[00:19:05] [1/2] I requested our former fandom wiki to be removed and they globally blocked my fandom account [00:19:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264376065217007617/IMG_8144.png?ex=669da578&is=669c53f8&hm=6e7c07d0449e36c3322af36cf2758316f9eff4a8e2895c9df286ae539ae1e36c& [00:19:22] That’s really sad [00:19:43] should i laugh or be sad [00:20:07] I don’t really edit on fandom [00:20:26] But it’s pretty sad that they’re willing to go to this extent over someone requesting for their wiki to bebremoved [00:20:41] It’s honestly so petty [00:21:53] This is something a child on the internet with admin powers would do, not a multi million dollar company [00:23:03] If this isn’t one of the biggest red flags to not create any sort of wiki on fandom I don’t know what is [00:26:05] In the case things like that happen, I always archive my Wiki [00:26:24] i'm the type of person to backup my wiki daily [00:26:43] Amen, I do it after every update to a page [00:26:44] I backup every month but I’m considering moving to bimonthly considering our wiki is getting bigger [00:27:02] Bimonthly as in twice a month [00:27:46] It's actually really cool, as I've been archiving it since the day after the wiki was founded (it's a Fandom wiki ATM), so you see the progress of the site as I grew & learned [00:28:22] We moved off of fandom roughly two months ago [00:28:40] We’ve got all of our content updated and we’ve been officially endorsed by the development team of the game [00:28:49] Hell yea [00:28:52] Good for you [00:30:15] I used to play MSM when I was younger [00:30:17] Good game [00:30:51] Is Special:DataDump the best way to make backups? [00:31:20] Is there a written guide on best practice? [00:31:45] If you're asking me, I'm not sure, When I refer to Archive, I mean the use of the WayBack Machine [00:32:17] I apologize [00:32:25] It’s alright [00:33:08] I'm actually not the sharpest tool in the shed in terms of that stuff, I'm a toddler compared to you & others here [00:33:36] I'm one those who just sees a code & copy & pastes it, since I don't know a lot of Java [00:34:49] [1/2] There is this? [00:34:49] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Backups [00:34:58] I’ll give that a read [00:35:06] I think it has what you need, though I'm not sure [00:56:33] would it be annoying to ask for a custom domain SSL + root path for a private wiki only i use? [01:51:30] Eek. When I moved from Fandom I didn't even request a deletion: I just deleted every page individually (without telling Fandom I was moving) and hoped they wouldn't notice. [01:51:56] We tried that, but fandom reverted our edits [01:53:03] I really wish the best for wiki projects on fandom [02:06:50] Oooooof [02:07:14] Because of how small my wiki is, I think if I do move, doing something like that would be more easy [02:07:37] My wiki, which has been going for a year+, has still not gotten a single other user besides me [02:07:43] So I don't think I'm much priority [02:07:55] bruh [02:10:51] I have a wiki project on fandom (mostly because moving to a different host would be too much of a hassle) and it's not too bad with the exception of the typical fandom bs we have to deal with [02:11:49] [1/2] uhh is it supposed to do this- [02:11:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264404434902056992/image.png?ex=669dbfe4&is=669c6e64&hm=26db3b3b253455a783f8cb562489763d693419009986fff05a6c701f8913fe1c& [02:11:57] (don't mind the white i have dark reader) [02:16:08] the same notification 5 times? it shouldn't do that [02:18:31] If you're the only editor (current or past), you also have the ability to re-license it to something incompatible with Fandom, to prevent some hypothetical future jerk from copying anything from your fork back onto Fandom. [02:20:40] Oooh? If I go through the move I'd like to be assisted in this, that'd be useful [02:22:25] well any idea why this happened lol [02:22:48] mediawiki being mediawiki (I don't know lol) [02:22:53] maybe it's because i hit it with a simplebatchupload? [02:26:21] [1/3] On Miraheze there's an option in Special:ManageWiki to change the license. When I moved my