[00:00:21] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265458512671277216/Screenshot_2024-07-23_at_8.00.16_PM.png?ex=66a19594&is=66a04414&hm=6501a2f225be8b8fadf29d2943c0068591050cdbbb7ec217fb8bca35525319ff& [00:00:46] i had pagebanners before [00:03:28] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265459298885042196/Screenshot_2024-05-16_at_11.02.33_PM.png?ex=66a1964f&is=66a044cf&hm=dc5a1b61e5b974fffb680cab45d57798698790a01f8946416abf30d317114895& [00:03:31] before they all mysteriously vanbished [00:05:09] Ah! Thanks for confirming, so if the extension's enabled and had worked previously, it might be related to the recent upgrade to version 1.42 and an out of date extension on our end. Paging @Technology Team who would probably have a better idea on that end. [00:05:44] ok sweet [00:13:40] I was able to replicate + confirmed version details so it doesn't appear to be a versioning issue, filed ticket https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12383 to capture this [00:17:06] This might be an issue with more than just that one extension? [00:17:19] I've been doing some testing and it doesn't appear that semantic mediawiki is working for me [00:17:25] I troubleshoooted by removing the extension and trying the template and also removing the template [00:17:38] both do not work [00:17:39] (though, another extension that allows you to preview template changes on other pages seems to work fine) [00:17:44] It definitely needs the extension to work, but removal and re-add is a good troubleshooting test. [00:18:17] i just want the pagebanner like in the screenshot, with the drop down options, image, size and text [00:18:24] i want to believe it was from Wikivoyage [00:18:27] But i do not remember [00:27:50] [1/2] Regarding SMW: [00:27:50] [2/2] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12352 [00:28:13] Short version, there's upstream bugs that will require a patch from the SMW author [00:28:24] Ah, alright 👍 [00:28:34] So do I just write the wikitext and wait for it to work? [00:28:38] Or is there something I need to do? [00:29:13] Up to you, we don't have a firm timeline on when a fix will be available. [00:29:22] Okay, thank you [03:30:30] SMW is also apparently making attempts at protecting pages result in a crash [03:30:46] Though I have yet to get a response from a tech on what the crash actually is [03:34:34] I'm confused, why are mobile pages 1 edit behind the actual edit [03:35:27] francaisgrace: not logged in? [03:36:18] I'll look into that [03:36:19] thanks [03:36:32] if you're not, then you're hitting cloudflare and/or varnish cache [03:37:10] if that's the case, how could I figure out what's going on and how would it be fixed? [03:37:36] at least for cloudflare, cache purging for mobile appears to be not working at the moment: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12315 [03:38:10] is the wiki on a custom domain? [03:38:24] Alright, thank you for this information, sir/miss Blank Eclair, and yes it's a custom domain [03:38:41] (it's miss, ty) [03:38:54] Alright, thanks again miss Eclair [03:39:18] it's most likely varnish caching... i haven't looked into automatic cache invalidation, but you can purge the cache for varnish on a specific page [03:40:06] I'll look into that too, when I have freetime. as of now I'll just address this issue to the people complaining and hopefull get it fixed soon. [03:40:10] basically use the PURGE http method on the page url (hopefully i'm not being too technical) [03:41:23] Yes, you are not being technical fortunately, i dont really mind technical things. [03:42:18] alright, thank you, i'm just worried that the stuff i'm saying might go through people's heads [03:43:34] for i in cp{26,27,36,37,41,51}; do curl -X PURGE --connect-to ":443:${i}.wikitide.net:443"; done [03:44:03] this should hopefully purge the varnish cache for that url on all of miraheze's cache servers [03:44:24] Alright. [03:51:08] The only issue now is my manager being not here to begin with, this is gonna take a long while. [03:51:10] Sighh.. [03:51:25] this shouldn't require any permissions [03:53:28] [1/5] alright that was my concern, thanks again. but I may be utterly not functioning as for the time I am in. [03:53:28] [2/5] is this correct? [03:53:29] [3/5] ```for i in cp{26,27,36,37,41,51}; do [03:53:29] [4/5] curl -X PURGE https://gbp.