[00:02:43] huh i guess we are celebrating 9 years of miraheze [01:05:18] Happy 9th anniversary Miraheze! (https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze-9-year) [01:05:36] (this also contains a link to the survey results) [01:14:23] guys am i late to the anniversary [01:14:57] It just started [01:14:59] nvm happy 9th years of miraheze [01:15:10] (July 22nd) [01:26:17] Most of them are on 1.39 [01:26:55] I suspect in Fandom's case 90% of their extensions are proprietary and are probably a huge pain to update so they just leave it as late as possible [01:27:06] And all of their engineers are busy making quick answers [01:27:49] They also have paid FT devs/techops, which is a big difference over our situation. [01:28:18] Those baloons on that miraheze 9th birthday post are really not mobile friendly [01:28:39] Baloons? Balloons? [01:28:46] all doubles, yes [01:28:52] bbaalloonnss [01:29:23] While we do technically have multi-version support, I'm not sure we've got the people-bandwidth to effectively support that in an ongoing way for a subset of wikis [01:30:01] (Will absolutely need to defer to our tech peeps who are better informed on specifics of our stack/configuration) [01:30:39] The multiversion i believe was mostly to maks upgrading easier, from what I believe, rather than to have different wikis on different versions (I think, anyway, im not 100% sure( [01:31:32] That's my understanding of its original intention as well, though having a LTS path and a current path was a long-term stretch goal, IIRC [01:31:47] But that runs into problems of version maintenance for extensions, scheduled jobs and such. [01:32:17] Of course if your wiki has a very very strong reason for needing to be on an earlier version then you are free to open a phabricator ticket and we can invesitgate but at this point it would have to be by rolling your wiki back to a previous backup which means you would loose some content [01:33:00] Also I'm not even 100% sure we'd do it anyway even if you had a very good reason because that would mean we'd have to maintain several different branches of MirahezeMagic, ImportDump etc and there's no bandwith for that unfortunately. [01:37:31] Also the amount of "not fandom" responses to the survey made me giggle [02:02:23] this may have been asked before, but did mediawiki 1.42 get rid of the arrow drop down menus next to groups of edits in the recent changes page? [02:02:34] they vanished when the updated happened on my wiki and i'm a bit puzzled as to why. this is my only guess [02:02:38] if possible i'd like to restore them [02:10:46] ^ [02:47:45] [1/2] Oh this is exactly what I fixed today if you want to borrow! [02:47:45] [2/2] (to paraphrase ltdk the urls are now encoded as base64, but keeping the quote marks escaped whereas they shouldn't, which makes the SVGs invalid) [02:49:38] (Funnily enough you can still click on the arrows even if they don't appear) [03:01:01] [1/2] Will respond when I am back from dinner, if nobody else gets to this. [03:01:01] [2/2] In the meantime... https://m.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:CirrusSearch [03:38:48] (By the way since this is a noticeable and apparently global issue I assume a phab task would be helpful? Not making one now though, I need to sleep and I don't even know where this issue comes from :P) [03:55:29] [1/6] In short, benefits of CS: [03:55:29] [2/6] * faster than standard search (most of the time) [03:55:29] [3/6] * More flexible on within-title searches and case insensitive searches (hooray files actually being searchable) [03:55:30] [4/6] * Has google-like search functions that can be powerful [03:55:30] [5/6] * Can search within templates [03:55:30] [6/6] Not everyone would see a benefit, but complex use cases or wikis with a large amount of content absolutely would [03:57:19] I read on the main page for cirrussearch that it supports regex? [03:58:18] Sure, though with all caveats about indexing and syncing [04:04:32] CS does support RegEx but it's weird because PHP's idea of regular expressions is different to that of the standard [04:21:27] How does this work in practice? [04:21:51] It doesn't [04:22:02] Ah [04:33:12] [1/2] they are just too dark on my wiki :ThinkerMH: [04:33:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264802401597259817/IMG_20240722_073149.jpg?ex=669f3287&is=669de107&hm=97bc18b5301503fa880e68e0b9afa7b66dec5f22a87baa040b136a33452b4839& [04:44:42] Does Miraheze have a Wikibase like Wikidata? [05:35:38] Miraheze has WikibaseRepository extension [06:27:21] We do although we provide very limited support if it goes wrong or if you don't understand how to use it. We don't really understand it ourselves. [06:30:32] candle to the rescue yet again :D thank you! [06:30:39] two things to fix when i have time [06:31:22] oh that is