wiki I changed it from CC-BY-SA to CC-BY-NC-SA. Noncommercial licenses are not allowed on Fandom unless every contributor grants Fandom a waiver to use their text commerically: [02:26:22] [2/3] https://www.fandom.com/licensing [02:26:22] [3/3] Since I haven't agreed to such a waiver for any of the text I wrote after moving, anyone else who copies text from my wiki back to Fandom would be violating the license. (I think: I am not a lawyer). [02:30:17] [1/2] Once I have set a user preference to use a particular skin, is there any way for me to remove that preference? The only options I see are to change the preference to another skin, but I would ideally like to clear this preference so I instead see the default skin of whatever wiki I am on [02:30:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264409083025293362/image.png?ex=669dc438&is=669c72b8&hm=7d4a77e917a419d1834bf02bd1ac39cc3c330eeebad71100a79213951142489f& [02:30:55] only global preferences will change stuff for every single wiki [02:31:05] normal preferences only change stuff for the current wiki [02:32:01] is there a way for the linter to err on the
tag? [02:35:11] > [21/07/2024 10:56] would it be annoying to ask for a custom domain SSL + root path for a private wiki only i use? [02:35:14] tedkalashnikov: nah idts [02:36:04] ok awesome [02:38:14] both actions would be needed to be done by the tech team and stewards respectively, both of which have access to all wikis [02:49:29] [1/2] same case for me it was, except I started in 2019 and discovered Miraheze in 2021 [02:49:29] [2/2] my deletion request sounded lowkey dramatic but I did made an accent on subject being too niche, me being the sole editor and the fanbase being passive lol (and no mention of the move ofc) [02:53:18] Lmfao [02:53:19] W [02:54:15] forgot to say, request was successful lol [02:54:19] then someone from the Fandom discord is magically here & snitches [02:54:23] but it was 3 ywars ago ... [02:55:41] but considering that Fandom apparently nuked lyrics wiki over "inappropriate content", I guess I could be booted too lol [02:59:36] Yea [02:59:59] One reason I also want to move to Miraheze is that it's a bit more lenient in certain areas [03:00:55] I run a Collectible-based wiki, and sometimes there are some products that feature more "revealing" sculpts, like breasts & such, and Fandom can be very strict at times for that [03:01:17] So a move to Miraheze wouldn't limit the lines I can add nearly as much as Fandom [03:02:23] the last case of that I saw on Megaten Wiki (whose media admin doesn't want to move over to recently opened independent wiki) [03:03:05] I remember seeing a guy complain to Fandom why multiple images got taken down by official staff, and it was because of some anime character having some notable cleavage, which Fandom didn't like, so they took down those images without warning [03:03:18] I forgot which wiki however, but it was for some small anime [03:04:29] a case from my years at fandom - main admin and founder of the wiki who I'm muts w/ got globally blocked, despite plenty of stuff on the wiki being pretty edgy because of the subject itself [03:05:18] the block happened over nude female demon [03:05:29] images [03:05:38] Ooof [03:27:04] [1/3] Does anyone know what's causing this to be transparent? [03:27:04] [2/3] [03:27:04] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264423372750590073/image.png?ex=669dd187&is=669c8007&hm=6a42a87b7e9ece553df6c8e5b41a24d735bc0766c9b767f642b0080a005ca85f& [03:32:32] quesquestion: the header isn't even sticky for me [03:33:32] oh i think i have to log in [03:34:40] yeah [03:35:14] https://findthetrollfacesrm.