[01:06:03] hello [01:12:47] Zwphyr: hi there [01:13:48] [1/5] Can someone please get rid of the following permissions on Special:ListGroupRights and Special:GlobalGroupPermissions for all wikis: [01:13:48] [2/5] `(gadgets-edit)` [01:13:48] [3/5] `(gadgets-definition-edit)` [01:13:49] [4/5] `(managewiki)` [01:13:49] [5/5] All of these permissions are deprecated. [01:15:57] I haven't been following MediaWiki's recent developments, so I'm not aware, but was the "gadgets-" permission merged into something else? [01:20:17] Dunno. The permissions should be removed though, since they were removed in the version of MediaWiki that Miraheze is using. [01:46:14] New to miraheze, is there a good go to place for tutorials :meow_fine: :Partyheze: [01:58:47] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/FAQ [05:33:17] <.lunatuna> odd question but how do i make an info box similar to like how wikipedia does for countries [05:33:29] [1/2] Japanese Miraheze server becomes private paste substantially and goes down [05:33:30] [2/2] As it did not function, I started up Japanese edition Miraheze server newly. [05:41:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes [05:43:38] [1/5] Basically there is three way to make infoboxes : [05:43:38] [2/5] - the portable Infobox Extension (easy Mode) [05:43:38] [3/5] - by yourself using table [05:43:39] [4/5] - using lua (copying the wp code) [05:43:39] [5/5] The third one is maybe the hardest because it uses lua, a programming language, and bc wp template uses a lot of other template that you each need to import [05:44:50] <.lunatuna, replying to awing_ding> how would i get the portable infobox thing [05:45:18] It's in your Special:ManageWiki/extensions [05:47:41] <.lunatuna, replying to awing_ding> did that, is that everything i need to do to make it work [05:48:40] You need to create an Infobox, there is a detailed guide in the link I sent [05:49:05] <.lunatuna> ah [05:50:41] there's a reason "please read carefully" had to be added at the beginning lol [05:50:50] people love to skip things [05:51:10] please don't, or you won't get how things work [05:51:46] ? [05:55:20] <.lunatuna> my brain is not braining [05:55:26] <.lunatuna> no wonder that page is called an essay [05:55:31] <.lunatuna> šŸ˜­ [06:00:24] Btw maybe you'll find a useful template in these [06:00:25] https://dev.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Infobox_templates [06:02:41] <.lunatuna> oooh info box country [06:02:47] <.lunatuna> that is literally exactly what iā€™m looking for [06:02:52] <.lunatuna> thanks [07:01:06] fellas, silly question [07:02:13] [1/2] there was an idea for certain indie wikis alliance [07:02:13] [2/2] but obv I can't host a separate site for that, unless on neocities? or can I use a Miraheze instance for that? [07:27:08] you could also do github pages [07:30:13] oh no, not github lol [07:30:19] I loathe it [07:30:22] understandable [07:30:48] codeberg pages? whatever gitlab's equivalent is? [07:30:58] basically anything that lets you host html if you wanna go the static site route [07:31:27] I mean, def static if I somehow reach independent wikis for this endeavour [07:32:26] if I end up w/ just Miraheze hosted wikis it feels like topic footer templates Wikia used to have and actively maintenance before 2020, I think [07:33:03] except Idk if it's possible to share single template across several wikis safely, unless it's login wiki [07:34:21] if all the wikis cooperate then you can have the wiki added as an interwiki prefix, and we could do scary transcluding [07:34:23] [1/2] footer example, there used to be dedicated wiki for them [07:34:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266659938218934373/2024-07-27_00_42_13.png?ex=66a5f47e&is=66a4a2fe&hm=7b7e66c53e9b60fa42d1470bacb9b9e33243c74556ed17e9adb721ee3c4c8f44& [07:36:18] thinking... scary transclusion for non-mediawiki? [07:37:42] that won't be needed I think [07:37:55] oh okay [07:51:45] @rhinosf1 Would you by any chance know what needs doing for this task to be fulfilled? (Will make a phabricator task if needed) [07:52:28] Please make a task [09:17:24] [1/6] actually - honestly [09:17:24] [2/6] what is stopping us from remaking