bizarre [06:32:38] [1/2] there's jsut nothing for me but i can certainly click it, that's so weird [06:32:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264832458994487366/image.png?ex=669f4e85&is=669dfd05&hm=5ab498b6cf1faddc0a36aecda7db17b7d0174e3318f6fdadd783441f8191e0a3& [06:37:13] I remembered that I poked around it before (removed opacity and gave invert), since I CCS'ed Recent Changes as much as I could lol [06:38:19] I'm not sure now if I just should remove it - it will make arrow white, or wait for a global fix when it'll become dark grey again by default [06:46:44] i’ll probably just implement candle’s fix since my wiki inherited its CSS from the rain world wiki anyways [06:46:53] a global fix would be nice though [06:59:01] [1/2] oh no [06:59:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264839100347977790/IMG_20240722_095801.jpg?ex=669f54b5&is=669e0335&hm=4cb62f0b846fdedc19f1a60f6d040acb2434065d1ca77092cb50188b7e6ed5c3& [06:59:09] I got logged out and saw in Minerva [07:16:51] … i see what that person meant by the balloons not being mobile friendly now [08:33:36] going a bit older, I'd love it if miraheze (gradually) transitioned to straight lts [08:33:59] as in mediawiki lts? [08:34:19] mhm [08:35:04] mmm it's not a bad idea to take things slow, but i also run bleeding edge software so i'm kinda biased [08:35:54] [1/5] I admit I'm very annoyed by top icons in Timeless, the amount of silly CSS patches I had to apply so title would look alright on mobile res, either as text or as wordmark image [08:35:55] [2/5] I'd move wiki tools (cog) into main sidebar drop-down + I'm stilk not sure why there has to be 2 icons/types for notifs, it feels unconventional [08:35:55] [3/5] similarly, icons on Cosmos they're unreasonably huge, poor search is ridiculously short [08:35:55] [4/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264863483275509760/IMG_20240722_112618.jpg?ex=669f6b6a&is=669e19ea&hm=fba1b65b256de4e2061806d302d4bcd7b85013f2aec2df91a5fd52515e3095cf& [08:35:56] [5/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264863483518910504/IMG_20240722_112807.jpg?ex=669f6b6a&is=669e19ea&hm=02f022100902a32ead3254e367380c2ca63973060c33b91a517a4a23ec491cdc& [08:36:18] I'm the type who would rather not use arch linux and prefers to be cozy on debian [08:36:40] a lot of upgrade related issues, volunteering for testing etc I think would abate somewhat if the whole process was a more deliberated event [08:40:11] the page counter on my wiki only shows pages created on the wiki, no imported pages [08:40:28] http://chinafake.fandom.com/wiki/Chinafake_Wiki:Home [08:42:31] sounds like a job for tech folks [08:42:44] cache thing, either force it or wait [09:06:44] [1/2] Would there be any way to add or remove a link from the bottom bar? Timeless ski [09:06:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264871240947073064/IMG_8175.png?ex=669f72a4&is=669e2124&hm=8242aea78de587cb04b0845aeee6d7d7d899faefcd08d2be91f920db48fa5f8f& [09:13:25] the issue is [09:13:46] it was at 11 before the import, I’ve made some new pages and now it’s updated to 19 [09:15:14] accidentally linked to the old fandom wiki [09:15:22] there we go, fixed the link now [09:23:13] I believe you can. Do you have a link to that page? [09:27:54] It's at the bottom of every page [09:34:55] [1/7] You can hide those links using CSS. Example: [09:34:55] [2/7] ``` [09:34:55] [3/7] #footer-places-mobileview { [09:34:56] [4/7] display: none; [09:34:56] [5/7] } [09:34:56] [6/7] ``` [09:34:57] [7/7] That will hide the 'Mobile view' link from the footer. Replace the `id` with that of the link you want to hide. [09:38:34] No idea about adding a link though, that would require some PHP apparently. [09:39:23] you probably could ask on phorge to add wiki-specific code [09:39:57] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Footer#Add_links_to_the_footer [09:43:58] I had to use js to add "contact" link (before contactpage extension got fixed) [10:13:33] At https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze-9-year section Donate, there's a p missing from the second "please". [10:14:41] robkam: fixed [10:17:51] Happy 9 year Anniversary to Miraheze [10:18:21] hopefully the big 10 will be even better [10:18:59] That will be on July 22, 2025 [10:19:28] yep [10:19:47] When I am 28 years old [10:25:27] <.labster, replying to raidarr> Good news, we'll switch to LTS the next upgrade, because it's an LTS release. [10:26:09] ahaha [10:26:31] that reminds me, i should start using an 1.42+ only feature [10:26:39] <.labster> I've been tempted to say that we should split the difference, and upgrade every other release. So just odd-numbered releases. [10:34:24] [1/2] Why do I see "cin gbera le" behind every revision