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page --connect-to "gbp.miraheze.org:443:${i}.wikitide.net:443"; [03:53:29] [5/5] done``` [03:53:54] yeah it would be, but that's not a custom domain [03:55:06] I'm no pissed off about this miscommunication with them, I apologise again. [03:55:20] it's okay ^^; [03:55:38] I've dmed the entire management team and they just said "Yes" [03:55:48] [1/4] I've found a few permissions on Special:ListGroupRights and Special:GlobalGroupPermissions that should be removed: [03:55:49] [2/4] `(gadgets-definition-edit)` [03:55:49] [3/4] `(gadgets-edit)` [03:55:49] [4/4] `(managewiki)` [03:55:53] okay now i relate lmao [03:56:15] everything on *.miraheze.org is using cloudflare, which can't be purged externally [03:56:21] So it's not a custom domain, is it the same process as the thing you mentioned before or is it entirely different? [03:56:25] Alright I understand [03:56:26] different [03:56:38] best you can do is use Special:PurgeResources to try to see if it helps, or wait five days [03:56:57] Just this week they broke my css now THIS RAGHHH... [05:29:22] [1/2] damn.... [05:29:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265541313554681866/image.png?ex=66a1e2b1&is=66a09131&hm=d2fc3cb61305a8449e7142bea41d2a488f3b5648571bbed52f685f17a8432a8f& [05:40:15] [1/2] hmmmm [05:40:15] [2/2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Uki1noxd24po40qo [05:40:43] regarding merging alert and notifs [05:41:16] I'm curious [05:42:40] reply context? [05:44:00] what account/collection are miraheze-created wiki dumps at on the internet archive? [05:46:21] I was ranting about Echo icons ruining top banner on mobile (Timeless and Cosmos) and having two separate types of notifications is honestly redundant, I was wondering if it's possible to merge them thus have only one icons [05:47:16] mmm miraheze might allow for per-wiki and/or per-skin config changes [05:47:28] though i don't know if merging alerts and notifs sometimes can cause issues [05:47:39] need to test first ofc [05:48:25] [1/2] the thread is from 5 years ago too, maybe they added something for that, idk [05:48:26] [2/2] I get confused by that stuff in documentation [05:50:40] re IA dumps - iirc Reception uploaded them, at least before 2023 [06:46:56] [1/2] For some generalized tips on backups from a past unfortunate incident: [06:46:56] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:NotAracham/Wiki_Recovery_Guide_(db141_outage)#Option_1:_Archive.org_search_for_XML_backups [06:48:32] and reminder that we are all unpaid volunteers with obligations beyond the project, patience is appreciated. 🙂 [06:49:56] i was interested in dumps of all the wikis made by mh themselves [06:53:47] so, any way to test notifs merge? [06:54:58] local test mw instance and/or mirabeta [07:52:00] I noticed on the restricted changes request page it mentions “generation of image dumps on Special:DataDump”? [07:52:09] I’m curious about what this entails [07:56:47] We can generate a tar archive file that contains all images on a wiki [07:57:41] It's locked to request to avoid overloading the servers, as for some wikis that can be a whole lot of data to prepare [07:58:40] That’s pretty good to know [08:05:19] yeah, things got really slow during 2023 panic [08:07:18] when everyone jumped into dump generation, and one particular wiki w/ huge amount of files killed the queue [08:07:57] mirabeta accounts are limited iirc? [08:25:37] Yes to prevent spam but anyone can have one by asking someone to make them one [08:53:56] I'm request for one, at least to look at the profile stuff on global level [09:05:39] is it possible for me to load custom font on my wikis? [09:08:25] clockworky: yeah, but you'll need to upload the font onto your wiki [09:45:24] man css makes me feel dumb lmao, spent so much time wondering what was wrong with my css since i followed every single guide, and i just forgot to assign a font to the paragraph thing [09:45:39] sometimes it do be like that [10:21:33] [1/2] am i doing this correct or? [10:21:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265614845005402113/image.png?ex=66a2272d&is=66a0d5ad&hm=46ea0887b1c7db50ffb0e5e64f7a8892d9fa7ed2b39744512f2271af7b101968& [10:22:15] idk why i put an arrow [10:26:45] Yes [10:29:11] oh i guess i gotta wait for it to load, lol [11:11:56] Yeah, due to caching, it may take some time for settings to be reflected. Adding `?action=purge` or `&action=purge` to URL and following cache clear steps may allow changes to be reflected immediately [11:41:20] [1/2] is there a way to change the colours of this blue and gray line? tabberneue extension [11:41:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265634923415605269/image.png?ex=66a239e0&is=66a0e860&hm=562baac27590d1d4afc36aa3f3f2ac654a8d81704348d028642d5b231afed060& [11:41:43] i tried using dev tools to see hows the class called but I simply cant find it [11:47:05] or you just don't looking hard enough [11:50:05] Tried using css overview to look at what items has that colour? [12:06:36] tabber classes are painful tbh [12:06:43] lemme dig out [12:22:00] [1/2] try this code in dev tools or personal css [12:22:01] [2/2] [12:37:25] It works, except for the little blue line. It used to work before the media wiki update [12:43:47] :ThinkerMH: [12:46:18] [1/2] yeah, I haven't noticed it after update as I gradually was retiring tabber templates [12:46:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265651270992003184/IMG_20240724_154541.jpg?ex=66a24919&is=66a0f799&hm=52106bc3221547117e5ffd9121cc2eaa79732885cd748d8d50ac3f39c14fdecd& [12:46:32] my bad [12:46:38] might check later tonight [12:47:14] man, these blue elements and ooui is so annoying [12:48:21] also for some reason I thought I use tabber on another wiki but it's actually old tabs lol [12:50:05] [1/2] not affected, obviously [12:50:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265652225892683836/IMG_20240724_154956.jpg?ex=66a249fd&is=66a0f87d&hm=1a1844334d780971ad34b0841f187c990ae25b713a539b2de684c5625fcb2836& [12:52:14] yeah, i still have no idea how they work [12:56:37] retiring? replacing them with what? [13:14:58] [1/4] either use different layout, like first screenshot is an old version of a template w/ 3 tabs, current version is just a table w/ 3 columns taking the entire width of the page [13:14:59] [2/4] or use "fake tabber" - pages about characters and maps would transclude subpages to each tab, it resulted in very heave pages, long loading etc [13:14:59] [3/4] I checked similar wikis, namely DOTA2 - they use a Lua template which creates the tabs at the top like button, tabs stay as separate pages loading separately [13:14:59] [4/4] I made similar simpler thing w/ parser functions and a bit of js [13:16:56] [16:24:24] [1/2] Waitaminute, I just realized Fandom has an interwiki prefix for wikiindex.org. Wikiindex, in turn, has an interwiki prefix to Miraheze Meta with forwarding turned on. That makes it possible to make an interwiki link from Fandom to Miraheze, e.g. [16:24:24] [2/2] [[WikiIndex:miraheze-meta:mh:rainverse:Chiaki Koizumi|Rainverse Wiki]] [16:24:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WikiIndex:miraheze-meta:mh:rainverse:Chiaki_Koizumi [16:24:52] huh [16:24:55] Though if you do it too often I bet Fandom would ban you. [16:25:25] Miraheze links aren't banned so it'll be fine lol [16:25:51] they saw wiki.gg as direct and very serious competitor [16:26:20] especially considering it's made of former Gamepedia folks [16:28:12] Actually it doesn't work, because the interwiki prefix on Fandom points to the wrong URL: it uses wikiindex.com and not wikiindex.org. [16:32:48] I think their banning of wiki.gg links was pretty valid [16:33:09] And is highlighted even further now theyve got a domain that redirects to wiki.gg that they use now to get around the block [16:33:58] (Didn't mean to ping sorry) [16:47:24] why? [16:48:37] @theoneandonlylegroom No need to do that tabber stuff, i manged to fix it by changing the variable for the progressive value of the blue colour [16:50:01] fr? lol [16:50:38] btw when I've opened 9 years page from twitter it briefly showed wikisurf or something URL [16:51:53] [1/2] rip [16:51:54] [2/2] btw last couple of time I tried to check wikiindex it never loaded, does it works for you now? [16:58:34] It works now, but it does seem to go down occasionally. [16:58:47] https://wikiindex.org/Special:Interwiki [17:15:58] Can I take a lookie on this? I may have to apply that soon [17:19:06] [1/2] it's old Tabs extension, loads of input boxes (turned into template) w/ pages preloading article base templates (which I actually need to update) [17:19:06] [2/2] https://softcell.miraheze.org/wiki/Soft_Cell_Wiki:Create_new_article [17:19:45] I did gonna use something similar to that as I use ArticleCreationWorkflow [17:21:19] Thinking about the onboarding page I will put some words in there, then the next one is policy, then the guide and finally - the form itself [17:22:22] huh, I haven't seen that before [17:24:26] basically just another extension in ManageWiki's directory [17:43:43] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265726118132973658/o.png?ex=66a28ece&is=66a13d4e&hm=3dde5a6f92b85a641ff31c8b658120b2f4f9af5be896a60990d36d212a3acb36& [17:44:33] and just to clarify, we are mourning the loss of the grand minister, so our specific site goes grayscale [17:59:27] can you unblock let'sgo3942 because my account was hijacked [18:01:28] anyone? [18:03:48] answe please! [18:04:14] I'm left [18:04:19] We all have life bro [18:04:25] Given that this is coming from a IRC guest account the people that can action this will likely not do anything [18:19:46] They left [18:21:24] l m a o [18:33:06] got another question [18:33:38] is it possible to ensure the contents of a template don’t show up in wikiseo descriptions [18:49:12] are you using textextract for wikiseo description? [18:51:25] I think so yeah [18:53:25] [1/2] by default it accepts only plain text and ignores texts in divs and tables (most commonly infoboxes) [18:53:25] [2/2] what kind of template you are getting? [18:54:17] just text in it [18:54:26] I’ll try putting it in a div [20:45:27] [1/2] I went to my Special:Global_user and oh god why is there so much exclamation mark [20:45:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265771855814332531/image.png?ex=66a2b967&is=66a167e7&hm=2bd40183a1a36920d973d01d86084e4462c60418f0476010911fcd022f7d71f8& [20:48:59] lol [20:49:16] might be some ole vandals with cheeky names [20:49:28] in fact I know some of those low ones are italian ltas [21:26:41] [1/4] I'm brand new to miraheze (except as a reader) so I'm asking here rather than making an official suggestion - is there a reason why the wiki request form doesn't include many of the common questions that wiki creators are asking almost everyone who makes a request? [21:26:41] [2/4] I made my first wiki request yesterday, and I've noticed that the creators are manually asking most requestors questions like "Can you confirm that you have read and will abide by [the rules]," "what's the minimum age for your users?" and "Why is your wiki set to private?" I would've been happy to answer these questions in my initial request, but they weren't obvious to me, even [21:26:42] [3/4] after reading a lot of guidance. [21:26:42] [4/4] Of course, I know a lot of people might not be able to follow more specific instructions, but it seems to me like it could save the wiki creators time if this were put, for example, in the guide to wiki requests. [21:36:34] ?? [21:36:47] what isnt obvious about them? [21:40:06] Based on reading and , I don't think there's anywhere where it is obvious that part of your application should include