[00:11:07] Oh boy something broke my goddamn custom darkmode [00:11:25] Im too pissed to do work now [00:12:54] [1/2] Also going to any page unselects dark mode now [00:12:54] [2/2] That shouldn't be happening [00:27:52] I have to assume this is due to that new code that got pushed. Everyone hates dark mode so resources to customise it are already limited...agh [00:34:06] I'll ask for help propsr when I get home [00:47:15] Probably yea, claire found a security issue in the css extension a while ago and the fix has been pissing people off for weeks [00:53:09] [1/2] Ohhhh boy that would do it [00:53:10] [2/2] It's like when a game update patches out a speedrun trick [00:53:27] Does anyone know how to get a table to have a forced height for every row/table cell? I can't get it to do this via CSS and its driving me mad LOL [01:02:05] Hiya i understand that direct forks of Miraheze wikis are not allowed, but what happens if a wiki wants to leave and move to another site completely [01:46:45] "direct fork" means a miraheze wiki can't directly fork another miraheze wiki at least as far as I'm aware [02:20:26] [1/2] hm [02:20:27] [2/2] what if the wiki wants to self host [02:21:00] the Content Policy doesn't care [02:21:07] it only applies to Miraheze wikis [02:21:17] so you can't fork a Miraheze wiki using another Miraheze wiki [02:21:17] We are not Fandom. Moving away from Miraheze is not prevented. [02:21:26] if you fork then we could care less [02:35:44] yipee [02:37:46] interesting work on the dovedale wiki [02:37:51] never seen that before [02:37:53] I found self hosting quite easy [02:38:28] How would I do light mode/dark mode on templates? [03:10:01] Oh yeah thats completely self hosted [03:10:21] I’m talking about the Fandom counterpart and the ingenious redirect \:P [03:10:26] depends on your skin, use css [03:10:38] [1/2] Ahh that [03:10:38] [2/2] Until they find out! [03:11:01] I’m surprised it has flown under the radar for so long [03:11:27] Its not a big wiki, nor are we in like A+ or any official wiki status [03:11:53] Also it only redirects pages in ns0 [03:11:57] the Fandom shills find out pretty quickly even on small wikis sometimes [03:12:18] dang [03:12:24] well im treating this as a temporary band aid, luckily we have devs + community support so its not too bad [03:12:37] that’s good to hear [03:12:47] also am i the only person who thinks its just weird there's not public CentralAuth list equiv on fandom [03:12:51] like why [03:13:19] Oh yeah is it possible to start a miraheze wiki as private then turn it to a public one later [03:14:40] yea [03:14:45] no problem [03:14:56] agentisai: when not redlink plz [03:15:19] I feel like Nale now [03:15:48] im sorry to hear that chap [03:16:17] I’m too lazy to start a new user page [03:16:33] i will make one for you at this point [03:16:36] I was hoping I could restore my old one but it got deleted from the database [03:17:34] `this is agent. he didnt want to make a userpage, so i did it for him. he likes kirby and club penigun. also he's like tech or whatever. go tell him to make a proper userpage. thanks! --~~~~` [03:17:41] ill do it [03:17:52] plz [03:17:56] itll be funny [03:19:13] I’ll go Nale mode and get you T&S banned [03:20:18] im going to reform the CoCC and secret police you into kansaws [03:21:32] CoCC was such a flop [03:28:28] anyways agentisai: lmk when i can make you a totally real very good yes yes user page :heart: [03:35:55] how is that redirect done [03:35:59] genuinely curious [03:36:04] is it like [03:36:10] some crazy long ass interwiki [03:40:48] we made a redirect in MediaWiki:Common.js, and put it through a URL shortener to be less suspicious [03:42:27] oddly they approved it [04:17:56] ah [04:40:20] we do need to find an interwiki path that leads from fandom to MH though, that would be nice [05:39:52] [1/3] They still haven't found ours out bc it's on a page no one visits lmao... [05:39:52] [2/3] That's what happens when the western fandom are mostly silent and not terminally online I guess. Not a tiny wiki by any means but fandom so small it's hard to notice [05:39:52] [3/3] Most we've had is shitposting by randos on the fandom