[00:08:43] ^ [00:08:56] I've heard of scattered slow loading but nothing systemic [00:09:39] if many members are consistently having trouble it likely is miraheze, but how would probably need more info and/or a tech stepping in at the right time of this convo to prod at it [00:41:08] Yeah, I have trouble loading the wiki too, The Wiki Creation has been awefully slow [00:58:00] as I haven't actually installed any of those but have go ahead and learn more about them, whiles AB acts like an almost full solution as an achievement system, OB are more into authenticity of the badge and and the earning process [01:15:15] so yea, they both acts like Achievementll from Fandom, but usually with limitations in minds [02:16:08] so I was trying to upload a logo to my wiki and I ended up deleting the file for it. then, I reuploaded a new file with the same name, but it seems that the wiki isn't recognizing it, even after it's been uploaded: https://wateringdown.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Watering_Down_Wiki_logo.png what do I do? [02:18:15] hello, I have some questions about mirahaze. Is this channel the correct for them? [02:21:01] the wordmark (wgWordmark) is the setting you want to change [02:22:29] okay, but does this link https://static.miraheze.org/wateringdownwiki/a/a0/Watering_Down_Wiki_logo.png work for you? [02:22:38] mine says that file was not found [02:23:10] hmm, yeah it doesnt, maybe try the link with the timestamp https://static.miraheze.org/wateringdownwiki/a/a0/Watering_Down_Wiki_logo.png?20240726020757 [02:23:18] ahh okay [02:24:35] I boost πŸ‘ [02:25:09] so, about hosting is it really free? [02:25:24] yes [02:25:27] should I post this link into the wgWordmark part [02:25:31] cool [02:26:08] can I make a wiki of my worldbuilding? I GM ttrpg and it would be cool to have something like that [02:26:49] [1/7] Hi, could I have someone with permissions perform mediawiki_dump for me? [02:26:49] [2/7] url: [02:26:49] [3/7] explain: Moving [02:26:50] [4/7] images: TRUE [02:26:50] [5/7] xml: TRUE [02:26:50] [6/7] xmlrevisions: TRUE [02:26:51] [7/7] Unless this is not the way to get the correct format for the import request? I need the xml for that, and the images for the pages [02:27:35] you'd have to go through [[Special:RequestWiki]], but you should be able to get it as long as you can sufficiently describe what youre going to do with the wiki [02:27:35] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWiki [02:27:36] [02:27:58] cool, thanks [02:28:12] it would be much quick to [[:mh:pokengine:Special:DataDump and later the images [02:28:28] [[:mh:pokengine:Special:DataDump]] [02:28:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/:mh:pokengine:Special:DataDump [02:28:29] [02:28:46] I thought it would have some problems about that because it's too niche [02:29:08] theres plenty of personal worldbuilding type wikis [02:31:07] oh cool, didn't know about that [02:41:44] hm ok I mostly wanted to be sure to have the images so it doesn't import all busted. To be clear, dumping the fandom wiki, importing into the mh wiki [02:59:49] if I want to translate my own wiki I can just do that or do I need a translator permit? [03:03:24] u can just do that [03:04:24] cool [03:23:30] I've actually previously hosted my ttrpg stuff w/ MH in the past, provided it isn't otherwise against content policy that's absolutely a fine use case. [03:25:21] nice [03:25:36] thank you all for the information, I really mean that [03:26:13] Certainly, glad to have you here, don't hesistate to ask Qs as you get started -- there's a learning curve, but that's what the community is for. πŸ™‚ [03:26:40] do I need to know coding? [03:26:57] I have a background in some coding stuff but 0 experience in web development [03:27:28] For the most part, no. There's a visual editor which is more or less 'what you see is what you get', but things can go as deep and complicated as you want. [03:28:01] With source editor, you can get more complicated and introduce logic/CSS formatting, and templates and lua modules can take this one step further. [03:28:17] cool that you have the option for that [03:28:55] that's a really great value for the cost of having to edit every now and then [03:29:25] If you ever want to have your mind absolutely blown by what some truly dedicated lunatics can accomplish the factorio wiki is... a whole thing. [03:30:03] I'd expect nothing less from a game community built entirely around the concept of min/maxing production lines. πŸ˜„ [03:30:14] that's what I was going to say lol [03:30:26] but that's cool still [03:30:34] very