an upgrade is completed [21:45:21] It is now completely impossible to edit or roll back the page because of an edit mni made that apparently fucked up even the one-click rollback [21:46:27] this seems like. something that requires a major ping. but I cannot ping the roles that can help with this [21:46:47] how it can affect rollback wtf [21:47:13] maybe it's getting a database error even trying to process the page? [21:47:18] or something? [21:47:34] [1/2] when I clicked rollback I got this [21:47:35] [2/2] > [8b10a6030553a3ea78120110] 2024-07-17 21:47:22: Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBLanguageError" [21:48:13] That actually was already broken [21:48:34] ...did you try to rollback my zillion edits? [21:48:43] back to how mason left it in 2007 [21:48:45] or [21:49:30] I mean I guess it's worth trying everything but this seems like something we need SREs for. a role which seems to not exist anymore [21:49:45] I'm assuming technology team is the role to ping, but the role is not pingable [21:49:58] [1/2] No, just the edit from before mine from the 30th [21:49:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263251373894668298/image.png?ex=66998e05&is=66983c85&hm=078ca1675f2bf134d2c2b4018b2f1835a0c01f5205a8cd8edae778373e8ed6aa& [21:50:11] Oh, so like I just said [21:50:38] @evalprime pinging you directly bc idk what else to do here [21:51:04] This has rendered the wiki non-functional and we can't even fix affected pages because it's a template used in like 80% of them [21:52:04] @bluemoon0332 do you have an idea what's happening here? ^ [21:52:45] I'd recommend creating a task, I can take a look when I get back. [21:56:35] it looks like the issue might be something else as well (?), taking a look [21:56:49] He’s infrastructure [21:57:02] For mediawiki issues not the one responsible I believe [21:57:18] well, this happened as a result of the mw upgrade [21:57:27] at least, it probably did [21:57:39] Who has the ability to view error logs like this [21:57:52] @bluemoon0332 is who you’d wanna talk to when he’s few [21:58:13] Anyone with greylog so tech people [21:59:44] Can you use the API to edit? [22:00:10] I can "edit the page" but get the error when I save and the edit doesn't appear in the thing [22:00:27] If you want I can try to use the API via a tool and delete the template [22:00:35] Would that fix it? [22:00:46] Or is it not the templates contents [22:00:48] Let me test a hunch first [22:01:08] K [22:01:13] Im gonna be leaving the house soon so I’ll have to do this later or someone else will [22:01:36] The weird thing is that mni's edit does "work" [22:01:48] and doesn't error [22:01:50] but I can't figure out how or why [22:02:15] Hm? [22:10:22] oh, I see [22:10:28] I found the code that's fucked [22:11:10] [1/2] `{{#ask:[[ancestor::{{{name|{{PAGENAME}}}}}]][[Category:Species]]|format=ul|limit=1000|sort=Generation}}` [22:11:10] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23ask:Template:%5b%5bancestor::%7b%7b%7bname https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/ancestor::%7b%7b%7bname https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Species [22:11:10] [2/2] This one ask query. it cannot handle it [22:11:32] Makes sense, I use a similar one on my sandbox page which is also having an error. [22:12:22] I'm getting the same error with other queries as well, but not all of them it would seem [22:12:42] Oh, nevermind, It is all of them, the main page was just cached. [22:12:52] Semantic mediawiki broke :wah: [22:16:18] Every single ask query results in the error. Show queries, however, still work. [22:16:38] This is bad, as our wiki is dependent on SMW [22:17:11] How are other smw-users doing rn? [22:17:56] https://eana.miraheze.org/wiki/Cit%C3%A9_Franche [22:18:01] the answer appears to be "same" [22:22:19] SMW moment [22:22:30] https://tenor.com/view/agony-gif-23084585 [22:28:43] looks to have fixed it, thanks! [22:31:56] I am finally working on my social profile replacement [22:32:01] abandoned the earlier version [22:32:20] https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/issues/5634 [22:32:24] looks like it's a known bug [22:32:30] [1/5] We do have notices fpt SMW in ManageWiki that SMW is experimental on MH and not to completely rely on it as it could end up removed down the line if it breaks as they aren't to get with supporting stable MediaWiki sometimes, mostly just LTS and even then it takes while. But it typically doesn't break as they aim to use minimal MediaWiki functions, th [22:32:30] [2/5] at was the only reason I approved the extension in the first place. [22:32:31] [3/5] We have had the notice: [22:32:31] [4/5] "Permanently "experimental" and may be removed with little to no prior notice." [22:32:31] [5/5] since we added SMW. It is definitely not recommended to fully rely on SMW without some potential alternative if the need arose. [22:33:12] I mean, we could switch back to cargo or even rewrite everything in dpl (yuck) [22:33:49] what's the progress on VisualData? We're already considering switching to it as soon as it's available [22:34:02] As long as its an option if absolutely necessary. [22:35:15] VisualData is indicated