an explicit answer to these questions. [21:42:38] For instance, there are several examples of good requests on the request writing guide, and none of the examples answer any of the questions I restated earlier. It seems to me like it would be easier and less time-consuming for the wiki creators if people could give as much information as possible in the initial requests. [21:45:41] the request form is in some need of reform to explain/present a few more things upfront; it is designed for an older, less scrutiny age that has not been the case since the latest generation of wiki creators and supervision that gained traction after the turn of the year [21:46:22] Ahhhhh that makes sense! [21:47:15] [1/2] some of the questions are contextual; age is only asked if there is a concern of underage audience, abiding by rules is one of these things that could be a checkbox (though there is a counterargument of it being checked and forgotten, and desiring explicit consent), and inquiring about privacy I suppose would come down if the scope seems to be a wiki of public interest but it's set a [21:47:15] [2/2] s private (maybe to set up or something) [21:48:24] the guides are also written in a somewhat dated way regarding these sorts of inquiries and should probably be scoped out for more up to date examples [22:01:06] Thank you, that's helpful. I'm way too new to be writing an application guide or I'd offer, but I appreciate the clarity lol. [22:02:52] Anyone know how to make the editor UI larger with CSS? [22:04:08] np, if you get comfortable in the future you're always welcome [22:20:31] Larger ? [22:21:36] Maybe [22:21:37] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1264047335072207000/1264511979943624761 [22:21:40] Can be helpful [22:24:41] [1/3] I noticed my editor shrinks after the page fully loads and I don't know why. I can't find anything in my css that would cause it [22:24:42] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265796828847280261/image.png?ex=66a2d0a9&is=66a17f29&hm=a0b1fd29741c2855ce05d9c1e880515cf05516446ab4d0b40cf23d40f8cbfe7f& [22:24:42] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265796829132488796/image.png?ex=66a2d0a9&is=66a17f29&hm=8893e406db8eb9207f8f240d1962ab1d8f85703c48b227fb488040ca678c421d& [22:24:52] That's what I'm trying to fix [22:25:42] [1/5] ``` [22:25:43] [2/5] .CodeMirror { [22:25:43] [3/5] resize:vertical; [22:25:43] [4/5] } [22:25:44] [5/5] ```put this in ur personal or common css, this brings back being able to drag and resize it [22:27:13] Thanks [22:28:16] Works ow [22:47:59] [1/2] Unfortunately this only seems to work on CSS pages because they have this bar [22:47:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265802691120992276/image.png?ex=66a2d61f&is=66a1849f&hm=0c4b3820a49ff1536529fe6975a86ac72b44bd85a4c3519f30f448dd2c1a7050& [22:49:45] Oh I see there is a thing on the side that you can drag [22:49:49] Sorry [22:52:16] [1/7] there should be a little triangle in the bottom right that lets u resize it now [22:52:16] [2/7] theres 3 different code editors usually: [22:52:16] [3/7] - the one for css and js pages (nothing broke here) [22:52:16] [4/7] - default wikieditor [22:52:17] [5/7] - codemirror editor (click the marker in the toolbar to toggle between this and the default wikieditor, if theres syntax highlighting and the row numbers bar on the left it means its on) [22:52:17] [6/7] the codemirror editor is the one thats been acting up since the 1.42 update, but i dont think anyones figured out why yet [22:52:17] [7/7] theres a bar thats part of the ui to resize the editor on testwiki and meta (and Maybe some other wikis? i havent seen it myself) that i cant figure out where it comes from [22:53:46] Cool, thanks [23:48:35] Hey is being bureaucrat on a wiki I intend to help move required, or is sysop fine? If so, should I have the current bureaucrat apply? Just making sure I have this right [23:48:52] If it helps, the current bureaucrat is one of the other admins on the Miraheze wiki I already have