version. I'm still admin on there and check it every few weeks ro make sure no one is stealing new info put on miraheze but i don't care to undo vandalism since we deaded it yknow [06:34:29] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:LanguageSelector [06:35:45] i have this extension installed for the auto-detection but is it possible to maybe add some of the prefs to ManageWiki, I can't change any settings RN (courtesy tech team member ping @agentisai ) [06:42:27] [1/2] Why is upload wizard barging into my sidebar [06:42:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1297812226454978591/Screenshot_2024-10-21-11-41-05-548_org.mozilla.firefox-edit.jpg?ex=67174952&is=6715f7d2&hm=5857a986bd4c06682c2544e6143d19078fe36f5a42a10365831125dae509a1c6& [06:42:50] https://combatinitiation.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Sidebar [06:45:30] huh [07:24:50] [1/3] Ok I'm now home. Status of the Dark mode: [07:24:50] [2/3] If I'm logged in, dark mode is fine. Not being logged in causes the dark mode to break. As the dark mode is made via the CSS, it's very likely broken due to that update, but since it can still function as is, I need to know wtf I need to do to enable it for guests [07:24:50] [3/3] And also to make sure it doesn't lag on mobile too, that would be good. [07:29:22] bear in mind that logged in/out experience is affected by cache [07:29:35] and desktop/mobile [07:32:41] [1/2] I'm not logged in on mobile. I'm glad the code isn't entirely broken but it's still in some sort of bugged state, especially since dark mode is lagging on mobile while it's not working properly. [07:32:41] [2/2] Dark mode as a guest also doesn't transfer between pages at the moment. [07:34:08] The lag + non permenant selection is my main concern atm since I genuinely don't know if it'll go away once the colour scheme is back to normal or if I'll have to rework something [07:34:38] [1/2] logged in/out experience is affected by cache (x2) [07:34:39] [2/2] logged in on desktop is most likely to actually be what it's supposed to be, the rest (logged out/mobile) need to catch up [07:34:58] Ah so like, give it a week? [07:35:02] yea [07:35:51] If it's been a week and nothing has caught up I will come back in here, tell it to hurry up, then dissapear into the void for another week [07:42:41] That probably wont work [07:46:29] [1/3] hmm, actually now that im looking at it it might be a update thing? [07:46:30] [2/3] try replacing `.client-darkmode` with `.skin-theme-clientpref-night`? [07:46:30] [3/3] (i heard this got changed to be this way recently, it still adds the client-darkmode class to when logged in but not when logged out.... weird....) [07:46:53] I'll see if that works [07:48:15] Logged out is entirely cached [07:48:41] So ye unless we split cache or dark / light mode then that won't work [07:49:02] Or you send both styles and somehow control it client side [07:49:58] It was hard enough to get desktop / mobile cache to split correctly though [07:50:21] @orduin is working on mobile purge [08:02:27] Tested it in inspect and seems to work. I'll apply it shortly [15:22:58] How do I change the name of a page? [15:24:07] "Move" button, might be under "More" [15:24:12] alrighty [15:24:14] Thanks [16:26:39] Hey, this is probably not the last time I say this, but I've never had the opportunity to thank you all for all you do. I've been observing Miraheze from sidelines for bunch of years now, mainly involved with Minecraft Wiki on other platforms for 11 years. But the mission of Miraheze is one that really vibes with me and my values. [16:26:41] I know that community as well as the platform had its own very bumpy ride, but here we are in 2024 and it still stands and provides quality service to wiki communities against all of the odds. To me it's a little miracle, miracle that could happen only thanks to countless volunteers both past and current who keep this platform and community going and to the donors who see what I see and choose to financially support the continued existence of free, community [16:26:41] wikis. [16:26:44] You all rock and what you do matters to a lot of people, please don't forget that <3 [16:28:21] Thanks frisk, that means a lot :) [16:30:14] The Miraheze community is cool overall, and so is the Minecraft Wiki! [16:33:00] :3 [16:37:40] Frisk: much appreciated [17:22:49] has anyone tried and or successfully integrated google analytics into there wiki site? Wish the SEO extension had that option... [17:24:24] not on Miraheze [17:24:33] wiki.gg uses google analytics [17:24:41] as for indie wikis, idk [17:25:11] if you need some basics clicks and visits stuff search console shows that [17:25:21] depends on the wiki [17:25:32] I assume if they have ads [17:25:44] some might not even have the thought of using analytics lol [17:25:52] Should I try working on pages or the main page? [17:25:53] true lol [17:26:12] depends [17:26:19] main thing i wanted was more stats about how the user interact within the wiki, not just on the google search results [17:26:19] if it's new, I'd say start with some new pages [17:26:29] then work on the main page [17:26:32] 2 pages so far and waiting on a page dump but those pages are kinda empty(ish) [17:26:45] ok [17:26:50] oh dang import request was fast lol [17:27:07] I'd say work on the mp [17:27:16] could I have some help? [17:29:16] I'm not great at designing that sort of stuff [17:30:47] or should I make a post? [17:56:29] can I have an opinion on my page designs? [17:58:26] https://uron.miraheze.org/wiki/Afghanistan [18:00:06] mate this is general Miraheze support server [18:03:54] is this the correct place to talk about stuff like css [18:04:09] because i'm trying to learn stuff about it [18:04:21] well, for your wiki? [18:04:29] yeah [18:04:41] i mainly want to make the logo for my wiki visible [18:04:43] sorry? [18:05:08] (the logo image for my wiki is 950x950) [18:05:12] you set up logo in wiki setting and it's not visible? are you using default skin (theme)? [18:05:30] its probably not visible because it's too big [18:05:42] logo should be 135x135 px [18:05:55] it's a square image, usually in the top left corner [18:06:01] might be different in other sckins [18:06:17] i use vector [18:06:18] current default skin, Vector 2022, doesn't like logo tho, it works w/ wordmark [18:06:27] not vector 2022\ [18:06:40] then yeah, make the image itself smaller [18:06:54] or you want it position differenly too? [18:07:00] like Terraria Wiki? [18:07:47] this is the logo for my wiki https://file.garden/Y2lswZOdi23QPPVI/Untitled1108_20241021115114.png [18:08:17] well it's clearly too big, for a png logo [18:08:29] it's not a CSS matter, you just need the image to be smaller [18:08:31] as explained by the mediawiki page for logos "A larger size can be used by modifying the site’s CSS, but MediaWiki will not resize a logo that is too large. Instead, only part of the image (specifically the upper left-hand corner) will be displayed, and if this corner is white, it may seem like the image is not displaying." [18:08:41] yeah, exactly [18:09:25] downsize image, upload it as new file, put new link in settings [18:09:35] CSS won't do anything here [18:09:56] unless you want the logo to take half of the screen, maybe [18:10:36] man [18:10:44] okay new logo image uploaded [18:11:25] and it still doesn't appear [18:11:27] what [18:11:40] hold on [18:11:50] give it some time [18:14:53] i wanna change the theme at some point [18:15:01] and that's where css will come into play [18:16:33] still don't know a lot about css [18:17:38] well, it's always better to start from general basics, plenty of free tutorials online [18:17:48] or you gonna get confused quickly [18:18:45] [1/2] actually just gonna link my reply on similar question [18:18:45] [2/2] [18:19:09] topic could not be found [18:19:59] now way lol [18:22:46] sorry to ask again but can i have an opinion on this page? [19:21:06] anyone? [19:38:19] I didn't see a link [19:38:39] oh mb [19:38:49] https://uron.miraheze.org/wiki/Afghanistan [19:39:12] nothing could have prepared me to for this [19:39:26] that dosen't sound good.. [19:39:35] what'd i do wrong? [19:39:45] nothing, really [19:39:54] huh? [19:40:34] [1/2] i just would not have guessed that this is the article i would see [19:40:34] [2/2] that being said, what opinions