that it does not support 1.42 [22:35:23] sigh [22:35:28] 1.35 - 1.41 is what versions it claims to support on the extension page [22:35:47] But it could potentially work [22:35:55] <3 [22:36:03] I love mediawiki [22:36:09] Is it possible to downgrade the wiki to a previous version of mw? [22:36:13] Np. [22:36:22] Schema changes are irreversible. [22:36:38] I would recommend where possible using Cargo. Its the extension that has the most consistent development. [22:37:14] We love Yaron [22:37:28] It may be possible if we restored a backup from before upgrade or if the schema changes where minor and didn't drop or affect much else but it is not something we would do unless absolutely necessary probably. [22:37:32] Does it plan too? [22:37:45] It is also very prone to bugs [22:38:05] Do we even support running individual wikis on different versions [22:38:11] With the exception of beta ofc [22:38:19] We do now yes [22:38:22] Yeah, I wouldn't 100% recommend Cargo at all, but I think its the best out of the semantic extensions that exists. [22:38:37] (I do not trust any extension written by Yaron) [22:38:50] Probably. It may already and the extension page just isn't updated tbh [22:38:52] All of them seem to be riddled with security vios [22:39:05] A lot are yes [22:39:38] We may not love Yaron as much [22:40:05] Anyways [22:40:07] But their extensions are also massive. I guarantee if I created some of theirs like PageForms, Cargo, and especially Widgets I would have some also. [22:40:28] oh yeah definitely [22:40:31] Which one is Widgets again [22:40:45] the one which has been disabled for eons because of security issues [22:40:50] Fandom has now span up their own version [22:41:44] The one we removed that caused the biggest (Christmas Eve to Christmas Day) security incident we ever had, it was a mess... [22:41:45] Me waiting for the day fandoms engineer manager Misclick on it’s repos and sets them all to public [22:42:07] Widgets? [22:42:11] Yes [22:42:34] On Christmas is insane though [22:42:40] It had an extremely easy to use RCE violation. [22:42:43] I love these snippets of Miraheze lore [22:43:09] Wouldn’t it be XSS from my understanding? [22:43:16] No RCE is a lot worse [22:43:40] On the client or the server [22:44:25] Server RCE means remote code execution which allows code to be executed on the server [22:44:26] [1/5] also question about user profiles: [22:44:27] [2/5] How important do you feel it is: [22:44:27] [3/5] - to show global groups on profiles (like fandom does) [22:44:27] [4/5] - to show global edit count alongside local edit count [22:44:27] [5/5] - to show a configurable favourite wiki [22:44:35] sorry im interrupting the convo lol [22:45:27] (Global) (B)locks can be useful to tell at a glance if someone is a vandal when looking at History or something [22:45:31] also everytime you hover over the emoji icon in discord text box it changes [22:45:36] Edit count would be nice [22:45:39] Yup [22:46:02] There was a lot of potential for privacy leak etc... leading to a large investigation of hundreds of wikis using it and weeks of logs investigated on a server that we took out of production to investigate if anything was compromised. [22:46:20] Global groups is rarer but in the instances it applies is normal important to some person viewing a GAs profile in RC [22:46:57] All global staff except maybe some GP mention their position on their global user page so [22:47:11] iirc its still not been fixed has it? [22:47:14] Jesus Christ [22:47:17] Wat [22:47:33] oh looks like it has [22:47:48] Wait did someone confirmed use the exploit or did we say oh shit it can do RCE time to depool [22:47:52] It was a vulnerability that existed for years (since before the extension was added to Miraheze), so we didn't have logs going back that far, but what we did have we are able to determine it was never exploited. [22:48:12] Yeah it has now. [22:48:27] Also will your social profile thing support moving from the old one at all? Ie friends and foe system or is that just nuked [22:48:39] [1/3] first two 💯 [22:48:39] [2/3] idk about fave wikis [22:48:40] [3/3] blocked is good too I think [22:48:57] Fave wikis is interesting but niche [22:49:06] [1/5] 1. not urgent, at least in context of miraheze by default [22:49:06] [2/5] 2. same as 1 [22:49:06] [3/5] 3. in a central venue it would be nice, bit tactless on other wikis tbh [22:49:07] [4/5] 4. reasonably [22:49:07] [5/5] So the conclusion would be all these are ideally configurable priorities [22:49:10] Maybe let the user decide what’s shows [22:49:10] the barebones will not include any of that jazz, but if people want it I can look at it later down the road [22:49:21] maybe "Home Wiki" might be better [22:49:34] Also plz tell me it’ll include support for global user page [22:49:38] Looking at you SP [22:49:45] [1/2] > So the conclusion would be all these are ideally configurable priorities [22:49:46] [2/2] Noted, configurable for the user viewing the page, or "don't show these on my profile" [22:50:10] I’d say user of the page [22:50:21] friend/fpe system is silly tbh [22:50:21] That reminds me I had a patch like 2 years ago to make SocialProfile support it