dedicated people is nice [04:20:14] [1/2] is there a way for me to move up the stuff below my wiki's logo (up to the line I drew, at least)? [04:20:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266248692923371520/Screenshot_2024-07-26_01.16.52.png?ex=66a4757e&is=66a323fe&hm=d73a453c6ef7d6944668f9cb0b86c95f71b22338710a7d18ce6f44d307dba1b3& [04:35:51] [1/9] ``` [04:35:51] [2/9] #p-logo { [04:35:51] [3/9] height:auto; [04:35:52] [4/9] } [04:35:52] [5/9] #p-logo a { [04:35:52] [6/9] height:120px; [04:35:53] [7/9] background-position:center bottom; [04:35:53] [8/9] } [04:35:53] [9/9] ```in Mediawiki:Common.css (or Vector.css) [08:23:31] I love that meta keeps logging me out randomly for no reason [08:25:24] bludgeon your computer [08:25:45] usually happens to me when I visit a wiki I never visited before [08:26:08] despite not appearing as logged in on new wiki, sometimes [10:03:59] love the existance of a relay bot [10:04:08] that's really nice πŸ‘ [10:09:41] yeah ikr? [10:49:50] Which Meta? [10:52:25] i've have assumed miraheze meta [10:52:29] i'd have* [11:08:09] I've posted a dump with images at https://archive.org/details/wiki-pokengine.fandom.com-20240726 There is some sort of issue with 81 imaaes because they're .webp. I'm going to delete the dump in a few days time. [11:08:45] at the time visiting those wikis not logged in, I'm kicked off [11:27:13] oh hey i see a lua infobox in the wild [11:28:36] really slow loading [11:28:53] yeah... [11:29:07] I have a few theories as to why btw [11:29:18] nothing confirmed yet though [11:29:29] :ThinkerMH: [11:41:23] received an email about providing more details about my wiki request, so far so good, but where can I check which information is needed? [11:42:02] the wiki creator/the person who asked for details should've said what was needed [11:42:32] check the comments tab of your request [11:42:53] unfortunately the text box is small, make sure to scroll through fully [11:43:34] found it, thank you [11:43:44] I missed the comments section [11:49:46] okay so how do I need answer the questions proposed? I tried editing the request itself but it does not work and the email is tagged with "noreply" [11:50:45] What happens when you try to edit your request? [11:51:47] [1/2] Like, u don't see this? [11:51:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266362325988806737/Screenshot_20240726_125128_Chrome.png?ex=66a4df52&is=66a38dd2&hm=0369a09b5c87b11592eb6f30004e9dcd63b250b056ffd1e97b3f7262567527e3& [11:52:38] I tried logging in and that section came up [11:52:48] I can edit now [11:52:51] thank you [11:53:17] You're welcome [12:35:38] it's miraheze in general, tbh [13:27:03] thank you! [13:28:28] you can clear it now if you wish [13:44:27] removed, thanks [14:22:30] yeah [14:22:50] every Miraheze wiki does it for me and has been since before the upgrade so it’s not that [14:40:49] Correct. We have explained before that this is an upstream issue caused by the phase out of third party cookies -- there is nothing we can do. We are waiting for the Wikimedia Foundation to figure out a fix. [18:52:59] Anyone knows why external autonumbers appear and how to get rid of them? [18:57:11] nvm [19:45:36] Guys, what is the deal with wiki.gg? [19:47:11] I still don't get why some people justify fandom banning their links [19:47:30] Direct competitor [19:54:18] If you go to. Ferrari car dealership would they try and sell you a lamborghini? [19:59:01] Why didn't they ban miraheze then? [20:01:05] Because Miraheze isn't spamming the platform with links. [20:01:42] Fandom does ban links to wikis that have been forked, though [20:01:55] including ones that have been forked to miraheze [20:02:09] Because moneyyyyy [20:17:51] haven't seen direct ban of miraheze link [20:48:45] Fandom also does everything to keep your wiki up even if its abandonned [20:49:32] When you make a request they just straight up admit they wont if people still circulate on it and give them ad rev [20:49:34] Can concur [20:50:07] No I just nuked every page and made the main page empty and pitch black [20:59:26] this should be illegal lol [21:00:06] at the very least they shouldn't expect people to agree to follow their rules on forking if they ban their active community members for trying to move a wiki [21:03:54] There's been plenty of links manually removed by staff [21:04:06] not sure about actual ban bans [21:04:49] well manual removal isn't same as blacklisting [21:05:03] wiki.gg and new mc wiki are blacklisted [21:05:31] fair enough [21:05:44] site simply won't let you to save an edit w/ these links iirc [21:06:28] a dead wiki