specifically are looking for? [19:41:33] There isn't much to critique tbh, you have a style, no real page structure to critique because of a lack of information, that'll get ironed out as you develop it. [19:42:18] I was looking for an opinion on the style/template as all the other countries will be made in image of that, if that makes sense? [19:43:19] I see; in that case its a good base to start off with for other countries [19:43:37] It looks fine [19:44:50] [1/3] also, inserting this before i forget too: [19:44:50] [2/3] https://pokemonunbound.miraheze.org/wiki/Magnolia_Caf%C3%A9 [19:44:51] [3/3] I'd like to ask some help how to fix the second 3rd level header being shunted off to the side of the page. All the tables are floaters, since I felt that was probably the best way to store them [19:44:54] also do you like the links with images? [19:45:20] i think its cute [19:45:24] nice [19:45:41] I think its a nice touch, I do that too with the tennis players articles to indicate country [19:45:41] my only suggestion would be moving it to the infobox, maybe, but it works okay on the article [19:46:09] alr [19:46:28] I'm also making those boxes at the bottom of pages that list all of them if that makes sense? [19:46:44] this ones for countries so it lists all countries in game by continent [19:49:21] just added it, it look good? [19:49:31] (it'll get smaller as I upload the images obvs) [19:55:51] add `
/div` before that header (also pretty handy to have this as a template called like `{{clear}}` to stop floaters from going too crazy) [19:55:51] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:clear [19:56:09] thanks! ur always a godsend canada [19:56:50] [1/2] Quite a few people have been experiencing this error when trying to upload files for a while [19:56:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1298012142045237288/cachedImage.png?ex=67180382&is=6716b202&hm=7b878780c9e0e0ae5ecb81a8790db9ca062a2e1ba479cd88c8920b1f268077ed& [19:57:15] Is there a task [19:57:33] I’m unaware [19:58:06] Try to search, if not make one [20:47:21] Might be blind.. but weren't there a suggestions thread or something on the phorge? Or where would i go to make a miraheze suggestion? [20:49:06] Or should i just keep quiet xd [20:52:15] what kind of suggestion? [20:52:42] asking for some extension Mira doesn't have or a setting not offered by ManageWiki goes to Phorge [20:53:28] can someone ask me what is going on here [20:53:43] i set a logo for my wiki but it isn't showing uo [20:53:53] if it's something non technical? gotta start the discussion on community portal, which may grow into request for comments [20:54:16] jeff-from-winter can you drop wiki link? [20:55:19] https://worldofgoo.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [20:56:37] I see Vector 2022 skin man [20:56:51] i thought i set it to vector [20:56:56] logged out [20:56:56] did i not [20:57:01] lemme login [20:57:39] ah cool, I can't login cus VPN lol [20:58:12] ok, now it's old Vector [20:58:23] cache shenanigans [20:58:43] i don't want to erase my entire cache [20:59:23] wiki's cache, not yours [20:59:27] ah [20:59:36] what size of image you've made? [20:59:48] 135x135 [21:01:25] dude [21:01:37] you used image links from other place [21:01:48] you should upload images to your wiki [21:02:19] at Special:Upload [21:02:27] link in toolbar [21:02:30] oh [21:02:34] i thought it worked like that [21:02:50] it doesn't work like that even on Fandom [21:03:04] wiki needs to have the file [21:05:00] after upload you need to open image in full/original size, you'll get raw file URL starting w/ "static.miraheze.org" [21:05:23] that's what you should insert in settings fields [21:06:33] ok the favicon works [21:08:43] the logo doesn't though [21:09:55] OHHHH THERE IT IS [21:09:56] YES [21:10:05] here we go [21:10:25] those settings, and CSS, need a bit of time to start working [21:10:34] extensions activation too [21:10:50] you can also kick the cache w/ purge button [21:23:39] now its time to work on the main page [23:40:19] this might violate policy [23:40:26] something something no trackers iirc [23:49:46] if we have it in matomo you can probably ask