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Vector.css#L-121 [03:37:24] Thanks [03:37:50] yw ^_^ [04:22:46] Are some wikis down? [04:23:18] [04:24:27] Hello? [04:31:51] Probably just a problem with my PC. A temporary problem. [04:36:16] down for me too, taking a look now [04:39:50] oooooohhhhh, I know what's wrong [04:48:30] Oh R.I.P. [05:01:18] Okie, fixed for now [05:01:49] Let me know if anything was broken by the awkward deploy [05:11:45] Was same cause as . If it happens again, reopen that task, I'll know what to do. [05:13:32] [1/3] for some reason, whenever I turn on syntax highlighting, the text box gets a lot smaller [05:13:33] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264450168044912650/image.png?ex=669dea7c&is=669c98fc&hm=4f035533ea6ccdd999e014fe320d1a1d366fed3116781577b652ec27618719de& [05:13:33] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264450168271671316/image.png?ex=669dea7c&is=669c98fc&hm=ba8a080687fc97595d520bf91d8dbe413969c546721a7132d8deaee6a48f0fd6& [05:15:33] [1/2] well, I just saw that console dropped out old miraheze domain, says it's unconfirmed now (which is understandable since there's no key anymore) [05:15:33] [2/2] however it also says data is still transfer to new domain [05:16:19] [1/2] god, I'm not alone them [05:16:19] [2/2] had this couple of days ago, canada suggested a css patch [05:20:00] seems to be Timeless specific but idk [05:53:59] [1/2] Does anyone else have the same problem? [05:53:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264460344127000576/Screenshot_2024-07-21-07-53-07-98_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg?ex=669df3f6&is=669ca276&hm=59777a5a89e99bc031dbb04157d38725b349014cb3cdc3282f5b649217c017dd& [05:54:53] What happened to the two gadget permissions? Have they been removed from newer versions of MediaWiki? [05:55:12] yuushafuyuno: nope, can you give steps on how to reproduce the error? [05:56:20] That error appears when we uses a template in a article [05:56:29] any template or a specific one [05:56:41] c.syde65: gadget permissions? [05:57:45] `(gadgets-edit)` and `(gadgets-definition-edit)` [05:59:30] sounds like it: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:Gadgets#Using_Gadget_Definition_Namespace [06:09:52] I wonder if that means the associated namespaces should be deleted as well. [06:10:08] On a Miraheze wiki I administrate, I mean. [06:12:25] Any template [06:15:16] yuushafuyuno: can you give an example page? [06:18:04] https://esnaruto.miraheze.org/wiki/Plantilla:Cap%C3%ADtulo [06:18:27] https://esnaruto.miraheze.org/wiki/Plantilla:Jutsu [06:20:21] is it okay if i edit on the wiki (in my userspace) to try to find out which statement causes the bug? [06:23:00] Ok, no problem [06:24:30] Are you using SemanticMediaWiki? That looks like the same kind of error message as a known bug in it. [06:24:54] Yes, we use SMW [06:25:04] i can reproduce with {{#ask:[[Concept:Jutsu]][[Jutsu inicial::{{PAGENAME}}]]}} [06:25:04] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23ask:Template:%5b%5bConcept:Jutsu%5d%5d%5b%5bJutsu_inicial::%7b%7bPAGENAME https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Concept:Jutsu https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Jutsu_inicial::%7b%7bPAGENAME%7d%7d [06:26:57] https://esnaruto.miraheze.org/wiki/Concept:Jutsu also fails [06:32:16] i'm gonna stop debugging since void probably knows what's happening [08:30:53] Can't find the link right now, but there's already an open github issue on the SMW repo for this problem. [08:32:09] https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/issues/5634? [08:42:52] My wiki is not displaying images, what should I do? [09:06:00] did you just made a wiki on Miraheze and imported xml from another place, or images were working before on Miraheze? [09:07:29] guest quit [09:08:08] rip [09:08:26] anyway to make bot sent messages in that case? [09:08:34] like user joined/quit [09:08:42] yeah it's possible [09:08:54] i'm too lazy to put in the effort to request it though [09:08:59] (or to implement it) [09:09:27] https://github.com/Universal-Omega/IRC-Discord-Relay [10:16:25] Just put in the Wiki request, wish me luck bois [10:17:32] I'm coming to Miraheze [10:17:52] Noice [10:20:03] good luck [11:28:22] what's the css patch? [11:45:24] [1/4] ``` [11:45:24] [2/4] .CodeMirror {resize:vertical} [11:45:24] [3/4] ``` [11:45:25] [4/4] add this to personal css (or common) [11:45:51] oooh thank you!! i'll try that now [12:13:22] is 18% ctr good? [12:13:41] been getting into wikiseo lately [12:19:19] Its not bad, but its not great. [12:25:25] well hopefully it