this system on Miraheze? [09:17:24] [3/6] first we need to bring back the wiki tags idea (3 broad thematic tags of choice inside of single category in request form/wiki settings) [09:17:25] [4/6] then this, more in-depth/specialized, footer system? [09:17:25] [5/6] what do you think @.labster ? [09:17:25] [6/6] I think it would unite forked wikis more tbh [09:18:00] the footer thingy on fandom feels to me, for a lack of a better term, like a cheap gimmick [09:19:35] [1/2] we can't and won't force "wiki advertising", but footer feels much less intrusive and more beneficial to me [09:19:35] [2/2] if you mean design on screenshot I agree it's crap lol [09:20:30] [1/3] the initial category overhaul discussion was here [09:20:31] [2/3] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1090852781650354216/1090852784326311936 [09:20:31] [3/3] then somewhere on community noticeboard, archived many moons ago [09:21:13] footer is lowkey close to wiki affiliates thing [09:23:19] I used to go round and make affiliations or "friendly wikis" atuff on fandom, on our pizza tower wiki I suggested it would be nice to have it w/ antonball and celeste wikis, since actual fan communities of these indie games are pretty close/overlap a lot [09:24:55] and there's boom! booster wiki, which also falls here, these wikis even share same editors [09:25:53] celeste... reminds me that i still haven't beaten farewell [09:27:30] all these wikis are on Miraheze btw lol [09:32:57] Does anyone know how to make a table in Skin:Citizen that can be surrounded by text? [09:34:27] wdym surrounded by text? [09:38:56] you need to add `width: ...; float: right/left; clear: right/left;` to table's style, it's not skin dependant [09:39:42] default looking table is achieved by adding `class="wikitable"` then those other parts [09:39:42] Sorry for my English proficiency. What I mean is this: [09:40:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266691751754596383/Screenshot_20240727-174017_Telegram2.png?ex=66a6121f&is=66a4c09f&hm=ce5a0038b2ca7bef0984753b6f41cdb1b22b7f3405e498604b27ad792de71353& [09:40:48] you can't send images here without #verify [09:42:05] what I said above [09:43:00] that looks like a floating image tbh [09:43:11] but legroom's answer looks right at face value [09:43:53] It doesn't work. [09:44:05] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266692578389131357/Screenshot_20240727-174317_Telegram2.png?ex=66a612e4&is=66a4c164&hm=573fc8130c3031eca1dddf1fc64edc5271021e7da4888a5e3b7150416245a8c7& [09:44:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266692578670280716/Screenshot_20240727-174333_Telegram2.png?ex=66a612e4&is=66a4c164&hm=7589c0995ea4bb5a6b0033717eb6a400423bc8d3d5e994171f2712683ecb880a& [09:44:31] you should add text after, not before [09:46:16] Works! But it is avoiding a whole part of the image, which could prolly be fixed by also moving right then back left continuously, I tried translateY and translateX but it doesnt rotate if I add this [10:00:19] Uhh, I am sorry. Could you provide an example for me? Even though I copy and paste the code from Help:Tables, it still doesn't work. [10:03:51] [1/3] Although I simply copy and paste the code, it still doesn't work. [10:03:51] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266697554045829161/QQ_1722074531418.png?ex=66a61786&is=66a4c606&hm=565e6b5dac6ed80f19a59154197628ddf8349661557bae9fd933ed4360460c3d& [10:03:52] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266697554368921630/QQ_1722074522992.png?ex=66a61787&is=66a4c607&hm=3df3c4edb7f1e76e3bcef084692affbc29bdd946523270039dcaccdf412d1e8e& [10:08:26] There is the WikiNodes Project https://wikiindex.org/WikiNode [10:23:29] <.labster, replying to theoneandonlylegroom> What is stopping us is mainly programmer time. Someone has to write the thing. Someone has to research what we want written. We want tagged wikis for other reasons, mainly relating to moderation, and I think it might be a similar implementation. [10:24:11] <.labster> That's what's stopping all of the ideas, really. [10:25:22] Well, I've solved this problem. Thank you. [11:01:38] [1/3] Wooo the Kinder World Wiki has had quite a bit of activity :D [11:01:38] [2/3] Usagi