i forked months ago still has links to new place [21:06:32] [1/2] Unrelated but I am trying to make the background-image of my wiki rotate on itself without taking the rest of the page with it, I found some css for animations but as I said I'm struggling to find how to make it apply only on the background image [21:06:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266501937357127680/Screenshot_2592.png?ex=66a56158&is=66a40fd8&hm=9f6ae37596279d611d8df50affa5aa4886193c99228b4b2f82809c78d4222645& [21:06:52] there was zero activity and subject isn't popular so nobody is looking at it [21:07:02] I mean, keeping an eye [21:08:05] I don't think animated bg is a user friendly feature [21:10:03] I meant to rotate the colors behind and softly move between them, plus I can't really tell how it will look until I make it work [21:10:49] I think their point stands. It might be a pain to load and navigate your wiki on an older device. [21:11:09] fudge [21:16:12] Unrelated again, were source edit section links just nuked? [21:20:55] Can't you target the background image class/id ? [21:21:59] idk how to do that [21:25:03] put the background on an ::after instead, and rotate that ::after [21:28:51] [1/6] ```:root:not(.client-darkmode) body { [21:28:51] [2/6] background-image: url(https://static.miraheze.org/stardustlabswiki/6/61/Default_mode-background.png); [21:28:52] [3/6] background-size: cover; [21:28:52] [4/6] background-attachment: fixed; [21:28:52] [5/6] }``` [21:28:53] [6/6] css for the background image is this, I'm not sure where to put the after [21:29:35] I have to separate it I assume? [21:30:05] body::after (may have to fiddle with z indexes) [21:44:40] Mirahezephobing [21:44:52] **discord: ExPlOiT** [21:44:59] *https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue* [21:45:04] *fuck you* [21:45:49] Hello! Wiki data were lost. Generating link to regenerate... [21:50:09] Hello! Miraheze had an databreach. We want you to clean data from servers. Delete data from breach: https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:50:35] lol [21:50:43] you silly little guy [21:51:06] @Discord Moderators [21:51:22] Remember: Your passwords WAS affected [21:51:29] oh no πŸ™‚ [21:51:36] Click on https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh and follow instructions. [21:52:47] Send an email to malwareremove@protonmail.com if you WANT TO DELETE HACKED INFO [21:52:54] Else your account will be hacked [21:53:08] killing the IRC bridge for a bit [21:53:14] protonmail? not miraheze mail? [21:53:15] weird [21:53:20] almost like its a scam [21:54:10] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:13] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:14] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:16] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:17] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:18] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:19] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:20] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:21] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:23] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:24] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:26] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:54:27] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [21:56:38] Your account is in risk! https://pastebin.com/dj0KQGJh [22:10:04] [1/22] ok i went and wrote it out bc it sounded fun [22:10:04] [2/22] ```css [22:10:05] [3/22] body::before { [22:10:05] [4/22] content:""; [22:10:05] [5/22] background-image: url(https://static.miraheze.org/stardustlabswiki/6/61/Default_mode-background.png); [22:10:06] [6/22] background-size: cover; [22:10:06] [7/22] background-attachment: fixed; [22:10:06] [8/22] width:max(150vw,150vh); [22:10:06] [9/22] height:max(150vw,150vh); [22:10:07] [10/22] position:fixed; [22:10:07] [11/22] top:min(-25vw,-25vh); [22:10:08] [12/22] left:min(-25vw,-25vh); [22:10:08] [13/22] animation-name:rotatebg; [22:10:09] [14/22] animation-duration:5s; [22:10:09] [15/22] animation-iteration-count: infinite; [22:10:10] [16/22] animation-timing-function:linear; [22:10:10] [17/22] } [22:10:11] [18/22] @keyframes rotatebg { [22:10:11] [19/22] from {transform: rotate(0deg)} [22:10:12] [20/22] to {transform:rotate(360deg)} [22:10:12] [21/22] } [22:10:13] [22/22] ``` [22:10:53] I just turned off my pc, will try it out as soon as I wake up tomorrow [22:11:17] I got a lot of other stuff to fix but this just sounded neat to add [23:09:33] is there a wiki creator available in this channel? [23:13:19] I can help you