but I got busy and forgot to push lol [22:50:27] I have no experience with that extension or how it works personally, but I can have a look to see. (I'm not entirely sure why it doesn't work with GUP) [22:50:30] LMAO [22:50:35] do you think it’ll still work now [22:50:50] It might. I am pretty sure I still have it saved to PC. [22:51:00] Would be funny as heck [22:51:13] aight, I messed my schedule AGAIN [22:51:17] bye [22:51:18] overall I'd think of these as wiki settings, perhaps with globally overridable defaults per user? [22:51:21] LMAO [22:51:33] And the least consistent performance and security 🙃 which is why we stopped using it [22:52:03] 4 I think would work best just visible and that's that, first 3 I think would be more wiki priority followed probably by what the end user wishes to display [22:52:07] I’d think reasonable global defaults and local override [22:52:15] Maybe make use of the global preferences extension [22:52:48] I'm just hoping that VisualData will be similar enough to smw for a complete emergency replacement to be feasible. Though I'm having trouble finding if templates that store data are a thing. [22:53:12] [1/2] like? [22:53:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1263267288115712020/Screenshot_2024-07-17_at_23.53.07.png?ex=66999cd7&is=66984b57&hm=9e9ba8ee987ea9190330fabd1b6af191e8ac8d0fe6b77fb4e9cb5116aaefb19e& [22:53:42] Like cargo store or smw set [22:54:17] I meant deciding what properties show on your profile/set favorite wiki but just having all the data be able to be global and locally overrideable is a cool idea [22:55:05] I don't like the idea of storing the data in some Separate Thing from the wiki page content, it seems like something that could easily get fucked up resulting in data loss eg. if the extension breaks/stops working/is temporarily disabled for security [22:55:06] [1/3] you're confusing me, it can't be both. it can either [22:55:07] [2/3] a) be chosen by the wiki and apply for everyone for that wiki [22:55:07] [3/3] b) be chosen individually by each user [22:55:28] ^ thats for @pixldev [22:55:53] No, I mean the user decides their own settings globally [22:55:58] And can set per wiki overrides [22:56:04] okay yeah that would be through GlobalPreferences [22:56:10] So I'm hoping VisualData has an analogue to store or set, but I'm having trouble parsing the documentation [22:56:11] It could be both add a switch option to make it so it can be wiki configured or per user configured. But I agree just per-user would be best. [22:56:16] Ie I set my global properties and I can set an override on Phighting [22:56:37] oh yeah I could do something like have a `$wgAllowUserToChoseTheirOwnSettings` [22:56:39] obviously not that name but [22:56:51] I mean hey it works [22:57:08] I have a bad habit of naming variables weird stuff and then I forget what it does. [22:57:20] I'm trying to get out of it, from now i always typehint and always name variables properly [22:58:44] Also, I'm not a fan of having to manually transfer data from a zillion wiki pages to a separate file. I say when I literally did that with taxonomy, but that was a major pain and a half and that was with data that wasn't unique per page [22:58:55] Thats why I like using ConfigName classes also, it allows to add comment hints there, as well as make config names more normalized and protect against typos lol [22:58:58] Totally understandable [22:59:29] yeah I like confignames [22:59:37] Smh stop talking about extensions development/joke you’ll make me want to get back to working on my own >:( [22:59:38] took me a while though to get used to it [22:59:45] but its nice that it shows what the value is when using phpstorm [23:00:03] I added an extension ConfigNames it to ImportDump recently also and it makes things easier in my mind. [23:01:07] ImportDump is probably most modern, up-to-date, and well written extension I have ever done lol. It uses literally every modern standard I know of. [23:01:30] Anyway yeah I got the idea from echo believe it or not lol [23:01:36] Invoke all the powers [23:04:11] Have you tried codex? [23:04:27] The pure JS implementation is hard to get use to at first, but its so good once you get used [23:05:07] I havent no because Wikimedia keeps changing their mind with what they want to use so want to wait to see what they decide first lol [23:05:57] They went with OOUI and almost immediately decided they didnt want to and to go with Codex lol [23:06:40] I like long descriptive. They are very self-explanatory [23:54:06] [1/2] Okay, I cannot find evidence that VisualData would let me use a template to store data. Fortunately, I might be able to use the same trick I used for taxonomy (using a script to generate the json, which I can then add by hand). Unfortunately, the data being per-page will also make this at least mildly annoying. [23:54:06] [2/2] Also unfortunately, the data does not seem to be stored on its own page, hidden or otherwise, meaning that I cannot trust that the data will be preserved or accessible if the extension is suddenly disabled or rendered unuseable for any reason. [23:58:52] I can't be for certain with their demo wiki being a broken mess however