Shima tho very stagnant, even with the Leaderboard, tho it makes sense, hype of the update has gone down, and there's currently nothing going on [11:01:38] [3/3] At least there's somethings happening in August (if the Chinese release is still expected to come out in Summer) [11:01:48] [1/3] you talk about tags or footer templates? [11:01:49] [2/3] the tag thing was nearly finished by jorito, check the thread I linked bellow [11:01:49] [3/3] the templates? man [11:03:04] once implemented both can be presented as new feature globally and existing/individual wikis can either apply to be featured in footer and/or change tags in wiki's core settings [11:06:46] thats intended, bc u cant cover the entire area if the thing thats rotating is the same size [11:12:29] Ah so its it cut a square able to fut that [11:12:30] Hm [12:03:54] hello, if I have a "?" in a link, the parser isn't capable of behave as a link [12:04:57] Which parser [12:05:02] Also example page [12:08:51] hm? [12:09:23] GlobalUserPage uses a very different architecture to ScaryTranscusion [12:09:46] 13:03:54 hello, if I have a "?" in a link, the parser isn't capable of behave as a link [12:09:52] @jakeukalane [12:10:49] I deleted in discord, sorry. It is a template that have the error, but I can't find right now. The link was a previous error in the code. So no question for now [12:11:15] Ah ok [12:14:04] [1/2] okay [12:14:04] [2/2] but it's still possible to allow one wiki's templates to be transcluded to others' main pages? [12:14:26] Yes [12:14:35] Scary transclusion is a tad shit [12:14:37] And scary [12:14:52] But we don't have an extension that could replicate GUP's aarch for templates [12:14:56] why it called scary lmao [12:15:10] Because it is [12:15:12] because it's šŸ‘» scary šŸ‘» [12:15:16] why is it scary though [12:15:18] understood [12:15:27] It's a terrible hacky way of doing what it does [12:15:29] I meant like why they called it scary [12:15:36] how does it work [12:16:00] Depends which mode you use [12:16:04] But it's a pull system [12:16:07] there's also cold transclusion? or I'm imagining things [12:16:31] It doesn't purge on edit well [12:16:34] i assume normal scary transclusion is basically ?action=render, and raw scary transclusion is using the api, right? [12:16:38] (random guess lmao) [12:16:46] I've never looked exactly how [12:17:01] But the big thing is it can't purge on update [12:17:03] guess i'll do that eventually [12:17:11] It's entirely pull based [12:17:30] Whereas GUP uses the JobQueue to purge other places cause its context aware [12:17:45] GUP only works same farm [12:17:53] But Scary can work with any mediawiki site [12:17:58] :O cool [12:29:41] [1/2] @cosmicalpha the discord notification works in fact, but only with certain types of notifications. Doesn't work in editions. Works in moves and deletes. is there a way to keep the previous behaviour? also, this is for one wiki, the other never have editions available. [12:29:42] [2/2] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12348 [12:30:09] we need to restart something? [12:48:05] if this is a per-wiki bug then it'll be really annoying [13:03:06] jakeukalane: are the users whose edits are not being shown administrators and/or bureaucrats? [13:03:48] wait no, i read ahead too much... [13:33:26] Oh you got an issue too ? [13:33:43] It works for one of my wiki but not the other one [14:12:02] having the same issue [14:12:17] it only logs file uploads, account creations and page deletions [14:12:19] nothing else [14:12:57] Agreed [14:15:02] I keep a curated list of gaming wikis on Miraheze for myself :p [14:24:36] How can I cancel the use of the custom domain? [14:25:27] I assume via phorge [14:27:16] Ye [15:01:19] [1/2] How would I be able to change the white color where the arrows are pointing to a gray or another matching with the theme color [15:01:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266772414289678346/Screenshot_2024-07-27_at_7.59.41_PM.png?ex=66a65d3f&is=66a50bbf&hm=b61f200f53f796e3179acb000bf5991c04d9674cf1878f33f67ebad3cd91105c& [15:44:27] question: is it possible to show the date of a pageā€™s first edit (creation date) on a page via a magic