will increase when more data comes [12:48:41] I just created an account and I don't see anything here: https://tuscriaturas.miraheze.org/wiki/Especial:PermisosUsuarios?user=Bot+jakeukalane [12:49:23] maybe is too recent? [15:29:23] why some of the messages reach the notifications and others do not? [15:36:18] Depends on how people have set there settings? [18:24:19] [1/2] Did something happen with VariablesLua? Been getting stuff like this on pages that use it [18:24:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264649173576323153/image.png?ex=669ea3d3&is=669d5253&hm=8e532b3ec16ede13c58be818060e2c1d559f93794c08ad1e0fff22d4d63c076b& [18:35:20] hey, hello. more thinks broke with the update: https://tuscriaturas.miraheze.org/wiki/Principios_de_Kogel [18:36:42] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12348 [18:37:03] Some of the notifications are send, while others not. Specifically new users, change of permissions, yes. But normal editions, don't. [18:39:49] this is broke recently as if was before the update, the categories that track this failures would have been created. But they are in red [19:20:39] (Partially related task (about the server connection errors at least, not the syntax ones, which this page apparently alternates between): ) [21:12:53] Update might have borked it, can you create a task on [[Phorge]] if you haven't already? Be sure to copy in the full error message (including that 4ce885 code), thanks! [21:12:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [21:12:54] [21:22:47] Didn't see anything up above -- do miraheze sites seem sluggish today? Pages are loading really slow, notifications are delayed [21:28:45] A bit on my side [21:28:51] Didn't read either [21:36:58] Hey guys, I was intending to upload an image confirming that I officially own the "Overborne" franchise on Roblox but it got flagged [21:37:26] Is this a cause for concern? Will this affect the authenticity of my ongoing request? [21:38:02] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264697923099168859/OK.PNG?ex=669ed139&is=669d7fb9&hm=8ea31cff4228dfa09d76ddbeb98cf80ee6c09d058a208e13810feae3b445cab9& [21:38:23] This was done on a comment thread after the user Waki285 was requesting for more information [21:38:33] But I wanted to add that it was officially endorsed, with screenshot proof [21:42:11] "harmful, and therefore disallowed" seems to be a common calling card. [21:44:31] Calling card? [21:47:45] i dont believe uploading images to meta is allowed generally, something like a imgur link should suffice, unless you were told to upload it to meta specifically? [21:47:56] Makes sense [21:48:10] I have an ongoing request but I really hope this infraction doesn't affect my chances of getting a wiki on here [21:48:21] The upload was purely in good merits [21:48:40] oh thats no infraction, just an automated warning that shows for anyone uploading images i think [21:49:03] Oh, okay, that's good [21:49:10] I assumed the person reviewing my request could see it [21:49:14] :xsob: [21:50:15] Thanks, I'll resort to an imgur link then [21:55:27] commons wiki may be better for such uploads [21:55:43] and yes, it's just the abuse filter which can have false positives [21:56:15] though, realistically a screenshot from roblox can't really factor into platform decisions in any case [22:34:27] Loading has been really slow for me and other users of my wiki for a few days [22:35:09] I even got a 502 once [23:19:00] Anything to do with searching is slow for me. Occassionally loading something will be slow. [23:31:05] [1/2] I went to see about helping fandom wikis that rely on smw set up contingency plans and found out some of them are on 1.39.7 [23:31:06] [2/2] I'm kinda curious as to why there's not miraheze wikis on long term support versions like that (or wikis on different versions in general) [23:33:26] sticking to the long term support version seems like it would generally maximize extension compatibility which seems valuable for wikis that rely on a lot of them (or even just 1 with slow devs, sighs in SMW) [23:42:17] What benefit does cirrussearch bring? [23:42:31] Like in practice