line? [10:34:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264893304248598579/image.png?ex=669f8730&is=669e35b0&hm=2983e21397f9eba2848ec1ecd25a9b7c9ddcd9287552e8631295ec06a67590a6& [10:34:59] rodejong: try uselang=qqx [10:35:07] My language is British English [10:35:37] i mean adding &uselang=qqx to the end of the url to try to see what the string is [10:35:48] qqx is a test language where you can see the "keys" of all the strings [10:37:07] I can't read the language so I don't know what it means but possibility of some user script [10:37:27] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264894070883483739/image.png?ex=669f87e7&is=669e3667&hm=2a46a8a0fde804c04e6e404a5cc6947e9550db7f544ad5912bcef39445b21b3a& [10:37:48] does it not appear? [10:38:02] That's the only thing I get [10:38:43] hard to explain how to debug 😅 [10:41:10] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264895005181480970/image.png?ex=669f88c5&is=669e3745&hm=2f1fca9abfb600b8a9aa3a74c2368f886ed365fe149fa76fc2e10e3412c9d7be& [10:41:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264895005412294698/image.png?ex=669f88c5&is=669e3745&hm=cfc3a01660099819d02ffcadf15c76c58e5edc8e4fe6550381739c9a5c9ae175& [10:42:08] is there a notes thing in miraheze or i have to add it myself? [10:42:13] notes thing? [10:42:29] the thing wikipedia has to clarify things [10:42:51] rodejong: hmm, editundo is apparently the problem? [10:43:57] ah, actually, what about to redirect to a specific text in an article? [10:44:06] any way to do that? [10:44:35] something like https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Bland-Name_Product#Snow? [10:45:31] you'd either want Template:Anchor or Template:Visible_anchor, both the rainverse wiki sourced from wikipedia [10:46:49] [1/2] "cin gbere le" seems to be "Undo" [10:46:49] [2/2] So someone has edited the translation page? [10:47:03] oh thats a wikipedia import [10:47:33] rodejong: what happens when you run new mw.Api().loadMessagesIfMissing("editundo").then(function() { console.log(mw.messages.get("editundo")); }); [10:47:52] (in the javascript console) [10:48:14] [1/3] it's possible to make links to headers/section or elements w/ id HTML property, by using `#` [10:48:14] [2/3] for example Game page has Development section w/ header, so the link would be [10:48:14] [3/3] `[[Game#Development|game's development]]` [10:48:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Game#Development [10:48:42] the id thing is generally known as anchor [10:50:19] oh i can reproduce with https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_Volunteers?action=history&uselang=en-GB [10:50:35] do you mean disambiguation (a page which resolves/lists several pages having same title)? [10:51:11] [1/2] this one [10:51:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264897526520221726/image.png?ex=669f8b1e&is=669e399e&hm=970397ea16e67b0021e05188d1b115505d212dba491d3ca5e3277e43d766f905& [10:51:12] [1/2] seems like translatewiki issue [10:51:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264897526021226588/image.png?ex=669f8b1e&is=669e399e&hm=98bf7d33b51b486bf47cf666987b0675ce4a37b617ea878931f9d53ecb7c263a& [10:51:47] verdessence: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Cite [10:52:12] i tried to [[Article#Section#message content|^]] and it doesnt seem to work, i want it to highlight or scroll down to a specific part of the article [10:52:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Article#Section#message_content [10:52:42] I know references, the section bellow, but don't remember seeing separate footnotes before, must be some template solution working like references, could you link? [10:52:58] [1/2] weird [10:52:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1264897974501113957/image.png?ex=669f8b89&is=669e3a09&hm=c628e9d194f5c803f324e526904e9b7fd5f4f3d4e5387588b14de954155df3d9& [10:53:05] could be but with a group [10:53:18] ah [10:53:26] :ThinkingHardMH: [10:54:27] Someone has been editing the wrong language in so [10:54:45] you need to give that specific word you aim for an anchor, then use it, iirc only once in the link, w/ one # [10:55:11] note, I'm on phone and my brain is a bit all over the place [10:55:13] that natural urge to spend hours looking at Extension:Cargo to see if i could do sqli [10:56:04] its at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricci_curvature#Footnotes [10:56:41] ugh, WPs anchor is Lua based (why am I surprised) [10:56:44] oh references is just a standard bullet list [10:57:44] there's ``? it's auto generated from `` tags [10:58:44] yeah that's the cite extension [11:00:42] [1/8] so, look [11:00:42] [2/8] as I said, there are headers, which would work for linking to sections, and then you can give an id to a part of the text or single word [11:00:43] [3/8] it goes like this [11:00:43] [4/8] `word/span` [11:00:43] [5/8] so when you want to make a link from the beginning of article to that word, you type [11:00:44] [6/8] `[[#anchorname|...]]