word or something similar [15:45:04] itā€™s being used to show the creation date of a page in search results via wikiseo [16:02:20] i everything so slow today? [16:06:44] I did say so [16:15:29] Iā€™m back chat [16:19:55] You enjoy your camp? [16:20:06] Indeed [16:20:18] this comment reminds me so much of Special:Chat days on Fandom [16:20:32] There were a few scouts who I intend to string up by their toes when I get the chance but cool [16:20:54] [1/2] And views like this [16:20:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266792440376070224/IMG_4076.jpg?ex=66a66fe5&is=66a51e65&hm=7eb73b9d208b5ee5b2f3d4d4b698a1425682b7fd7b56d98011239cc92f4d2b83& [16:21:33] stun [16:23:10] I have more [16:23:14] Iā€™m planning to upload to commons [16:23:59] Some of my favorites [16:25:29] [1/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266793594094620714/IMG_4120.jpg?ex=66a670f8&is=66a51f78&hm=6b221112aec40d2cc50ad555b92a25de6766e86b0fa6bdd55cb41f09322301ba& [16:25:29] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266793594749059174/IMG_4093.jpg?ex=66a670f8&is=66a51f78&hm=9ff44be2ccf027b6787ec9794bd84f92a3ee81a8c0c1d53c9575fd49933abe4e& [16:25:30] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266793595411632218/IMG_7887.jpg?ex=66a670f9&is=66a51f79&hm=145b3aad59b46151137e4a85ffedcfaffe5bd22f1f33dfa03e9e31c90f1cc30d& [16:28:55] That looks like an nice area [16:29:06] Adults or children [16:29:49] Kids [16:30:04] The adults are chill. [16:30:06] That's normal [16:30:26] Iā€™m actually more respected among some adults then some scouts tbh haha [16:30:38] Even for kids this was horrible [16:31:02] We had one kid spray someone's eyes with bug spray and push a kid (can't remember if same one) through an alarmed fire door @pixldev [16:31:17] Bruh [16:31:19] That was my primary school residential [16:31:45] Back a million years ago when I was 11 [16:31:51] We did have one semi fight this trip between some scouts. what worries me is that one of them was in a leadership position [16:32:11] Fight or handbags ? [16:32:20] Pardon? [16:32:35] Did they actually fight or did they look like old ladies throwing handbags around [16:32:40] Or drunk people [16:33:02] It wasnā€™t too bad I think, I wasnā€™t present for it. I know one went to the med lodge but some others thought he was acting a bit [16:33:16] I was busy watching Barbie [16:33:20] /hj [16:33:53] You will always have these kind of stories [16:34:11] There were some funny ass shit thought [16:34:11] Camps like that are always going to be weird and crazy [16:34:33] ā€œIf your saving someone to the tune of baby shark, just stopā€ [16:34:55] What? [16:35:05] A quote from the start of the week [16:35:17] How did that come up [16:36:23] Electricity merit badge, in relation to songs to the tempo for CPR [16:36:34] All merit badges start by talking about how you can get hurt doing it [16:37:03] I love that the two main ones are ā€œStayin aliveā€ and ā€œanother one bites the dustā€ [16:37:07] Ah [16:37:11] Ye [16:37:24] The lyrics are on point for songs to do CPR to [16:38:23] Played and talked magic with a friend also, was fun [16:38:27] Iā€™m scared of his deck [16:58:18] [1/5] Does anyone know what type of data is passed to hook handler (content parameter) by [16:58:18] [2/5] ```js [16:58:18] [3/5] mw.hook["wikipage.content"].add(handler(content)); [16:58:19] [4/5] ``` [16:58:19] [5/5] Documentation says "mixed" but that's really vague. [17:00:28] [1/2] you ever just have an experience with an extension that just sucks so much you immediately make a feature request for your sanity [17:00:28] [2/2] Turns out Moderation doesn't like me hitting "approve all" on a user who made over 100 edits! [17:00:57] Relatable [17:03:30] I think his edits are reliable and he's not gonna go adding his fan species so I put him in the group that's auto-approved. this did not approve his existing edits but at least this (probably) won't happen twice. lol [17:04:16] Foreshadowing! [17:04:22] šŸ˜¦ [17:04:44] hopefully the dev will make "approve all" not time out if there's an insane number of edits by then [17:05:54] but man clicking approve and having it send me to a different page to tell me that I approved 1 edit, when there's a hundred of them, almost feels like it's mocking me [17:06:03] It's probably running request time [17:06:08] Needs to be a job [17:07:08] It might just be under performant too [17:07:22] I can't actually see why that would time out [17:07:49] Does it have an api [17:08:34] well I get hit by a "something went wrong" or a "504 gateway timeout" any time I try it [17:09:08] I believe you do [17:09:23] I just think if the code is managing to time out then it's probably a bit pants [17:09:56] No idea [17:13:39] it's too bad bc it's a damn good extension for a small wiki like this [17:13:50] I got one just this afternoon [17:14:49] (one where the likelihood of vandalism exceeds the capacity of the legitimate editors to detect and revert it) [17:15:52] (which we previously kept in check by only allowing specific people to edit, but the application process for that kinda sucked) [17:16:03] (the moderation woes are worth it) [17:28:22] all the editions [18:02:38] > It is as optimized as it gets. The time it takes for Moderation to approve 100 edits is almost entirely spent by MediaWiki itself making those 100 edits. Edward Chernenko (talk) 17:35, 27 July 2024 (UTC) [18:02:56] :xdoubt: [18:03:17] (I'm mad this emoji doesn't have the X button) [18:03:37] Should probably be a job then [18:04:36] It showing a timeout to a user is a bug imo [18:06:18] [1/2] > The time it takes for Moderation to approve 100 edits is almost entirely spent by MediaWiki itself making those 100 edits [18:06:18] [2/2] why can't it just mark all those edits as moderated in the database [18:06:21] how confusing [18:06:33] That's what I assumed it did [18:06:47] that would take like a fraction of a second if its doing something else then it is really poorly designed [18:07:03] I assume it's stashing the edits in another database [18:07:47] I wonder how flagged / approved revs do it [18:07:58] Although flagged revs is a cursed pile of garbage [18:09:33] [1/2] I don't understand because the code seems setup to mark them all as approved? [18:09:33] [2/2] https://github.com/edwardspec/mediawiki-moderation/blob/master/action/ModerationActionApprove.php#L65 [18:09:52] unless that only works for every single one instead of per-user basis [18:12:08] Hello, I would like to hide the "Main Page" title on the top. How can I do that? [18:13:31] MediaWiki is magical [18:14:07] Btw I published a MediaWiki page for UP2, you have no issue with that? [18:14:15] [1/6] ```css [18:14:15] [2/6] body.rootpage-Main_Page h1#firstHeading { [18:14:16] [3/6] display: none; [18:14:16] [4/6] } [18:14:16] [5/6] ``` [18:14:16] [6/6] might work? [18:15:03] There's an easier way [18:15:45] sure [18:16:01] because it stores the edits separately from the actual page [18:16:54] [18:17:36] Where should I put that? Dont really know where are the CSS files located. Also I have heard that you can somewhere set $wgRestrictDisplayTitle= false but cant find it anywhere [18:18:30] (I think it would 100% benefit from staggering them...I wouldn't mind it taking a minute or two...) [18:18:36] Go to MediaWiki:Mainpage-title and MediaWiki:Mainpage-title-loggedin and make em empty [18:18:53] No need to do any css [18:20:01] [1/2] it is empty [18:20:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266822414080413818/image.png?ex=66a68bcf&is=66a53a4f&hm=3585db4a49b113ac1d09a2e576e92135ccfa636a23b412e3d2cf6c12e4e4dcb4& [18:20:11] Remove the - [18:20:33] Do someone know how to make Firefox send js alert ? I feel like I sent too much of it for debugging and it won't send more [18:21:03] It worked, thank you! [18:21:18] You're welcome! [18:32:03] [[Miraheze-9-year]] is now translate-able! [18:32:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze-9-year [18:32:04] [18:56:36] there are some translations outdated, such as copyright things. There are still mentions to "the thing that is not fair use and is in the UK only" [18:58:17] When was your wiki made? [18:59:06] I think than those are not wiki related, but general to everybody. Our wiki was done in 2020 [18:59:15] right [18:59:27] I am searching [18:59:35] the messages are saved locally [18:59:46] https://intercriaturas.miraheze.org/wiki/Especial:SubirArchivo [18:59:53] [1/2] "Recuerde agregar informaciĆ³n de licencia (si corresponde) sobre el archivo cargado. Todos los archivos deben cumplir con la ley de derechos de autor britĆ”nica, el incumplimiento repetido puede resultar en violaciones de derechos de autor y cierre de wiki. Tenga en cuenta que el 'uso justo' no existe en el sistema britĆ”nico, sino que se reemplaza por un sistema de trato justo sim [18:59:53] [2/2] ilar pero diferente." [19:00:14] "law of copyright british" [19:00:48] the only way to actually 'fix' it was to update the translation there [19:00:54] yes [19:01:00] that is what I ment [19:01:34] if you can point me to the system? I forgot the page where this was done. I have contributed in the past, but I can't find anymore [19:03:41] https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:Translate&group=mwgithub-mirahezemagic-override [19:03:52] amazing [19:04:01] those messages has not been updated for a long time [19:04:37] hence why those messages still mention UK bullsht [19:04:59] gonna get some sleep now, nighty night [19:10:12] okey, I updated [19:10:13] thank you [19:10:17] good sleep [19:10:42] btw, we are now the biggest Spanish wiki, hehe, yay [19:45:08] Is there a mediawiki plug in that blocks blocked users from seeing the wiki [19:45:41] like how private wikis show "Access denied" screen to people who arent invited [19:46:11] That should be possible [19:46:29] Not sure if in ManageWiki [19:46:50] Would seem a bit pointless to me, as they could just log out then to see the wiki instead as an anon user, unless the wiki is also private [19:47:22] ta [20:32:15] hi, does anyone have a miraheze implementation of {{Citation Needed}} i can look at? [20:32:15] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Citation_Needed [20:32:16] [20:32:21] shh [20:41:47] I wrote a new page for my wiki today. It shows up on desktop Firefox logged in or as a guest in incognito. It shows up in mobile Firefox only if logged in but not incognito. Why is that? The page is https://whitecatadventures.miraheze.org/wiki/Learner%27s_guide_to_EQrpg_and_Pathfinder_1e#What_rules_have_been_adopted_from_Pathfinder%3F [20:41:58] My wiki is set to be globally visible and accessible whether logged in or not [21:00:07] I have no issue both logged in or incognito [21:00:21] Have you try purging your browser cache [21:01:54] On mobile? [21:01:59] Yes [21:02:30] I think it may be a cache issue but it's strange it occurs in incognito since it should be skipping the cache. [21:02:53] Unless my model of how incognito works has been wrong this whole time. [21:03:14] Maybe some essential cookie is not setup properly or whatever [21:08:20] ill look [21:09:11] ty ty [21:09:40] when i get home [21:09:57] after i settle down ill check some dev wikis [21:10:04] then olay phighting or smt [21:26:56] [1/2] eeeeh I haven't encountered one but I did this tiny thing w/ default tooltip lol [21:26:57] [2/2] [21:30:30] the output is practically same - a text in w/ tooltip [21:32:20] why they need a whole ass Lua for that ... I suppose for categorization [21:32:55] that's can be done w/ includeonly and parser functions too šŸ¤· [22:45:49] <.lunatuna> [1/3] is there any way to stop numbers from like decompiling because i have 2 very large numbers in an infobox and whenever i put them in as the smaller version i want they just spiral out with all the zeros displayed [22:45:50] <.lunatuna> [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266889310213373964/image.png?ex=66a6ca1d&is=66a5789d&hm=d5eb0172bb01cc834c265a581820b0f9e53131eaa8bf82009c97c4e5db79c066& [22:45:50] <.lunatuna> [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266889310532145153/image.png?ex=66a6ca1d&is=66a5789d&hm=069053417da426666c0943978d7ccae04e5e2d085aa4f7814660f0333984313b& [22:51:21] What template do U use ? [23:51:16] i cant remember does miraheze allow for wikis for personal projects [23:51:30] yea [23:51:37] if it follows content policy [23:52:25] [1/2] hmmm splendid [23:52:25] [2/2] i have an old one on fandom that i just havent wanted to touch since i didnt remember the rule [23:58:41] Done. https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12398