` [11:00:44] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/#anchorname [11:00:44] [7/8] if you are linking from another page [11:00:44] [8/8] `[[Pagename#anchroname|...]]` [11:00:44] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Pagename#anchroname [11:02:03] ill try this one out [11:02:35] yeah, so this kinda can be made into a simple template so you won't have to manually type tags [11:02:55] wikipedia also has templates for these anchors (if you can bear importing them) [11:03:36] ain't recommending Lua templates from Wikipedia lol [11:04:07] [1/2] id can be assigned to whole HTML elements like `
` too, this is actually what I've done recently w/ couple of templates here - a card template and a non-standard ToC at the beginning [11:04:08] [2/2] [11:07:23] [1/4] an example, the code on Template:Anchor page would be [11:07:24] [2/4] `{{{1}}}/span` [11:07:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b2 [11:07:24] [3/4] and on normal article it would be [11:07:24] [4/4] `{{anchor|word|anchorname}}` [11:07:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:anchor [11:13:41] yeah that works, thnx [11:15:48] check the thingy above, would help if you're gonna use this a lot [11:17:15] i'll add that one [11:22:03] [1/3] Wikipedia uses complicated (Lua based) template Reflist [11:22:03] [2/3] but the base solution is group feature of ``, as BlankEclair said [11:22:04] [3/3] [12:32:07] [1/2] I did see them sometimes so I did further testing - apparently they may appear the first time RecentPages is loaded, and then, if you're logged in, disappear every time you reload the page (if you're logged out they always stay). Out of 6 wikis I tried this only happened on 3, the 3 others didn't even have it at first loading (but logging o [12:32:07] [2/2] ut did bring them back either way). [13:00:04] Happy ninth to Miraheze~ 😺🎉 [13:28:37] a:popcato: [16:08:06] happy ninth anniversary!!✨ [16:13:05] That happens far too often [18:49:51] sorry, a bit of technical support needed. I have been locked out of my account for some time because whenever I try to ask 'forgot your password?', I put all my details correctly and it just doesn't send any confirmation email [18:52:21] @MediaWiki Specialists: can you see if the email matches what @juwan. thinks it should? (Remember, you can't tell him anything other than that is/isn't the email on the account) [19:03:27] what is the username? [19:06:12] Oups [19:13:37] is this to me? [19:13:43] User:SnpoSuwan [19:17:53] Unfortunately there is no email associated with that account @juwan. [19:18:07] in most cases this means that the account cannot be recovered [19:19:58] Ty MacFan4000 [19:38:25] oh [19:38:39] well that's unfortunate [19:38:58] aa :( [19:53:37] oof sorry [19:59:41] now I see what you mean [19:59:50] I got my old laptop that was still logged in [19:59:52] and like [20:00:23] you can't add an email or change the password or do anything without the password [20:02:07] rip ig [20:06:23] I think I figured something out [20:07:06] for some damn reason, this password worked for another account on another Miraheze project but not the one I wanted [20:07:18] @macfan4000 can you check now [20:08:04] I confirmed by email on `pewiki.miraheze.org` [20:08:19] Passwords should work across all wikis [20:08:24] Which wiki didn't it work on [20:08:35] on `sona.pona.la` [20:08:48] [1/2] my CentralAuth [20:08:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265037857479725106/image.png?ex=66a00dd0&is=669ebc50&hm=79ab914900e0f8a842954d444cf0d11c2d28bfd3ad2cd1bce9408ee19372c768& [20:09:18] Weird [20:10:08] truly [20:12:43] this is a good reminder to everyone to add your emails otherwise you're fucked [20:13:28] Yes [20:13:45] Basically [20:14:04] They are some rare cases where we can recover accounts but generally we don't [20:15:25] I do see an email on the account now [20:15:36] woo! [21:29:42] anything to note? [21:37:22] [1/4] im going to make a FAQ page on my wiki, how would i go about making this? [21:37:22] [2/4] i want to only show the qestions, but when you click the qestion it has a dropdown that shows the answer [21:37:23] [3/4] ==== how long is my hair? ==== [21:37:23] [4/4] i assume that would work for phones.. but it would not hide the qestion on desktop? [21:37:38] hide the answer* [22:24:19] `Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#dplvar" was not found.` - I'm assuming something needs to be enabled for this to work? [22:28:09] Dynamic Page List (aka DPL) [22:28:39] Probably DynamicPageList3 [22:28:50] DynamicPageList or Dynam... you have answered my question 😄 [22:32:58] (Thank you) [23:05:58] Hi guys, what's the default wiki style [23:57:42] Is there a page for patrol logs?